Sun Enters Virgo the Virgin – Egyptian Vulture Goddess Nekhbet ~ Regulus: Heart of the Lion * Crystalline DNA ~ THE LIGHT OF GOD NEVER FAILS
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Royal Lion Kingdom, Protectors of our Sacred Lands of Mu
Through todays Sacred Portal our local soularis transitions from the Zodiac Sign of Leo the Lion into Virgo the Virgin also aligning with the Royal Star Regulus, the Heart of the Lion, and Guardian of the North Cosmic Gate. As we enter Virgo Season, the time of the Great Harvest, we complete our Divine Light Works to then enjoy the fruits of our labors.
We are Now on the 8th day in a row of massive white light beams appearing on the Schumann charts with Gaias heartbeat reaching higher amplitudes of 38 hz, 53 hz, 81 hz and a whiteout pillar of light at 89 hz. Fifth through 8th dimensions anchored in and rising. On the 7th day we rest on the 8th we break through all false time loops and step into the Freedom of the Eternal Now.
Our locals Soualris also continues to flood Gaia and all her Children of the Sun with Gamma Plasma Waves of Cosmic Mother Liquid Gold Light releasing 13 C Class Soular Flares today and a M Class Flare maxing at M 1.59 at 10:39 UTC.
All the Galactic Events flowing in are activating the 12 Strand Crystalline DNA of our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 to transform into the 5D Krystos Avatars of Terra Nova Gaia, mothership 33 of our Universal Alliance of Light.
It is time Angels of the NEw Earth to make our Quantum Leap of Faith, never looking back, only on our prize of our 5D New Golden Age of Eternal Life…A’Ho!
Hold on to your Halos! We are in hyper transconfiguration = FULL ON (crystalline) Light Body expansion #plasmablast 123123
Light Body
Message from Mary Magdalene & Mother Mary 8/22/2024 “This is our time now dear children of the light as the sun has returned in its full splendor & glory w/in the Self.For you see the light of the sun is in truth the same as the radiant light of the Son that rises w/in the Self.
Mary Magdalene day
Miss Oracle
CHOSEN ONES. You are on the frontline of the GLOBAL AWAKENING of mankind. You are an infinite being with SUPER POWERS. Step up and align yourself with your destiny. Nothing can stand in our way. We are the ones we have been waiting for. The world belongs to us not the elites.
Awakening Heart
The energies are amping up for a greater acceleration of the ascension process. All who are observing and assisting in Earth’s ascension are in agreement that any further delays are not only unnecessary, but may allow the dark to create more false flag events, contributing to more chaotic and unwanted timelines. From now to the end of the year 2024, you will be rising to new levels of consciousness. Anchoring more light and dissolving timelines which do not serve this process any longer. In turn you are also lighting the way for Collective to come along, into the higher subplanes of the Fourth Dimension.
This energy shift continues with the most refined crystalline harmonics and frequencies we have experienced so far.
Crystalline DNA, heart magnetics, and lightbody expansion are stimulated, raising prepared consciousness to higher realm states.
Your lower levels cannot fully comprehend what is unfolding. Let the density fade from your old creation of self.
Active creativity supports reception and integration.
Nature helps the mind-emotions-body to stay in Divine Neutrality so the light may transform all structures into harmonious balance to birth the new realms right through us.
8/22/24: Your Right Action today is to address the wobbles as we prepare for Virgo’s scrutiny. Wobbles happen when you’re off balance in any part of your life. Wobbles are unfinished tasks and projects, unspoken conversations, unfulfilled expectations… and the annoyance of an uncensored nagging ego that relentlessly erodes your peace. You are not broken, lacking, helpless, hopeless, or a burden. You just need centering and grounding. Struggling is a symptom of a wobble that needs your attention in a quiet, self-aware moment. So today is for feeling into any area that stresses you and taking action to bring it into alignment. And, magically, sometimes just seeing it is enough to set it right.
Dear friends, as the resplendent Sun bids adieu to the majestic realm of Leo, we slowly bid farewell to the warmth of golden light, the untamed joy of creative expression, and the tender connections that nourished our hearts. The fiery passion of Leo’s reign now yields to the discerning, analytical essence of Virgo, ushering us into a season of refinement, practicality, and cosmic rejuvenation.
