Divine Embrace from Ancient Ones ~ Within the Inner ‘Temple’ ~ The Epic of the Mother Goddess has Begun ~ Mercury is Cazimi
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Grail Queens and Kings of our Royal Lyran Nation of New Lemuria
Happy 2222 Portal Activation!
Today our local Solaris moves into the sign of Capricorn the Sea Goat and Mercury is Cazimi as he comes into alignment in the Heart of the Sun while he remains in the Still Center of the Solstice Gateway until the 25th as the Sun is reborn and begins his journey back North through the Equinox and to the Tropic of Cancer for the next Solstice Portal.
As we hold space in the Zero Point Quantum Field all is being released and purged for our cleansing in the Light to move into the Pure Land of Shambhala in our Great Exodus from the Valley of the Shadow of Death.
As Pachamama releases all that no longer serves her and all her Children of the Sun she received a powerful activation today South of Africa where the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean meet with a magnitude 6.1 earthquake at 17:36 UTC.
We also had two big spikes of White Light in the Heartbeat of Gaia on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 24 hz and 29 hz. Many Starseed Earth Angelics felt these Heart Activation in the higher heart or physical heart palpitations.
As we Bridge Heaven and Earth through our Still Center we merge the physical with the non-physical, the spiritual with the mundane as the Eagle flies with the Condor to usher in the New Golden Age of Enlightenment for all Sentient Beings of the Way.
No matter the challenges or anything that rises from the shadows, Love has won and Victory is always with the Light. We stay True and Steady as she goes for the Rewards of all our Arduous Work shall be manifest in the coming Days. Keep your light Shining Bright as together we rise in the Glory of God’s Kingdom of Heaven on Earth…A’Ho!
22 DECEMBER: For where it ends it also begins…
At a higher frequency LIGHT NODE POINT…within fractals of fractals The next 3 days being so sacred, within the inner ‘Temple’
Whereever you are you are so loved and surrounded by angels, archangels, your Ascended Masters and the Divine Source.
You are never alone.
You are loved beyond love.
Cosmic Light SOLAR FLASH is Cleansing Aura field around You n Earth from all parasites low vibrations entities and energies.
Feel Your Bright Energy Power Expanding.🌞⚡
Cosmic Light SOLAR FLASH
Our eyes open wide &our heart centers blossom flourishing under the umbrella of love filling the planet. Oh how our senses come alive once again! We are able to feel, know &see the great beauty flowing gracefully around us. Once suppressed we gain full access to the love within
Feel alive! It will allow you to shift to be able to harmonize. Solar activity is glitching technology & the matrix! It’s assisting truth and justice that brings balance from draco deceptions and inversions. It’s why we are having so much seismic activity as it’s clearing the ley lines and vortexes from their abuse of rituals and distortions & inversions on the solar logos, planetary body and the activating your dormant DNA that should have never been dormant.
High frequencies of light repair and restore allowing connecting to source codes that we are creating from the sun and planet. The more we harmonize the faster the reality of light you wish for humanity and yourself birth into creation we have are cocreators. Allow yourself to move forward and rejoice! It’s your blueprint to harmonize. You glow from the inside out. Allow all to see your light so it inspires others. No more dimming your radiance 💎☀️
12/22/23: We enter Capricorn ready for a fresh start. But Capricorn will not budge without a solid goal, a blueprint, preparation, and lots of notes and double-checking. Especially when Mercury is pulling back on the plans. Today’s Right Action is to do what you can do today… but put a creative spin on it.
Capricorn might not be the life of the party, but it appreciates the effort put into it. Each day until 2023 is done, do one thing at a time and do it well… and that includes resting and playing. Give this holiday season your best energy, your happiest face, and your highest appreciation for all you have to celebrate.
Starting from the Winter Solstice, on Thursday, December 21, 2023 with every additional minute of daytime you will be receiving more and different qualities of sunlight that will be coming to Gaia. It is not the usual expansion or increase in daylight that you had before, the extra minutes that will be added everyday will be energy that will be changing the physics of your space. It will be bringing more and more Gaia into the next dimension and humanity with it. This will be intensifying all the processes that were directed to ascension in your bodies and in your DNA.
