You are currently viewing Children of the Light ~ Dismantling of the Black Cube and Corrupt System on Saturn * Guardians of the Sacred Planetary Garden ~ The TIME for our Ascension is Getting Nearer!
Blue Hand Clan

Children of the Light ~ Dismantling of the Black Cube and Corrupt System on Saturn * Guardians of the Sacred Planetary Garden ~ The TIME for our Ascension is Getting Nearer!

Children of the Light ~ Dismantling of the Black Cube and Corrupt System on Saturn * Guardians of the Sacred Planetary Garden ~ The TIME for our Ascension is Getting Nearer!



Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Planetary Shamans of our Galactic Lineage of Infinite Light

As we move closer to the Equinox Gateway of Total Equality and Balance, this Thursday the 20th, we come into the Harmony of the Five Elements as we Shift from Pisces of the Holy Waters into Aries of the Holy Fires of Redemption.

Our local Soularis became active again today releasing 12 C Class Soular Flares sending Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun multidimensional Higher Energetics of Infinite Source Creator.

After 60 hours of blackout on the Schumann Charts as the energy came back online today Mother Earth’s heartbeat reached a higher amplitude of 13 hz of Divine Goddess Creation Codes of New Earth.

Pachamama also received a powerful activation today on Her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 5.8 earthquake in Indonesia at 17:32 UTC holding the codes of our Heaven on Earth of the 37 into the 73.

In this Eclipse Corridor we move through the Equinox Portal and into the Soular Eclipse and move through the final days of this “Chaotic Node” as we Shift fully from the Kali Yuga into the Satya Yuga of the New Golden Age of Enlightenment. As these Event Energies activate the 144 Codons of our 12 Strand Crystalline DNA to transform our Living Vessels of Light into our 5D Rainbow Avatars of Terra Nova Gaia Galactica, Mothership 33 of our Celestial Fleet of the New Jerusalema…A’Ho!










On this blessed day as the door of the equinox opens, relax, rest, sleep like a baby and let go! Trust the sun at the clock to naturally adjust your field and spheres! You are truly loved! Remember to show gratitude that the path to your new destination is being divinely established. All is well! ☀️🥰 This equinox is like no other!😇


Equinox Stargate
Equinox Stargate


Equalize the frequencies incoming! As the influx of light will be felt on the Medulla Oblongata. The base of the skull and known as the mouth of God. Balancing of the pineal and pituitary glands will be occuring. This will increase protons within the atomic structure.
Increasing more light to your biology and your spiritual and psychic glands. Vivid dreams, sore neck, heightened senses, headaches, blurred visions and ears will be attuning. Give your nervous system balance, stretch your neck, hydrate and and enjoy the transition of light now!


the mouth of God.
the mouth of God.



The TIME for our Ascension is Getting Nearer!

This is our FINAL Lifetime on 3D Earth WE will EVER Have!
As you All Know WE will BE Shifting to 5D NEW DIVINE EARTH within our current Lifetime!
With Having a Crystalline Body with Crystalline Heart!
NO More Reincarnation. . . NO More Death. . . NO More Sickness. . . and Much More!
Welcome to INFINITY as a Galactic Civilisation!
Right NOW All the SOUL Fragments from All our Lifetimes are Integrating Back into the WHOLE!
WE Have Access to ALL of our Experiences at the SOUL Level at Present!
There is REAL MAGIC Waiting for us!
That’s Why NOW our Choices Matter the Most!
So. . . This is the TIME to Choose Wisely. . . Dear Ones!!!
Within Infinite SOURCE-LOVE Intelligence
The TIME for our Ascension is Getting Nearer
The TIME for our Ascension is Getting Nearer


