Torus Field Womb Of Self Creation ~ Many Souls have been Awakened * The GREAT SOLAR FLASH ~ We are Now on Our Way to Heaven!
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Awakened Conscious Navigators of our New Time Dreaming
As all Starseed Earth Angels of the 144 step through the Zero Point Timewave Center all Sacred Portals and Stargates are open and activated prepared for the emergence of our Cosmic Alliance of Higher Light.
As Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun continue to raise in vibration and frequency as a collective humanity we meet our Star Nations in the Middle Path of Higher Consciousness. This Great Reunion is an integral part of our Ascension Process for as Galactic Citizens to align with the One Law of the Universe and live in Peace and Harmony with all our Good People of the New Earth.
Everything is flowing into place to reveal the puzzle we call Life as the Great Mystery being solved in the Gnosis of Great Spirit made manifest through all our Conscious Co-Creators of Heaven on Earth.
Together we rise into the Honor and Glory of our New Golden Age of Eternal Life…A’Ho!
We have been in Hell for Eons, We are now on Our Way to Heaven. The Garden of Eden is the Balance between the Two, Both Heaven and Hell are needed, They are Equally the Divine. There can be too much Hell, but also too much Heaven. Generation X came to help HUmanity find the Balance between Heaven and Hell. They are the Center of the Infinity Loop, where X marks the Spot.
Things have changed. It could even be a crossroads on your path at this time. What’s a priority for this new season of you keeps being revealed. Acknowledge it. Every step you take is guiding you towards what’s now needed. Keep going, your bravery is seen.
goddess cultures
Rosa Ramirez
They weren’t expecting that!
They didn’t expect there would be so many of us!
~Many souls have been awakened, preparing to become beacons of light.
They didn’t expect us to be willing to spread love and truth;
To unite us and create a new world of friendship and cooperation.
They wanted us isolated and scared, instead they found us stronger and more united than ever before.
Maybe they knew that there were many of us but they never imagined that we would meet and unite with the same intention without fear.
~ Many of us have worked hard over the past few years to prepare for this moment even though we tried to keep ourselves trapped in the dark.
~Every heart that opens encourages another heart to open, resulting in the creation of a magnificent flower garden.
~Everyone opened their own personal flower by donating to
Bee pollen pills for Feeding another flower.
~And now we are many flowers, ready to create a new Eden Paradise.
~They didn’t expect that… Although the pure in heart will know that ~ And while they are now doing everything to keep humanity in the dark, the spirits of flowers spread their fragrant essence.
6/27/24: Beneath the worries and stresses of life, in the peace of release and nonresistance, lies the message in today’s energy… that within freedom lies wisdom. Only when your heart and your mind are relieved of the weight of worldly matters can you effectively access ancient wisdom carried through generations and lifetimes.
Only then can your limitless essence reveal itself to you. June has shown you the difference between being of the world and being in it. Today is the culmination of its work. You can live in entanglement, static, and confusion… or understanding, acceptance, and expansion. Worries or wisdom. Manmade or magical. It’s all available to you. You are free to choose.
The winds of change continue to blow throughout the world in your physical and energetic systems as well as through your individual experiences, beliefs and actions…
There is an acceleration of another level of energetic shifts that activate and expand the frequencies of your planet, let yourself be swept away by these energies that you are feeling and allow your transformation to continue and end by consciously choosing to let go of all that is negative. in your LIVES…
You must understand that within each of you different components are awakening, that your whole system is undergoing an energetic upgrade and that because of this you may be confused and unable to think clearly or just not find words to describe your current state. and It is because you are in massive energy shifts and all of this is for and through you, the moment has come for rebirth and every birth is intense…
Many of you are experiencing the CURRENT and FLOWING of LIGHT flowing from the CREATOR to you ALL, entering into all of your cells, anchoring WISDOM and ENLIGHTENMENT, allowing and accepting them, to add to your cells being updated, being bathed in L I GH T . ..
