Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Sacred Star Legion of Ascended Masters Returned
Happy 11:7 Activation Portal!
After yesterday’s major X class Soular Flare our local Soularis continues to Soular Flash Gaia and all her Children of the Sun with massive waves of Adamantine Light releasing another 8 C Class Soular flares today and 6 more M Class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 2.79 at 7:55 UTC.
We also had multiple pillars of white light appearing on the Schumann Charts today as Mother Earth’s Heartbeat reached amplitudes of twice at 36 hz and twice at 40 hz and a big blast of light at 45 hz. Fifth Dimensional Resonance holding steady in our New Benevolent Timeline of Peace and Prosperity for all our Good People of the New Earth.
The Glorious Rays of Infinite Source Creator are flowing in completely Now to assist our Ground Crew Team of the 144000 Starseeds and Ligthworkers in consciously manifesting our Highest Ascension Timeline of Freedom for the meek are inheriting the Earth in this Now.
Keep holding the line with your Divine Will and Pure Intent as we make our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into our Eternal Bliss Reality…A’Ho!
I feel something even more massive building up today. The victory is sweet but I feel something even bigger coming. Something GREAT AND MYSTERIOUS. MIND BLOWING. Heart palpitations and lots of energy waves. Prepare for even more to unfold. I know we are guided and protected
The sun gives you the power of full consciousness.
We are able to harvest & harness this into our human body to transition into a lightbody. Completely full of the seven light rays.
It happens in the blink of an eye then our inner wisdom & magic is born and overflows.
A great awakening occurs. One so divine, that we can never go back to not knowing this grand cosmic connection. No deep sleep for the children of the sun.
We have just woken up from our deep sleep.
It has only begun.
Age of Aquarius & the bringers of the Dawn.
Sun cycle is in its grand finale right now so soak it up!
And I tell you a mystery: not all will sleep, but all shall be woken!!!
That’s the power of the brightest morning star!!
Bringing our sleepy consciousness
Straight up from the bottom to the top!
And available to all who chose to receive
Maximus quantum Field can level up to 144000 htz so go for the gold!! We are in full expansion now!
Our next step is now before us, and we will take it! Love isn’t going away. We are not going away. We will walk with LOVE and will fully live in these ways. We must walk the LOVE path so strongly that the world will have no choice but to come into higher alignments.
We want to enter higher frequencies so we can no longer create from the old ways. We cannot change the world with force. It is not sustainable. There is nothing to fight, there is only LOVE. What we have held so dear in our pure hearts, what we have envisioned with clarity for humanity, and all that we have extended into the world will return to us a hundredfold. Nothing has been lost. This is UNIVERSAL LAW! But this is not why we do this work. We are servers of the LIGHT, and you reading this now, you know you are too.
We came here for this pivotal time. There is nothing to return to, and there is no giving up. We will take this next step even when it is scary or confusing and causes us anxiety and restless nights. Our open, loving hearts will impeccably guide us through the energy-draining maze of opinions, positions, and continuous speculations in an ocean of unchecked content. Our unwavering center point will deepen our connection to Pure Source, Mother Earth and the infinite Cosmos. Our connection to Star family will deepen as well.
There is an unstoppable momentum building within our hearts. Nothing can hamper the progression of this tsunami of Divine Light that we direct together. This is an unstoppable march into the divine future we have envisioned. This is our creation manifesting! Nothing can stop the brilliant Evolution and Ascension to the LIGHT.
Our next step is in front of us now; go take it!
I felt the presence and inspiration from the Star Elders, Mother Sekhmet, the Great White Brotherhood, Archangel Michael, Jeshua, and Mother Mary. A very busy morning.
I hope this message finds you well. We are currently at the peak of an intense energy period, which is revealing areas of resistance within the mental, emotional, physical, and light bodies. This process may manifest as significant fatigue, as the body works to adjust to the incoming light frequencies.
During this time, many of you may start to notice skin-related changes, such as itching, discoloration, or heightened sensitivity. This is because the skin, being the body’s largest organ, is adapting to the new energetic frequencies.
Over the next two weeks, the energy is expected to remain intense. To support yourself through this period, I encourage you to regulate your diet, rest as much as possible, and remain mindful of any emotional or physical triggers, as these may feel more pronounced.