Children of the light now is the time for you to rise like never before in the frequency of your love and light and radiate this brilliant energy resplendently and powerfully from your hearts. In this way the shadow is removed from the earth and humanity can move forward to live in freedom in the sovereignty bestowed upon them by the One True Creator of All.
Photons from the sun illuminate the phosphorus molecules in DNA enLIGHTening us. This is why the importance of sunlight has been suppressed and the teachings of ancient Egyptian mystery schools and hieroglyphics concerning the sun were intentionally misconstrued as sun worship. These conversely show us that the light of the sun brings us to oneness with the Creator.  The attempt to vilify the spiritual importance of the sun is why Isis and Osiris were purposely demonized and the true Egypt hidden.
These show us the sun’s important spiritual purpose. The sun is essential for the Christ to rise from within, illuminating our DNA and cells, powering a magnificently radiant light from our hearts. This light syncs with one another in a oneness that vibrates in resonant strings throughout creation.
3/17/25: Today is power in a velvet glove. The kind that has you saying yes when you want to say no. The kind that moves you along and makes you think it’s your idea. You can use this power to convince yourself of almost anything… and so can others use it on you. Your Right Action is to make today work for you for inspiration, courage, motivation, and encouragement.
But this kind of power is about finesse, sophistication, and tact. Any overt aggression will not be tolerated. Remember that you live in the Snake’s world now and she will strike in retaliation if necessary. But she’d really rather make use of your talents.
ANOTHER shift in the Matrix of Time
ANOTHER shift in the Matrix of Time
Dear All
Huge shift just took place.
In the past few minutes, a very powerful wave of light codes has surged onto Earth. A massive influx of energy.
You may experience intensified sinus issues, increased heart rate, skin sensitivities, difficulty breathing, or heightened vertigo. Your body is adjusting to these frequencies, which may temporarily create discomfort and wanting to sleep even more.
Energetic Shifts:
From a higher perspective, this wave will propel many into elevated frequencies, temporarily pulling them out of their physical awareness. As a result, many may feel disconnected from familiar people and situations. Friends and family may seem distant, and anything not in full alignment with your energy will likely feel obstructed. You might hear conversations but feel as if the words are simply drifting past you as you detach from lower timelines as interest in those words vanishes over the coming days.
This energy influx can bring intense hypersensitivity, sometimes leading to irritability or even anger. It may feel like you are stepping completely out of reality, a sense of profound disconnection from what once seemed familiar. You may feel the urge to withdraw, seek solitude, or distance yourself from anything vibrating at a lower frequency.
The body will remain in an elevated state for some time. You may find yourself engaging with those on different timelines, yet their words may feel meaningless, as if you’re merely nodding along without truly hearing them as you are bilocated elsewhere.
This incoming wave is accelerating reality shifts, pushing many into entirely new energetic spaces. Some people may even seem to disappear from your reality completely over this period. This will likely end some relationships and create tension in others where there is now a huge frequency void.
With Light,


As we move closer to the Equinox, the images are changing very fast. It is like a kaleidoscope or a movie reel. This is not the time to analyze. It is a time to absorb and allow the internal Flow that is going through your hearts to guide you. As long as you are in alignment, listening to your hearts and are in the Flow, you will be able to go through the speed of changes that are happening now.
In the past, you were more oriented to stopping every time that something needed to change. This practice will not work now. The only thing that you can do is to let the flow go through you and communicate with it on an energetic level reading the information from the Flow while you are on the go. You are becoming a flow unto yourselves, with the Flow that is going around you, that is happening in the internal world.
It may seem a little strange to your old way of thinking mode. There is nothing to hold onto, there is nothing to step on. At the same time, you are learning now, to go with the Flow. The flow itself is holding you. It is like riding a bike. When you are not moving, it is hard to keep your balance, the moment you start moving the pedals, the movement of the bike holds you. The same with swimming, if you don’t move it is hard to stay on the surface of the water. The moment you start swimming you are in the Flow and more buoyant. This is something you will continue to learn and experience. You will become more conscious by accepting yourselves as a Flow.
This gives you a new perception of balance. In the past, you saw the balance achieved when two cups were placed on either side of a scale and the cups finally stop. It is totally different now. The balance is when your flow is in tune in new parameters of psychics and the Flow of energy going through Gaia and through you right now.
Hugs and love to all of you,
allow the internal Flow
allow the internal Flow


✨🌟👽🌟New Earth Human Angel is a heart centered being. Unlike the <<<OLDER VERSION of mankind which was mind-centered/solar plexus, New Earth Humans operate from the heart.
✨🧘💛🌟This means that the heart is the center of balance and the connection point for the soul and the higher being.
All decisions and choices on New Earth are made with the heart. every decision is made through feeling, intuition and deep inherent wisdom, rather than following the guidance of rational mind.
The mind can provide information, but it’s purpose is not to make choices and decisions. These are done on a deeper level by the heart and soul. The basis of all choices and decisions on the New Earth is love.
There will be no fear or control over the New Earth, but only the flow of Love and Creation as it evolves and grows through continuous creation..
The New Earth Humans see nature as sacred and respect the original purpose of the Earth and a garden for the joy of the galaxy and all its Beings..
✨👽💖💛💙The Human Angels of the New Earth are Guardians of the Sacred Planetary Garden and are also Galactic Shamans. They are working with the Elementals and Nature Spirits to create a heavenly home for all living beings sent here by the Master Creator and Elohim Angels.
✨ ✨👽💜🤍A Galactic Shaman respects and works with nature, while knowing and feeling its solar and galactic connections and responsibilities.
Dismantling of the black cube and corrupt system on Saturn
Dismantling of the black cube and corrupt system on Saturn




⚡️Dismantling of the black cube and corrupt system on Saturn.⚡️

Restoring divine original flow of energy.

