You are currently viewing Lunar New Year of the Yin Water Rabbit 💦🐇 The Great Awakener ~ Golden Flame of Atlantis
Year of the Black Rabbit

Lunar New Year of the Yin Water Rabbit 💦🐇 The Great Awakener ~ Golden Flame of Atlantis

Lunar New Year of the Yin Water Rabbit 💦🐇 The Great Awakener ~ Golden Flame of Atlantis



Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings Blessed Rainbow Warriors of the Universal Tribe of the New Jerusalem

Happy Lunar New Year of the Yin Black Water Rabbit. The Water Tiger bows to the Water Rabbit and passes the torch to begin a New Lunar Cycle and finish this race.

As the Sacred well runs deep within we rise in the Glory of the Heavenly Light of the New Eden of the New Earth.

The Energy of the Lucky Rabbit and 7 year brings with her much Abundance, Peace, Joy, playfulness, Harmony, Creativity and the time of Family to Rise together in the Grand Re-union of the Light. On the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar today synchronizing with the Power of our La Luna we have Kin 249 Red Lunar Moon as the Power of the Holy Water merges with the Force of the Holy Fire to bring all into the Harmony of the Music of the Spheres and our Redemption in the Light.

With this Shift in full swing our local Solaris continues to release multiple solar flares with several C Class and 2 powerful M Class Flares today sending more Gamma Plasma Waves of Higher Energetics for our Ascension Process. We also experienced multiple spikes of white light on the Schumann Charts today at amplitudes of 28 hz and two big blasts at 38 and 39 hz. Fifth dimensional energies flowing in from on High. These Codes and frequencies are sent from Mother/ Father God directly from the Great Central Sun through our Sun, through our Sacred Vessels and deep into the Crystalline Core of Gaia.

The Divine Masculine step into their Sacred Sovereignty of the Royal Lion Nation of Lyra and are Crowned in the Christ Consciousness. The Divine Feminine rise in the Sophianic Energies, of the Holy Waters, to the Holiest of Holies and in Divine Union the Eagle flies with the Condor to usher in the New Golden Age of Peace, Bliss and Prosperity for all Sentient beings of the Way.

In the Unity of Cosmic Consciousness we bridge all worlds into the One True Ascension timeline and with the Power of Silence and our almighty I Am Presence we blaze this realm with the Violet Flame of St Germain to assist Gaia and all her Children of the Sun in the Greatest Transformation of Eternity, in this Now.

In the Love of God and the Wisdom of Buddha Mind we realize our True Nature of Pure Awareness and resolve all things perfectly in the Totality of our multidimensional selves…A’Ho!



Right now: Moon at 20°59′ Aquarius, Sun at 2°51′ Aquarius

sabian symbols

Current Sabian Symbols

Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon

A woman disappointed and disillusioned, courageously facing a seemingly empty life.
Sabian Symbol for 21º Aquarius

The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 21º Aquarius.


Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun

A deserter from the navy.
Sabian Symbol for 3º Aquarius

The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 3º Aquarius.








💫Gate/Gridkeeping Roles are extremely important to unlock new dimentional codes&to anchor them on Earth💫so,dear Human Angels, it’s your moment:TRUST YOU✨️
Divine Masculine
Divine Masculine
There will be several sudden increases in the light level this 2023. Take these opportunities to level up.
Jai Ma
Jai Ma
Our Cetacean friends in particular our whale friends are the record keepers of Earth’s history.
They hold inside of them such massive love encodings and sing songs of a golden ancient time where Humanity lived in harmony and in peace with Gaia.
A time where the divine feminine ruled with her heart brain and we knew ourselves as Whole and as One with our mother Planet.
Legends say that whales are pods of dolphins that wished to live together as one.
-Lemurian Water Sounds



Lemurian Water Sounds
Lemurian Water Sounds



Holger Kirchhof

💫💫 😇 💫💫💫💫💫💫 😇 💫💫💫💫💫💫 😇 💫💫
O N E with A L L of C R E A T I O N for A N E W START
as 🐣 P U R E S T 💖 L O V E L I G H T 🌟 STATION 🌎 🙏
💫💫 😇 💫💫💫💫💫💫 😇 💫💫💫💫💫💫 😇 💫💫
  • Love


Guardian Dragons
Guardian Dragons




The little ones are bringing Heaven to Earth with the rainbow light of their HEARTS.
And, those of us with OPEN HEARTS and our own inner innocence- and remembrance of BEing a chid of God- are here offering our own LOVE BEAMS to this glorious co-creation!
In this sacred moment, may your own HEART SMILE in the sweet reflection of this remembrance and may you FEEL HELD in LOVE.
All is so truly, truly well HERE in Heaven.
I so love you!!
Love Is. Love Is. Love Is. ✨🤍✨
God Is. God Is. God Is. ✨🙏✨
the eye of horus
the eye of horus

The Year of the Black Rabbit 2023

The Chinese Element of 2023 – Yin Water
Water is connected with black in the Chinese system of the five elements. As a result, the Year of the Rabbit 2023 is also known as the Year of the Black Rabbit.
The Yin Water element represents sensitivity, intuition, and, in its most positive form, the way of inner peace. The Water Rabbit Year promises a period of rest and reflection after the dynamic Year of the Tiger.
Year of the Black Rabbit
Year of the Black Rabbit

