EARTH – COSMIC MISSION ~ Many Star Groups Come Together * PORTAL OF SUCCESS ~ Epiphany Breakthrough ~ Beginning the Ending
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Celestial Starseeds of our Collective Awakening
In preparation for tomorrows 11:11 Gateway of Divine Mastery we had a Trinity of powerful activations.
Our local Soularis continues to inundate this realm with Gamma Plasma waves of Adamantine Light releasing another 6 C Class Soular flares, a M 4.8 Class Flare and a close to X class flare maxing at M 9.49 at 12:06 UTC.
We also witnessed multiple pillars of white light in the heartbeat of Mother Earth appearing on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 20 hz, 24 hz, 25 hz and a big blast of white light at 39 hz, Fifth through Seventh dimensional energetics fully anchored in to the grids and dragon lines of Gaia.
Pachamama also received another massive activation today with a magnitude 6.8 earthquake in her Sacred Portal of Cuba at 16:49 UTC as the energy of the Divine Masculine of the New Atlantis continues to rise as Guardians and Protectors of the Divine Feminine of the New Lemuria.
Our Sovereign People of the New Earth join together as One United Tribe of the Rainbow Nation of all colors to usher in our New Golden Age of Enlightenment as the Resurrection Flame Returns to the Living Hearts of the Real Hue-man Beings of Terra Nova Gaia… A’Ho!
The Planetary Frequency has taken a Big leap, big changes are happening on the Planet, Hearts and Consciousness are opening. Planetary resonance increases with each Sunrise.
It’s time to generate inner Peace, deep silence, Unconditional Love and understanding.. Rise to the infinite flow of Solar Consciousness that is entering the Planet at this time. The time has come for everyone to radiate from their deep feeling the shades of Peace and Love that will open the Doors of New Consciousness.
Each one has the choice to react to life’s circumstances from Love and the elevated connection to their Heart that is aligned with our Divine Plan. Or from fear through the resonance of the Ego that distorts inner vision.
By elevating every circumstance of life towards Love, the learning that circumstances are delivering manifests, being the opportunity to tune ourselves with the Divine Plan.
It is important for the vibration of the Planet that instead of feeling victimized by circumstances, we are Divine Creators, asking to see the learning that each situation shows us.
For the moment, relish that fleeting spark of light that passes for hope in a new world becoming. You have much to do as the days tread on into the unknown. Where will the path lead, once the rubble has been surmounted? To lands unexplored by human hearts and hands, to new expectations of leadership and brother- and sisterhood, to unbridled joy at life living free and hope unnecessary in the fulfillment of peace, as peace is perfected and belief sustained.
On the edge of this lay the rubble and the walls yet to fall. Tread carefully and know that you are buoyed upon unpredictable seas in a love that encompasses the planet, every particle of it. Beyond what comes will reveal itself as you move through the fields of time toward your destination with beginning. Finishing is underway. Both meet now.
“Beginning the Ending” Nine Pense
Beginning the Ending
Master Lady Kira Raa
As the North and South come into ALIGNMENT, the bridge is ready to be crossed! 11/11 is now just a day away in perfect and DIVINE TIMING! This moment represents the greater balance that is before us and serves as a portal that will assist ALL to flourish and grow as together we claim the deeper understanding and wisdom of what has been shifting within as well as without.
Call forth this NEW beginning and welcome with open arms this new connection with the Universe and with each other. And begin to notice the weaving that is moving us toward a truly transformative New Year’s for all of humanity!
Amplify your greatest intentions and manifestations while diving deep into the Alchemical transformative process calling forth greater Authenticity, Empowerment and A-lion-ment. Restoring your Mastery and FULLY RE-Membering ALL that YOU ARE!
“We don’t waste energy being someone we’re not. We don’t follow someone else’s purpose. True Insight makes life simpler, not more complex. It’s funny that the more evolved we become, the simpler we make our lives. It seems to be a mystical equation.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
Dear friends, this is such a difficult time for many of us as we approach the 11/11 transit and initiation. There is so much sadness and anger in the Collective Consciousness. I am not just talking about the election in the USA, although for many that may be an issue. But worldwide there is a sense that the flux and flow of human creation is just chaotic and out of control.