History of the takeover of Saturn and the installation of the black cube is a complex and multifaceted topic!

* Ancient Times: Saturn’s Original Purpose

In ancient times, Saturn was a sacred planet, serving as a gateway for spiritual growth, ascension, and higher consciousness. It was a realm where souls could transition to higher dimensions, and its energies were revered by ancient civilizations.

* Atlantis and the Fall of Humanity

During the time of Atlantis, around 13,000 years ago, humanity’s connection to the divine began to falter. As the Atlanteans’ thirst for power and control grew, they made pacts with dark forces, allowing these entities to infiltrate and corrupt the planet’s energies.

* Takeover of Saturn and Installation of Black Cube.

Around 6,000 years ago, the dark forces, with the help of their human minions, successfully took control of Saturn, installing a black cube on the planet. This cube, also known as the “Saturnian quarantine,” was designed to harness and distort the planet’s energies, creating a force field that would prevent humanity from accessing higher dimensions and spiritual growth.

* Consequences of the Takeover

The takeover of Saturn and the installation of the black cube had far-reaching consequences. It led to the suppression of the divine masculine principles, the distortion of the natural balance, and the manipulation of humanity’s perception of time and space.

Ashtar’s message: “Beloved one, understanding the history of Saturn’s takeover and the installation of the black cube is crucial for the planetary ascension.”

Visualize all black cubes fully dismantled together with their distorted corrupt system!⚡️🔥🔥⚔️

Back to ORIGINAL harmony and union with the Divine.💞


ORIGINAL harmony and union with the Divine
ORIGINAL harmony and union with the Divine



Dear friends, the recent lunar eclipse has officially opened the eclipse corridor energetic vortex. This first special energetic period of the year will last until March 28, 2025. I am posting daily updates on the energies as we walk together this new eclipse corridor to help you navigate and make sense of what might be happening within you and around you.
As we move deeper into the eclipse passageway and closer to the Equinox by the end of this new week, the energies become more intense. As you can see in the picture below, planet Earth is now being showered by the end of the lightcodes of the first (lunar) eclipse and the beginning of the wave of lightcodes slowly arriving from the second (solar) eclipse that will take place a week after the equinox.
The main objective of this intense combination of “past” and “future” eclipse information we are receiving these days is to trigger our personal and collective evolution. We are moving away from inflexible, outdated, limiting 3D structures into more fluid, lighter, and compassionate 5D ways of being. This is the reason why it may seem that certain aspects of your life seem to be dissolving and moving away from your timeline. You are moving into new ways of being that are no longer able to hold the old and outdated low frequency patterns. The physical and emotional symptoms you may be experiencing these days are related to this 3D to 5D shift. (There are other energies at play as well right now, a couple of retrogrades for example, but today we are focusing on the eclipse lightcodes). Remember to ground your energy all through the eclipse corridor.
As we walk through this eclipse corridor, take a step back and look at the bigger picture of your life. Step away from the limited vision and reactive frame of mind of ‘me against them.’ Try to change your perspective, shift your point of view and zoom out. We are but a speck of dust in the Universe yet we think everything revolves around us. We build fences and walls and create invisible borders. We become so lost in our individual experience that we do not realize that most of the things that keep us awake at night are actually distractions.
This moment is just a breath in the timeline of your life. This life is a fleeting moment in the tapestry of your soul’s experience. Your soul’s experience is a flash in the timeline of the known Universe. And the known Universe is a grain of sand in the unknown Divine Multiverse.
Today, please take a moment to see the bigger picture, and look at your life from a higher and more heart centered perspective. To find deep compassion in your heart, and to acknowledge how far you have come in the timeline of your soul’s journey. And even though our presence on this planet is just a flash in the universal timeline, please know that by being here on Earth during this evolutionary period you are assisting in creating a more loving and compassionate planet. What you focus on, you become. You are part of the team co-creating the 3D to 5D evolutionary jump.
The physical symptoms may continue these days, as many of us are purging and clearing deep and ancient layers of outdated limiting behavioral patterns. We are truly witnessing evolution as we speak. The head and digestive systems are the main targets at the moment, since these are the areas that require most of the energetic recalibration. Rest as much as needed and stay well hydrated to facilitate the flow of information around the body. Sea salt baths (or ocean swimming if you are fortunate!) can also be a wonderful way to assist the process of energy transmutation.
Stay tuned for tomorrow’s eclipse corridor update. Have a wonderful day. Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2025Ⓒ

