Cellular Purification Happening Now! Guardians of Gaia ~ Angelic Star Tribes ~ FLOWING WITH THE BREATH OF LIFE
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Great Lion Kingdom of our Lyran Nation of New Lemuria
Happy 8:8 Galactic Gateway connecting us to the most powerful Lionsgate 8:8:8 Portal this coming August 8th.
We have massive Higher Dimensional Energies pouring in through this Eclipse Corridor pushing us over every threshold and breaking every barrier that has hindered us from our full Ascension and Awakening into our 5D New Earth Heaven.
To assist us in our Ascension Process our local Solaris continues to release a barrage of Solar Flashes and Flares with over 15 C Class Solar Flares today and is currently at 5 M Class Flares the most powerful maxing at M 1.94 at 13:30 UTC, synchronizing with our 13 Goddess Code and 33 of Divine Mastery.
As all Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are being enveloped and inundated with Gamma Plasma Waves of Adamantine Light we rise together while anchoring in our Highest Timeline and Trajectory into the Crystalline Core of Gaia, for as she rises we rise with her!
We are on the precipice of our full compression breakthrough, nothing can stop our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into the New human Species of homo-Luminous, Lightbodies of Rainbow Diamond Hearts and Minds of the Pure Land of Buddha Consciousness.
Keep going through and through and through until we reach the other shore as Rainbow Bridgers of our New Heaven upon our New Earth…A’Ho!
The guardians of Gaia have been down here since the beginning. You will know who they are. They hold the keys to shift the landlines. To change the entire hologram. You will see without seeing. You will feel without feeling. You will walk without legs. You will fly without wings everything will change
Beautiful White-Golden Energy pouring in and with it the full return on the Sun Discs now being released from the Great Central Suns and these will illumined our hearts and minds in powerful, expansive ways.
These Sun Discs are linking up with those which were held in custody for exactly this time when the New Earth rises and with it the 5th to 7th dimensional state, as the higher technological re-mem-bering starts, which once was applied to the building of the massive megalithic sites and the pyramids.
More than this, the higher Christ Consciousness is being activated, the Divine Feminine Christ with the Divine Masculine Christ, returning balance and harmony in the next years, until we fully are lifted into the New Golden Age.
I just love it: for it means that we are being reborn in so many forms and ways, and note that this year is a catalyst year in so many ways, breaking up the old so powerfully, yet at the very same time, rebirthing in the highest degrees!
3/26/24: Start fresh today. See with new eyes. Feel with new feelings. Expect different. Seek the previously unseen. Don’t look at… look in. Don’t shut down to protect yourself. Open wide so the unexplored can enter. Begin again. And, if that’s not enough… begin again tomorrow. Set aside what you know, and what you think you know, and welcome the mysterious, the unexplained, and the confusing. Be curious, be amused, be surprised. Be present. Be willing. Be free.
Feel with new feelings
Shekina Rose
Blue Ray Transmissions:
The ultra-sensitive Empath, Starseed & Lightworker, Blue Ray Ascension Updates
Many empaths and star seeds are experiencing significant effects from this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra, including transitions, upgrades, fatigue, body aches, the shifting of old energies, the shifting of time lines, and the transformation of new beings into Divine Angelic humans.
Know that by harnessing the celestial energies, this realization can have an incredibly positive and empowering effect on you. You were designed to be sensitive to utilize these celestial cosmic and Mother Earth energies for your highest purpose and to shift the vibrational frequencies of yourselves and the planet.
{I am remembering more of who i am and why i am here}.
We Are Awakening!
A stronger connection to the Angelic realms to the planet has occurred. There is no places that we cannot reach you on earth, we are here and always with you.
A dimensional shift is occurring at this writing and beckoning you to awareness and to be a part of the higher frequencies and cellular light increase. This new gateway will open your sight into the inter-dimensions and messages from 5th, 6th & 7th higher dimensional beings.
Go within. Your cellular memories are awakening of the Angels and celestial Light communities you are from, also referred to as the Angelic Star Tribes, Bird Tribe, Angelics and Star Seeds. Many of you have alliances with those sacred lineages. The Angelic dimensional gateway is here and reverberating in your longing to be united to resonate to what it is to be a true real Divine Angelic Human. {444}
source: https://shekinarose.com
Blue Ray Goddess of Light
Cellular purification happening now!
I mentioned two days ago the influx of light coming in and the increase of protons. Not only did we have an x class solar flare last night, we’re having solar proton storms too. The same magnetic frequency of the the sun matches the magnetic frequency of the protons at the high heart.
