Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Sacred Star Blossoms of our Galactic Alliance of the Universal One

Through today’s Stargate Portal and tomorrow’s Full Fire Supermoon in Aries all our Starseed Earth Angelics of the Chosen Lineage of Light are being activated and transformed in the deepest and highest levels of Pure Christos Sophia Consciousness.

With the assistance of our local Soularis through the transmissions today of 10 C Class Solar Flares and 6 M Class Flares with the most powerful maxing at 3.77 at 3:46 UTC, Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun are breaking through all barriers and obstacles that have veiled the Truth and Gnosis from all our Good People of the New Earth.

Pachamama also received a Trinity of powerful activations today in her Sacred Portal with a magnitude 6.0 earthquake in Turkey at 7:46 UTC and a 5.9 earthquake in Afghanistan and Mexico today.

Tomorrow’s Full Moon in Aries, the Ram, at 4:26 AM PST will bring us both a Grand Water Trine and a Grand Earth Trine as the Threefold Flame through the Trinity Heaven’s Gate is fully lit up and blazing the Holy Rays of God’s Kingdom on Earth.

The Holy Waters of the Mother Dragon Goddesses are set free and flowing freely over our Sacred Lands to cleanse and clear the Direct Path to our Higher Self at One with Infinite Source Creator to Liberate all Sentient beings from Samsara and transform this realm into the Pure Land of Paradise she has always evolved to be…A’Ho!







Melissa Lyran

Only new beginnings on New Earth now. Compassion for others & YOURSELF. The start of the golden age required letting go of the illusion of separation. What came before is not as important as what’s here now. Be in the vibration of the solution & allow good things in your heart.
The Golden Age is dawning
The Golden Age is dawning


The walls within, around your heart are collapsing, and so are the walls of the old matrix. This is happening for all of humanity, whether one may be aware of it or not. You are healing. Greater waves of love have pierced the matrix. And now change intensifies on a new level.
When the third eye is aligned with the heart center, wisdom begins to flow from the soul. A new and higher way of expression is activated. The mind is no longer deceived by outer influences. In meditation you can visualize a cord of light from the center of your brain to your heart, and see light flowing back and forth.
Love of Two Souls on the Mothership
Love of Two Souls on the Mothership


October 17th : Full Moon in Aries aligned with Chiron

Wow, what a powerful Fire Moon!
This one will send you on your way towards your goals and ambitions.
Fire moons are always volatile and explosive, so watch that energy and allow it to connect you to your passion rather than explode your dreams!
The connection with Chiron ensures that there will be some form of deep healing being activated, so be aware of your emotions and what may trigger you under this Moon.
At its best, an Aries Full Moon brings warmth and love and activates the best in you to step forward and be seen.
Maybe a Fire Ceremony would be good, to release the past and make space for the New as we move forward into our new lives.
Have a beautiful and powerful Full Moon.
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
Full Moon in Aries aligned with Chiron
Full Moon in Aries aligned with Chiron


This is the Great Awakening happening right now and quite evident on Earth but in the meantime we are being asked to collaborate, socialize and activate being that pillar of light, just BEING… All those who have done the work and are now the pillar of light in their surroundings, you are asked to walk with your head held high in all humility and emit your light.
We have succeeded and we are after completing something important and we are going to reap the fruits of our efforts.
The phenomenon I experienced in 2019 that is called the shift of dimension to transport me completely into pure consciousness Love 5th dimension that lasted a few moments, it is the famous shift (shift) that we will all experience. More and more ascension guides are talking about it on the Earth, he feels it, he channels it, I’ve been lucky enough to experience it, I’m not the only one and we all know that we’re getting closer.
All the chaos that exists is completely normal, it is there for the awakening that will cause it even more awakening, which will transport humanity into an even higher consciousness. All these phenomena are now accelerated.
After the awakening comes the awakening and now it’s on a collective level that it’s going to happen in all areas and all over the world… Everything will become visible and it’s a good start!
Guide d’ascension