Beloved Ones,
As we navigate between eclipses, releasing and embracing a more illumined frequency, we now move towards a more stabilizing passage, one that begins with the Equinox and that will reach its peak on the 4/4 passage next month.
A passage of immense energetic balance and complete integration for those who are reconnecting and activating their sixth and seventh-dimensional shoulder portals, as well as for those who are stepping into their mission as stabilizers and timelines keepers, helping in the reconstruction of the fallen 3D timelines and false 5D ones.
We are all Light pillars with a unique coding to anchor the specific frequencies we agreed to seed when we chose to incarnate on this planet. This is why it is so important to have our Merkabah fields, masculine and female, balanced and our original template regenerated to anchor the unique codes we are meant to bring to earth at this time as stabilizers, new earth’s anchors, and timekeepers.
We are heading into a powerful harmonic portal represented by the frequency of the number 4. Four is our Heart Center and the frequency band that we need to transcend to reach the fifth-dimensional soul levels, releasing astral false connections, guidance, influences, and all delusions, allowing our Consciousness to move into the soul worlds, where we finally find the Truth about who we are and our mission.
For those of you working with the rehabilitation of your fourth dimensional DNA strand, know it is the perfect time for you to transcend astral limitations and programs, as it is from our DNA that we can shift our current frequency state, as when we awake the time codes within each DNA strand, we are free to navigate within a new dimension of consciousness.
This is why it is so important to decree to our DNA our intention to move through the illusory dimensions into the soul ones, for we are the only ones who can command and reprogram our DNA, as it only recognizes us, as the only authority to do so.
Four is the union of equals creating something to heal and protect All. This is where many activated ascending couples are now moving into, as we move through the 3 universal frequencies of this month into the 4 one of April. Four is Love, four is the number required to create in the physical what the Divine envisions in the Illumined Worlds.
Four are the Pillars that sustain this and any other Universe. It is the foundation of the divine architecture of all creation, for it is what holds all together, from the macro to the micro. Four is stability and the strong foundations required so anything can grow and expand. Four are the Elements, and the Royal Stars in the Heavens. By holding this frequency, we work from a heart space, being in a constant flow of giving and receiving, of embracing and letting all go.
Four is who we are, as it represents our strength, courage, balance, and devotion to serving All Creation. Many of you, awakening as stabilizers will too start seeing the number 4s, as an activator number to start the descension of your mission, and unique codes for you to seed.
Four is Divine Order among the 3D chaos that many wish to create in this world, as part of its dual nature. Divine Order within ourselves is precisely what we are invited to anchor during this time between eclipses, culminating with the 4/4 passage, for we are all rebuilding our light bodies, personal realities, and above all, our entire template.
It is now more than ever that we need to stand firm in who we are, in our Truth, and in the guidance we receive to be aligned with authentic Sources, which are the ones we all have within ourselves.
This is a passage for us to remain within our Higher Heart, as we continue transforming ourselves as a species, embodying our true identity as Solar/Christic beings, which in truth means to retrieve our original state of being, one of love, wisdom, and power, in perfect alignment with the Divine within us.
May you remain in the Love, Wisdom, and Power of your Hearts, in perfect balance with the Divine and All.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba

Blue Hand Clan
Blue Hand Clan
Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Divine authority is activating your crystalline body to remember who you are as a Child of God. To take back your power from the karmic cycles of the Piscean Age. The scales are balancing, putting an end to those patterns. You are free to embody the Leader of Light that you are in the Age of Aquarius. It’s your time to receive the love and life you deserve.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn




