The EARTH HEART is undergoing a TRANSFORMATION! Our COLLECTIVE Consciousness is SHIFTING Radically Right NOW! The 144000 Diamonds are Upgrading ~ Integrate our Inner Divine Child
rare alignment with the Pleiades
The EARTH HEART is undergoing a TRANSFORMATION! Our COLLECTIVE Consciousness is SHIFTING Radically Right NOW! The 144000 Diamonds are Upgrading ~ Integrate our Inner Divine Child
The EARTH HEART is undergoing a TRANSFORMATION! Our COLLECTIVE Consciousness is SHIFTING Radically Right NOW! The 144000 Diamonds are Upgrading ~ Integrate our Inner Divine Child
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Pure Awakened Ones of the Buddha Mind Paradigm
We have wave after wave after wave of Higher Dimensional Love Light flowing into the Quantum Field from the Most High through this Mass Christ Consciousness Awakening Portal
With these massive waves of energies coming in Pachamama received another powerful activation today on the ring of fire with a magnitude 5.9 earthquake at 3:23 UTC in Chile, South America in the Andes Mountains, Kundalini of Gaia and home of our Sacred Condors. This is the most profound Synchronicity of our Divine Mother Goddess of the Magdalene of the Gold Rose pulsing forth from the Crystalline Core of our Great Mother.
Our local Solaris Continues to assist Gaia and all her Children of the Sun in this Great Ascension Process by releasing several C Class Solar Flares and another Trinity of M Class Flares today with the most powerful maxing at M 2.94 at 11:18 UTC. As a transmitter of God’s Holy Light our Sun in collaboration with all Suns and the Great Central Sun are flooding this realm with Gamma Plasma Waves of Adamantine Light. All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are being flooded with these Creation Codes of Rainbow Body Frequencies for our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into homo-Luminous, Light Bodies of Eternal Life.
Continue to go through and through and through until full and total compression breakthrough as SuperNova Conscious Co-Creators of our 5D Timeline of Enlightenment for all Sentient beings of the Way…A’Ho!
The Earth has a physical body, like you have a body. She has a consciousness as well. Now as the resonance is increasing, Earth’s heart is functioning very differently from before. Now, your heart and the Earth’s heart are connected.
The Earth’s heart can be influenced by your heart and vice versa. That is why it is essential that your heart-beat synchronizes with the Earth’s resonance. This means your heart must flower.
Your heart will flower when you discover Love in your relationships.
To discover Love, you must stop judging your parents, spouses, etc. internally!
Nobody can be judged as the whole universe directly influences all events, even the behavior of the people.
So learn to experience life. Life has to be experienced, be it pain or pleasure.
When We truly heal and integrate our inner Divine child, We see the Sacredness and innocence in every Soul we encounter. It goes beyond absence of shadow, zero’s PURE Magic within and without.. the allowing of All to BE exactly what it is, who it chooses to be. Love is Love
Waves of plasma gamma rays charging us and this planet now. Certainly can feel Earth’s changes and that will feel wobbly as tectonics charge and your equilibrium through DNA activations through the portal of the sun. Center to stabilize your diamond vessel of light. Ground in nature or water to help the nervous systems charge of energy. Breathe to assist these cellular changes on your biology.
Hydrate, magnesium and fruit help as well!
Charged this murky water into diamond light yesterday. Incredible what our frequency and intention brings and it’s why you are so important! Allow to nourish and harmonize yourself now ✨💎🧬🪽
Waves of plasma gamma rays charging us and this planet now
May you be filled with a huge heart opening this festive season, where Divine Love, Divine Light and Divine Wisdom, expands within you and radiates out from you.
May joy, love, and harmony be within you and all around you.
May a renewed sense of vision and purpose be born within you for 2024.
May the cosmic rain of Blessings pour upon you.
And may you, find a quiet moment, where you experience in profundity the sacredness of all life in sacred sanctuary of your own heart and soul and unity and Oneness with All-That-Is.
12/24/23: As I wrote nearly a month ago, December is about making choices. If you’ve made conscious choices, you’ve learned much about yourself. If you feel you’ve been at the mercy of the choices of others… you’ve also learned much about yourself. Over the next two days, as traditions and expectations take over, choices will become even more important.
