You are Real, the illusion is not
MESSAGE FROM SAULby John Smallman You are Real, the illusion is not. |
Humanity focuses on identities – favorite movie stars, sports stars, political stars, religious stars, business stars, – whom you like and judge as good, and their opposites, hated ones, whom you dislike and judge as bad. Your whole human society is based Finally the realization has dawned that to divide and conquer only adds to your problems and suffering. An awareness has arisen that you need to listen to one another instead of rushing to judge one another. Everyone, there are no exceptions, everyone has something of great value to add to the collective human consciousness, the field of Love in which you all have your eternal existence. For eons you have valued highly those who are strong, intelligent, and smart, they are the ones you would like to have as your leaders. They are then installed in a wave of euphoria to replace the previous leaders who failed miserably, and the whole cycle just starts over. You each have to be your own leader! You are One with God, and He is with you in every moment, offering wise and loving guidance if you will only listen to Him. But no, you want to be independent, strong, powerful, and influential. After all, who needs God? God is OK for social and charitable events, when raising money for the homeless and the downtrodden, because calling on Him sounds good, but in the real everyday world there is no God, you stand alone and you need to be strong. But beneath all the bravado you display and project there is always a frightened and abandoned child desperately attempting to seen, honored, accepted and loved. Love is your nature. However, you chose to experience an unreal state of separation, built the illusion and became human to populate it. Now you are all desperately seeking the Love that is your nature out there, from someone else. And that someone else is doing exactly the same. You are Love! And the only place that you can find It is within yourselves where It resides eternally. |
The illusion, as its name implies, is unreal. Love is all that is Real, and you are Real, therefore it is within yourselves that you will find It. But eons of life experiences in the illusion have shown you how small and insignificant you are in comparison with the universe out there! However, you created the universe and it is contained within you. Open your hearts to accept the Love that resides within you and allow It to flow through you abundantly and on out to all those others who are so desperately seeking It Your acceptance of the Truth that you are Love and your intent to share and extend It to all is bringing humanity to its inevitable awakening. Your part in this awakening process is essential to it. Everyone on Earth has a part to play, and everyone is playing their part. This is not apparent as you look outside yourselves at the illusion that appears to enfold and overwhelm your individual, small, and insignificant human form. The illusion is as you made it, filled with fear, suffering, and intense pain, but utterly unreal! You are Real, the illusion is not. You are Love, Consciousness, Awareness, All That Is, and you are now in the process of awaking to know once more your true and eternal state, One with God, Source, from which you never have, and never could have been separated. The fact that you are alive and that you know that you are alive demonstrates this Truth perfectly. You chose to build an unreal state and pretend to enter into it. Now the game is ending, and you will wake up. All around you are signs of the awakening because the Tsunami of Love has been flowing and calming and comforting you all for a number of years now and this can no longer be denied. Evidence of Its magnificent effects can be seen everywhere if you will only shed your expectations and allow Reality to show Itself to you. As all the spiritual channels, and all the wise ones, and all your guides, and angels, and favorite saints are telling you constantly, all that you have to do, all that you need to do, is to allow! The power of God is within you, and when you allow, It will flow and the illusion will just fade away. With so very much love, Saul. |