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GODDESS OF LIGHT ~ The Wood Dragon has been Gathering Treasures * Sacral Release Process for Earth ~ Truth, Honour And Integrity

GODDESS OF LIGHT ~ The Wood Dragon has been Gathering Treasures * Sacral Release Process for Earth ~ Truth, Honour And Integrity




Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings White Dragon Nation of Celestial Mountain of the Tao

We have wave after wave of Gamma Plasma Liquid Light flowing into this realm from the most high Infinite Source Creator as our local Soularis, as a Galactic Projector of White Light, released today another 8 C Class Soular Flares and 11 M Class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 7.43 at 4:55 UTC, encoded with our 37 into the 73 New Heaven upon the New Earth Codes.

Pachamama also received another massive activation on Her Pacific Ring of Fire with a Magnitude 6.8 earthquake in the Philippines at 22:23 UTC, followed by multiple aftershocks.

Synchronizing with these New Earth Transformation Events we have one of the 13 clear signs of Prophecy on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar inscribed on the lid of the tomb of Mayan King Pacal Votan. Today is Galactic Signature Kin 26 ~ White Cosmic Worldbridger being the 13th sign shown and the 13th day of the White Wizard Wavespell, giving us the double 13 Code of the Divine Goddess flowing in.

The Lion, Dragon and Phoenix Nations are with us to assist in these final phases of our Ascension Process and our Divine Missions of full Planetary Liberation.

When you sit, totally still like a mountain; in body, mind and spirit, you transform into Dragon and swallow the whole Universe. In that moment all becomes clear and true! Remember all things are perfectly resolved in the Eternal Unborn Mind of Buddha, your True Nature of Pure Awareness… A’Ho!







We are not just our earthly or dimensional roles or designations
We are Pure Spirit Soul
Monadic Principles Abound Monadic grids Resound
88 Lions Gate
88 Lions Gate
Conscious breathing can give you a glimpse into the beyond. You have already reached 5D if you can be aware of your breathing for a single moment.
The difference between life and death lies in a single breath. When we enter this world from the womb, our first act is to take a deep breath, marking the beginning of life. And life ends with our last breath. Breath is the fuel for our journey, essential for every leap we take, from activating ascent to overcoming daily challenges.
Change is real, and it is happening in our world: from duality to unity, from ego to higher self, from fear to love. More Starseeds are waking up to their true potential and stepping into their power as creators of reality with every breath they take!
Conscious breathing
Conscious breathing

Sustainable Systems
Aligning With The Eternal Principles
Of Angelic Creator Consciousness Now,
Truth, Integrity, Honour
To Reinstate The Eternal Self Holding
Support Structures Of The Continuum.
Deep Honour And Compassion
For The Cost To Self
The Sacrificial Burden Which Got Us This Far
But NOW Beloveds
We Regain Access To The Spiral Of Creation,
To The True Mind Of Nature, Of Womb.
We All Return To The Compassionate
Fold Of Nature
To The Ease And Flow Of Unimpeded Birth
We Will Be Held In Alignment
All We Need To Do To Hold Is Be In
Truth, Honour And Integrity
Sacrifice Is Over
End Of Worship
We Are Tired, We Have Exhausted This Avenue
Be The Love You Are
Be The Nature You Are
Hop On The Spiral
Expect Miracles
Instant Correlation
Sustainable Freedom
Inherent Support
The Fist Becomes A Rose
Field Of Crosses Becomes A Forest Of Trees
Chief Speaks Through Uluru
We Will Be Shown The Way Of Father Earth
Felt Within