~ The Earth Alliance reports that

will continue through to EARTH TIME
as Pleiadian LIGHT Forces use advanced 5D ANDARA ENERGY TECHNOLOGY to finalise the clearing of old 3D MATRIX ENERGY as well as the remaining 4D ASTRAL debris / 40 HERTZ / 5D GAMMA LIGHT Waves will FIRE back up again in the next 72 HOURS as the old MATRIX continues giving way to the NEW EARTH / Think of this EARTH TIME as an incredible transition where the old REALM is phased out and the New One is phased in / Expect POWERFUL MAINSTREAM NEWS COMING OUT regarding the Old MATRIX SHUTDOWN that is in progress / OPERATION DELTA GROUND FORCES will be physically removing the few remaining Low-vibration DARK CABAL- Controllers over the next 4 EARTH WEEKS /
The FREQUENCY DIMENSIONS are clashing as the new 5D LIGHT MATRIX overlay is gently retrofitted into place over this PLANET / PLEIADIAN Delta Security Fleets are monitoring everything that moves at this HOUR / so know that all is well / We ask you to allow the GREAT Changes that are COMING to take place and accept them as part of a beautiful UNIVERSAL PLAN /
Be aware that all of this is being done in a very QUIET way and that all of those HUMANS that are still uninformed about the coming of the EARTH CHANGES continue to remain none the wiser about any of this at this STAGE / Remember that we have said this 5D Transition is FIRST of all to apply to the LIGHTWORKERS stationed on EARTH and that the rest of HUMANITY will come along behind when they are themselves READY /
It is also important that we remind you about who and what you TRULY are / You are an ADVANCED CELESTIAL BEING of LIGHT that came to this REALM from a very High Place in this UNIVERSE / Where you come from, you are / CELESTIAL ROYALTY / and this is where you are returning to!
Your New 5D KINGDOM on EARTH is being prepared at this moment and soon you will walk fully into it in GREAT GLORY! Do not be dismayed about saying Goodbye to to the Old Energies that no longer serve you / There is such a wonderful LIFE ahead of you / GREAT ONE / but you must start aligning with this New Way of BEING and moving forwards towards your DREAMS now /
This GRAND TASK your are participating in is not only one of your main duties on EARTH as an Extraterrestrial BEING of LOVE and LIGHT / Your other Primary MISSION here is to take COSMIC LIGHT-DATA into your existing Physical container / DECODE it and then broadcast it back out after you have Ascended into every DARK corner of this area of the UNIVERSE until / PURE LIGHT / PREVAILS /
If you are still experiencing moderate Ascension symptoms / it is very normal and due to the massive amount of LIGHT Waves coming into EARTH at this incredible time / PLEIADIAN Medical Officers are scanning all Starseed HUMAN BODY-VESSELS around the PLANET / making sure your BIO-CELLULAR Systems remain stable throughout this GREAT Transition to 5D /
Your Physical BODY is moving up into a lighter and faster vibrating DIMENSION where it would at present not normally fit / so slow Carbon-to- CRYSTAL modifications are being applied at the ATOMIC level of your DNA / These Advanced ENERGY workers are assisting you integrate this POWERFUL MAGNETIC LIGHT into your cellular structure and are carefully watching the whole process / BE PATIENT / TRUSTING and allowing as it happens /
The entire STARSEED Collective has now shifted to an entirely new FREQUENCY level / so it takes a moment to adjust to it / Stay grounded and take good care of yourself as we move FORWARD in co- creating the
/////////////// NEW EARTH /////////////////

10/16/24: Today’s karmic debt is 16/7. It’s called the “dark night of the soul” and is the most unsavory and unsettling of all the karmic debt numbers. It begins within the ego, the self, and then moves into the realm of daily human life… home, health, and work.
The debt is incurred when the ego self gets stuck in human travails and enticements and forgets its divine nature. Instead of becoming the observer of its reality, it builds towers of expectations that earthly life will satisfy it. The debt is paid when the self realizes that the world is for soul growth and not ego gratification and returns to its spiritual journey. Your Right Action today is to seek quiet moments of introspection.
The world is a very noisy and compelling place. Today is for silence.


Tanaaz ~ Forever Conscious

Arcturus Gateway

On October 17, the Sun makes its annual alignment with one of the brightest stars in the night sky, Arcturus.
As our Sun comes into alignment with Arcturus, we are able to merge with its energy and receive its incredible frequencies on Earth.
We should feel this Gateway of Arcturian energy with us from October 16th through to the 18th.
Arcturus is about 25 times bigger than our Sun and is located north of the celestial equator. You can see it shining brightly from both hemispheres, and it has a distinct orange-red hue.
As a bright shining star, Acturus captured the attention of our ancient ancestors.
Many myths and legends were shared about Arcturus, and it was used as a guiding star for those making the long journey across the seas.
In western astrology, Arcturus is believed to be a lucky star that carries the energy of prosperity and determination. It indicates that if we work hard and are fair and honest in our pursuits, we will be justly rewarded.
In Vedic astrology, Arcturus is known as Swati, which means “very beneficient.”
Edgar Cayce, the famous psychic and prophet has also channeled information from Arcturus, saying it was home to a highly advanced alien race. Other psychics and mystics have also channeled information from this star.
There are also Arcturian starseeds on Earth, which are those that descended from Arcturus and feel a strong connection to the star.
As the Sun aligns with Arcturus, we are able to receive its light codes directly to the planet and straight into our bodies.
These light codes will enter as a column of bright blue light that descends from the heavens straight down into the top of our heads. From October 16th-October 18th, visualize this blue column of light shooting through the center of your body.
Feel this bright blue light, lifting your mood, opening your own energy gates, connecting you to the abundance all around, and inviting more joy into every cell of your body.
Arcturians are light-hearted beings. They remind us to not take life so seriously and to remember that this is all part of a much bigger “game.”


