Seek what fulfills your soul





Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Great Awakening Chosen Ones of God’s Kingdom of Heaven on Earth

We have a powerful week ahead with Celestial Events and Alignements as we transition into the sign of Scorpio tomorrow, the 22nd of October, bringing in the Divine Feminine Goddess of the Holy Waters of Purification and the Scorpionic Energies of Rehabilitation over the next 4 weeks.

This can be seen as a powerful and intense force that guides individuals through transformation, healing, and personal rebirth. It supports emotional depth, resilience, and the willingness to confront what is hidden, diving deep into the underworld of the subconscious and inner consciousness to recover all hidden and lost aspects of our multidimensional self  in order to grow stronger and rise again like our Sacred Phoenixes rising from the ashes of the old 3d false matrix and into the 5d Pristine New Earth.

We also begin today with the 10 Galactic Activation Portal days in a row on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar through the Wavespell of the Red Serpent. The Serpent and Scorpion join forces to assist Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun through the rebirth and raising of the Kundalini as we transition into the 5D New Golden Age of Aquarius and our Freedom in the Light.

On this first day of our 10 GAP consecutive days journey we begin with Kin 106 WHITE LUNAR WORLDBRIDGER and is one of the 13 clear signs of Prophecy on the Tomb Lid of Mayan King Pacal Votan.

We will also be bridging the Heavenly Energy of Infinite Source with the Orionid Meteor Shower tonight and the full opening of the Arcturus Gateway as we call in the Arcturian Energies of healing, transformation and transfiguration.

Keep rising and shining Dragon Nation of the New Edenic Paradigm made manifest in this Now…A’Ho!











Pars Kutay


WE Are Receiving Powerful NEW 5D Solar Frequencies of CRYSTALLINE LIGHT CODES in the Present Moment!

CRYSTALLINE LIGHT CODES Are Streaming in with INFORMATION Transmitted Throughout the Universe!

They Carry SACRED INFORMATION from the GREAT CENTRAL SUN – The DIVINE SOURCE and from Other Dimensions!

CRYSTALLINE LIGHT CODES Are Also in our DNA. . . our Physical Body. . . and our HU-Man ENERGY FIELD (Aura)!

They Currently Work at ANY and ALL LEVELS of our BEING!!!


Pars Kutay
Monday, Oct. 21st, 2024

A short Ascension update:

Besides the Orionids meteor shower happening tonight, the Sun 🌞 will enter Scorpio ♏️ tomorrow, Tuesday, October 22nd at 6:14 PM EDT. The energies are quite powerful at this time. Many are experiencing exhaustion, emotional upheaval with grief and depression surfacing, anxious, nervousness and restlessness, headache with lots of crown and sinus pressure, coughing, digestive discomfort, heightened sensitivity, blurry vision, heart palpitations, itchy skin and scalp, feels like a pressure cooker inside, very vivid intense dreams, and the list goes on and on. Remember to rest, stay hydrated and grounded, take a salt bath with essential oils, practice yoga and meditate, spend time out in nature, eat light during these intense Ascension upgrades. We are not alone on this journey, the Universe is supporting us. We got this 🙌💗
**Not all symptoms are Ascension related, and even if they are, it’s always good to get checked out by your Health care practitioner just to be sure**
Many Bright Blessings,
Orionids meteor shower
Orionids meteor shower

