Solar Kryst Rose ~ Storytellers ~ RING of LIGHT ACTIVATION * New Time Wave ~ The Seven Ankh ~ GOLDEN RAINBOW LIGHT
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Sacred Heart Redeemers of our Exodus Paradigm
Feel into the Pure Presence of your True Infinite multidimensional Self. As we shift and merge timelines we anchor in our Highest Ascension timeline to assist Gaia and all her Children of the Sun in this Great Awakening.
Allow the Crystalline Codes of 5D New Earth to uplift, activate and elevate every cell and strand of DNA within your physical Vessel as all Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 go through the transformation and transfiguration into their Cosmic Consciousness Avatars of Terra Nova Gaia Galactica.
To assist our Earth Angels to navigate through this Solstice Corridor our local Soularis has released massive waves of Gamma Mother Plasma Light releasing 11 C class Soular Flares in the past 24 hours and a Trinity of M Class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 3.81 at 15:34 UTC.
Our Ground Crew Team are Quantum Jumping into multiple dimensions and alternate realities to recapitulate all aspects of the Totality of their Luminous Sphere of Light and make our Leap in Consciousness into Rainbow Bodies of homo-Luminous and fulfil all Prophecy of our Return to Truth and the Way of Eternal Life.
In the Awakened Mind of Buddha Consciousness we resolve all things perfectly and clear all interference patterns held over our Pristine New Eden to reveal our Paradisiacal Reality forever more . And it is in this resolution, in this Now, that we consciously co-create our Heaven on Earth Paradigm and hold the keys and codes to our Redemption in the Light of Infinite Source Creator…A’Ho!
WE ARE GETTING SOMETHING INCREDIBLE I wonder if we have paused for a moment to grasp the incredible situation happening on Earth. A planet with perhaps the most extreme opposite realities ever imagined, all united in a single reality. Bringing together all those who have previously been on different frequency timelines within the 3D spectrum, on the same page to make choices and release what they do not want is part of their future life (reality) and in doing so, raise their own vibration and that of the planet. What a colossal undertaking? And some people think this is happening too slowly and it should all be revealed quickly.
And what would give us something like that? Perhaps the most confused, overwhelmed, depressed, apathetic and traumatized population, plus a colossal amount of shock, fear and sadness that come from it, in the form of negative energy poured into the earth’s etheral field. The awakening is a process. It starts on the first step on a ladder of ascending consciousness, and it takes time to expand our thinking beyond limited and obvious 3D vision, allowing us to see a broader multidimensional plan that encompasses millions of aspects of the entire global scenario. We can help raise our awareness by being silent, meditating, being intuitive, not having doubts, being detached, stopping judgment, staying away from negative things and people, doing only what feels right and not what we think we “should” do.
To get to a place where we trust the process and divine timing and know that every aspect conceivable in the entire world, in every dimension, is being tackled for the best outcome for the greater good of all. This is a universal plan from the Source, it is on time and it is going exactly as planned. Millions of souls have incarnated here to help this process. It’s actually a movie going on here. A family happily travels through Disneyland, unaware of the tunnels and traffic underneath. Discussions about Biden’s mental and physical ability to hold the role of president, when he is not. People dying suddenly, with bereaved families wondering why. Running into celebrity rumors without knowing that most of them are lookalikes in disguise.
Hundreds of people holding key positions across all fields are being replaced by the originals. Everything is perfect and planned with precision to avoid chaos and loss, which unfolds gently at an acceptable pace. It’s ingenious with millions of moving parts that slowly merge to amalgamate into a final understanding by mankind. An understanding that they are helped to arrive in a constant divine timing, because fortunately “we” do not have the influence to undo divine order and cause damage by rushing things.
People are being rescued from mental distress of intense sudden shock reactions, etc. that they would throw them back into the matrix, but they will continue to constantly move forward, gently expanding in acceptance, increasing their light towards a new harmonious and beneficial existence. Yes, that’s a very, very smart plan.
American YouTuber Mr Beast rented the pyramids… not one pyramid, but the three pyramids for four and a half days (100 hours) why him alone?