Happy lunar new year divine souls. ❤️🐇🐇❤️

We are starting the Lunar New Year today. In Chinese astrology this year is the year of the Water Rabbit, the symbol of longevity, positivity, auspiciousness, cleverness, fluidity, quietness and contemplation. 2023 represents new beginnings on so many levels. The element of Water is all about feelings and emotions and riding the wave of change. The year ahead will bring prosperity and hope which we really need.
We will have the opportunity to turn the challenges we will face into new opportunities that will bring us peace and abundance. Just go with the flow, be in the present moment and see what life brings. 🤍🧡❤️
Happy Lunar New Year
Happy Lunar New Year
Magically transformational and intensely powerful galactic energies incoming
Energies providing opportunity to release all that no longer serves…
Quantum leaps
Much incoming clarity
Be still and know
Listen to the heartbeat of the new
Be done Be free
This freedom ride is in full throttle
Up up up we glow…
going beyond our wildest dreams
Magically transformational
Magically transformational

Much Ado In 💛Mu

The Lemurian Heart is in emancipation
The Ring of Fire and Ice in perfect harmony
Spheres within spheres
Divine Masculine trailblazing
Divine Feminine healing frozen emotions as ancient thaw, primordial flow
Entwined currents restoring Sacred Alchemy
An Eternal Flame ~ a flame that does not consume
Orion’s Arm sounds the call!
Spiralling, churning throughout the Starry Mother’s milky sustenance
In this way, the Starseeds are firmly planting the vibrational patterning of our golden epoch
The Moai resoundingly inform all within the starry vault
‘The Milky Way of One’ is restoring
The Children of The One Heart 💛 One World sanctioning
Note: Orion in the sky beckoned starting the process a few days ago. The Moia ( Easter Island head) cloud in the sky then showed up. My dog’s moniker is Orion. Interestingly, the head planter has been on that table for days, but he only now started to speak interact with it, tail wagging all the while.
Interestingly, he only ever responded in this manner when I have spoken the solar dragon language in his presence.
Espavo dear ones ‘Our Arrival’ IS Now ~ Raeline Sqs Brady


A Group of Light Beings are the Dolphin Angelic Masters, who are the Higher Expression of the Cetacean/Earth Dolphin energy.
They come from the Galactic Center or Great Central Sun, via Sirius and the Pleiades. His purpose is, and always has been, to guide the development of Species on Earth, especially emerging Angelic Human Species.
Cetaceans are Masters of Holographic Engineering, and wherever a major evolutionary change or recalibration is needed, they’re there to help. Even as Earth ascends to a new, independent role in its Solar System and Galaxy, Dolphin Masters continue to aid in this process of “birth.”
Dolphin Masters & Angels Embark on Cosmic Crystal Consciousness. They flow with the Golden Energy of the Cosmic Christ, but they also incorporate the Magenta and Turquoise Rays of Christ Love. The Dolphin Masters energy is expressed in Dance, Music and Joy. It is fluid and flexible and light, beautiful and harmonious. When they harness the Dolphin Masters energy, they become like them, fluid, graceful, cheerful and able to react with grace and speed. No turning back on the Flow is a problem, you can just move with it.
With the help of the Dragons and Dolphin Angelic Masters, the Fire of Creation and the Evolution of Terrestrial Species will once again be aligned with Divine Will and Divine Creative Intelligence. This will ensure that those energies are only used for a higher purpose on the New Earth.
Points of Light
Dolphin Angelic Masters
Dolphin Angelic Masters
A weekend of energies and amplifications: New Moon, Chinese New Year, and an energy influx (plasma = information!) with a Stargate alignment. Here we glow. ☀️
Connect deeply with your Ascension trajectory this weekend. The Divine Presence has gifts for your path.
Gate and Gridkeepers, we are opening wide for these realm-shifting revelation energies.
This year is about to awaken; be prepared, organized, and operating from heart wisdom and Divine Intelligence.
Infinite LoveLight and gratitude to all connecting with Gaia, Solaris, and the cosmic flows during this passage.
Pics: SUNrise Gatework this week in a chilly snow-dusted Sedona 🕊💎☀️💎🕊
Because #Ascension
SUNrise Gatework
SUNrise Gatework

