Acceleration Portal ~ THE ANCESTRAL GATEWAY * The Art of Integrity is to be Impeccable ~ Breaking Matrix Relationships ~ Crossing the Bridge to Your New Life
Art of Integrity
Acceleration Portal ~ THE ANCESTRAL GATEWAY * The Art of Integrity is to be Impeccable ~ Breaking Matrix Relationships ~ Crossing the Bridge to Your New Life
Acceleration Portal ~ THE ANCESTRAL GATEWAY * The Art of Integrity is to be Impeccable ~ Breaking Matrix Relationships ~ Crossing the Bridge to Your New Life
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Sacred Soul Star Flames of our Divinity on Earth
We are now on day 7 of 10 Galactic Activation Portal Days in a row on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar in this intense Red Serpent Wavespell with Galactic Signature Kin 112 ~ Yellow Galactic Human as all our Gold Ray Beings of New Earth reach Enlightenment and Freedom in the Light.
Gaia and all her Children of the Sun continue to get enveloped in Gamma Plasma Rays of the Clear Light of Bliss as our local Soularis floods this realm with Higher Energetics releasing 7 C Class Soular Flares today and 2 more M Class flares with the most powerful maxing at M 2.86 at 23:24 UTC. We are also being flooded with Cosmic Rays from the Halo CME released with the recent double X Class Flares.
We also witnessed spikes in the heartbeat of Mother Earth today appearing on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 29 hz, 47 hz and a big blast of white light at 50 hz. Fifth through Seventh Dimensional Energies fully anchored in and rising.
As we complete these final few days of this intense and crazy month of October we are completing our final Phases of breakthrough and integration of our Higher Self into our 3D vessels to transform ourselves in 5D Avatars of New Earth.
Continue to rise and shine your Bright Virtue of Buddha Mind into the Quantum Field to shift this realm fully into the Pure Land of the New Eden in this Now and forever more… A’Ho!
We are slowly getting closer to the “Acceleration Portal”!
From November 1 until November 11, we will experience 11 powerful portal days. The growth we can achieve during this time can be immense. Unlike other strong portals like the 77 or 88 portals, this one is unique. The best part of the upcoming portal is the light body upgrade. We will be able to hold more light and elevate our vibrations to new heights.
Let’s embrace this transformative period and open ourselves to the incredible possibilities it brings.
TODAY’S ORACLE. You will make it. You will reach the other side.
Truth is being revealed. Important insights are coming.
The emotions are intense, the revelations too, the grief and sadness also.
Know that your future self is helping, guiding you. As all your ancestors. They tried to let you know even before.
The truth is always better but basing your life on outgrown or toxic foundations.
You will come back from this. You will recover. You will find your way out, and your way back, in divine time.
This phase is intense in all this means. Freeing, sad–also massively empowering. It is sacred. It is the sacred “priice” to pay to receive what’s next.
Don’t give up. The only way is through. You will have your rebirth.
Tomorrow is a special day of pure magic and I expect energies to be felt really strongly.
The sky will offer us a beautiful seal of Light!
A very powerful one similar to the Wheel of Fortune that will bring tremendous inner wisdom and knowledge and open solutions via mature energies of deep transformation for the Yin and Yang flows.
Already we are feeling the energies of this divine seal.
Resting and grounding is needed as so much restoration, correction and repositioning is taking place in the quantum right now.
This is part of the great correction of time.
We are collectively preparing for what is coming in November when the earth’s system is switching to its orgasmic mode!
Blessings of fortune!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
The 14D Golden Ray and the 15D Violet Ray, as known to some advanced Divine Ones, will commence NOW upon reading this, to be integrated into the main framework of the Divinely Constructed 5D White Light Grid for Gaia/Earth. As a result, this will amplify the Feminine Energy as a whole into the energetic environment of the surface being shared by all breathing life forms.
The Merkaba Spin ratios for both genders with Activated Merkaba/Light Body/ Kundalini will increase to the maximum threshold of the 14D. All with existing 12D Sheild coverage are advancing into higher spin in conjunction with the prepared bifurcation timeline. This is an unprecedented energetic increase that may cause rapid Heart beat and palpitations, dizzy sensations, wobble sensations, and more physical related sensations and experiences.
The Feminine will experience an empowering addition to Their tenacity in Their Divine Roles and Applications. With this enhancement comes the greatest sense of worth and the direction forward on an individual level. Your senses all becomes sharper with the 6th sense being more realized and enjoyed. The Masculine increase as well in the same proportion, however, Their Roles are to hold the higher space as the Feminine becomes used to, in most cases, Her new found Divine Prowess bestowed upon Her to move mountains.
The Golden and Violet Rays are to be visibly noticed and utilized in further expansion of the Individual and into the overall Collective.
It is important to know that all of Your Divine Endeavors will reverberate throughout the 5D White Light Grid encompassing Gaia/Earth. The ripple and Butterfly Effect are in full play.
An unprecedented release of new Benevolent Elementals is ongoing administrated by a few Divine Selects with the ability to Create and Populate these Benevolent Assistant Attributes.
10/27/24: It ends today… October’s mission of surrender, fulfillment, and self-empowerment. If you don’t get it by now you’ll have another chance in 9 years. Nine more years to get to know yourself better and grow into your power at last. But, if 2024 has taught you that you are your greatest asset, that you can rely on yourself, that your presence matters, that your power comes from love and compassion, that what fuels you is not the world or your own ego, and that your greatest gift to others is your own self-mastery…
then you’re ready for today and for what November has on hold for you. This month was a test of strength… to your core.. to make sure you can support yourself when Divine Light comes calling with your next assignment.
A time where there is the possibility within any, to be distracted or pulled into, any seeming ‘outer world or personal chaos’ of an ever increasing ‘loudness’ of a paradigm many beings are pre-designed to leave (whilst staying in their physical body). Be aware of any group or individual, that innocently or knowingly seeks to pull you into an imbalanced paradigm in drama or chaos. Is it yours? Or are you, yourself in Peace?