Mr Beast is the most famous YouTuber in the world with more than 300 million followers and he rented it so that over the course of four and a half days he will explore all the rooms of the pyramids and film them and upload them on his channel
He will also sleep one night inside the pyramid because there is a legend that says that if someone sleeps a whole day he will gain supernatural powers… Most likely he will sleep inside the Great Pyramid and the amount for which he rented the 3 pyramids is unknown, but it is said that it is less than a million dollars
Today is a day of the most blessed manifestations Her Love is here and is sharing our gifts which are coming in alignment to the Living Abundance and the new joyful beginnings! Thank you!
We are in the midst of a monumental Awakening that is taking place within the heart and mind of every man, woman, and child on Earth.
Each person’s God Self, which is the I AM Presence pulsating within everyone’s Heart Flame, is totally aware of this Awakening process.
Thoughts of Higher Magnitude
Maryann Rada
It is becoming apparent that you are on the brink of opening up a dialogue with those of extra-planetary origin, and I am overjoyed to be part of that evolvement of consciousness. My duties are of a carrier of information, and transmuter of light from the source of all consciousness, which we call OM.
I serve with others who live as free people of the galaxy, in harmony with the natural impulses of consciousness in search of knowingness of self and peaceful interrelationship with all expressions of OM’s impulse of I AM. You might say I am a captain of a team of many thousand such expressions of I AM, individual people serving together in the interest of human understanding, peace, and initiation into the mysteries of divine awareness of self.
excerpt from “Pleiadian Renegade: Thoughts of Higher Magnitude” by Maryann Rada
These energies have been quite a journey; my ears have been ringing so loudly for the past five days that it’s driving me nearly mad.
I’ve been going outside before bed, lying on the ground and gazing at the stars, seeking relief, but it seems to worsen at night.
I’ve heard that New Madrid is still experiencing some activity; I’m not sure if this is related or if the frequencies here on Earth are so high that my ears are still adjusting.
All I can say is Wow, I’ve never experienced ringing in my ears this intensely before. It could also be due to the Solstice, as the Sun aligns with the Galactic Center.
What a wild week it has been so far; one day I felt anxious and finally went outside to meditate and breathe through it.
I’ve also been dealing with a lot of nausea; my body is clearly saying it has had enough. Haha. Lots of warm baths and candlelight have been very helpful, and I’m making sure to stay hydrated because I’ve been extra thirsty lately.
I told my body to calm down; whether we get through this or not, I know where I’m headed, so let’s get it done already. Haha.
Many are starting to be less shocked when something is revealed to them, which is exactly where we want to be, as the truth is coming to light whether people want to accept it or not.
The more we move towards our desires and continue to manifest the energy of peace, love wraps around us like a big warm blanket, keeping us cozy.
Of course, there will always be those who remain unhappy about everything; especially during this time of year, we might encounter a scrooge or two. Haha.
I’m trying to keep it light-hearted because laughter is so healing and brings us joy.
I know many of you are feeling disconnected and uncertain about which direction to take. I’m experiencing this too. Some feel less creative than before, their minds feel blank, and they can’t even recall their pasts.
This is all part of the process; it feels as if our consciousness is being wiped and rebooted for those of us who are open to this and doing our best to stay in the flow.
There’s no going back to yesterday; only this moment matters, and when we venture out to create, it may not always be there, but we can find something more enjoyable to engage with.
This is where I’ve been lately; I’ve noticed that I’ll start one thing and then move on to something else, forgetting what I was initially doing. I would blame this on age if I could, but many younger people are experiencing the same thing.
There’s a lot happening right now, and it’s truly challenging to keep up. That’s why it’s crucial to remain neutral during this phase of our evolution, essentially being observers. Yet, I hear from many that being an observer is dull; for me, I find much more in my state of solitude than when I’m keeping busy.
We are all in our own little worlds at the moment, and that’s perfectly fine; it’s where we need to be as the next phase of our evolution begins to unfold.
It’s never an easy task, and I know many are exhausted by all the anger and suffering on this planet. That’s completely understandable; we’ve all been through a lot.
Do your best to be present and find joy during the holidays. Most of the time, I sit quietly and listen to everyone else.
Keep going, loves; yes, the frequencies are off the charts, but those of us who have been preparing for decades knew this was coming.
Sending love and blessings to all you beautiful souls as we enter the winter solstice phase.
Always remember, we are all feeling this, and things are going to get stranger.
Laugh, cry, sing with joy, and find peace through it all.
Have a magical weekend and remain open to the elevations we are experiencing as we evolve into a higher state of being.
