Violet Flame of Saint Germain Prayer Meditation for Irma Category 5 Hurricane

We pray for all sentient beings that may be along the path of Irma. We pray for the safety of all life that may be effected by this great hurricane. We call on and invoke the Violet Flame of St Germain and all the Ascended Masters and we call on the Angelic Realm to Protect and Comfort all beings that may be in the path of this energy. Fill the Earth Realm with the Violet Ray of Saint Germain. See The Violet Flame Blaze and Penetrate the Veil of Separation and ignorance. We can use our Unity Collective violettaConsciousness to calm the storm to calm all thoughts and energies that may cause harm. We bring balance and harmony to this Earth Realm.

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The Event Flash — The Galactic Wave of Love

You know how powerful the forces of nature are amid a storm? When that sudden sound of thunder with a terrible noise surprises us and transports us to a feeling of awe and wonder. When the Event Flash is upon us it will be sudden, unexpected and everyone on this planet will experience it simultaneously. If we are asleep we will no doubt awaken with a knowing that something very unusual is taking place.

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Choose Love

That which you think about, act upon and speak is affecting the collective consciousness so those who choose peace, those who choose to follow their own authentic self - do not become swayed by those who would try to demean you because you do not have the same perspective on what is occurring upon your planet at this time.

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Planet Earth will NEVER be the same again after this Portal Gateway Month – Sept 2016

Fear not, for your suffering will end before you know it. In time we feel that our suffering is eternal but in reality it is only a moment in time. As we travel out of time into eternity we will realize that it was all just an instant. We are eternal Spirit experiencing a moment of seeming separation. It seemed like a good idea at the time until we fell into deep sleep and the fear kicked in!

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Your human aspect will experience many deaths along the way. Your physical body will too. This is how your SOUL awakens INSIDE YOUR BODY, and your physical cleanses and purifies all of the human'ness you came here to experience and transcend from within you. As your physical body awakens, it becomes conscious too. The ENERGY of LIGHT will start to move inside of you, activate and awaken that which you didn't REMEMBER existed....

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CREATING A NEW WORLD ~ The Arcturian Group

Dear friends, we observe many now filled with Light and hope in spite of outer appearances. The “future” is here and all is proceeding according to plan. Allow the process, which means a letting go of remaining resistance and concepts regarding what “should” be happening or when and how it “needs” to happen. Simply continue to hold the Light, Dear Ones, for you are creating a new world.

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