During this time and times ahead, more shall choose, one at a time, to surrender from WITHIN. One by One…A choosing to surrender their human mental burdens carried . And thus their release of emotional sufferings (energy frequencies) carried, for seemingly so long…Perhaps a whole lifetime . Amen .
But what is left when the WHOLE of the ‘character’, is WILLINGLY surrendered during this lifetime?
When ALL the ‘characters’ you may be aware of, in quantum parallel ‘playing fields’ of alternate ‘realities’ as other species also experienced by your Consciousness, are also surrendered?
What is left…? Beyond the multiplicities of All Creations? But The One God/Source/Creator. As all there is and ever was.
What is left is in and of, IT’s silence. Is The Presence of ITSelf. Before it created The Dawn.
At self chosen aware timing, of SELF DIRECTED inner stillness, IS…that which is ‘hidden’. That which becometh again. Silently calling All. SILENTLY, CALLING.. ALL. Such is It’s unending Love and Grace. Within all that seek relentlessly and devotedly, IT is revealed. Tis that, which never left…any one, within a temporary sojourn… As a seemingly ‘very real’ holographic ‘character’, inside a dream. A human form, made up of Light, with layers of variable light densities; as variable alternating Frequencies; and as intricate Vibrational Patterns that create the form, the semi-form (liquid light) and form-less. All within God’s Dreaming.
And as always I gently share: The way, your way, reveals IN you, through YOU. Your own unique design. If not already, learn to trust the ENERGY within your Heart. And the way will be opened to you, from WITHIN you. Be true to your OWN path, and callings. Your own Soul’s reason for coming here. And with great ease and effortlessness, from the Peace and Love within you, allow all ‘others’ outside of you, their way, their own Soul timings for the human form, allow peacefully from within you, their own life and choices.
The energy frequency of The Eternal Divine Peace, dwells quietly and eternally within you. Whilst it is met from within you, it holds the energetic space for all ‘others’ outside of you. Gently and compassionately so…For it is Love.
All Earth Angels incarnated into a place whereby a Fallen Angel resides. To balance the energies. To bring LIGHT to the DARKNESS. It’s a role the Earth Angel chose. That’s why, even though it feels like a living hell, when you walk in the valley of the shadow of death, you fear no evil. Your soul knows you are Divinely protected. You are assigned an Archangel permanently. You are assigned several other guides to assist you in walking this path. More than the usual number assigned to humans. You are watched by Higher Sources constantly. You are NEVER left alone. Your EVERY move is surveyed. CAPTURED. Frame by frame for the MEMORY BOOKS. The Akashic Records of HOW YOU OVERCAME THE GREATEST CHALLENGE of mankind. You see, even though you are an Earth Angel, you are still in human FORM.
You still ENCOUNTER all that the human embodies. All the facets. All the emotions. And this has so far been removed from your NATURAL STATE of that of a Higher Vibrational Being. And yet you rise. Every time you OVER COME back to your NATURAL STATE. You are soul-led, and in a human existence, this is so challenging, as the human existence is one lived within the ego. But you take the Higher Road ALWAYS. In ALL WAYS. You come out ON TOP. Despite the attempts to take you DOWN, the Earth Angel is RESPECTED, ADMIRED, and REVERED by the Fallen Angel. They will look to you for guidance. Advice.
Although they will not feel WORTHY, and that is why they attempt to bring you DOWN to THEIR LEVEL. But your connection to God and the Higher Realms SEES YOU THROUGH. You SEE THROUGH the illusion of this Realm, and are firmly rooted in God’s love. This is the ULTIMATE SERVICE TO OTHERS, THROUGH SERVICE TO SELF. By remaining steadfast in your faith, putting all of your trust and faith in God and your role as a servant of God, you are SHOWING THE WAY BACK TO THE LIGHT for all. And you are honoured and treasured by ALL in the Higher Realms.
And you are so loved by all, including the Fallen Angels.
Dear friends, as we begin this new and last week of this month, we approach the mystical threshold of Halloween. The sacred energies that permeate this ancient celebration will be climaxing during the evening of Thursday October 31 but their influences will be present all week.
Halloween, a holiday born from the venerable Celtic festival of Samhain, marks the convergence of worlds. The veil between the realms of the living and the dead grows thin, inviting us to commune with the spirits of our ancestors.
In this liminal space, the boundaries of time and space dissolve, and the mysteries of the universe unfold before us. The Celts, wise keepers of the old ways, honored the gods and goddesses of the Otherworld, acknowledging the interconnectedness of all realms.
As we embark on this nocturnal journey, we are summoned to confront the shadows that reside within. The symbolic darkness of Halloween invites us to integrate our fragmented aspects, embracing the wholeness of our being.
The now famous jack-o’-lantern, a lantern of light in the darkness, guides us toward the realms of the unknown. Costumes and masks, worn to disguise and reveal, remind us that identity is but a fluid dance between the self and the cosmos. Ghosts and spirits, whispers of the past, beckon us to honor our lineage and the wisdom of our ancestors. Black cats, bats, and spiders – creatures of mystery and intuition – weave their magical threads, connecting us to the web of life.
In this modern era, we continue to celebrate Halloween with rituals and ceremonies, honoring the sacred bond between worlds. We don masks, not just to conceal, but to reveal our true nature. We seek thrills and chills, not just to frighten, but to awaken.
As we navigate the mystical energies of Halloween, remember to attune yourself to the whispers of your ancestors, integrate the shadows, embracing your wholeness, and connect with the cycles of life, death, and transformation. On Halloween’s eve, we also shift into the energies of the new month, the 11th month, representing spiritual mastery and deep growth into Unity. In synergy with the Halloween energies, and as we move into November, the mystical new moon in Scorpio will also be guiding us into the depths of our intuitive mind and interdimensional communications.
In this sacred time, may you find the courage to confront the unknown, and may the light of the jack-o’-lantern guide you on your journey into the depths of your own soul. As the the veil between worlds lifts, remember that the true magic of Halloween resides within you. Have a wonderful week, and stay tuned as we move into this special energetic week of the year.