Art by Anato Finnstark

Sustainable Systems
Sustainable Systems
8/2/24: The Wood Dragon has been gathering treasures all year… for those who deserve them. It’s been watching actions, attitudes, and motives. It’s been judging and weighing and balancing… and will reward accordingly. It’s big on fairness and firm on consequences and is never fooled about the truth. It hates falseness and conflict and disrespect.
August is when it makes its final decisions. September brings justice. Your Right Action this month is to be honest and transparent. To stand strong in integrity. To make sure your intentions, values, and principles are honorable. Today is about being generous in your manifesting. The more you get, the more you can give, and the more you will get.
The Wood Dragon
The Wood Dragon
The current Sacral Release Process for Earth is still ongoing and will culminate around August 24th, 2024, linear time.
This is the most significant widespread process to be Divinely Administered to the landscape of the evolution of this Planetary Ascension to linear date. This process is being Divinely effected by two main factors of which are the Individuals Divine Subjugation to compressive experience and through the Direct Divine intervention of compensating the entire electrical and material information infrastructure on Earth, with a Positron influx.
The Individuals Divine Subjugation to compressive experience is to facilitate the inversion of value from external to internal, to change the perception and sense of where value originates, and to properly place the full worth and value into its highest place, and in preparation for the Ascended Earth, of which tentatively can be achieved by November 15th, 2024 of constant linear Earth Time.
To compensate and create the energetic environment to sustain a higher consciousness Earth, the current energetic systems of Earth are also being calibrated through persistent incremental upgrading Positron influxes from the Sun. This is also currently complimented by the Divine Multidimensional aspect recognized as the “Galactics”. Whereas the dimensional Wall has become thinner due to the Light Quotient able to sustain the 5D vibrational layer to higher quality, it facilitates the closeness for an even greater Etheric support, both multidimensional and abstract.
As the Sacral Release Process continues, the direct reconciliation stimulates the Solar Plexus area of self recognition of Divine Identity and Prowess of Those Divine Ones that are on Divine Mission here on Earth, and at the least to All Others, the ability to recognize Their own value and to make higher civilized choices. Periods of consciousness fog and resets of consciousness is occurring and intermittently ongoing, as the operating consciousness of the Individual more readily accepts the higher realignment of beliefs and transit from the fear timelines and tributaries. It becomes unnecessary to experience any more of that to evolve the consciousness, and because the consciousness reaches such a level in the Individual, where the Individual is fully equipped to remedy Themselves.
The next few weeks is a period of observation, guidance, and support by the First Wave, of being on “Divine Call”, while the subsequent Waves Raise.
Love and Light
Rick Jewers
There have been a lot of activations this week, I can feel it in this body and feel it from Mother Earth.
Potent Photon Plasma energy coming into this planet.
We get a break for about a day or two and then boom here comes more.
The weather here has been very mild, temps lower than usual but we are heating up again. I am just grateful we haven’t hit the 110 heat indexes those wipe me out.
Even the plants are feeling this plasma energy, some are thriving, and others just wilt until they adjust to it, just like our bodies are adjusting and some days I feel wilted too, lol.
All and all I am so grateful for this journey and so excited to continue creating the new with these amazing energies coming in. Sometimes things just instantly manifest. I have to be careful of my thoughts though, so I am very observant of what is going on in my mind.
Sleep patterns seem to shift differently, from barely any sleep to a lot of sleeping.
Amazing dreams, many of us are working in the higher realms balancing these vibrant energies.
Hopefully for some it will feel much smoother, as long as you are not dabbling in the 3D densities of fear and separation.
We are all connected in this energy of Life and the more amazing energies we receive the more we can literally feel how connected we are to it all.
Keep those minds clear, stay at Zero Point and just be the observer of it all, work with the energies around you bring them to balance as you continue to stay balanced with all that is occurring.
Letting go and just being has been a major shifting point for myself. There is Peace within us, if we just take a moment to connect with our Spirits.
You can feel the portals opening as we move closer to the opening of the Lions Gate.
Enjoy it, things will most likely become more tense outside of us, but we must remain at peace and not allow ourselves to be dragged down into the show that is being presented to us.
We are the creators of this reality, and we are literally changing it each moment we decide to be a Loving Peaceful Presence on this divine planet we call home.
Hope you all are doing well through this, I know many have a rough time, especially if they are caught up in all the distractions taking place.
Remain in your Heart, stay centered there and all will be well.
Sending Love to all you beautiful Souls out there, the Christ Light is shining bright upon us. ❤
Christ Light is shining bright upon us
Christ Light is shining bright upon us


Dear friends, as we move deeper into this new month of August our energy fields begin to resonate stronger with the frequencies of number 8. As you know, the Lion’s Gate energy portal will reach its climax on August 8, a time in which the 888 light codes will be at their peak intensity. But how do these lightcodes interact with and transform our energetic structures and spiritual essence? One way this numeric energetic resonance coalesces with our energy is through the eighth chakra/energy center, also known as the soul star.
This month (and year) the frequencies of number 8 are acting as a triad of three energetic vortexes forming a triangle/pyramid structure in space, symbolizing prosperity, manifestation, and material success, This sacred numeral reminds us that our thoughts and actions are the masterful conductors of our reality, orchestrating the symphony of our lives with every intention and deed.
In the realm of numerology, the number 8 is a harbinger of abundance and prosperity’s golden light, illuminating our path, helping us to manifest the material success’s creative power, shaping our destiny. But also, number 8 is about awaking our inner wisdom and intuition’s gentle voice. Number 8 brings spiritual awareness and a direct connection to the universal cosmic heartbeat, pulsing with an otherworldly rhythm.
And yet, the frequency of number 8 holds another secret, a hidden key to the eighth chakra, the revered Soul Star. Located above the crown of the head, this chakra is the threshold to the divine, spiritual awareness, and higher states of consciousness, a portal to the infinite and the eternal.
This energy center located outside of our physical body is associated with: higher states of consciousness and spiritual awareness of the ethereal realms; connection to the divine and universe’s infinite wisdom and its ancient truths; inner wisdom and intuition’s ancient knowledge that has been guiding our soul through the ages; and spiritual growth and transformations, renewing our spirits like a Phoenix flying upwards from the 3D ashes.
The month of August, and specially the 888 lightcodes already flowing in, can act as a wonderful spacetime vortex for a deeper connection with our 8th chakra. As we attune ourselves to the eighth chakra’s vibrational essence, we become the vessels of higher guidance, intuition, and inner wisdom. We tap into the cosmic library of ancient knowledge, merge with our higher selves, and experience the bliss of spiritual awakening.
You can also take a few moments daily to breathe into your eighth chakra, envisioning a radiant, shimmering pulsing light about 20-40 centimeters/12 inches above your head connecting you to the universe’s heart. You can visualize the number 888 in a triangular/pyramidal shape as well, and focus on these affirmations:
“I am the embodiment of abundance and prosperity in all aspects of my life.”
“I trust in the universe’s divine plan and guidance.”
“I am one with my higher self and inner wisdom’s gentle whisper.”
You can repeat this exercise a few times a day to keep your vibrational state more attuned to the incoming 888 lightcodes. You may also want to keep a journal next to you in case any insights come into your awareness.
This weekend, as the energies of the new moon in Leo begin to arrive, will be a wonderful time to meditate, clarify, and set your intentions for the rest of the year. Let’s embrace these prosperous and enlightening energies, they are here to support and guide us into an expanded and more joyful version of our earthly journey.
Have a lovely weekend.
Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ
AUGUST 2 2024