Arcturus Gateway
Arcturus Gateway

The 12 new STARGATES

In the beginning of this year I received that there are 12 major STARGATES that will be activated in 2024 and 2025. These gates are in different countries/oceans and are currently (partially) closed.
At one point they were fully operational and connecting the Earth with different star systems. Receiving information through plasmic frequency and starlit water.
When the frequency of the Earth dropped in to lower density, and after a major cataclysm, these gates where closed off and kept hidden. All are buried deep inside the Earth and are only felt by those who are sensitive to energy and have a contract from Atlantean times to Guard these Stargates until it is time.
These Stargates are covered in a lot of technology and guarded by a ring of Dragons. Dragon eggs are buried deep inside the gate and through connecting with Dragon consciousness can we find a way to bring the Stargate back online.
It is in the protection of the Father, the nurturing love of the Mother and the Innocence of the Child that we find the equilibrium to open up these ancient gates again. We are with many connected to these gates and the ones who have the master codes and travel towards these places physically are mostly aware of who they are.
They are masters from Atlantean times (or carry fractals of this consciousness). Are mission orientated and have a memory from Eden paradise timeline. They are the Elders of this Ascension cycle and together they are creating this wave of light being able to anchor here in this Earth realm.
Some of us are here to connect our Dragon Consciousness with the Stargates. Some others are here to swim with the Whales and Dolphins and have access to their wisdom on how to evolve these Stargates in to fully operational systems and reconnect them back in to the grids.
Some have access to the crystal technology that is used in the gates and some are here to work with the nodepoints connecting it all.
We are a collective consciousness here to make a change. It was phropecised and we are getting close.
Those who feel called to work with the grids and the Stargates have felt this calling since a long time. And deep inside is a knowing of a circuit of 12 new Stargates waiting to be discovered.
The Atlantean Source crystals will be pulsating an incredible white light when the Stargate is re-activated.


Dear friends, the energy in the air is dynamic and preparatory, setting the stage for the upcoming Full Supermoon in Aries tomorrow Thursday October 17. As we approach this potent lunar event, the biggest Supermoon of the year, the energies are building in intensity, amplifying emotions and intensifying desires.
A sense of inner spark may be stirring within, courtesy of the Aries energy, urging us to take action and express our renewed individuality. Simultaneously, Libra’s influence seeks equilibrium in relationships and personal dynamics, highlighting the importance of balance and harmony.
Astrologically speaking, the electric Sun in Libra shines a light on interpersonal connections, while the magnetic Moon in Aries ignites courage and self-expression. Other planetary players are also lending their special energies into this lunation. Venus in Scorpio delves into profound emotional connections and intimacy, and Mars in Gemini stimulates mental agility, adaptability, and communication. This is a complex energetic landscape, but it is meant to catapult us into new ways of interacting and sharing our Light with the world.
As a result, emotional intensity is increasing, and emotions may surge, requiring mindful navigation. You may feel growing restlessness, as Aries energy can stir impatience and frustration. However, this same energy can also inspire creativity and innovative ideas. New ways of doing things may come into your awareness these days. The old ways are softly dissolving.
To harness these complex full moon energies, try to acknowledge and express your passions and desires, embracing your inner fire. Nurture harmony in relationships and personal dynamics, seeking balance and equilibrium. Engage in open, respectful dialogue, and be mindful of your communication.
As you prepare for the Supermoon, reflect on what you’re ready to release. Take time to meditate on your passions, connecting with your inner spark and desires. Journaling your emotional insights can also provide valuable perspective. Engage in physical activity to stir your energy and awaken your inner strength if your body feels energized. On the other hand, if these energies feel too intense allow your physical body to rest and recalibrate. Stay well hydrated too.
By embracing the building tension, inner spark, and pursuit of balance, you will be well-prepared for the potent release and renewal that lies ahead. Allow yourself to be guided by the cosmic forces, and trust that you’re being propelled toward growth, transformation, and liberation.
Have a wonderful day, much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ




For your Light Journey is a Rhythmic Dance of Light Cycles.
Intrically designed as your eyes focus and align to the internal vibrations of You.
Truly a Miracle of Light, encompassed within your physical light body.
For Cellular Whispers, the internal workings of your physical form is a communication stream of Vibrational Light Information.
Like an Ancient Clock, intrically made, a wonderful eye inspiring piece of Art.
As you feel the impulse to Learn more. Know your Physical Form is calling you for deep cellular discussion. A unique internal dialogue is whispering to you.
For your Role of Light Is Calling You… the path will continue to appear as you awaken to more parts of you.
Trust in yourself, trust in the dialogue.
Awaken to the internal Light of YOU.
As your Heart Continues To Open in Light🙏
With Love, Way Shower.
The Arcturians & Karen Lithika
Trust the Flow
Trust the Flow
Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

The Aries Full Moon is inviting you to release difficulty and walk away. There is a higher path and timeline that is open for you. This timeline includes Divine Union, unconditional love, and loyal stable relationships. Release the fear and follow the light taking you out of false flames and karmic relationships. You are safe to trust your intuition that’s fearlessly guiding you to accept and receive true love.

God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn





Dragon Goddess
Dragon Goddess


This is a small little blurb to make mention how absolutely wild (near biblical) this Full Moon in Aries is going to be tomorrow morning, EST USA.
In short, we will have these important aspects:
*2 Grand Trines ( Water, Earth)
*6 Castles (Including a strong presence of Pluto and Venus at the anaretic 29 degrees), (comprised of 6 Cradles)
*1 T-Square
*1 Grand Cross in the Cardinal Signs
*2 Mystic Rectangles
*1 Lucifer’s Rectangle
*2 Yods

**FULL MOON 24° ARIES – THU OCT 17 – 4:26AM PDT**

This week’s full moon joins Chiron in Aries while squaring both Mars in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn as well as forming a sextile to Jupiter in Gemini. In addition, Venus in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus while forming a trine to Neptune in Pisces as well as a sextile to Pluto in Capricorn.
A culmination of self-realization comes at us like a punch in the face this week as being ‘pushed into a corner’ has us almost forced to recognize the order of our priorities which does NOT include adherence to collective pressure or traditional courses of action near the top of that list.
Instead, by treating ourselves AS the number one priority in our lives, we are realizing that we have to think outside of the box and to OPEN ourselves to novel options and opportunities that will better serve us and our highest intentions…
By rearranging our priorities to put our authentic sovereignty FIRST, we have an opportunity to re-wire our psyches in a way that allows us to address collective pressure and traditional expectations in a healthier manner which creates a greater degree of BALANCE and a lesser degree of struggle!
We BELONG here too…it’s time to live as though that is true.
Full Moon at 6 degrees Aries, also known as the Harvest Moon
Full Moon at 6 degrees Aries, also known as the Harvest Moon

Adrienne Elise

Wow, are we in a dynamic time of Astrology! The saga continues with the Sun in Libra, in opposition to Chiron in Aries at 21 degrees today. Mars in Cancer is also at 21 degrees, making a T-square with the Sun and Chiron. This is a tension moment, in Cardinal signs, pushing us into Great Change.

With the Sun in Libra opposing Chiron in Aries, we are coming up against where we have given away our Power to those we should never have even interacted with. These beings have been working against the spiritual evolution of humanity and Earth. In square to Mars in Cancer, it’s the energy of nurturing which pulls us through this. We are being guided to be gentle and love ourselves through this time of rapid transition.

Mars in Cancer is fighting for the feminine and energy of compassion. We have continually gotten the message that the only way forward is by coming back to the Mother. We must join together, in our Hearts with our Organic Loving Mother Earth. We SuperNovas have a very special connection with Her Soul. She asks us to ‘Bring Them Home to Me’.

Things are really lining up with this week’s Full Moon in Aries. Planets in the last part of the signs are connecting, and making a star pattern. This is telling us that the time has come for us to come into our Full Potential. It’s about the Higher Activation and Spiritual Awakening that is quickly amplifying.

Venus in Scorpio is coming into opposition with Uranus in Taurus. Our feminine is claiming back Her direct access to Creation Energy. It’s the Goddess that brings us back Home. We are feeling ready to open up to our magical higher Intuitive Abilities. This is supported by the sextiles between Neptune and Uranus, as well as Neptune and Pluto. We must reclaim the miracle energy of the Piscean Age, in order to move into the Aquarian Age. This is also the embodiment of the Divine Feminine in each of us.

Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus are in an Earth Trine. We are freeing ourselves from the external control and false authority. Uranus in Taurus is urging us to open to our Higher Power. It can all be harmonized. And that is the New Dream which is Her Original Dream.




On Wednesday, October 16th, we are combining the feminine energy of the Moon with the masculine energy of Aries the Ram, as we approach the Full Moon on Thursday morning at 7:26am. As the energy builds throughout the day today, and into tomorrow, our emotions will intensify and we may feel more angry, frustrated, fiery, passionate, impatient, reactive, bold and “take charge!”
This Full Moon will connect with Chiron, the Wounded Healer, bringing up past, and past life, challenges and traumas that may still be in need of healing. It can provide the impetus that is needed to move through these energies to mend and restore our inner well-being. The Full Moon will also create a a challenging T-Square configuration with Mars, the Warrior, and Pluto, the Transformer. This can produce explosive energy in relationships, situations, and world events.
However, it can also inspire us towards action that we may need to take, in order to move forward towards something new. So, healing, initiation, endings and new beginnings! Let’s see what unfolds!
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Moon with the masculine energy of Aries the Ram
Moon with the masculine energy of Aries the Ram
Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune retrograde in Pisces – Whilst stormier aspects rumble away, we might want to tune into a sweeter note hovering over the top. With Venus and Neptune connected, love and compassion float through the ether. This is the perfect time for romantic encounters, but all forms of love are heightened under this influence. Snuggle with your honey. Cuddle your pet. Hug yourself. Giving and receiving affection soothes the soul. Follow the impulse to reach out and connect.
Intuition and artistic sensibilities are also boosted during this transit. Let your heart lead you on a creative journey. Arrange an artist’s date with yourself. Express your feelings through art, poetry, music. Absorb yourself in nature’s kaleidoscope to reconnect with spiritual magic. Practice healing with colour. Open your heart to mystical experiences. Honour your deity. Send up a prayer to your ancestors. Love crosses all dimensions.
Degrees and Times
Venus 27°Sc51′, Neptune 27°Pi51′ R – 01:49 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – ‘Woman with a Cat’ by Edouard Manet
Woman with a Cat
Woman with a Cat

Kin 101 ~ Red Planetary Dragon

‘Planetary’ is the name for the number 10 and its keywords are ‘Perfect, Manifest and Produce’. The tenth day of a wavespell is perfect for producing results. You can manifest what you need, it is a very helpful number and whatever day it combines with, it creates improvement. The number ten is essential in this calendar system because we have ten fingers and toes to count on. We keep score using these ten digits. Today is a ten out of ten and so, enjoy this perfect day.
Today is Red Dragon which represents ‘Nurturing, Being and Birth’. The Dragon is the symbol of Mother Earth, and the caves where dragons dwell are the Mother’s womb and this is why dragons are associated with rebirth and nurturing. When combined with the ‘Planetary’ tone or number, we have a day that is perfect for re-birth, a perfect day to manifest much needed nurturing. So, take care of yourself and others, expect new beginnings and opportunities and be confident that you can manifest what you need to facilitate all these things.
The Guide today is the Red Moon and the moon is a powerful influence and that leaves us with no option other than to go with the flow. When the Red Moon guides us, it is inviting us to relax, let go and trust that the Universe knows what it is doing. Things are unfolding at their own pace and there is nothing you can do to hurry the process up. You are granted permission today to chill out.
The Challenge today is the Blue Monkey. This does not necessarily mean the monkey is going to be naughty today but that he is in a weakened position and can’t cause much mayhem. If you are a Monkey, you may find it difficult to get the nurturing you need today. All you can do is allow the chilled-out moon energy to guide you and so you too can just relax.
The Occult power today is the Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment’. Whatever day in the Tzolkin it is or whatever day you yourself were born on, always look to the Occult power for strength. If you focus on that rather than any of the potential challenging aspects of the day, you’ll be OK. The Occult power is the magical hidden strength and today is Yellow Sun which suggests that you can ‘see the light at the end of the tunnel’ or in other words, the answers will come to you and light will shine on the truth and all you have to do is use a little magic.
The Ally today is the White Mirror which represents ‘reflecting truth’. If you need help today, locate a White Mirror as they are assigned the task of being everyone’s friend today providing support and advice. If you don’t know one personally, you can be your own mirror and simply be truthful today and that will get you what you need.
Kin 101
Kin 101