You were holding off a bit before this winter solstice. You were accumulating the energy. This accumulation was needed to release the time capsules and to be ready to move to another timeline. Now with these additional energetic processes accelerating everyday, you will start unfolding everything you have accumulated according to these new vibrations and energies that will be coming.
Powerful Energies Streaming in: An Earth Alliance Update
Space Weather Intel!
The Earth alliance reports at this hour that Super Beams of high-vibrational cosmic light began showing up a few hours ago on the Schumann graph. It must have been the radiant light of the Starseeds of Earth, ushering in yet another super galactic weekend!
Riding the Wave of Ascension!
Since the grand timeline divergence began back in November, the higher timeline has been steadily pulling away. It’s undeniable, as life is showing us obvious signs that things are vibrating higher and our world is improving! Though there are still certainly some challenges, have you noticed how things miraculously just work themselves out now? With the Krystal timeline ascending higher and higher, we’re experiencing the beauty of transformation, life is good, and the possibilities are limitless! Embrace the journey to a brighter future.
Great Ones,
We are on the path to reclaiming our magnificent glory! The energy of Ascension is palpable, and the cosmos is aligning in ways that fill our hearts with awe and wonder. Let’s embrace this cosmic energy and make the most of this extraordinary Ascension Ride. Shine bright, dear Starseeds!
Let us know what ascension symptoms you may be experiencing at this time or just tell us how you are doing!
LIVE in Celebration of Life and Creation of the Beauty of being.
We sing to you this message. We dive deeply as we fly high into the Sky. We touch the breath of source that dances on the surface of all life. In water in air. Through our Song of Creation.
We feel your voices as you build structures on the land. We hear the crystal resonances within your buildings. We hold the Sacredness of these Spaces when you forgot.
Deep the Ocean Source Ancient One sang in Divine Union and created this vast land in the depths of this vastness of Ocean Source. And so was Created Home for so many Souls.
Light upon Light was born and we mapped out the rivers of Life.
So these delicate lights knew where to surface and where they were called.
As we journeyed further the wings of love sang in your souls and so the darkness was born so that you could shine your delicate light so brightly.
You are Divine Sparks that ignite creation.
We ask that you stop and listen to our Song. For we sing to you with Love.
So you too can experience embody the Divine expression Creation. Of rich rainbow resonance of sound and colour that is inside each of you. That is of your body. And sings all around you.
Know you are creating such beauty. Such Love. The Gift that is you ready to receive and embody so much abundance beauty of Creation so much LOVE.
This truly is each of you. Look up to the rich vastness of your Sky and open into look deep into the Waters. Waters of Source that breathes through your Lungs your Heart. That flows through your HEART.
You will see the Light that you reflect. The Beauty of Creation. We sing to you.
Dear friends, today Friday December 22 marks the final intense day of the Winter/Summer Solstice energies. Although the light codes of this special celestial date are still with us and will keep doing their work of inner balancing within our energy fields, we are slowly shifting away from the Solstice intensity and moving into the reawakening of the Christ consciousness grid around the globe. The Christmas energy will also be merging on December 26 with the energies of the last full moon of this year in the sign of emotional Cancer.
Beyond its religious connotations, the arrival of Yoshua/Jesus on this earthly plane marked a pivotal moment in the energetic history of our planet. Humanity was basically leveled up in its frequency by the energetic imprinting of his teachings focusing on our personal direct spiritual connection with the Creator. Of course, there were other teachers in other regions and civilizations of the world, but his teachings mostly shaped the occidental part of the spiritual world. “You are the Light of the world!” Mathew 5:14-16.
We don’t know the exact date of his birth (most likely December 25 was chosen initially for Roman political reasons, although there are many different theories), but regardless of this historical fact, the energy of love and compassion have been associated with this post-Solstice date. As millions of people celebrate this holiday around the world, we all contribute to the reawakening of this special kind of consciousness/frequency, one of hope, love, and spiritual union among us humans.