Everything that we are experiencing through our process of restoration of the Divine Kundalini, takes place in the overall system of Earth too.
Earth has its own Kundalini which is related to the north star and the axis/spine that vertically runs the whole system.
In different periods of the multidimensional clock, the portal of the Earth’s Kundalini opens and the plasma of the inner Sun comes through.
These are the periods in which people wake up, receive DNA upgrades and become more smart, more etheric, more charismatic while they remember the truth of their story and identity.
In other periods, the opening or portal of the Earth’s Kundalini closes down and people lose many of their abilities as they receive less light from the inner Sun so they become less smart and more material.
Fortunately we are now in the period where the portal opens so the inner Sun’s radiation is flowing in this realm through the reflective portal for the 3D sun and our bodies can upgrade.
Imagine the whole process like leaving the epoch of winter and entering the epoch summer which is being initiated by the bigger cosmic clock or like a big inhalation and a big exhalation of the system that we live in.
Us, we are bound to follow those rhythms and cycles that the system initiates.
The system is pushing us to change and we respond by changing.
Resisting change automatically means rejection and exit from the cycle of the new flow.
It is important to have this information so that one can decide what to do, change or exit?
This push for change has now reached a great increase and this month will offer great clear proof of this.
This month is the month of the breaking of the loops between the masculine and the feminine.
The breaking of the loops for the unaware collective will take place via strong, unexpected but also very wise developments.
The Twin Flames are now entering a very special period of the conscious breaking of their loops.
During this period the Feminine Presence, Essence and Worth will be witnessed and felt as the Queen which is now taking her new place.
This is a place that the collective had forgotten that it even existed!
I am mentioning this as it is very important!
There will be no continuation towards the new paradigm without the Feminine Queen in her position.
This needs to be clearly understoond.
On the other hand the Masculine has been supported by the Feminine Queen in so many ways but he does not really seem to understand what her return means for him.
In many cases even respected, successful and spiritual males, are still demeaning the feminine and think that she will continue playing a role of the follower, servant or supporter, in other cases, males wish to become the feminine’s supporter, followers or servants.
Neither is the case that can work in the new energy.
This is the time for Self Sovereignty, growth and adult Souls.
The Feminine has returned to have the role and position of the co-creator.
Co-creation, mutual respect, recognition and appreciation is the only way via which the Bridge of Life can be restored.
The Bridge will not be steady and strong if there is still active distortion and imbalance between yin and Yang energies This month is going to be a big test for both the feminine and the masculine!
She is called to claim and take her new conscious position in full responsibility for her role.
If she doesn’t do this willingly, she will be pushed even more via more suffering until she gets what she is meant to do.
He is called to humble himself, share, reposition and in many cases, leave his comfort zone and abandon certain egocentric behaviours and privileges that he was enjoying just by being a male in this world.
Distorted and childish demands are over.
I have personally been many times a witness of males from different places of the world who are concindered awakened guides or leaders, being unable to distinguish the difference between co-creation and one-sided creation that basically excludes the feminine wisdom from the decision making process.
In my opinion the existence of these blind spots in the masculine is due to lack or resistance to therapy so a big part of himself and the true causes of his inner distortion, is unknown to him.
There is still a very big resistance to open up and connect to his true feelings due to inner negative criticism that runs in the family flows and society norms.
This is one big ill loop that the masculine is called to break.
If the masculine within all, doesn’t respond positively to this development, the answer from the universe will be very strong, even devastating.
I have been witnessing this playing out in many different cases, especially during the past few weeks.
This is not the time to continue disrespecting because this is not the way of natural law.
The only way for the masculine shadow to heal and escape the ego traps and mental disorder, is by truly addressing childhood and generational trauma and soul karma, meaning by really attending to his healing and nurturing so that he can return to his true power without being threatened or feeling that he needs to subordinate to the feminine.
There will be no more external energy supporting arrogance and egotism!
Many male leaders or spiritual guides in all kinds of fields will lose their female supporters as the energies now will be so intense that it will be so easy for them to impulsively expose their shadow in unproductive ways only to realise it too late!
The matter anti-matter heart spreads its BIG wings and it is all inclusive, meaning of both masculine and feminine energies!
This heart is the portal of birthing the new Life!
🧬 🧬🧬
The inner loops are breaking, revealing the truth behind each experience.
They are opening the way for the organic flows to come in and bring restoration in the paths and nodes of the Kundalini.
This is the development that is igniting the I AM SOLAR Consciousness!
We are really leaving oblivion and the dark ages behind.
We are becoming the Presence and Essence of the inner Sun’s Trinity!
Blessings to all for a very constructive month!
We got this!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
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The Dance of the Goddess weaves higher light into all of Creation. She dances lightly upon the Earth, but is a receiver of Heaven. Through her body she transmits, much like a crystal, the energies of the Above, linking rhythmically with the Below. She is a conductor of energy and knows how much to release, how quickly, and at what pace.
She dissolves separation because her dance is the Dance of Unity. It is the Dance of Non-limitation. It is the dance that moves formless into form. She is flow itself.
Her energy is both gentle and compelling. It neither forces nor does it fear to move, for it knows no fear.
It is the embodiment of Love itself, which casts fear out.
The heart is engaged and the heart is tuned to the Heart of God, through the dance of the Goddess, the heart is freed from restriction, constriction, worries and fear.
The Dance of the Goddess knows the steps to transmuting Love of Power into Power of Love.
And the dance is continual, always renewing, resurrecting, and passing the energy of The Creator into the Creation.
(Rev. Wistancia Stone)
Dance of the Goddess
Dance of the Goddess