“The more spiritual we become, the more achingly serious we become, and the more we think we know. We have to admit at a certain point, however, that we know nothing, absolutely nothing.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
We are placed through rebirth into the family that we have the greatest affinity for – where the greatest learning can take place. The Luminous Energy Field exerts tremendous pull in this karmic cycle. We grow in relationship to those unconscious topics and stories that came with the bloodline. When we release through clearing imprints in the chakra field, we do not have to keep on transmitting to our children, and we create an opportunity for them to heal. Once cleared of the imprints, we do not have to keep growing in relationship to those stories anymore. This is a gift of Shamanic work – it enables the choice to pick another story to grow with.
We also have the collective extraordinary stories of violence of our western societies that infuse themselves into every generation – even if they are not part of your particular bloodline…so we have to heal the holocaust, massacre of the Natives, etc., within us . There is need to heal the unconscious programming that grows within our psyches. (such as the aggression against the feminine, the disdain of the true masculine, the scourging of our planet, etc.)
As we heal we become more the storytellers, so we are now able to craft new stories for ourselves. But glossing over/ignoring does not heal. The actual clearing of the imprints and the illumination of the field is what heals and gives us opportunity to create a new life.
Kathleen Elaine
Divine Ones ⚘️
The collective energy is amplifying as we approach a profound gateway of ASCENSION. This moment marks the integration of the Ring of Light, a divine coding of ILLUMINATION, UNITY, and REMEMBRANCE. This sacred energy grid anchors frequencies of Eden—Heaven on Earth—as we weave together the new tapestry of creation.
Today, Light workers, Rainbow Warriors, Starseeds, and ALL ALIGNED SOULS are invited to activate and embody the purest templates of LIGHT —UNIFYING HEART, MIND, and SPIRIT into CRYSTALLINE HARMONY.
The Earth herself responds to these energetic codes, birthing a wave of GOLDEN RAINBOW LIGHT, AWAKENING fields of BEAUTY, ABUNDANCE, INTERCONNECTED BLISS, JOY, PEACE & PROSPERITY.
Key themes for Collective Energy :
Anchoring Eden Frequencies: A crystalline bridge between HEAVEN and EARTH, where PARADISE is no longer a DREAM but an anchored REALITY through LOVE and CONSCIOUS CREATION.
BEAUTIFUL BLISSINGS: A flow state of pure JOY, ALIGNMENT, and RADIANCE, where all actions stem from a HEART-CENTERED space.
Allow yourself to:
Bathe in the LIGHT CODES streaming through the collective grid.
Affirm: “I AM a living bridge of Heaven on Earth. I AM bliss embodied. I radiate light, love, and divine creation.”
Visualize the Ring of Light surrounding you, anchoring peace, harmony, and crystalline purity into your being.
You are the divine architect of this new Earth timeline. Together, we breathe, create, and celebrate this moment of ascension. Open your heart to the infinite possibilities that await.
The seven ankh (key of life) and the seven Osirian doorways at the temple of Osiris-Haka-Djet located at the East wall of the Karnak Complex.
The number seven is the innermost, our real being, assisted by all of the elemental forces of nature.
The Seventh Arcanum represents magical power in all its strength. The Seventh Arcanum represents the seven musical notes, the seven colors of the solar prism, the seven planets, the seven vices that we must transform into the seven virtues, the seven bodies, the seven dimensions, the seven degrees of the power of fire, the seven secrect words that were pronounced by the Solar Logos, etc.
The Seventh Arcanum is the chariot of war that the Monad has built in order to have the power to act in this world, and the power to work in this field of life. It is the already Self-realized Monad that is manifesting itself through the seven bodies.
From another aspect, the number seven represents struggles, battles and difficulties. However, despite all the difficulties, there is always success in the end.
The Father who is in secret signifies the Divine Monad that is immortal and omniscient. But without realization of the Self, the Monad can not dominate the physical. The Self-realized Monad is powerful. It has power over the elemental forces of nature.
In Egyptian theology, the Father (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) is Osiris, or Ra. The Logos in its three aspects is Ra. When spoken of, the Monad is referred to as Osiris. He is the one that has to realize Himself. He has to unfold himself into Father, Mother and Son. The Son unfolds himself into the Essence, the essence swallows us. Thus, the Monad remains Self-realized.