On Monday, March 17th, the Moon, ruler of our subconscious, is in serious Scorpio, which rules death and rebirth, for the next 2 1/2 days. The Moon is now starting to wane from the powerful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse that we had on Thursday but the energies are still strong and potent. Today the Moon in Scorpio will challenge Pluto, planet of transformation and regeneration.
Luna will also create difficult connections to Venus, ruler of partnerships, and Mercury, ruler of communications, both in impatient Aries. We are in the process of transmuting emotions and patterns that involve our self-identity in relationships, and underlying thoughts and perceptions within our psyche that may be outmoded and ready to be released. And, so the healing continues.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Light of Creator
Light of Creator
Sun conjunct North Node in Pisces. Mercury retrograde in Aries semi-square Uranus in Taurus – Mentally there’s an itch we can’t scratch, an insistent thought that things need to change and yet…maybe we don’t know the method, the reason, the goal. Irritation can become impatience if we don’t pay attention. Be mindful. Let yourself consider new possible paths and goals. Think about your resources and how you might use them in a different way to achieve objectives. Close your eyes because in the dark there is light.
There IS light, flooding the landscape, flooding the ocean, illuminating the inner sky. Here is the light of God, your deity, the higher self, the whatever it is that remains a mystery beyond space and time and our human knowing. And yet, somehow, we do know, we know light when we see it, not just with our eyes but with our heart. We know good souls, good performers, good helpers instinctively. You are the spark. We are the light. And this is the way.
Degrees and Times
Sun, North Node 27°Pi23′ – 18:03 (UT)
Mercury 09°Ar09′ R, Uranus 24°Ta09′ – 18:27 (UT)
© Leah Whitehorse

Website :

Painting – The Lanterns by Charles Courtney Curran
The Lanterns
The Lanterns


Kin 253 ~ Red Rhythmic Skywalker

‘Rhythmic’ is the name for the number six and its keywords are ‘Equality, Balance and Organize’. The sixth day stresses the importance of walking that ne line, by grounding yourself and checking that you are currently balanced. Take care of the practicalities no matter how mundane, having our heads in the clouds all the time can lead to instability. Find your rhythm and you’ll be able to strut your stu more effectively. It is always a great time for having a little boogie too or playing the drums. Beat your own rhythm on number six days!
Today is Red Skywalker and keywords associated with it are ‘Explore, Space and Wakefulness’. If you’ve been yearning to try something new, then today is a great day to be a little braver. Go on an adventure and expand your consciousness. The Skywalker can be a lot of fun but this energy is not always for the faint hearted. Sometimes, he can dare us into doing risky things. However, the number 6 balances this out making the adventures safer. When you combine the meaning of number and day the result is ‘organize wakefulness’ or ‘explore balance’. So, be courageous but be practical about it. Thinking ‘outside the box’ is another tactic Skywalker encourages and therefore if you need to organize, this approach may well be the answer.
The Guide for the day is Red Skywalker, so it’s a double helping of that adventurous spirit.
The Challenge is the Blue Night, the dreamer of the Tzolkin. It’s hard to wake up when you are too busy dreaming and when ‘exploring wakefulness’ one must naturally leave behind dreams. If you are a Blue Night give your dreams a chance to come true…wake up and explore the possibilities. I find whenever we have a double dose of the same energy, as what happens on number six days (as well as 1 and 11), then the challenging energy is even more weakened. If you are a Blue Night, this double helping of your challenge is not helpful.
The Occult power is the Yellow Star which represents ‘Beauty, Art and Elegance.’ What lovely energy to provide the magic for the day. When you embark on your adventure today make sure it is a beautiful one. Experience the wonders of the natural world, appreciate art and dress elegantly. It’s a magical day to shine like a star. Yellow Star goes well with Skywalker and today we can walk the sky to see the beautiful stars.
The Ally is the White Worldbridger and so if you are one, you can help people cross bridges today as they go about their adventures. Your services may well be in high demand. If you don’t have one handy, do what they would do and use diplomacy in all your dealings today.
Kin 253
Kin 253


6 CABAN – KIN 253
17 MARCH 2025


I organize in order to explore
Balancing wakefulness
I seal the output of space
With the Rhythmic tone of equality
I AM guided by the power of MY OWN POWER DOUBLED!