Ra James

Synchronicity is at an all time high with today’s Aquarius New Moon. Nothing is a coincidence. The synchronicities help guide you and also connect larger events in your life. Intuitive nudges, signs that have meaning, feathers, coins, birds, and animals, music, specific songs with great meaning, messages through anything, could be movies, or things you’re seeing. Numbers and Angel numbers are your Angels trying to communicate with you. The more you tap in the more guidance you will get and the more you will manifest these experiences. They aren’t just signs that you’re on the right path, they are an opportunity to shift in another direction, or onto the right path. Road signs on your complex journey. If you were at a crossroads and you had a choice between two directions, you’re looking at the signs, you better pick the spiritual one! A synch will point you in the right direction. It’s the same as if you’re driving and you miss your turn, it has the potential to get you lost and in trouble. That’s why it’s so important to learn how to recognize the signs. Little clues. Breadcrumbs from the Universe.
It’s a little like Alice following the Rabbit into Wonderland. That’s why it’s so important that you’re practicing better boundaries and listening to your intuition and feelings. You have your own spiritual path and destiny that you came here to do. You are connecting with different energies Source, Archangels, Angels, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides, and Spirit. The synchronicity events in your life should be making more and more sense. You should be sensing, tuning into, and feeling the Oneness or interconnected between all of us. Seeing how everything comes together on a higher level. Some other signs you may be experiencing are ringing in the ears, going either hot or cold, tingling in your crown chakra. You may be hearing voices. Suddenly we are becoming more and more telepathic, only you may pick it up as one of your own thoughts, images, or just picking up on the energies…


Inside of every cell, every particle and wave, and all the spaces in between, there lives a knowing that awakens when we have finally found our true home.
Our Heart just knows and informs every cell in our body of this Truth, so we may finally find our way back to it.
Back to true Divine Love.
Back into the arms of the Beloved.
Back HOME to the HEART.
This in turn informs the whole Cosmos, which lies there within us, that it is safe to open up to true Love again, which in turn
Having kept our Hearts open to the Miracle that awakens now, along with our memories from an ancient future past, our New Eden.
It awakens like an epiphany, that feels like a déjà vu, but is ultimately a deep re-membering of what is really true and REAL, along with the memories of who we truly are, and our whole Cosmic history, the roles we came to play and our Divine purpose here.
The memories kept safe within our sacred Crystal Heart, blood and Crystalline structures for this very moment out of time, to FULLY AWAKEN NOW, along with the Cosmic Monad, re-birthing Cosmic God Source Consciousness on behalf of ALL.
A FULL RE-MEMBERING of how it always was.
As we return back home, back to the Heart, back to the future, THE ONE TRUE BELOVED, we feel finally at HOME,
Eternal Love,
Ramona ✨🤍✨
Lah Luna New Year BLESSINGS
Lah Luna New Year BLESSINGS
We are free spirits and souls
and we are being freed.
The cage doors are wide open
and it is up to us to claim our freedom now,
to use our holy wings,
To soar and fly,
feeling the cosmic Divine wind beneath our wings
as we circle ever upwards
into a totally new existence and form.
It is only fear and accumulated baggage
which is keeping us still prisoner and attached
to the false seeming safety
of the old cage.
Let go.
You are free.
Allow your own inner guidance
Inner soul to help you to remember
and feel your beautiful wings,
Unfurl them,
and step through that open door,
with trust and faith.
You are being taken care of.
It is time to claim your Divine freedom
to rise up,
and start a new life
Unlike anything you have ever known before
but your soul has always remembered.
The flying tools are within you
as are the navigational tools.
Rise up.
Rise up.
And remember
Claim the truth
of who and what you in truth are!
“Behold, I make everything new!”
And so it is!
Photo credit: Daniel Holeman
Divine freedom
Divine freedom

Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA – by Richard Rudd –


Gene Key 41: The Prime Emanation

January 22nd 2023 – January 27th 2023

Fantasy – Anticipation – Emanation


Every single start codon inside every single cell of your body is electromagnetically linked to each other. This is the foundation of the holographic body, which in turn is linked electromagnetically to the holographic universe. Every impulse inside you is therefore communicated to the whole, just as every impulse within the whole is chemically mirrored in your DNA.

Once you have discovered the knack of influencing your own DNA, you can literally reprogram every cell within your body.
The Gene Keys


“The Shadow frequency is really marked by feedback loops that keep us in states of suffering. We get stuck in a certain pattern of doing things, and it goes on feeding the same behaviour. Anticipation looks for the breakout, senses the time and place for a breakout, and can therefore provide completely new experiences, entirely new cycles for people.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways



Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA – by Richard Rudd –




Tania Gabrielle

Uranus stations direct today – and that means ALL PLANETS move direct TODAY for the next THREE months!
With NO retrogrades for the next three months, we have an opportunity to make significant changes in our lives – and to grow exponentially.
In many years this “All Planets Direct” phenomenon does not happen at all…
So it’s a very special occasion. Things will start to move quickly since there’s nothing blocking you.
⭐️You can really COAST AHEAD as the Divine Force is with you!
Heart Sutra
Heart Sutra

Divine Energy Works

Revolutionary Uranus is Stationing Direct in Taurus, after 5 months of its sleepy Retrograde. Uranus is the 3rd Planet turning Direct this January, and the last one to come out of RX from 2022 Retrograde Season, bringing a Major Cosmic Energy Boost – all Celestial Bodies will be moving in Straightforward Motion until April 20th. Uranus is called “The Great Awakener”, as it energetically rules Truth, Freedom, Authenticity, Divine Insights, Breakthroughs, Change, Shock, Revolution, and unexpected events, and it rules the Innovative sign of Aquarius. Uranus RX is the time of Radical Changes on the Internal (rather than External) Level. Every time Uranus changes direction, we feel stronger than ever surge to break free from the false and unauthentic. Its now time to integrate the Inner Transformation and Embody it on the tangible level.
Temporary setbacks and stagnant circumstances that we have been experiencing during Uranus RX, are over. This energy feels like the Wind of Change, Breakthroughs and Transformation, both on the personal and collective levels. We now have Aquarius Stellium (the Sun, the Moon, Venus, and Saturn in Aquarius), and, as Uranus, the Ruler of Aquarius, stations Direct right after New Moon, there is a tremendous surge of energy and Forward Movement, opening special Portal of Energy for 3 months, until April 20th, with NO Planets in Retrograde Motion. This Portal will be bringing Major Timelines Change, we will be exposed to more potential Timelines.
The Great Awakener
The Great Awakener