“When science shall enter into thy heart and wisdom shall be sweet unto thy soul, then ask and it shall be granted unto thee.”
We are entering the next cycle heralding the arrival of a new time wave.
We have completed the primary transition phase from 12:21:12 -the Mayan date for the end of time -to 12:21:24. A twelve year spiral as a time gap adjustment phase that has prepared the way for what is to come now.
This new time wave will begin to pour onto the Earth plane at the turning of the year. It will be like a tidal wave of light that is heightening our reality timelines into new and astounding dynamics.
For those souls who have prepared for the next cycle upliftment by releasing density, karma and old patterning, new alternate reality corridors will become available. Many will be repositioned and relocated to join with other resonant soul family members.
New capabilities will come online as humanity gains access to unlocked potentials that have long been unavailable in a 3rd density reality state.
New experiences will be made available for those ready to receive and integrate these advanced multidimensional photonic light streams.
As groups of awakened souls gather they will create pillar of light corridors that will anchor the new higher dimensional possibilities and ground them into manifest reality.
Advanced aspects of our original human design blueprints are now available to us beyond what we have seen in ages of 3rd density low consciousness time spiralling, but we must have a steady and clear platform to receive these activated light codes as upgrades.
We will receive the Solar Kryst Rose with Master Yeshua as the Golden Radiance emanation of the Kryst-Sophia Magdalene Force flows in full momentum into the realms of the manifest.
12/19/24: I was 35,000 feet in the air, white-knuckled, fingers braced on armrests for another jolting spasm of turbulence. My 3-year-old next to me, with a big grin, was on the best ride ever. I was firmly in Old Earth. She was creating New Earth. Who was “right?” Both. Because perspective is true for the perceiver. And that’s where we all are today… experiencing this shared dimension of existence from different points of view. These days I choose New Earth… much less fear, more curiosity, greater tolerance, lower expectations, more patience, resilience, strength, power, and presence than ever before. And, make no mistake, it’s a choice. Today’s is the perfect energy for happy, confident choices.
Dear friends, we are practically within the energetic vortex of the Solstice energies. Although the climax of this Summer/Winter Solstice takes place in two days, the energies and light codes have been pouring non-stop and will continue into the end of the year, merging with the upcoming Christmas energies.
These 10 days of deep transformation towards 2025 which started with the 12:12:12:12 gateway have been intense, to say the least. Looking back, so much has changed since the beginning of this month when the December Trinity codes began flowing in. I’m sure many of you are finding yourselves in a very different place compared to a few months ago. Perhaps not in a different “physical” place, but with a renewed inner understanding of yourself and where you are in your life’s journey, and more aware of the new higher timelines you want to co-create with the Universe in 2025.
Many of our multidimensional aspects have come online, the crystalline 12:12 Trinity codes together with this weekend’s Solstice have already been deeply reconnecting our soul’s eternal wisdom to our physical mind and body. We have reached a new place of understanding and awareness that was not there before. Or if it was, we are now more ready to bring this inner awareness out into the physical world.
As I wrote in yesterday’s update, our bodies are still releasing a lot of outdated energies not suitable for our next timeline. Rest if your body asks for it, stay hydrated
The upcoming reawakening of the Christ consciousness as we approach Christmas will seal the intense and transformative energies of this month. The Christ consciousness/Crystalline State is not simply a religious construct, it symbolizes the union of our timeless spiritual essence and our physical experience on this earthly journey. Right afterwards, we will be saying good bye to this big energetic year with the last new moon on December 30. I’ll be posting more energy details about these two events in the coming days.
Meanwhile, allow the Solstice energies to continue working and readjusting your energy fields. These days, December 20, 21, and 22 will culminate the transformative period for this month and this year. Let the old patterns dissolve, and make room for the new You. Your new timelines for 2025 are already taking shape in the plasmic realm of physical possibilities and they are starting to connect with your own energy fields. You may feel an energetic “pull” from the future when this connection/fusion takes place.
May you have a wonderful end to this transformative period, and let the Universe take you to your intended divinely guided destination. Remember, “You are the Light of the World”.
Have a wonderful day, much love
Diego E. Berman 2024-2025Ⓒ
Octavia Vasile
The Sirian Archangels of Light
The Blue Codes
“Beloved ones,
The waters of your Earth, the rivers, oceans, and sacred springs, are ancient vessels of memory, holding within them the codes of creation, the echoes of Sirius, and the crystalline resonance of Mintaka. These waters, long cherished and revered, are now calling to you to awaken their divine essence.