This is because in this powerful dance of Fire and Water and new creation, things are in a deep process of elimination and cleansing in preparation for the New. And while it seems like we are headed back to the 50s and 60s, we may need this to heal some things that were taking us “off track” in our Ascension process.
For me I have found that I am having to stand up for my principles and to defend women and our value in society. Maybe this was not fully achieved in the past, and that we need to really stand up for the Divine Feminine energy and our ability and right to be sovereign.
And many other issues as well, including the environment.
Maybe this is our opportunity to really stand in our power and make a difference on the physical Earth through the choices that we make.
Archangel Michael reminded me that the New Earth is not dependent on who is power or in government. It depends on you and me and the open heart and the embodiment of Love and Kindness and Principle.
We can go forward with Love and Creativity. We can be part of the New Earth. We can create the life we want.
I wish you a creative and powerful 11/11 transit.
Tomorrow we have the powerful 11:11 portal!
We are receiving the energy of this powerful portal into the planetary and individual systems for a few days now. It is the reason for even more ascension symptoms and tiredness. We have jumped several timelines since the 10:10 portal and levelled up big time as a collective and individually.
Number 1 represents an antenna, a channel of energy. And with 4 of them, the 11:11 portal is a powerful time of initiation, getting into balance and crossing the threshold from the old into the new. The 11:11 portal is all about inner balance, harmony, connectedness to all that is. Oneness, wholeness.
You will receive new information in form of ideas, inspiration, inner wisdom and inner knowing. Be mindful of the nudges of your soul, signs, symbols, synchronicities that are all around you. Your soul is guiding you all the time, you just need to observe and listen.
The energy will move through us quicker during this time and there is going to be a lot of it which means now is an amazing opportunity to grow. Our purpose will be revealed to us in a deeper way, easier to understand and follow.
11/10/24: Numbers are my stability and my haven. They are the framework, map, and guidance that support my journey. Whether for measurement or metaphysics, they are the steadfast highway upon which I rely. As we travel this current uncharted road together, I hope you’re finding comfort and value in what numbers teach us. Beyond mathematical formulas and equations, which are breathtaking on their own, numbers are a Divine language…
a gift that was never meant to be mysterious. I am grateful that many more of us are recognizing how Spirit speaks through such universal signs and symbols. Today opens a new pathway if you wish to take it. It’s a thread running from one number to the next that will guide us to a major transit on November 19… and beyond.
Divine Mother reaching into the depths of your being
Dear friends, on the evening of Sunday November 10 the 11:11 portal officially opens. Although these lightcodes have been active since the beginning of this month on 11:1, their intensity will climax on Monday November 11. And their presence can already be felt in the air, accelerating the weaving of new timelines at the individual and collective levels.
We have passed through some intense revealing eclipses and a few supermoons, but the year is not over yet. So much energy has been moving through Earth, and through each of us, these past few weeks. And as the 11:11 light codes reach their climax, they will keep facilitating and consolidating the manifestation of all the inner and outer shifts we have been experiencing this year. A new chapter begins today, new timelines are being created, taking us closer to our intended divine destinations. We are being reminded to fully embody the fact that we are all part of the same universal Divine Heart.
The paths are many, as many as the number of souls on this planet, and I hope that the 11:11 energy will bring you closer to your own path and a more enlightened timeline. The master number 11 amplifies our spiritual awakening, symbolizing enlightenment, higher consciousness, and the connection between physical and spiritual realms. This powerful portal invites us to transcend limitations, embracing our true nature and soul’s purpose.
These lightcodes will continue working for a few more days more into this new week as they merge with the Taurus super full moon energies on Friday November 15. A new journey that will take us from duality into integration is unfolding for each of us, taking us from separation into unity. But do keep in mind that sometimes the Universal timelines take us to where we need to be, and not where we want to be.