Divine intervention was required to prevent the destruction of our DNA Incoming energies assisting with healing/restoration of our DNA, allowing for embodiment of much higher frequencies
Pain illness disease cannot exist in a fully activated light body Much healing and restoration/activation/upgrades to DNA Sending golden healing light and love to every cell in your body will assist
Much collective purging healing purification Huge shifts in conciousness being embodied Much enhancement of gifts skills abilities
Many Awakening
Many breakthroughs/aha moments
Many in final stages of embodiment of their divinity/mighty I AM presence/wholeness
Massive collective transformation now unfolding in a much more rapid and less challenging way…Huge shifts on the tangible plane
Some being called to relocate
Trust your inner calling and that all will be provided
Much coming together of new rainbow tribes and divine compliments
Paradise is a frequency within
Let your true brilliance glow
This freedom ride will only continue to increase in intensity…main event/flash
Today is 7/11, two of the most recognised of the angelic codes.
The number 7
The number 7 is thought of as a lucky number and is a message of magic that appears in many myths, legends and fables, pertaining to its qualities as an elemental frequency and a message from the elemental angelic realm.
Seeing the number 7 as a timely messenger points to guides expressing that good outcome is likely by your intended actions, deeds or words.
7 is a code of manifestation and positive expectations or outcome. It is the number representative of alchemy, whereby what you achieved turns to gold and lifts the golden frequency of love and light within the physical world.
Doubled as 77 the energy increases in frequency and suggests the magical presence of invisible guides supporting you in your endeavours.
When tripled as 777 the message becomes a clear communication of angelic connection, either as a congratulations in your achievements or as a sign that you are working towards an angelic mission, or soul mission in your current lifetime narrative.
7777 Seeing four sevens ? This is a magical message reminding you of your power as a co-creator and is a sign that energies around you are right for wishing and manifesting new desires.
7777 can be a message communicating that you are in the right place at the right time , especially when you are in doubt, are going through a challenge or have lost your sense of purpose or direction.
The number 7 correlates to the seven suns, seventh heaven and the seventh dimension, at where you guardian angel resides. It is a key to happiness and is a code for spiritual transformation.
11/7/24: Today pushes out… out and away from you. It distorts your vision and feels surreal and oddly impersonal. It wants your attention but not your participation. So, it’s a day to lean within. Its Divine mission is to remind you that the world you perceive is interpreted through your personal history, experience, education, and environment. It is your story alone and exists in your own mind, heart, and motives.
And to remember that everything is neutral until you give it meaning. And that any wobbles you’re feeling are yours to resolve from within. You’ve learned much about yourself this year so that you can be a stronger and more powerful light for others… a candle that earthly matters can’t extinguish.
Dear friends, a short-lived yet strong X2.3 solar flare occurred in our sun 24 hours ago. Those of you who are energy sensitives may have felt an energetic shift in the air and within your bodies, especially in the nervous system. This could have been evidenced by an unexplained bout of dizziness, fatigue, a sense of disorientation, loud ear ringing, or simply a knowing that “something is happening.”
As we move towards the 11:11 portal, the energetic intensity in the air will continue to increase, leading to more individual and collective releases of old and unnecessary emotional burdens that have been preventing us from reaching a higher level of consciousness and understanding.
New higher timelines are being woven within this time period between November 1 and November 11, also known as the Scorpio gateway. As you are all aware, and beyond political biases, a new timeline has been established in the collective of the USA and the world. This new particular period of government is the 47th term in the linear history of that country. Once again, the resonant frequencies of number 11 (4+7) are present here, indicating the awakening relevance and key significance of this new timeline at this time of our shared earthly journey.
The energetic ripples of yesterday’s X2.3 solar flare have been consolidating this new timeline at the individual and collective levels. The 11:11 light codes already flowing in are infused with the energy of awakening, an energetic momentum that helps people remember their connection to Source/God/Divinity. This process is accelerating now, partly because of humanity’s evolutionary development over the last few decades, but also due to the acceleration of incoming solar winds and cosmic light codes.
There is a lot of fear and lack of understanding being released at this point in the human collective. This is a normal process that beings experience when the overall energetic frequencies rise in quantum leaps. Old 3D inner and human-made structures are being dissolved as we move towards 4-5D levels of consciousness, and this process may generate a sense of doom in some individuals who are still attached to the 3D perspective of duality.
