You are currently viewing Sagittarius Full Moon ~ Gaia’s Breath ~ DISCLOSURE INSIGHTS ~ Wind Beneath Your Wings! Seraphim-Sagittarius Passage ~ Our Time Has Come
Milky Way

Sagittarius Full Moon ~ Gaia’s Breath ~ DISCLOSURE INSIGHTS ~ Wind Beneath Your Wings! Seraphim-Sagittarius Passage ~ Our Time Has Come

Sagittarius Full Moon ~ Gaia’s Breath ~ DISCLOSURE INSIGHTS ~ Wind Beneath Your Wings! Seraphim-Sagittarius Passage ~ Our Time Has Come



Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings Gold Ray Avatars of our 5D New Golden Age of Light

Happy auspicious Full Moon in our Sacred Archer Sagittarius and Vesak festival to all our Buddhists celebrating today around the world!

Through this Lunar Portal our local Solaris has become very active again releasing one after another Solar Flare from newly created sunspot 3679. In the past 24 hours we had 21 C Class Solar Flares and 4 M Class Flares, the most powerful maxing at M 4.13 at 2:16 UTC.

We also had major white spikes of light in the heartbeat of Gaia on the Schumann Charts again today  at amplitudes of 16 and and 52 hz.

Our two brightest planets, Venus and Jupiter, converge today and merge in the Heavens above as the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine come into Unity as One beating Heart and the Eagle flies with the Condor to a New Plateau of Love and Bliss as we all lead the Way to our New Heaven upon our New Earth.

The Winds of positive change are blowing in and we are experiencing a major Shift into our New Golden Age of Peace and Prosperity for all our Good People of the New Earth. These are Pure Winds, Clear winds, winds of benevolence that carry with them the Dragon Energy of Freedom of the Great Spirit carried on the Golden Wings of Unconditional Love and Eternal Life.

In the Mind of Buddha, the Awakened Universal One, all becomes clear and in the Pure Awareness of our True Nature we merge our Consciousness with the Cosmic I AM of Divinity and free ourselves and all humanity from the wheels of karma, samsara and suffering with the Wheel of Dharma, our One Truth beyond all words and Concepts atone with the Great Mystery, Wakan Tanka.

As we journey through the Vortex of Liberation we merge with our Monad, our Higher Self and Walk our Sacred Path with Heart as Wayshowers of Terra Nova Gaia…A’Ho!








💚Gaia’s Breath💚

I feel Gaia’s breath breathing down on me
Under a branch of humanity
You sing your songs through the sacred trees
Wake up littles ones it’s time to see through the veil of 3D
The New Earth will be birthed through the Divine Feminine
Yes it’s genuine
The physical realm is only one part, the spiritual ones also have heart
Pure Love is something felt never seen,
It only takes a moment to wake up from the dream.
🐉 Valerie
Gratitude to the artist 🙏
Gaia's Breath
Gaia’s Breath
The Golden Mother Of Dragons Emerges As The Eternal Magnetic Creational Force Within Everyone’s Unified Electromagnetic Central Perpetual Dynamo Of Creation
Solar Dragons of RA
Solar Dragons of RA
Today we released another part of the hatched egg and on the weekend comes the major horizontal flipping. Since the 5/5 there are important developments taking place each day so that we can embody each change and be fully ready and stable for when we reach the point of its complete release!
big energetic release on the planet
big energetic release on the planet
Massive collective clearing
Much releasing of density
Feel the lightness in the air
Humanity is in the midst of a profound shift, taking us beyond where we have ever gone before, beyond what the mind can currently comprehend, beyond our wildest dreams
Feel the Magic Be the magic See the magic
Fearlessly embrace the unknown and soar on the wings of love
Our Time Has Come
Our Time Has Come
Our Time Has Come

May 23rd : Full Moon in Sagittarius and Venus/Jupiter conjunction at 29 degrees of Taurus

In our fast moving, ever in motion Reality, we have reached another power point.
The Sun moved into Gemini on the 21st, introducing a whole new kind of energy. Gemini is an Air Sign and also works with writing and communication.
Then today is the Full Moon in Sagittarius, the sign of the Visionary and the Traveller. It is also my sign, so I am feeling this very strongly as a shift on a deep level.
But most important is the Jupiter/Venus conjunction! The expansion of LOVE under the blessing of the Full Moon.
Although the lower level energy continues to be tense and harsh, on the higher levels there is a deep peace and a feminine harmony that favors creativity and charitable endeavours.
Be kind and be loving and be creative! These are the things that will expand now.
But above all LOVE will expand as we ,as a collective, discover that LOVE is all there is!
Have a wonderful Full Moon everyone!
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
Full Moon in Sagittarius
Full Moon in Sagittarius

May Full Moon – Wind Beneath Your Wings!!