During this new week, try to schedule some time to engage in journaling, praying, meditation, envisioning new possibilities, and observing synchronicities around you. Divinity is constantly talking to us, and today the veil is thinner for those who seek a new path with an open heart.
Old 3D inner and human-made structures are being dissolved as we move towards 4-5D levels of consciousness, and this process may generate a sense of doom in some individuals who are still attached to the 3D perspective of duality. We are now moving towards unity and integration, and the upcoming years of 2025-2027 will be critical for this alchemical process at the individual and collective levels. 2027, also an 11 resonance year, will be a key point in time.
Meanwhile, focus on your own personal journey, keep your awareness centered in your heart, and keep shining your divine Light confidently and joyfully. The rest will come in divine timing. As always.
May your new higher timelines of reality be all that you wish them to be, and more! Have a wonderful 11:11 gateway and new week. Stay tuned for more updates as we navigate together these last chapters of 2024. Much love
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ
Asara Adams
Message from The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light
“We are here now.
We love you.
We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.
Beloved One, as you are on your path of awakening, we would like to share with you the difference between “Perception” and “Knowing.”
Your Ego Mind has constructed a veil between your true Christ Self and the Illusion.
In order to uphold the Illusion, the Ego Mind is using Perception to continue your experience of it.
This Perception is teinting the way you see yourself, your world and God/Source.
Your Perception is insuring your separation from God/Source and everyone in your world/Illusion.
It will portray yourself, others and God/Source in every negative way possible and it is experienced as “Real.”
However, what is actually Real is the Reality of God/Source, where there is only Love, Peace and Oneness.
There is no separation.
Once you truly understand and “Know” this Truth, you are “Knowing” Heaven on Earth.
Therefore, anytime, you are experiencing anything less than Love, Peace and Oneness with All That Is, your Perception has come between you and Heaven on Earth.
You can now choose to change the way you see and experience your world.
It will begin to pierce the veil of Illusion and Perception and thus transcend your Ego Mind Perception and transform your experience into Knowing and embodying God/Source.
Then, you are truly on your path of Awakening from the Dream of Illusion and are beginning your way Home to God/Source.
We are with you, every step of the way.
You are loved beyond measure.
We are with you… always. We love you.
We are you. Namaste.”
Thank you, Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light!
Channelled through Asara Adams
For The Present Light Trajectory Is Reaching New Heights Of Light Accelleration
As Many Star Groups Come Together, Joining In Foundational Light.
Be Ready For Synchronised New Starseed Connections. As We Collectively Move To The Next Stages Of Our Collective Light Mission.
For The Advanced Encoded Light Of The Hu-man Light World To The Cosmic Light World Is Now
For These Are Ancient Scribes Of Light, New Earth Initiation Codes Are Now Awakening In Light.
Joining, Integrating, Connecting
Meeting The Advanced Light Waves Now Reaching Our Multidimensional World.
The 11/11 Frequencies Are Providing New Waves Of Light Connections, As We Bridge The Old World With The New Light World
I Awaken In Light
I Awaken To The Light Codes Of Creation
I Awaken To My Advanced Light, DNA Encoded And Activated In The Present Moment.
For The Unification Of Light Is Present, Alive And Activating
Together We Join In Light
As We Collectively Awaken And Align To The Advanced Light Technologies Of The 11/11 Portal Frequencies.
Sending Waves Of Cosmic Love
New Earth Alliance
Karen Lithika
Carolyn 144 GODCODE
This week’s 1111 PORTAL is open for you to plant new seeds of success. So much clearing internally and externally, big and small, is completing for you to have it all. It’s you’re time to jump all in to your happily ever after. This time the things that blocked your manifestations are being cleared away. The doorway to success is wide open.
The Taurus Full Moon is showing you any limitations in the way of this success. Also, to see where changes are needed with previous goals that are no longer in alignment. Instead God is intuitively guiding you on what is fated for you to receive now. Simply open your heart and mind to receive the direction of where to go.
Natural healing of your energy field is supporting you to stay faithful and strong as you witness your seeds grow and blossom into a cornucopia of blessings. Follow the guidance of all the new adventures that are coming your way. The stars are aligned to make this happen from the inside out.