We are now moving towards unity and integration, and the upcoming years of 2025-2027 will be critical for this alchemical process at the individual and collective levels. 2027, also an 11 resonance year, will be a key point in time. Meanwhile, focus on your own personal journey, keep your awareness centered in your heart, and keep shining your divine Light confidently and joyfully. The rest will come in divine timing. As always.
Stay tuned for more updates as we continue surfing this transformative period.
Much love
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ
Melanie Beckler
Timeline shift
Blessings 💖🙏
Major timeline shifting is happening!
On an individual and global scale…
This can already be seen at the level of external changes …
But perhaps the most powerful of all…
Are the BIG shifts happening within.
Timelines are like trajectories…
So when you jump, or shift timelines, you’re essentially changing or realigning your course.
Being on your highest timeline means being on your Divine Soul path, and moving towards your most vibrant, fulfilling, and high vibrational life.
A part of how the shifting is unfolding is through the release of suppressed heavy emotions you were never meant to carry with you.
And so …
As the highest Divine Path for your Awakening and Alignment is revealed …
Be willing to release layers of wounding and blockages as they arise…
Letting go allows more light in.
Remember what you’ve always known deep down…
That there is a clear difference…
Between the passing storms of emotional weather…
And the vibrant Divine Core and Divine Truth within you.
The opportunity is here and now to bring Divine Truth and Light to the surface of your life.
By facing whatever arises, from that centered place of embodied Truth and standing in the light.
It’s certainly not easy…
But deep down you know how to shift in an instant.
So shift.
Into love.
Right into Presence.
Stand in Embodiment.
Return to seeing and standing in Truth.
The stage is set…
For greater spiritual awakening to take place on an individual and global scale.
But what does that even mean?
Many people block new levels of awakening, thinking its something they’ve already done…
A check mark on the to-do-list already marked as complete…
But really…
Waking up is not a one time event, nor is it a straight and clearly defined path.
It’s more like a spiral unfolding… You continually come back to things you thought you’d learned and understood to uncover an even deeper Truth.
So I was prompted to remind you today…
There is an opportunity here and now for you to awaken further.
It is the opportunity now.
To open more completely…
To embody the Divine Presence you carry within you core…
To shine in perfect harmony and resonance with the innermost core of warmth, light and bliss that is your Truth…
Dive inward.
To return home to Love.
Beneath the surface level emotional storms and fragmented constructs of the lower mind…
There’s so much opening up for you now.
And you’re supported in accessing it.
It was never meant to be easy.
And yet, as timelines shift and new pathways unfold…
It is supported.
You are supported.
Right now. Right here.
Trust the Process…
Trust the highest Divine part of you… To guide you now, and to align the highest Divine Timeline, and life experiences for you…
We are moving from duality into unity. During this shift, focus on becoming One with yourself and your light. Union with your inner light is providing a stable foundation that your daily life exudes from. Be patient and trusting as external drama minimizes, and your inner spiritual strength grows. With each new day you are moving into your freedom where the veil has lifted, and the vision of your new life appears.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
Ra James
The Moon is Conjunction Pluto today.
Moon conjunct Pluto always brings positive changes. These energies are showing you just how supported by the Universe you are. This is the last time the Moon conjoins Pluto in Capricorn, for a very long time. It’s helping you to see the emotional baggage more clearly so that you can heal it. Pluto shifts into Aquarius the 19th, where it will stay for two decades. This is the Planet of transformation. We are in the Shadow Period for Mercury Retrograde. Mercury is Retrograde from Nov 25th to Dec 15th in Sagittarius. Mercury Retroshade refers to the two-week period before and after the Retrograde.
Known as the pre-and post-Retrograde shadow, both bring the same energy of the Retrograde transit but offer lessons in preparation and integration. That means the Planet is now readying itself for this Retrograde. Expect the next few weeks to bring up any unresolved issues. Today is the 7:11 Portal (or 11:7). It’s a beautiful Gateway and activation day. We are also preparing for the 11:11 Portal. This brings high energies, intense energy shifts, and many activations. Both are powerful spaces for manifestation. On the 11:11 Portal Venus also shifts into Capricorn. Expect this to bring a romantic energy, that is very positive for your love life…
On Thursday, November 7th, beautiful Venus, ruler of love and relationships, in expansive Sagittarius is in a difficult inconjunt to Uranus, planet of liberation and independence, in stable Taurus. We may desire both freedom and security within our relationships today. Sagittarius wants to explore new horizons, but Taurus wants to stay put. Somehow we must adjust out mindset to include both of these things.
