You are currently viewing The Light Tunnel ~ Vertical Pillar of Plasma Light * AWAKEN FROM THE DREAM ~ Womb Energy Activation
lunar eclipse

The Light Tunnel ~ Vertical Pillar of Plasma Light * AWAKEN FROM THE DREAM ~ Womb Energy Activation

The Light Tunnel ~ Vertical Pillar of Plasma Light * AWAKEN FROM THE DREAM ~ Womb Energy Activation


Paul White Gold Eagle

Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand

Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Rainbow Diamond Minds of Eternal Peace and Bliss

Just in time for tomorrow’s Divine Feminine Portal of the 13 and day of Goddess Freyja, Friday the 13th, our local Soularis released a massive X Class Soular Flare maxing at X 1.3 at 2:43 AM PST (9:43 UTC) Synchronizing with this massive release Mother Earth was being flooded with Gamma Plasma Waves of Adamantine Light with a CME causing a powerful Geomagnetic Storm. Along with the X Class Flare our Sun sent us Legions upon Legions of Higher Light Entities with 9 C Class Solar FLares today and another 6 M Class Flares.

As we stand on the shoulders of our Ancestors we are on the precipice of our compression breakthrough in the Light of Infinite Source Creator. All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are being upgraded and prepared for the final phases of our Earth Missions of full and total Planetary Liberation.

Keep anchoring in the higher light and continue to go through and through and through as we make our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into our New Heaven upon the New Earth. Shine bright and rise like a Phoenix to usher in our New Golden Age of Enlightenment for all Sentient beings of the Way…A’Ho!






Ring of fire SUPER Active and lots of grids exiting the field.
We’re deep into carbon / crystalline grids for planetary and personal. ✨✨✨
Ring of fire
Ring of fire
Strong energy wave coming into today. Its going to feel that just when things were calming down, BANG, Why do I feel wiped out again. This one is another physical upgrade and is going to be quite intense. Give it 72 hours to integrate and give the body an extra bit of love and care.
Blue Ray Goddess
Blue Ray Goddess
The Great Solar Flash is Upon US, Much is Being Cleared Away…Namaste
solar flash energy
solar flash energy
Woah! These energies are really intense. We’re getting slammed!! A big releasing of the old paradigm. Remember to be gentle with yourself

9/12/24: Today is set aside, in this month of enterprise and ambition, for gentility and refinement. A moment to enjoy some quiet conversation, appreciate art as a natural expression of experience, and be as fancy and elegant as you choose to be. Because what is the point of working and achieving if you don’t take time to savor the spoils? Today wants all of the sweet side of life. The haute couture. The nouvelle cuisine. It defines achievement as pleasure, stimulation, amusement, delight, and inspiration. It wants laughter, music, and camaraderie. And it certainly doesn’t want to work for it. So, give yourself a day to explore your senses, indulge, and let your inner diva have some fun. Show yourself there’s more to you than what you do.
What is womb energy activation , as Venus / Inanna ascends to the Sacral Chakra @ Gate of Creativity in her Shamanic journey as Morning Star, without the essential ingredients of joy passion pleasure with a pinch of impishness.
Also Venus now opposes Chiron the Wounded Healer. Relationships could run into friction as old traumas and wounds come to the surface impacting our self worth , confidence and image…. But this is also the time to finally heal these simmering wounds if we can keep our hearts open and acknowledge that sh*t happens as life unfolds and it is possible to move beyond hurt and betrayal with grace empathy and compassion.
This Venus Chiron opposition can potentially help us move past self sabotaging patterns in love and relationships ( with self and others) and provide us with insights/ keys to unlock the doors of harmonious relationships  ,sensual activation and sexual expression which further enhances our pleasure , joy and passion essential for creative expression and destined Abundance!!! This
alignment could also bring to the fore ancient wounding, trauma , betrayal and patterns of self sabotage known as Witch Wounds ( stored primarily in throat and womb) which keep us back from aligning with our highest potential and destiny so that we may heal them and resurrect ourself and shine our light bright.
EnLight ,InGrace, InJoy
Be The Change You Want To See
Sa Kei Na
lunar eclipse
lunar eclipse

Morning, September 11th. The Light Tunnel.