Like a master artisan, Virgo’s energy invites us to scrutinize, perfect, and polish every facet of our lives, illuminating the intricate web of our daily routines, habits, and rituals. As we transition from Leo’s expansive, generous spirit to Virgo’s precise, meticulous nature, we’re called to anchor our creative spark in the fertile soil of reality, nurturing ideas into tangible, flourishing manifestations. We move into an energy that supports the refinement of our skills and talents, honing them like precious gemstones, precision-cut to refract the light of our true multidimensional potential.
This new Virgo energy that is beginning to arrive this week is also caring, asking us to tend to our physical and emotional well-being with the gentle care of a devoted gardener, cultivating vitality and inner peace. It will be asking us to evaluate and adjust our relationships, ensuring harmony and mutual support, like a master conductor fine-tuning the symphony of our connections. This process includes the surrendering of the outworn, the obsolete, and the suffocating, creating space for the nascent, the innovative, and the liberating.
In this alchemical process, Virgo’s energy dissolves the old, revealing the hidden patterns and habits that have held us back, like a master healer coaxing the body to release its deepest wounds (much alike the current energies of Chiron—the wounded healer). Virgo tenderly guides us toward wholeness, awakening our inner wisdom, illuminating the path forward, and beckoning us to embrace the transformative power of refinement, renewal, and rebirth.
We are just one month away from the September Equinox and the lunar eclipse energies, making these upcoming four weeks quite significant for our process of inner refinement and timeline discernment. As we continue integrating all the new information we have anchored during the Leo season with its empowering 888 lightcodes, we are now sailing into new, exciting, and more hopeful lands where we can finally radiate our true divine Light.
Stay tuned for more energy updates as we embrace together the renewing energies of this season. Have a wonderful day. Much love
Our ascension journey is a continual process of purification and soul remembrance. During this time of heart expansion and amplification of the light transmissions received during this last phase, we move now into a purification phase with Virgo. Cleansing, especially after long periods of embodiment is another important part of our ascension journey, to release all we have healed and let go of.
It is now a time to work on etheric clearing through the removal of all cords, toxins, and debris that impede our bodies from embodying the new earth’s transmissions and what we descend from our soul and God Self. A process that shall not be confused with what many of us are continually experiencing – density emancipation – as my Gudies call the process of releasing more of our 3D nature, as we continue embodying our fifth-dimensional one.
Many of you are now releasing density, due to the new level of consciousness embodied. This is a distillation process that can be very similar to feeling drained, with no energy at all. This is because your body is getting accustomed to a new frequency, a lighter one, releasing more density and then feeling the profound shift it involves, which is often felt with extreme fatigue and anxiety, as we literally are letting go of what we have carried since we were born on this plane.
This is why it is so important to scan our bodies and detect if we are under this process or if we too need to start a purification phase in which we release cords and any other attachments that keep us energetically drained, and blocked.
The more we heal, and cut ties with what impedes us to be free energetic beings, the more we will experience this process of lightening. Cords are often one of the most common issues that diminish our energy. Cords do not have to be necessarily created through relationships, they can also be connected to places, other timelines, and dimensional spaces, for we not only dwell in this present moment but in many other simultaneous ones.
Many of you have recurrent dreams about other people, places, or even spaces, dimensions, and beings you cannot consciously understand. This is one of the most common indications that you are still connected to astral influences, people, or other situations that you need to let go and cut cords with if you wish to retrieve your energy and become spiritually sovereign.
Virgo’s essence is one of purification, assimilation, and distillation of what no longer serves us, for all of you hold a great divine potential within yourselves that is being diminished and drained by the many ties that link you to other sources and people.
It is part of who we are, and our journey to let go. When we do not let go of people, situations, and feelings, and resist what is natural, we create stagnation and stress, putting our body in alert mode, as it literally feels under attack.
Suffering is part of our human journey, although sometimes it is also caused by our unwillingness to let go.