With open, honest communication of our needs, we can attain both autonomy and the feeling of safety within our connections with others. This energy may also affect the area of money and personal resources. We may feel inclined to impulse spend or share our gifts, but thinking about the future of our finances and inner solidness also has to be part of the equation.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Venus ruler of love and relationships, in expansive Sagittarius
Mercury in Sagittarius trine North Node in Aries – So many thoughts and ideas, connections, paths, places, people. The mind is in overwhelm and yet somewhere in the noise comes a strong and vibrant voice singing, ‘this way, my love, this way!’ Maybe it’s a conversation with a friend, a snippet from a tv show or a phrase on your lips as you awaken. Something somewhere impresses a glimmer of an idea. It’s a shaft of light in the dark, a tuning fork amidst discordance.
The Sabian symbol of Mercury is ‘A Game Of Cricket.’ Sometimes it is necessary to do things by the book, play the system, follow the letter of the law. However, if you’ve been feeling stumped, now might be the time when an inkling of a resolution falls your way. Open your hands (and mind) to catch it. These are game-changing energies at work.
Degrees and Times
Mercury 05°Sg50′, North Node 05°Ar50′ R – 02:31 (UT)
‘Rhythmic’ is the name for the number six and its key words are ‘Organize, Balance and Equality’. We are now on the 6th day of the White Mirror wavespell, and the sixth day is all about getting ourselves organized. Life is a balancing act and taking time out to take care of practicalities, frees our minds to focus on more interesting and spiritual things. Equality is also a key feature of the number six and this symbolizes that everything we do we must do in equal measures. If you overdo it with food, you best get some extra exercise. If you overdo it with your temper, apologize. If you have been too down, pick yourself up. This is truly balancing.
Today is Blue Night which represents ‘Dreams, Abundance and Intuition’. If you organize yourself today abundance will follow. It’s like when you have a big clean up and you are rewarded by finding long, lost cool things. So, get to it – if you want your dreams to come true and if you want abundance to flow your way. There are 13 Blue Nights in the Tzolkin. The Rhythmic Night is the most practical dreamer of all of them. This balancing number assures that the dreamer doesn’t get too carried away with fantasies. Some of the other Blue Nights can suffer from having such a huge imagination, and they can get out of balance.
Today’s Guide is also Blue Night and so a double helping of that energy.
The Challenge is Red Skywalker, the adventurer of the Tzolkin. Skywalker represents ‘Wakefulness’ and the Blue Night is the dreamer. You have to wake up to make your dreams come true but the Blue Night keeps coming up with dream after dream, not conscious enough to see any dreams realized. How do you make dreams into reality? If you are a Skywalker, you may feel in a weakened position today and not feel like your adventurous self. You have an open mind and so use that to navigate this tricky day.
The Occult power is the White Mirror which symbolizes reflecting truth. We are also in the Mirror wavespell and on a 13-day quest to find the truth. Today the White Mirror is in a strong, magical position and so this is a great boost. Expect truths about magic to come your way.
The Ally is the Yellow Warrior who loves to go on quests. Need help with organizing today? Set tasks for a Warrior and they’ll get it done. If you are a Yellow Warrior, you’ll enjoy being busy, running errands and going on missions. You’ll be much appreciated today. If you don’t know one, do what they would do and summon up some willpower!
I AM guided by the power of my OWN POWER DOUBLED!!
7/11/2024 = 7/2/8 =7/10=7/1=8
7- Majik/Mystic/Spiritual/Solitude/Initiation
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
11- Portal/Gate/Polarity/Illumination
2- Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
10 – Manifestation/Perfection/Authority/Power
1- New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 123 – 1,2,3 – READY, SET, GO!!
1.2.3.=- 6 6 HEAVENLY code
6,7,8 – GO GO GO!!
