Star Elders ~ Energies are Quickening ~ Hieros Gamos / Divine UNION Solstice Portal ~ 7:7 Mercury Square Saturn
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Galactic Rainbow Butterfly Nation of the New Earth Dreaming
We have another day of massive energetics flowing into this realm from the most high.
We witnessed multiple columns of white light on the Schumann Charts today with a big blast of Resonance at an amplitude of 62 hz. Fifth Dimensional energies anchoring in. Pachamama also received a major activation on the Ring of Fire today with a magnitude 7.2 earthquake in Tonga at 18:06 UTC. Gaia, the Divine, the Company of Heaven and all Lightworkers are healing, clearing and cleansing all timelines, realms and dimensions of all nefarious energies and entities in this Now. The space time continuum is being recalibrated in the benevolence of the Holy Spirit. All is coming into alignment with the Freedom Codices of all anchor points throughout all time and space. We are calling in all Heavenly Hierarchies and multidimensional Legions of Light to complete the integrations and upgrades to all Crystalline DNA of all living beings. All false, negative and nefarious forces of all dimensions, realms and timelines are being dissolved, eliminated, removed and resolved through Divine Will and Pure Intent. In the Power of the Silence Of our almighty I Am Presence, we command and decree this now. Our Solar Diamond lightbodies are fully coming online to assist Gaia and all her children of the sun in this Great Shift of the Ages into the New Golden Age of 5d Aquarius. We are in the final days and age of suffering as we usher in the Holy Days of Freedom, Peace and Prosperity for all Sentient beings of the Way in this Age of Love and Truth. All is in alignment for these final activations in the Gold Light of the Great Spirit. With the assistance of the Infinite Buddhas of Infinite timelines we bridge Heaven and Earth for the final countdown to our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into homo-luminous, beings of Eternal Life…Aho!
Right now: Moon at 27°00′ Taurus, Sun at 24°29′ Gemini
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
A gardener trimming large palm trees.
Sabian Symbol for 25º Gemini
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 25º Gemini.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
A mature woman reawakened to romance.
Sabian Symbol for 28º Taurus
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 28º Taurus.
UPDATE. As you see more truth, you feel more & more ready to take a leap. Continue. The route towards more alignment is not for the fainted hearts, but you came here for this. You may need to free yourself of something or speak your full truth, to go to this next level — & allow new life, possibilities, magic & visions in. An exchange of energy is taking place. It will be worth it. Trust.
Collective timeline collapse taking place as well as a convergence.. All have made their choices between the trajectories.. More karmic looping OR making a jump to their highest trajectory. Releasing the lives, relationships and roles we’ve outgrown to make space for what will play out next..
“Humanity’s brilliant radiance of the Inner Cosmic Christ, in the unified Collective Consciousness, will strike a beautiful, encompassing, cleansing Violet Fire across our Earth. This birth of a New Earth will be a world of peace, working within global unity, and in support of all human kind in absolute equality. Our Earth will be governed by an awakened human species without the need for a government or laws. The truth will be lived; not taught. This was your divine plan all along.“
Powerful and POTENT energies are rising ahead of the Hieros Gamos / Divine UNION Solstice portal.
Specifically the MASCULINE Gate Codes will be VERY Active!
Opening space for this SOLSTICE energetic as we ground + anchor these divine codes as the Masculine Collective continues restoring the ROOT (Gate) to create the NEW Earth Kingdoms + Crystalline Cities. …
Return of the solar (heart) INNER (union) anchor activation & recalibration of divine masculine coding ….
Allowing the feminine to FULLY surrender into her FULLNESS and Creation Power.
We are only a few days out from the June 2023 Solstice. The energies are slowly increasing as waves of Plasma Light and Codes are being received from the Sun and from Cosmic sources.
These Codes will assist us in the major shift that we are undergoing from May and June and into the run up to the Lions Gate 8/8.
The Royal Star Lions and their companions the Solar Fire Lions are making their presence felt to support us in these deep changes.