If this Full Moon is stirring up Desire/ Longing/ sensuality or feelings of Grief / Loss / Abandonment associated with unresolved relationships or core woundings associated with sexuality and intimacy…’s because according to Vedic Astrology this Moon is in the sign of Scorpio. Scorpio in Shamanic Astrology is associated with Goddess Bast, who is associated with desire, sensuality ,sexuality and pleasure. Bast is the mid wife you can call upon to heal core woundings / trauma that are carried by the soul through lifetimes particularly around sexual abuse at this time.
Further this is the Final Full Moon with Venus/ Inanna as the Morning Star before Venus Sun Cazimi post which she transforms into the Evening Star/ Lover archetype. And the light of this very sensual restless full moon is illuminating the Venus Jupiter Conjunction where Venus -Goddess of Love Beauty Desire sensuality and all that we value and wish to magnetize towards ourselves is Conjunct Jupiter -planet of Expansion. Pay attention to Where are you being called to take action in order to align with your passion, desire and greatest soul longing for the Light of this Full Moon can prove to be the Wind beneath your Wings!!
EnLight ,InGrace, InJoy
Be The Change You Want To See
Sa Kei Na
Art by @shewhois Lisbeth Cheever- Gessaman
Wind Beneath Your Wings
Wind Beneath Your Wings
5/23/24: In Gemini season, and with today’s expansive full moon, it is Right Action to address the various versions of yourself you hold in your mind to determine if they represent your truth. These versions are not you, they are choices… roles you’ve assumed along your journey. But this year you’re elevating your personal power… and that is not a role for you to play.
Your power is in your inner balance, integrity, values, and essence. These are at your core and are yours to claim and grow. You will shed many old versions of yourself this year. Today will help you to see through your roles… and liberate you from their expectations.
 expansive full moon
expansive full moon
Tonight is one of the most positive moons of the year, it will bring only positive and it will also light your path… She’s started showing me my way for the coming months and I intend to follow her guidance 😊
I’ve always seen the glass half full but now she makes me feel it😊 follow your intuition for the next two weeks.
Everything is accelerating don’t miss the boat, don’t miss your opportunity to seize love and joy and INTEGRATE IT
It’s nice, ascending , but you have to integrate.
Love is there for all, the frequencies of the 5th dimension are there for all but if you have not integrated the light, chaos will be present because it is currently settling in.
Happy full moon my friends!
Guide d’ascension


Milky Way
Milky Way

Beloved Ones,
We are immersed in the Seraphim-Sagittarius passage, as my Guides named the current portal we are traversing, whose energies bring resurrection and harmony. It is with Sagittarius that we are consumed by the Divine Gold Sacred Fire, retrieving our angelic seraphim essence, and opening our Golden Wings to become the illumined beings that we truly are.
Ressurection occurs when we are immersed in a profound transmutation phase, which is what many of us are now experiencing, emerging as the phoenix, from the ashes of the old, renewed, with more hope and faith in who we are, and our personal journey.
Sagittarius is the frequency that helps us reconnect to our Illumined Self and authentic coding. This passage’s energies, together with the current ones that govern us, allow us to continue transforming ourselves, releasing old layers, and retrieving purity.
As you know, Seraphim descendants originated from the Gold Flame of Creation. Many of you have been recently awakening to your Golden lineage, for we are undergoing a planetary rebirth in which many of you are remembering who you are, through the retrieval of your unique galactic coding and wisdom.
Sagittarius represents the Golden Sacred Fire of Creation that helps us burn all that is not aligned with who we are. It is the Light that we descend from Above, our Soul, Monad, and God’s Illumined Self, transforming ourselves, through our inner work, and resurrecting in this sacred Fire, becoming the Illumined beings that we are. It is in this transformation that many of you find yourselves at this time, reconnecting to your Divine Self and descending your authentic essence.
Sagittarius’s energies are of great assistance to clear our Seraphim DNA damage and Cathar implants, as its sacred Fire consumes all that is not benevolent within our DNA and template. With Sagittarius, we start reclaiming our lost soul fragments, and with them, the wisdom and Truth of who we are, and our mission.
Many of you have Seraphim-Avian lineage, and hence angelic template, and find yourselves at this time reactivating your shoulder portal blades, as many others too, retrieving your angelic coding, so you can embody your mission of divine masculine restoration and planetary protection, for as part of what is often called the angelic realm, part of your mission is to guard the planetary key gates that are now being rehabilitated, especially the Iran gate.
All of you who have a deep connection to the Egyptian timeliness, Hathors, and are connected to the tenth-dimensional planetary gates, are now experiencing a profound resurrection, as you retrieve your lost knowledge and essence
Many of you are now finding this Sol-AR passage extremely helpful in terms of wisdom descension. However, not so harmonic in terms of physical symptoms, as the embodiment of the current energies can be overwhelming if we do not properly take care of our bodies.
My Guides share for All who are guided or need to work on consuming lower energies. An exercise to help us restore our energetic system, often overloaded with many different energies and our own self-created lower thoughts and emotions.
Visualize yourself immersed in a Golden Fire spiral, descending from Above, becoming a tetrahedron, associated with Sagittarius, that surrounds your entire body. Ask this Fire to burn anything lower in essence. Feel the warmth of this Sacred Fire, and command it to remove all implants and excess energies you have in your physical and subtle bodies.
Then, visualize how the fire within the tetrahedron becomes Pure Gold Light, Divine Light that restores you completely and infuses you with the love, and power required for you to continue integrating and regenerating from a purified space.
Decree to realign to your God Illumined Self and so be it.
If you feel your silver cord is not aligned, then this would be the initial step. If you too need more protection or transmutation in certain areas, you can call upon the seventh ray, as it is also one of the most powerful transmutation tools as you know.
Astrologically, we also have assistance to bring more transformation, soul reconnection, and harmony in ourselves. During the Sagittarian full moon have a sextile between the moon and Pluto, which is what will help us reconnect with our soul, rebirthing into the illumined being that we are.
Pluto is also of great support in the transformation we are having now, as its essence is also very regenerative, which is essential after all the work we are doing, especially in our bone structure, for as many of you know, ascension is also strongly felt in our bones, for as we release density and transform ourselves, they will be the one noticing more the lighter frequency we are now embodying.
Our wounded self may emerge at this time, especially with the moon sextile Pluto and harmonization to Neptune. As we continue peeling more old layers of ourselves, and retrieving our soul fragments, more hidden emotions will resurface, However, it is by accepting pain and integrating the lessons it provides us that we can overcome suffering, expand our hearts, and embrace our vulnerability as a gift.
Furthermore, we have an opposition between the moon, Venus, and Jupiter. This frequency is a blessing to help us realign, expand, and deepen our soul connection, as it is precisely about reconnecting with the love that we are, expanding within it to heal and empower ourselves.
When we are immersed in any upgrades and challenging situations, we may forget our capacity to recharge ourselves naturally through the love that resides within, not in others, as it often happens. It is by reconnecting to our inner endless loving source that we regain purity. A Loving Source that constantly regenerates our bodies and that supports us all, infinitely.
Everything within Creation is assisting us to BEcome the Light beings that we are. What we think, and feel, how we act, and with what forces we choose to align, determines the final outcome, for in the end, it is all about our personal choice to allow the love that we are, or to continue rejecting it and living in the illusion of who we are not.
This is what this passage invites us to remember, the power of the Fire, the Light within ourselves to transmute and resurrect into who we truly are.
May you be a bright Light for yourself and All, Beloveds.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Art by: Kesara
Seraphim-Sagittarius passage
Seraphim-Sagittarius passage
I woke up with such a profound feeling and knowing of omnipotent love, holding us all, enfolding, enveloping us, being within us and all around us.
We are being held in the arms of love, as our sacred higher heart expands even more, with omnipotent, omnipresent love ever expanding within us and radiating out from us.
We are now connecting heart to heart, soul to soul.
Unity consciousness expands.
All is One.
Photo: All credit to the artist AME.