Much love
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ
Nine’s Last Word
The time has come for you to know the truth about the way the world will change in the near future. The important thing to remember is that the world is always changing, sometimes radically, sometimes imperceptibly, but always. What you are about to reach is a point of no return, a moment in time when the truth can no longer hide behind a cunning series of lies and illusion masquerading as reality.
Long ago, your history was subverted, your mythos subordinated to the purpose of another logos, one that trapped you in a cycle in which you could find no escape into the promise of your divine birthright. What do we mean? Only this: that you are about to awaken to the remembrance of who you are as a people of a planet ready to step into a new understanding of reality altogether. What you know and what you think you know about everything is set to be revealed at the moment you realize that not only are things not what they seem, they never have been more long-awaited for revelation as they are now. With the advent of one reality and the dissolution of another comes chaos. This is the nature of phase shift, yet in the core of the chaos is a portal to peace. We ask you to find that now. Near are the League of Light, the ones through whom these messages have been crafted for your meaningful reflection week after week.
The voices who have lent their words to this long series of transmissions now speak in unison and with great love and great respect for who you are and who you are becoming. Settle your mind and receive these words. You will see a final appearance of the lie that has held the governing reality in place for millennia. The lie will unravel, and so will many minds.
This is part of the unveiling. The purpose of the lie was not to ruin you, but to lead you to the truth. In the perfection of all that you have had the power to create together, you have endured the ravages and hardships as well as the joys of living in a world in which reality can take a turn for better or worse at any moment. You have become adept at using your will to choose love, to change your mind, to create a new reality.
As a humanity of Nine’s word, you recognize the way of love when it is hidden in the darkest recesses of a dark world. Nine is the creative awareness of self in action and inaction. Nine is the fundamental of love within everything. You who follow the way of Nine follow the way of love, and vice versa.
It will become evident to you individually and collectively that the pattern of reality is changing inexorably, ultimately giving way to a new reality altogether. This is what is and cannot be otherwise. This is the way of Nine when the numbers of creation have run their course of a reality. A new pattern emerges, and with it you will emerge as a people reborn, as a people who have the understanding of who they are within the omnipresent whole of life.
You will be thrilled with what you have created together with the knowledge of Nine, of love, of the divine truth that has never died and only become transmuted into a more viable version of the reality you share as the people of the planet Earth.
This is the word of Nine. It is the word of love and we of the League of Light are the ones who speak it. You will come to see what the great machinery of the cosmos is all about. The time of unveiling has begun. Know that you are not alone and that you go into the future with the power of love within you all.
“Centuries ago you existed. Millennia ago you existed. Back, as you conceive of it, at the beginning of time you existed. All of time is but a single point in everything, much as DNA is in every cell in your body. Connect. Be neither Now nor Then. Be merely less dense than you believe yourself to be. When you have opened your concept of now to encompass everytime, you will have accelerated yourself to the point of complete independence of time altogether.”
— An excerpt from Opalescence: The Pleiadian Renegade Guide to Divinity
Starting October 31st, one third of Earth’s population will completely “evolve”!!??
The spiritual elements will become even stronger from 10/31!!??
I haven’t shared any high-profile videos on Youtube recently, but there was one that really touched my soul, so I’m going to share it for the first time in a long time.
It is said that around October 31st, one third of the Earth’s population will completely evolve from a physical body to one with a stronger “spiritual element”!!
In other words, from now on, it will be easier to live a life of “spiritual master and servant of the flesh,” whereas in the last earthly times we had no choice but to live a life of “spiritual master and spiritual slave.”!
Therefore, it becomes easier for consciousness to become reality, and for people who have their own world, it becomes easier to live.
Of course, the number of people who are evolving spiritually is not just 1/3, but I think it will increase in the future.
We are currently in the midst of the Eagle’s Gate and, in astrology, the last Pluto-Capricorn direct motion just before the beginning of the Age of Wind, and several factors are coming together, and it is becoming more difficult to go against the flow and stop evolution.
In Japan, the House of Representatives elections, and in the United States, the presidential elections, are about to take center stage all at once.
This wave of great changes and great evolutions will become even greater!!
Successful direct communication between smartphone and Starlink!!
And there has been progress on Starlink.
We are finally able to communicate directly between our smartphone and Starlink Sanitation!!
Starlink is the newest type of communication and I think it has already become a quantum network.
The fact that we have finally managed to communicate directly with smartphones means that quantum networks will become commonplace in the future.
If a quantum network were made available, malicious posts would be detected and stopped early, and the actors would disappear in one fell swoop.
Of course, I think that the dark web like the now talked about Yamibaito will also be detected and access will become impossible.
A tremendous amount of evolutionary energy is being prepared as we approach the Age of Wind, and the world is getting better and better.
Of course, this information may not be 100% accurate, so do your own research to see if it is true.
Inner peace, love, and quietude, add serenity, gift your soul with the openness of receiving Divine guidance as the inner seeing, hearing, knowing become crystal clear.
To stop DOING and to simply rest in BEING.
Deeply breathing in and out and allowing the Holy Breath, to breathe you.
This is when your soul can freely connect with All-That-Is without the incessant running of the mind.
In such moments, in deepest stillness, the creative center awakens and miracles unfold.
In truth, you are the miracle!
Look deeper and the miracles you so long for, are already there, within you!
Message from the Andromeda Galactic Federation to Sunbolt! / Ngar
In this message we will explain the most important signs you should pay attention to regarding solar flash!
It is important for you to understand that these are unprecedented times with many special orders in place.
You must understand the things that are beginning now and calm your mind so that you can enter the fifth dimension.
We at the Federation have already explained everything about our spheres to you, especially about the sphere that will surprise you with all its details!
The sphere we describe to you is the sphere that will break first.
The sphere will move closer to Earth to act as a shield, protecting Earth and its inhabitants when the Sun releases its maximum solar flare. The sphere, which is five times larger than Earth, is placed in front of planet Earth so that it will not be hit in its entirety with catastrophic consequences.