this is your synchronicity of the day: 111, 444 🌟✨

Happy Monday, Sunshine! 🌞 It’s a brand new day, a fresh chance for you to create, attract, and raise your vibration to the highest possible frequency! You have so much power within you, waiting to be remembered and called upon. 💫
This world, this earth we live on, holds a magnetic pull, often referred to as “the matrix.” It can drown us in illusions, keeping us away from the truth of who we are. But your higher self is calling you right now to break free from that hold. 🌍🔗 It’s time to disconnect from those energetic cords, to bloom in the radiant light of your true self. 🌸🌟
Here’s where the epiphany comes: You are not bound by anything in this world. You’ve been waiting for a sign, for that moment of clarity where everything shifts—and this is it. You are the creator of your reality. Once you realize that you have been living in a state of “waiting,” waiting for change, waiting for validation, waiting for things to get better—you finally see the truth: You already hold the key. 🗝️ Everything you need is within you. You are the source of your own power. The matrix has no control over you unless you allow it to. This is your wake-up call—to see how limitless you are, to rise above the illusions and fully step into your divinity. 🌠
I know how emotional this process can be—I’ve been there. Even with all the knowledge and experience I’ve gathered, I still sometimes find myself battling those same false traps that try to pull me down. But here’s the thing: now I understand that it’s okay. 💖 It’s part of the journey. The difference is, I no longer let it control me, and I’m calling you to do the same. Your higher self guided you to this message for a reason—it’s time to awaken. 🌙✨
This is the moment to be committed, consistent in your spiritual, physical, and mental hygiene. That is where the key to your freedom lies. 🗝️ When you create new habits, you rewire your entire system, allowing yourself to experience life in a more harmonious, aligned way. Know that you don’t need to work harder or chase anything—it’s all yours already. 🌊 You are riding the wave into a new reality as you read this. 🏄‍♀️
Right now, all you need to do is stay steady, stay calm, and live from your inner world. Meditation is so crucial in this moment. It’s what will keep you connected to your inner truth, to the divine, and it will allow your unconscious mind to absorb the new information you are feeding it. 🧘‍♀️
Remember, this is your life. Nothing can affect or hurt you unless you give it too much power or attention. Let the forces outside of you play out on their own. You are loved. You are protected. And you are here for something far bigger than you can imagine. 🌈💖
I love you. Namaste, Sunshine. ☀️
highest possible frequency
highest possible frequency

The 1st












10/21/24: It’s been said that life happens while we’re making other plans… and your ego self is really going to challenge that today as it tries to plan your day. But it will find out soon enough that it is not in charge. Your Right Action today is to go into time-out and watch Divine energy in motion. This means giving up control and expectations. It means being the observer of what’s really happening around you. And it means not causing problems if things don’t go your way. You’re navigating very volatile and unpredictable territory where anything can happen. Do not get in your own way. Today you are a very small boat in a very busy sea. Enjoy the journey.
Blessed are the men and women who learn together that love is the most powerful journey
Blessed are the men and women who learn together that love is the most powerful journey
If you are experiencing sensations of altered time or timelessness or strange shifts in awareness of consciousness then you are not alone.
2020 – 2022 brought in an energetic shift which swept across the planet at a light speed rate, raising the bar to sensory perceptions to reach new levels of sensation. The system of the five senses was upgraded to up to 6 light dimensions above our 3rd dimensional state of being, connecting many individuals with higher realms previously only ever accessed by yogis and master teachers. This meant that more individuals felt the coming online of psychic senses, known as the sixth sense; as well as healing powers and energy manipulation.
Now, with so many individuals in a higher sensitive state of awareness; which happens on physical, emotional, spiritual and cognitive levels of feeling and awareness, the access to higher dimensions has greater potency within our planet’s atmosphere.
With many individuals being vessels for light dimensions to travel and embody, higher light codes have been earthed, embedded and grounded within the molecules and particles of the very stuff that constitutes our recognition of living form.
2024 has seen the timelines phenomenon shift up a gear to bring many spiritual seekers, Sensitives and Lightworkers experiences of ‘the ghosts’ of colliding alternative universes of the Self into their conscious awareness, even if only fleetingly.
More than ever we are aware of our creative powers to navigate life from one smart choice to another. As hearts open to the incoming new world frequency it is undeniable that we are standing at the point of a real chance for transformation and that we hold the power to play a significant part in the upcoming human evolution to align with a greater harmony of daily living.
Kiss of Life
Kiss of Life