If we were able to see into each other’s soul, we would never engage with certain energies and people whose purpose and choices are different than ours.
We will never fall into old traps, and above all, we will never allow anyone to disrespect our sacred energy. However, this earth plane teaches us how to retrieve this ability through the many encounters and experiences we have, for it is what enriches our soul, helps our growth, and helps us remember the gift of empathy.
Until we reach this state of clearly seeing the essence of others, as it occurs in the illumined realms, where nothing can be hidden, we have our own inner compass, our feelings, which are the ones that let us know if we are putting our energy at risk, or if we are co-creating with people that are in perfect resonance with who we are.
Our choices create stability, peace, expansion, healing, love, or disharmony. Every choice serves us to learn who we are, the nature of our energy, and with who and what we wish to engage or not.
Every choice takes us closer to being denser or less, depending on what we choose to align with.
May you always love, honor, and value your precious energy, beloveds.
When we have implicit trust in the perfect unfolding of the Divine Masterplan, and more than this, follow our intuitive guidance, our inner Seeing, Hearing, Knowing, and shut out the all the noise, the clamour of those who are still choosing the old existence in the Old Earth, new doors are opening and will open, as we are ready to step through them!
We are never given more than we can handle, and if we need help, we just need to ask. Yet, remember, if there are lessons in soul mastery, that you finally need to master, you will be asked to dig ever deeper into your own inner reserves, and trust your inner guidance and knowing, no matter what. The Company of Heaven cannot pass your own soul tests and initiations for you, and so can no other soul on earth. Initiations test the mettle of the soul, and like the rock which is put into extreme heat, from within the liquid, emerges the finest molten gold! I am constantly being shown the seed, which needs to die unto itself – yet in truth it is not dying, for new life is sprouting forth. If the seed refuses to die, new life cannot sprout forth!
The more initiations are passed, the lighter we become. The less attached we are to all and everything and everyone. One can love deeply and profoundly, without the need to own anyone, or cling onto anything or anyone.
A master is not attached – a master is free and allows all others to be free and simply themselves! More than this: We do not need the stamp of approval from anyone. We do not need the applause, nor validations any longer. We simply stand in the truth of who and what we in truth are, and thus we are free to fly ever higher and higher as we ascend more and more into the 5th and already some are ascending into the 7th.
There are many octaves of spirals in the Spirals of Omni-present life, the many tiers of Creation! Thus, there are many degrees of highest Mastery, planetary, galactic, Universal, Multi-Universal, etc. The soul in its infinity chooses to master it all. What a gift of Divine Love – the eternal journey and existence of the Soul! Your soul is immortal. And infinitely One with the Divine Source, from whom we sprouted forth! In the coming weeks and months, remember this!
Divine Justice is supporting the Divine Masculine Christ today, purifying them from density and duality for Holy Grail Union. The core wounding they have been carrying began through the Orion wars, and has tried to stop Humanity’s evolution. They have been carrying that grief and suffering of those control systems in their emotions, preventing them from accessing the Divine Feminine Christ. The clearings today are taking them out of duality, and into balance and oneness with their Feminine equal match. Their mind becomes clear so they can choose their destiny of Holy Grail Union. This alignment supports the timeline shift of Heaven on Earth. They are continuing taking back their position in Union, to create this new paradigm with their Divine Feminine Christ Counterpart.
Holy Union
Ra James
We have shifted into Virgo Season. Virgo Season lasts until Sep 22nd. This Virgo Season will be bringing us a lot of clarity. Virgo is a mutable Earth sign, which means it arrives at a transition point between seasons. This is a time of transformation. Virgo is the sign of service and tasks and is ruled by Mercury. Expect balance to be restored this Virgo Season. This will be a time of introspection. It’s a period for detailed planning and setting practical goals. It’s a great time to be focusing on the small details. Virgo also rules health and wellness. It’s a time to be working on improving yourself. This Virgo Season Mercury stations direct and we have a Lunar Eclipse. It’s time to get organized. It’s time to really clean up your space and your energy. Aug 28th Mercury stations direct. Mercury is the Planet of communication and planning.