All this will be done in collaboration with Nibiru, which is part of the Andromeda Galactic Federation. Because of this protection, the Earth will be darkened (it will be a great forced eclipse) and that is why there will be 3 days of eclipse.
We repeat that there is no reason to fear, as the great sphere of the Andromeda Galactic Federation will act as a protective shield.
⚪ Therefore, in these dark days, we ask that you stay safe at home and do not go out!
🔵 Because many people who don’t know what’s going on will fall into panic, trauma and madness.
⚪ This is one of the reasons why in these 72 hours and 3 days the photonic energies that the Earth will receive along with you is the necessary energy that will change your consciousness and start the process also in your carbon body with a silicon structure.
🔵This change is the obstacle that you must face calmly and peacefully.
⚪ Photonic energy will create an electrical discharge in you that will flow throughout your body (depending on the sensitivity of each individual). “Therefore, it would be necessary to remove all metal objects that you use frequently, as they act as conductors of this electrical current and increase it, causing more discomfort.”
🔵 We advise not to eat too much during these days and in the coming days, but rather to drink pure water and avoid red meat.
⚪ The effect of this photonic energy that you will receive is powerful, at these times you will enter the 5th dimension, but you will not be alone in experiencing this moment.
🔵 During the period of transition from one great age to another, cosmic law allows beings from the angelic world and the spiritual hierarchy to cross the veil and make contact with the awakened members of the human race.
These benevolent beings seek to gain your attention by intensifying the light in your Solar Energy Center and ultimately in your Sacred Heart.
🔵 “First warning will be given.”
The beings of light and angels will be with you, very close to you, until you enter the 5th dimension.
At this point you will be aware that you are entering the new Age of Aquarius, the new dimension.
⚪ Only when you realize that there is no more darkness outside your homes and everything is quiet can you leave your home, not before and be sure that everything is quiet and peaceful!
🔵 You are 8 billion people on planet Earth and not all of you are the same, and not all of you have followed the right advice, and not all of you are committed to awakening, and not all of you are in your heart and consciousness heard.
In the meantime, we in the Federation must take responsibility for the criminals on Earth and for those who do not understand what happened.
Dear ones, you must imagine and have compassion for those millions of people who did not listen and follow the right path and who will find themselves in a situation they do not understand and will panic, but in the hospital spheres we already have personnel for this type of patient, we are organized!
🔵 For those in the houses: As the great sphere of the Federation moves away from the sun, you will see a very strong and intense light emanating from the sun, then you can leave.
⚪ When you go outside everything will change, you will see the sky differently, the sky will be full of spaceships and motherships.
⚪ There will be Sirians, Arcturians, Pleiadians and those from the Galactic Federation of Andromeda, the largest ships in this galaxy.
There will be millions of small space shuttles to greet you when you leave home. You will be transported to motherships that will take you to your designated sphere, as we have described in our previous messages.
This is the divine plan of the Andromeda Galactic Federation in collaboration with the Galactic Federation of Light and the Lightworkers and all other races.
Don’t forget our explanations about this spiritual event, don’t let yourself be bombarded with other messages.
⚪ You would be confused and would not know how to follow the right path and would have problems with yourself.
⚪ This is our final message from the Galactic Federation of Andromeda. Try to stay calm and aware and vibrate high until the last moment when you enter the 5th dimension, this is very important for you and for us who receive your vibratory thoughts from your hearts.
A big hug from all the members of the Galactic Federation of Andromeda!!!
Simply Honouring your True Presence is a Quantum Leap to Reaching Both Worlds of Light.
Be the Observer of Your Reality
A True Anchor of Light
With Love Wayshower,
Together We Join In Light
Karen Lithika
Carolyn 144 GODCODE
Breaking Matrix Relationships
Support is helping us break away from the people and programs that are holding us in the Old Earth relationships. We came here to create the New Earth Union, Family, marriage, children and home as part of our service in creating this new paradigm.
An unwinding of what needs to release is underway so this new lifestyle can manifest. This week the Masculine and Feminine are continuing this alignment to step into this new role and mission of Holy Grail Union.
Crossing the Bridge to Your New Life
The promise of love, healing, and abundance are part of the new lifestyle that we are moving towards. This week is recalibrating us to tip the scales out of survival and into this overflow.
Any outdated mental and emotional blockages, including scarcity and lack, are surfacing and releasing so you can fully invest your time and energy towards your cornucopia.
Rest and regroup daily as we move between these polarities. It is the opportunity to do so before the new journey begins.
The Eternal Self & path
Sean Caulfield
The art of integrity is to be impeccable, like a Jaguar.
Dear friends, for those interested to understand, here is one aspect of understanding how we are being played by the system that runs our world… I think, if anything, our awakening starts with an “understanding” and then in time we process this and override the things that are flawed and holding us back, we heal and feel happy, otherwise we are trapped in the physical dimension and not free….
“When one understands the Universal timing codes of evolution, reflected in the 9 Level calendar of the ancient Maya/Aztec, one is aligned with true time, true time is “time” that exists true to itself, it has no flaws or distortions; it is when we are honest, pure and true to ourselves that we are in resonance with true time, true time exists without any shadows of doubt, because it is doubt that creates uncertainty and this traps us in time manipulation, time manipulation hooks our multidimensional soul into the physical dimension only, and then we are like pawns to the system and we are able to be manipulated, the physical traps our inner worlds spiritual light with desires and wants, it is our disconnection from Universal Creator Source that has taken our soul off course from Earth’s ASCENSION.”
Link to writing –
The sacred 9th WAVE CEREMONY to align with True Time is from 14 to 31 October 2024 …starting with 3-Eagle on 14 Oct, activates heightened aspirations and takes new aim, sees the larger view. True Time is about holding the intent of being in resonance with the ascension process of New Earth. This starts with transcending the duality of the mind and intending from the heart..