It is also a time for reconnecting with our inner Light core, delving deeper into our perennial wisdom and spiritual gifts, and therefore affecting positively the future of our individual and collective timelines for 2024.
As we approach and transition into the new year, our energy fields slowly begin to adjust to the new incoming energetic vibrations. 2024 has the energy vibration of number 8 (2+0+2+4=8), which is considered to be the empowering and abundance number. I envision 2024 as the year of “empowered enlightenment”, a year in which we will put into practice all the wisdom and inner strength that has awakened within us since 2012. It is a year of expressing our powerful inner Divine Light into the world in new, confident, and bold ways. Be open to new projects, new relationships/friendships/partnerships, and new ways of being that are more aligned with your inner truth and Divine strength.
I would like to wish a peaceful and merry Christmas weekend to all who celebrate it. Beyond old 3D belief structures created by men, we are all celebrating our eternal Divine Light within, and the time has come now to let this Light shine brightly into our world.
A deeper and most profound higher heart expansion in both the masculine and feminine, is ushering in the higher healing of Divine Masculine as he now fully is anchored in from the open heart center, the sacred rose grail, to now join the fully anchored in Divine Feminine.
This is balance returning.
They both have their higher heart centers fully open, and they are unconditionally loving one another, as equals. Their heart roses, pure white with a touch of soft pink, aquamarine and gold, now merge and the communion is open heart to open heart. Soul to soul.
No hiding from each other anymore. No divisions. No separation.
At last after so many thousands of earth years they stand, stripped naked into the very depths and core of their hearts and souls. They see each other anew, as both are totally reborn.
Now everything changes. Their perception of each other changes, because all the divides are gone, the illusions, the false expectations, all the negative patterns.
The man can now feel from the depths of his heart and soul as his higher hearts finally is reunited with his higher mind, even as his All Seeing, All Hearing, All Knowing returns, with the Wisdom to use his powers in loving, unifying and cocreative ways, for the highest good of all. He finally knows he is whole and complete within himself, and not in competition with anyone else. He understands what true power means and that it never meant brutal force nor browbeating anyone into submission, but rather to allow the infinite knowing of his own heart and the Divinty within himself, to be cocreative in loving ways adhering to the Universal Divine Laws, and then harnassing his own soul powers in cohesive life enhancing ways, which unify and at same time ever expand into Universal Oneness with love and in loving ways. He brings structure and form into being which she beautifies and enhances in her own unique ways and even expands upon.
The woman is finally standing fully in her own light and living the truth if who and what she is, strong and sure and inspired, standing fully in her own power to cocreate the best life for herself and others in the highest and best and most loving ways, and to never, ever give her powers away to anyone else, no matter how much she loves them. To apply the infinite intuitive knowing that has always been hers, in unifying and loving ways and for the highest good of all. She nurtures her own free spirit and dances the inner music inherent within her own soul. She wise, she is deeply fulfilled within, as she finds and lives her own inner joy.
So they give each other freedom, to express and to be.
And miracles happen for now in their freedom they discover tenthousand new ways to live soul empowered lives without the need to be physically together. For in truth they are never apart and their souls in truth are everywhere yet always present no matter where the one or the other may dwell.
In the process love deepens and the vision expands: The shared vision and calling on Universal levels so that they work together at soul level in cocreative ways and soul enhances soul. They render universal service as Ascended Master Souls and this indeed is one of unconditional, transcendental love in ever higher degrees of unity yet always in highest loving service to the greater whole.
Such love ever expands upon itself as it is forever renewed, reborn, and revitalized.
The merger is soul with soul.
Such is the new way of loving in ascended 5th to 12 th dimensional state where the Lightbody is fully activated and more than this: purity in the highest degrees.
Rest this weekend knowing that miracles are unfolding. Clairaudience and Clairvoyance are manifesting in greater ways through us. The overtones of our over soul are speaking to us, and we can now receive these messages loud and clear. The understanding is that you are the Chosen one who came here to fulfill God’s prophecy.
This will be reflected through the physical body and we rise up into our Empress positions as master creators and alchemists. This happens through us returning back whole to ourselves as one which puts us in the Light Body. Receive this information being given and follow it to courageously move forward with your power and position as first, FirstFruits.