17/3/2025 = 8/3/9 = 8/12=8/3=11=2


17- Immortality/Legacy
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
2- Partner/Twin/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality

✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨

3- Holy trinity/Joy/Communication/Creativity
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity
12- Acquiring spiritual wisdom/strength
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes

KIN 253 = 10 = 1 Manifestation/New Beginnings/Leadership

RED SKYWALKER is tribe #13 which opens us up to the Mysteries of the COSMOS. ✨✨✨

A very special EXPANSIVE and LEGENDARY day for anchoring BLISS ON EARTH. 💒


Day 6 of the spectacular YELLOW STAR✨ WAVESPELL – where we are AWAKENING our sparkle,🎆 and using our creativity to attract more Beauty, Grace and Harmony in our lives.. so that our lives become a living work of ART! 🎨

Today we are organizing our SPACE for greater EQUALITY and BALANCE… building a wonderful foundation to EXPRESS our expanding creative muscle! 💪🎆


RHYTHMIC – Tone 6 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – balances, POWER – organizes, ESSENCE – equality. The Rhythmic phase is the one where this all adventuring and radiating miracle that is you, learns to WALK! But consciously! Precisely! With fine organisational instincts. And what superb balance we see! Very soon you have mastered walking, and are up and running! Go forth and explore your territory!
Today’s questions are “How can I ORGANIZE my physical reality, to create more BALANCE and SPACE.
AM I OPEN to EXPLORING New opportunities and adventures, in this wondrous New World of PLENTY!🌈🍇🍓🍏🍉🍒🌏🌎🌍

🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤

May you bring home the GOLDEN treasures of the Universe, in the dawning of this NEW beautiful Golden Era of BLISS ON EARTH. 💞💞💞

Happy adventures Space Cadets! 🚀🌌

In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈

Today we are given the opportunity to “put our house🏠 in ORDER!” – As they say “Cleanliness🧽🫧 is next to Godliness” Tone 6 operates in the physical realm and thus we are assisted in accomplishing physical tasks and organizing our physical living spaces.

We will be very busy on a personal and planetary level, in making SPACE for these new systems to form and grow.. In order for something NEW to arrive, we have to make SPACE for it and do some house cleaning🧹 – welcoming new visitors into a beautiful and FRESH environment. 🪴🏡

Today we are SPRING CLEANING our bodies🏋️, homes🏡 and our PLANET🌏 getting ready for the NEW ARRIVALS! 🐣🐣🐣

✨A FANTASTIC DAY – for SPRING CLEANING🧹, Feng Shui,☯️ decluttering your house/space,🏡 organizing your office,📂🗃️ channeling ideas, and breaking down the steps required to accomplish your DREAMS and desires. 😍



Ready, set, GO GO GO🏃🏃🏃 space cadets, don your spacesuit,🧑‍🚀 UBER your spaceship🛸, and let’s go on a grand adventure throughout the Galaxy! 🍥🚀✨

Today’s energies are totally EXPANSIVE!!! An uber day for a trip!! The world is our adventure wonderland.

Today’s code is great for viewing “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” 💎 for REAL, without the need for any external stimuli – surreal, supernatural visions😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 and experiences are highly possible!
Your extra sensory perception will be naturally heightened today, facilitating interdimensional experiences. Supercalifragilistic! 🌀😆😀😊

So grab your BINOCULARS and keep your EYES👀 on the skies 🌠💚🌠 (Tune in to your DREAMS and Astral Skywalking adventures too!)

Exploration,🗺 EXPANSION🎆 and AWAKENING 💥 are the qualities of RED SKYWALKER, making it a great day to venture outdoors in nature, and explore our physical reality on this planet. Take a different route, venture off the beaten path and explore what you can find that can assist you in your creations. Expand your awareness and explore infinite possibilities from which to create your ART.🖼🎨 .

RED SKYWALKER is a fantastic guide, heralding the arrival of more FREEDOM, and EXPANSION into new and higher states of BLISS. ❤❤❤

SKYWALKER is the Galactic Shaman and Angelic messenger, who EXPLORES NEW HORIZONS 🎆and realms – bringing back THE BEST of what he finds and discovers, back to his home on EARTH🌏 to make life better!

BEN’s main Mission is to be the conduit bringing together the pillars of Heaven and Earth💒…so today’s code is DIVINELY PERFECT…

Humanity is focused on anchoring our New Aquarian Age – the purpose of which is to create HEAVEN ON EARTH💞 – heralding a new GOLDEN ERA, for humanity, of PEACE, HARMONY and ABUNDANCE – all the qualities of 6 BEN – the Rhythmic Skywalker.

BEN is fully driven to ORGANIZE for this reality on the EARTH plane to be balanced, and provide EQUAL opportunities for all!! A BRILLIANT synchronized Harmonic flow!