Dear friends, some of you who are energy sensitives may have felt a shift in the air in the last 24 hours. Physically speaking, you may be noticing that your body is in need of more rest, and that nights seem to last for just a few minutes. There is an acceleration happening at this time, and our energy may feel a bit erratic. These energetic shifts may indicate deeper recalibrations taking place in our timeline as a result of the recent celestial events such as the eclipses and the recent Supermoon.
There is, however, another wonderful celestial event happening today and tomorrow: the Orionids meteor showers. This event is bringing with it an extra energetic push for deeper emotional clearing and inner balance. During this shower, the primary focus is on release and letting go, helping clear emotional, mental, and spiritual blockages. It strengthens our connection to the universe, fostering a sense of oneness and enhancing intuition, guiding us toward our truth. This event symbolizes transformation, empowering us to shed old patterns and embrace renewal and rebirth.
This meteor shower is made up of pieces of debris from the Halley’s Comet, and very similarly to the significance of eclipses, meteor showers tend to bring imminent changes our way. The appearance of meteors usually indicate that society is ready for deep, transformational changes. At the individual level, this is a great time to manifest on your hopes and dreams. Meteor showers are about change, so this event brings the right energy for you to reflect on your past and your desires, and set a plan for moving forward.
Orionid meteors receive their name because they radiate from the region in the sky known as the Orion constellation. Meteors in annual showers are named for the point in our sky from which they appear to radiate. The radiant point for the Orionids is in the direction of the famous constellation Orion the Hunter, which you’ll find ascending in the east in the hours after midnight during October. Hence the name Orionids. As our awareness focuses on this special area of the sky, we also reconnect with the memories of our ancient galactic ancestors from the Orion civilization. Therefore, we are connecting with our inner sense of freedom, independence, and cooperation.
If you want to view the showers, get ready for a late night. The Orionids begin producing showers before midnight but the numbers increase after midnight and the high point with the most meteors, or shooting stars, is typically just before dawn. Try to find a spot away from man-made light polluted skies.
After the Orionids shower, we will be slowly entering into the energetic pull of the last days of the month, energetically influenced by the special Hallow’s eve on October 31. Stay tuned for more energy updates as the energies roll in. Have a wonderful week, and enjoy the Orionids and their amazing revitalizing and transformative energies. Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ

Chellea (Channel & Mystic)


Greetings, we are the High Council of Sirius.

It’s a Joy to be speaking with you, thank you for this Transmission.

In these precious moments, The Earth and Humanity are experiencing very contradicting frequencies. On one side, you are receiving intense frequencies within the higher vibrations of the 4th dimension, while on the other side, as you move closer to the end of October and into November, you are entering a period of darker energies. This time of year marks the beginning of dark rituals conducted by the Cabal or the Elites of your world to set their agendas for the following year. These rituals are characterized by very negative and sinister vibrations aimed at manipulating humanity.

During these challenging times, it is important to remember to share your Light. Sending your Light around the Earth can help protect the innocent ones from the malevolent forces.

The vibrations you are currently feeling may be uncomfortable, especially for those of you who work with the Light. As Lightworkers, you are sensitive to the darkness as it looms closer. In such moments, it is crucial to consciously dissolve the shadows with your Light and project the energies back to their source.

This period of conflicting energies is causing unreleased anxiety, tension, and fear to bubble up to the surface. Remember to release these negative emotions and do not hold on to them, for long periods of time. This is important for your progress on this transformative journey.

As a Lightworker, your presence is essential in the current landscape of conflicting energies and vibrations. Your Divine role transcends individual actions. It is a commitment to embodying and radiating light in a world that is very heavy and dim. By staying connected to your inner light and truth, you not only uplift yourself, but also serve as a beacon of hope and positivity for others. Your actions, words, and thoughts carry the potential to create ripples of transformation that extend far beyond what you can perceive. Embrace your responsibility with grace, knowing that each small act of kindness, each word of encouragement, and each moment of inner peace contributes to the collective whole. You are contributing to the healing and evolution of humanity and the planet. Trust in the power of your light, for it is a force that can illuminate even the darkest corners and guide others towards a brighter, more harmonious existence.

Embracing your role as a beacon of Light amidst the darkness is a profound responsibility. Your ability to transmute negative energies through your connection to the divine Light within you is a powerful tool in the face of adversity. By radiating your Light outwards, you create a shield of protection not only for yourself but for all beings in need.

As you journey through the conflicting energies that surround you, it is crucial to recognize and embrace your role as a vessel for divine love and healing. Your presence on Earth at this precise moment is not a mere coincidence, it is a manifestation of your Divine Purpose. Have faith in the immense power of your inner Light to illuminate your path even in the midst of life’s darkest moments. For you are a valiant warrior of the Light, destined to be a catalyst for positive transformation. As a True Lightworker, this is your Divine Purpose.

Embrace the profound responsibility of being a conduit for peace and harmony, serving as an anchor for the frequencies of love and compassion to permeate the collective consciousness. Your every thought, word, and action sends out ripples of energy that contribute to a wave of healing and metamorphosis spreading across the globe. Stand firm in your authenticity, recognizing that you play a significant role in the grand design of the Divine’s Plan. By choosing to radiate your Light brightly, you offer a beacon of hope and serenity to all beings.