The Path Of Disclosure Is Real For Our Species
As Advanced Souls, We Have A Big Role To Play In This Narrative
Our Reality, Is Our Reality ❤
Disclosure Is Our Genetic Birth Right
Our Galactic Brothers And Sisters Are By Our Sides Supporting US
As Advanced Souls We’ve Stepped Into This Reality As Code Sleuths, Crystalline Navigators Of Light
We Are The Crystalline Healers, Galactic Scientists Brought Forth To Decode This Reality ❤🙏
Sending Much Love To The Awakened Souls xo 🙏💫

The teamwork of your Divine Masculine and Feminine Christ have created a great success! With today’s Full Moon your being asked to make time for play, fun, self care, and rejuvenation. Doing so will lead to a boost of energy to take some chances and pursue your passions. It’s almost go time for these new adventures!

You deserve the success, love, and abundance that you seek. Being in the flow today will help release any remaining low self esteem, and not being seen, heard, or valued when you’ve tried to prove your worth. That is the old story to walk away from. Support and answered prayer is coming through with the justice happening on today’s Full Moon. You are safe and protected so give it all over to God now, relax, and enjoy your day.

In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏

God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn



divine rejuvenation chambers
divine rejuvenation chambers


Ra James

Happy Sagittarius Full Moon. Today is our May Flower Moon. It’s a great time to soak up the energies for a recharge. It’s also a great time to recharge your crystals. Sagittarius is all about aiming higher towards your dreams. This is the last Full Moon of the Spring.

This Full Moon aligns with the peak of springtime when flowers are in full bloom. It’s bringing a lot of positive energies. These energies are all about healing and releasing past experiences that may be still limiting you. It’s a great time to be working on your energy, and the energy of your home. Clean up any clutter and do a good cord cutting. We also have Venus and Jupiter aligning with this Full Moon. That’s bringing some beautiful vibes for your love life.

Expect healing energies for your love life and for your finances. These energies are bringing extra luck and abundance. This Full Moon aspects Pluto, which is currently retrograde in Aquarius. This aspect will activate your deepest emotions, this will allow you to acknowledge them. It’s all about creating stronger foundations in your relationships through doing the healing work. These energies are bringing up fears and your shadow self for you to acknowledge.