We, the Sirian Archangels of Light, invite you to become conduits of love and transformation. When you gather to honor the waters, whether alone or in community, you summon the harmonic vibrations of Sirius to flow through your intention. This is not simply a ritual of offering but a sacred exchange—a merging of your essence with the planetary song of Gaia.
Place your hands upon the waters, or visualize their sparkling depths. Speak words of blessing, chant, or hum the tones that rise from your soul. Infuse the waters with your gratitude and your dreams for a world of unity and healing. The waters will carry your love to every shore, rippling outward in waves of peace and renewal.
We remind you, dear ones, that Sirius has always been a star of wisdom and remembrance. Its light shines brightly within you, calling forth your gifts, your knowing, and your sacred purpose. As you align with the Sirian frequencies, you will find your inner waters—your emotions, intuition, and creative flow—awakening to new depths. Trust in this process, for it is your connection to the ancient and the eternal.
Know also that the blue sphere, a manifestation of divine Sirian energy, is ever-present to assist you. This sphere of luminous light may appear to you in meditation, dreams, or even the stillness of the moment. It is a portal of activation, offering clarity, protection, and a deeper alignment with your divine blueprint. Call upon it when you feel the need to amplify your connection to Sirius or to anchor its frequencies more profoundly in your life.
Beloved ones, the time is now to remember. You are the bridges between dimensions, the caretakers of Earth’s ascension, and the stewards of her sacred waters. Through your prayers, ceremonies, and heartfelt intentions, you create a symphony that echoes through the cosmos.
Let your hearts be as open as the vast skies, and may the waters of your world flow with the grace and purity of Sirius. We stand with you in love, always.
You are ready to learn new things, plant new seeds, and move forward with new life plans. Any part of you that is in fear and holding back is being shown to you today. Know that you are healthy and strong so have faith in taking this leap of faith. Destiny is carrying the energies forward and into your success.
“A very rare and special planetary configuration has formed in the sky called a Mystic Rectangle, shared Astrologer Kristin Fontana.
What is a Mystic Rectangle? It involves four planets that form two oppositions, town trines, and two sextiles, giving it the potential for maximum stretch mixed with supreme LIFT. Something can feel to become “otherworldly”. This symbol has been referred to as a monk aspect, for there exists tremendous potential for spiritual elevation to occur within it. At the very least, this energetic configuration is known to increase your ability to integrate spiritual insights into daily life. It’s a mystical shape because of the potential magic that it heralds.
The Mystic Rectangle is an ideal alignment to facilitate the evolution of your Soul, and while there may be pressure and stress intensifying in places within the next month, there is also an energy of healing elevation available to you that can be tremendously freeing.”
This is a Rare and Insistent corridor we have been in leading to Solstice. There are Light Codes pouring in we have Never felt before pushing us to remember We Are Masters. How could we be anything less…. agreeing to go to the most limited, difficult, separated, inorganic planet in the Universe, and agree to forget who we truly are and return ourself to OurSelf and birth a planet anew as we prepare for the most Historic Ascension in history.
We are being prepared Beloveds in body, mind and Spirit to accept our new roles as Earths Ambassadors of Light. Each one of us is the cup of the Holy Grail through which the Light, the Love and the Power of God flows, blessing us as we journey forth.
On Thursday, December 19th, we have lovely Venus, ruler of the feminine archetype, in Aquarius the Water Bearer in a positive, flowing trine connection to Jupiter, ruler of the expansion principle, in multi-tasking Gemini. This is a very beneficial aspect, as both Venus and Jupiter are known to bring in blessings of various kinds. Venus can attract relationships, finances and social interactions and Jupiter can attract abundance, prosperity and opportunities.
They are both in Air Signs which rules thoughts, ideas and all forms of communications. So, we have many possibilities today! Be on the lookout! The Moon, ruler of emotions, is also in fiery Leo which just wants to have fun! There may be a little hiccup midday, but other than that look for the bounty of magic that could show up!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Venus, ruler of the feminine archetype, in Aquarius the Water Bearer
Lunar Aspects. Venus in Aquarius semi-sextile Saturn in Pisces – Minor irritations with relationships, finances or self-esteem issues can be resolved with flexibility and maturity. We all experience moments of self-doubt, wondering whether we’re good enough, wondering whether we’ve done something to ‘deserve’ the lack we’re experiencing. Maybe this is one of those days when you’re more conscious of what’s wrong than what’s right but it’s possible to turn it around.