This is a Call to all Lightworkers, It’s time to rise to the occasion. The Power you hold within is beyond your imagination. Trust in your Divine Purpose.

We Love you, and Honor you.

We are the High Council of Sirius.

Transmission received by Chellea Wilder at


When we live in and with truth and love, authentically, we are too busy living our best lives, deeply inspired from within, to worry about what other people are doing, or not doing, nor what they say.
There is too much living to do, too much to explore within and without and so much to still grow and expand into.
deeply inspired from within
deeply inspired from within

Karen Lithika


To Realise the Infinite Potential of You
Streams of Light Reaching You
Is Simply a reflection of light emmanating from you.
To know your Light Stream is Multidimensional
Beyond the Parameters of your Physical Mind
To see many Angels joining before you, in a collective stream of light
As your reaching a new way, your role as a wayshower is expanding 🙏
Do you see the Light Bright Path?
The Journey Before You 💥
To close your eyes
See the myriad Light Streams reaching you
An aspect of your reality resides in the Higher Realms
As you awaken to the entirety of YOU..
Angelic Light….
Awakened Higher Light…
I am LIGHT ❤
With Love to the Collective Light Family 💥
Cosmic Light Awareness
Karen Lithika
Light Channel


Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Breakthroughs are helping you make the best decision that support your soul mission. Trust the inner call that’s inviting you to enter this alignment. It is under God’s authority that this is your time, and nothing can hold this back any longer. Seek what fulfills your soul. It’s your turn to have it all.

God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn

Seek what fulfills your soul
Seek what fulfills your soul


Ra James

Today kicks off the first day of ten back to back Galactic Activation Portal Days.

These are days when the energetic vibrations on Earth open in a special way, allowing a powerful stream of Universal energy to pass through. These days are all about change and new beginnings. You can better tap into your intuition to guide you on these days. Expect more downloads, inspiration, and creative ideas. On these days the veil between the worlds is thinner.

These energies may get intense and they tend to amplify how you’re feeling. This is a heightened space for manifesting. We have entered into the portal. Whatever you focus on will expend. It’s a great time to be setting intentions. This is a time where we can connect and receive new light codes. The energy is very powerful in this space. Expect a lot of upgrades. These energies are giving us a chance to shift our timelines into higher realities. This week also shifts us into Scorpio Season which will add to the intensity.

We are in a major space of clearing right now, as we are being guided to further declutter from and let go of heavy energies and resistance from our past. Scorpio is all about death/ rebirth and transformation. Expect intense energies that help us to let go of some deeper blocks. It’s all about letting go so you can rise into a newer 5D version of yourself. You may notice that you’re healing and letting go of a lot of fears right now. Expect when we deal with Pluto energy that we tend to purge out things connected to our family lines…


galactic activation portal days
galactic activation portal days
This week, Venus in Sagittarius forms a trine to the Moon’s north node in Aries as Mercury in Scorpio forms a trine to Saturn in Pisces followed by the Sun in Libra squaring Pluto in Capricorn and Mars in Cancer forming a sextile to Uranus in Taurus.
Coming off of last week’s Full Moon in Aries, we are still experiencing a sense of self-culmination with a growing awareness of ourselves as unique individuals trying to balance our sovereignty with collective demands and traditional expectations.
And as we open ourselves up and go within we can discover the truths that align with who WE are which allows us to more confidently ‘lean into’ some more novel approaches to situations in our lives rather than falling back on what we have always depended on for guidance…
Of course, this will undoubtedly create tension both within ourselves as well as in our dealings with others and yet it is THROUGH this tension where we can ‘reset’ our perceived limits and create the discipline required for permanent pathways toward our highest intentions on a soul level!
It’s time to self-prioritize on ALL levels.
Orion Ra Star Born Galactic Activation
Orion Ra Star Born Galactic Activation

Adrienne Elise

We are in a very tense time over the next few weeks with squares and oppositions of our personal planets, and our big player planets. Worlds are converging, and it’s hitting home. We have been feeling Mars in Cancer, in square to Chiron in Aries, over this last week. We can push through the obstacles of woundedness, by actively bringing more nurturing to every situation.