Aurora Ray

The Golden Age Of Gaia : A New Earth Is Revealed

The GOLDEN AGE OF GAIA is emerging; the NEW EARTH is upon us!

The dark ages of 10,000 years are over!

The gods have returned!


The DIVINE SOURCE 5D ENERGIES that are currently overflowing on Earth are extremely powerful!

In the last few years, we have seen some shocking and unbelievable events in the world. The monstrous power of dark forces has finally come to an END!

They have been DEFEATED and totally removed from their positions in the world. And now, they are being removed from their positions in your life as well!

The DIVINE SOURCE ENERGIES are now very powerful on Earth, and they will continue to be so for some time to come.

This is happening because the forces of darkness have been defeated by those who love LIGHT AND TRUTH above all else.

You are now experiencing these POWERFUL energies more than ever before. You will see more miracles and signs than ever before, as well as NEW REVELATIONS about life that you never knew before!

It’s TIME for your soul to awaken and know that it can do ANYTHING if it wills it with all its heart and mind combined together as ONE unit (heart, mind, body).

In the last seven months, I have gone through an incredible transformation.

I found myself being pulled into a vortex of events that were so far beyond my control that it was hard to believe they were happening to me!

But they did happen, and now I am seeing what is going on around us right now with my own eyes!

We are in a time of UNPRECEDENTED CHANGE on Earth.

This is a time of great change, new beginnings, and the arrival of a NEW GOLDEN AGE on Earth! We must all be doing our part to make it happen!

YOU are in charge of the NEW EARTH!

The time is NOW. The new Earth is HERE. We must all come together to spread the word and transform our world!

We are committed to spreading TRUTH and promoting LOVE, LIGHT, AND PEACE on this planet by sharing information about the ecology of our planet as well as its spiritual dimension.

We also work to create a network of people who share our vision of a peaceful world where people live in harmony with nature.

Spread TRUTH. Spread LOVE and LIGHT!

Don’t wait for things to come to you. Go out and make them HAPPEN. Always stay in the present moment by using your heart!

The time has come for you to do so much more than just talk about it! The TRUTH needs to be shared with everyone around us so that we can all make changes in our own lives, individually and collectively.

As we move forward together, there will be only good things happening on this planet!

The GOLDEN AGE OF GAIA is emerging as we awaken from our slumber!

The new ENERGY is coming from within, and it will be a positive energy for humanity. This is the beginning of our GOLDEN AGE when we can finally live in peace and harmony with each other!

We believe that our planet is a gift from God, who created it in His /Her image.

New Earth is not affiliated with any religion or political ideology. We exist simply to promote spiritual awareness through education and personal transformation.

Earth is special. We are here because of Earth, but we also have a responsibility to protect her and keep her healthy for all life forms that inhabit this planet.

This is why I am so passionate about spreading LOVE AND LIGHT on Earth. It is our responsibility as LIGHTWORKERS to protect the planet and ensure that we are all safe here.

I want every person reading this post to know that there are other beings who live among us, too—beings with magical abilities who can do amazing things for us if we would only trust them enough to ask for help.

You don’t have to be afraid of them or think they’re weird; just know that ETs exist, and sure enough, one day, you’ll meet one of them face-to-face!

You have INFINITE POSSIBILITIES within you, but we can only see a tiny portion of them because your soul is much BIGGER than what we can see with our eyes!

Just open your eyes and SEE for yourself!

The NEW EARTH is within your reach: The Sun starts shining, the birds start singing, and the world is renewing!

We are now entering the NEW GOLDEN AGE—a time of dreams, visions, and new beginnings!!

We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.

Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Copyright 2023 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.


Galactic Federation
Galactic Federation


Mercury in Capricorn trine North Node in Taurus. Venus conjunct Saturn in Aquarius. Uranus stations direct in Taurus – Following on the heels of the New Moon, Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, moves into direct motion. Changes that have been incubating since August 2022 begin to seem more urgent and any restrictions feel more binding. For some this may be a sudden awakening as to the true nature of life, what is valuable, what matters. The air crackles with possibilities but this energy is unstable and erratic at first. If you feel anxious, ground yourself. Wait for the weird to pass.
Venus and Saturn advocate a calculated, long-term approach rather than spontaneous commitment. We need a rock-solid foundation for future harmony. Meanwhile Mercury is still covering old ground before he is released from the shadow of his last retrograde. In Capricorn, Mercury knows clear objectives and careful management will open the way to evolution. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Crystallise what is important. Define your heart’s longing. Breathe life into the manifestation of ideals. Nothing is static but progress takes time.
Degrees and Times
Mercury 09°Cp19′, North Node 09°Ta19′ R – 21:47 (UT)
Venus, Saturn 24°Aq47′ – 22:12 (UT)
Uranus 14°Ta56′ – 22:58 (UT)
© Leah Whitehorse
Painting – il Trittico della Velocità: Il Via by Gerardo Dottori
il Trittico della Velocità
il Trittico della Velocità