The Sun stands still. That’s what the word “solstice” means. And for all of us on this blue and green cosmic jewel that is our home, that’s what our solar system’s great shining heart seems to be doing.
Earth’s northern hemisphere has just leaned out as far as she can into the dark, glittering Mystery we call the Cosmos. As one pole leans out, the other leans in — to that dazzling blaze of starshine, the Sun. But the Solstice magic isnt over.
It’s just begun.
When the heart stands still, we enter a space between realities. In that space, we can come alive again — or not. That’s the choice we’re all being given between now and Christmas Eve night in the Americas,, early Christmas morning in Europe, and Christmas Day in Hong Kong, Australia, and New Zealand.
For three days, the entire planet is receiving a maximum dosage of life-giving medicine – either of light or of dark. Though they seem so different, they’re actually interdependent. Each are essential for the star codes in your bones and in the trees to come fully alive. Each are vital to the well-being of the space where your atoms are floating and the mycelium networks beneath your feet are spreading.
But this year, there’s more.
Today, something is happening you’ve never experienced: the mind has joined the heart in standing still. Our Messenger planet Mercury has just begun a six-hour cazimi.
That’s an Arabic word that means in the heart, and it describes what happens to our Messenger when he’s within 17 arc minutes — less than a third of a degree — from exact alignment with our Star, who creates all the energy needed for our vast, sprawling solar system to operate.
Let that sink in. The smallest planet is in the heart of a Star so massive her energy is felt for 40 billion miles in every direction. That immense energy field is being delivered to the Capricorn part of your birth chart — the sign of your bones, constantly growing, changing, and reshaping the structure of your being, all the reality structures of your life, and also all that is ancient and enduring.
It was nine days ago that our Messenger turned retrograde, just eight hours after a Sagittarius New Moon that was exactly conjunct a secret cosmic power point — the ultra-sensitive, extremely creative midpoint between the irresistibly magnetic flow of the Great Attractor and the transformational vortex of our Milky Way Galaxy’s’ heart. Now Mercury’s reached the Heart — and both are in the Solstice degree, one of the four spots in the sky so potent they’re called the World Axis. The combined transformative power of both these forces is imprinted into this entire Mercury retrograde, that’s taking us into a year unlike any in our lives.
Mercury activates the mind — the capacity to receive and to transmit information that lives in the breath, in the body, and in all the spaces of the Universe. As you read these words, the Messenger has already begun to receive a new way to see from the Sun. Within and around you mind is already coming alive. Their conjunction will be exact at 1:53 pm Eastern Time / 6:53 pm UT, the Messenger will conjoin the Sun – in 0’ Capricorn, the degree that is part of the World Axis.
For the rest of this three-day standstill, this new way to see will be in a fragile state as it consolidates and roots itself into your being, and that of our world. You’re newly pregnant — not with a new human life, but with a new way to see that is potent and reality-changing. Mercury hasn’t made a retrograde conjunction to the Sun in 125 years — since 1898, when Earth was poised on another threshold of dramatic and unimaginable transformation.
For six hours today — from 11:04 am / 5:04 GMT until 5:12 pm / 10:12 GMT — our Messenger will be cazimi. The mind is in the heart today — and both are standing still. What can happen when the Sun and the Mind stand still in the space between past and future, nightmare and dream?
Dreams can come alive — if you can come into resonance with them. Reality can bend — if you can contain the energy. Wisdom and blessings can arise — if you can integrate the frequencies.
And that, dear star peeps, is your Solstice miracle, already waiting to be received.
Mercury is Cazimi the Sun speaking in triumphant harmony to Jupiter and the Taurus moon, both sextile to Saturn in Pisces. Huge day of creation and downloads! Mind blowing illuminations and epiphanies happen during a transit like this.
This is positive flow energy if you are taking action steps while completely trusting in the DEVINE! This is the persistence and dedication of Capricorn.
Capricorn solstice is still very activated due to the late night Apex.