Incredible expansion beyond illusions so people can quantum heal & shift their reality beyond the matrix. The matrix is collapsing at a fast rate. Remember high frequencies reptilians can not thrive, but you can. It’s why they use subconscious programming and use low frequency technology to lower the frequency. Purification at the subatomic level of your DNA clears eons of abuse on angelic human lineages. It is your choice to allow this attunement to be received. Allow to renew anew 🤍
I felt called to the beach days to anchor the Age of light and assist the purification through water. Water is a powerful element to work with for purity and renewal. I used the energy of water in my shamanic sessions & incredible to see one go from trauma into peace without feeling an ounce of suffering. You do not have to relive abuse to clear it, light of love to self, forgiveness or acceptance bridges that gap in consciousness. Breathe in light to your lungs now as your heart is going through a rebirth 🧬🪽
Solar maximum is increasing! We are the children of the sun prophesied! Let’s gooo, take in the light that you are, the light you are created from. We came here to change the game and it was always gonna look wild in process because of what was hidden.
You are here to anchor the light, not get pulled in with darkness as it transmutes. Krystalline frequencies, the codes of God source frequencies are surging and stillness within you to feel peace and love in your mind and heart brings a unification of the pineal and pituitary glands. Giving balance and incredible spiritual activations of your soul’s gifts and abilities!
Cellular purification happening now!
Light workers across the planet have been anchoring pre solar flash energy in order for humanity to receive the highest spiritual benefit while having an attenuated impact on the physical body. Humanity is ready for these frequencies.
Our heart energy is secure synchronized to the heartbeat of creation as our perception has become 1 w/the One. For you see ascension is not awakening to cerebral realizations, it is a blossoming of Divine Love becoming that which we were created to be, magnificent beings of Love & light.
A symphony of light cascades to earth revealing it is time for great change. The groundwork has been laid, the grids, ley lines & templates illuminated w/ Christ light. Now it is time for pure illumination in the hearts & minds of humanity, the song of the Creator’s grand return.
This is the climax of energy the epiphany of a 1,000 lifetimes to reveal w/ undeniable certainty we are the children of the light &we are victorious. Oh for so long our spirits desired full expression ,to overthrow the ones who worked to control us. We rise in the garden paradise🌎.
The March Lunar Eclipse brings a New Light after walking a long path during these first two months of the Year, navigating between worlds and transitioning from one frequency into a higher one that have finally led you now into the new state of being that you have consciously decided to embrace and that will allow you to flow, surrender and bring into the surface all the inner visions you have received for the next steps of your journey.
Just before you reach a higher level of consciousness, your old fears may resurface, not to trap you quite the opposite. The universe wants to show you that your old patterns no longer have power over you, or at least, less power…
With the coming portal 4:4 and April 8th ~ 444~ Solar Eclipse Big changes are upon your world, it’s not coming, it has arrived. You are going to witness more dissolving of many beliefs within your present systems of education, science, medicine, law, religions, old distorted concepts and beliefs that have been accepted as being high intellectual truth. Stand back and observe in Neutrality the world from your safe and secure place of Light within your Heart. Give everyone space, including your Self…
Humanity is upgrading like never before, your bodies are in perfect unison with Terra, as they are making a swift move upward. This advancement will cause sudden heatwaves for the body, fear not, they are signs of an evolving human body. Suppressed trauma will be coming up in extreme ways as a consequence of these energies. The painful events of your past, can not come with you to tomorrow, the appropriate actions to heal them will happen, so look within.
Your choices and realizations, resonate and replicate throughout the quantum entangled universe. Use your power wisely. It is through the active total in irrevocable commitment to pure, divine love, an absolute truth, that all things become possible..
Moving into the center of the spiral of ascending consciousness, beyond duality and polarity, where all is silent and peaceful. Filled with Pure Cosmic Life Force Substance, Divine Light Particles, waiting to be molded into your future vision. You are a treasured Soul on an important mission.
You ascend within an endless spiral of infinite wisdom and possibilities and all you can do is dance as One with the other Forces within Creation, that like you, are also evolving into higher levels of love and consciousness.
Open the Crown passages to the higher frequency codes and connect them to your Sacred Heart to expand experiences of pure profound wisdom, compassion and infinite Sacred Love.
This is for those who have not yet tuned in to their personal Diamond Code via their true Genealogy of Godly Earth and wish to do so upon the current energies of the final splitting and total transformation and before the powerful energies and developments that the month of April is bringing.