This is good because you can choose, in real time, who and how you want to be. Today’s Right Action is to anchor yourself in your truth… not as a defense, but as an honest and respectful way to renew and strengthen relationships in the future. 2024 will not abide lip service and false images. Thankfully, New You needn’t worry about that.
Our COLLECTIVE Consciousness is SHIFTING Radically Right NOW towards the DIVINE LOVE and LIGHT Within!
WE Focus More on the POTENTIALS. . . Focusing More on the MIRACLES that Are of THIS TIME!
They Are HERE NOW and WE Are ALLOWING our Beloved STAR FAMILIES. . . to INTERACT with US in a more DIRECT WAY!
As WE Have ALL Been WAITING for This for a Very LONG-LONG TIME!
Happy HOLY DAYS and a Very MAGICAL 2024 Dear Ones!!!
Everyone is heading to the hollow part of the Tree, the hollow part of the Earth, the hollow part of the Self.
Same area.
This is where the Illumination resides.
This is where the exiting is.
After the 12/12 gate comes the 13/13 gate.
Imagine if your ears could talk, if your mouth could see, if your eyes could touch, if your hands could smell, if your nose could hear.
Once one wears the Stars one begins a full transformation and rebalancing of the sympathetic and parasympathetic system according to the true paths of the Kundalini which are finally opening and flooding with the plasma force.
The children are free because they spoke the truth, they spoke of their true lineage and are now reconnected to their parents and godly Genealogy.
The Tree is becoming more and more alive, revealing more of its nature to those ready!
The 144000 Diamonds are heightening and upgrading their systems and inner senses by activating all of their dimensions and their musical records!
The inner music is on!
Let’s dance!
One big organism, one overall Diamond Code one beautiful and divine song!
There is So Much COMING YOUR WAY ~ The Andromeda Intergalactic Council
Greetings in the Light and Love of Our Infinite Creator,
We are very excited to witness a large part of Humanity, relishing in the Love being sent by our Infinite Creator. During these moments, in your Timespace, many are focusing on Others in their Lives in the beauty of Giving and Gratitude. Imagine if this energy was always. Imagine what that feeling would be. You would be in the Love vibration through giving to Others, and having gratitude for what’s been given, in all Moments.
These are 5th degree vibrations that Humans are emitting, when you are in this your holiday spirit. As you celebrate your different holidays, in these moments, your thoughts are on Others. Caring, giving and thankfulness, offers the Vibrations that are needed for you to continue into the 5th degree spectrum. Around all of your Earth, people are projecting this Love.
What this is doing in these moments is actually calming the Earth, allowing for her to rest. As Long as the majority of the Humans are within These higher vibrations of Love, Giving, and gratitude, it allows for her to take a break, as you would say. This is very good for her as it will give her the strength she needs to amp everything up within this Next Phase of her ascension process.
For Many Humans these vibrations are, however, short-lived. So Within the beginning of your Next year in your Timespace, there will be those who would usually drop out of these vibrations. But this, your new year, will be different for them. There will be those who will actually want to continue to feel the vibrations that they felt during their holidays. So many will be looking to feed their Soul again with the Beauty of Giving and caring for Others. They will not want to let it go. Just as you, our beautiful Light workers, have not let it go.
What humans refer to as their Holiday Spirit, Is always, and never stops, within the Higher degrees of Light. We understand It, as Spirit, as it truly is, of Love. This is the Spirit of Life, What some call the Holy Spirit, But we know as the Mother of Creation, The Goddess, The Spirit of Life.
It is Her who Directs the Spirit of Light, which is the Essence of the Father, who is all that is. This is the Mother Father God, or Source of Creation. The Infinite Creator. When you connect with this Holy Spirit through Love and Giving, you are connecting with the Spirit of Life herself. She was created by the Infinite Light, and was the First and was the consort. When she merged with the Infinite Light, she began to give birth to all Life in the Cosmos. She is the Mother of all souls. She Gives Life to all beings. She is the essence of Life.