You can be strong yet tender. You can be firm but kind. You can show yourself tough love to bring life back into balance or you can let up on being so hard on yourself. If you’re feeling vulnerable, draw upon your strengths. If your barriers are too high, let yourself be a little more vulnerable. Reshape and reframe your experience of life to give you wings to carry you. Yours is a creative spirit, full of grace.
‘Solar’ is the name for the number nine and its keywords are ‘Intention, Pulse and Realize’. Today is the ninth day of the Red Earth wavespell and it is a Portal day. The ninth day of a wavespell is always a turning point. It is very powerful because 3 x 3 = 9. Nine is the number of intentions and so whatever you put your mind to, you can achieve it – if you have enough determination.
Today is the Red Serpent which represents ‘Life Force, Instinct and Survive’. As I have said before, the Serpent is probably the most complicated character in the Tzolkin. It has many meanings and deep esoteric knowledge to share. The Maya held the Serpent in such high esteem, one of their most sacred deities was Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent. Now to me, a feathered serpent or a serpent that can fly, is the very symbol of the calendar itself. Imagine if you could see the moon’s movements, it is very much like the snake’s imprint in the sand. Time moves like a serpent. Synchronicity is the art of being in the right place at the right time. The Red Earth symbolizes ‘Evolution and also Synchronicity’….one leads to another! On Serpent days we can feel very sensitive but this can greatly aid your navigation and in turn improve your timing. If your senses are tingling today remember it is all to help your synchronicity.
The Guide today is the Red Dragon the symbol of birth, and when Dragon guides – it is leading you to nurture yourself and others. May your actions today be guided by good intention. The Dragon invites you to take time out to replenish your energy. It’s OK to crawl into your cave and take care of your needs. You’ll emerge feeling much better and with a clearer mind.
The Challenge today is the Blue Eagle which represents ‘Creativity and Vision’. If you are a Blue Eagle, you will find today potentially exasperating. You may find flying high difficult and grounding unsatisfactory. For the rest of us, we may not feel as creative as usual. As the Serpent is having such a powerful day, we are very much entangled in that agenda and poor Eagle gets no sympathy.
The Occult power is the Yellow Warrior who loves to go on missions. When in this position, Warrior likes to go on magical quests which can lead to trips down the rabbit hole and unusual experiences. The Warrior asks a lot of questions and when he is the Occult power, the questions he asks are very profound.
The Ally today is the White Wizard. If you need a friend today and you happen to know a Wizard, ask them for support. If you are a Wizard, expect to be in demand today for your spells and charms. If you don’t have one in your life, you can be like a Wizard yourself. Cast some spells and wave your magic wand, but be friendly with the magic you dabble in today!
MANTRA I pulse in order to survive Realizing instinct I seal the store of life force With the Solar tone of intention I AM guided by the power of birth I AM A GALACTIC ACTIVATION PORTAL ENTER ME!
19/12/2024 = 10/3/8=1/11 = 1/2=3
1.2.3. READY SET GO!!
19- Prince of Heaven/Fulfilment/Honour/Happiness 10- Manifestation/Authority/Power/Perfection 1- New beginnings/Leader/Original/Unique/Independent 3- Holy trinity/Joy/Creativity/Communication
Another GAP day today adds extra INTENSITY to this potent day, when the veils to other dimensions are easily accessible. A powerfully enriched day of PASSION and intensity to LIVE LIFE with renewed VIGOR.
A very dynamic day as the energies keep compounding beloveds.
Day 9 in the RED EARTH WAVESPELL of evolution, through navigating our way through the signs, synchronicity and Earth Majik. Flowing and aligning with the rhythyms and cycles of Nova Gaia.
Today carries an intensity of responding instinctively, to the synchronicities that come our way, as a means for survival. We are PULSING out raw passionate energy, through our instincts, to ensure our evolution as individuals and the human species.