We are feeling the Sun at the end of Libra, in square to Pluto in Capricorn. We must re-evaluate the truth of who we are, according to contracts with false authorities. We are powerful, advanced beings. Our technology, true identity, and history have been stolen. We can no longer back down from the unexpressed potential within us. The Sun at the end of Libra is speaking to bad relationships with lower dimensional beings of false control, which have kept us playing small. Now we rise.

Black Moon Lilith in Libra speaks to dark truths around where we trusted the wrong beings. We have been paying the price for far too long. We were naive to the level of manipulation and evil that surrounds us, but now we see the light. We must face these ugly truths in order to move forward. Black Moon Lilith is in an inconjunct relationship with Saturn in Pisces, which is indicating an adjustment which needs to be made. This is confirming the fact that exposure of dark truths is required in order for us to free ourselves from the past dramas of the Piscean Age.

The end of the month is full of intense and potent astrology which can help supports us in getting over this difficult hump, and down the other side. We are starting to feel Mars come into interaction with the magical sextiles to Neptune. Mars is coming into sextile with Uranus in Taurus, before trining up with Neptune in Pisces. And finally, Mars will come into opposition with Pluto from November 2-4. This is an activation of magic and miracles, inviting us into a New World based on The Mother’s Love. We are being supported in claiming back our true and rightful power. The tension of Mars opposing Pluto at the very end degrees of Cancer and Capricorn, is about breaking free to a whole new timeline. One where humans have claimed their sovereignty from the external control by these lower beings.

It’s a powerful build up of energy with these Mars transits. At the end of the month, we will also feel Venus in Sagittarius, in square to Saturn in Pisces. This is a challenge to the New Feminine Dream. We are returning Mother to her Throne. Mercury in Scorpio will be opposite of Uranus, bringing opportunities to understand, and get used to the idea of, who we really are in our higher power. The combination of these tense transits of our personal planets and our transpersonal planets, along with the activation of the magical possibilities with the sextiles and trines, is giving us the gumption to push through to a whole new reality.

Pressure to radically transform, and rapidly awaken, continues until mid-November. This is when it may feel like everything is grinding to a halt. Mars is already in retrograde shadow in Cancer, and will turn retrograde on December 7th. Mercury is also preparing for a retrograde, and will enter retrograde shadow in the first week of November, and turn retrograde on November 26th. These retrogrades make the next few months our perfect time to go within for an initiatory journey, back into the light that we really are. Everything must stop, in order for us to reorient, so we can move forward in a whole new direction. The energy of Mars retrograde will not resolve until May of 2025. This will bring an exciting time of shifting and unwinding into new amazing possibilities.


On Monday, October 21st, Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in observant Scorpio is in a positive trine connection to Saturn, ruler karma, in spiritual Pisces. This is a day where we can have a greater awareness of our past lessons and what they were meant to teach us. Mercury in Scorpio likes to “dig down deep” and discover what is hidden, and in this case it is discovering what is hidden within our psyche.
This is also a day where we can undergo a restructuring process of our thoughts, perceptions, and belief systems. Saturn likes to structure and organize and as he is currently in Pisces, we can use Saturn’s practical and prudent nature, along with Pisces energy of keen intuition and assistance from our spiritual helpers, to patiently restructure the mental body. Spend some time today, researching, reflecting, and reformulating the information in your mind. There could be long term benefits if you do.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in observant Scorpio
Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in observant Scorpio


Mercury in Scorpio sesquiquadrate Neptune retrograde in Pisces. Sun in Libra sesquiquadrate Saturn retrograde in Pisces – The aspects are straggly, falling over themselves on clown’s feet. Consequently, we too are a little overwrought, trying not to trip up, trying not to make a mistake, trying to hold it all together. But the more we grapple and grab, the more it all seems to slip through our fingers. I just need to pull my socks up, we might think in a quiet moment. I just need to do better, be better, get my life ship shape. And then an inner grumble begins, and words like ‘too hard’ and ‘impossible’ ripple up to greet us. I swear I hear my guardian angel sigh.
And so, we might want to approach these energies with intention. Start small with clearly defined objectives. Don’t discount the power of a well thought out strategy and a written statement to refer back to. Know your limits but guard against holding yourself back too much. Give yourself permission to fail, permission to succeed and every permission slip in between! Step into your authority and allow yourself to dream. Stop looking for an escape, there is a way through. Stay loyal to your vision.
Degrees and Times
Sun 28°Li14′, Saturn 13°Pi14′ R – 04:54 (BST)
Mercury 12°Sc42′, Neptune 27°Pi42′ R – 23:51 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – Blue Eyes and Brown by Tom Roberts
Blue Eyes and Brown
Blue Eyes and Brown