Many don’t believe this is happening, but here I explain to you so you understand: the cells that support your skin are filled with a program that supports your skin’s manifestation and health, because LIGHT and WISDOM emanates from your cells, even in the cells. of your skin, new programming will be activated, dissolving the old programming…
Aging is due to programming, beliefs, intentions and of course what you ingest too, but all of this is transforming right now and I’m talking about the new programming of rejuvenating and healthy cells, and all of this simply in Embracing the LIGHT and WISDOM………..
We are all here to clear your doubts, guide and help you humbly and wisely, so we advise you to place in your cells, your HEART, your THOUGHTS, your ACTIONS, your EMOTIONS, new intentions and new programs at HIGH FREQUENCY.
Remember that in this process of Ascension, your energy fields, your health and your body’s well-being are very important and are a priority…
Please improve your intentions, harmony, faith and safety of being awake, this is an important time to recognize the changes that are happening, please celebrate even the smallest changes and transformations that are happening in your being and on Earth, recognize and be thankful for these changes because you’re about to see something wonderful in the MONTHS to COME…
We have entered a stage of solar digestion and assimilation of all the energies that we are now embodying. A phase in which conscious witnessing is essential to keep our bodies energetically healthy. Observing our behaviors, and energy levels is key to maintaining our well-being, finding any misalignment to clear, as the more light we embody the more old frequencies, memories, and residual energy that we will release.
When we pass through a phase of conscious integration, we need to stabilize and recalibrate our bodies. Otherwise, the energetic disequilibrium will cause physical symptoms and even illnesses. As Capricorn and Cancer invite us to do at this time, both in different levels, taking care of our bodies, and the parts of our anatomy in charge of digesting energy is vital to be able to hold more light, for this harmonic phase is key to prepare us for August’s graduation.
The time for graduating yourselves from the three-dimensional levels, clearing limited programs, and retrieving your freedom has come for many of you. You are now wiser, stronger, and more loving than you were a few months ago, for your inner work is helping you become the lovelight being that you are.
The more shadow-clearing work we do, the more we allow our light to shine. This is a time to focus on our digestive system, mitochondrial function, which as you know are in charge of our energy levels, skin, the largest organ in our body that reflects the many internal imbalances, stress, anxieties, and worries that we hold within, as well as our hair, legs, bones, and liver, all ruled by both cancer and Capricorn, for these areas of our bodies are in charge of releasing, embodying and digesting energy.
Any misalignments will cause physical symptoms, such as stomach aches, other issues related to digestion, and skin dermatitis, often medically unexplained, hair loss, and fatigue, which is the way the body has to inform you of what you need to transform, let go of, or heal. Guides recommend working with water, sound, and acupuncture therapies at this time to help you release blockages, remove old stagnant energies, and prepare your body channels to integrate again.
As conductive, amplifiers and purifiers crystals to help us manage the new energy we are embodying, my Guides recommend citrine, clear quartz, Herkimer diamond, and nautilus, containing water as well as the earth element, which is a wonderful fossilized stone to help us in personal clearing, and purification.
This preparation and clearing phase is pivotal to welcoming the next phase of our ascension path. A phase in which my Guides share there will be a massive activation and/or expansion, depending on where you are, of our pituitary-sixth dimensional channel, and eight-dimensional one, concluding the process of monadic integration and mission embodiment that many of you are undergoing.
Our bodies are the temple for the soul. When we live consciously we become more and more aware of the impact that energy has upon us, for all is energy after all. Learning how to align, co-create, and direct it creates self-mastery and physical ascension.
Many of you are now learning how to create with the new earth’s energy. An energy that cannot be lied to, manipulated, or controlled, for we have entered into a new harmonic space where we cannot lie anymore about who we are or our true intentions.
In the illumined realms, there is nothing hidden, which is just a human illusion we created on this plane to experience duality.
As you grow in love and personal power, you too in discernment and compassion, understanding that what you do to others, you do to yourself. This is how we create the personal and planetary shift in consciousness that we are so eager to witness.
Let us think, feel, and act compassionately and lovingly towards each other and All living forms, Beloveds.
It is through the wide open heart and higher heart, as one with our soul, that we now live our highest soul potential.
With love.
Through love.
Within love.