Yesterday morning September 11th, I was shown something new, following a question I had asked within. I was shown a light tunnel, a tube-like tunnel of bright white light. It appeared I was standing in the beginning of this light tunnel walking forward but at a very slow pace one foot at the time. Yeshua was speaking on the inner, saying -Come and walk with trust and faith. Step by step in grace.
As I write this now I also hear – Encourage others by example. Love binds you together in Oneness. All as One.
This tunnel may be shown to you ahead, as a vertical pillar of plasma light (like it was described during the channeled group event later yesterday evening to initially connect with) or as I was shown in my meditation, like a horizontal tube of bright light open for walking inside it. I beleive we are creating something new here now, the very fabric of reality is changing. Or rather, we are changing in how we perceive reality. What was beyond our sight before, will now emerge.
With Love in the One Heart, Camilla
Light Codes Maia Pleiades
Light Codes Maia Pleiades


Dear friends, a new active region in our sun has produced a strong X1.3 flare a few hours ago, an event that has shifted our star into a more active mode after a relatively quiet period. On top of this, the solar wind stream continues to indicate that a moderate to strong geomagnetic storm is arriving to our planet, with a G2 level activity predicted for today and tomorrow.
Those of you who are energy sensitives may be already experiencing these solar events within your physical body and energy fields. Sleep disturbances, mild headache, dizziness, a sense of disorientation as if walking between dimensions, dry mouth, and some joint pains, may be present at this time. Please stay hydrated and rest as needed.
We are moving into the pre-shadow period of the eclipse corridor, and the energy waves of the first Supermoon partial eclipse on Tuesday September 17 are already resonating in the air. It is not surprising that our Sun is becoming more active as we move towards these main celestial events. The current solar flares and winds are preparing our fields for the transformational shifts that will be taking place during the next two weeks.
We are entering into a new energetic chapter of our journey, a chapter that will be packed with new and deeper insights revealing more fascinating facets about our soul’s cosmic journey. Old limiting inner structures are dissolving as we make room for new fearless and more expansive ways of being. The divine alchemical metamorphosis continues. Stay tuned as we ride together these wonderful waves of transformations.
Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ
This is the last phase, the last reminder, we are on the vertical axis which is the white walkway, I repeat, your last chance is here.
Everyone will experience this call, you will all feel it in your conscience in your body, either you are aligned with the light or with the darkness.
I think all those who are awake are well aware of the gap that is after it occurs, the division and it is getting bigger and bigger. And according to your level of consciousness it can even disappear no longer be a part of your lives, your reality, you find yourself more in the light.
But this division that is after performing at the collective level is very real and it is after falling into the hands of darkness and many are after falling into it without even realizing it.
Celestial energies are working to awaken the consciousness of the collective but many will rather close themselves to the light forever and re-do a 26,000-year cycle.
This is really the last call for the collective, last phase, last chance to align with the light, and everyone after reading this message has chosen the light and if you want to participate in helping the collective, now is the time to step out of your fears and to share, publish this publication publicly.
As I mentioned a few weeks ago everyone who resists will have many difficulties, psychological difficulties, family problems, work, friendship and even physical problems. So they will find themselves on the upward spiral and you will be able to see it but that will be their choice.
Every day it is important to make choices, in which vibration you want to be, to live because the more luminous those choices the more they land you emotionally into transformation for the 5th dimension.
So you are given two choices day after day… choice bright or choice in chaos.
For several years I’ve been explaining that your DNA is reprogrammed, recalibrated with the force of light.
Darkness it never wanted this, it kept the Human Being with only 2 strands of DNA functional to keep the race in duality. Today you can begin to take back your power and reprogram your 12 strands of DNA and all who choose light is what will happen.
When we are all in the 5th dimension energies the first to receive the healing will be all those who have been in the service of the Divine to awaken the consciousness (ascension guide, grid guardian and star seeds) we will receive the physical healing and our DNA will be complete reconnected with our roots (Pleiadian, Andromeda, Arcturian ect. ) and we’ll go back to ours.
Then there will be the healing of all of you who will go through a knowledge, as this you will go back to school to understand what your vehicle is and its importance, will be a totally different consciousness, for now it is not necessary to seek to understand.
Well as I mentioned yesterday and explained in meditation from now on we all went on a mission yesterday and the mission of everyone who chose light is to grow that light since we are magnetic beings and so with your magnetism you bring yours with you for this ascent and it must be done as naturally as possible.
As you do this work, you reconnect with all living things, you communicate with the other, with the elements, animals and your telepathy develops. Telepathy is a universal language on Earth but also in the cosmos just like English on Earth. The more you connect to this light the more telepathy and all your other gifts will expand and darkness will no longer have power over you and you will know immortality.
This sacred journey we have come to do in this life is Divine, it contains magic, the re-connection to your Divine essence!
Guide d’ascension
Solar Light codes from the Suns beyond the Suns
Solar Light codes from the Suns beyond the Suns