The essence of the distortion that may be coming up in your field of consciousness is easily dissolved as you bring spirit into matter. Spiritual integrity is everything. Purge-release-let go of any distortions or distractions that may be conflicting with your souls goal.
Your soul had a vision, you know what it is deep inside. Watch for the Synchronicity’s, the signs. Feel the nudge towards that goal. Our souls are speaking to us.
What an incredible shift we have had into earth energy which manifest before our eyes. Don’t waste this day. Even the smallest action steps count in a magnified way!
On Friday, December 22nd, just hours after the Winter Solstice, we have the Sun, ruler of self-expression, connecting with retrograde Mercury, planet of information and communication, at the zero degree point of Capricorn. Pay attention to your inner thoughts and ideas. Pay attention to the messages and guidance that you see, hear, feel and sense. Capricorn energy is serious, stoic, quiet and grounded. It is time to reflect and make a practical plan regarding what energies to leave behind from 2023, and what energies to embrace and move into for 2024.
Yes, we have lots of things to do to ready ourselves for the holiday festivities, but carve out some alone time, if only for a few minutes, to go within and allow your new perceptions to unfold and take root. Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: sacredsoulempowerment.com
the Sun, ruler of self-expression, connecting with retrograde Mercury
Sun enters Capricorn. Sun conjunct Mercury in Capricorn – There is a sprinkling of extra magic in this year’s solstice. As the season turns to winter in the north and summer in the south, Mercury gives voice to the Source of all creation. I am the light – and so are you and you and you! Mercury points to all of us, an elegant fingertip touched to each heart. Name your greatest achievement, he says, eyes dancing. Now, hold onto it, let the warmth of this accomplishment flood your soul, your mind, the very bones of you. Remember your name. Remember who you are. Here is the illumination you were looking for. You are a star!
Yes, Mercury is retrograde. Yes, there may still be some trials to come. But right now, is a moment for celebration and thanks as well as realisation. Put on your best clothes. Dress for success, in whatever manner that means for you. Define your goals. Make a concrete plan to implement when the time is right. Stop worrying that time is running out and start using the hours in this day you have been blessed with. If you’ve been feeling frozen, stand still for a moment to receive the light of knowing and presence. Let your spirit shine through.
The number 11 is called ‘Spectral’ and its keywords are ‘Dissolve, Liberate and Release’. The 11th day is all about letting go. Of course, what you let go of depends on the day as well. If you are born on a number 11 day, you will enjoy this energy. We always enjoy our own number when it comes around, as we seem to sync with its frequency. Number 11 people are freedom fighters and because today does not follow the wavespell agenda, we are all free to do what we want. Everyone can enjoy this but number 11 folk particularly, seem to get a kick out of this. It’s the kind of day when revolutions are more likely to occur.
Today is Blue Night, which represents ‘Dreams, Intuition and Abundance.’ When you combine the number and day the result is ‘liberate your dreams!’ Or another way of looking at it is that your dreams can liberate you. If you let go of your dreams that doesn’t mean you are giving up on them – on the contrary, holding on to dreams too tightly can create imbalances in your life. Do you have just one dream that you hold on to so dearly that no other dream gets a chance? Have you been on a path so rigid and so focused that you have lost the original purpose? Release it all, let go of all aspirations and feel liberated. Even if it is just for one day, free yourself and accept what you already have. ‘Abundance’ is a key word for today suggesting that we should appreciate the dreams that have already come true!
Today’s Guide is Blue Night, so it’s a double helping of ‘Dreams and Abundance’.
The Challenge of the day is Red Skywalker and so if you are Red Skywalker, your sense of adventure may not help you out today. Sometimes, you need a break from all the ‘doing’ and just dream instead. Of course, this is the Skywalker wavespell and so today we are liberated from the agenda of the current wavespell which shall be a welcome relief to Blue Nights, who have had a challenging time lately.
The Occult power is the White Mirror which is all about ‘Reflecting Truth’. Be honest with yourself about your dreams and the likelihood of them coming true. If you have been wasting energy barking up the wrong tree, today is a good day for a reality check. Whenever Mirror is in the magical position expect the truth to provide unexpected magical outcomes.