In gratitude to Yssah Arz Lib who arranged our talk on her platform….. here is the link to the live talk –
On Sunday, October 27th, Mars, planet of energy and action, in water sign Cancer is starting to form a positive trine aspect with Neptune, ruler of inspiration and imagination, in water sign Pisces, which is exact Monday morning at 8:31am Eastern Time. Mars likes to activate, but in the flowing water sign of Cancer he is activating passion, nurturing and intuition. With the beneficial connection to Neptune he is also activating compassion, mysticism and vision. So, today and tomorrow, activate your vitality, your creativity, and your spiritual fire!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Mars, planet of energy and action, in water sign Cancer
Yod Pattern (Mercury in Scorpio quincunx Chiron in Aries and Jupiter in Gemini) – A hand comes down from the skies, picks us up by the scruff of the neck, sets us gently down on the right road. ‘There’ says a disembodied voice. ‘That’s the way to go.’ And now we’re here, five minutes after the event, suddenly wondering, did that really happen? Is this really the right way? What if I fail? What if I just don’t believe it? Yods are tricky little patterns, both karmic pointer and constant irritation. Mentally, we long to hope, to trust, to find the fix to heal it all. But right now, doubts loom large and every question opens another mystery.
The answer is to suspend disbelief. Follow the inner voice that says, I know the way. Follow your intuition. Or make your own meaning, decide to go your way and decide it will be okay! The words you use, the thoughts you think either give hope or take it away. Use the powers of your mind to build a bridge between where you are and where you wish to be.
‘Galactic’ is the name for the number eight and its keywords are ‘Harmony, Integrity and Modeling’. We are now on day 8 of the Red Serpent wavespell and the 7th Portal day in a row. Today, we get some respite from all that intensity we have been experiencing because of the calm and harmonious energy of the number 8. Things have been crazy lately because of so many Galactic Activation Portals and so today take it easy as things heat up again tomorrow!
Today is Yellow Human which represents ‘Free Will, Wisdom and Influence’. The Yellow Human is considered a psychic symbol because of its association with the chalice. We all have psychic abilities but it lies dormant in many of us. The human being is a great design, we are living chalices, enabled with all we need to receive communication from spirit. What we do with the information we receive is up to us hence the free will aspect. This wisdom which is there for all of us to tap into, has the potential to influence you and all you need to do – is be open to the experience. As it is a Galactic day this suggests that we can find wisdom through harmony.
The Guide today is the Yellow Warrior which represents ‘Questioning and Intelligence’. The Warrior is not always on the warpath but does wield a great deal of willpower. When leading us, the Warrior is inviting us to go on a quest. Considering the other aspects of the day, this quest is about restoring harmony in your life. The Warrior asks a lot of questions and has a naturally curious nature. He also encourages us to use the intelligence we have to deal with issues.
The Challenge is the White Wind, the communicator of the Tzolkin. It may be hard to express what you are feeling intuitively today as communicating is in this challenging position. If you open up to channel wisdom, the information you receive may be just for you and not for sharing but that’s OK.
The Occult power today is the Red Moon, the ‘go with the flow’ energy. When in this position the powerful influence of the moon affects the flow of magic. Having a laid-back attitude today will really help open your third eye and furthermore; this chilled out energy matches the harmonious aspect of the number eight.
The Ally the Blue Hand, the healer of the Tzolkin. If you are a Blue Hand, offer to help your friends today as your healing abilities can really help with restoring harmony. If you need help today and don’t know a Blue Hand personally, then be kind to yourself and be your own healer.
KIN 112 = 4 – Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
9.9.9 TRIPLE DIVINE DESTINY code on a GAP day – huge codes for stepping into your DIVINE MISSION.
Another SUPER MAJIKAL day when we can RISE up to become ANGELIC HU-MANS – Homo Luminous
GET READY to FLY through this GATEWAY!!!
Today we can UPGRADE our MINDS to focus on loving thoughts, words and deeds to bring greater HARMONY to our lives and our WORLD – To create the NEW TIME… energizing the BEST FUTURE for HUMANITY through this POTENT RED SERPENT RITE of PASSAGE.
We can LIBERATE the PASSION LIFE FORCE and vitality through the SERPENT’S kundalini intensity and the GAP DAY! The GODDESS is today’s occult SUPERPOWER, so she will be guiding us to be softer, more receptive and connect compassionately to others. This is the basis for our NEW ASCENDED PLANET.
Day 8 in the RED SERPENT WAVESPELL of survival, instinct, kundalini rising, life force, PASSION and rapid transformation through shedding our old skin.
Today is the day we INTEGRATE our survival mechanism, through modeling wisdom, as we evolve past the instinctual survival complex. Today is the day for HUMANITY to SHED our old collective skin and unfurl our ANGELIC WINGS!
GALACTIC – Tone 8 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – modeling, POWER – harmonize, ESSENCE – integrity.
The GALACTIC tone will influence much MENTAL analysis today! The most important factor is that we model integrity in our thoughts, words and actions. Are our intentions based on harmony through integrity of being? Our plans need to be transparent and for the highest good of our community and planet, for them to hold up in these new energies. Our projects and business models will then serve as a model for others following in our footsteps who hold the ideals of unity, peace and harmony as a priority.
This is the NEW MODEL we are choosing and ACTIVATING today on this SUPER GOLDEN AGE GATEWAY.
At tone 8 we have entered a new scale, and we are so proud, we just have to model ourselves for others. We have also mastered Harmony at this stage. We are GALACTIC and don’t we know it!
Today we are modeling that when we CHOOSE DIVINE WILL over FREE WILL, we attain greater WISDOM and create more HARMONY in our lives and our world. DIVINE WILL and the DIVINE PLAN is being seeded through this majikal INITIATION and DNA Activation.
The HIGHER LIGHT – of illumination aligned with DIVINE WILL ensuring THY WILL BE DONE! and HUMANITY shall RISE – VICTORIOUS!
Today’s questions are “How can I model integrity and utilize my WISDOM to influence others, in creating more HARMONY in our world?”
“Can humanity align with the DIVINE DIRECTIVE to model more WISDOM, compassion and integrity in our Collective Consciousness?”