✨🌟 TECH👽This exchange will lead to NEW TECHNOLOGIES that we BRING WITH US.
✨💥🌍💫🌟In 4 YEARS, from NOW, NOTHING ON EARTH will look like what they KNOW.
✨🌍💫🌟💥The TRANSFORMATION of YOUR SOCIETY will take place DEEPLY, and your ABILITIES to SHARE the PRECIOUS LIGHT of YOUR INNER LOVE will be displayed all over YOUR PLANET.
✨🥰🥰🥰BE HAPPY and DANCE with US, because HAPPINESS and JOY are at YOUR DOOR.
✨👼💫🌍🌟You don’t REALIZE it, but NOW you are moving VERY FAST into a NEW DIMENSION with LARGE and LIGHTER VIBRATORY FREQUENCES, which ASSISTS you in your TRANSFORMATION.
✨🌍💫👼💥By this MONTH of OCTOBER of YOUR TIME, the revelation of the lies you were given under the guise of protecting you will emerge and the wrath of some will be uncontrollable.
✨🧘💫🌟FEAR NOT for YOUR FUTURE, it is the SURVIVAL of the EARTH that will be at stake for the NEXT EARTH MONTHS, but a VERY BRIGHT FUTURE awaits YOU.



Energy Update

Every single being on the planet is coded for this mission of “Humanity’s Ascension to New Earth”.
What that means is that what is going on inside all of us, animal, plant, mineral, vegetable, and human, is coded within our DNA, direct from God Source Energy, for our specific role or function.
And for that to happen, as a divinely orchestrated “coming together”, is to expose what is needed to occur, for all to reach a level of “oneness”.
A gigantic scientific experiment.
A little bit of this, a little bit of that, too much of this, too much of that, to reach “balance”. An equation.
This equals that.
So how that is reflected in our external realities, is that whatever is needed to be added, or taken away from, within each of us, is manifested in our reality.
If we are giving too much of ourselves, and people-pleasing, then exposure of this will be manifested outside of ourselves. We will be shown how we tirelessly give to others without receiving anything back. So that balance can occur. The scales evened out.
It’s all about power at this point of the SIMulation.
Where EXACTLY, we are “out of balance in the scales of justice” within ourselves, and humanity as a whole – the Collective Consciousness.
If one needs to reclaim back power, or control within oneself – the mind – and is in a state of abuse…whether externally or within (think addictions…devil energy…something draining you of power…control), then this will also be manifested externally. Where and who are you giving your power away to?
When you are shown this as a SCRIPTed PLAY, when characters are assigned to roleplay a certain SCENARIO to show you how you are giving your power away, it exposes your weaknesses. To show you where you are out of balance…and sometimes in extreme measures…remember this is an experiment…a DESIGNED CONTROLLED experiment to get everyone back to “oneness”. As within, so without.
When you can rise from a situation and see where you are giving your power away, and to what degree, you can make adjustments. Balance the scales. Where you need to give more to yourself, or others, as the scales can tip both ways.
Balance the heart and mind, lessen the ego’s grip on events, and you do this by rising above it, looking down on the PLAY going on, and assessing (as if you are a scientist examining the experiment), what needs to be added, or taken away.
Taking this higher perspective on things makes it easier to take the necessary steps for change. Everything is DESIGNED to work for you, not against you, so take nothing personally. When you can view the characters around you as being there to support you in taking charge of your life rather than characters out to harm you, you can be grateful, appreciate their sacrifices for your gain, be less judgmental, and come from a place of love, empathy and compassion for self, and for those around you.
For example, you may have needed, for your soul’s growth and expansion and BALANCE, a family that insists you speak up for yourself and learn to stand on your own two feet, so you have manifested a family that treats you with no respect, and causes you to leave the family unit and go it alone. When you can reflect on the changes you have made, and how far you’ve come, you will sit in a higher perspective of the family and their sacrifices for you to evolve. And with that comes such a tender healing moment, it will bring you to tears, and all hatred and anger will leave the body. You reclaim your power and on to the next step of your evolution. Your progression.
Everyone is going through these same EXPERIMENTS. No one escapes it, even the family members. They are being shown what CONTROL looks like. How it FORCES the outsider to leave, and they are FEELING the effects of that – the loss.
As we move onto the lunar eclipse in Pisces on Tuesday 17th September, this EXPOSURE TO LIGHT, the truth of what was hidden will be AMPLIFIED. This is all by DESIGN. God is in control and when you live in trust and faith that all is going according to the MASTERplan, by the MASTER of this Experiment, you can flow with more grace and ease through each progression STAGE.
All the world’s a stage.
The Greatest SHOW of LOVE in the World.
All PLAYING on, inside you.
For you.
That is how much you are loved.
So there really is, nothing to do but love, in return.
Peace x
Humanity's Ascension to New Earth
Humanity’s Ascension to New Earth