10 IMIX – KIN 101
16 OCTOBER 2024
Producing being
I seal the input of birth
With the Planetary tone of Manifestation
I AM guided by the power of Universal Water
16/10/2024 = 7/10/8 = 7/18 = 7/9 =16 =7
✨7.7.✨ Double MAGICIAN code
16- The TOWER struck by lightning/Sudden unexpected events
7- Spiritual/Mystic/Magician/Solitude/Initiation/Test
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
10- Manifestation/Perfection/Authority/Power/Leader
1-New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
18- Social upheaval/endings
9- Endings/Completion/Service/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 101= 2 – Partnership/Cooperation/Duality
A day to hone your DIVINE MANIFESTATION muscle!💰💲💪 and B-EARTH our NEW nurturing CREATIONS. 🐣
Day 10 in the YELLOW HUMAN WAVESPELL of wisdom, influence, intelligence, free will and Abundance. Today we MANIFEST wise choices that influence us to take response-ability, for the purity of nurturing our bodies, and caring for others.
We can also use our free will and intelligence to b-EARTH our new ideas and MANIFEST personal and planetary ABUNDANCE! 💰💰💰
PLANETARY 🌏💫– Tone 10 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – produces, POWER – perfects, ESSENCE – manifestation. The 10th stage of the Wavespell is the perfection of all we imagined as possible. And more! It is the harvest stage where we happily reap our manifest splendor. The forms we have been imagining begin to manifest into our reality, and our lives begin to reflect the deep soul longings that we desire.
PLANETARY🌍🌎🌏 energies enable us to build and manifest strong connections with Spirit today. We have the power to MANIFEST and produce incredible prosperity, happiness and joy, both in our hearts and the PLANETARY HEART of NOVA GAIA. ❤🌏 As we are all ONE HEART.❤
The PLANETARY tone of PERFECTION and MANIFESTATION enables us as a global family to
We are PERFECTING the expansion of LOVE, throughout the new HARMONIC MATRIX, which is b-Earth-ing our beautiful new compassionate world.
Today’s questions are “What is it that needs my care and attention to be birthed into Creation?”
“How can I assist in b-Earth-ing our New reality🐣🌈🌎 and manifesting Planetary Abundance?”
Today provides a beautiful opportunity to gather with our KIN, honouring our Mothers and connecting through our precious HEARTS, giving gratitude for the remembrance that we are LOVED and supported throughout all of CREATION. Aho! 🙏💞👪❤
Divine blessings for the manifestation of your wondrous and beautiful New Creations… 💙💚💛💜
Aho Planetary kin. HOLD THE PERFECTED VISION of BLISS on EARTH! 💞🌏🌎🌍
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
✨HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! ❤ 👪 – 18 moons ago – KIN 101 perfectly aligned with MOTHER’S DAY
We had a PLANETARY NURTURANCE code, on this GLOBAL day of honouring our MOTHER’S, all those beautiful souls throughout time who have BIRTHED humanity. It is a day of honouring our MOTHERS, GRANDMOTHERS and the whole MATRIARCHAL lineage, all the way back to our DIVINE MOTHER who has birthed all of CREATION. ❤💞❤💞 .
Today we reconnect with this HONOURING of our matriarchal ancestry through the RED DRAGON kin.. the DIVINE FEMININE has returned in a full blaze of GLORY!!
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED PLANETARY DRAGON 🌏 🐉– IMIX represents the GODDESS energies, the MOTHER GOD aspect of creation, that BIRTHS🐣 new energies from the VOID of CREATION.🍥.. from the womb!
2024 is the YEAR of the YANG WOOD DRAGON 🌳🐉– It has been a 12 year hiatus since the last DRAGON YEAR – the YEAR of the YANG WATER DRAGON 🌊🐉– very fittingly in 2012.. a pivotal year in GAIA’S ASCENSION process..
This is a HUGE marker for humanity – and today the PLANETARY DRAGON🌎 🐉– KIN 101 is sending out the clarion call for our DRAGON KIN – to take their positions as they prepare to take the helm and guide spaceship EARTH to a new GOLDEN ERA of ABUNDANCE, PEACE and HARMONY. Yahooo!!!
Today IMIX asks you to TRUST in Divine nurturance.👪 Primal trust means making CHOICES with no guarantees, knowing that divine nurturance will provide what is needed for your journey. It means making choices moment by moment, implicitly trusting your innate steering mechanism of heart-knowing.
Primal trust implies surrendering to the WILL of the DIVINE SELF, letting go of what your ego deems to be control of the outcomes in your life. It means deeply trusting the processes that are at work within your present spiral of evolution. 🙏📿 Aho!
LET GO and allow Mother Dragon🐉 to birth all those brilliant SEEDS🌱 in your creation vortex.
❓❓What do you desire to B-EARTH today?🤔🐣
As it is a PLANETARY 🌏🌍🌎TONE today there is a very STRONG focus on PLANETARY rebirth, New beginnings, manifesting our Planetary utopia…all the energies of the last 10 days are culminating in today’s creation.
Even though it APPEARS that things are getting worse, before every Birth there is hard labour! So as we PUSH through the discordance, we WILL make it through the birth canal to the beautiful GIFT🎁 at the end of the tunnel – the newly BIRTHED EARTH. 🐣🌏🐣
We are nearly there folks, HOLD THE FAITH and TRUST the DIVINE PLAN. .👍
What are YOU birthing today?????
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED PLANETARY MOON🌏🌛 – MULUC also represents the GODDESS👸 and as such we have TWO DIVINELY FEMININE SOLAR SEALS 👸🐉👸🌛bringing forth DOUBLE the qualities of MOTHER GODDESS/CREATRIX. 🍥⚛
MULUC contributes the Goddess 👸energies of intuition and flow🌫 through her Universal Waters.💧🌫
We have a DOUBLE GODDESS👸👸 code today.. The Mother Creator – RED🐉 DRAGON, and the Purification Moon🌛 Goddess. This beautiful guiding power today is our Planetary MIDWIFE 👶– enabling us to birth the new, through the Universal waters. We are finally breaking and releasing our new babies, our offspring and creative offerings. Of course the main agenda of the Planetary Goddess is to birth our nurturing new EARTH! 👶🐣🌏