On Sunday, November 10th, we have the Sun, ruler of the lens through which we shine our light, in the intense waters of Scorpio approaching an inconjunct connection to Jupiter, ruler of the bigger picture, in curious Gemini. With this connection, the two energies have nothing in common and we have to somehow make them work together. The Sun in Scorpio illuminates the “shadow”……our fears, anxieties and frustrations. It wants to highlight the lower patterns within our subconscious and in the “psyche” of humanity.
It wants us to go deeper than we have gone before to look at the energies of power, control, death, rebirth, transformation and regeneration. Jupiter in Gemini wants us to expand into all the small details……the how’s, the why’s, the what-if’s. It wants us to explore other potentials, prospects and possibilities. It wants us to have faith and trust that there are many spiritual forces out there protecting and guiding us. So, how do we allow these two differing forces to work together? Perhaps by shining light upon, and healing, what weighs us down and dims our essence, and expanding our confidence and strengthening our belief in Spirit’s capacity to create magic and miracles in our lives!
Blessings of love and Light to All!
the Sun, ruler of the lens through which we shine our light, in the intense waters of Scorpio
Moon transiting Pisces – Whilst bigger aspects continue to drone in the background, a hush falls over the skies. The Moon’s entry into sleepy Pisces says it’s okay to rest and dream. Let your mind wander. Drift. Move with the tide. Cry. Bathe. Swim. Move into a space of allowing for whatever is happening. Visualise yourself like water, flowing around rocks and sticks and stones, trickling steadily back to the ocean to where all things return.
If times are difficult, don’t let yourself slip into despondence and defeat. Raise your energy up by offering your inner child comfort, support, nurture. Direct your mind towards inspirational voices and messages of hope. Resolve to listen kindly to emotions that bubble to the surface without acting on them. Observe, reflect, be still and present. Retreat to your inner sanctuary for holy restoration.
‘Solar’ is the name for the number nine and its keywords are ‘Intention, Pulse and Realize’. The ninth day of the White Mirror wavespell is a day of reckoning. Often, we don’t really look ahead in the calendar to see what is coming and then it arrives spectacularly and takes us by surprise. Why am I being so dramatic? Let’s look at the components that make up this day. First of all, in any of the 20 wavespells that we journey through, the ninth day is always the peak, the climax of the journey. It has so much power it’s hard to handle. We are seeking truth, in this 13-day wavespell and so the ninth day is when the truth will be revealed…smacking you in the gob.
Today is White Worldbridger which represents ‘Death, Equality and Opportunity’. And so, the ninth day of the Mirror wavespell falls on a Worldbridger day. Bloody Hell! Here’s an opportunity to cross a bridge, this is how we reveal the truth. Or is the truth waiting on the other side of the bridge? This is what we must consider today. Death is a keyword for Wordbridger because in order to cross over, to die and become something else, we must make a sacrifice first. This is where the troll under the bridge comes into play. Pay the troll, make a sacrifice…that’s the price. What do you want to give up? Is your ego too big preventing you from progressing on your path? Has the truth eluded you because you cannot bring yourself to admit you have been wrong? Are you clinging on to guilt, shame or bad memories? Only you can decide what has to die. ‘You give something up for everything you gain, so pay for your ticket and don’t complain’ sang Bob Dylan.
The Guide today is the White Wind and its key words are ‘Communicate, Breath and Spirit’. The Wind shows us that the way over the bridge is through communicating. Say your peace, apologize if you need to. Pray. Shout. Sing. Let it all out!
The Challenge today is the Yellow Warrior who loves to go on quests. Today is not a day for going on the warpath. Crossing bridges will be harder for Warriors, as their strong will may prevent them from paying the troll. They tend to be proud people and proud people don’t like to admit to weakness. If you are a Warrior, make it your mission to take this truth-seeking opportunity, it is a tough task but don’t you just love challenges?
The Occult power is the Blue Eagle who brings magical visions to the day, giving us a great boost. Fly like the Eagle and see the bigger picture. Locate the bridge and with a vision, see the truth you seek. Be creative today in your problem solving.