Our families of Godly Genealogy have been supporting us to reconnect to their organic flows.
Our True Genealogy is our personal portal of Ascension and return to the Solar lands.
Since our second ‘144000 DIAMONDS’ open gathering at the beginning of December 2023, the inner Sun, always via the Tree of Life, began really revealing itself to us via the esoteric planes and guiding us through the process of embodiment of its Merciful Light.
The revelations of the Inner Sun have been many and continuous, both on our biology and the true nature of the system that we live in because these two are INSEPARABLE!
The Inner Sun has been initiating us into a science that has nothing to do with the science that is being presented in the collective.
EVEN the many efforts of those who are manipulating the human consciousness, we are no longer lost at sea!
We have been found!
This was done because of the Diamond Code!
But this is not just it, the Inner Sun is preparing us for something EVEN GREATER which I will write about in the coming weeks.
All of our main work for April and the upcoming work on the personal the Spiral of Life, is going to take place via the personal Diamond Code!
So because of the importance of the Diamond Code I have been called to repeat the introduction and initiation into it for those that who are now READY to clearly connect to their own True family’s DNA, Essence and Power via remembrance and guidance.
This is the portal of return!
The call of course is both for those DIAMONDS who have not yet tuned into their personal Diamond Code via their Genealogy of Godly Earth and wish to do so now
and for the DIAMONDS who wish to repeat this work and reach a deeper and more complete embodiment of their own Diamond Code after the last developments.
The personal Diamond Code is the personal DNA portal of Ascension via One’s Genealogy for Godly Earth.
It ignites true remembrance and guidance via the organic flows of One’s true Genealogy.
It is the personal portal for all esoteric processes and it carries all keys needed for One’s Ascension path!
It is the main tool of all of our Ascension work and it offers access to the inner Sun, all steps of Salvation and a better understanding of the system we live in!
I clearly understand that Diamond Code has still to reveal certain big Truths to the Living Ones as we are deeply into the physical awakening and by each step, we evolve more and more into our true Being.
We will work extensively with the Diamond code all through April so now is the perfect moment to get to know and connect to your own Personal Diamond Code!
All families of Godly Earth are supporting the reconnection to the Diamond Code!
Dear friends, the recent lunar eclipse has officially opened the eclipse corridor energetic vortex. This special energetic period will last until April 8-10 2024.
The transformative energies of this eclipse passageway come from very high non-physical vibrational planes. These cosmic energies have been affecting humankind evolution since millennia. However, as we evolve the energies also change year to year. As these lightcodes reach our atmosphere they become scattered around the planet and affect every single living organism.
The information contained within these light codes aims at releasing stagnant energies within us and assist us in moving beyond our limiting comfort zones. But this process requires a sense of trust and a deep conviction that the Universe is “having our back”.
When we rely only on our own will, we are micromanaging the Universe and resisting the natural flow of life. We are not trusting the mysterious divine breath of life. We are rejecting the great cosmic intelligence and relying instead on our limited personal strength. When we do this, we find ourselves attempting to bend things to our will. We spend our time forcing, pushing, and living from a space of “trying to”.
During this eclipse passageway, you are being called to stop micromanaging the Universe and trust this cosmic breath of life. It’s a period of introspection that leads us to surrender to the greater path that the Universe has for you. To move from ‘my will to thy will.’ When you surrender to the greater will of life, you begin dancing with the rest of life in a more harmonious way.
The more we resist these changes, the stronger the physical and emotional symptoms will be. If you experience any stresses on your mind and body during these days please relax and take some time to go within and ask your self what areas are in need of a deeper release. You will be amazed at the information your body and soul are eager to share with you. Rest as need to assist your physical body integrate the new information. The physical symptoms related to this energetic processing may involve: strange vivid dreams, a sense of “not belonging”, mild anxiety and heart palpitations, lack of mental focus, experiencing survival fears, and a need for more sleep. Please also remember this is a very personal journey, and the way each of us responds to these energies depends on many different factors.
The strong solar geomagnetic storm that took place in recent days is also contributing to the deep changes we are all experiencing. We are being deeply transformed by the Light, step by step, layer by layer, as we navigate this Earthly journey. Place one hand over your heart area, take a few deep breaths, and trust the process: the Cosmos is guiding you to higher and more joyful destinations.
Stay tuned for tomorrow’s update. Have a great day! Much love
With the eclipse corridor, we are immersed in passage of infinite possibilities, a vortex of manifestation, and profound revelations, for the ones who have done the inner work of becoming more whole and unified. The eclipses are helping us to trigger the inner transformation required, to work on what was fragmented, reconnect our body channels to the Divine within us, and start acting as sovereign beings, in direct communion with our God Self.