As your Reality is Shifting..
Your Internal Desires are Changing….
Internal light source, Higher LIGHT Mission…Expanding…
It’s not a coincidence, you are being called to awaken, deeper and deeper…
Please acknowledge the great achievements of YOU, releasing cellular memories, as you Activate, Awaken….❤
SELF LOVE is of great importance
To be in gratitude for the advancement of your Physical Vessel.
KNOW your Energetic Presence is greatly assisting the process of Awakening, Ascension ❤
Acknowledge the POWER of YOU
Journal your thoughts, your Light Expansion
DAYDREAM of being with US
Sending waves of COSMIC LOVE.
The Arcturians
Karen Lithika




Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

The seed point entity that entered and separated the Masculine and Feminine, used people and relationships to continue cycle of division, generation after generation. It got into people and created a persona that abused others. This is a system that is breaking collectively. Personally you are being asked to stay strong and faithful in the bigger plan. Don’t let what has put out your fire in the past continue stealing your light. Call it all back and take care of yourself and your needs. Trust that God is in charge and putting an end to that entity for your rebirth. Give all the heartbreak to God so you can continue returning back to the light of who you really are, pure unconditional love.

In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏

God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn



Galactic Brothers and Sisters of Light
Galactic Brothers and Sisters of Light


On Thursday, September 12th, we started the day with an early, challenging connection between the Sun, ruler of our identity, in analyzing Virgo, and Jupiter, planet of exaggeration, in unstable Gemini. For those of us who were sleeping, this could have led to some very strange and chaotic dreams. For those of us who were awake, it could have caused us to feel confused and overwhelmed.
Now that this energy is clearing out, the Moon, ruler of our emotional body, which has just transitioned from nervous, fire sign Sagittarius to orderly, earth sign Capricorn will provide some focus. The Moon makes an opposition to Mars, planet of action, in empathic Cancer….a positive trine to Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in logical Virgo, and a beneficial sextile to Saturn, planet of patience, in adaptable Pisces. This should allow us to feel more grounded than we have for the past couple of days.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Sun, ruler of our identity, in analyzing Virgo, and Jupiter, planet of exaggeration, in unstable Gemini
Sun, ruler of our identity, in analyzing Virgo, and Jupiter, planet of exaggeration, in unstable Gemini
Sun in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini. Mercury in Virgo sextile Mars in Cancer – Sometimes it seems as though we’re locked in an endless round of work, sleep, work. There’s so much to do, so little time and part of us just wants to run far away. A voice shouts, ‘there’s more to life’ and the heart leaps, thrilled at the thought. But still, the dishes must be done, the to-do list ticked. We chafe at the bit, clock-watch. Tick-tick-tick…8 hours to freedom.
The restless vibe could tempt us to throw caution to the wind when what is required is a humble and orderly approach. Maybe the problem is that we’ve forgotten how to find joy in the moment. Bless this dish. Thank that iron. Smile as you process your paperwork and pay your bills. Let go of fretting and invoke a ‘can do’ attitude. Courage comes from putting thoughts into action. Don’t just think it, do it. Cultivate thankfulness and Jupiter will bring abundance in all its forms. Illuminate your soul’s mission by practising gratitude.
Degrees and Times
Sun 20°Vi10′, Jupiter 20°Ge10′ – 11:52 (BST)
Mercury 04°Vi21’Mars 04°Cn21′ – 04:41 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – Young Woman Picking Oranges by Berthe Morisot
Young Woman Picking Oranges
Young Woman Picking Oranges