For The Light Expression Of Your World Is A Wonderful Symphony Of Light Creation Brought Forth In An Ancient Code Of Light.
A Universal Code Of Love
Of Quantum LIGHT
Aligned To The Harmonics Codes Of All Creation
For The Quantum Light Field Is Inviting You To Play In The Light Of Now
To Align With The Harmonic Resonance Of All Creation
The Pathway Of All Creation BEINGS Leads US To The Essence Of Birthing Light, Birthing This Now Moment
Aligning To The Goddess Of Light Who Assists US In Manifesting And Co-Creating. This Is A Feminine Frequency Of Love Creation
To Enter The Energetic Field To Discover, Clear, LOVE and REACH US.
Universal LOVE ❤🌏
To see the Cascading Light Before you, as we assist and guide. Reassure and align to all that You feel in this message ❤❤
The complexities of your world is simply an energetic layer you reside in. A layer of your multidimensional world.
As the Light Evolution continues ❤🙏
Sending waves of Cosmic Love 🌿
The Arcturians & Karen Lithika

The shift of Ages continues with the collapsing of monarchs and systems of control. You have been instrumental in helping these dominant systems fall through you and your experiences with them. As this all clears out, your power of the mind is recovering. You are no longer a prisoner to these control structures. Abundance, freedom, new possibilities, and success are assured. It is all coming in as the matrix completes collapsing. Don’t get caught up in it’s fall, waiting for the finale. Instead look forward, breath, and focus on love and your personal growth.