Judgement, separation, alienation falls away, as we see and feel with the higher heart and only can see the Divine in all and everyone we encounter and in all of life.
The heart is mending from the painful relationships you’ve experienced. Some parts of you have been so guarded to protect yourself that it has shut the doors to opportunities. This includes financial growth.
This healing is helping you get your power back so you feel safe to open up and receive. Doing so requires being seen by the light of possibilities so they can find their way to you.
This is a new beginning that is more grounded and abundant. It starts with loving and accepting yourself so others can love and accept you too. The cycle of deception has broken and we must make the first move to have love again. Continue moving into the expansion and beliefs that you can have success and an abundant overflow in all areas of your life.
Saturn is the principle of constriction. Stationary Saturn is accompanied by feelings of restriction, of being trapped by circumstances. Neptune is slow, gradual change. Stationary Neptune can bring an awareness of a connection with other dimensional consciousness. It can also bring confusion, illusion, and delusion.
These two astrological giants are stationary in Pisces, both turning retrograde within a few days of one another. This is the opening chord of Saturn conjunct Neptune, a major planetary transit in effect from now to March 2027. During the years of this conjunction, mysteries will emerge from the unseen world and take earthly form, accompanied by a slow dissolving of existing forms long perceived as reality. This process will be both magical and unnerving.
In Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Saturn is allied with Sobek, the Old King, the crocodile-headed god of the Nile. Saturn/Sobek is associated with our reptilian brain, the limbic system that is concerned with survival. This part of our brain sees change as a threat and wants everything to stay the same. Sobek’s primary teaching is “Surrender and Wait.”
Neptune is associated with Nephthys, Keeper of the Mysteries Behind the Veil. She beckons to us from beyond the mists and invites us to follow her into the mystery. We must trust her, yet this is hard for she is also an abandoner and betrayer. Her primary teaching is “Trust the Unknown.”
We stand on the cusp of a new way of being. All that we know will be gradually erased as we simultaneously emerge into a form better suited to the new world we are entering. “Trust the Process.”
Saturn/Sobek turns retrograde at Pisces 19°25’, June 29, 3:07 pm EDT.
Neptune/Nephthys turns retrograde at Pisces 29°55’, July 2, 6:40 am EDT.
Image by Psychedelic Visionary
“Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.
Let me see if I can straighten this out here regarding Neptune, Pisces, the 12th house, or whatever else is confusing you right now.
We all have dreams, visions about how we’d like things to turn out. It’s essential and healthy to have dreams, even when they’re daunting or nightmarish. Dreams sail us forward and out of the doldrums.
Then we have fantasies—scenarios we enjoy imagining but know won’t come true. These are psychologically beneficial because they provide a necessary escape from reality’s excruciating pressures, helping us cope and find temporary relief.
Finally, there are delusions, which are often problematic. Delusions are fantasies we mistake for reality or deny are just imaginary. When we cling to these, believing them to be true, we set ourselves up for disappointment, heartache, depression, and potential harm, especially when others are involved. Ignoring life’s often unforgiving rules can be a real bummer.
How’s it all going with you? The Pisces Moon is currently hovering over Saturn and in the next few hours, she will contact Neptune. Both these planets are stationary and will turn retrograde in a few days. Understanding the distinction between dreams, fantasies, and delusions is crucial. There’s a lot of projection and wishful thinking going on right now. In the coming weeks and months, as these powerful bodies retrograde in Pisces, we will surely learn more about our faith, the pitfalls of misplaced beliefs and the importance of anchoring ourselves near the shores of some plausible reality.
On Thursday, June 27th, the Moon, ruler of our emotions, is in spiritual, water sign Pisces and connecting with Saturn, planet of karmic lessons, also in the sign of the Fish, Mercury, ruler of messages, in sensitive, water sign Cancer, and Uranus, planet of awakening, in practical, earth sign Taurus.