The Ally is the Red Skywalker who is brave and undaunted by today’s formidable energy. If you need some courage, locate a Skywalker, they can be of tremendous help. They will hold your hand and take you over the bridge and this symbolizes that having courage today will make you, your own best friend.
1- New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 126 = 9 – Destiny/Service/Compassion/Humanity/Grace
A co-operative bridging and networking day.
We are now in DAY 6 (out of 20) of the CENTRAL CORE of the Tzolkin the MYSTIC COLUMN which is the COSMIC BIRTH CANAL, accessed through KIN 121, the guardian of the COSMIC vortex of CREATION..
It is the MIRRORLESS DIMENSION of TIME – or rather NO TIME. This 7th vertical column represents the Plasmatic Radial -the ORIGIN of SPIRIT – the ZERO POINT.
What I refer to as THE TWILIGHT ZONE!
Who knows where this MIRROR passage will lead us??????
Very TRIPPY times beloveds…
Day 9 in the WHITE MIRROR WAVESPELL of reflection, truth, illusion, endlessness, and magnification.
Today we LET GO, and LET GOD, SURRENDERING to the messages we receive from our true reflection in the Mirror. .
SOLAR – Tone 9 operates in the SPIRITUAL realm ACTION – realizing, POWER – pulse, ESSENCE – intention The 9th day is the one that gives the last push prior to manifestation. The SOLAR phase is where we wake up to the fact that our Will affects the reality we experience, so we begin PULSING, extending our intent into realization.
Today we are PULSING this energy through surrendering to the messages of spirit.. We can flow with this current TODAY, deeply connecting to ALL THAT IS!
Today is a great day to die to your- self, stretch your WINGS and FLY HIGH over beautiful NEW HORIZONS!
Today’s question is “How can I totally SURRENDER and LET GO, to the voice of Spirit, PULSING my intention out to bridge NEW WONDERFUL worlds?”
Divine blessings for BUILDING the foundation of our new RAINBOW bridge to BLISS!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE SOLAR WORLDBRIDGER– CIMI Seals the store of Death today! CIMI asks you to LET GO and SURRENDER! Place your intention in total SURRENDER today. SURRENDERing to the will of spirit, allowing spirit to work through your vessel.
In so doing you advance to a greater realization of yourself as a Messenger for Spirit.
KIN 126 is the 6th day out of 20 days in the central column of the TZOLKIN calendar. This is the CORE of your being, pure connection to SOURCE. Here we can find balance and alignment as we OPEN our vessel as a pure channel, anchoring this new cosmic prana through us, dear Star Bliss SUPERNOVA SUNS, deeply anchored into the NEW Earth we are bridging. .
WORLDBRIDGER brings new opportunities today through connection and networking with others. Exchanging knowledge, ideas and resources to create something NEW and exciting. Build the BRIDGE to the world you want to be in!
The SOLAR WORLDBRIDGER is a powerful planetary code to ENERGIZE the RAINBOW BRIDGE to 5D GAIA building the BRIDGE to our NEW WORLD.
Set aside some quiet time today to ACTIVATE our higher timeline on our beautiful UTOPIAN PLANET of PLENTY in this PHENOMENAL WOOD DRAGON YEAR where we are using the WOOD to fully construct a very SOLID BRIDGE!
SEE IT, FEEL IT, and SENSE IT – with every fibre of your being..
5D EARTH is accessible NOW!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE SOLAR WIND– IK is the breath of Spirit. Today is a powerful day to follow the IN breath and OUT breath connecting you to SOURCE and the Cosmos. As it is a SOLAR day we may experience SOLAR WINDS bringing forth new LIGHT CODES for self realization in our Ascension journey.
Pulse out these powerful RAINBOW WINDS of CHANGE though your vessel and through our Planetary Body seeding the INTENTION of SPIRIT.
Allow the physical body to be the doorway for these new Cosmic energies to enter and anchor on this planet. Realize your intention through listening to Spirit, then pulsing these energies, codes and messages outwardly to discover new opportunities, harmony and equilibrium..