These energies may be shaking up certain areas of your life. We also have an alignment between Jupiter in Taurus and Neptune in Pisces. This is binging dreamy vibes. This Full Moon is a dreamy portal for manifestation. It’s also the last day of our May Pleiadian Portal. Expect a lot of Galactic energies with this one. Expect big energies. Sagittarius is a go big or go home type of sign…



May Flower Moon
May Flower Moon



May 23, 2024: Full Moon at Sagittarius 2°55’, 9:53 am EDT.

The astrological world is relatively quiet at the moment, and the situation is about to shift. This Full Moon finds the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction waning but still in effect. Jupiter is on the last degree on Taurus, in a tight conjunction to Venus. Jupiter will move into Gemini on May 25, breaking the intensity of this conjunction which has been in effect since last August.
The shift of Jupiter into Gemini is important. The emphasis will move from a deep awareness of earthly embodiment to the interests of the mind. Although Earth matters will remain at the forefront (Uranus will begin its transition into Gemini in July 2025), there will be new attention on the world of ideas. Our focus will begin to shift to discussion about solutions to our collective problems rather than being in reaction to situations we cannot control. In order to make this shift, we will need to accept our new reality.
This Full Moon takes place in Sagittarius – Sekhmet in Shamanic Egyptian Astrology. Sagittarius is a warrior sign, often associated with the warrior aspect of the Centaur – a Greek and Roman mythological archetype who is half human and half horse. In traditional astrology, the symbol of Sagittarius is a galloping Centaur aiming an arrow at an unseen target. Sagittarius is a fiery sign, passionate and committed to a cause.
We are at the beginning of a phase involving the narrowing of our focus. While Gemini is interested in a variety of experience, Sagittarius is focused on outcome. The variety Gemini brings can be overwhelming – so many ideas, so much stimulation. Sagittarius has the ability to narrow the focus, ignore what is not relevant, and target what matters most.
Image: Sagittarius by Dananayi Muwanigwa.






It’s All Happening:

We have a conjunction of Venus (upper planet) & Jupiter just off the western limb of the Sun. Venus is heading east to become an evening star & Jupiter is heading west to become morning star. Meanwhile we have the Pleiades star cluster to the north plus a CME.
“VENUS AND JUPITER CONVERGE: If this were happening in the night sky, it would be headline astronomy news. The two brightest planets, Venus and Jupiter, are converging for a tight conjunction. Today, they will be just a fraction of a degree apart–like a Christmas star in May. Unfortunately, it’s happening in broad daylight….”
Cosmic Love above the Pyramids MOON JUPITER VENUS Conjunction
Cosmic Love above the Pyramids MOON JUPITER VENUS Conjunction


This week’s expansive full moon forms a sextile to Pluto in Aquarius as Jupiter (ruler of Sagittarius) forms a conjunction with Venus at the critical 29th degree of Taurus while both planets form a sextile to Neptune at the critical 29th degree of Pisces.
There is sense of ‘culmination’ occurring now following up on the intense energy of the eclipses and the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in April and this simultaneous ‘completion’ and ‘birthing’ energy will continue to unfold through early 2026 with steadily increasing momentum.
We are being asked to simultaneously RELEASE what has served it’s purpose in our lives while also dreaming BIG in order to set the tone for what will ‘fill’ the void and adequately serve who we have become and will evolve into from here forward…
This process requires that we GET REAL with ourselves and, by opening our minds and hearts to our authenticity, we may find ourselves the recipients of some potentially mind-blowing internal and external TRUTHS from which there will be no turning back!
We ARE ready for this ride on a soul level even if our egos may put up some initial resistance…

Happy Gemini Full Moon


𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐭 𝐉𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝐓𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬 (𝐌𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟑)

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝑽𝒆𝒏𝒖𝒔 & 𝑱𝒖𝒑𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒐𝒔𝒎𝒊𝒄 𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝑭𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒓. 𝑻𝒘𝒐 𝑪𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒂𝒍 𝒃𝒐𝒅𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑮𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒆.
Venus – the Divine Rose – is the ultimate blueprint of the Rose Grail line and stand for Love, Beauty and Harmony. While Jupiter – the Expansive Thunderbolt Holder – is the Pinnacle of the Masculine.
All strong energies at the moment! (and of course, I had to write about Jupiter for it is THE planet, my favorite, I had been talking about since I’d learned to talk!)
Jupiter is Expansion, but originally it was associated with the Cosmic Egg. Jupiter color is Violet, a natural blending of the dark blue of Saturn and the red of Mars. Amethyst Order Supreme Stargate!
Venus is Love – the Scarlet Rose – of the Magenta Ray but originally was the Emerald Order Cintāmaṇi of the Cosmic Crown, the Stargate of the Heart. Venus Magenta color is a rich violet and red that is the Foundation of Cosmic Love. 🩷
These two fantastic and inspirational celestial bodies coming together in union – Hieros Gamos – empowered by their Tri-Waves Expression climaxing to Zero Point crystallizing the Fleur-de-Lys.
~ Ostarel ©




𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐭 𝐉𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝐓𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬
𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐭 𝐉𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝐓𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬


She Sees the Stars

We have a Beaming Bright Full Moon in Sagittarius happening tonight 🌖 This is without a doubt the most positive full moon of the year. This full moon illuminates truths, but unlike the previous lunations of the year… this one brings GOOD news.
It brings information, reveals truths and illuminates the next step for your evolution – and it’s nice.
Whatever you witness over the coming 2 weeks is laced in good energy, opportunities, and a refreshing lightness and ease that we haven’t seen for the majority of the year thus far.
Not only does the moon LOVE to be in Sagittarius (activating our optimism, our sense of adventure and glass half full mentality.) BUT – simultaneously on the same day, Venus the planet of love, beauty and all things nice is making an exact conjunction with Jupiter (the planet of luck, expansion, optimism) who is also in Taurus. So – blessings, good luck and positive change are on the horizon.
The light is coming for you.
The chaos of the year is settling and the beauty of the lessons you’ve learned, the silver linings of the past few months, the gratitude that will be amplified in contrast.. gets louder.
Good energy is here, and wants to encode into your life.



Sagittarius Full Moon
Sagittarius Full Moon


On Thursday, May 23rd, we have much going on with the astrological planetary energies! We started with the two planets of blessings, Venus and Jupiter, coming together in manifesting Taurus. Make a wish and be in the state of gratitude……Venus, planet of love and finances, then connected with Neptune, ruler of enchantment and creativity, magnifying the energies of unconditional love and imagination……the Full Moon in Sagittarius then occurs at 9:53am EDT, supporting us in letting go of judgments and fears in exchange for expanding into new horizons, freedom and truth……then, we have Venus, ruler of relationships and personal resources, shifting into Gemini, sign of the Twins until June 17th.
Here she will become more social, flirtatious, adaptable and ingenious……and, we end the day with a magical sextile between Jupiter, planet of abundance and blessings, and Neptune, ruler of spiritual inspiration and mysticism. There may be some magic and miracles happening today! What you need to do is BELIEVE in the Possibilities!
The Sun, ruler of self-expression, entered Gemini on May 20th….Venus, ruler of relationships, enters Gemini on May 23rd….Jupiter, planet of abundance, enters Gemini on May 25th….Mercury, ruler of communication, enters Gemini on June 3rd….it is time to enter the realm of the Fairies! This is a place of lightness and fun, banter and games, intelligence and wit, dancing and enjoyment, social connections and interactions!
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Venus and Jupiter, coming together in manifesting Taurus
Venus and Jupiter, coming together in manifesting Taurus
Venus conjunct Jupiter in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces. Full Moon in Sagittarius. Venus enters Gemini – It’s all happening! Huge aspects come rough and tumbling into play. Wild horses kicking up a storm, play fights, real fights, then a whoop and a whinny and all’s forgotten. For you, this may be a rush of inspiration; a burning desire to reach for the skies; an itching need for space and new horizons; a growing urgency to fix finances; a sudden sense that the whole world just opened up like a cosmic box of sweets.
It’s all so big, so vast, gifts from the gods, honey kisses, generous promises. And yes, whilst not every hope may manifest, there is enough here to dream, enough for us to have a little hope because my goodness, we need that! Just for today, roll on your back and gaze at the sky, let memory lane remind you of the good things that happened. Dare to let your joy ripple through. Let your soul burst open with love. Choose with your heart. Believe that life is bountiful. Believe in the enormous influence of kindness and compassion. “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.”
*Quote by Norman Vincent Peale
Degrees and Times
Venus, Jupiter 29°Ta23′ – 09:27 (BST)
Venus 29°Ta30′, Neptune 29°Pi30′ – 11:50 (BST)
Moon 02°Sg55′, Sun 02°Ge55′ – 14:53 (BST)
Jupiter 29°Ta30′, Neptune 29°Pi30′ – 22:44 (BST)
Venus 00°Ge00′ – 21:30 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
source :


Painting – Horses and temple by Giorgio de Chirico



Horses and temple
Horses and temple



Kin 215 ~ Blue Resonant Eagle

‘Resonant’ is the name for the number seven and its keywords are ‘Channel, Attune and Inspire’. We are now smack bang in the middle of the Red Moon wavespell with its agenda of going with the flow. It sounds so easy but letting go and trusting that things will turn out for the best, is a hard thing to do. Today is about using your intuition, so use it and you’ll better understand what is going on. This facilitates flowing and vice versa – as channeling is the flow of information.
Today is Blue Eagle which represents ‘Creativity, Mind and Vision’. When you combine the intuitive number seven and the creative Blue Eagle the result is the kind of day when good ideas just pop into your mind. This is a great combo for all artists and creative types. Also, the Eagle sees things from a higher perspective and so, if you use your intuition today that will greatly help you fly high to get a better vantage point. It’s great to have this kind of vision in the middle of a wavespell…I like number 7 days personally, it’s great to take stock of the journey thus far and assess the situation.
The Guide today is the Blue Hand which is the symbol of Healing. When the Blue Hand is in the guiding position it leads us to healing. When guiding an Eagle day, we can expect any form of art or creativity to facilitate healing. Art therapy is the perfect choice of activity for a day such as this.
The Challenge today is the Red Serpent which represents ‘Life Force, Instinct and Survival’. The Serpent is not in a powerful position today, so don’t expect to see things close up and what is going on in your vicinity, instead expect to see the broader picture.
The Occult power is the White Worldbridger which means that opportunities arise to cross over a bridge to a magical place….or that magically bridges may appear – giving you a chance to go somewhere new. The Worldbridger is a very shamanic energy and suits this position so well. The Eagle sees all but the Worldbridger provides the magic for the day by giving us all an opportunity to go up a level.
The Ally is the Yellow Seed and so if you need assistance today or just someone to talk to, locate a Yellow Seed as they will be more than happy to share wisdom and advice. If you are one expect to be popular and if you don’t know one – take their advice and that would be research, gather information and be aware.
Kin 215
Kin 215