The water element wins out here so we are definitely submerged into the realm of our feelings. Saturn is assisting us with a karmic clearing of past life memories and situations. Mercury is helping us to receive information and insights on an intuitive level. And, Uranus is revealing higher perspectives that may open our eyes to certain circumstances that we are going through right now.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
the Moon, ruler of our emotions, is in spiritual, water sign Pisces
Mercury in Cancer trine Pallas retrograde in Scorpio. Moon in Pisces trine Mercury and Pallas – A quick moving Grand Trine is in play today, connecting mind, emotions and creative intelligence. Here is a way through, says Pallas. With some willpower, you can change things. With a willingness to investigate, you’ll find the truths required to transform your life. Trust your instincts, the little line of a song that comes to you upon awakening, the repeated symbol or name that echoes from seemingly every avenue. Pay attention because life is giving you a clue as to the next step.
Dream yourself a dream. Let yourself be filled with wonder. Imagine the possibilities. Talk about your feelings with those who matter to you. Explore patterns around fear and intimate bonds, the attachments you claim yet hold yourself one step away from. Maybe it’s time to go all in, dive deep, trust. Open your inner eye. Let there be miracles and magic on a quiet afternoon.
The number 3 is called ‘Electric’ and its keywords are ‘Activate, Bond and Service’. The third day of a wavespell is always a real live wire. This is because day one identifies the journey, day two considers the obstacles ahead, and day three….the energy is electrified and things really start to get going as if a switch has been turned on. ‘Electric’ is always a fun number regardless of which wavespell it occurs. So much energy comes in very handy, if you make use of it. It is defnitely not a relaxing energy and so don’t expect to feel like a couch potato today.
Today is White Dog which represents ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart’. The energy of a White Dog day is about putting all of your heart into whatever you do… whether it’s taking on a huge project or just doing the housework. Love what you do and be loyal to seeing it through to the end. Dogs can be very tenacious and they don’t easily give up their bones, take a leaf out of their book if you want to get things done. It’s an interesting combo of number and day. The ‘Electric’ Dog needs to be a service dog rather than a pet. They say every dog needs a job but this is especially true for the activated livewire of a pooch that this dog is. How do we translate that energy? You may feel the desire to be of service to mankind today!
The Guide today is the White Wizard. The charming enchanter leads today, spellbinding us and guiding us to mysterious places. Expect strange things to happen today but in a good way!
The Challenge of the day is the Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment’. Those folk born on Yellow Sun will nd today diffcult. For the rest of us, it will be hard to nd the answers we seek but not impossible. When in this position the Yellow Sun provokes you into seeing the light. You have to work for it though, Yellow Sun won’t cooperate and just show you…it is a challenge after all.
The Occult power is the Blue Monkey which represents ‘Magic’ and the monkey today is in the most magical position. The monkey is always better behaved when it is in this prominent aspect. There’s less monkeying around, less illusion and more magical moments. If you are a Blue Monkey, you provide magical experiences for others today.
The Ally is the Red Moon. If you need to chill out today,and a Red Moon as they are masters of relaxation and can oer much support and friendship. If you don’t have one in your life, do what they would do and chill!
A very powerful day for unleashing our endless WHITE MAJIK through the power of LOVE! How PERFECTO on this 5,5, LIBERATION code!
27 moons ago – KIN 250 aligned with – Mother’s Day – a deeply feminine day of honouring our Planetary Mothers! LOVE was definitely the power sweeping the globe that day, as it is every KIN 250 day.. a day where we BOND together to CELEBRATE LOVE.
9 MOONS AGO – 10 OCTOBER 2023 was a potent 10.10 MANIFESTATION PORTAL!!
Today’s 5.5 LIBERATION code on a 27/9 day is activating the DIVINE PLAN… endless resources for the NEW EARTH LEADERS to STEP UP as CREATORS today!!
Day 3 of the spectacular YELLOW STAR WAVESPELL – where we are AWAKENING our sparkle, and using our creativity to attract more Beauty, Grace and Harmony in our lives.. so that our lives become a living work of ART!
Today we are ACTIVATING our creativity through the POWER of unconditional LOVE, bonding with kin to express our SHINY BRIGHTSTARRY LIGHT through Divine service.