During this cosmic vortex, in between the eclipses, we are embracing the infinite divine potential within us, our love, light, divine abilities, wisdom, and power, for we are retrieving our capacity to become self-sufficient beings, creating our own resources, and living only in the purity of our personal Truth and chosen path, assisting with our unique Light our planet to transcend polarity and ascend into a new harmonic dimension.
The Libra eclipse facilitated the work of polarity integration, reconnection, and manifestation, for those who are already in this phase. Our mission is to align to the energies and learn how to consciously co-create with them, to obtain our desired purpose.
We ended a very important month now, ruled by Piscean frequencies. Energies that allow us to heal and balance our masculine and female energies, an inner work that will last for as long as we are humans, for it is part of our dual nature.
Now, many are heading into a more unified space, preparing themselves for the next stage of planetary unification, assisting in the restoration and retrieval of the Divine Masculine, in the Earth’s structures and in the locations where guided.
The Gold and Ruby races, the originals authentic and pure divine descendants from these two lineages, are now starting the process of Divine Masculine rehabilitation, as part of their mission on Earth, even though we are witnessing brutal events happening at this time on the planet, which is another attempt to continue feeding the violence of the distorted masculine.
As ascending souls, today, and always, we align to our Higher Hearts and God’s Self Presence, and in our unique way, we remain in the highest possible frequency, sending love, and focusing on compassionate witnessing rather than judgments and lower emotions that diminish our personal power and capacity to assist, where required.
We all join today within Divine love, compassion, and healing blessings to assist in the process of Divine Masculine restoration and retrieval, and unification with the feminine, remaining in the love and light that we are, serving All equally.
Thank you for your loving Light and kindness to All, Beloved Ones.
The pressure to release what needs to go is breaking through for your transformation. Focusing on grounding will provide healing through Mother Earth. She is helping you get your power back, especially over fears.
Intellect will override the illusions, bringing acceptance of what is. It will be easier to listen, receive, love, and embrace yourself and your life as you are. This zero point brings independence.
On Tuesday, March 26th, the Moon, ruler of emotions and empathy, is still in Libra, ruler of partnerships and the sign of yesterday’s Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. Today she will oppose Mercury, ruler of the mental realm who is slowing down in his forward movement and getting ready to turn retrograde on April 1st. This is causing us to take a “pause” in the way we think, perceive and communicate with others. Are you seeing your relationships in a new light?
Have the Eclipse energies started to shift and change how you view your current situation? The Moon, ruler of subconscious patterns, in Libra will also be connecting to Uranus, the Great Awakener, and Neptune, the Great Transcender. Uranus rules the God Mind and Neptune rules the Spiritual Realm, so we are receiving downloads and activations, as well as merging with the energies of compassion and the higher heart. We are moving into the next step of our evolution and growth. We will experience more changes as the weeks unfold.
Mercury conjunct Eris in Aries. Venus in Pisces semi-sextile Chiron in Aries – The Moon continues the work from yesterday’s eclipse, a blast of cosmic rays blowing away karmic dust bunnies that have languished in the corners of the soul for too long. Old habits, old emotional responses fall away, leaving us fresh but perhaps a little raw and unready for what comes next. Just breathe. When the familiar leaves, we’re not expected to immediately know how to be at ease with a new environment. Don’t let your mind runaway with you. Know you have the strength to follow the path. Dare to decide. Dare to speak up. Dare to seed ideas that before were unthinkable.
Spiritual healing is happening. Trust the process. Trust yourself. Kindness is the way to bravery. Compassion is the remedy to pain. If you find your body tense in the midst of flight or fight, consciously relax. If you feel stuck in freeze response, practice walking meditation, tai chi or dance to soft but rhythmic music. Make your approach holistic. The answer to all life’s ills is in the heart.
‘Magnetic’ is the name for the number one and its key words are ‘Unify, Attract and Purpose’. The first day of a wavespell sets the agenda for the 13 days and so, a new journey begins. I always emphasize the importance of living the Tzolkin one wavespell at a time rather than just by the individual days. These groupings of 13 days are like a chapter in the book of time. There are 20 chapters in all, this wavespell is the 13th chapter. On day one it is recommended that you set your purpose. This gets you in the mood for the wavespell’s theme.