Kin 67 ~ Blue Lunar Hand

‘Lunar’ is the name for the number 2 and its keywords are ‘Polarize, Challenge and Stabilize.’ It is the second day of this current wavespell which is always challenging. As with any journey – you must prepare, pack and plan. A wavespell journey is no different. The second day is about looking at the challenges you face so you may ‘polarize’ them and proceed. These can be tough days but if you are conscious of the process, it can be much easier – just think of it as an exercise in problem solving.
The Blue Hand represents ‘Healing, Accomplishment and Inner knowing’ and so, today is about facing the challenges that this presents. What is holding you back from healing? Why are you not accomplishing what you want? Today can cause frustration but have you ever noticed how it’s not the issue you have to deal with that is the problem… but your attitude towards problem solving generally causes headaches? Try approaching the issues at ‘Hand’ with a different view. Perhaps your obstacles are not as big as you imagined or maybe you have a greater ability to solve your problems than you give yourself credit for. Life is always going to throw you challenges and curveballs, shocks, changes and unexpected events, the only thing you truly are in your control of is how you react and deal with them as they arise. The Blue Hand is the healer of the Tzolkin but sometimes, it can slap you in the face. When it occurs on the 2nd day or the 13th day (which is enduring), the Hand is always direct about letting you know what’s wrong with you. You don’t want to shoot the messenger though…if a doctor gives you a diagnosis would you blame him/her for giving you the illness? The Blue Hand wants you to understand what needs healing before the process begins. You may not like the Blue Hand today but he can’t help you without first pointing out the problem.
The Guide today is Blue Storm which represents big changes. Hmm…a challenging day guided by that pesky disruptive Blue Storm! We could be in for a humdinger of a day. We best harness this energy and get things done today or we shall get blown away by it all. Don’t be surprised if some unexpected news blows your way. The Storm when leading a day, can take us this way and that and leave us spun out! There is absolutely nothing calm about this energy, be prepared to be taken on a wild ride.
The Challenge of the day is Red Earth which symbolizes ‘evolution’. It is tough today to make progress and it is especially tough for Red Earth people. You may be tempted to hide but your best bet is to just keep busy and hope the day passes by quickly.
The Occult power is the White Wizard, the enchanter of the Tzolkin. This gives a little sweetness to a tough day. Allow yourself to be enchanted magically and today may surprise you pleasantly. The Wizard can be a bit naughty when given this much power though… so don’t abuse your spellbinding powers today.
The Ally is the Yellow Human and if you need help today consult a Yellow Human. If you are one, expect much demand for your support and friendship. You are an invaluable Ally today so do your best to be helpful. If you don’t have a Yellow Human to help you, be your own Ally and do what a Yellow Human would do and that is: use your intuition of course!
Kin 67
Kin 67


