Corey Goode Mega-Update: Ancient Builder Race- Recovering Humanity's Billion-Year Legacy

The Secret Space Program has landed on and entered Oumuamua, the mysterious cigar-shaped "asteroid" that NASA announced in December. What they found was a technological wonderland that they estimate to be over a billion years old -- from what insiders call the Ancient Builder Race. The Ancient Builder Race apparently left crystalline domes, pyramids, obelisks and underground cities all throughout our solar system as well as many neighboring ones.

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Urgent Message For All Starseeds, Lightworkers, Twin Flames, 144K, Healers, Elders, Wisdom Keepers and the Rest….

A HUGE TELEPATHIC MESSAGE IS TO BE, for ALL ~ SATURNDAY April 9, 2016 at 11:00 pm PDT and for the following 3 hours, a massive energetic message is being remotely communicated and shown to an innumerable amount of people on Earth. This message is one of love, peace, surrender, forgiveness, healing and powerful vibrations being sent through directly to individuals through their energetic field. This means that large amounts of energy will be moving through you during this time. It will come through you as an amplification system. All individuals in your field of awareness, without realizing how or why, will be receiving this through you. There’s nothing to fear. They won’t know who it’s coming from. If you are surrendered enough, and awake while it’s happening, all you will feel is blissful love, peace, an urge to celebrate. POSEIDON love ~

Continue ReadingUrgent Message For All Starseeds, Lightworkers, Twin Flames, 144K, Healers, Elders, Wisdom Keepers and the Rest….