ELECTRIC – Tone 3 in the EMOTIONAL realm. ACTION – bonding, POWER – activates, ESSENCE – service. ELECTRIC energy provides the ignition or spark for our creativity. It also adds POWER to anything you are creating today. An extra electrical boost to draw upon. The power of 3 is derived from 2 units merging and creating the third, more powerful entity. This action duplicates the essence of bonding in service that the Electric tone provides.
NOTE: ELECTRIC energy has a VERY high emotional charge, so make sure you GROUND this energy today, otherwise it can build up stressing your nervous system and result in emotional flare ups and arguments. Grounding is particularly important when the Solar Flare activity is INTENSE!
Today you should contemplate HOW you can activate your electrical power, to send waves of pure charged energy to uplift and AWAKEN others through your acts of LOVE & DIVINE SERVICE!.
The ELECTRIC tone creates a triangle, a 3rd energy from the magnetic bonding of the 2 units – so we have a very strong ELECTRICAL CHARGE today to BOND with our kin.
This may be to RISE up together or to start planning for our future – either way the SUPER GLUE is bonding today!
Let us bond together through MEDITATION and ACTIVATE our PERFECT NEW EARTH VISION.
Today’s question is “How can I ACTIVATE unconditional LOVE, devotion and loyalty through BONDING in Service with my kin to MANIFEST A HEAVENLY REALITY?
May you find your INNER SPARK fuelled within your OPEN Heart today!
Go forth and EXPRESS yourself and MANIFEST a beautiful life!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE ELECTRIC DOG OC embodies the qualities of Unconditional Love, loyalty, trust, faith, honesty, integrity, compassion, truth and Heart centredness.
All these qualities and particularly the unconditional LOVE and loyalty, are synonymous with our beloved Earth Mothers who have birthed us onto this planet.. Indeed our MOTHER’S are the divine expression of this LOVE that bonds a Mother and her child for the protection and survival of our species.
LOVE’s perpetual expression through our relationships and families, is what EXPANDS the Universal expression of our soul’s experiences. This beautiful gentle energy will ensure we return to this building block of connection, through the power of LOVE in our family units. A return to INNOCENCE and purity… reprioritizing the family and our emotional connections.
Today’s energies are beautifully synchronized with this INCOMING TSUNAMI of LOVE energies where we can celebrate UNCONDITIONAL LOVE of the highest order..
What SPARKS the connections to your Heart?
When you bond with another soul of equal resonance this ignites a spark in your heart.
Two hearts firing together can create absolute Majik. The toroidal field emanating from your HEART expands exponentially as both fields conjoin. This is the power of the magnetic Heart.
As you merge and unite with others, this energy can then be channeled into creative pursuits. As twin flames, and star tribes come together, their Divine Missions will be fuelled by their passion. creativity, loyalty, and mutual respect for one another.
Where does your loyalty lie?
Are you aligned with SPIRIT? – it is time to choose your allegiance!
Whom do you entrust with your heart?
These are the questions that will help you bond with your kindred souls today. Once you bond in SERVICE, then you ask
“What can we create together?”
You can then devote your life to the fulfillment of your souls’ mission.
You will also need to reflect upon the question “Are you loyal to your own needs, as you are to the service of others?” Self sacrifice is not sustainable.
Self Love is most important for building a solid foundation for loving and respecting others, without feeling drained and exploited. Being part of a tribe requires equality in the flow of giving and you emit more LOVE your precious heart becomes receptive to receiving more love… and so the SPARK of LOVE… ignites more LOVE..
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE ELECTRIC WIZARDIX brings forth the powers of enchantment and endlessness, allowing us to be more RECEPTIVE to LOVE.
The ELECTRIC WIZARD is IGNITING our OVERTONE WIZARD YEAR – so we have DOUBLE the enchantment power today! SHAZAAAAMMMMMM!!!!
The ELECTRIC WIZARD is totally DEVOTED to SPIRIT.. as a pure vessel for the messages and MAJIK of Spirit to FLOW through.. The STRONGER you forge a connection with SPIRIT, the GREATER the flow of MIRACLES and MAJIK flow through you, as a DIVINE CONDUIT and messenger for Spirit.