Kin 106 ~ White Lunar Worldbridger

‘Lunar’ is the name for the number two and its keywords are ‘Polarize, Stabilize and Challenge’. And so now, we enter the ten-day Portal day extravaganza! The second day of any wavespell is tough because we must face the hurdles presented to us and overcome them in order to proceed. The second day of a wavespell like this, where there are ten Portal days in a row, well this is tougher still because so much depends on identifying those challenges and if one wishes to experience this intense and powerful wavespell at its most beneficial, we must prepare for it accordingly.
Today is White Worldbridger which represents ‘Death, Opportunity and Equality’. The Lunar Worldbridger is the gatekeeper, and he is guarding this journey. Before you are permitted entry, you must take this opportunity to let go and allow a part of you to die, so that you are fit to take this sacred journey. Like a bouncer at an exclusive nightclub, the Worldbridger is very discerning about who gets in. Beware all who enter! Some folk find it hard to surrender but today there are painful consequences to relinquishing control. A wasted opportunity is something you may regret.
The Guide today is the White Mirror which represents ‘Reflecting Truth’. If you allow the truth to be your guiding force you will have no issues with crossing the bridge. Be brutally honest with yourself about what needs to die. Is it Ego? Is it Fear? Anything that holds you back or prevents you from being a lighter being has to go. You simply cannot advance further with all that baggage. Take a good long look in the mirror today and set yourself free with the truth.
The Challenge is the Yellow Warrior who enjoys from time to time going on the warpath. Today will annoy you, if you are a Warrior and you will find it hard to cross the bridge. Instead of exerting your willpower like the soldier that you are, seek some inner peace as too often you are at war with yourself. If you are not a Warrior, you may find your own willpower hard to summon up because of Warrior occupying the challenge position.
The Occult power is the Blue Eagle which represents ‘Vision, Mind and Creativity’. I personally really enjoy the Eagle’s energy when it is in this Occult position. The Eagle shows us powerful visions of magic and can open our minds, so we can better understand the intangible nature of magic. Fly high today and you too will see the bigger picture, this magical boost will help enormously with the task of crossing that bridge today.
The Ally is the Red Skywalker, the adventurer of the Tzolkin. If you are lucky enough to have a Skywalker as a friend, let them take you by the hand over that bridge. They have a tremendous amount of courage and can offer much encouragement. If you are a Skywalker, you will find today not as tough as everyone else because you are the Ally and today is friendly to you.
Kin 106
Kin 106