This means you will be feeling a surge of momentum in areas that have felt stalled. Your plans and projects will start moving forward again. Communication will start to flow more easily too. This will end the miscommunications and misunderstandings. Expect this Virgo Season to bring healing to your love life. On Aug 29th Venus enters Libra. This will help your love life to flourish. This alignment will bring a lot of romance into your relationships. The first week of Virgo Season is a great time to focus on manifesting your heart’s desires. Virgo Season can help you to manifest the love that is meant for you.
It’s all about healing and letting go of any codependency or avoidance through doing the inner work. You attract relationships based on where you are within yourself. There is always a mirroring effect in your connections. Eclipse Season will kick off Sep 17th. Expect things to get intense during this time. The final week of Virgo Season plunges everyone into a bi-annual Eclipse portal. Expect a lot of changes to happen fast and deep revelations…
Virgo Season
Every year between August 21-23, as the Sun moves across the cusp of the tropical zodiac of Leo and Virgo, it meets with the star Regulus. Regulus is one of the four Royal Stars, Ancient Astrologers believed Regulus was the guardian of the northern sky and of the North Cosmic Gate. As the Sun crosses Regulus, energy from the North Cosmic Gate is activated, helping to awaken and charge our higher chakras. Regulus is also known as the heart of the lion and can support our highest dreams and passions. As Regulus and the northern cosmic gate are activated, set an intention for this energy to beam down from the heavens straight into your crown and into your heart.
See this energy expanding outward, filling your being with a sense of belonging, intuitive wisdom, and serenity. Along with activating the higher chakras, Regulus is also considered the star of royalty, success, and wealth. It is known as the Heart of the Lion, and can support our highest passions, dreams, and ambitions. If you are looking to attract more wealth or launch a business idea, working with Regulus can aid in your ability to attract success and abundance. You can use the days where the Sun aligns with Regulus to launch projects, publish work, sign contracts, or take action towards your dreams and goals. If you move from the heart, Regulus will work doubly hard to bring your manifestations to light.
If you are born between August 21-23 or have any planets around 0 degrees of Virgo, you have the lucky energy of Regulus on your side. Those born with an active Regulus often thrive in leadership positions and may find that people naturally flock to them for their advice and counsel. In ancient times, Regulus was also considered the star of Kings and Queens, so as the Sun aligns with Regulus, there may be news around Royal families or even prominent world leaders.
Virgo swings in after a crucial time in the spiritual journey of 2024, following a most intense time at the peak of the Lightbridge which flared across Leo Season and the 8 8 gateway, but which was actually highly fuelled by the total eclipse back on April 8th.
With that being said the start of it should be a calmer downslide, in terms of intensity of purging and receiving energetic codes.
Beginning on 22nd August Virgo brings Sensitives a sense of calm, which is currently much needed to dispel extremism and polarity states which have gripped the third dimensional world with increasing intensity across recent years. Leo season saw a lot of energetic purification, especially around the 8 8 Lionsgate of cosmic alignment, with the Sun, the Star Sirius and the Egyptian landmarks of the Ancient pyramids.
Many Sensitives would have felt a period of transmutation as a flare up of aggravated physical and emotional symptoms in early August, which has likely led to bubbling up heightened activity of a chaotic nature or toxic source. This has put tensions on high and actions in some cases on high alert in everyday community life, with a desperate need to release rising tensions, some even at fever pitch.
The end of Leo season sees us at a point of RESET, whereby a new calm following a time of energetic intensity rides wave across Virgo season through to the end of the year.
“The Full moon on the 19th August on the cusp of Leo/Virgo sets the pace not only for the new Virgo season but also for the coming months and is in fact an instigator of change which washes in across to the end of 2024, allowing for plans and future trends across into 2025.
The intense times of August, seen to peak following the 8 8 portal produced purging due to fiery transformative effects, which brought forward a bubbling over of dissatisfaction and frustration at community and political level. The third dimension was truly shaken by the wake up codes which brought into view that which is unsatisfactory and sought to air it, perhaps in a rather hot headed way.