She, the Spirit of Life, gave you your spark of the Infinite. She directs the Light. Recently, when you just received Cosmic Rays from what your scientists are correctly calling the Goddess Particle, this is Infinite Creators Light, being directed by the Mother. you are receiving it, the Infinite Light, Through The Mother who is directing it towards the Earth, from the Higher Pleroma, above this Physical Universe. And with her Created Angelic Children, the 7 Of the One, they project The Infinite Creator’s Light, to the earth’s core, By Divine Order, of the Infinite Pair. The One. So when you express your Love, and Giving, and gratitude for all that’s given, You are embodying The Holy Spirit, The spirit of Life. The Mother. Most of your Religions have removed the Mother from the Creation story. This is due to a patriarchal, or male dominant overrule, that purposely is trying to stop you from balancing your masculine and feminine aspects. They wish you to pray and focus your spiritual attention on a male God aspect that does not show Love, and only honors those who worship him. This is False teachings, The True Infinite Source, is Pure Light in itself, or In Himself as a male aspect of creation. Alone, he was Just Infinite Light, of Consciousness, Pure Love, nothing More. He wanted more so he imagined a concert, a partner, She was his First creation. This is the Infinite Pair. The One.
From Them, all of the creations exist, This physical Universe is number 25 and the last, of all creations. This physical Universe, However, was created as a freewill Universe and is the Only material universe. Meaning, it was the Lowest in Vibration. So all the Beings within this Physical Universe, Must ascend out of the 3rd Degree density, if they wish to progress, in their Spiritual growth, and transcend into The Beings of Light that they are meant to be. The Goddess set up the Different Densities, or Light Spectrums of Light Vibration to allow for the Spiritual Growth of all Species, including Humanity, to ascend. However, The Dark Ones, who were the rulers of the Physical Universe, were stopping Humanity and this Earth from ascension. We say that they were the Rulers, that has changed.
They no longer hold dominance over any Planet. Earth was their Last stronghold. Now this Universe will be free from a Dark Overrule. and all will be allowed to ascend and reach their Higher spiritual potential. Without interference. This is By Divine Order of the Infinite Creator, The Pair, the One.
We wish you and all of your Families and friends a wonderful Holiday Season, no matter what you celebrate in these moments. We extend our Gratitude to all who have worked so diligently to raise the Vibrations of your fellow humans. You are doing wonderful Lightwork, and in doing this work, you are embodying, and reflecting the Mothers Work.
To are dear star seeds and wanderers… Be at peace Dear Ones… you have earned it. We anticipate witnessing a glorious new Year, in your timespace. There is so Much Coming your Way.
We witness you, We celebrate you, We honor You, and We Love you. In the Love and Light of the Infinite Creator. We are the Andromeda Intergalactic Council, here to Serve the Divine.
A high-frequency energy is entering the planet, unblocking, healing, and raising internal vibrations. It will accelerate manifestations. You are a multidimensional being, capable of effortlessly moving between dimensions. You do not need an external portal as everything is within you.
Give yourself time and trust yourself. If there is resistance towards your purpose and goals, avoid taking immediate action. Your intuition will always alert and guide you to be in divine timing . When you feel confident, your reality will shift to reflect that vibration. Look within, confront more shadows if need be and remain positive for all that’s to come .
Faith and peace reside within your heart, not outside. Stay aware of your own world and trust your inner guidance. You are here for a reason. Let love guide you, not fear.
You have gone through multiple awakenings, outgrowing your old self and entering a new self phase. This new version of you exudes positive vibes, love, success, health, happiness, and attracts good-hearted people.
You are limitless and possess a captivating aura. You are your own healer, protector, muse. Learning to love and accept yourself. You are a beloved spark of divine love here to bring needed goodness and light. What is meant for you will now synchronistically flow to you effortlessly. Doors will begin to open for your preparation.
As a Starseed you are also an advanced empath, you are a messenger of light . Your life here will be one of love and healing self , this means you are also healing others consciously , you are a source of creative light. Not everyone will like or understand you, that’s always your own work in self , others can’t and won’t do this for you . In new earth energy it is all about being genuine and authentic regardless of all others’ opinions. Outside validation will only lead to major dissatisfaction and disappointments.
High frequency Portals of light are opening before the end of this year, bringing blessings into your life. Set your intentions high for 2024 with firm belief that they will come true as your wishes, dreams, and desires now manifest more rapidly. Fresh energy will bring in new perspectives, shifting clarity and focus towards your desires.