Kin 249 ~ Red Lunar Moon

Today is a ‘lunar’ day, the 2nd day of the wavespell. Lunar is the name for the number 2 and the 2nd day of the wavespell entails identifying your obstacles, so you may formulate a plan to overcome them. Dealing with problems and challenges is a fact of life and the better you are at facing them, the easier your life will be. Don’t curse the challenge but embrace it. ‘Stabilize’ is another key word for this number and this symbolizes that challenges must be overcome before you can achieve stability. Every 13 days the Lunar day comes around and so this is a great opportunity to regularly practice obstacle removing, an awesome discipline to incorporate into your routine.
Today is Red Moon and key words associated with it are ‘Flow, Universal Water and Purify’. It’s a tough combo of day and number and all we can do is relax and let go of the need to control the situation. How does one go with flow and deal with challenges at the same time? All I can recommend is you should face things as they wash up on the shore, deal with the tide as it comes in, there’s nothing you can do until then anyway. The Red Moon is always inviting us to surrender control but today you may find yourself resistant to chilling out.
The Guide for the day is Red Dragon, the nurturing energy of the dragon guides our actions today and so be kind to yourself and supportive of others. ‘Rebirth’ is another key word for Red Dragon and so the tide may bring about unexpected new beginnings. A helpful guide on this otherwise challenging day.
The Challenge of the day is Blue Storm, which represents big change. Red Moon days can drive Blue Storm people crazy. They are so consumed with the desire to change the world they forget they are not doing it alone. The Universe has its own ideas and sometimes the outcome of events are influenced by energies we cannot understand. If you are a Blue Storm, just surrender and it will turn out alright.
The Occult power is the Yellow Human which means our intuitions will be very strong today. The Moon influences us and the Yellow Human is a channel, a vessel – their energies are complementary. ‘Going with the flow’ helps the channeling too, so listen to your gut feelings.
The Ally is the White Dog and everyone knows how good dogs are at living in the moment and relaxing. Find a Dog to chill out with today…they are buddies with the Red Moon clan for a reason, their laid-back attitude is very similar to Moon’s energy. Go to a beach if you can, take the dog and watch the waves hit the shore.
Kin 249
Kin 249