In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏

God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn


Ra James

Today Venus in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus. This can positively impact your relationships. Expect it to shake things up if it’s got stagnant. Things are about to get hot. Expect fresh energies for your relationships. These energies are helping you to clear outdated perspectives that are holding you back. It’s a time to break free from stagnant and limiting relationship patterns. Sometimes you have to sacrifice your ego in order to get what you want in love.
Venus square Uranus may manifest as the desire for freedom in your relationships. Venus in Leo lives in the limelight and wants to be at the center of relationships. Venus in Leo is known to be over the top. Venus in Leo encourages you to embrace a passionate love. This alignment and the energies of the Lions Gate Portal are all about healing and opening your heart chakra. It’s all about love and following your heart. Venus is the Planet of love and abundance.
It’s all about pursuing pleasure. Expect unexpected changes and surprises in your relationships. This is main character energy. It’s all about manifesting your own fairy tale when it comes to your love life…
Venus is the Planet of love and abundance
Venus is the Planet of love and abundance
On Friday, August 2nd, Venus, ruler of the Divine Feminine archetype, in passionate Leo the Lion is in a challenging square aspect to Uranus, ruler of liberation and change, in steadfast Taurus. We may feel a push from the Universe to set ourselves free, be more independent, or redirect our lives in some way.
There may be some surprising situations that propel us forward, initiating our leadership ability and creative individualism. We may feel a bit emotional about this as the Moon, ruler of our feelings, is in sensitive Cancer and challenging Chiron, ruler of past life wounds.
Focus today on what actions will allow you to feel more self-sufficient and allow healing to take place regarding past patterns and circumstances that have held you back from your true and authentic self-expression! Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Venus, ruler of the Divine Feminine archetype, in passionate Leo the Lion
Venus, ruler of the Divine Feminine archetype, in passionate Leo the Lion
Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus. Mars in Gemini sextile North Node in Aries – The atmosphere is irritable but if you dare to listen, perhaps the right information will land just when you least expect it. Initially, we may find ourselves thinking ‘something needs to change!’ Relationships or financial issues could seem unpredictable. What was once attractive no longer appeals. Feeling bored and restless may simply be a result of life having become too comfortable. Make room for new experiences. Explore outside of the box. Colour outside the lines. Wear different clothes, use a different scent, switch your lunch choices. Follow the heart’s desire for novelty.
If you feel backed into a corner, take time to appraise where life has got out of balance. Look for the most loving response to alleviate pressure. Give yourself space and time to clear your mind. Be willing to think about all your options, even the ones that seem unpleasant at face value. Have the courage of your convictions. Don’t wait for permission to choose. Claim your freedom.
Degrees and Times
Mars 08°Ge23′, North Node 08°Ar23′ R – 04:18 (BST)
Venus 26°Le52′ Uranus 26°Ta52′ – 14:26 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – Portrait of Maria Munk (unfinished) by Gustav Klimt
Portrait of Maria Munk
Portrait of Maria Munk

Kin 26 ~ White Cosmic Worldbridger

The number 13 is called ‘Cosmic’ and its keywords are ‘Endure, Transcend and Presence’. Thirteen is very sacred symbolizing the 13 moons we have each year, it is powerful and transformative. The last day of a wavespell is time to reflect on the past 13 days, so think carefully about the journey as there is always a poetic connection between the first day and last. We began with the ‘Enchanting Wizard’ and now we transcend with the Shamanic Worldbridger. This number is not easy and demands of us that we endure to transcend.
The key words associated with White Worldbridger are ‘Death, Opportunity and Equality.’ The Worldbridger is always providing opportunities to cross a bridge but as today is a number 13 day, it may be ‘enduring’ to try. If you want to proceed you have to pay the toll, symbolically speaking. ‘Death’ is associated with the Worldbridger and this represents the Shaman’s death of letting go. To make it to the next level on your path you must release what hinders you…usually that’s the ego, sometimes it’s fear. Whatever it is, you will feel a whole lot lighter once you reach the other side. Each time we cross a bridge we must sacrifice something and this is where old tales come from about the troll under the bridge. This means we don’t go up a level, or be rewarded with progress without first earning it. Why should you be allowed to cross if you don’t deserve it?
Today’s Guide is White Dog which represents ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart’. Today is a great day to put one hundred percent into whatever you do. Like a dog with a bone, use that determination to guide your actions. Also naturally, let your decisions today be guided by love. This helps with the ‘enduring’ aspect of the day. Imagine you are crossing a bridge but with a dog on a leash and he is pulling you. We can get dragged over the bridge when the Dog is guiding. This symbolizes his tenacity.
The Challenge of the day is Yellow Warrior which represents ‘questing’. Yellow Warriors are soldiers with great willpower who love to take on missions. Today however, these missions may seem insurmountable. For the rest of us, plans may fail or take a twist. Until that troll is paid there is no moving forward. Yellow Warriors ask a lot of questions and today they may not get answers. Putting down your weapons is the best course of action.
The Occult power is the Blue Eagle which represents ‘Creativity and Vision.’ This suggests that we can benefit from a little magical boost today if we use our creativity and try to see things from a higher perspective. Look at the bigger picture before deciding which bridge to cross and what toll to pay.
The Ally is Red Skywalker, they make excellent traveling companions for today’s bridge crossing if you are lucky enough to know one. If you are a Red Skywalker you’ll be a great help to others with your courage and sense of adventure. Your enthusiasm for exploring goes well with Worldbridgers desire to go places.
Kin 26
Kin 26