We are now in DAY 3 of the CENTRAL CORE of the Tzolkin the MYSTIC COLUMN which is the COSMIC BIRTH CANAL, accessed through KIN 121, the guardian of the COSMIC vortex of CREATION.. It is the MIRRORLESS DIMENSION of TIME – or rather NO TIME. This 7th vertical column represents the Plasmatic Radial -the ORIGIN of SPIRIT – the ZERO POINT. What I refer to as THE TWILIGHT ZONE!
Very TRIPPY times beloveds…
HAPPY NEW ABUNDANT YEAR KIN 123 – 6 AKBAL – THE BLUE RHYTHMIC NIGHT was the code on 1st JANUARY 2022, NEW YEAR’S DAY, that started the Gregorian year of 2022!! We are exactly 36 moons and 4 Galactic Spins into organizing for all our DREAMS to come true!
And HOW are we doing Galactic broThors and siStars?
Have you manifested your DREAM LIFE yet?
If not, then TODAY is the day to remedy this by reactivating your ABUNDANCE CODES... We even have an 8 ABUNDANCE code as our day total! This is a superb gift from Spirit today – our HEAVENLY parents are blessing humanity with untold treasures and infinite ABUNDANCE for our GREATEST DREAMING to MANIFEST our UTOPIAN lives…
This is the YEAR for it with our DRAGON KIN onto it!! The COSMIC vault is available to us all now.
Today’s MAGNIFICENT codes are REACTIVATING and opening the NEW YEAR’S PORTAL. We are passing through an ABUNDANCE GATE – where our treasures and pleasures will be granted for the fully ripened STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS
The STAR BLOSSOMS have grown from SEEDS to BLOSSOMS and have now GRADUATED. Their beautiful aromatic petals are now filled with BLISS!
Today the DIVINE powers of the STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS are fully BIRTHED!!! Congratulations.
Today’s daily total is a 7 and 8, bringing MAJIKAL ABUNDANCE flowing through the GOLDEN GATES, swung
OPEN through the OVERTONE WIND yesterday. Our Father/Mother God is blissing us with infinite riches, resources and ABUNDANCE NOW! OPEN your ARMS to RECEIVE.
Which brings us to today’s DREAMSPELL code. And what another BLISSING we have! Today we kick off by organizing ourselves to RECEIVE greater ABUNDANCE..
The focus is on our collective DREAMING.. That DIVINE PLAN encoded in our DNA that we are programmed to realize… our beautiful UTOPIAN DREAM..
IT’S TIME TO ORGANIZE for more ABUNDANCE to flow into your LIFE and our PLANET!
Day 6 in the WHITE MIRROR WAVESPELL of reflection, truth, illusion, endlessness, and magnification.
Today we are ORGANIZING our PHYSICAL environment to tap into the infinite ABUNDANCE available to all beings as we discover that TRUE ABUNDANCE is endless!! The 8 code emphasizes that this ABUNDANCE is from a DIVINE SOURCE ensuring that this FLOW is infinite!
The DOUBLE PYRAMID energies of Etznab today, in the Hall of Mirrors, endlessly reflects the infinite ABUNDANCE in the Cosmos. Absolutely Perfecto
RHYTHMIC – Tone 6 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – balances, POWER – organizes, ESSENCE – equality. The Rhythmic phase is the one where this all adventuring and radiating miracle that is you, learns to WALK! But consciously! Precisely! With fine organizational instincts. And what superb balance we see! Very soon you have mastered walking, and are up and running! Go forth and explore your territory!
Today is a day to find BALANCE in your physical reality/body by clearing and releasing any energetic blocks to ABUNDANCE in order to come into divine alignment. BALANCE your books and make SPACE for more energy to flow into your Golden Chalice. We all deserve an EQUAL slice of the prosperity PIE
A FANTASTIC DAY – for decluttering your house/space, organizing your office, attending to your schedule, activating your Wealth/Career areas with Feng Shui, creating a VISION BOARD, journalling or reflecting on your GOALS and DREAMS.
It is time to ACTION your DREAMS bringing them forth into your PHYSICAL REALITY!
Get moving beep, beep!
Today’s questions are “What do I need to organize in my physical reality/body to bring greater balance in my life, allowing for more ABUNDANCE to flow?”