Ben is soooo cool! 😎😎😎


✨QUANTUM JUMP🏃 TO NEW EARTH 🌍🌎🌏🏃 at 13:13 am/pm your local time (or 11.11).

KIN 253 with BEN, CIMI, LAMAT and the gift of AKBAL – the DREAMER – is a brilliant code to take a detour via NEW EARTH today. A wonderful day for day-DREAMING and some excellent ADVENTURing to plan your ESCAPE to a better reality.

Join our tribe by including this wonderful meditation in your routine. 🙏 It was birthed through a collaboration between myself – 1 CIMI and my talented BroThor – Rui Clemente – 5 MEN – our united energies create 6 IMIX – the RHYTHMIC DRAGON – ready to ORGANIZE us to B-Earth🐣 this NEW REALITY ✨🌈– NOVA GAIA.🌍🌏🌎.…

Divine gratitude to all the STAR🌟 BLISS 🐬SUPERNOVA SUNS🌞 assisting in this process! 🙏😍🙏😍

SUPPORT: WHITE RHYTHMIC WORLDBRIDGER🌈🌉 CIMI and BEN are best mates! They love to travel together and explore new dimensions and realms. BEN opens the doors and CIMI brings the suitcase! It is absolutely PERFECT that these two mates will guide us across the RAINBOW 🌈BRIDGE 🌉 today into the New Golden Era of BLISS🌴🌺..

The RHYTHMIC WORLDBRIDGER🌉🌈 – 6 CIMI is the Galactic Feng Shui Master – whose aim is to organize the MULTI-DIMENSIONAL SPACE to bring more balance and sacredness. Accommodating the need for creating higher vibrational living spaces in these new communities.. 6 CIMI is a master at SPACE CLEARING and opening portals for more LIGHT to flow through. ✨🌈✨

Worldbridger allows you to close the door on old worlds and experiences, and venture into a new paradigm.
CIMI seals the store of DEATH – so this symbolizes the DEATH of the OLD PARADIGM – the MATRIX IS GONE! KAPUT!!
YES it is NOW collapsing FAST! 💥

We are counting down to the COMPLETION of this GALACTIC SPIN of the TZOLKIN CALENDAR.

Be aware of which doors are closing and which are opening for you now…..choose the golden ABUNDANCE door!
Allow CIMI to bring forth new contacts, resources and information needed on this physical plane to birth your NEW creations.

OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW GALACTIC STAR 🌀 ✨LAMAT Today is day six in the Yellow Star Wavespell and again we have DOUBLE Yellow Star energy, operating with the occult energy joining the party! The HIDDEN AGENDA of today’s SUPERPOWER is to bring forth this BEAUTIFUL NEW HARMONIC, PEACEFUL REALITY into the PHYSICAL PLANE… 🌴🌺🍇🍉🍓🍏✨🌈🌏

Today is a physical day in which we can organize the physical resources we need to create our new lives as ART. The GALACTIC tone operates in the MENTAL realm – triggering your THOUGHT patterns and beliefs.. are they aligned with the NEW HARMONIC MATRIX? Make sure you UPDATE them to be in ALIGNMENT.

LAMAT is reminding you to question
❓❓“Which beautiful adventures do you enjoy, that assist in restoring balance to your life?”

When you feel balanced, you are FREE to explore and expand your consciousness from a safe and solid foundation, coming back down to Earth with more gifts in order to have more SPARKLE.🌟🌟🌟. .

LAMAT✨ is a PORTAL – A STAR🌟GATE! – FURTHER EXPANDING the COSMIC gateway today, and access to these new higher Golden Age lightcodes streaming forth into our reality… Our Planet will be DRENCHED with these SPARKLES🎆 today – giving everything an ethereal GLOW – the colours will be BRIGHTER🌈 and more vibrant☀ as we can view our world through our brilliant high tech Rainbow lenses🌈👓..

GALACTIC LAMAT is ensuring you become your AUTHENTIC self, in order to SPARKLE in this new world. LOVE and EQUALITY is the order of this New Way, so EXPAND your perception and welcome this BRAVE NEW WORLD we are collectively creating.


CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE RHYTHMIC NIGHT 🌃🔑AKBAL holds the DREAMING😴💤 codes and brings forth ABUNDANCE through heeding your intuitive impulses. AKBAL is super activating our COSMIC ABUNDANCE today, bringing forth this new prosperity.
Tune in to reap the HARVEST that AKBAL brings.