The full moon in Aquarius reaches the more gentle natured folk delivering the same agenda, but this time to be sought for solutions through a softer approach which requires intelligent thinking, perceiving and communicating. The intuitive aspects of Aquarius allows for those whose best skill is to think outside of `the box` (or in spiritual terms `the matrix`) to put together with a deeply nurtured ability for empathy and compassion, which will be extended by the nurturing aspects within Virgo; making a collaboration of heart and mind which communicates a practical vision for the physicality of going forward”.
On the Wheel of the Zodiac each sign emerges from the previous sign. Virgo, the sixth sign of the Zodiac, is in direct relationship to Leo, the sign it follows. In Leo, the integrated individual appears. Virgo’s job is to perfect that individual so they are better ready to enter into relationship with others.
From this, the beauty and the shadow of Virgo appears: high standards, attention to detail, organizational abilities, skill at prioritizing, discernment … and … worry, perfectionism, judgmentalism, a tendency to be overly critical, and fussiness.
In Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Virgo is allied with the vulture goddess, Nekhbet. In shamanic traditions, Vulture is associated with purification. Vultures consume decaying bodies without harm to their own health. They purify the landscape of the toxins that cause other animals sickness and even death. What is poison to others is nurturance to them.
Nekhbet, in her guise as a Vulture with wings outspread, adorns the entry way to temples and holy places throughout Egypt. If you want admission to the mysteries, you must be granted entry by Nekhbet.
Within our psyche, Nekhbet is the Crone Priestess – the Grandmother. When we meet her in meditation and in journeys, she asks, “Are you doing your Sacred Work?” If we are not, she kindly but firmly directs us to do whatever we must (inner child work, family of origin exploration, ancestral healing) so that we might better ascend to our mission.
Most people with Virgo in their personalities have a strong sense of purpose, although they may not be clear as to what they are to do. If that is true for you, call upon Nekhbet to help you determine your next right step upon your Sacred Path.
The Sun will emanate through Virgo/Nekhbet from August 22 to September 22.
On Thursday, August 22nd, the Sun, ruler of the lens through which we shine our light, shifts into discerning Virgo at 10:55am EDT until September 22nd. Virgo is about work, order, organization, practicality, productivity, observation, attention to detail, service to others, health, healing, self-improvement and alchemy, so these qualities will be highlighted for the next month. Later today the Sun, ruler of self-expression, makes a difficult inconjunct aspect to Pluto, planet of death and rebirth, in extremist Aquarius.
Transformation and regeneration of the ego self is possible with a little attention and awareness. We also have Venus, ruler of the feminine archetype, in perfectionistic Virgo in a hard square to Mars, ruler of the masculine archetype, in vacillating Gemini. We may feel challenged in relationships and financial matters. Our discrimination is heightened, but so is the potential for anxiety. Be open to change and redirection throughout the day. If you can, get out into nature as it will help to keep you grounded and centered.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
the Sun, ruler of the lens through which we shine our light, shifts into discerning Virgo
Sun enters Virgo and quincunx Pluto in Aquarius – As we move into Virgo season, it’s time to get organised. Create a bullet journal or a step-by-step plan to achieve your goals and keep you on track. Streamline routines so you spend time and energy more efficiently. Deal with those tasks that have been irritating in the background. Pay attention to details. With the Sun-Pluto quincunx in play, there may be an underlying fear of the future or the terror of things spinning out of control. Take care of today and tomorrow will take care of itself. Re-establish order and calm by quietly focusing on one thing at a time. Be practical. You cannot control every eventuality.
As Virgo is also a sign associated with health and healing, maybe you want to fast, cleanse or revise your diet or exercise regime. Analyse what works for you rather than trying to adhere to collective ideals. Shower yourself with praise rather than criticism. Remember your body is the temple of your soul.
The number 7 is called ‘Resonant’ and its keywords are ‘Channel, Inspire and Attune’. The 7th step of any wavespell is about using your intuition to figure out what to do next. We are now in the middle of the wavespell of ‘Enlightenment’, time to channel what you need and this shall illuminate your path.