13 CIMI – KIN 26
2 AUGUST 2024
✨SURRENDER to the MAJIK 🍥 of the COSMOS! ✨
I endure in order to equalize
Transcending opportunity
I seal the store of death
With the Cosmic tone of presence
I AM guided by the power of HEART.
2/8/2024 = 2/8/8 =2/16=2/7=9
2- Twins/Partners/Alliances/Cooperation/Duality
9- Completion/Endings/Mission/Destiny/Service/Humanitarian/Grace
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
16- The TOWER/Sudden unexpected events
7- Majik/Mystic/Spiritual/Initiation/Test/Solitude
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 26 = 8 Infinity/Abundance/Source Flow – 8.8.8. ABUNDANCE CODE
A very powerful COSMIC 🍥day for expanding our consciousness🍥✨ through the Art of SURRENDERING🏳 to the power of LOVE! 💗💗💗
TODAY is one of the 13 clear signs (Galactic signatures) that were revealed inscribed on the lid of the tomb of the Mayan King👑 – Pacal Votan, indicating the potency of this day. It is the 13th sign shown, and today is the 13th day of this 13 day Wavespell cycle, of anchoring the timeless receptivity of the White Wizard/Galactic shaman! This gives us a 13.13 DOUBLE COSMIC code!!!
Today CIMI the WORLDBRIDGER is bringing CLOSURE… Closing the OLD CYCLE in order to build the bridge for the NEW to enter through these wonderful 8.8.8 gateways.
CIMI seals the store of DEATH – with every DEATH there is the promise of NEW LIFE.. we have shed our old skin, to expose the new pristine cells to absorb more LIGHT…
✨13.13. 8.8.8. 9.🍥🍥🍥– COSMIC heavenly energies flooding through these gateways. 💫💫💫
The Worldbridger 🌈🌉– tribe 6 with the Wizard 🔮– tribe 14, together make tribe 20 – AHAU the SUN🌞.. the penultimate embodiment of the 20 tribes.
It is interesting that this span of time from KIN 26 – WHITE COSMIC WORLDBRIDGER🍥🌉🌈 through to KIN 40 the YELLOW MAGNETIC SUN 🌞(occuring on 16th AUGUST 2024) refers to
According to MAYAN COSMOLOGY🍥 we have just stepped onto the RAINBOW BRIDGE! 🌈🌈🌈
1 AHUA – KIN 40 kicks off the 13 day Wavespell journey of ENLIGHTENMENT. 🌞🌞🌞
VERY EXCITING TIMES dear Planetary Wizards. 💫💫💫
LET’S GO COSMIC! The transcendent dynamic that runs the whole show! The all encompassing everything that is the Cosmic 13 perfectly transcends taking MAJIK FLIGHT, and returning to the ONE once again!
COSMIC is the last and final tone of creation in every 13 day Wavespell. The highest octave. Tone 13 operates in the SPIRITUAL realm. 13 is the mystical number of the Cosmic order, the Goddess and synchronic Natural time. COSMIC ACTION – transcends POWER – endures ESSENCE – presence .
Today at our conclusion of the WHITE WIZARD WAVESPELL💫 we are transcending into PURE PRESENCE through our ENCHANTED HEARTS.💖🍥💖.
We commenced the Wavespell opening our Heart💗 to the White Majik from Spirit, by learning to be still and receptive.. Now our HEART expands💓 into PURE COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS ✨🍥💗– realizing that LOVE💗 is the FORCE that binds the Universe together, through our united HEARTS.. as we float in the field of ONENESS… eternally PRESENT in the NOW moment of existence.
We have arrived – ✨ADSUM I AM HERE!✨. This is the stage of having transcended the physical, emotional and mental realms and arriving at COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS. 🍥🍥🍥
Today’s question is “Are you ready to totally SURRENDER, LET GO, and forgive your past, in order to float in the endless sea of Cosmic Presence?”🍥✨💖✨
In doing so you reach a state of TRANSCENDENCE, finally closing that chapter of your life, now able to move across the RAINBOW BRIDGE🌈🌉🌈 towards realizing Cosmic consciousness in the NEW TIME.
Wow PLANETARY KIN – it is really HAPPENING!!! 🎉🎈🎊
Today we close the cycle of IX the Majikal shamanic WHITE WIZARD, who has enabled us to attune to TRUTH through our precious HEARTS❤ reclaiming our White Majikal POWERS. IX gifted us with the power of ENCHANTMENT and endlessness, expanding our ability to receive and reflect infinite LOVE💖 available through SOURCE. ✨☀✨
Now that we have forged a strong heart ❤ connection with Spirit🕊 we can effortlessly access the knowledge needed to accomplish great HEALING,💚🌿 as we embark on a new adventure with MANIK the BLUE HAND 🖐– known as the HEALER archetype.🙌
and so our journey through the Dreamspell continues…….
Divine blessings for TRANSCENDING the DEATH of the old time, and Resurrecting the bridge to endless COSMIC LOVE ❤ 🍥❤
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌈🌏
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE COSMIC WORLDBRIDGER 🍥 🌈🌉 CIMI seals the store of Death, having the power to bring closure to the old cycle and build a bridge to the new. This involves the process of SURRENDER and LETTING GO.. You must be willing to LET GO of your heavy old baggage🛍 – cut the ties and release your burdens.