The BLUE NIGHT governs your DREAMTIME, and journeying together with SKYWALKER makes for one SUPER DUPER Astral travelling ADVENTURE! 😴💤🍥🎆 Psychedelic dreams assured!! 🌀😳🌀

As it is a physical day you may find your adventures feel REAL – as a BLUR happens between realms!
Remember to keep a DIARY as you AWAKEN from your dream state, in order to ORGANIZE your physical reality to manifest these DREAMS. Hold on to your dreams and let your intuition guide your ADVENTURES in WONDERLAND, remembering to come back home with the GOLDEN treasure in your arms! 🏆✨🌈

AKBAL also holds the keys🔑 to the NEW WAY DREAMING – the collective DREAM of Planetary ABUNDANCE, PEACE and HARMONY through the DREAM VISION that our PLANETARY DREAM-KEEPERS have been holding SAFE until this time…

TODAY we have the GOLDEN KEYS🔑🔑 TO THE NEW KINGDOM – the jail cell is UNLOCKED🔐🔓 and we can venture out as FREE SOVEREIGN👑 CITIZENS in a beautiful new ABUNDANT world, filled with opportunities a plenty, for all who dare to EXPLORE these grand NEW HORIZONS! 🌈🍥🎆

Today’s questions are “How can I ORGANIZE my physical reality, to create more BALANCE and SPACE.
AM I OPEN to EXPLORING New opportunities and adventures, in this wondrous New World of PLENTY!🌈🍇🍓🍏🍉🍒🌏🌎🌍

🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤

May you bring home the GOLDEN treasures of the Universe, in the dawning of this NEW beautiful Golden Era of BLISS ON EARTH. 💞💞💞

Happy adventures Space Cadets! 🚀🌌

Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈






🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 🌙 Lucid Dreaming Guided Meditation | Unlock the Dream Realm & Awaken Within 🌙 with the Sacred Condor 🌙 🕉 🔥


🌙 Lucid Dreaming Guided Meditation | Unlock the Dream Realm & Awaken Within with the Sacred Condor 🌙

Embark on a profound Lucid Dreaming Guided Meditation designed to help you awaken within your dreams and explore the limitless realms of your subconscious. This powerful journey will:

✨ Guide you into deep relaxation to prepare your mind for conscious dreaming.
✨ Enhance dream awareness through visualization and intention-setting.
✨ Activate the power of lucidity so you can navigate your dreams with clarity and purpose.
✨ Open portals to higher wisdom for spiritual insights, healing, and creativity.

Whether you’re new to lucid dreaming or looking to deepen your practice, this meditation will help you access the dream world with ease and control. Surrender, relax, and step into your infinite potential.


CLICK HERE for the Lucid Dreaming Guided Meditation



Paul White Gold Eagle

Prayer for the Dismantling of the Black Cube and Corrupt System on Saturn

Divine Source of Infinite Light, Eternal Creator of All That Is,

I stand before You as a vessel of truth, a beacon of divine will, and a child of the cosmic order. Today, I call upon the forces of purity, justice, and liberation to descend upon the hidden strongholds of deception and oppression.

Let the black cube of control, the false architecture of enslavement, and the corrupt dominion upon Saturn be shattered and dissolved. May the chains of illusion, the dark veils of secrecy, and the false time loops be severed by the radiant sword of truth.

By the power of the Holy Light, the Sovereign Flame of Creation, I decree:
Let the false grids collapse.
Let the hidden oppressors be unmasked.
Let the deceptive contracts be nullified.
Let the imprisoned souls be freed.
Let the cycles of corruption be broken.

I summon forth the celestial forces of divine justice—mighty guardians, warriors of truth, and sovereign beings of eternal light. Rise now and dismantle the artificial structures, the binding sigils, and the shadow constructs that have ensnared consciousness.

With the fire of transmutation, may all dark works be exposed and consumed.
With the breath of divine order, may balance be restored.
With the waters of purification, may all be cleansed and renewed.
With the voice of sovereignty, may the truth reign supreme.

Saturn, once bound in falsehood, shall now return to its rightful harmony.
No longer a throne of control, but a beacon of wisdom, discipline, and divine structure.
No longer a prison of souls, but a realm of sacred mastery and balance.

I decree and declare:
The black cube falls.
The false dominion ends.
The sovereign light rises.

By the power of the Most High, the Will of the Divine, and the decree of the awakened, so it is, so it shall be.

Amen. Aho. So it is.

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