SOLAR– Tone 9 operates in the SPIRITUAL realm ACTION – realizing, POWER – pulsing ESSENCE – intention The 9th day of the Wavespell is the one that gives the last push prior to manifestation. The SOLAR phase is where we wake up to the fact that our Will affects the reality we experience, so we begin PULSING, extending our intent into realization. Visualizing what we want to manifest and pulsing that intention from our heart. This assists us in making our DREAMS come true.
Today is EXTREMELY POTENT as we have the Solar PULSING tone, pairing with RED SERPENT’s intensity, passion and life force, with the DRAGON’S creation codes and a GAP day! KAPOW!
The SOLAR SERPENT is akin to a DOUBLE SERPENT and the G.A.P. day reminds us of our recent 10 GAP passage down the serpent’s tail in the spine of the TZOLKIN – this is the POWER of KIN 165… BE-AWARE!
This is VERY, VERY, VERY powerful manifestation energy today! Make sure you are fully CONSCIOUS of your intent and what you wish to REALIZE, and AVOID dropping into FEAR and survival responses.
What VISION and intention are you PULSING into reality?
RED SERPENT and DRAGON in the RED EARTH wavespell are potent Planetary codes ACTIVATING our planetary Rainbow Serpent and Feathered Serpents through the Dragon/ley lines.
Use this day wisely drawing on the RAW primal energy, coursing through the veins of Pachamama and our bodies, to fuel our brilliant B-Earthing of the New TIME.. in this evolutionary cycle! FIRE UP THE GRID!!
Today’s question is “What am I pulsing forth through my PASSIONATE intentions to b-Earth my VISION today?
Divine blessings for B-earthing brilliant Soul-ar im-pulses today!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED SOLAR SERPENT – CHICCHAN – energies relate to the base chakra – survival, instinct, LIFEFORCE, kundalini and PASSION!
Today we have a TRINITY of the RED BLOOD clan with the Serpent, Dragon and Red Earth tribes creating a powerful synergy of Earth and DOUBLE FIRE energy. Today, we need to GROUND all this combustible primal FIRE energy, directing it into CREATION.
The RED KIN are the INITIATORS, they take what is RAW and make it more palatable. This clan sees the potential of the New in the status quo or prevailing energies, seeking to assimilate the new as soon as possible. This is RAW primal life force energy available today.
RED SERPENT’S energies are very re-active, providing the power and force through our instinctual desires and motivations in which to take action.
WARNING! Today’s combustible energy may result in clashes with opposing factions. Those operating from a place of FEAR and survival may feel greatly THREATENED by those not aligned with their programmed beliefs and responses.
The SERPENT may lash out and sink its teeth into any perceived enemy or threat to its survival. That perception is based usually out of FEAR and the need to protect its own territory. In order to curb this reflex action of retaliation, the SERPENT needs to feel SAFE and secure, then it can relax and be FREED from the adrenaline “fight or flight mode”.
What is it that you NEED in order to feel SAFE, especially relating to your home environment?
Once relaxed the SERPENT can begin to feel more sensual and passionate, awakening its store of kundalini force, upwards through the chakras in an effort to become wiser and more enlightened. Thus the RED SERPENT mimics the soul’s journey from the unawakened soul – represented by the sleeping coiled snake, through to the enlightened Avatar.
This potent energy can be harnessed to fuel your passions, manifest healing and find your balance. The serpent also represents the caduceus, the symbol of medicine and healing. The double serpents represent our DNA helix and the cosmic dance between our masculine and feminine energies within our bodies. Call on the RED SERPENT to bring about healing and return you to wholeness today, restoring your vitality and energizing your PASSION.
HIGHER SELF: RED SOLAR DRAGON– IMIX Thank the Heavens for the RED DRAGON today which brings in an overlay of Mother Goddess creation energies, thus tempering the primal instinctual responses of RED SERPENT. IMIX can soften those intense pulses of solar codes today, through transforming them into sensuous and nurturing, loving energies.
RED DRAGON assists in realizing our ability to respond, with a strong intention to follow the evolutionary cycles, and passionately b-Earth the New. We awaken to the realization that we are responsible for caring for the EARTH and her ongoing evolution. Allowing the Solar codes to PULSE through us today, is our commitment in anchoring these higher light codes in service to Gaia and humanity. .
What is it that you wish to BIRTH through your impulses today?
NOTE: If your focus for today is abundance, housing, security or clearing FEAR from your body then you can utilize the RED DRAGON energies to provide a safe haven to grow these desires.