Today is the first day of the Red Earth wavespell which represents ‘Evolution, Synchronicity and Navigation’. And so what is the agenda? For 13 days we can focus on our personal growth. Sometimes, it is easy to forget we are here for a purpose. The purpose being to become the best person we can become in order to pay back the earth for allowing us to be here. We owe it to Mother Nature to reach our potential. She is having a hard time and the only people that can help her are those who have become strong. But we can grow consciously. We can make the effort to become better, smarter and more useful to the planet. It isn’t difficult. Mother knows best and our Mother Earth knows what she is doing. All we need to do to evolve, is to become closer to the earth. During the Red Earth wavespell, try to rekindle the love you have for her.
The Guide today is also Red Earth, and so a double helping of this medicine today.
The Challenge is the Blue Hand which symbolizes healing. If you are a Blue Hand, this is not going to be your best wavespell. Your issues will surface and you will find evolving very tough. Reach out for help if you need it and allow someone to give you a hand. The Blue Hand is quite the ambitious energy because accomplishment is one of the keywords. When in this weakened challenging position however, your ambitions are less likely to succeed. Whether you are a Blue Hand or not, today is not ideal for reaching out.
The Occult power is the Yellow Seed which is also the wavespell we just completed. When in this magical position, the Yellow Seed shares wisdom concerning magical matters. And Occult knowledge certainly can come in handy when seeking ‘evolution’. Today is great for planting ideas and reaping what you’ve sown. You can harvest what you’ve previously planted and because the Seed is in this magical position, expect to yield a cornucopia of abundance. The Yellow Seed dishes out Karma if you like, as you reap what you sow
!The Ally is the White Wind, the communicator of the Tzolkin. If you need a friend today, consult a White Wind. If you do not know one, be like one and open the channels of communication! If you are a White Wind, you’ll enjoy occupying this friendly spot today as everyone wants to hear what you have to say.
Today we commence a beautiful new 13 day journey with RED EARTH as our guide leading up to the SOLAR ECLIPSE – which has an 8.4.8 CODING – following the sequence of SOURCE FLOW elevating the frequencies on EARTH.. Day 13 of this wavespell concludes on 7 APRIL with the RED COSMIC MOON – sealing our FLOW of BLISS… How PERFECTO…
We then FLOW into the ARIES SOLAR ECLIPSE on 8th APRIL with KIN 170 – the WHITE MAGNETIC DOG – bringing TRIPLE the LOVE through the portal… and so we have a TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE HEART – the HOLY TRINITY!! OMG!!! An absolutely SUPERNATURAL DAY of BLISS BOMBS – NIRVANA AWAITS us beloveds…
The RED EARTH WAVESPELL is all about LISTENING and reading the SIGNS of our Earth Mother Gaia. These SIGNS are our GPS enabling us to navigate our way forward through her natural cycles during this magnificent evolutionary ASCENSION process. Much EARTH MAJIK awaits us in this BEAUTIFUL LOVE cycle dear STAR BLiSS SUPERNOVA SUNS!
MAGNETIC is tone number 1 in the SPIRITUAL realm as we initiate a new wavespell cycle. Power: Attracts Action: Unifies Essence: Purpose. Day one of a new wavespell always starts with the Magnetic tone of purpose. In the beginning was the ONE!. From out of nothing, here ONE comes. Spinning happily – magnetising all that it requires for more excellent adventuring. Once strong in purpose, all will effortlessly come together.
The Magnetic tone is all about ATTRACTION. Attracting everything that you require to fulfill your purpose and your goals. People, resources, relationships, money, support and all that you can imagine.
Today we are seeking to attract SYNCHRONICITY in order to fulfill our PURPOSE! To align with the Earth Majik that Mother Gaia is reflecting back to us!
The attraction seeks to UNIFY us all as ONE! Thus MAGNETIC kin have a very strong connection to SOURCE, and a gravitational pull to return there and bring all their buddies with them. The power of ONE is very strong today as it unites us all as ONE HU-MAN-ITY!
This strong MAGNETIC force is amplified through ULURU – which is a GIGANTIC MAGNET – at Australia’s HEART and red POWER centre. Tune in to ULURU and other potent EARTH centres during this cycle, as GAIA will send forth MAGNETIC waves to UNITE together all our planetary kin in EXALTATION!
Today’s challenge is the BLUE MAGNETIC HAND. Our challenge is to ATTRACT all that we need to HEAL our body, mind and spirit as well as that of Mother Gaia.
In order to glean this ancient wisdom through natural lore, we must be patient and attune to the EARTH messages we receive. Gaia has all that we need to heal and become whole again, integrating our soul’s essence in order to feel the ONENESS and unity with our kin, our planet and ALL THAT IS!