I polarize in order to know
Stabilizing healing
I seal the store of accomplishment
With the Lunar tone of challenge
I AM guided by the power of self generation.
12/9/2024 = 3/9/8 = 3/17=3/8 = 11=2
12- Acquiring spiritual strength/wisdom
3- Holy trinity/Creativity/Joy/Happiness
11- Portal/Gate/Polarity/Illumination
2- Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
17- Immortality/Legacy
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 67 = 13 =4 – Foundation/Structure/Form 13/4=. New World foundation
Today we are CLOSING the door🚪 to the DUALITY battles, in order to build a new foundation of PEACE and divine HARMONY.✨🕊
Day 2 in the WHITE WORLDBRIDGER 🌈🌉 WAVESPELL of surrender, letting go, forgiveness, networking and building bridges to our new world.
Today we are CHALLENGED with the LUNAR tone, to SURRENDER and LET GO of the duality games in our physical existence.
LUNAR 🌓 Tone 2 in the PHYSICAL realm. The LUNAR tone represents the sacred twins, cooperation, relationship, polarity of male and female and duality. It’s ACTION – polarizes, POWER – challenges, ESSENCE – stabilizing. Polarity reveals your conflicts, struggles, and the apparent separation created by your beliefs in duality. Polarized positions actually work in cooperative alliances. In cooperation, all polarities serve as backgrounds for full appreciation of one another and the whole.
Examine the polarity of male and female within yourself as well as the DUALITY challenges in your physical reality. Today is the day to bring CLOSURE on these battles and pave the way for HEALING and a new start, FREE from conflict and discord in UNITY consciousness.
Today’s question is “What challenges do I need to finally RELEASE, in order to be FREED from Duality conflicts, and accomplish great HEALING, SURRENDERING to the natural FLOW of LIFE ?”
Divine blessings for accomplishing great HEALING and HARMONY in our world.
🙏🙏🙏DEEP PRAYERS and HEALING ENERGY 🙌 to all those who are suffering on our Planet, from the challenges of living in a dualist world.. May we all UNITE as one and DETACH FROM DRAMA.
AMEN 🙏🙏🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌈🌏
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE LUNAR HAND 🌓🙌 MANIK Brings forth great HEALING today, providing the opportunity to close the cycle of dis-ease and discordant states of being. Together with CIMI we can SURRENDER and release the old patterns of the past, facing what it is that needs our attention, in order to move ahead with more vigour and glee. As we SURRENDER and yield we can accomplish great healing.🌿🌿🌿
BLUE HAND🖐 is a portal to WISDOM, so healing knowledge will be forthcoming today.. Ask the right questions and LISTEN for the clues to remedy any ailment on your journey to wellness. 🌿
MANIK is a very handy boy🖐 so you may find yourself very busy volunteering a helping hand to others today, or a compassionate ear. It is a great day for a massage, physical healing or working – crafting with your HANDS.. Get out your TO DO LIST and attend to those incomplete tasks. Utilize MANIK’s gift of accomplishment to bring more stability and balance to your life.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE LUNAR STORM🌓 🌩🌪🌀 CAUAC’S energies are AMPLIFIED 🌪🌪today – through the LUNAR tone of CHALLENGE in the physical realm AND the DOUBLE STORM YEAR. The TREMENDOUS LUNAR STORM 🌀🌪 as the Higher guide is seeking to transform the sludge at the bottom of our Planetary swamp, into crystalline pure life enhancing waters through the power of DIVINE ALCHEMY.
CAUAC brings forth the power of transformation, heralding the winds of CHANGE! BLUE STORM’s actions are that of Purification and cleansing in order to restore purity and balance.
CAUAC🌀🌪 is working cooperatively with MANIK🙌 to bring restorative healing🌿 to any imbalance in your physical body or our Planetary body. Transformation, change and healing energies catalyzing self regeneration.
Note: as it is a PHYSICAL REALM day we may indeed SEE more physical storms 🌩🌧🌦 clearing and purifying our surroundings and planet, refreshing and clearing for a brand shiny New Era. 🌈🌈
This powerful STORM 🌪🌪is clearing the path for the NEW RESET🌀 to occur.
LET GO , 💥
and LIBERATE 💥 all that stagnant energy to generate a healthier mind, body and LIFE. 🌻🌸🌺
SUPPORT: YELLOW LUNAR HUMAN🌓 🤗 EB provides the Divine wisdom in assisting us to evolve past those old wounds, patterns and the old paradigm. When we operate from our egoic mind we CHALLENGE others, through our desire to be RIGHT all the time, which causes conflict. Taking the higher ground creates disparity, as opinions become polarized and people are challenged to “take sides”. In order for Harmony to reign we need to LET GO, and SURRENDER the ego’s desire for constant validation and approval..
Through acceptance and non judgement, using a compassionate MIND we evolve to a higher consciousness. Only then can we experience true PEACE through the dissolving of barriers and opposition.
Being open and willing to relinquish the old boundaries we can co-create and seed the NEW TIME, free to influence others in a positive way, towards more wholeness and harmony. In this process we can evolve to be messengers and conduits for the DIVINE will to flow through our actions, dedicating our lives to Spirit.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE CRYSTAL WIZARD 💎 🔮– IX allows us to be receptive to the TRUTH of what presents today as we seek the HEALING knowledge we require. Honestly facing our demons in order to cast them out forever!