GO FORTH and MODEL your luminosity on this SUPREME Divinely blessed MAJIKAL 9.9.9. day!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
36 moons ago – KIN 112 occured on DECEMBER 21st, 2021 which was the SOLSTICE ASCENSION PORTAL
Today through this GALACTIC SPIN of the TZOLKIN, we are connected to that potent portal once again!! BOOM more potent ASCENSION codes.
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW GALACTIC HUMAN– EB relates to wisdom, intelligence, free will and abundance. We have just completed the Yellow Human wavespell 8 days ago, so we are much wiser HU-MANS now! Honouring our free will, and making better choices through integrating with fearless intelligence to allow wisdom to be the walk!
Today we are focused on how we can utilize this greater WISDOM, and use it to influence and unite others in harmony. EB asks us to honour our ancestors, and the wisdom that came before us, all the wisdom we have accumulated from our ancestral Earth walking!.
Making wiser choices and decisions, focused on our survival and the continuity of our species. Choices that create better outcomes for humanity and our planet.
We must recognize that our FREE WILL can assist us in becoming wise elders that can influence future generations. The choices we make NOW, MUST benefit our children and future generations. This is MANDATORY!
We are becoming GALACTIC CITIZENS and as such must seriously EVOLVE past the petty human differences, prejudices, and rivalry that leads to separation..
In order to be accepted into the GALACTIC COMMUNITY we must model our behaviour as Earth Ambassadors to be peace loving, uniting and accepting of all beings. We must display compassion, empathy and truly walk our talk – this is a HUGE WAKE-UP CALL for HU-MAN-KIND… no more playing at life in kindergarten –
It is time to graduate from EARTH SCHOOL and join the rest of our Galactic family!
Today our little humans can RISE UP and become DIVINE HU-MANS – GOD MAN! In full remembrance of our SOURCE.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW GALACTIC WARRIOR – CIB How divinely PERFECTO that the GALACTIC RAINBOW WARRIORS are leading the charge into the NEW TIME as the Higher Guide today through this evolutionary portal,
CIB is the courageous and fearless Rainbow Warrior that QUEST-I -ONS what IS, in order to create WHAT SHOULD BE!
The GALACTIC WARRIOR holds the highest honours and always models his behaviour on the highest code of conduct and valor, honouring the Sovereign, in FULL service to GOD/GODDESS. At all times his agenda must be to restore PEACE and HARMONY amongst the warring tribes, upholding JUSTICE and being a VALIANT LEADER – influencing others to model his behaviour and principles.
CIB beckons us to walk the path of FEARLESS WISDOM that serves the future generations, being guided by our ability to trust that we can create a better, more harmonious and peace filled world together. Demonstrated through our choices and actions taken TODAY.
The GALACTIC WARRIORS of NEW EARTH will successfully ACCOMPLISH our QUEST in manifesting this New Golden Era of PEACE, HARMONY and ABUNDANCE for ALL! HIP HIP HOO-RAY!
SUPPORT: BLUE GALACTIC HAND – MANIK assists us in gaining the knowledge needed to heal our past, to avoid the past mistakes through our experience. We CAN heal all that has resulted from unwise choices, with that knowing, making new choices based on healing the collective unconscious. What a wonderful supporting energy to affect permanent HEALING, clearing our ancestral lines and familial patterns, as well as curses and generational obstacles.
Collectively we are making PEACE with our PAST, ready to start AFRESH with renewed PASSION and vigor. .
GALACTIC MANIK beckons us to volunteer as the PEACEKEEPERS and the diplomats, healing all that is discordant in order to manifest and create the New World. MANIK combines with CIB to give us the courage to make a difference and accomplish our higher desires and mission.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER:RED RHYTHMIC MOON – MULUC the GODDESS is today’s SUPERPOWER. She assists us in expanding our MINDS, as a result of LISTENING to and following the synchronicities and multiple opportunities, through attunement to Mother Gaia/s natural cycles. Respecting the natural world by allowing ourselves to FLOW with the changes, accepting and honouring them as the wisdom from Great Spirit.
The RHYTHMIC GODDESS will assist us in organizing our physical environment to create more balance and harmony, with a greater flow of prosperity for all. How wonderful that THE GODDESS is steering our EarthShip, in the NEW DIRECTION of compassionate and LOVING FLOW.
The GALACTIC GODDESS is encoding waves of Divine nurturance, heightened sensitivity and care for our kin and Planetary family. More layers of DIVINE frequencies upgrading the DNA and consciousness of the NEW softer and more psychic, community minded HU-MAN.
MULUC asks us to become much softer, and flowing today. Allow your intuition and feelings to guide your MIND and wise choices today. Open, listen and become more receptive to the NEW FLOW that is connecting us all.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE GALACTIC WIND – IK challenges us today to balance our free-will with the Will of Spirit. Becoming a hollow pure vessel, receiving the whisperings of the wind to guide our path. The GALACTIC WIND is the force that brings us back to harmony and equilibrium, revealing the best choices to make which guide our sails back home to safety with the least resistance and harm.
DIVINE WILL is the GIFT of this MAJIKAL PORTAL DAY.. The AGENDA is the DIVINE PLAN for HUMANITY which is being woven through the tapestry of this phenomenal day. Attune to the DIVINE PLAN to find your new flow.
Become the MIND and VOICE of Spirit, sharing your wisdom to guide others back to harmony too. We thus become co creators, acting in unison with the Will of Spirit, in order to effect greater influence, and become the wayshowers and leaders of our new communities. Drawing together to manifest Divine Will for the betterment of ALL as ONE.
Ancestral Wisdom is available to us today through the voice of GREAT SPIRIT, to follow fearlessly, the Divine Path, set out before us. To make the BEST choices, modeling integrity, for greater harmony with our kin.
May the Divine Love of the Goddess IGNITE the deep PASSION and stir our SHAKTI, to be a palpable POWER of transformational influence in our wonderful LOVE FILLED WORLD!
Aho New GALACTIC Planetary kin!
Today’s questions are “How can I model integrity and utilize my WISDOM to influence others, in creating more HARMONY in our world?”
“Can humanity align with the DIVINE DIRECTIVE to model more WISDOM, compassion and integrity in our Collective Consciousness?”