Hold out your HAND and magnetize your attraction to your kin, so you can walk HAND IN HAND and fulfill your UNITED PURPOSE as GAIA’s children.
In order to ACCOMPLISH our purpose on this planet we must first become ONE with the LAND – As the Australian original people know. Without this connection we have no life-force and vitality – Gaia’s magnetic force literally fuels the vitality of our haemoglobin transporting the oxygen to every cell in our body. Make sure you GROUND and connect with the HEALING force of our Earth Mother.
The blessing that Manik bestows upon us this day is the potent power of ACCOMPLISHMENT! The ability to ACCOMPLISH HEALING and manifest our collective dreams into our new reality. Connect with GAIA and magnetize our collective DREAMING, energizing the UTOPIAN DREAM that we all hold encoded in our SEED PODS. We have 13 days to ACCOMPLISH GREAT THINGS, .
So planetary kin, a wondrous day for taking a walk in Gaia’s wonderland, feeling her magnetic force beneath your feet and breathing in her fresh ionized air.
We are embarking on a beautiful 13 day journey to reconnect intimately with our BEAUTIFUL Earth Mother and EACH OTHER, forging our strongest Heart connection with our homeland.
Remember that this RED EARTH CYCLE is the BRIDGE – that GROUNDS us through this eclipse cauldron – connecting the LUNAR and SOLAR ECLIPSES through our EARTH mumma … A very majikal alchemical transition is accomplished through this ASCENSION journey…
What a phenomenal time to walk gently upon this EARTH!!
Today’s question is “Am I navigating my true path of BLISS, to fulfill my higher purpose, through listening to the signs and synchronicities of Mother Gaia?”
Divine blessings for navigating a beautiful path through Mother nature today.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
18 moons/months ago KIN 157 occurred on 22 OCTOBER 22 – which had a 4/10/4 – coding double 22/4 constructing NEW EARTH..
27 months ago KIN 157 occured on 4th February, 2022 which was a CODE..
9 months ago we had a 9 COMPLETION code with a 5.5.LIBERATION code – LIBERATING the COMPLETION of our new PEACEFUL EARTH.
Today we have an 8/3/8 CODE the 8= 2×4 giving us frequencies – beautiful HOLY 5D energies flowing from SOURCE to fuel our passage through the RED NEW EARTH WAVESPELL
These compounding codes through SPACE TIME on TRIPLE EARTH day enables the STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS to get a headstart in partnering with PACHAMAMA to build a sturdy foundation, as all our relations from every CORNER of the globe come together to construct and LIBERATE this NEW SOLID RAINBOW WORLD!
How absolutely MARVELOUS and MAGNIFICENT are these alignment of codes today, through this – MARVELLOUS ASCENSION WINDOW!!!!
Today is another EXTREMELY powerful MAGNETIC day through this ECLIPSE cauldron, for attracting SYNCHRONICITY to manifest your desires. A beautiful day for DREAMWEAVING!
CONSCIOUS SELF & HIGHER SELF: RED MAGNETIC EARTH -CABAN attunes us to the signs, synchronicities and FLOW of the natural rhythms of Gaia. CABAN beckons us through our attunement to her rhythyms to be sensitive to the FLOW of her EARTH Majik.
Today Gaia gives us the signs of synchronicity, RIGHT TIMING, and what it is to track the MAJIK in your life and all around you. To track the JOY and find your PURPOSE in life – what LIGHTS you up and makes you SING beloveds.
When we can attract greater synchronicity in our lives, we know that we are in sync. with the Earth and on the right path!
Make sure you LOOK for the SIGNS so you KNOW how to navigate forwards. Let PACHAMAMA reveal the SIGNS which lead you to your beautiful fated unions and relationships. Be OPEN for all the new opportunities arising now, and get ready to walk through those DOORS.
During this 13 day RED EARTH CYCLE – PACHAMAMA will really take charge of our Planetary Ascension..
As humanity UNITES in celebration during our GLOBAL transition – the excitation and cry for FREEDOM, LOVE, JOY and ABUNDANCE is captured in the land. This energy builds through GAIA’S GRID as a TSUNAMI for PEACE, HARMONY and social change, and supercharges ULURU and all GAIA’s vortices, pyramids and sacred sites… storing the energy and RADIATING it out to all who walk upon the land…
A very FERTILE and fortuitous time is NOW upon us dear STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS.