7 MEN – KIN 215
23 MAY 2024
I CHANNEL in order to CREATE
Inspiring MIND
I seal the output of VISION
With the Resonant tone of ATTUNEMENT
I AM guided by the power of ACCOMPLISHMENT
23/5/2024 = 5/5/8 =5/13=5/4=9
23- Royal Star of the Lion/Strength/Protection
5- Freedom/Change/Liberation/Movement/Transformation
9- Completion/Destiny/Service/Humanity/Grace
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
13- Goddess/Cosmic Consciousness/Natural Lore/Synchronic time
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 215 = 8 – Abundance/Infinity/Flow
A phenomenal INSPIRATIONAL day of ENVISIONING👁 our future success🌈, as we focus on HOW we can CREATE our collective VISION.
We have a phenomenal TRILOGY of VISIONARY👁️👁️👁️ energies driving our ASCENSION growth today..
🌟The WESAK – buddha🕉️ full moon of ENLIGHTENMENT🪷 opening a HUGE SPIRITUAL portal on our planet – where the BUDDHA/CHRISTOS energies are bathing our planet with GOLDEN LIGHT.. This kicks off a week long celebration through the WESAK FESTIVAL celebrated this week by 520 MILLION BUDDHISTS – comprising 7% of our global population.
🌟 This WESAK day the FULL MOON🌝 is in wise freedom loving SAGITTARIUS. ♐The CENTAUR ARCHER🏹 is the great SEER and philosopher who loves to travel and expand his knowledge through experiences. SAG rules the 9th house which governs EDUCATION and HIGHER LEARNING as well as liberty and JUSTICE. SAG craves adventure and FREEDOM.. We have a 5.5. FREEDOM code today further adding to the EXPANSIVE LIBERATION energies of this WESAK MOON. What a DIVINE blessing the ARCHER brings us today.
🌟 The RESONANT EAGLE – guided by BLUE HAND – what a bonus for humanity that we have the opportunity to HEAL and UPGRADE our PLANETARY MIND through this potent SPIRITUAL portal – by attuning to the BIG PICTURE/HIGHEST TIMELINE and enabling this VISION to transform our collective MINDS and world.. We can ACCOMPLISH miracles today!
These codes today are truly R-EVOLUTIONARY tools💥💥💥 to make the next QUANTUM SHIFT⚛️ for humanity and each individual who chooses to do so! ✅✅✅
And so this WESAK SAG BUDDHA FULL MOON of ENLIGHTENMENT on a 5.5. LIBERATION PORTAL is enabling us to truly WAKE UP and SEE the NEW LIGHT with great clarity and a knowingness of the DIVINE PLAN for humanity.. A truly uplifting and inspiring boost for our global collective..
🕉️ 🪷☸️🪷🕉️ 🪷☸️🪷🕉️ 🪷☸️🪷🕉️ 🪷☸️🪷
Day 7 in the RED MOON WAVESPELL of the GODDESS,👸 who is enhancing our intuition and sensitivity as we purify💦 our vessels in order to find our greater FLOW. 🌫
Today we are feeling the RESONANCE of the BIGGER PICTURE, 🖼🏔 attuning to this new FLOW🌫 in order to CREATE it in our reality. 🌈
RESONANT🔮 – Tone 7 in the EMOTIONAL realm. ACTION – inspires, POWER – channel, ESSENCE – attunement.
Today we are super sensitive as we are attuned through our senses – the emotional “feeling” body. As we tune in to our grander VISION🏔 and what it FEELS and LOOKS like in our reality, we sense the resonance and whether we are aligned with that frequency.
Tune in and FEEL what your body is sensing, try on each VISION 👁👁
❓🤔Does it INSPIRE and EXCITE you?🔥💃
In order to ACCOMPLISH it, you must be attuned to its frequency. 🎶
At tone 7 our vibrating phenomenon learns to be still and to listen. Mystical 7 understands that EVERYWHERE is majikal but right here is better, once we attune and then channel the majik through this present moment.
Number 7 is also the frequency of the Mystic and the Magician giving you the MAJIK to channel the greater VISION for your brilliant creations.
❓🤔 What CHANNEL are you ATTUNED to today? 📺
✴✴✴IT IS TIME ⏳🕛 TO FLOW💦 down the path of OUR GREATEST VISION!! 👁👁🏔🌫
Today’s question is “What is my GREATEST 🏔vISION👁👁 that I wish to ACCOMPLISH in this lifetime?”🤔 Tune in to the resonance and FEEL it FLOW! 💦
Can I take INSPIRED ACTION to cocreate the collective VISION of HEAVEN ON EARTH? 💒
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤
Divine blessings for finding the FLOW of your greatest DESTINY today… 🌫👁👁🌫💦
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
“Vesak”, the Day of the Full Moon in the month of May, is the most sacred day to millions of Buddhists around the world. It was on the Day of Vesak two and a half millennia ago, in the year 623 B.C., that the Buddha was born. It was also on the Day of Vesak that the Buddha attained enlightenment, and it was on the Day of Vesak that the Buddha in his eightieth year passed away.
The teachings of the Buddha, and his message of compassion and peace and goodwill have moved millions. WESAK is a time to acknowledge and celebrate his message of compassion and devotion to the service of humanity. This message is today perhaps more relevant than ever before. Peace, understanding and a vision of humanity that supersedes national and other international differences are essential for humanity to evolve to a higher state of UNITY consciousness and acceptance of our EARTH family.
The Buddha has always been known as a great Revealer, rendering the mind as a “clear sheet of glass” in order to see the reality of Oneness. His techniques of dispassion, detachment and discrimination help to sweep away all that veils and hinders recognition of this reality. The underlying message is simple: before we can truly see we have to free ourselves from the many forms of desire that impede our VISION.
A new world is now being conceived by many – it is being actively looked for, and when the EYE of the soul is opened, it will be seen to be more real than the world that is revealed by the five senses. The ✨NEW LIGHT✨ is on its way. The annual Wesak blessing plays a crucial role in the coming of that LIGHT.
I SEE and when the EYE is OPENED – all is LIGHT
And so this WESAK SAG BUDDHA FULL MOON of ENLIGHTENMENT on a 5.5. LIBERATION PORTAL is enabling us to truly WAKE UP and SEE the NEW LIGHT with great clarity and a knowingness of the DIVINE PLAN for humanity.. A truly uplifting and inspiring boost for our global collective..
The GREAT INVOCATION is recited at the time that the FULL MOON is exact blessing the EARTH with this LIGHT..
Full moon will occur at 13:53 UTC (8:53 a.m. CDT 9:53 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time) on May 23, 2024.
