The Holy Heavenly Light will Shine Upon this Earth Realm Oct 11 at 11:11 am

The Heavenly Ascended Light will flood this Earth realm with the highest light and illumination since the fall of man. This will help bring the event and shift to the light. this Holy Light will fill the Earth Realm from 11:11 am to 11:11 Pm Pacific time and will help to accelerate all ascension and our reconnection to our higher 5th dimensional self.

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Up-leveling Your Frequency

Over the past week or so, I have intuitively sensed a palpable increase in crystalline light entering the energy fields of lightworkers worldwide. As I tune into this higher frequency, it feels like a time of energetic preparation for dramatic leaps forward in consciousness. It’s as if the external changes you’ve been dreaming to implement or act upon are being foreshadowed by the inner changes that must occur first. As a result, a variety of interesting symptoms are arising, as evidence of a global up-leveling in heart-centered frequency. Often times, the adverse symptoms are not signs of a lower vibrational reality, but indicative of how smooth or tumultuous of a time your energy field is having in synthesizing and integrating newer frequencies as outdated energies are purged.

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Energy Update – Physical Cleansing, Pineal Gland Activation

Are you ready? Really really really really really ready? Frequencies are lifting us, we are going higher…. pineal activations commence. For those experiencing the “PHYSICAL AFFECTS” OF your SOUL/Higher Self/Source Light activating INSIDE of your body (LightBody), honor this… it’s mega important! Your entire physical being is going through an overhaul, cleansing, re-calibration……. When gravity goes (as your heart opens), your head is taken offline, your body goes weak (for awhile, then this rarely occurs anymore), some call it “vertigo”…. a human word for your SOUL WAKING UP INSIDE…… Your eyes can’t focus, you can’t stay awake, you feel like you are walking in a foggy groggy dream, you can’t remember simple things, as you shift dimensionally…..

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Planet Earth will NEVER be the same again after this Portal Gateway Month – Sept 2016

Fear not, for your suffering will end before you know it. In time we feel that our suffering is eternal but in reality it is only a moment in time. As we travel out of time into eternity we will realize that it was all just an instant. We are eternal Spirit experiencing a moment of seeming separation. It seemed like a good idea at the time until we fell into deep sleep and the fear kicked in!

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Your human aspect will experience many deaths along the way. Your physical body will too. This is how your SOUL awakens INSIDE YOUR BODY, and your physical cleanses and purifies all of the human'ness you came here to experience and transcend from within you. As your physical body awakens, it becomes conscious too. The ENERGY of LIGHT will start to move inside of you, activate and awaken that which you didn't REMEMBER existed....

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Alignment to the Diamond Light Codes

Welcome sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this month of June as you deepen into the knowing of your magnificence and Light, as these sacred transfiguring flames of Divine Love and Master Beings of Light. Sweet ones, we let you know in this beautiful month of June as you head into the Solstice on June 20th there is the deepest level of alignment and activation to the Diamond Ray of Melchizedek Consciousness and the Diamond Light Codes that are to be experienced for every man woman and child on this sacred Earth through the group I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light.

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