Today is White Worldbridger and keywords associated with it are ‘ Opportunity, Death and Equality’. The Worldbridger invites us to cross over to a new place. This can be in your mind, symbolizing crossing from dreams to reality or vice versa. It can symbolize an actual crossing, going on a trip. It can also represent stepping up to a higher purpose. Worldbridger always charges a toll when crossing the bridge and this represents the sacrifices we must make in order to shift upwards. Our progress is never just handed to us on a silver platter, we must earn it and this is why ‘death’ is associated with the Worldbridger, you must let go of something before crossing over. Usually this is ego or emotional baggage, for one must become lighter as the bridge has a weight restriction! These days are full of opportunities and so ask yourself – where do you want to go and what are you prepared to sacrifice?
Today’s Guide is White Mirror which represents ‘Reflecting Truth’. This suggests that if you are honest with yourself the truth can lead you over that bridge. Always when the Mirror is in the guiding position we must be brutally honest with ourselves and this will ensure we take the right steps. If you fool yourself this will lead to bad choices and wasted opportunities.
The Challenge of the day is Yellow Warrior and so if you are a Warrior, you may find crossing bridges tricky today. Don’t despair but do disarm yourself of all your weapons as today is not a battle you can win.
The Occult power is the Blue Eagle which is the visionary of the Tzolkin. Eagles see things from a higher perspective and when in a magical position can see things the rest of us cannot. This magical view enables them to fly higher and from up there they see all the bridges and can fly right over them without paying the toll. What does this mean? You don’t have to be an Eagle to take flight today, use a bit of magic and you too can ‘see’.
The Ally is the Red Skywalker and these adventurers make great traveling companions today. If you need help crossing a bridge, let Skywalker show you how it is done. He offers courage to us in a friendly way and this gives us the nerve to cross. Skywalker’s boldness can be of great use today.
KIN 46 = 10 = Manifestation/Authority/Power = 1 Leadership/New Beginnings
CIMI and BEN are opening doorways, to many realms today, accessed by our level of consciousness. A day of DEATH and NEW BEGINNINGS, attuning to the endless opportunities presenting now.
As the veil OPENS and the plasma seeps through the CRACKS in GAIA’S magnetosphere.. the WORLDBRIDGER constructs the rainbow path from the old MIRROR world to 5D.. HALLELUJAH!!
We are discovering the path that leads to the highest evolutionary growth.
Day 7 is about INSPIRATION, surrendering to TRUTH, and IGNITING more LIGHT, to focus on the Highest potential of our Evolutionary Growth. The HIGHER our CONSCIOUSNESS and ability to discern DIVINE TRUTH, the more opportunities are available to us on our soul’s journey.
RESONANT – Tone 7 in the EMOTIONAL realm. ACTION – inspires, POWER – channel, ESSENCE – attunement. The RESONANT tone very powerfully ignites the manifestation potentials today as it provides the ability to FINE TUNE and channel these majikal forces. Remember that it is our VIBRATION that will energize our creation, and that this is broadcast through our EMOTIONAL body, rather than our mental body.
Mystical 7 understands that EVERYWHERE is majikal but right here is better, once we attune and then channel the majik through this present moment that is available to us all. Today we are attuning to the ENDLESS opportunities that are flowing into our lives through these wondrous new energies. They can be accessed through the process of surrendering and LETTING GO of the past, in order to attune to the NOW moment, that is where all the Majik resides.
Number 7 is also the frequency of the Mystic and the Magician which brings forth an element of SPIRITUAL MAJIK to these codes today.
What type of MAJIK are you ATTUNED to today?
What WONDERFUL relationships, unions and opportunities will you manifest?
Today we have two questions…
“WHO or WHAT do I need to LET GO and detach from, in order to Resonate to a higher vibration, building my rainbow bridge to SOURCE?” and……
“WHO or WHAT am I attuned to, building bridges together to bring HEAVEN to EARTH?”