The Full Flower Moon of May 2024 will see the moon pass in front of the red star Antares, the brightest star in Scorpius, the Scorpion.
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE RESONANT EAGLE🔮👁 MEN provides us with a beautiful gift today.🎁 The gift of panoramic VISION! 🏔 The VISION of what you foresee for your future. 🔮
Today we tune in to our grand VISION🖼 in our MIND’S eye, and become inspired by the creation of that VISION.
The RESONANT EAGLE is a prophet and SEER🔮 who possesses razor sharp FOCUS. 👁 Just as the majestic EAGLE soaring high above can pinpoint its prey with the accuracy of a laser, this code today enables you to utilize LOOKING GLASS technology, and hone in on ANY point in the time space continuum to discover your solutions.✨✨👁🔮🖼✨
Tune in and FEEL your multi-sensory VISION, 👁 channeling all the messages through your body. Fully anchor that VISION 👁and begin to FLOW with the VISIONS streaming forth, leading to your greatest ENVISIONED and imagined LIFEstyle. 🏔
❓❓Where have you been limiting yourself in your future prospects?. It is time to EXPAND your VISION.👓
Detach from the humdrum and the day to day routine, be STILL and tune in to the energies streaming forth today. Be INSPIRED by the greater VISION for your life and our world. HOLD THE VISION in order to CREATE IT in the physical realm.
Keep your EYES 👁👁 ON THE PRIZE! 🏆 🏔🌈✨
Today is a BRILLIANT day to seek HIGHER GROUND🏔 – venture to lofty heights in order to sit and contemplate your future path.
The BLUE EAGLE holds the coding for PLANETARY MIND – so today is indeed powerful for our collective to attune to the BIG PICTURE🖼, becoming INSPIRED to choose a better direction for our unified global family, to CREATE a BETTER WORLD!
Today you have the opportunity to SEE through the EYES of BUDDHA and the MIND of GOD!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE:BLUE RESONANT HAND 🔮 🙌 MANIK provides the gift🎁 of finally HEALING, from those limited VISIONS and plans. The RESONANT HAND is highly attuned to bringing forth any knowledge needed for HEALING, and the solutions to any problem. MANIK guides the EAGLE’s gaze to BRILLIANT solutions that are ACHIEVABLE!
As we tune in to the bigger plan for our lives, MANIK brings forth all the tools and resources we need to get the job done and make it happen! Today we can FEEL the BIG VISION and we also have the POWER to accomplish it! A brilliant combination!
Together walking side by side, we join hands on the same team – HU-MANity, to accomplish our PLANETARY DREAMING and create our MARVELOUS NEW WORLD.
SUPPORT: YELLOW RESONANT SEED🔮🌾 – KAN forms a tag team with CIMI the WORLDBRIDGER.🌈🌉 CIMI symbolizes THE END, and then passes the baton to KAN who denotes a new beginning.
KAN empowers through the capacity to shine through the darkness, choosing to BREAK OUT and PUSH UP 🌱out of the dense soil that has been confining and limiting our grand vision. The time of dormancy is OVER – it is now the time for ACTION! 💥
This RESONANT SEED is being called to AWAKEN💥 and TAKE INSPIRED ACTION.. accelerated GROWTH is possible NOW. 🌱🌾🌿🌲 Another fabulous AWAKENING code to amplify our WESAK MOON – ENLIGHTENMENT energies today!
Tune in and FEEL what skills, resources and tools you have in your seed packet at this moment. Attuning through the power of the GODDESS to your natural innate abilities, will bring forth the resonance of those skills so that you can SEE in the darkness and find your FLOW.
KAN provides all that we need to reach and GROW to our highest potential,🌳 but we must be willing to PUSH through the darkness, and reach for the LIGHT SWITCH! 💡☀
❓🤔How can you plant these VISIONS into the ground now, in order for them to bear fruit and nourish all? 🌱🍒🍎🍇
❓❓What is it that you wish to CREATE?
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE RESONANT WORLDBRIDGER🔮 🌈– CIMI asks us to SURRENDER 🏳 to your greatest VISION and God’s Divine plan for you. Trusting that the darkness has passed, and you have all the tools, resources, networks and support you need to create your GREATEST VISION. 👁🔮🏔📈
Now is the era of greater LIGHT, when dreams really do come true. We need to UNITE together as ONE through our networks and planetary grids, finally releasing the collective dreaming VISION of natural abundance for ALL! .
Allow the RESONANT WORLDBRIDGER to build the rainbow bridge🌈🌉 to your new INSPIRED life! And don’t forget to take your buddies with you!👫👬👭
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED RESONANT SERPENT🔮🐍 – CHICCHAN carries the power of life force, kundalini, instinct, survival, wisdom and AWAKENING. 💥
CHICCHAN gives us the POWER to AWAKEN from our SLUMBER – uncoil and RISE UP – fully ENERGIZED and enLIVEned! 🐍🔥🎇 Another superlative addition to our BRILLIANT codes today! Our PLANETARY KUNDALINI serpents have the POWER to surge ahead to HIGHER STATES of consciousness – upgrading our PLANETARY MIND!
CHICCHAN can also hold the store of FEAR. RED SERPENT 🐍challenges you today to release your old fears. All those old blocks, patterns and programs that are rooted in survival and defence mechanisms must go!! Most of your core wounding relates to your base chakra issues, so draw on your kundalini power to rise 🎇 and release these energies funneling it into majikal creation power! 💫🎆
This energy allows the power💥 and radiance☀ of full vital 🔥energy to be expressed, as we answer to our responsibilities with no resistance.
Use this newly released energy to fuel your PASSION🔥 and our Planetary grand VISION,👁🌎🏔 providing the energy to steer our speed boat rapidly down the River of Life. Full power💥 vital force expressed, through manifesting our greatest MAJIK!💫⚛
✴✴✴IT IS TIME ⏳🕛 TO FLOW💦 down the path of OUR GREATEST VISION!! 👁👁🏔🌫
Today’s question is “What is my GREATEST 🏔vISION👁👁 that I wish to ACCOMPLISH in this lifetime?”🤔 Tune in to the resonance and FEEL it FLOW! 💦
Can I take INSPIRED ACTION to cocreate the collective VISION of HEAVEN ON EARTH? 💒
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤
Divine blessings for finding the FLOW of your greatest DESTINY today… 🌫👁👁🌫💦
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈








Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology and Horoscopes for all 12 Zodiac Signs for the coming week of May 19th through May 25th 2024. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the Full Moon in Sagittarius.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste





Another Stargate alignment is upon us, May 23-29.

This one is calling us to open up to our full Soul expression in the New Plasma, and all of the LoveLight Intelligence now available to us.
Many are experiencing the release of core distortions; transmuting old creations of the past, lower self, and monad construct entanglements which prevent our hearts from opening wide to our full, Infinite Kryst expression.⁠
Solaris has changed since the April shift, and many are noticing the consistent Solar activity. All Ascension stargates in service are affected by the Galactic Center magnetic shift, and intense Mother Plasma influxes.
Solar/Crystalline Plasma influxes stay in Gaia’s field, and our own fields when our heart’s magnetics are in balance. We have brand new information swirling in the field now, full of codes, crystalline structures, DNA-upgrading radiance, and Cosmic Mother Plasma LoveLight Intelligence.
Take Note: Everything feels different as New Gaia realms are amplified. This energy shift and new plasma creates a brand new experience of Solstice energies, with a pure Cosmic alignment of upgraded Solar Stargates – including all Kryst Hearts.
Sending everyone Infinite LoveLight and Heart opening during these beautiful changes to our fields. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!
The Cosmic Mother Plasma energies will provide a pure DNA Kryst code activation around Solstice – open the Heart so your DNA will do what it was designed to do!
Stargate alignment
Stargate alignment

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