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Very Special Total Solar Eclipse in Aries Meditation for April 8 2024 with the Eagle and the Condor

Very Special Total Solar Eclipse in Aries Meditation for April 8 2024

with the Eagle and the Condor











World Guided Meditation for the Total Solar Eclipse of April 8th, 2024




Welcome, dear friends, to this sacred moment of celestial alignment, as we prepare to witness the awe-inspiring spectacle of the Full Solar Eclipse on April 8th, 2024, gracing the skies over the United States. As we come together in this guided meditation, let us open our hearts and minds to the profound energies of this cosmic event, embracing the opportunity for deep reflection, transformation, and connection to the universe.

Setting the Space:

Find a comfortable position either sitting or lying down, allowing your body to relax fully. Take a few deep breaths, inhaling deeply through your nose and exhaling slowly through your mouth. Allow any tension or stress to melt away with each breath, surrendering to the present moment.


Connecting with the Eclipse:

Visualize yourself standing beneath the open sky, surrounded by the beauty of nature. Feel the warmth of the sun on your skin, its gentle rays illuminating the world around you. As you gaze upward, imagine the moon slowly moving across the face of the sun, casting a shadow upon the earth below.

Sense the subtle shift in energy as the world around you grows quiet, as if nature itself is holding its breath in anticipation of this cosmic dance. Feel the awe and wonder stirring within you as you witness the union of sun and moon, light and shadow, in perfect harmony.



Blessing Prayer for St. Germain, the Violet Flame, and the New Earth”

Divine Beloved, Source of All That Is,
On this sacred day, we gather in reverence and gratitude,
To honor the presence of St. Germain, the Keeper of the Violet Flame,
And to invoke the blessings of transformation and renewal.

St. Germain, beloved ascended master,
We call upon your radiant presence,
To guide us on the path of spiritual alchemy,
And to assist us in transmuting all energies into pure love and light.

As we stand on the threshold of the New Earth,
We open our hearts to the transformative power of the Violet Flame,
A sacred fire of purification and healing,
That purges all that no longer serves our highest good.


With each invocation of the Violet Flame,
We release old patterns, limiting beliefs, and stagnant energies,
Allowing space for new beginnings to emerge,
And for the seeds of divine potential to blossom within us.

May the Violet Flame blaze brightly within our hearts,
Illuminating the path of ascension and enlightenment,
And guiding us towards the realization of our highest destiny,
As co-creators of the New Earth.

Divine Mother, Father of All Creation,
We offer this prayer with love and devotion,
Trusting in the divine plan unfolding,
And surrendering to the wisdom of the Violet Flame.

Blessed be St. Germain, the Violet Flame, and the New Earth,
May their light shine eternally,
And may peace, love, and harmony reign supreme,
In all realms and dimensions.


Together we blaze and blaze and blaze this realm with the Violet Flame to raise this realm into our New Heaven upon the New Earth.

In the name of the Divine Source, the All That Is,
I stand as a sovereign being, aligned with the power of the Violet Ray,
And the radiant presence of the I Am.

With unwavering faith and steadfast devotion,
I invoke the Violet Ray, the flame of transmutation and liberation,
To dissolve all energies of discord, limitation, and separation,
And to awaken the full potential of my divine essence.

I call upon the I Am Presence, the divine spark within,
To ignite the flame of truth, wisdom, and divine purpose,
And to guide me on the path of self-mastery and ascension.

Together with the Violet Ray and the I Am Presence,
I decree:

By the power of the Violet Flame, I release all that no longer serves my highest good,
Transforming fear into courage, doubt into faith, and pain into love.
I am liberated from the chains of the past, and I embrace the infinite possibilities of the present moment.

By the power of the I Am Presence, I affirm my divine sovereignty,
I am a radiant beacon of light, shining with the brilliance of a thousand suns.
I reclaim my divine birthright as a co-creator of the New Earth,
And I align with the highest truth of my soul’s purpose.

Together, the Violet Ray and the I Am Presence,
Illuminate my path with clarity, wisdom, and divine grace.
I am empowered to manifest my highest destiny,
And to embody the fullness of my divine potential.

With gratitude and reverence,
I seal this decree with the sacred vibration of love,
Knowing that it is already so, in accordance with the divine will.



Journey into the Shadow:

As the eclipse reaches its peak, imagine yourself being enveloped by the shadow cast by the moon. Feel yourself entering a sacred space, a realm of deep mystery and transformation. Allow yourself to surrender to the darkness, trusting in the wisdom of the universe to guide you on this inner journey.

In this sacred space of the eclipse, reflect on the cycles of light and darkness within your own life. Embrace the shadows, the doubts, the fears that may arise, knowing that they too are an integral part of your journey. Allow the gentle light of the sun to illuminate the hidden depths of your soul, revealing insights and truths that have long been hidden from view.

Embracing the Light:

As the eclipse comes to an end and the light of the sun begins to return, feel a sense of gratitude and renewal washing over you. Embrace the light that shines within you, illuminating your path with clarity and purpose. Know that you are a beloved child of the universe, infinitely connected to the cosmic dance of creation.

Take a moment to offer thanks for this sacred experience, for the beauty and majesty of the eclipse, and for the opportunity to witness the divine unfolding of the cosmos. As you slowly return to the present moment, carry with you the blessings and insights gained from this meditation, knowing that you are forever aligned with the rhythms of the universe.



Gently wiggle your fingers and toes, gradually bringing awareness back to your body. When you are ready, slowly open your eyes, taking in the world around you with fresh perspective and renewed sense of wonder. Carry the energy of the eclipse with you throughout your day, allowing it to inspire and uplift you in all that you do.

Blessings to you, dear soul, as you continue on your journey of awakening and transformation. May the light of the sun and the wisdom of the moon guide you always. So mote it be.





🔥 Shaktipat Transmission🔥



In this video Paul White Gold Eagle transmits the Sacred Power of the Divine Feminine Goddess Shakti energy mind to mind and heart to heart. The Holy Fire merges with the Holy Water to bring balance, healing and empowerment to the initiate.

Prepare to embark on a transcendent journey of spiritual awakening and empowerment with our video, “ShaktiPat Transmission.” This profound experience takes you into the realm of Shakti, the divine feminine energy, and the transmission of its transformative power.


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