The GODDESS has indeed RISEN today, and has FLUSHED out the density from GAIA’s GRIDS to reclaim her throne, aligned with Mother Nature and the natural synchronic order of time….We are returning to harmonic order, flow and natural abundance once more….as Father/Mother God always intended for us.
Today we need to PERFECT the wisdom of our choices, by responding to the FLOW of life, and what appears in our path. Accepting responsibility and trusting that all things will flow 🌊 smoothly with ease and grace.
MULUC invites us to further detox and purify our minds and physical bodies and that of our planetary body and her Universal Waters. 🌊🌊🌊
The PLANETARY GODDESS prioritizes caring for all our oceanic family🐬🐋🐳🐡🐠🐢 and animals relying on our oceans, lakes, rivers and waterways for their sustenance and SURVIVAL.💧🌫.
SUPPORT: WHITE PLANETARY MIRROR🌏 🛡– ETZNAB reveals all that inhibits the flow from one world to another. The sword of TRUTH🗡 allows you to cut away all that obstructs your endless flow of abundance, and any ILLUSIONS that have been distorting your truth. By completing the circuit of giving and receiving on the physical plane, you form an infinite loop that continually expands into new octaves of expression on other planes.
Allow ETZNAB to give you clarity to clear and harmonize any distortions to your most benevolent reality. Once the path is CLEAR you can perfect your Manifested vision into your new reality.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW SELF-EXISTING SUN📦 🌞 AHAU continues to ILLUMINATE our choices today, after yesterday’s DOUBLE SOLAR codes. Knowing that we can continuously EVOLVE, and effortlessly respond to the flow of life, in alignment with Divine Will, as we elevate our collective Planetary mind.
SELF-EXISTING AHAU invites us to use our MINDS
☀️to align with our HIGHEST EVOLUTIONARY PATH, and
☀️DEFINE what it is to BE ENLIGHTENED, and
☀️live from an illuminated perspective.
✨✨✨SEE it in your EN-LIGHT💡ON- ed MIND’S EYE👁 and you can BIRTH it into the physical plane.⚛🎁
A very potent MANIFESTING POWER as the driving force behind KIN 101 today.
KIN 160 the SELF-EXISTING SUN📦🌞 is the Galactic Signature of 3 Presidents of the United States of America. Abraham Lincoln the 16th president, and two of his predecessors – James Buchanan (15th) and Zachary Taylor (12th). This code exemplifies what it is to QUESTION the old system of government, measuring what is successful and valuable and what needs to be transformed. Measuring and defining whilst continually refining and evolving the RULE of LAW to be fairer and more encompassing of the rights of all citizens, leading to a more “enlightened” populace.
Abraham Lincoln exemplified this when he abolished Slavery and advocated that “Coloured people” be given the right to vote (this radical view held by this visionary Aquarian leader resulted in his assassination!).
I pray that this OCCULT SUPERPOWER driving today’s code, brings to LIGHT, how we as a collective need to define what FORM our most desired system of Governance shall be. It is clear that many POWERS do not agree with the form that WE the “People” desire to manifest – free from tyranny and oppressive rule.
The dark controllers wish to dominate, control, enslave, and keep us in the “dark”. This AGENDA is averse to a community of EQUALS, who are en-LIGHT💡ON-ed and can think for themselves, making WISE choices, supporting each other through LOVE, compassion and respect for all. All the values an evolved and conscious society should espouse to.
By unequivocally and VOCALLY rejecting all that we DO NOT desire, we are redefining and PERFECTING our Manifestation powers to create our DESIRED reality. A new system of governance returning the land to our original custodians – the tribal elders of each continent. Aho – it is done now. 🙏🙏🙏
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE PLANETARY MONKEY🌏 🐒– CHUEN represents the DIVINE CHILD who yearns for the NURTURANCE from his DIVINE MOTHER. We are ALL someone’s child, and so today through connecting and nurturing our own INNER DIVINE CHILD, we are PERFECTING our powers to MANIFEST and CREATE a joyous and BLISS filled reality.
CHUEN challenges us today to perfect our responsibilities, by bringing our duties into a sequence of flow that creates joy and fun. Seeing past the ILLUSION and the smoke screens of the false Magicians, and using the power of spontaneous LAUGHTER to manifest our BLISS😍
Effortless flow and joy, begotten from being fully present in the now, and not being overwhelmed by the future “burdens”. Responding to our spontaneous Heart’s💓 desires, which lead us to make the BEST CHOICES.
Trust in the ✨MAJIK✨ of the larger pattern to provide what you need. Open your precious heart ❤ to RECEIVE!
Communicate your feelings, desires, wishes and dreams like the starry eyed🤩 innocent child, knowing that one day all will be delivered, with a beautiful bow on top in the most glorious package imaginable! 🎁
Today’s questions are “What is it that needs my care and attention to be birthed into Creation?”
“How can I assist in b-Earth-ing our New reality🐣🌈🌎 and manifesting Planetary Abundance?”
Today provides a beautiful opportunity to gather with our KIN, honouring our Mothers and connecting through our precious HEARTS, giving gratitude for the remembrance that we are LOVED and supported throughout all of CREATION. Aho! 🙏💞👪❤
Divine blessings for the manifestation of your wondrous and beautiful New Creations… 💙💚💛💜
Aho Planetary kin. HOLD THE PERFECTED VISION of BLISS on EARTH! 💞🌏🌎🌍
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈







🔥 New on Patreon 🕉Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the Full Super Moon in Aries🔥



Join my Sacred Condor for this powerful Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the Full Super Moon in Aries. (on patreon)

this powerful Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation designed to help you harness the transformative energy of the Full Super Moon in Aries. Aries, the sign of the warrior, brings bold, fiery energy that empowers us to take action, release what no longer serves us, and ignite personal growth.

In this session, you will be guided through a sacred ceremony that includes:

Energy cleansing to release blockages.

A meditation to connect with the Full Super Moon’s energy, embrace courage, and awaken your inner strength.

Rituals for setting intentions and manifesting bold new beginnings.

Techniques for balancing the fiery energy of Aries with calm and grounding practices.

The Full Super Moon amplifies the power of this meditation, making it an ideal time to align with your highest self, clear away old patterns, and step confidently into your personal power. Whether you’re working on healing, setting new goals, or seeking clarity, this ceremony will help guide you on your spiritual journey.

Make sure to have a candle, journal, water, crystals, incense and a quiet space prepared before starting. Let the energy of the Full Super Moon in Aries inspire you to embrace new beginnings with courage and grace.



Higher Order
Source Code
Genetic Codex
Next Octave Up
Gender Law
Wave Elements
24 Strand DNA
Central Sun
Source Sound
Jacob’s Ladder
Hydrogen Lattice
Protein Synthesis
Mother Magnetics
Water Light Redox
Fathers Electrical
Crowning Body
Fire Letters
Light Essence
Stellar Presence
Blood Song Lines
Hearts Intelligence
One in Many in One
Mother Father Child
Star Navigation
Orion Gateway
Lemuira 5OS
Dark – Light
Rose Line
Standing Wave
Infinite Nature
Heart Chalice
Galactic Sol
Outside Light
Symbiotic Tech
Dancing In
Golden Light
Tantric Love

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