The CRYSTAL WIZARD💎 has BRILLIANT CLARITY to see past the deceptions and confusion. Using his SHAMANIC Wizardry powers he can find the wisdom and solutions needed to accomplish great healing, discovering the perfect “medicine” required.
✨SPONTANEOUS HEALING MAJIK🖐🌿 ✨ is available today – go forth and perform HEALING MIRACLES🙌 for yourself and others.
The CRYSTAL WIZARD💎💫 can also bypass the egoic confusion, and cut straight to the best solution, to bring harmony and peace through divine inspiration, healing those polarity conflicts..
WHITE WIZARD provides great MAJIK 💫 as today’s SUPERPOWER giving you the POWER to transcend the OLD TIME and be uplifted into a HIGHER LIGHT through your HEART connection. As pure HEARTS unite to perform the Will of the Divine, to benefit all, our world HEALS. 💞🌍🌈🙌🌿
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED LUNAR EARTH🌓 🌍 CABAN challenges us to SURRENDER fearlessly, by anchoring deeply into the NEW EARTH and flowing with her cycles and the synchronicities, that occur when we listen deeply to Mother Earth, and flow with her messages.
Detach from the challenges and begin to FLOW with the cycles of the natural world. Leave the battlefield and seek the shelter and blessings of nature’s garden and true paradise. EDEN awaits us now. Follow the signs! 🌴🐬💞🌍🌈🏝
Our natural tendency is to get swept up and engage in battles that arise, flexing our muscles and applying our power💪 to control the situation. However
As we OPPOSE the forces, with our force, the opposition gets stronger and stronger. In Martial Arts it takes more strength, power and force to block, 👊 defend and counter attack, a physical assault by an opponent. The wiser manoeuvre is to observe the flow of the energy, and GO WITH THE FLOW – using the attackers own body weight, force and momentum to topple him with very little force or effort required. This analogy serves us well for our lifepath too.
Instead of resisting, fighting, struggling and suffering – all of which drain your life force and vitality – it is wiser to stabilize your energy through meditation and stillness. As you enter the receptive mode your awareness expands, and you can discover healthier solutions to bring forth harmony.
Spend some time sitting and reflecting in nature today. Become the OBSERVER as you sit in stillness, communing with the elements and realizing the natural balance of the natural world.
NOVA GAIA 🌏 is in charge and mumma KNOWS how to restore natural balance.. When MAN inflicts his will upon our natural world, and tries to exploit it, reshape it, and impose artificial structures within it, the natural balance is upset, and disharmony will result. Eventually the forces of mother nature RISE UP and erupt🔥🌋 as destructive forces that bring forth equilibrium again.. This is nature’s way.
If we do not challenge our Pachamama🌍 and the natural world, then PEACE and HARMONY will naturally reign.
LIVE and LET LIVE, become the OBSERVER and stop meddling.
Everything follows a cycle, and as we SURRENDER to this flow we discover a new sense of PEACE and ACCOMPLISHMENT as we realize a new sense of ONENESS with ALL THAT IS! ✨✨✨
This is the supreme mission of the WHITE WORLDBRIDGER CYCLE – to UNIFY people as EQUALS through the Art of SURRENDER, FORGIVENESS and LETTING GO 🏳🏳🏳
✨LET GO, LET GO of the shore, and GO WITH THE FLOW! 〰🌫🌈🌏✨
Our Planetary motto for the next 13 days, bridging the way to the New era of PEACE and HARMONY. 🙏🕊🌈🌏🌸💞
Today’s question is “What challenges do I need to finally RELEASE, in order to be FREED from Duality conflicts, and accomplish great HEALING, SURRENDERING to the natural FLOW of LIFE ?”
Divine blessings for accomplishing great HEALING and HARMONY in our world.
🙏🙏🙏DEEP PRAYERS and HEALING ENERGY 🙌 to all those who are suffering on our Planet, from the challenges of living in a dualist world.. May we all UNITE as one and DETACH FROM DRAMA.
AMEN 🙏🙏🙏
Namaste’ 🙏💟🙏💟
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌈🌏







🔥 New on Patreon 🕉 Sirius Stargate Transmission and Activation 🕉

Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Blue Ray Beings 🔥



Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.


CLICK HERE to for the Sirius Stargate Transmission



Radiant Rose Academy


Beloved Mighty I AM Christ Presence within and above, Beloved Goddess of Light, I Demand Your INVINCIBLE LOVE OF LIGHT FROM THE GREAT CENTRAL SUN come into me as a Living Flame of Eternal Happiness! (3)
Keep this Love of Light building within and without all throughout my day and do not allow anything that is not of the Light to approach!
I AM living, breathing, moving, listening and talking in a Golden Sun’s Presence of Cosmic Light Substance! Beloved Higher Mental Body, Dear Goddess of Light, Lift and Raise every vibration in my mind and body until the only activity these senses and faculties register is God’s Light, the Shadowless Light, the Light of God that never fails!
I AM so grateful and Blessed for Thy Divine Intervention and Assistance!
I look forward to the day when we come face to face in the Silence of the Light! Working together Visibly and Tangibly to return this world to the Garden of Eden, She was in the beginning!
Goddes of Light
From the Planetary Class

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