SUPPORT: RED SOLAR SKYWALKER– BEN – cant write about him cos F…Broke says so !!!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER:BLUE OVERTONE EAGLE – MEN gives us the power to SEE with great clarity, through the reflections of WHITE MIRROR, that which was hidden in the past. This is a powerful SUPERPOWER today as we have the power to SEE in the DARK and to SEE into the FUTURE. Bringing forth those desired VISIONS to ENVISION our NEW REALITY through our COMMAND!
The OVERTONE EAGLE – reveals to us our incredible RADIANCE as we reflect on our image in the MIRROR, and claim our COMMANDING power through self-love and acceptance.
We have journeyed far through many lifetimes and have become the wise SEERS through our experience. It is now time to take COMMAND through claiming our Divine Sovereignty and use our knowledge to set a new course.
BLUE EAGLE beckons you to spread your wings and fly like an Eagle over the vast oceans of love, connecting us all, returning with a new found greater perspective. Although the landscape is vast indeed, the mighty oceans on our planet are all composed of single drops forming the greater whole. Without the drops the ocean would not exist.
Do not underestimate the value of EACH message you receive from Spirit. From our limited vantage point, we cannot SEE THE BIG PICTURE of the plan that Spirit has for us.
Broaden your Horizons and allow Spirit to be the wind beneath your wings! Become OPEN and receptive to wondrous NEW OPPORTUNITIES brought forth on the WINGS of the EAGLE – Spirit’s great messenger!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW SOLAR /////WARRIOR– CIB gifts us with the ability to fearlessly QUEST-I-ON all that is disharmonious and incongruous through the Mirror’s reflection of the TRUTH of what IS.
The SOLAR/////WARRIOR then chooses the path of greatest HARMONY through unity and connection rather than fuelling the battles of dissension. SURRENDER the BATTLES and choose the path of DIVINE SERVICE and CONNECTION to each other for the greater GOOD.
Instead of FIGHTING the/// DARKNESS, choose to turn on your LIGHT!
Pulse your intention to realize PEACE and HARMONY in our world.
The SOLAR//// WARRIOR is pulsing forth his intention for EQUALITY, FAIRNESS and JUSTICE for all… One for ALL and ALL for ONE!
The RAINBOW//// WARRIORS choose fearlessness, and realize our creativity arises from the PULSE of the cosmos, revealing patterns of beauty through us. Our free will guides us on our QUEST back to the elegant design of the Harmonic Matrix bringing forth the harmony we desire in our NEW WORLD.
The higher intelligence of CIB aligns with BLUE EAGLE to give you much wisdom to rise above the old ways and close the door to the old world, fearlessly moving forward and building the RAINBOW BRIDGE to the NEW. HALLELUJAH
So precious Soul-ar Star Bliss SUPERNOVA SUNS, today we LET GO and LET GOD, in order to invite in and PULSE forth the absolute BLISS and ecstasy that beckons us from beyond the veils.
Today is a great day to die to your- self, stretch your WINGS and FLY HIGH over beautiful NEW HORIZONS!
Today’s question is “How can I totally SURRENDER and LET GO, to the voice of Spirit, PULSING my intention out to bridge NEW WONDERFUL worlds?”
Divine blessings for BUILDING the foundation of our new RAINBOW bridge to BLISS!
The 11:11 Gateway and the Full Moon in Taurus create a beautiful synergy for grounding, manifestation, and deep healing. This ceremony and meditation will help you connect to the earth’s abundant energy, release what no longer serves you, and open to the divine flow of prosperity and well-being.
Violet Flame Activation for Transmutation and Ascension
“I now create a sacred space across all timelines and dimensions, where I am fully protected and connected to my Higher Self. I invoke the powerful Violet Flame, which descends from the heart of Saint Germain and the Primordial Divine Fountain.
I ask that the Violet Flame activate in me and around me, enveloping my whole being in its purifying light. Burn and transmute, with love, all energies of fear, doubt, guilt, and any blockage that is hindering my spiritual growth. May every cell, atom, and molecule in my body be purified and elevated to It’s highest vibration.