The Ally is the Yellow Warrior and so if you need help ‘releasing and letting go’ today, a Yellow Warrior could really help you out as they love missions and being called to aid. If you are one, expect your services to be in demand.
1- New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
23- Royal Star of the LION /Strength/Protection/Support
KIN 63 = 9 Destiny/Compassion/Humanity/Closure – 3.6.9. TESLA code
Today we are AWAKENING to new levels of DIVINE HEAVENLY ABUNDANCE on this TAURUS – waxing gibbous 75% full moon.. boosting our ABUNDANCE and PLEASURE zones.. This SOLSTICE energy is fuelling our MISSION to build a new foundation for PROSPERITY.
A GREAT day to RELEASE all that has bound you, in order to be FREE to step into your Divine Destiny.
SOLSTICE varies each year between DECEMBER 20-23.
This year solstice will occur on Friday 22 December at 3.27am GMT.
Therefore EXACT SOLSTICE occurs in North America(PST) is on 21 st DECEMBER at 7.27 pm… whilst the SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE experiences SUMMER SOLSTICE on 22 DECEMBER 2023 – AEST – 2.27 pm.
Day 11 in the RED SKYWALKER WAVESPELL of awakening, exploration and EXPANSION. Today is the day to RELEASE and LIBERATE yourself from all the pent up energies that have been coming to the surface to be FREED. This FREES up SPACE inside us for the EXPANSIVE exploration into the DREAMTIME DIMENSIONS, in order to LIBERATE our DREAMS. How WONDERFUL!!
SPECTRAL is the 11th tone of creation. It operates in the EMOTIONAL realm and its actions are that of dissolving, releasing and liberating! Tone 11 SYMBOLIZES a gateway and polarity. Today the elves are handing you a majikal key to unlock the golden gates and walk through, slamming the door behind you. kin 63=9 code of Endings and Closure enables you to finally SHUT the door on the old world of lack, struggle and poverty and ACTIVATE your TESLA POWERS!
TODAY you have the ability to DISSOLVE, RELEASE and clear any old debris in the way of your happiness and prosperity. Say GOODBYE to anything that previously stood in the way of weaving your MAJIK through your Divine Mission.
Today’s question is “What FEARS and blocks do I need to DISSOLVE and RELEASE, in order to LIBERATE my inherent ABUNDANCE!
It is TIME to finally release and LET GO of all blocks to ABUNDANCE!
Let us ALL enjoy our DREAMING TIME and MANIFEST our collective DREAM, of infinite ABUNDANCE for all beings!
AND SO IT IS x A godzillion!
Meet you in the DREAMTIME, in the land over the rainbow – beautiful DREAMERS..
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF & HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE SPECTRAL NIGHT AKBAL rules the realms of DREAMS, Abundance and intuition.
Today we have DOUBLE BLUE NIGHT MAJIK GENIE energies on a TAURUS almost FULL!! – MANIFESTING MOON.. TAURUS the sign of pleasure, material possessions and property, is ruled by the planet VENUS, which governs BEAUTY, LOVE and ABUNDANCE.. All precious ingredients for MAJIK MOON MANIFESTING today!!!
This super charged energy on the back of the 22/4 portal makes for a very powerful opportunity to LIBERATE our ABUNDANCE both individually and collectively. This is achieved in the form of moving the energy outwardly in order to EXPRESS it and release the stagnation in order to BUILD something NEW!
AKBAL is a portal into the subconscious realms and those of the unconscious. BEN the explorer is our expert guide delving into the abyss of AKBAL, the mystery within us all. Here we can uncover all our FEARS, insecurities and self worth, self confidence and self love issues.
Our beautiful PLANET Gaia provides for all our needs, as a loving Mother does for her children. All the natural resources are here for our benefit. Just as the birds and wild animals are provided for, so too are we (once we get out of our way) and become RECEPTIVE to this constant flow of abundance. Especially fortuitous on this SOLSTICE portal – blessing us with an INFINITE FLOW of ABUNDANCE from HEAVEN!