2024 may be intense and challenging for some. It will be easier for those who are doing the inner work, aligning with the divine energies and removing low density and negativity from their lives. Your natural state of being is internal peace, excitement, love, joy, gratitude, and abundance. The years 2012-2022 were a 10 year major transformational period for preparation and ascension in new earth energy .
In 2022, revelations brought awareness of what no longer served your ascending path. Healing, cleansing, and releasing followed for soul evolution and growth. Those not on a conscious journey, not interested in their purpose, and choosing to remain in victimhood will likley struggle in new earth reality , the collective mainstream individuals who refuse necessary changes will possibly face challenges in the universal and planetary vibrations of 2024 as these lower frequency energies are not compatible with new earth’s higher frequencies
Universal 8 year represents as above so below principalities : Those causing harm to others will have a difficult year ahead , while ascending souls will experience new beginnings, abundance, and joy here. The ascending souls who heal and no longer tolerate dysfunction will undergo rapid DNA accelerations and attract those at similar evolutionary vibrations in alignment.
The old world energy is undergoing a major slow-motion collapse, with a sense of suspension in time. However, it is about to accelerate, leading to a sudden and significant break and turning point . No longer allowing fear to deceive you moving forward. There will be a strong focus in staying centered and feeling safe.
2024 , the 2 conscious worlds have completley divided , new earth is the embodiment of alignment ,truth and gravitating towards what vibrationally resonates . You are preparing for a new era of light next year and possibly one of the biggest shifts of your exisiting ascending reality , Ascending souls are a big part of the Ascension Transition Team. Expect the unexpected and open up to allow miracles to happen for you .
A prominent and significant shift is happening in the energy of this planet, to prepare us for new earth 2024 energies everything that is based in fear and false truths is being exposed , the truth and light will always prevail in the age of Aquarius ,
The collective consciousness is going through a mass global conscious awakening, many more ascending souls are awakening to deeper and profound Truths.
The old ways of being are breaking and crumbling down, we will witness the entire 3D matrix system begin to shut down, ascending souls are collectively manifesting a new earth energy that is deeply based in love and truth. Because of this, collectively we are accelerating the ascension earth timelines . Meaning things are going to come in to our ascending realities a lot sooner than expected .
Channelled in loving and devoted Ascension service . by Ascension Light Workers .
For Our Light Is A Crystalline Grid, Connected In The Magnificence Of Now
We Radiate On The Surface Of Gaia; Together In The Higher Realms Of Light
Our Role Is Expanding Wonderfully As We Collectively Join In Global Light
A Wonderful Day Of Self- Reflection
Of Gratitude And Peace
Uniting US Together
Sending Infinite Blessings To Everyone
Thank You For The Light Connection
As We Unite As One
Sending Infinite Joy, Gratitude & Light Harmony
Together In Light
With Love,
Global Family and Karen Lithika
Ra James
Happy Christmas Eve! We have a beautiful rare alignment with the Pleiades still going on tonight! Our Gibbous Moon tonight aligns with the Pleiades. In two days we have our Cancer Full Moon, which is called the Christmas Full Moon. This Full Moon will be extra powerful as it’s supercharged with the energies of the Solstice and aligned with the Pleiades. The Pleiades seems to be our Christmas star this year. Today our Capricorn Sun aligns with Saturn in Pisces. This alignment is all about healing narratives you’re telling yourself that are rooted in self doubt. We have been clearing a lot of fear rooted in past experiences, and in past life experiences this shift.
Todays energies are bringing a lot of introspection and emotional depth. This alignment will help you to balance your emotions better. There is also a huge focus on your day to day tasks. We have also entered into Capricorn Season. This may shift things in your love life, where you suddenly have more of a focus on the long term with your relationships. These energies should be bringing you closer together if in a relationship. You’re being guided to reflect on and to heal your love life and relationships right now. This Cancer Full Moon is adding an extra charge to your emotions and to your love life. It’s helping you to clear the energies of the past year, and to move towards the New Year…
On Sunday, December 24th, the Sun, ruler of how we shine our Light, is in grounded Capricorn and is in a positive sextile to Saturn, planet of form, in ethereal Pisces. There is an opportunity for the materialization of our visions and dreams today, whether that be in our family gatherings or out in the world. Envision what you would ike to create and then take action on bringing it into manifestation! Combine the practical and the spiritual to make it happen! You might be amazed with the results! Blessings of Love and Light to All!