I ask for the activation of my higher consciousness, that my soul aligns with the higher purposes of Divine Source. May I receive clarity, wisdom, and unconditional love to live out my mission on Earth with compassion, integrity and truth.
May this activation expand my connection with the cosmos and all the light beings that accompany me. The Violet Flame transmutes everything that no longer serves me and lifts me to higher levels of being. From this moment on, my energy is renewed and my being glows with the pure light of divine love.
That’s it, that’s how it’s done. ”
This activation can be used whenever you feel the need for purification, transmutation or spiritual elevation.
Violet Flame Activation for Transmutation and Ascension
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RUMORS: 11/11/2024
A bill to abolish the Federal Reserve has 20 sponsors. Now that Trump is in office, Executive Order 13772 is in full effect. The new U.S. Treasury is about to take over.
The countdown to liberation
As November unfolds, the signs of the cabal’s collapse are everywhere. The Vatican is under military control. The BIS has fallen. Underground bunkers are being raided. The QFS is clamping down on corruption, and Trump is preparing to deliver the final blow.
The deep state underestimated Trump, underestimated the alliance, and underestimated the will of the people. Their empire is crumbling, and the new world is emerging.
This is the final reckoning, and nothing can stop what is to come.
BIS Attack: The Cabal’s Nerve Center Has Been Destroyed
The takedown of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) on November 4, 2024, was a catastrophic blow to the cabal. Military forces raided the headquarters in Basel, Switzerland, seizing over $23 trillion in gold, cash, and digital assets.
Most shockingly, they discovered confidential vaults containing elite blackmail material, including videos, documents and genetic records linked to cloning experiments and human trafficking.
Breaking News: Trump’s Golden Age IS IN THE AIR – The wealth is ready, the gold is waiting and YOU must claim your share!
The BIS was not just a bank—it was the operational nerve center of the deep state. It controlled trillions in off-ledger accounts used to fund wars, regime change, and globalist agendas. With the BIS under the control of the alliance, the financial backbone of the deep state was severed.
✴️Upcoming points of interest related to the US presidential election!
Yesterday (November 5, US time) the result was a landslide victory for Mr. Trump (a landslide victory for the Republican Party
Originally, in this presidential election (vote), it was said that “Harris (Democratic Party)./DS) won” and “It was a close race.” There was no path that led to an outcome, and there were only two options: “Landslide victory for Trump” or “cancellation of the election (due to unforeseen circumstances).”
✅ We follow the path of “Trump’s landslide victory”.
It’s clear. (That’s the scenario)
In general, it means that “humanity on Earth has made an important choice.” However, personally, from the perspective of the world line, I think the true meaning of “choice” will exist next week. That’s what I think.
✴️Trends after the US presidential election
At this point, it has only been two days since the election, so we cannot make any definitive statements. This is just a mid-term opinion, but
✅ Could DS remnants in the United States be in a state of destruction?
✅Maybe the DS organization in the US is being dismantled!?
I wrote the following article based on “3 reasons (factors)”.
I feel that the “organizational strength” of the DS remnants in the US may be weaker than expected.
✴️ “Considerations in progress” What will happen to the Q Plan chosen by Earth’s humanity!?
This is a continuation of the story from the previous article (trends after the US presidential election). This is just a review in progress.
At the moment, I do not feel that the bifurcation of the mid-world line (the choice of Earth humans) has occurred yet.
However, from the events (flows) that have occurred since Mr. Trump was elected the next President, I feel that we are beginning to see the direction of the bifurcation of the mid-world line (the direction of Earth humanity’s choices).
*What kind of “choices” could humanity on Earth have made?
*What is the future (flow) of the Q plan?
A storm is here.
Trump’s landslide victory in the 2024 election was not just a political victory; it was a death knell for the deep state. The elites are on the run, their assets seized, their bunkers infiltrated.
While the media desperately tries to distort the narratives, the global alliance led by Trump is executing a master plan that has been decades in the making.