2 MULUC – KIN 249
22 JANUARY 2023
I polarize in order to Purify
Stabilizing FLOW
I seal the process of Universal Water
With the Lunar tone of Challenge
I AM guided by the power of Birth.
22/1/2023 = 4/1/7=4/8=12=3
22- Architect of PEACE/Master Builder
4- Foundation/Form/Structure/Earth/Angelic
12- Acquiring Spiritual strength/wisdom
3- Holy Trinity/Joy/Creativity
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
1- New beginnings/Original/Unique/Leader/Independant
7- Spiritual Test/Initiation/Solitude/Majik/Mystic/Magician
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
23- Royal Star 🌟 of the LION 🦁/Strength/Protection/Support
KIN 249 = 15=6 Heaven/Christ/Harmony
Today we have a deeply feminine code, to start our LUNAR NEW YEAR, exposing challenges, in order to stabilize HARMONY through purification. .
🌜🌗🌀🐉💝🌜🌗🌀🐉💝 🌜🌗🌀🐉💝🌜🌗🌀🐉💝
This GODDESS is razor sharply FOCUSED on constructing a NEW FOUNDATION for this NEW WORLD we are constructing based on COMPASSION, LOVE, sensitivity, responsibility and care for our fellow humans, and GAIA. Today we have a 22 day code which is the ARCHITECT of PEACE… all these AMAZING alignments all in synchronic alignment singing a symphonic HARMONY..
We also have the LUNAR TONE 2 today, which is focused on BRINGING HARMONY and FLOW through stabilizing any polarity/duality conflicts.. the LUNAR TONE on LUNAR new Year… SOOOO much LUNAR feminine MOON energy today… it is an EXCEPTIONAL DIVINE FEMININE DAY!!!
and she is bringing with her a whole FLUFFLE of RABBITS!!🐰🐇🐇🐇🐰
(A group of bunnies is called a fluffle, yes you read that right.)
The RABBIT🐰🐇 is the perfect consort to the GODDESS👸, this is a MATCH made in HEAVEN!!
The RABBIT 🐰🐇 is the MOST sensitive, caring, compassionate and family focused of all the 12 animals in the CHINESE ZODIAC. The RABBIT is akin to a mixture between the extremely psychic and sensitive WATER💧💧 signs of PISCES🐟 and CANCERIANS/MOON🦀 children!
How DIVINE that we have this beautiful gentle, feminine energy to soothe our senses and PTSD from the last few traumatic years.
The RABBIT qualities bring
🌟🐰 PEACE, JOY, HAPPINESS and soul satisfaction
HEALING 🌿 MUSIC to connect to RABBIT energy 🐇
All these traits are AMPLIFIED through the GODDESS/MOON👸🌛 energies and the YELLOW STAR WAVESPELL🌟 which is AWAKENING our creativity, abundance, beauty and ARTISTRY.
And the GREAT NEWS keeps coming…✨🌟✨🌟✨🌟✨🌟✨
Today the SUN is in AQUARIUS🏺 and the NEW MOON is in AQUARIUS🏺..
URANUS the ruler of AQUARIUS🏺 goes DIRECT today, after its long retrograde… this brings us a TRIPLE AQUARIAN🏺🏺🏺 BLESSING today, with the possibility of SUDDEN UNEXPECTED,,, benefic change…
✨✨✨✨✨All PLANETS are now DIRECT and we have NO RETROGRADES for the next 3 MONTHS!!!! ✨✨✨✨✨
YAHOOO… BELOVEDS… full steam ahead 🚂🚂🚂
Coupled with all this FORWARD MOMENTUM we have a new brilliant, green COMET ZTF🌠 in our skies with the closest distance to EARTH on FEBRUARY 1ST, 2023… on KIN 259 BLUE CRYSTAL STORM DAY 💎🌪🌩🌧– the harbinger of transformative NEW LIGHT🌠🌠 on our planet..
2 days later on FEBRUARY 3rd – KIN 1 – the RED MAGNETIC DRAGON🐉 – births a NEW CYCLE🐣 – a brand new HIGHER OCTAVE GALACTIC SPIN🍥🍥🍥🍥 of the TZOLKIN!!
VERY EXCITING and fortuitous times for HUMAN-KIND beloveds…🎉🎇🎉
And now back to the YELLOW STAR…….🌟
Day 2 of the spectacular YELLOW STAR✨ WAVESPELL – where we are AWAKENING our sparkle,🎆 and using our creativity to attract more Beauty, Grace and Harmony in our lives.. so that our lives become a living work of ART! 🎨
Today we are using our feminine senses to detect and purify any polarization in our lives and relationships, in order to stabilize the NEW HARMONIC FLOW. 💧🌊🌊🌊
LUNAR- 🌜Tone 2 in the PHYSICAL realm. The LUNAR 🌗 tone represents the sacred twins, cooperation, relationship, polarity of male and female and duality. It’s ACTION – polarizes, POWER – challenges, ESSENCE – stabilizing.
Today is a day filled with questioning how you can express your true feminine aspect, through your artistic/creative side. The possible challenges that arise must be stabilized, in order to resolve your FEARS of separation and disharmony, leading you back to wholeness.
Polarity reveals your conflicts, struggles, and the apparent separation created by your belief in duality. Polarized positions actually work in cooperative alliances. In cooperation, all polarities serve as backgrounds for full appreciation of one another and the whole.
Examine the polarity of male and female within yourself. Explore your divine feminine and divine masculine aspects. ❓❓Has your feminine aspect been repressed from really stepping into your true BEAUTY and raw vulnerability?
It is real to express your true inner being and allow more receptivity to flow into your life. Do not hide parts of yourself, compartmentalizing fragments of your soul. No longer can we wear the masks of duality.🎭 It is time to take off all your masks🎭 that you have been hiding behind and become whole again.
The AUTHENTIC you, is BEAUTIFUL🌹 and RADIANT 🌟and in your raw essence. A SPARK of the DIVINE. Step out and SHINE! 🌟
The LUNAR STORM as the GIFT of KIN 249 will play a huge role in purifying the YIN WATER💧 that the RABBIT year🐇 is bringing.. catalyzing fresh CLEAN WATERS which conduct higher frequency communication, empathy, sensitivity and psychic gifts. All in DIVINE SYNCHRONIC ORDER.
Today’s questions are “What do I need to PURIFY, 💧that is DULLING my SPARKLE,🌟✨ in order to FEEL GOOD and allow my beautiful🌹 life to FLOW?”🌟✨
“Am I OPEN to receive a new FLOW of psychic gifts, sensitivities and abilities?”
MAY ALL YOUR beautiful GIFTS🎁 and rewards🏆 FLOW rapidly and effortlessly this year. Aho! 😍😍😍
Divine blessings for BIRTHING your authentic and BEAUTIFUL STELLAR self today.🌟🌺🌹
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED LUNAR MOON👸 MULUC is the Goddess and her powers relate to the Universal waters 💧🌊– purification, feminine flow, communication, emotions, softness, intuition and receptivity.
Day 2 of the YELLOW STAR🌟 WAVESPELL is challenging our concept of BEAUTY! 🌹🌺🌹
❓How can we add more BEAUTY and GRACE into our lives?
❓How can we allow ourselves to feel more beautiful being in our PHYSICAL bodies?
❓Do you unconditionally love and accept your physical, mental and emotional aspects of your human vessel?
❓Where is it challenging for you to just FEEL good, and just go with the FLOW of life?
Flow through your river of emotional waters 💧🌊and really FEEL your TRUE feelings. It is time to be authentic.
❓Are you happy now?
❓What makes you really happy?
❓What are your true heart’s desires?
❓How can we create more Beauty in our lives, and the world around us?
❓How can we express this beauty through our creativity?
MULUC is really challenging us to “soften” and get in touch with our feminine side (whether you are in a male or female body). Connect with your psychic senses and intuitive knowing (which the WATER RABBIT amplifies), which is your internal G.P.S system guiding you in the right direction of your soul’s calling.
Surrender the struggle between HEART and MIND, and just FLOW with absolute knowingness – your gut instincts and DIVINE GUIDANCE. What FEELS right for you?