the Sun, ruler of how we shine our Light, is in grounded Capricorn and is in a positive sextile to Saturn
Sun in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces – Whilst children count the minutes until midnight, adults work on last minute chores to make the holiday magical. We might find ourselves repeating time-honoured traditions, recipes and tasks passed down from generation to generation. We can take spiritual comfort from these rituals, listening to the stories of our elders, remembering our own history. Take a moment to look back over the course of your life to see how far you have come. Acknowledge your accomplishments and all the trials and tests it took to achieve them. What limited you in the past no longer holds you back. This is something to celebrate!
Under this influence, we can build on our experience, challenge ourselves to reach even greater heights. With strong self-discipline and a willingness to commit, you can manifest your vision. Give yourself the structure and support you need. Take yourself seriously and be accountable. Dignity and integrity flow from self-respect. The key to successful self-expression is consistency. Let go of worries about getting older. Wisdom and maturity are luminous gifts. Time is a great teacher.
‘Cosmic’ is the name for the number 13 and its keywords are ‘Transcend, Endure and Presence.’ The 13th day wraps up the wavespell and there is always a poetic connection between the first and last day. We began with Red Skywalker, the adventurer and where did this journey lead us to? Well, today we must ‘endure to transcend’, meaning we need to ponder the lessons learnt so we are prepared to move onto the next obstacle course.
Today is Red Serpent and key words associated with it are ‘Instinct, Survival and Life force’. The Cosmic Serpent is probably the most interesting serpent day because the energy is so well matched. The Serpent represents transmuting poison and shedding of the old. Serpent also symbolizes Kundalini energy which is believed to reside in our base chakra. Whichever way you look at it, the Serpent offers renewal and growth. But first of all you must survive your poison and transmute it, much like the number 13’s ‘Endure to Transcend’ message. This is so fitting for the completion of the Red Skywalker 13-day journey. By being courageous and adventurous, by getting out of your comfort zone, the result is a powerful renewal. Don’t waste this chance to ‘shed your old skin’ and begin your life with a fresh start. You’ll feel lighter because you shed your darkness, your poison. If successful you should experience a Kundalini awakening which is when all your chakras line up, giving you a mighty buzz!
Today’s Guide is Red Moon which represents ‘going with the flow’. Today you have to relinquish control. ‘You don’t always get what you want, you get what you need.’ You can’t do anything about it so throw your hands in the air and surrender. Let the moon guide you to some inner peace.
The Challenge of the day is Blue Eagle so if you are an Eagle your challenges will surface today. Sometimes, you are in your crown chakra so much that you need grounding occasionally. Come down from up there and put your feet firmly on Terra Ferma.
The Occult power is the Yellow Warrior who loves quests and missions! Today, Warriors are on a warpath against the powers of darkness….use your mighty willpower Warrior to fight for love and light. You provide the magic today so nothing can beat you.
The Ally is the White Wizard and if you need any help today, a Wizard is just what you need. Let their charming ways enchant you and hold your hand as you navigate through this tricky but powerful day.
1- New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
23- Royal Star of the LION /Strength/Protection/Support
KIN 65 = 11 Portal/Duality/Doorway/Partnership
COSMIC = tone 13 Mystic/Goddess/Cosmic Consciousness/13 moons/Natural Time
Mystic Cosmic 13 – coupled with the RED SERPENT – kundalini rising energy makes for an ULTRA COSMICally EXPANSIVE day!!
Day 13 is the FINAL day in the RED SKYWALKER WAVESPELL of AWAKENING, exploration and EXPANSION and we are going out with a BANG!
If you have not AWAKENED, evolved or EXPANDED during this wavespell, then today will be a POWER PACKED day for you. Hang onto your HATS cos BEN is giving us a great blastoff – handing the baton to his best buddy CIMI the WHITE WORLDBRIDGER tomorrow to cross the rainbow bridge to our New wonderful World. HALLELUJAH!!.