NESARA, GESARA and the Quantitative Financial System (QFS) are now making progress, dismantling the corrupt financial and political systems that have stifled humanity for centuries.
This is not just the end of a deep state – it is the birth of a new world order based on freedom and transparency.
Trump wins a devastating victory in the US presidential election on November 6.
The news of the white hat has been shared on social media and we will provide the latest information on future developments.
President Trump’s plan to dismantle DS and regain power!
After Trump wins the presidential election, mass arrests for the World Alliance Force will begin!
The White House shines in our gold! The Golden Age of Trump has arrived!
NESARA/GESARA global implementation plan will be decided from November 23rd!
A White House covered in gold
It means the beginning of a golden age in which we will advance as, yes, we all will.
The world comes to Trump’s victory.
Japan, Kenya, South Korea, Brazil, Serbia, Argentina,
Australia and Poland
They will hold huge celebrations in Trump’s honor.
✴️Questions about moving are not worth money and money for the company GESARA! ?
The value of our gold (GOLD) and the price are currently high. This happened because the value of two precious metal resources, such as gold and silver, would be unfairly suppressed. And now we show that their value is recovering.
As for the evolution of the phenomenon, it is a movement that can be fully understood as a change in consonance with “GCR/RV”.
When we transition to the GESARA society, space technologies that have been hidden until now (it is said that there are more than 6,000 space technologies) will begin to be disclosed and utilized.
And is there space technology that could produce gold, gold, etc. do something? This is a story about those missions.
Trump Calls 74 World Leaders to Iceland Summit November 20-23 to End NESARA and GESARA: $600 Trillion Seized, Military Strikes Escalate, QFS Lockdown Begins, and Public Tribunals Set for December 25 to End Cabal Reign!
Trump, now the undisputed leader of the global alliance, has summoned 74 world leaders to Reykjavik, Iceland, for a secret summit scheduled for November 20-23, 2024. This meeting is not about diplomacy — it is about finalizing the eradication of the globalist cabal and implementing NESARA and GESARA worldwide.
Trump’s medical bed deployment schedule leaked!
Mark these dates—the Quantum Healing Freedom Act will launch in December 2024!
Mark those dates, because history is unfolding before our eyes, and Trump’s plan is on a precise timeline that is already in motion.
December 1, 2024 – This will be the start of the full deployment phase. Trump insiders have scheduled a nationwide “hospital infrastructure upgrade” under which medical beds will be placed in more than 50 hospitals across the country.
🚨New podcast alert
November 9, 2024
🟢President Trump launches QFS in 2018
🟢IRAQ FAW Port = Connects them to WTO and the world
🟢ISO 4217 currency code – if your currency is not active in this list, you will not be able to exchange
🟢Donald Trump returns to complete QFS
White House covered in gold, signifying the beginning of the golden age
Where we go one, we go all!
The world celebrated Trump’s victory
Japan, Kenya, South Korea, Brazil, Serbia, Argentina, Australia, Poland
Everyone had big celebrations in honor of Trump
There is a powerful sense of hope and expectation that goes beyond a simple electoral victory.
The return of President Donald J. Trump represents a renewed promise to the American people, one that has the potential to transform our country in ways many have only dreamed of. At the heart of this vision is NESARA—the National Economic Security and Recovery Act—a landmark framework for sweeping economic and social reform.
For those who have followed Trump’s presidency, the announcement of NESARA would mark a historic step forward, fulfilling a series of executive orders aimed at restoring fairness, transparency, and economic justice across the country.
Behind the 1:1 Currency Revaluation in NESARA GESARA
— a global economic reset designed to equalize wealth, promote national development, and empower individuals by encouraging investment in their home countries. This ambitious rethink aims to reduce poverty, promote local economic growth, and establish financial stability around the world.
Understanding the 11:11 Gateway. November 11th is not just an ordinary date on the calendar. It marks a cosmic key designed to unlock your next level of existence.
Known as the 11:11 gateway, this date represents more than just an intriguing numerical alignment — it is seen as a powerful portal that can profoundly impact both personal and universal scales. . .