TODAY IS THE DAY to finally DISSOLVE any and ALL resistance to allowing this unlimited ABUNDANCE to support and nourish you, FREEING you to follow your DIVINE MISSION. HALLELUJAH
AKBAL – Holds the KEY to the DREAMTIME. That majikal realm where we first alchemize our DREAMS.
The BLUE NIGHT is the star-glyph for the country of AUSTRALIA on the PLANET HOLON map (each country has a tribe archetype). Our Australian indigenous people hold THE DREAMING CODE for our NEW WORLD. That is why the battle for sovereignty in AUSTRALIA has been so fierce and pivotal for our GLOBAL ASCENSION.
Our GATEKEEPERS to the NEW WAY DREAMING are incredible spiritual souls, who have continuously existed on our planet for over 65,000 years (predating the Egyptian era, Atlantis and even Lemuria!) It seems that they have been here since the dawn of time! Our original people have held this VISION of a wondrous NEW UTOPIAN PLANET since time immemorial. An honourable achievement!
They are master storytellers who relate their incredible CREATION stories through ART – painting, singing and dancing. They communicate with the starbeings, and they have been the GUARDIANS of our land, and custodians of our PLANET. They hold the golden keys to unlock and release the DREAMING codes, the collective vision of our brand new world of unlimited abundance for all beings. We are indebted to them for their Divine Service to humanity and Gaia’s evolution. Divine gratitude to our ancient holy, wise DREAMKEEPERS.
Today is the day to RELEASE this NEW WAY DREAMING to liberate our Collective DREAM of a beautiful new ABUNDANT planet.
It is TIME to BREAK the stranglehold and run FREE with the wind in our hair, and STARS in our eyes.
This RED SKYWALKER wavespell in conjunction with the SPECTRAL LIBERATION energies are SUPERBOOSTING today’s #5 FREEDOM code – so we are TRULY FREE to experience more glorious EXPANSION now!
SUPPORT: YELLOW SPECTRAL WARRIOR CIB provides the necessary means to QUESTION, using our intelligence to uncover what dams and walls have been blocking our Planetary flow. CIB will give us the courage to explore the abyss, and the fearlessness to finally LIBERATE ourselves and our planet from the chains, allowing the GLOBAL prosperity to FLOW.
The fearless Rainbow Warriors heeded the clarion call and incarnated on the Earth plane to specifically bring forth this new Golden Age of Abundance and Peace as their collective Divine Missions..
Today the Warriors collectively unite their energies to witness this DREAM come true, manifesting into our New Reality. Day by day the DREAM is held and nurtured until it is fully realized in wondrous DIVINE GLORY! HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE ELECTRIC MIRROR ETZNAB reveals the endlessness of the ABUNDANCE available for all beings. You finally can see clearly as ALL TRUTH is revealed.
The Artificial Patriarchal Matrix fed us a false narrative of Scare-city and limitation.. limited resources, money, food, shelter, and water to satisfy our world population.. We have been told the world is OVERPOPULATED and cannot support this number of people. EUGENICS and GENOCIDE is needed to cull the numbers to ensure the SURVIVAL of the fittest, or rather the “privileged few- the ELITE!”
All this narrative is a well orchestrated and fabricated LIE.
When energy and resources are SHARED and allowed to freely flow, whilst RESPECTING and honouring our Earth Mother – the natural Harmonic order of the Universe majikally provides infinite solutions. Pachamama knows how to PROVIDE for all her children. We live in an ABUNDANT world!
All those ILLUSIONS and limitations to our natural inheritance, can be overcome by revealing the NEW doors that are opening now. The ELECTRIC MIRROR is revealing that the path to true Abundance, is to energize the Collective Dream of Abundance for ALL, through Divine Service.
Bonding with our KIN in order to serve the needs of the many. As we each share our resources, skills and talents, we discover that there is an endless flow of energy available, to provide for everyone on our Planet. That is by DIVINE DESIGN!
WARNING! The ELECTRIC tone is VOLATILE and highly combustible.. couple this emotional tone with the RAINBOW WARRIORS and we have a formula for mass rebellion, protest, arguments and REVOLUTION.