In order to activate this power, the WIZARD reminds us to be STILL and RECEPTIVE, tuning in through our Heart resonance which the WHITE DOG has ignited. The POWER of DIVINE LOVE is the highest WHITE MAJIK in the UNIVERSE!
We are reminded that true unconditional love is infinite and endless. Allow yourself to become enchanted by the WIZARD’S majikal dreamspell, uniting you with your kindred souls in a beautiful tapestry of Divine LOVE and service.
SUPPORT: RED ELECTRIC MOON MULUC’S Universal Waters continue to FLOW today, as our GODDESS energies are blessing us with feminine grace and intuition. The purification power she brings, assists in dissolving boundaries between hearts, so that there is a beautiful FLOW for communication and creativity through our PURE HEARTS.
RED MOON enhances the intuitive and telepathic bonds between kindred souls. As we evolve we can connect with our kin through our intuitive senses, through empathy, compassion and claircognizance… no need to talk as we can FEEL and just KNOW what others are thinking, feeling and experiencing..
We are then ALL connected on a much deeper level, with full transparency and integrity, enhancing our loyalty and devotion to our tribe.. This frees up much of our energy to EXPRESS ourselves through creative and Artistic pursuits.. all designed to engender more JOY and harmony in our new Common-Unities.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE SPECTRAL MONKEY CHUEN will reveal any trickery, deceit, illusion and shenanigans today. The SPECTRAL MONKEY has tremendous Majikal powers and can instantly DISSOLVE any black magic interfering with the bonding of soul mates/twin flames or our collective MISSION. SHAZAM!!
The MONKEY’S power is greatly AMPLIFIED with the Higher Guide of the ELECTRIC WIZARD today. This ensures the guiding FORCE is benevolent and aligned with WHITE MAJIK… very potent DIVINE forces are pouring forth today to LIBERATE supernatural MAJIK and MIRACLES!
The SPECTRAL MONKEY is the SUPERPOWER with the agenda of RELEASING and DISSOLVING the density of the bad “spell” that has been cast upon HUMANITY. This synergy of benevolent FORCES is superboosting our WANDS to perform SUPERNATURAL MAJIK today… Very potent forces to propel us into the new GOLDEN AGE.
A HUGE BREAKTHROUGH is coming today that ENSURES we are FREE from enslavement as we QUANTUM JUMP to a NEW REALITY through the SPECTRAL MONKEY’S time bending powers!!
STAY TUNED – BIG THINGS ARE BREWING!! A WAVE of MAJIK LOVE & LIGHT is enfolding our Planet and our beloved Pachamama.
CHUEN also reminds us to “keep it LIGHT”, play NICE together and make each other’s HEARTS sing! The joy that comes from co-creating and playing with your pals! When your Divine child is PURE and FREE – the sheer majik of Creation can flow through you, as you express your Starry Soul essence through your creativity and PLAY..
CHUEN is teaching us to align with the Harmonic Matrix where TIME = ART. in order to LIBERATE more JOY, so that there is no drudgery, boredom, slavery and enforced labour. All expression flows naturally and your LIFE becomes a living work of ART.. filled with joyous exuberance and PASSION!
NOTE: KIN 11 – BLUE SPECTRAL MONKEY is the Galactic signature of Jose’ Arguelles – the father and cocreator of the DREAMSPELL CODEX… His intention was to align us with Harmonic time and in so doing BREAK FREE FROM THE MATRIX!!!
KIN 11 is the OCCULT SUPERPOWER driving this amazing MAJIKAL day through KIN 250… so the solution to BREAK FREE is to vibrate at the frequency of LOVE or ABOVE...
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW ELECTRIC SUN AHAU’s power today will reveal those relationships that are not based on a “Higher Love”. And the HIGHEST form of LOVE is DIVINE LOVE – pure unconditional LOVE that flows freely from the COSMOS.
Our HEARTS are the portal that OPENS THE GATE to endless LOVE.. Make sure you ALIGN with this by forging a stronger connection to SPIRIT through the natural world, and through expression of your DEVOTION and loyalty to the DIVINE PLAN for humanity.