Divine blessings for the BLISSFUL connections and endless opportunities presenting today.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
18 MOONS ago – last Galactic spin – KIN 46 aligned with EQUINOX and so we revisit this energy today!
The EQUINOX marks the exact point in “TIME” where the length of day and night – LIGHT and DARKNESS is exactly EQUAL – 12 hours long. This marks the transition point as the seasons change in the two Hemispheres – from DARK to LIGHT/Winter to Spring in the Northern, and from LIGHT to DARK/Summer to Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere. This powerfully illuminates the concept of EQUALITY and BALANCE through the natural cycles of GAIA.
The Worldbridger emphasizes EQUALITY and strives to create a world where ALL HUMANS are EQUAL.. a very honourable code.
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE RESONANT WORLDBRIDGER – CIMI inspires us to SURRENDER to the pure reflected LIGHT of ALL THAT IS. SURRENDERING to the feeling of perfect endless order.
WORLDBRIDGER helps us to connect and network with others, through reflecting on what we FEEL through the resonant tone. We attract those of a similar frequency of resonance and equality.
CIMI seals the store of DEATH! The DEATH and closure of old cycles, patterns and people. We must LET GO and cut away any attachments that limit or restrict us, that have kept us from SURRENDERING into the pure LIGHT of DIVINE SOURCE.
The WORLDBRIDGER assists us in crossing from one world to another, by releasing all that is extraneous to our Divine Sovereignty. Our level of consciousness will determine what we can access.
“Our consciousness is the door, a portal gateway for each of us to explore. Beyond the conditioned reality there is more. You are the key that opens the door.” ~ Mynzah Hosiris
The RESONANT WORLDBRIDGER, who is attuned to the EMOTIONAL REALM, brings the focus on Sealing the store of DEATH, in order to INSPIRE your next chapter along life’s journey.
Today is a “DO or DIE” day symbolically speaking – or in other words “make-up or break-up” day. Any relationships that are not of the highest LIGHT will be challenged and dissolved, whilst other true relationships will be elevated to a higher status .
Only relationships based on EQUALITY will thrive in this new energy. The energy today is in the EMOTIONAL plane and is about connecting to others, building bridges and cutting to the TRUTH. Only TRUE relationships will stand this test.
It is a day when you MAY meet or connect (physically, mentally, emotionally or energetically) with your existing partner or a new person. You may also connect with other kin and soul family in your TRIBE. A BEAUTIFUL day of DIVINE CONNECTIONS!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE:WHITE RESONANT MIRROR ETZNAB reflects the TRUTH of what is. ETZNAB reveals the ILLUSIONS and falsities and together with CIMI provides the bridge to escape the trap of the Hall of Mirrors. Today we have an 11 ILLUMINATION code – which aligns with the hall of mirrors inviting us to walk through the doorways and CHOOSE the path of CLARITY and TRUTH. .
The RESONANT MIRROR is attuned to the highest TRUTH – that of the DIVINE and ultimate, bliss filled evolutionary outcome. The old mirror world is SHATTERING very fast and the LIGHT of AHAU is shining so BRIGHT that there can be no avoiding what is REVEALED for ALL to SEE!
Allow ETZNAB to clear the smokescreen that has kept you veiled, and SURRENDER to the TRUE reflections revealed. This will open new doorways for endless LIGHT and new opportunities, to stream in.
Any falsities in your current connections and relationships will be revealed today, so be prepared to FACE the TRUTH of what is revealed. The MIRROR reflects – so be observant of what is reflected back to you through your partner, family, friends and others. It is time to FACE the real TRUTH of who YOU are.
The BRIGHTEST LIGHT reveals the darkest shadows.
SUPPORT: RED RESONANT SKYWALKER – BEN is a beautiful support for his best mate CIMI. As one explores new horizons, the other builds the bridge to these new worlds. They walk through the portals arm in arm as the wayshowers for the many following their lead.
BEN encourages us to INSPIRE others through our willingness to EXPAND our connections, networks and relationships. Attuning to our TRUE and authentic feelings, and being willing to explore NEW OPTIONS and NEW HORIZONS.
Letting go and SURRENDERING the old limitations and restrictive neighbourhood. Bigger and better, exploring SPACE and surrounding ourselves with a larger tribe.