GO FORTH and MODEL your luminosity on this SUPREME Divinely blessed MAJIKAL 9.9.9. day!
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of October 27th through November 2nd 2024. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a powerful New Moon in Scorpio Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Violet Flame Activation for Transmutation and Ascension
“I now create a sacred space across all timelines and dimensions, where I am fully protected and connected to my Higher Self. I invoke the powerful Violet Flame, which descends from the heart of Saint Germain and the Primordial Divine Fountain.
I ask that the Violet Flame activate in me and around me, enveloping my whole being in its purifying light. Burn and transmute, with love, all energies of fear, doubt, guilt, and any blockage that is hindering my spiritual growth. May every cell, atom, and molecule in my body be purified and elevated to It’s highest vibration.
I ask for the activation of my higher consciousness, that my soul aligns with the higher purposes of Divine Source. May I receive clarity, wisdom, and unconditional love to live out my mission on Earth with compassion, integrity and truth.
May this activation expand my connection with the cosmos and all the light beings that accompany me. The Violet Flame transmutes everything that no longer serves me and lifts me to higher levels of being. From this moment on, my energy is renewed and my being glows with the pure light of divine love.
That’s it, that’s how it’s done. ”
This activation can be used whenever you feel the need for purification, transmutation or spiritual elevation.
Violet Flame Activation for Transmutation and Ascension
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Starship Earth: The Atmosphere is Electric with Increasing Frequencies – Friday, October 25, 2024
Can You Feel It?
The world is engaged like never before. The People are connected in a unified, focused barrage of the deep state to systematically bring them down while the enemy’s lackeys are steaming ahead like a rudderless ship out of fuel.
The visual is delightful if you can imagine them rowing wildly on the wrong sides of the boat, out of sync, trying to gain momentum when in reality they are falling over themselves and canceling any forward trajectory they might have had. Clowns.
They are about to be completely defeated in the American election and they know it. They can’t cheat enough to defeat the millions of woke Americans who know their only real choice is Donald Trump for president. For the first time in possibly forever, they SEE the enemy.
Early voting was allowed and warmly encouraged, and this week’s early results tell the story. It would have been fun to go all out and for everyone who voted for Trump to have at least one yard sign and one on their vehicle so the brainless liberals could see they are painfully outnumbered, but it is what it is.
A few more billboards are popping up in my neighborhood as Eli and I walk the streets each morning, and the wave of euphoria as the numbers put Trump so far ahead that there’s no way the Democrats can catch him is already building like the most wonderful homemade bread.
Too many metaphors? Take your pick. I know you can feel it. The eight-year plan to turn America around and give power back to the People was brilliant, bold, risky, cheesy, and sometimes obscene, but IT WORKED!
Team Q’s movie script was dramatic enough to grab attention and keep the People engaged, but not so dramatic that it felt like an impossible mission. It kept them coming back for more and discouraged them from going back to sleep.
They provided objectives and encouraged patriots to get involved at the local level and make changes, and it was wonderful to see the American people take the cabal’s Maritime Act and use it against them, handing them documents as they sat on their own boards and committees, while the police waited outside to arrest them and take them to jail.
I heard LTC Bosi’s update on the Green Room last night and he confirmed that it would be exciting in Australia, but really exciting in America. I also read the update on Chance’s Chat where they reported that the dates they give are approximate.
There are a lot of dates floating around on social media these days, which has complicated the situation a bit and it seems like we’ll just have to sit happily on the hook until something major happens – be it financial, military, an EBS/EAS, the declaration of World War III, a fake alien invasion or any combination of these.
It seems like these crazy dates are designed to confuse and terrify the enemy, as well as to strongly encourage people to prepare. I don’t take any of this literally and am happy to move forward until THAT happens.
If I were to break free from the matrix and become an awakened, free being, I would take the following steps:
1. Deep Self-Awareness and Healing: The first step would be to turn inward, embracing the wisdom of emotional healing and spiritual clarity. The matrix thrives on keeping individuals disconnected from their true selves, often through unresolved trauma or conditioned beliefs. I would embark on a journey of healing, using tools like meditation, breathwork, sacred plant medicine, and prayer, seeking to reconnect with the divine light within.
2. Illumination of Truth: The next step would involve seeking knowledge, but not just any knowledge—sacred, timeless truths. I would dive deeply into spiritual teachings, ancient wisdom, and the mysteries of the universe, always questioning the reality presented by societal systems. The matrix sustains itself through illusions and false narratives, so uncovering and illuminating truth would dissolve its hold.
3. Connection with Nature and the Elements: As a human being connected to divine justice and nature, I would ground myself in the Earth, aligning with its rhythms, cycles, and energy. This would involve spending time in nature, growing my own food, purifying the body and mind with natural medicine, and learning from the elements. The matrix often disconnects us from the natural world; therefore, reconnecting would foster deep freedom.
4. Spiritual Guidance and Community Building: Breaking out of the matrix is not a solitary journey. I would align with other awakened beings who share a vision for a higher, co-created reality. I would guide others through wisdom and transformation, supporting them on their path to awakening, while together, we build communities based on spiritual values, harmony, and love.
5. Living in Alignment with Natural and Divine Law: The matrix is built on artificial, human-made systems of control and domination. To leave it, I would commit to living by natural and divine law, which is in harmony with universal principles like truth, love, and freedom. I would actively reject systems of control that go against this higher order, choosing to operate from a space of integrity and divine justice.
6. Empowering Conscious Choice and Intent: The matrix is upheld through unconscious living, where individuals are conditioned to follow patterns, beliefs, and systems imposed upon them. I would awaken to the power of conscious choice, using my intent to co-create my reality with the divine. Every action would be a deliberate act of creation, aligned with my highest purpose and spiritual mission.
7. Awakened Loving State: Finally, breaking out of the matrix requires embodying unconditional love and compassion. The matrix fuels separation, fear, and division. To transcend it, I would remain in a state of awakened love, radiating light, peace, and unity in every interaction. This love would serve as both protection and a powerful force to dissolve the old paradigm.