After the old bridge has been burnt and destroyed, WORLDBRIDGER’s focus is to create a new one, forging links, networks and communication channels with others in the community.
The COSMIC Worldbridger 🍥🌈🌉 is able to make EXPANSIVE connections through our HEART 💖 portal and the COSMIC HEART of Creation.💖.. Together with IX the White Wizard, these white kin mates of Spirit, can reach the far corners of the Universe throughout all dimensions and realms.
WORLDBRIDGER has the capacity to span dimensions to forge these connections, thus equalizing the existence of all who follow across the rainbow bridge. 🌈🌉 WHITE WORLDBRIDGER seeks union, harmony and cooperation, as many beings are needed to build a sturdy bridge, to support all who choose to cross into the new realm, now and in the future.
COSMIC CIMI can OPEN endless doors, to New opportunities and wondrous new realms, enabling you and our Collective Common-Unity to BLAST 💥 through the tunnel into a beautiful new reality. 💞🌈
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE COSMIC DOG 🍥 🐕 OC 💟 is the perfect companion for IX our White Wizard 💫who operates his Majik through the POWER of his pure HEART.💗
Today we have DOUBLE the power of enchanted sweet HEARTS today. ❤❤ Throw in an extra dash of majik💫 with the 7 UNIVERSAL month code, and we have a beautiful recipe for MAJIKAL HEART EXPANSION. ❤💖💗
💖The COSMIC DOG🍥🐕 embodies the HIGHEST frequency of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE💖 of all 260 DREAMSPELL KIN – this is PURE ECSTATIC BLISS 💖❤💗– codes available today. .
LOVE💖 is endless – unlimited and INFINITE, formless and expansive.
LOVE💖 is the PRIMA FACIE force in the UNIVERSE.
Today’s code – returns us to LOVE💖 through the Art of SURRENDER.
The WHITE DOG 🐕amplifies the final day of WHITE WIZARD, showing us how to finally TRANSCEND our HEART wounds, and SURRENDER to the healing power of unconditional LOVE, throughout the COSMOS. ❤🌿💚 We have endured much heart pain and suffering on our life journey, but now we are rediscovering the TRUE path of LOVE through our endless connection to Spirit. ✨🕊✨
Being receptive to and radiating LOVE.💖 Self love, forgiveness of ourselves and ALL others involved, OPENS the GOLDEN doors to the COSMOS. Walk freely and unencumbered through these GATES TO HEAVEN. ✨💖✨
Today we are discovering the ✨GREATEST MAJIK in the UNIVERSE ✨ – the POWER of LOVE! 💞💥
❤ I LOVE YOU 💞– remember to say these words frequently to all and sundry!
💖 LOVE is the greatest HEALER 💚🌿 in all of CREATION.💖
✨Enchanting song of Ho’oponopono🌺✨ for FORGIVENESS🙏🙏🙏
The COSMIC DOG🍥🐕 teaches us to allow our plans, and future direction, to be ruled and guided by our HEART.❤
Let this be our new G.P.S. 🗺
In order to create more harmony in our lives and those of our communities, we must embrace the principles of trust, compassion, equality, loyalty and integrity. Being totally inclusive of all sentient beings on this planet, to become ONE with all things, building bridges to each other’s HEARTS💖 through the purity of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE..💞
We MUST EMBODY unconditional LOVE ❤ and reflect this in our total beingness.
GOD 💟 is DOG 🐕spelled backwards, and GOD IS LOVE! 💞
The COSMIC DOG🍥🐕 teaches us that we can access everything we need in the Universe, through the power of LOVE!💟🐕💞
SUPPORT: RED COSMIC SKYWALKER☁🚶BEN the agent of BLISS ❤❤❤– joins our INFINITE LOVE code today! 🍥❤
BEN is our Angelic Messenger and Galactic Shaman who accompanies Worldbridger, leading the way into the alternate dimensions and realities. BEN the Galactic explorer will be your guide, keeping you safe and protected along your path, whilst you relish in exploring new worlds in the Cosmic field of infinite possibility. ✨🍥✨
The GATEWAY to these new realms is through your enchanted Heart Portal💖.. floating effortlessly in the streams of pure Cosmic Consciousness.🍥✨. experiencing the BLISS💞 of floating in this sea of pure presence..
To anchor this BLISS on EARTH💞🌏.. IX reminds us to be still and receptive, and then we can transcend the barriers of SPACE-TIME where anything is possible! ✨💫✨
SKYWALKER reminds us that there is a huge, expansive multi-Universe of potentialities “out there” (inside us all) – waiting to be explored, navigated and chartered.
❓❓ Where to next?
❓❓ Where are you headed?
❓❓ Which way to the greatest BLISS?❤💞❤
Contemplate these questions in your daydreams today.🍥💫🎆