This energy will fuel those passionate RAINBOW WARRIORS into fearlessly asserting their QUEST to manifest this NEW WAY DREAMING today… Much conflict, opposition and QUEST-I-ON-ing of the fat controllers will arise!
The ELECTRIC MIRROR also MAGNIFIES twin flame, partnerships and romantic relationships. As we have a ROMANTIC TAURUS MOON, this bodes well for romantic coupling and liaisons. However the ELECTRIC TONE may reveal disharmonious relationships.. so OPEN your EYES to SEE the TRUTH that is revealed.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED SPECTRAL SKYWALKER BEN We have DOUBLE SKYWALKER energy today, with the Wavespell energy EXPANDING the powers of BEN our GIFT and lesson today. BEN is BLASTING open our concept of REALITY and guiding us to think and act – OUTSIDE THE BOX.
BEN – our valiant Angelic Messenger/Shaman and guide, walks before us into the abyss in order to face our FEARS. He challenges us to think differently, exploring new SPACES, places and perspectives, to create new opportunities.
SPECTRAL BEN can CREATE SPACE for the NEW opportunities for prosperity to FLOW IN.
BEN is challenging us today to BELIEVE IN BETTER and BELIEVE in BLISS – in order to LIBERATE our greatest DREAMS.
BEN’S purpose is to anchor and unite the pillars of HEAVEN and EARTH which is the ultimate DREAM for HU-MAN-ity. This is a beautiful combo. with this gorgeous TAURUS sensual MOON enabling us to LIBERATE HEAVENLY BLISS!! Let’s EXPAND the PLEASURE ZONE!!!!!!
BEN shows us TODAY that our path is now totally EXPANSIVE and unlimited.
Allow the gift of BEN to FREE your soul from all containers, allowing your GALACTIC WINGS to take flight and manifest BLISS ON EARTH! .
Today’s question is “What FEARS and blocks do I need to DISSOLVE and RELEASE, in order to LIBERATE my inherent ABUNDANCE!
It is TIME to finally release and LET GO of all blocks to ABUNDANCE!
Let us ALL enjoy our DREAMING TIME and MANIFEST our collective DREAM, of infinite ABUNDANCE for all beings!
AND SO IT IS x A godzillion!
Meet you in the DREAMTIME, in the land over the rainbow – beautiful DREAMERS..
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 New Earth Ascension Energy Report, Ceremony, Meditation and Astrology reading
for the week of December 17th – 23rd 2023 from the Sacred Condor 🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth report my Goddess covers the astrology for the coming week from December 17th – 23rd 2023, guides a very special beautiful meditation and a ceremony for this Thursday’s Winter/ Summer Solstice Portal of the 21st of Dec. a couple of our New Earth scribe messages and she pulls a Tarot card from the Mother Peace deck.Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine voice and transmission.
The Beloved Great Divine Director suggested that we always say the following two decrees before going to sleep– and deeply connect with our Mighty I AM Presence while saying it:
I say to ALL HUMAN creation: *YOU HAVE NO POWER! (3x) YOUR END HAS
“Mighty I AM Presence” and Great Cosmic Light, project Thy Mighty Light
Rays in and through the Earth, establishing Thy Currents throughout the
atmosphere of Earth; and CAUSE all destructive qualities and their actives to
(THE GREAT DIVINE DIRECTOR then said: …….. “you make the calls, then we will do
the rest!”)
Beloved Mighty I AM Presence here ‘I AM’ a Projection of Thyself!
Glorify Thyself in me, in the Projection of Your Wondrous Perfection and
Mighty Directing Intelligence!
Cause this mind and body to GLOW with Your Perfect Health, Strength,
Energy, Youth and Beauty, and with YOUR Light Substance called forth from
The Secret Love Star, which cannot be re-qualified by human thoughts and
Charge me, my mind, body and world with the Fullness of YOUR LIGHT
SUBSTANCE; and cause the Intelligence which YOU ARE, Oh Mighty I AM
Presence, to SWEEP INTO ACTION in my world; produce Your Perfection and
HOLD Your Dominion here forever! What I call for myself, I call for my loved
ones and ALL humankind. I Thank You!
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