Light Codes from the Sun Intensify
Light Codes from the Sun Intensify Light Codes from the Sun Intensify... Lightworkers are being activated. your missions are being implemented. We are awakening into the light transmitting our Love…
Light Codes from the Sun Intensify Light Codes from the Sun Intensify... Lightworkers are being activated. your missions are being implemented. We are awakening into the light transmitting our Love…
Multidimensional DNA Activation ~ Hello Paul, We are entering new territory! 2018 is proving to be an exceptional year, as incoming solar winds alter the geomagnetic field and trigger subsequent…
Beloved Ones, the Equinox on March 2018 is a powerful moment in the Spiral of the Sacred Year. The Equinox Star Gate is an 8th Dimensional Solar Gateway and it is transmitting waves of Diamond Light to the Earth along with powerful magnetic waves of Light Codes and Water Codes.
The Event is coming soon. In this video I explain few ways to prepare for the Event and the Ascension of Gaia.
The Event Is Upon Us by Dawn Bailey, Guest writer, The event is upon us By research, visions and channelings. I have narrowed it down to the 3rd week in…
How often do you remember to take a LONG moment to make friends with your many, Multidimensional Friends who, by the way, ALL live within YOU!
The Leo Lunar Eclipse on January 31st opened the cosmic portal to the photonic plasma light infusion that is altering life on planet earth. We will be broadcasting ‘live’ Thursday during the Solar Eclipse in our Global Activation show, a powerful time for Lightworkers to unite and transform the world consciousness.
We stand today on the very cusp of Victory. Patience and guile (internal wisdom) are leading us toward manifesting the galactic society that we all have long worked for. It is ready to become a truly wondrous reality based on the principle of Unity consciousness.
What comes to mind when you think of the idea of channeling? It is much more than ‘an alien entity speaking through you’ or as skeptics would consider ‘a well practiced message that garners popularity.’ Channeling is being just that; a channel. A channel for energy to flow through you – an endless ebb and flow rippling throughout all levels of reality. We are all conduits of energy, so just by breathing and just by being – you are channeling. We all have the innate ability to bring a ‘higher’ source of consciousness through us. Anything that comes through you as a separate entity still exists as an aspect of you. Channeling ‘Archangel Micheal’ is information filtered through the angelic aspect of you. We are all different expressions of the same energy. So the idea of channeling can be seen as a constant, unconscious act of life. To consciously connect with and channel a higher source takes time and practice.