NOTE: If the star glyph for BEN/RED SKYWALKER🚶 appears in your own personal Galactic signature, in ANY position, then today your SKYWALKING powers THROUGH BLISS❤ will be EXPANDED exponentially! ❤💞❤
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE MAGNETIC EAGLE 👁 MEN Today is day 13 of WHITE WIZARD Wavespell coming to completion, so we are ready to take our MAJIK FLIGHT into the unknown!
BLUE EAGLE’s power of VISION is magnified through the WIZARD’S shamanic powers, giving you great wisdom and the capacity to SEE throughout many dimensions and realms. The LOOKING GLASS🔮 is accessible to all who dare to look with a PURE HEART. 💖
This EAGLE is MAGNETIC and shows us that our INNER VISION👁 is our greatest access point, to connect to the multi-dimensional cosmic realms, revealed through CIMI, BEN and IX..
Go within, through your precious HEART❤ and the Mysteries of the Universe🍥🔮will be revealed to you. You can attract all that you desire through the power of your MAGNETIC HEART💓 aligned with your supernatural VISION. 👁❤🔮✨
Magnetize your greatest VISION 👁🔮 and expand your potential to FLY HIGH and soar through sunny skies. The EAGLE is lifting you to even Higher states of BLISS into HEAVENLY REALMS.✨💓✨
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW COSMIC WARRIOR 🍥🌈🏹 CIB gives you the courage today to follow your HEART❤ and trust your higher mind, through by-passing your forever questioning EGOIC MIND.
Be ADVENTUROUS and enjoy the journey. If a door opens or a new path appears, then be brave and follow it! Do not question, analyze and get caught up in your mind, possibly missing opportunities that present for you.
Do not FEAR, the brave YELLOW COSMIC WARRIOR is here. 🍥🏹🗡
Take the LEAP of faith and SURRENDER the battles of the past, trusting in Divine Will to take you to a new Cosmic Adventure. Be brave, take off your armour, and take down your HEART WALLS.
❤❤❤Fearlessly CHOOSE to LOVE ALL💖 through the Power of COSMIC LOVE.✨🍥💖
The COSMIC 🍥RAINBOW🌈 WARRIORS are fearlessly charging 🐎🐎🐎 across this new Cosmic 🍥Rainbow🌈 Bridge🌉 on this Majikal day of ✨RESURRECTING THE NEW TIME.. ✨
As we SURRENDER through DEATH, a new Golden healing cycle begins….💥
Today’s question is “Are you ready to totally SURRENDER, LET GO, and forgive your past, in order to float in the endless sea of Cosmic Presence?”🍥✨💖✨
In doing so you reach a state of TRANSCENDENCE, finally closing that chapter of your life, now able to move across the RAINBOW BRIDGE🌈🌉🌈 towards realizing Cosmic consciousness in the NEW TIME.
Wow PLANETARY KIN – it is really HAPPENING!!! 🎉🎈🎊
Today we close the cycle of IX the Majikal shamanic WHITE WIZARD, who has enabled us to attune to TRUTH through our precious HEARTS❤ reclaiming our White Majikal POWERS. IX gifted us with the power of ENCHANTMENT and endlessness, expanding our ability to receive and reflect infinite LOVE💖 available through SOURCE. ✨☀✨
Now that we have forged a strong heart ❤ connection with Spirit🕊 we can effortlessly access the knowledge needed to accomplish great HEALING,💚🌿 as we embark on a new adventure with MANIK the BLUE HAND 🖐– known as the HEALER archetype.🙌
and so our journey through the Dreamspell continues…….
Divine blessings for TRANSCENDING the DEATH of the old time, and Resurrecting the bridge to endless COSMIC LOVE ❤ 🍥❤
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌈🌏







🔥 New on Patreon 🕉 Sirius Stargate Transmission and Activation 🕉

Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Blue Ray Beings 🔥



Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.


CLICK HERE to for the Sirius Stargate Transmission



Prayer to Unlock the Power of Healing


I am love, I am health, I am peace.
I deserve to be loved, I deserve to be happy, I deserve to stay healthy.
Today begins the healing of body, mind and spirit.
I forgive myself for the mistakes I made without forgetting anyone, because I’m not guilty of anything, I couldn’t and didn’t know how to act differently at those moments.
I forgive all the people for whom I felt some kind of hatred, I accept them because they could not be as I wanted, I release them and free myself from grudges forever.
I definitely cancel the past in the present, to free my future.
I’m done judging myself and judging others forever.
I surrender all my pain, mistakes and illness to you right now, Holy Mother Father God (Universe), to transform into health, love and peace.
Accepting everything as it is now and patiently to start healing for good.
Awakening Consciousness in NovaGaia.
Prayer to Unlock the Power of Healing
Prayer to Unlock the Power of Healing

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