The Blue Ray ~ 2017 Starseeds, 1st New Earth United Alliance

The Starseeds, New Forerunners, Light Bearers, Blue Rays all Rays are being called to create a Unity Star Alliance in the name of Humanity. The 1st New Earth Star United Alliance through the Blue Ray Anchoring 33 of the New Earth Grids and Radiance โ€œLight body upgradeโ€ Will take place Jan 26th 2017 Thursday 4:00pm mountain standard time. Where you can tune in to through your empathic nature to the Divine Holy Matrix. This coincides with the rare astrological event where all planets are moving direct in the month of January.

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Sacred Union and the Divine Heart

Beloved Family of Light, the energies are accelerating as you move towards the 11/11 Star Gate on the 11th of November. This will be a powerful moment in your New Earth Transformation, a moment when the energies of Sacred Union and the Divine Heart come together to initiate and activate New Creation on your Earth. It will also be a moment when your Multi-Dimensional Body will be ready to activate the Template for your new 5D Body within your Cellular Blueprints.

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