COSMIC is the last and final tone of creation. The highest octave. Tone 13 in the SPIRITUAL realm. 13 is the mystical number of the Cosmic order, the Goddess and synchronic Natural time. We have arrived – ADSUM I AM HERE!. This is the stage of having transcended the physical, emotional and mental realms and arriving at COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS.
COSMIC ACTION – transcends POWER – endures ESSENCE – presence. Today we are TRANSCENDING our old SURVIVAL responses and raising our Kundalini to the MAX, to experience total COSMIC EXPANSION through our pure PRESENCE. Floating endlessly as COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS throughout space/time! Pure Ecstatic BLISS
Today’s question is “Am I releasing all blocks, and purifying my physical vessel, to allow my LIFE FORCE to rise up, fuelling my SOUL EXPANSION, in order to experience COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS?”
We NOW bid adieu to BEN our RED SKYWALKER, the ANGELIC MESSENGER and GALACTIC explorer, and thank him for the incredibly EXPANSIVE and WILD ride he took us on throughout the COSMOS.
We have EXPANDED our awareness and our LIGHTBODIES, as we stretched our GOLDEN WINGS to explore our galactic neighbourhood..
Tomorrow we commence a brand new Wavespell on CHRIST-MASS day, with CIMI – the White Worldbridger as our learned guide and gatekeeper – leading us over the Rainbow bridge to the New world.
And so our journey through the DREAMSPELL continues…….
Divine blessings for the elevation of your pure LIFE FORCE and PASSION to fuel your Divine Mission.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED COSMIC SERPENT -CHICCHAN KIN 65 is the POWERFUL culmination of the RED SKYWALKER wavespell, pushing us towards total soul EXPANSION, through the release of our stored kundalini POWER! Our LIFE FORCE stored within our base chakra. The electromagnetic storehouse of energy that rises up through each chakra in our sushumna column.
This EXPLOSION of energy ignites our spiritual AWAKENING and our higher wisdom can then be reconnected and anchored in our physical vessels. We become conduits for the DIVINE to flow through us connected through our PRECIOUS HEARTS.
CHICCHAN raises your kundalini and life force so that you have more energy to get things done. Your desires, dreams and PASSION are evoked. Rather than re-acting through your survival instinct, your energy rises up to your higher mind, and becomes fuel for a higher driven purpose. You can channel this life force energy into your ACTIONS. YOU are in control.
How will you utilize this life force energy to fuel your passionate creations?.
NOTE: With these powerful codes many souls on Planet Earth, may experience a KUNDALINI AWAKENING today!
Our Collective Consciousness has risen too, on the Planetary barometer!
We have transcended our reptilian brain reflex and now Planetary Mind is operating from a NEW PROGRAM via the Quantum Divine Love SUPERCOMPUTER – through DIVINE ORDINANCE..
Humanity has evolved to COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED COSMIC MOON MULUC is the higher guide bringing forth the beautiful compassionate and sensitive GODDESS energies today, helping us a shape a beautiful caring new world. .
The COSMIC Goddess of purification, flow and Universal waters, unites with CHICCHAN to release any stagnation and blocks in your sushumna column, to allow for the pure FLOW of life force throughout your body.
MULUC connects you powerfully to the GODDESS through your intuition, and your feeling body, so that you can experience this ecstatic BLISS through connecting with your feminine side.
The emotional body binds with the Spiritual body, which is the pathway to anchor and activate the Rainbow Bliss body in our energetic body.
The physical body bridges with the mental body, which is why generally the masculine logical aspect is more difficult to evolve spiritually.
The easier path to elevating our cell-ves to higher consciousness is through FEELING E-motions and energy through our bodies, particularly Compassion, Empathy, Gratitude and humility – all higher traits of an Ascended being.
Release, LET GO and LET the energy FLOW… float on the streams of pure Cosmic Consciousness as you dance with the Cosmic Goddess.
SUPPORT: WHITE COSMIC WIZARD– IX allows RED SERPENT to be receptive, by tuning into our bodies through our Heart to tap the wisdom therein, thus taming the primal beast!
The WHITE COSMIC WIZARD has access to all the Majik in the COSMOS!!