2 CIMI – KIN 106
21 OCTOBER 2024
Stabilizing opportunity
I seal the store of DEATH
With the Lunar tone of CHALLENGE
I AM guided by the power of Endlessness
21/10/2024 = 3/10/8 = 3/18 = 21 =3
✨3.3 Holy portal✨
21- Crown of the Magi/Honours/Fulfilment/Advancement/Overcoming ALL OPPOSITION and CHALLENGES!!
3- Holy Trinity/Joy/Creativity/Communication
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
10- Manifestation/Perfection/Authority/Power/Leader
1-New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
18- Social upheaval/endings
9- Endings/Completion/Service/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 106 = 7 – MAJIK code! 💫
Another mystical, majikal day through the fires of transmutation, ENDING the polarity challenges.
The 21.21 coding gives us the POWER to OVERCOME all OPPOSITION and CHALLENGES!
🔅🔅🔅READY, SET GO GO GO!! 🚦 HERE WE GO!! Down the slippery slide! 🎢
10 GAP days💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 in a row of INTENSE energies!!!!
The interdimensional doorways are flung WIDE OPEN flooding our planet with NEW ENERGIES – that are now available for us to access and utilize through our chakras. The SOLAR FLARES☀🔥 and CME’s ☀🔥 are rolling in continuously, and our ASCENSION is really AMPING up to the MAX!!!
Today is also a PACAL VOTAN 👑 day!
KIN 106 is one of the 13 clear signs on the tomb lid of Mayan King👑 Pacal Votan! DOUBLE WHAMMY!!! Therefore this day is a very, VERY, VERY POTENT one indeed!🔥🎆🔥🎆
Ha – WHEN aren’t they?????
Day 2 in the RED SERPENT WAVESPELL🐍 of survival, instinct, kundalini rising, life force, PASSION 💋 and rapid transformation through shedding our old skin. Today we SURRENDER the polarity CHALLENGES to build New bridges for the new opportunities to flow in.
LUNAR🌓– Tone 2 in the PHYSICAL realm. The LUNAR tone represents the sacred twins, cooperation, relationship, polarity of male and female and duality. It’s ACTION – polarizes, POWER – challenges, ESSENCE – stabilizing. Yesterday we MAGNETIZED and attracted spiritual energy and today we anchor that energy in our PHYSICAL bodies. The LUNAR tone may also reveal challenges, in order to recognize and release anything stopping us from expanding into new horizons..
Today’s question is “What challenges do I need to SURRENDER and release, in order to fearlessly move forward with my kindred soul family?”
Divine blessings for stabilizing the anchors of your new rainbow bridge. 🌈🌉🌈
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE LUNAR WORLDBRIDGER 🌓 🌈🌏– CIMI Seals the store of Death! We have the moon in GEMINI today – with one foot in the LIGHT and one in the DARK! And CIMI brings in the DEATH CARD! All up a strong formula for LETTING GO of the old cycle and duality battles.
CIMI beckons us to LET GO and SURRENDER! 🏳As we are in the SERPENT wavespell CIMI enables us to shed our old skins.🐍 🎡Releasing all the old scare-city and survival programs. Shedding FEAR and competitive culture. Letting go of toxic people, places, occupations and energies.
Shake off the old energies and walk through the fires of transmutation🔥 from the old world into the next. Embrace the notion of EQUALITY and opportunity for all.
WORLDBRIDGER brings new opportunities today through connection and networking with others. Exchanging knowledge, ideas and resources to create something NEW and exciting. The 3 day code enables us to CONNECT with our DIVINE SUPPORT today..
Build the BRIDGE to the world you want to be in! 🌈🌉
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE LUNAR MIRROR 🌓 🔎– ETZNAB is the Higher Guide today revealing the highest TRUTH.
ETZNAB reveals all TRUTH once the Hall of Mirrors has shattered.The LUNAR MIRROR will reveal EVERYTHING that kept you stuck in a polarized see-saw reality, so that you can finally SURRENDER and release it FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When you are stripped to the bone, only the bare skeleton🩻 remains. As there is no cover, true transparency is revealed. When you have lost and surrendered everything in the abyss, you are free to rebuild your life on a new foundation, layer by layer FREE from all illusions.
❓What is being REFLECTED in the MIRROR🪞 today?
❓What is the TRUTH and what needs to be discarded?
Use your wisdom to decide.
The LUNAR MIRROR with LUNAR CIMI will also result in the MIRROR WORLD CRASHING DOWN! All illusions of the false Artificial Time control matrix will be revealed as the stark TRUTH becomes evident. World shattering revelations can occur, especially as PLUTO is in its final weeks in CAPRICORN.
The LUNAR MIRROR will reflect any disharmony in relationships today. The MIRROR can represent the TWINS, your divine counterpart and romantic partner. The MOON is in GEMINI the sign of the TWINS and the SUN is in the last day of LIBRA – amplifying romantic relationships.
The combination of the MIRROR, the lunar tone (representing TWINS/POLARITY) the RED SERPENT activating PASSION, and the WORLD=BRIDGER – enhancing UNIONS and CONNECTIONS – means there are very potent forces today conspiring to enhance your LOVE LIFE, and relationships.. VA VOOM!! 💋💃💞💋💃💞