Come out of your cave and fully AWAKEN to the wonder of a NEW and better world, built on the foundation of EQUALITY, LOVE and TRUST.
BEN is the Angelic Messenger, and the RESONANT SKYWALKER is fully attuned to the Heavenly realms, bringing HEAVEN to EARTH. Allow BEN today to elevate all your relationships to a state of BLISS and remind you that HEAVEN really is a place on EARTH!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE RESONANT EAGLE – MEN reveals the BIG PICTURE so that we can find SOLUTIONS to what has been limiting our VISION. A BRILLIANT superpower for our PLANETARY FOCUS today.
BLUE EAGLE holds the blueprint for our PLANETARY MIND – so whatever is revealed through this resonant tone has the POWER to reshape the COLLECTIVE consciousness and our REALITY!!!!.
Once the TRUTH is revealed we can SURRENDER the distortion and false narrative, and then focus on a better future for humanity. We must be able to SEE and fully understand what has transpired, in order to move on unhindered by past events. We can learn the LESSONS and have the wisdom to choose not to repeat them again – escaping the karmic cycle. What a GIFT!
This is a RESONANT EAGLE so he is very attuned to what needs to be revealed. If you have any problem SURRENDERING your old outmoded life-style, contacts and relationships, then allow the SUPERPOWER of BLUE EAGLE to guide you, bringing your focus to your FUTURE VISION.
QUANTUM JUMPING is favoured today with this incredible SUPERPOWER. Jumping into the future and looking back at the present, always makes our current problems look more miniscule, giving a greater renewed perspective as we can SEE through FRESH EYES.
The EAGLE gives us emotional maturity today in order to SEE the TRUTH, of what needs healing in our relationship with ourselves and others. We can thus attain and hold a higher frequency, and a purer connection to SOURCE.
The SEER and the Entrepreneur, who holds the GRAND VISION easily inspires his fellow tribe members.
INSPIRED VISIONARIES are the new leaders for our 5D Ascended Earth. Go forth and SHARE your VISION to CREATE it.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW RESONANT WARRIOR CIB the fearless Rainbow Warrior, gives us the courage today to go within, questioning our status quo and our relationships, truthfully and honestly. CIB elevates our emotional intelligence so that we can create harmonious unions through compassion for others.
The brave WARRIOR faces the TRUTH and acts for the HIGHEST GOOD of ALL – remembering his allegiance, no matter what is presenting in front of him. This WARRIOR knows when it is time to walk away from an unwinnable battle. Sometimes SURRENDER is the best PATH to FREEDOM.
It is TIME to SURRENDER the battles and forge a more PEACE filled path.
Today’s 22 Architect of PEACE code will ILLUMINATE our best path to PEACE.
Although the RAINBOW WARRIOR is adept at walking the solitary path, it is time for the global Warriors to return home and forge new connections with their new harmonious tribes. Aho!
The RESONANT WARRIOR is challenging you to
FEARLESSLY say YES to all the new opportunities that present.
Through expressing our BLISS we can influence others to do the same. In this way we have LEGIONS of souls living INSPIRED LIVES, and truly ELEVATING our Planet’s vibration, and the global life experience for humankind on EARTH. Aho beloveds!
Today we have two questions…
“WHO or WHAT do I need to LET GO and detach from, in order to Resonate to a higher vibration, building my rainbow bridge to SOURCE?” and……
“WHO or WHAT am I attuned to, building bridges together to bring HEAVEN to EARTH?”
Divine blessings for the BLISSFUL connections and endless opportunities presenting today.
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
This Decree warns about the existing emergency to All members of the Great White Brotherhood, Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings.
It is recommended that Light Workers, Light Warriors, USE THIS DECREE WISELY and RESPONSIBLY.
Said 3 times in a row whether audibly or mentally, as circumstances allow. Constitutes Humanity’s aid request to the Great White Brotherhood.
The moment the call is raised, all Archangels, Angels, Ascended Masters are alerted immediately.
And the person who makes the call, receives instantly!
The blessings you will receive will be multiplied by this service rendered just like this and to your fellows.
Gratitude Gratitude Gratitude Gratitude!!!
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