On a PLANETARY LEVEL issues may arise from the divine feminine being repressed by the old patriarchal system – the clash of masculine control over feminine – love and compassion, may rise to the fore. Both forces YIN receptive and YANG active, need to FLOW in a state of EQUILIBRIUM in order for conception and NEW BIRTH to happen. It is not a competition of which force is more DOMINANT – but rather a beautiful flux expressed through a harmonic dance between the two – a beautiful symphony to behold. 🎶🌹🌺🌟
MULUC will reveal any disharmony that is blocking you from having a BEAUTIFUL🌺 ABUNDANT🍇 LIFE..
LAMAT🌟 the YELLOW STAR – is also an ABUNDANCE portal – so any challenges relating to self-worth, and financial wealth will come into the SPOTLIGHT today, (especially with URANUS moving DIRECT in TAURUS🐂 today!).
Once you can SEE what has polarized your FLOW, you can CLEAR, ERASE, DELETE the density or toxicity, in order to stabilize a beautiful continuous FLOW of JOY and prosperity in your wonderful LIFE.. 🌟🌹💞
A BEAUTIFUL GIFT to clear negativity
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED LUNAR DRAGON🐉IMIX is a beautiful feminine pairing with MULUC, as the two siSTARS teach us the true POWER of the DIVINE FEMININE. IMIX represents the Mother Goddess, the Creatrix who birthed us all into existence from the VOID of Creation… RED DRAGON is tribe number 1 – so they start the ball rolling and bring forth tremendous raw CREATION power, to birth your new creations, new life and our New Planet! Absolutely PERFECTO on this LUNAR NEW YEAR’S DAY..
Once we have STABILIZED polarity conflict, we can then begin to BIRTH the NEW, from a state of HARMONY and JOY. Through great friction and adversity we are honed and become polished like DIAMONDS.💎 The challenges are the resistance that STRENGTHENS us! 💪💪
We are constantly growing and evolving – becoming WISER and more beautiful each and every day. As we rediscover our TRUE LOVE of SELF❤👸 we unleash a store of pure CREATION power, to express our soul’s desires through CREATIVITY and JOY. EXPANSION is the mechanism that drives the soul to EXPAND, constantly evolving and becoming greater versions of the original SELF.
IMIX reminds us to not only love and nurture ourselves, but also our children, and offspring. This is also another GIFT of the RABBIT. Our hobbies and new projects are our children, and we need to tenderly nurture them into existence.. respecting our creative talents and allowing them to FLOW freely without judgement or self-criticism… if you FEEL it inside you, then let it FLOW…who knows WHAT is incubating inside YOU, waiting to be birthed!
When you follow your intuitive promptings, and EXPRESS physically what you were BORN to do – then all the conflict, resistance and discord will melt away as you find your natural flow in life… Becoming ALIGNED with your talents and gifts, is how your life becomes Harmonious. 🎶
Time for reflection is required today, to really listen to your Inner Goddess. 👸Tune in to what your intuition is telling you in order to make the required changes helping you birth🐣 a new and better version of yourself. 🎆
SUPPORT: WHITE LUNAR DOG 🐕 OC brings forth more feminine codes in the form of Unconditional Love❤ and Devotion – to ourselves, our family and to Divine Spirit.. By aligning with Spirit we can embody more LOVE❤ and truly GLOW as the beautiful STARS🌟 that we are..
OC our loyal and faithful companion is part of the WHITE tribe who represent PURITY and refinement of energy… In synergy with the LUNAR tone – the Universal Waters 🌊 are seeking to purge our density so that we can become PURE and WHOLE once again in order to have a STRONGER connection to Spirit.
The WHITE DOG highlights the issues of – Love, loyalty, trust, unconditional love, faith, honesty, integrity and compassion. Issues of TRUST and BETRAYAL are deep wounds which can really impede the flow of LOVE into your life… It is time for FORGIVENESS, on all levels, in order to move forward and experience HARMONY and BEAUTY in your relationships.💑👪
Reflect on the qualities that WHITE DOG encompasses. Examine how you embody these qualities. If any are deficient, how can you integrate more of them into your new and unique expression of yourself?
How can these qualities flow through you and your creations?
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW CRYSTAL HUMAN😊 EB – highlights the more masculine aspects of – Wisdom, Intelligence, Free Will and Focus as today’s SUPERPOWER, bringing more BALANCE to today’s code. The CRYSTAL HUMAN gives us the power of connection and discern the clearest pathway to supreme Divine intelligence. With more purity of MIND and HEART we can easily align with DIVINE WILL and our destiny path.
YELLOW HUMAN gives you the wisdom to rise above the egoic mind with its constant dialogue of you not being “enough” in any way, shape or form. As an evolved soul you now have the intelligence to know you are beautiful “just as you are” without any needed “modifications” or cosmetic improvements.
You are your own individual and unique fragment of Divine SOURCE, that is eternally whole and magnificent in any “skin suit” it occupies.
✨🌟✨THY WILL BE DONE through ME, for the highest GOOD of ALL, and for the TRUE manifestation of my purpose. ✨🌟✨
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE LUNAR STORM 🌀🌪CAUAC the YEAR that was – is today’s CHALLENGE – so we are all too familiar with what that brings. THE LUNAR STORM – kin 119 ruled the DREAMSPELL YEAR of 2020/21 that we farewelled 2 years ago. 🌪🌩🌫. And what a tumultuous and chaotic year it was, paving the way for SMOOTHER waters that our NOW following in its wake! 🌊🌊🌊
The LUNAR STORM is challenging us today to become PURER💧… through its actions of detoxing our bodies, minds and lives, of anything that is dense, draining or discordant..
The LUNAR STORM aims to uncover all the disharmony and dross in our world, by stirring up the mud for us to collectively SEE and recognize, and then transmute. This encourages us to MAKE BETTER CHOICES as we clean up the mess and become more responsible in the way we think, act and conduct ourselves. Be extra observant at what the STORM reveals today!
BLUE STORM🌩🌪🌧 is synergistically supporting the actions of the LUNAR GODDESS👸 through the power of her Universal Cleansing waters.💧💧.. We have DOUBLE 🌀🌀 the turbo cleaning power today – WASH, SPIN, RINSE and REPEAT!!
BLUE STORM emphasizes the necessity to cleanse and purify our Universal waters, those in our physical bodies and those of our Planet. The purer the water that flows through us, the greater the LIGHT🎆 we can embody.
CAUAC is gifting you today with the POWER to regenerate and rebirth your new eternal Divine SHINY self.✨
NOTE: The LUNAR STORM as the GIFT of KIN 249 will play a huge role in purifying the YIN WATER💧 that the RABBIT year🐇 is bringing.. catalyzing fresh CLEAN WATERS which conduct higher frequency communication, empathy, sensitivity and psychic gifts. All in DIVINE SYNCHRONIC ORDER.
Today’s questions are “What do I need to PURIFY, 💧that is DULLING my SPARKLE,🌟✨ in order to FEEL GOOD and allow my beautiful🌹 life to FLOW?”🌟✨
“Am I OPEN to receive a new FLOW of psychic gifts, sensitivities and abilities?”
MAY ALL YOUR beautiful GIFTS🎁 and rewards🏆 FLOW rapidly and effortlessly this year. Aho! 😍😍😍
Divine blessings for BIRTHING your authentic and BEAUTIFUL STELLAR self today.🌟🌺🌹
Namaste’ 🙏💟🙏💟🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈




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Cutting all Chords and Soul Contracts ~ Freedom from all False Programs, implants, inserts and overlays:






Invocation of Golden Flame of Atlantis

The golden flame of Atlantis is guarded by Archangel Ariel who incarnated in Royal Atlantean mermaid kingdom during Atlantean time.
The golden flame of Atlantis was brought to Egypt with the white flame of purification right before this great civilization fell. The fires have been kept burning on Gaia to sustain life here.
The Golden Flame of Atlantis brings riches, prosperity and courage. It is rooted in spiritual alchemy. It is a good match with the red flame of life force energy .
Once one downloads the red flame and adds the golden flame of Atlantis, not only will one survive but prosper.
The ability of color healing helps heal trauma and wound, and it can actually bring blessings to one’s life. Why? Because the colored light is alchemizing the consciousness.
Gold from metal is the philosopher stone and the ultimate alchemy.
Gold light creates a shield around the aura. One can use either gold, silver or platinum light to shield oneself. (Gold being preferred method)
Archangel Ariel not only creates wealth and abundance and courage with the golden flame of Atlantis, she is also protector of the animal kingdom and she/he is known as the Lion/Lioness of God.
Archangels are androgynous yet they tend to appear either more male/female and Ariel appears to be more feminine.
Invocation of Golden Flame
I invoke the Golden Flame of Atlantis descended from the bright gold ray of initial creation.
I ask Archangel Ariel and all multidimensional beings who wish to help, bring this gold ray flame down through my crown chakra, through my third eye, throat chakra, through my solar plexus, and lead it into the palm of my hands. I visualize the gold flame being lit up in grandiosity in the palms of my hands and I see the flames turning into gold coins. I place the gold coins in my pocket to bring myself abundance.
I ask the gold flame of Atlantis to bring me courage. I ask the gold flame of Atlantis to protect the entire animal kingdom, past, present and future. I visualize the gold flame forming a shield around myself, protecting me from any negative energies.
I imagine the gold flame of Atlantis surrounding Mother Gaia and all of her inhabitants as we rise to higher light.
St. Germain’s I AM meditation
I AM courage
I AM abundance
I AM prosperous
I AM protector
I AM divine alchemy
Emily Kate, Ashnia-Ala
Golden Flame of Atlantis
Golden Flame of Atlantis

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