Time to cha cha cha! 💃🕺
SUPPORT: RED LUNAR SKYWALKER 🌓 🚶– BEN As one door closes through DEATH and ENDINGS, another opens. BEN our Angelic Messenger and Galactic Shaman is our guide assisting us in accessing these multidimensional doorways opening today. Ben can enable us to anchor these frequencies into our physical bodies for processing and integration.
The LUNAR SKYWALKER reveals what has been preventing you from anchoring BLISS ON EARTH… A new connection must be forged to join the pillars of Heaven💒 and Earth🌎 as the human conduit. Allow BEN to lead you to the place and SPACE where EQUALITY and pure infinite BLISS reigns SUPREME. 💞
LUNAR BEN – joins the PASSION party in increasing your access to BLISSFUL UNIONS – so be the conduit to let LOVE FLOW through your vessel to anchor the DIVINELY HEAVENLY energies today.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE CRYSTAL EAGLE💎👁 – The CRYSTAL EAGLE gives us the power of DISCERNMENT in the Hall of Mirrors – we can SEE CLEARLY for miles and miles with our hidden occult SUPERPOWER. Our X-RAY vision👁👁 can see through all the padding and extraneous baggage all the way through to the core. All is now seen with your EAGLE EYES!
The CRYSTAL EAGLE is A gifted prophet and SEER🔮 who favours teamwork, cooperation and UNITY. MEN will scout for the optimal landscape for this to be manifested in order for the new communities to live in harmony.
MEN Reveals the BIG PICTURE allowing us to SEE what is not in alignment, allowing for correction. BLUE EAGLE allows us to gain another perspective to the challenges presented today, so that we can practice non-attachment to the physical plane. Allowing the physical body to be a doorway for these new Cosmic energies to enter and anchor on this planet through your vessel.
Allow the CRYSTAL EAGLE to reveal your optimum highest vibe connections, to SOAR into the higher realms of BLISS. 💞💞💞
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW LUNAR WARRIOR 🌓 🌈🏹 The LUNAR WARRIOR is indeed a valuable ally to have on your team. This WARRIOR is BRILLIANT at detecting duality discordance and taking ACTION to bring forth PEACE and EQUILIBRIUM. He is a fighter for TRUTH and JUSTICE and will defend his honourable principles to the DEATH!
CIB provides the fearless courage to walk through the fires of transmutation.🔥🔥🔥
YELLOW WARRIOR enables us to SURRENDER and release the old, walking forth with renewed determination and vigor. Fearlessly focused on the future and where we want to go! Shrugging our shoulders and walking away, leaving our PAST BEHIND us – where it belongs!!!.
✨Keep walking and DON”T LOOK BACK – as the parable of LOT’S WIFE – in the bible warns us. ✨
Keep your EYES fully focused on what lies AHEAD and in the distance. As we focus on New Horizons the past challenges melt away and disappear, soon to be erased from our memory banks forever.
Align with your HIGH VIBE TRIBE that lifts you HIGHER and HIGHER, supporting your DIVINE MISSION, ready to create SPIRITUAL ALCHEMY with you in realizing your UNIFIED purpose. Aho!
So precious hearts💓 today the physical realm is a pure REFLECTION of all that is needed to be SURRENDERED in order for the NEW ENERGIES to anchor.
Detach from DRAMA and any challenges that present today shaking it off, like water off a duck’s back.
🎼So if you just put your hand in mine,
We’re gonna leave all our troubles behind.
Keep on walking and don’t look back.
Forget about the past now.
Don’t look back……… 🎶
Don’t look back lyrics by Peter Tosh
Today’s question is “What challenges do I need to SURRENDER and release, in order to fearlessly move forward with my kindred soul family?”
Divine blessings for stabilizing the anchors of your new rainbow bridge. 🌈🌉🌈
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈








🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 🕉 Healing Guided Meditation for the Sun in Scorpio with my Sacred Condor 🔥



Healing Guided Meditation for the Sun in Scorpio

Welcome to this Healing Guided Meditation with my Sacred Condor designed to help you align with the powerful transformative energy of the Sun in Scorpio. Scorpio season brings opportunities for deep emotional healing, self-discovery, and personal rebirth. In this meditation, you’ll be guided to release old patterns, connect with your inner strength, and embrace transformation with clarity and courage.

Allow the intense and mystical energy of Scorpio to help you shed what no longer serves your highest purpose and invite profound healing into your mind, body, and soul. This session is perfect for those looking to dive deep into emotional renewal and embrace the power of change.

Take a moment to center yourself, breathe deeply, and immerse in this transformative journey. Let the energy of Scorpio’s deep waters guide you toward healing and rebirth.


CLICK HERE for the Healing Guided Meditation


Acceleration provides rapid change. Keep the vessel and consciousness capable of receiving the New Light. Merge with the I AM Presence and clear, clear, clear.
New Light
New Light

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