The key to EN-LIGHT-ON-MENT is through the HEART PORTAL – this is also the key – to release and express your DIVINE MAJIK and innate GIFTS… access this today through your focused intention to manifest your HEART’S desires!
YELLOW SUN brightens the way today, and thus reveals the darkest shadows in your path. Any of your own shadows or those of others that are blocking your path to EN-LIGHTON-MENT will be brought into the “spotlight” today.
The ELECTRIC tone added to this, can add much volatility and there is nowhere to hide when sparks start to fly! All shadows will be revealed. It is time to be emotionally MATURE and harmonize the UNIVERSAL FIRE igniting the triggers. Use this flame instead to IGNITE your PASSION and your SERVICE to SPIRIT.
To reap the gift of AHAU today, use the powers of forgiveness, compassion and unconditional love to detach from any drama, and thus continue on your evolutionary destined path in becoming a much WISER HU-MAN. .
First seek GOD, then look around you to see the team of people walking with you.
That is your tribe!
Here comes the SUN!
RISE UP and SHINE together – CHILDREN of the SUN!
Today’s question is “How can I ACTIVATE unconditional LOVE, devotion and loyalty through BONDING in Service with my kin to MANIFEST A HEAVENLY REALITY?
May you find your INNER SPARK fuelled within your OPEN Heart today!
Go forth and EXPRESS yourself and MANIFEST a beautiful life!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 Calling On and Connecting with our Star Nations 🔥
Connecting with our Star Nations
This Sacred Art was taught to our People from the Andromedan Council of Light. This is a Special Practice to call down our Star Nations, Star families, Galactics. Any Star Race that resonates with you will come from this Call if put into practice. Being consistent and not giving up is the key to success with any Divine Spiritual Art
TODAY, with Deep Love and Gratitude I proclaim a Metaphysical decree to manifest our highest desires:
I … Endlessly thank the Universe for all the blessings received and all that are on their way.
I recognize that every experience and every victory is an Essential piece of the beautiful mosaic of my life.
Today I decree with power and conviction gratitude for infinite abundance in all its forms.
My life is full of spiritual, emotional and material riches and I continue to attract prosperity with every positive thought and action.
I am grateful for the perfect health that nourishes my body, mind and spirit.
Each cell vibrates with energy, vitality and well-being.
I am grateful for all the loving relationships that beautify my life; I surround myself with people who support, inspire, and uplift me.
I am grateful for the Clarity and Purpose that Guides my path to all of Light Beings, Ascension Masters, Archangels & Angels as my Elder Brothers and Sisters from other Galaxies of Higher Dimensions because I am confidently moving toward my goals in this process of Ascension.
I am grateful for the peace and harmony that reigns within me, reflecting in my environment.
In addition,
I am grateful for the creativity and inspiration that flows through Me, allowing me to express My still DIVINE SELF and contribute to the world.
I am grateful for the strength and resilience that reside in me, facing challenges with strength and valor and learning from every experience and with every Gratitude.
Here and now, I raise my vibration and open my heart to receive more blessings.
I am …
in tune with the natural flow of life, fully trusting that everything I desire is already mine.
That’s right, that’s how it should be and that’s what it is.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank You.
Beloved siblings, gratitude is the best expression of love.
When we give thanks, we are telling the Universe in a manifestation of words how blessed we are to exist, to experience the here and now.
We are telling our God, Supreme Being, Divinity, Higher Self, Ancestral Beings, my Inner Self, in everything that you believe and have faith in.
We thank 3 times because number 3 represents something that looks like a WHOLE.
– In holistic, an integral being is:
• Body, Mind and Spirit.
– Dimensions of time are three:
• Past, Present, Future
– The States of Water be like:
• Solid, liquid, and fizzy.
– The Universe has three Manifestation Plans: Physical, Mental and Etherical.
When I express, write, or think 3 times Thanks I do this:
THANK YOU for all that I am!
THANK YOU for everything I have!
THANK YOU for all the good that is now Flowing to me!
Good morning everyone, Thank you for Being and Being!
I am Maria Lustig144
Metaphysical Decree of GRATITUDE
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