I AM HOLDING the DREAM of collective ABUNDANCE for ALL HU-MANS in our new UNITED global community.
Divine blessings for UNLOCKING the floodgates to ABUNDANCE for all planetary kin. on this WONDROUS DAY!! HALLELUJAH!!
We have ARRIVED in a land over the RAINBOW with ABUNDANCE for ALL..
Get ready to RECEIVE bountiful rewards this year, beloved STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS..
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: & HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE RHYTHMIC NIGHT – AKBAL – TODAY WE ARE DOUBLY BLISSED with ABUNDANCE from DOUBLE AKBAL. AKBAL is THE DREAMER! He carries the dreaming codes, and brings forth the keys to prosperity and ABUNDANCE, accessed through intuitive knowing and attuning to and channeling Spirit.
AKBAL is the MAJIKal GENIE who can grant our wishes, but first we need to do much self-analysis… diving into the abyss of the deep subconscious to uncover our blocks. Honing and polishing until we realize our DIVINITY as CREATOR GODS – who fully DESERVE all the MAJIK and MIRACLES that each of us can spontaneously MANIFEST, with full acceptance of our DIVINE POWER!
Our Greatest Abundance springs forth from GREAT IDEAS and inspiration arising through our intuition, listening to our gut instincts and acting on our “hunches”. You may also find inspiration through stillness, meditation, sitting in nature, or allowing your creativity to flow through, expressing your innermost visions.
The DREAMTIME is the dimension where we hold the VISION to create our current reality, where our creation VORTEX exists. In becoming a conscious dreamer, you can assist in literally creating a new reality for yourself, as well as contributing to the larger dream that is emerging.
What DREAMS will you energize today? Hold the collective PLANETARY dream of ABUNDANCE for all beings!
A great day for Majik Manifesting rituals and LUCID DREAMING – seeding your intention to manifest QUANTUM ABUNDANCE in our world.
Yaaaay!!! How SPECIAL is this DIVINE code today?
We LOVE you AKBAL – MAY there be an ABUNDANT FLOW of all that we desire. (With harm to none! Amen.)
SUPPORT: YELLOW RHYTHMIC WARRIOR – CIB the courageous and brave Rainbow Warrior provides the supportive energy today. Our tribe of global RAINBOW WARRIORS are marching forth in their FULL GLORY today – advancing with renewed purpose to manifest our NEW WAY DREAMING.
CIB enables us to FEARLESSLY claim our collective birthright for Collective Abundance, and a peaceful Utopian world that we all desire. Step up and FACE your FEARS… CRUSH the false illusions of SCARE-CITY and limitation, and get ready to SHARE your BOUNTY freely. GAIA is bountiful and there is more than ENOUGH for ALL!
Accept nothing less than this highest DREAM for our planetary kin.
We have battled for too long (don’t we all KNOW that! groan!) and NOW we are claiming our VICTORY!
May PEACE prevail on GAIA.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE GALACTIC MIRROR – ETZNAB – We have DOUBLE MIRROR energy today with the wavespell, MAGNIFYING everything DOUBLED… Be very careful what you WISH for, and WHERE you are focusing your thoughts, actions, and ENERGY.
ETZNAB assists you in delving into the abyss of AKBAL! The deep unconscious realms that hold our primal fears and limitations.
Where are you holding FEAR, lack, poverty consciousness, or SCARE-CITY, programs in your being???.
Tune in to our own physical and PLANETARY bodies to scan and discover where the barriers, limitations and stagnation exist. Allow ETZNAB to reveal the distortions and illusions. Dissolve the discordance allowing for BALANCE to be restored so that we can access the ABUNDANT energy, available this AMAZING DRAGON YEAR of 2024, that is waiting to be transformed through Divine Alchemy.
The GALACTIC MIRROR ensures that the ABUNDANCE only flows to those who hold the principles of TRUTH and integrity as prime importance in their Divine Missions..
Those who operate from a pure HEART SPACE with the intention of benefiting mankind will receive the greatest wealth from this day forth, by DIVINE DECREE!
In this way they model new systems and ideas that are for the benefit of mankind and our Planet, rather than being focused on chasing the dollar and self aggrandizement.
FAIRNESS and EQUALITY for ALL is the new mandate on 5D EARTH!