The YELLOW SEED has indeed sprouted these new SEEDS in her fertile and nurturing soil…
NOW IT IS TIME TO connect with our KIN and truly BLOSSOM!
RED MAGNETIC EARTH always reminds me of ULURU, our beautiful Magnetic monolith in the RED CENTRE of Australia. Today ULURU is MAGNETICALLY charged and will be ACTIVATED throughout this whole RED EARTH cycle, as she communicates to us through the SONG LINES, helping us to find our way home and to our desired destination in our many travels..
ULURU is the 3rd Planetary chakra of Gaia, otherwise known as the Solar Plexus or “POWER” centre. The function of this chakra is to assist with self definition and personal POWER, but also to store and regulate the VITALITY and CHI, or life force of the Earth, and all living species. It is said that in order to gain the knowledge of immortal health, one must do so through Uluru. This knowledge is delivered to the rest of the world through the feminine ley artery, representing the Rainbow Serpent.
Uluru has great spiritual and cultural significance to our original custodians as she is considered as Sacred land and holds the key codes to the DREAMTIME and 5D Earth.
ULURU also serves as the MAGNETIC HEART of Australia.
Every nation has a natural Earth formation which forms its heart centre. So we Aussie’s are extremely blessed to have such a huge Magnetic Heart that ATTRACTS Gaia’s children from all over the world, from every nation. Bus loads of tourists flock to view her sunrise and sunset shows every day. Each person who visits Uluru has their heart chakra magnetized and EXPANDED. As they return home to their families and workplaces their magnetized heart encodes the hearts of their kin, then they in turn magnetize their families and so on like a domino effect. Such is the power and magnetic attraction of ULURU. (Note: ULURU told me this in our conversations during ceremony there for 7:7:7 portal in 2007)
ULURU is a huge MAGNETIC MONOLITH – the largest on our planet.(like an ICEBERG – two thirds of her mass submerged below the ground)
Today she has the POWER to ATTRACT and magnetize x3 in conjunction with the RED EARTH WAVESPELL…
Each EARTH chakra and sacred site is powered/aligned with a PLANET.. ULURU is fueled by MARS energy which represents MASCULINE POWER, life force and ACTION. NOTE: The SUN is in the astrological FIRE sign of ARIES throughout this entire wavespell – so we have AMPLIFICATION of this MARS/FIRE energy to IGNITE our POWER and PASSION (Mars is the ruler of ARIES and the ruler of the APRIL 8TH SOLAR ECLIPSE!!)
Come on baby light my FIRE
Today MARS is in PISCES in the 5th house ruled by LEO the HEART centred sign… PISCES brings higher unconditional LOVE thus MARS is SOFTER and more benefice today. VENUS is also together with MARS in PISCES activating HIGHER SPIRITUAL LOVE a beautiful romantic pairing for this soft, earthy cycle.
The UNIVERSE is enabling us to harmonize our DF and DM aspects, both within us and externally in our relationships enabled through this LIBRAN LUNAR ECLIPSE portal. .
This is absolutely OUTSTANDING news for those souls who have been patiently waiting for EONS, to attract their romantic partner/divine counterpart. This alignment bodes well for all varieties of partnerships, unions, co-operatives and alliances. This is a SUPERBOOST for our NEW EARTH unions and common-unities.
The MAGNETIC EARTH WAVESPELL aligning with this CELESTIAL LOVE BLISS-ing is MAGNIFICENT and this next 13 day wavespell through a DOUBLE ELLIPSE cauldron promises RIGHT TIMING for FATED meetings!!
Get ready to be the RIGHT PERSON, in the RIGHT PLACE at the RIGHT TIME! BOOM!!
Be very CLEAR with your intentions today.. because the UNIVERSE is conspiring to bring you whatever you wish to ATTRACT!
RED MAGNETIC EARTH reminds us that we are the Children of Gaia, and as our Earth Mother we are all connected. As she feels and senses through us, we too can sense and FEEL through her, as we connect at a much deeper and more empathic level.
Talking to the trees, listening to the wind and the chirping crickets, and feeling the pulsing of her HEARTBEAT. As we connect and feel more deeply, we develop more LOVE, respect, and begin to truly honour this beautiful paradise we call home. Tune in and be inspired through listening to Gaia’s messages to navigate your path back home to BLISS.
It is TIME to deepen your HEART CONNECTION to Mumma Gaia.
Make sure you GET OUTSIDE and CONNECT with Pachamama as often as you can during this 13 day RED EARTH cycle,
SUPPORT: WHITE MAGNETIC WIND – IK brings forth more Divine SIGNS and messages from Spirit making this a VERY, very, very powerful day to attune and listen to Gaia and Great Spirit for guidance.