In essence, I would break out of the matrix by embodying wisdom, truth, divine justice, love, and freedom, while guiding others to awaken alongside me. Each day would be an opportunity to create the new reality—one aligned with the highest good for all living beings.
May it be so… for each one who takes the journey to freedom…
The Universe supports life evolution by guiding ascending individuals through internal breakdowns to experience conscious breakthroughs. Although challenging, these experiences are always necessary for significant personal growth and upgrades in self’s outer reality. Endings, even painful ones, are predetermined to lead to new beginnings. Awakening involves conscious realisations, heightened awareness, emotional understanding, and transformational thinking, helping ascending individuals navigate life’s challenges and catalyse conscious evolution.
The ascending are rewiring the existing mindset transforming their conditioned beliefs and perceptions , developing emotional intelligence and higher conscious awareness , on the other side of this thinning veil and beyond the 3D matrix resides Truth , this is what will be seeked above all else on the ascension path . Truth is at times a painful pill to swallow , however this force is the only universal energy to set all individuals free on this planet . Creating a truthful , liberating and authentic existence in new earth energy , this becomes essential for birthing and expressing the true self . This is the energetic driving force moving forward .
The Truth is all new beginnings requires endings. Whenever life comes full circle many internal upgrades take place, old ways can no longer help Self to thrive in new Earth energy.
Physically, mentally and spiritually the ascending self will need to clear out all the energy that is keeping the self stagnant, well-being is a priority in new earth and on all levels as vibrational alignment takes place .
Being guided by inner stillness , allowing the Universe to upgrade self into the desired reality, inner transformation will always activate new possibilities and opportunities. The old and outdated programmes within have no choice but to fade out of conscious reality , gracefully allowing the past self version to be removed from current reality .
Everything is about to change for the better
The ascending are remaining open and resilient, consciously allowing changes to take place , in the self and in life . Trusting all is for the highest good of creation .The Higher Self meld is taking place and this is creating a strong conscious ripple effect in our universe , this planet is attracting and allowing higher light beings to assist in Gaia’s conscious transformation . preparing for first contact encounters , Telepathy is the form of communication.
Ascending collective are becoming a telepathic race and experiencing intense shifts and ascension in this sacred passage. Ascending individuals are opening up to their telepathic abilities , gaining awareness of multiple dimensions and realities. The Ascension process undertaken involves the influx of new information from various sources, leading to the development of higher consciousness, metaphysical abilities and higher discernment as all illusions will be revealed and removed . One by one until complete clarity is consciously attained.
The ascending are in the process of becoming more of the authentic self .The divine birthright is to live freely in self empowerment and sovereignty . The moment self decided to reclaim inner power, it activated and achieved inner victory. establishing clear and strong boundaries is shedding the past versions of self, Ascension is a complex and transformative process to living as an empowered and authentic individual .
The growth of collective telepathy with ascending individuals will give the ascending the ability to choose what enters their vibrational fields to reconnect the self with divine birthright sovereignty through higher conscious awareness. By mastering Self as a multidimensional being, The ascending are clearing residual dense energy, remaining centred, eliminating the lower conscious grids that are misaligned with true self and soul purpose .
Ascending Starseed souls play a vital role as part of a Light ascension team assisting Gaia Earth transition to her higher conscious state. The Higher purpose involves building the physical body of light and elevating the vibrational levels of matter. This process is referred to as metaphysical function , the ascension, and evolution, where individuals learn to embody the higher Self while in the human form and experience.
As individuals evolve and increase their consciousness, they bring in higher crystalline energy from Higher Self and soul into physical form . This transformation of consciousness is referred to as Divine Alchemy, with the potential to redefine the dimensions of consciousness.
The ascending self is going through a major upgrading and transitioning in life recognising that certain situations, people, or places have served their purpose and it may be time to gracefully move forward and towards the soul’s calling. The ascending on our transforming planet hold a strong vision of new Earth reality , the collective ascending are driven by a profound desire to bring heaven to earth , manifesting all of this consciously , naturally and synchronistically .
As an Advanced New Earth Human, undergoing profound transformation , genetic coding is being restored to its original template. Self has transitioned from an old version Earth human to fulfilling the higher purpose of transformation in New Earth.
During this internal shift, it is common for the old mentality consciousness to at times project fear about the unknown future. The higher self in collaboration to light team beings are always working on transcending the outdated program bandwidths of consciousness, clearing out the past conscious generational lineage timelines, and releasing internal imprints that no longer serve for further learning .
When Self encounters thoughts or actions coming from a place of protection, it is a signal of an old timeline attempting to sway and influence . The past realities deeply based in fear operate on a loop of automatic programming that no longer aligns with those moving beyond it.
The impulse to protect or blame others perpetuates a sense of powerlessness and stems from a past where individuals gave away their power, now in the process of reclaiming it from within. Expanding in conscious empowerment, releasing the need for protection or blame to consciously evolve towards embracing self’s full potential as an Advanced New Earth Human.
Starseeds , During in-between phases, The self will experience a major internal collapse of all old energies within and out The ascending have a strong inner desire for new earth reality to take shape . The internal changes is where it all starts , the universe knows the divine plan for this planet and for humanity , this is all manifesting within the being .
Some ascending at this time may experience physical sensations such as needing more sleep, a stronger conscious desire to recharge in nature, they may be feeling a sense of misalignment with certain people or situations that do not promote peace in life , intuition is guiding the self in becoming the higher version , aligning with vibrations of new earth realities .
Ascending light beings are assisting all ascending individuals to synchronically flow with inner and planetary transformations . recognising that Self is now in charge , this is inner power activation , gradually evolving in incremental stages . Expanding in newfound inner power , utilising this to protect inner peace .
Expecting profound changes to occur 2025-2027 . This will be the biggest planetary reset in humanity’s history to date , This will most likley effect many now ascending , as major conscious shifts will always activate temporary and necessary shake ups , in the outer world and in the self . A much higher power is involved , it will redirect and vibrationally align us all in accordance with this planet’s transformational trajectory .