ETZNAB illuminates our VISION so that we can see TRUTH and have CLARITY in our DREAMTIME! Only what is good for the Collective will hold. In this age of transparency,
The Hall of Mirrors shall transform into a wall of CLEAR windows from which we can SEE the landscape beyond the horizon, in all directions, revealing the greener pastures beyond.. The VEIL has dissolved and the path is now clear.
Which road shall you choose, dear LIGHT holder? The CLEAR path leads to LOVE, UNITY, prosperity and SOURCE!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED RHYTHMIC SKYWALKER – BEN.. Oh me, oh my, what a BRILLIANT GIFT we are granted this precious day! BEN is literally bringing forth our new BLISSINGS as he anchors HEAVEN on EARTH… fantastico!!!
BEN is the Galactic Shaman and Angelic Messenger who can help us access the unseen worlds and multidimensional realms, particularly the DREAMTIME. The Dreaming realms hold many clues and codes that are brought forth from our Higher self, guides or Spirit, particularly if you ASK for signs, messages or clues.
These clues will help you navigate your new path during this next chapter, opening the doors to access Cosmic Abundance .
BEN’S energies are UBER EXPANSIVE , He will open gates to untold Abundance to flow through many realms and dimensions … UNIVERSE upon UNIVERSE is accessible to all!
BEN challenges us to be the Divine HU-MAN conduits that fully anchor and connect the pillars of Heaven and Earth! BEN offers a very special GIFT and blissing for humanity today.
We have all held the DREAM of attaining COLLECTIVE ABUNDANCE for all beings and anchoring HEAVEN on EARTH.
NOW is the TIME to BELIEVE and KNOW that by joining together through GAIA/s Crystalline Diamond Grid we can finally ACHIEVE that DREAM! QUANTUM ABUNDANCE has finally ARRIVED!
Today’s questions are “What do I need to organize in my physical reality/body to bring greater balance in my life, allowing for more ABUNDANCE to flow?”
I AM HOLDING the DREAM of collective ABUNDANCE for ALL HU-MANS in our new UNITED global community.
Divine blessings for UNLOCKING the floodgates to ABUNDANCE for all planetary kin. on this WONDROUS DAY!! HALLELUJAH!!
to all the BLUE NIGHT – AKBAL kin, especially to the BLUE RHYTHMIC NIGHTS – my beloved DREAM GODDESSES and soul siStars – Christina Crockford and Jasmine AkbalDreaming – both very majikal BLUE RHYTHMIC NIGHTS, with awesome intuitive and DREAMING powers, doing a STELLAR job for humanity! Congratulations on anchoring the DREAMING for our collective family.
Deep gratitude to my special soul siStars. I LOVE YOU
We have ARRIVED in a land over the RAINBOW with ABUNDANCE for ALL..
Get ready to RECEIVE bountiful rewards this year, beloved STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS..
This Dragonfly Dream Meditation is a journey to connect with the gentle yet transformative energy of the dragonfly. The dragonfly symbolizes change, adaptability, and the lightness of being. In this meditation, you will explore the qualities of the dragonfly, allowing its wisdom to guide you toward clarity, transformation, and inner peace.
Have a most beautiful and blessed meditation of the Dream of the Dragonfly with my Sacred Condor…A’Ho! 🕊🕉🦅
In the name of Master Sananda, I Am a living expression of Critical Consciousness.
I am the beacon that illuminates and blesses everyone around me.
I am the healing, peace and harmony manifested in every cell of my being.
May the Crystalline Light shine in my heart, expanding through every thought, word and deed.
I am the presence of Compassion, guiding me with wisdom and humility.
I am the divine power that dissolves all pain, fear and limitation, revealing the eternal Truth of Oneness.
In the name of Unconditional Love, I decree that my whole being is aligned with Divine Will.
I am unshakable peace, overflowing joy and never ending love.
May all beings awaken to the Light that dwells in their hearts.
I’m blessed, and I’m a blessing to the world.
So It Is, and So It Shall Be.
Gratitude to Sananda Master for your presence and guidance. “
Recite this decree with intention, feeling the words in your heart and allowing them to resonate within your being. This practice can help strengthen your connection with Sananda energy and Crystic Consciousness, bringing peace, balance, and love into your life.
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