White Magnetic Wind powerfully attracts and magnetizes these signs, so that we can completely align with Spirit. Great Spirit communicates subtle messages, for those that are LISTENING and OBSERVING the signs, through the kingdoms – the plants, the animals, the minerals and the elements. Be STILL in order to READ the signs.
ASK to be SHOWN more MAJIK and SPIRIT will gladly deLIGHT you in a GAME of divine SHOW and TELL!
The more you ENGAGE the more will be revealed to you!
As we channel these messages and pure LIGHT codes, we can UNITE together and rejoice through singing, dancing and creativity, allowing the Divine messages to flow forth into our expressive creations.
SPIRIT has your back now! Allow the GREAT WHITE WIND to pull you out of your OLD BOX and be the WIND beneath your wings.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW COSMIC SEED– KAN is the SEED of new potentials realized through expanded GROWTH. We are all STAR – SEEDS with potent LIGHT packets encoded within us.
We have just completed our passage through the 13 day cycle of the Yellow SEEDwhere we CRACKED OPEN our seed pods in order to discover our inherent potential.
Yesterday we graduated, as the Cosmic RAINBOW Warriors, and we fearlessly reclaimed our capacity to express our Highest potential – embodying our Cosmic Consciousness in our physical vessels, as we BLOSSOMED into our greatest soul BEAUTY.
The COSMIC SEED is the SUPERPOWER during this entire 13 day wavespell, so we must remember to KEEP MOVING in the direction of our greatest flowering.. Keep growing and looking for greater LIGHT.. follow the SIGNS.
KAN enables us to express our highest PURPOSE today, and co create the beautiful gardens of the future. One by one, each sowing our own unique seed through our unique talents and contributions, until one day our garden has flourished into the GARDEN OF EDEN!
The presence of true growth, the seeding of the NEW TIME that is based on true ancient/future wisdom born of listening and knowing our connection with all of life as co-creators of this New Earth.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE MAGNETIC HAND – MANIK – Today’s challenge is the BLUE MAGNETIC HAND. Our challenge is to ATTRACT all that we need to HEAL our body, mind and spirit as well as that of Mother Gaia.
In order to glean this ancient wisdom through natural lore, we must be patient and attune to the EARTH messages we receive. Gaia has all that we need to heal and become whole again, integrating our soul’s essence in order to feel the ONENESS and unity with our kin, our planet and ALL THAT IS!
Hold out your HAND and magnetize your attraction to your kin, so you can walk HAND IN HAND and fulfill your UNITED PURPOSE as GAIA’s children.
In order to ACCOMPLISH our purpose on this planet we must first become ONE with the LAND – As the Australian original people know. Without this connection we have no life-force and vitality – Gaia’s magnetic force literally fuels the vitality of our haemoglobin transporting the oxygen to every cell in our body. Make sure you GROUND and connect with the HEALING force of our Earth Mother.
The blessing that Manik bestows upon us this day is the potent power of ACCOMPLISHMENT! The ability to ACCOMPLISH HEALING and manifest our collective dreams into our new reality. Connect with GAIA and magnetize our collective DREAMING, energizing the UTOPIAN DREAM that we all hold encoded in our SEED PODS. We have 13 days to ACCOMPLISH GREAT THINGS, .
So planetary kin, a wondrous day for taking a walk in Gaia’s wonderland, feeling her magnetic force beneath your feet and breathing in her fresh ionized air.
We are embarking on a beautiful 13 day journey to reconnect intimately with our BEAUTIFUL Earth Mother and EACH OTHER, forging our strongest Heart connection with our homeland.
Remember that this RED EARTH CYCLE is the BRIDGE – that GROUNDS us through this eclipse cauldron – connecting the LUNAR and SOLAR ECLIPSES through our EARTH mumma … A very majikal alchemical transition is accomplished through this ASCENSION journey…
What a phenomenal time to walk gently upon this EARTH!!
Today’s question is “Am I navigating my true path of BLISS, to fulfill my higher purpose, through listening to the signs and synchronicities of Mother Gaia?”
Divine blessings for navigating a beautiful path through Mother nature today.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology reading for the week of
March 24th through March 30th 2024 with Paul White Gold Eagle 🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, Paul White Gold Eagle covers the astrology for the coming week from March 24th through March 30th 2024 which includes this weeks powerful Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Libra. He also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads an Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation!”.
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