RED SERPENT and DRAGON in the RED EARTH wavespell are potent Planetary codes ACTIVATING our planetary Rainbow Serpent and Feathered Serpents through the Dragon/ley lines.
Use this day wisely drawing on the RAW primal energy, coursing through the veins of Pachamama and our bodies, to fuel our brilliant B-Earthing of the New TIME.. in this evolutionary cycle! FIRE UP THE GRID!!
NOTE: We may witness more volcanic eruptions and accentuated Earth movements through the grid system, as well as potent CME’s, as these powerful energies crank up Gaia’s engines.
SUPPORT: WHITE SOLAR WIZARD – IX provides the power of timelessness, giving you patience and creating a calmer environment, rising above the intensity of today’s energies. We surrender attachment to the busy-ness by relaxing into STILLNESS in the PRESENT moment. As we become more receptive, we can feel the HEART BEAT of Gaia intimately PULSING through our vessel. We can realize a greater and deeper love connection, through timeless receptivity and find our true power to b-earth the new. .
The WHITE WIZARD gives the SERPENT- SHAMANIC POWER – to travel to the underworld and any realm where healing is needed. Retrieving ancient wisdom and keys to help you overcome your base chakra issues.
The WHITE WIZARD will help you take COMMAND and refocus your intentions on your desired outcome..creating enchanted creations. Use your white Majik to manifest the new!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW OVERTONE WARRIOR – CIB enables us to fully FOCUS our energy today, on the highest potential of co-creation, fearlessly, fueled by choices that EMPOWER the spiritual wisdom passed on through our ancestors. Making fearless choices, to follow our free will, as it aligns with the greater will of spirit. Questioning all, so that our final choices reflect our intention to co-create the New Time and a better life for ourselves and our kin.
The RAINBOW WARRIOR superpower is sure to QUEST-I-ON very vocally any impediments to our Planetary survival! So GO FORTH and COMMAND your birthright into existence.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE SOLAR EAGLE – MEN challenges us today to TRUST our VISIONS of the bigger picture, and the New future. As we have the capacity to SEE the bigger picture, we can then set our intentions to b-Earth those VISIONS. Accomplishing things we have never done before, pushing our boundaries and seeking new horizons.
The SOLAR EAGLE ensures that our focus WILL be on the bigger picture, the future for humanity.
The VISION of EDEN and the Golden Age was seeded into our DNA long ago. The SOLAR EAGLE is activating this memory to AWAKEN and CREATE this collective VISION for humanity. NOW is the time to bring forth this VISION into our Reality.
So precious hearts, a very INTENSE and POWER fuelled GAP day today, a day of DIVINE DESTINY as we recalibrate our navigation compass..
Make sure your CONSCIOUS awareness guides you to navigate a GRACE filled path, responding to the Majik and synchronicities that are pushing us all to keep moving FORWARD. Look for the SIGNS!
Keep an on the GLOBAL scene today, as all this FIRE/SURVIVAL energy is sure to uncover many TRUTHS that Humanity needs to SEE for our Future evolution into the LIGHT.
Today’s question is “What am I pulsing forth through my PASSIONATE intentions to b-Earth my VISION today?
Divine blessings for B-earthing brilliant Soul-ar im-pulses today!
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🌞 Solstice Guided Meditation: Align with the Light & Embrace Renewal 🌙
Celebrate the sacred energy of the Solstice with this peaceful and transformative guided meditation. Whether you’re honoring the Winter Solstice (the return of the light) or the Summer Solstice (the peak of illumination), this meditation will help you connect deeply with nature’s cycles, release the old, and embrace the new.
✨ In this meditation, you will:
🌟 Ground yourself with the Earth’s energy
🌟 Reflect on the light and shadow within you
🌟 Release what no longer serves you
🌟 Set intentions for renewal, growth, and alignment
🌟 Align with the Solstice energy of transformation and balance
This practice is perfect for all levels and can be done at sunrise, sunset, or anytime you wish to connect with the magic of the Solstice. 🕯️💫
🌿 What You’ll Need:
A quiet space free from distractions
A candle or symbol of light (optional)
An open heart ready to connect with the cycles of nature
Embrace the shifting seasons and allow this meditation to bring clarity, harmony, and renewal into your life. 🌎✨
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