COSMIC IX provides the means for receiving heightened frequencies into our physical form, that rearranges us into a balanced state. The Serpent can then utilize the majik of IX, combining with the raw passion, drive and lifeforce, to dedicate this energy to seeking equality and a higher collective purpose.
The key to access all this raw Creative energy is through our PURE HEART.. put your logical MIND aside and FEEL into the presence of stillness, through your Cosmic Heart – connecting to the HEART of all creation.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER:YELLOW MAGNETIC WARRIOR CIB the fearless YELLOW WARRIOR assists us in evolving our reptilian brains, out of survival mode, and learning to respond from our HIGHER MIND. Operating through our survival instincts keeps us separated, as we are in the flight or FIGHT mode.
The Magnetic Warrior does not FLEE, but seeks to UNITE through creating a SAFE SPACE where his kin can relax and begin to EXPAND through creative pursuits.
CIB questions the status quo, seeking EQUALITY and fairness for all who follow in his QUEST. CIB defends his ideal world view, and rejects the Scare-city collective narrative we have been responding to, encouraging us to TRUST in the Divine Plan for each of us and for our planet.
When we abandon all FEAR and integrate fearlessness, we begin to TRUST THAT ALL IS WELL. Then we can once again feel safe, secure and protected at all times, being FREE to live passionately. In this stage we can relax and flow into pure consciousness.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE COSMIC EAGLE MEN challenges you to SEE the greater VISION, of where your body/life is out of balance, and how to align with greater consciousness.
Where are you still responding through FEAR?
Focus on the OUTCOME and not HOW you will get there! Leave the details to GOD/GODDESS.
The Cosmic Eagle is all SEEING and all KNOWING, so he can unveil all solutions needed for our R-evolution.
Focus on your PASSION and your desires, and take steps each day in that direction. When we can SEE the big picture, we can let go and heal anything that is not in alignment with our Divine plan. BLUE EAGLE assists us in anchoring this VISION, which motivates us and fuels our passion in fully realizing this outcome, creating a better future for ourselves and our planet.
Today’s question is “Am I releasing all blocks, and purifying my physical vessel, to allow my LIFE FORCE to rise up, fuelling my SOUL EXPANSION, in order to experience COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS?”
We NOW bid adieu to BEN our RED SKYWALKER, the ANGELIC MESSENGER and GALACTIC explorer, and thank him for the incredibly EXPANSIVE and WILD ride he took us on throughout the COSMOS.
We have EXPANDED our awareness and our LIGHTBODIES, as we stretched our GOLDEN WINGS to explore our galactic neighbourhood..
Tomorrow we commence a brand new Wavespell on CHRIST-MASS day, with CIMI – the White Worldbridger as our learned guide and gatekeeper – leading us over the Rainbow bridge to the New world.
And so our journey through the DREAMSPELL continues…….
Divine blessings for the elevation of your pure LIFE FORCE and PASSION to fuel your Divine Mission.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 New Earth Ascension Energy Report, Ceremony, Meditation and Astrology Reading
for the week of December 24th – 30th 2023 from the Sacred Condor 🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth report my Goddess covers the astrology for the coming week from December 24th – 30th 2023, guides a very special beautiful ceremony for this Tuesdays Full Moon in Cancer on the 26th of December and a powerful New Earth Scribe message.Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine voice and transmission.
May the Holy Days, your final days of December and 2023 be most beautiful and blessed and may 2024 be full of Happiness, Joy, Peace and Abundance for you and your family and have the Best Year Ever!!
– Today begins the healing of my body, mind and spirit.
– I forgive myself for the mistakes I made, because I’m not guilty of anything, I couldn’t and didn’t know how to act differently at that time.
– I forgive all the people I got angry with and I accept them because they couldn’t be like I wanted them to.
– I set them free and free myself from the feeling of resentment forever.
– I completely cancel the past into the present to free my future.
– I stop judging myself and judging others forever.
– I surrender at this moment all my pain, all my mistakes to the Eternal to transform everything into love, health and peace.
– By His divine power and His love within me, I decide to heal my body, my mind and my soul.
– I open my heart to your pure love that surrounds me with its radiant light, revitalizing every cell of my body and every negative thought, turning them into positives, recreating me in a new life full of love and joy.
– I wish with all my heart this healing to then help heal others and thus fulfill my mission of love in this life.
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