As Pluto retrogrades into Capricorn, we feel the deep need to change and the last vestiges of the old being thrown off. In many ways there is a tussle between the old and the new.
And emerging from all this is the New Human, the Deep Human who lives in the Quantum new time on a vertical spiral (rather than horizontal linear time).
The Deep Human is centered in the Heart and can make deep dives down into the ancestral timelines or up into the Galactic and Cosmic spirals.
The Deep Human is present in all time and flows deep within the Divine Heart on the Light of the Divine Feminine.
Everything is changing.
Everything is Flowing and Becoming.
We are changing…becoming deeper and lighter and more of an expression of Creator Energy and Love.
In the last 24 hours there has been a huge release of trauma and pain in the collective, and this includes all which has been before.
I was taken into the Cathedrals of Cathedrals and to the High Altar, and there, in the company of heavens, and the Divine was shown how all is being erased and transmuted.
I was lifted in such a high state, that I was literally filled with the Power of Divine Love in the highest degrees and saw how all souls were being freed, not only from trauma and pain, but from negative patterns, bonds etc.
This goes so very deep, very deep. On levels we may not even be aware of. It is purification in the highest and deepest levels, and saw how souls were unified by the power of the Love where before they were separated by great chasm of whatever emotional charges there were.
I then experienced a profound consecration – which I cannot even put into words.
We are being freed on so many levels now, that our physical bodies have a hard time adjusting to all of this. We need time out and to allow ourselves to simply be.
I posted last night on some Info I had been receiving from last week. I can’t tell you how glad I was that I posted it. I’ve been sitting with this from last week, my teams are glad also. So last night it felt like I was being prompted from the Elemental and Galactic teams. Late last night I was told we are in the Solar event now. It started yesterday and now it will move through many like the tsunami I predicted a few weeks ago. Whether this is a physical tsunami or not. It will certainly be felt. Waves of Photon light and sound, plasma will be hitting your fields.
What I was told was that the original architecture of Gaia has now anchored. Her Blue Prints and Pure Grids are now online. So much has went into this happening. Will there be natural disasters, possibly. But not necessarily either! Because this is why so many of us have reached the stages where we are Galactic Shamans and Light Grid Weavers. We go in first to access what needs to be done, so minimal damage is happens. This is what has been happening for many years now. The Ring of Fire area is heavily assisted with the Dragons. I was shown today that many Dragon eggs that have been placed within the pure grid architecture of Gaia are about to hatch.
Indeed the Earth will rumble as these magnificent beings have now came home to us. This is also happening physical, new wave of children being born will hold Dragon lineage. My son and I hold it and I know there are others. Not many but it is coming more online. Over the past few days I have been working with the Great White Lion beings, we know they are one of the first architects here on Earth. I hadn’t joined the dots but this morning I have. This is New Earth fully coming online. I call it activated Gaia, because that is the Blue Prints I work with and will be my next body of work to offer as a container. I am part of the Luminary Dragon teams.
The Oceans will feel the rumble of the Dragon eggs hatching, as the platonic plates shift to anchor in the original architecture. I am curious what will be found around the world. Because it feels like an unearthing and lots of things exposed. Ancient temples, stones circles. The pure Grids have been only around 40% activate in the last few years. I have written I don’t follow the standard Leylines or where people are assuming Lemuria, Atlantis, Avalon is on the Earth maps. Much has been distorted around that and I always follow my inner guidance. Sometimes things aren’t where people think they are. They have been hidden and for good reason.
Hidden in plain sight has been a phrase I have been saying for months. I am so grateful for all the comments on my last post about the Solar Event and the Holy Shift we are in. We are in it now folks…. It isn’t going to be one big flash and that’s it. Our physical bodies couldn’t possibly handle that. It’s a slow process and it will gain momentum from this point onwards.
All hands on Decks…. Your going to step into what you are really here to do. All that work you have done on yourself was to prepare you for a stage where you could act as a human grid. Where you will transmit blueprints and codes to help stabilise these transitions. Your mere presence acts as a transmitter of light and information. Just as a crystal hold information so do you. Many of us now being called to help stabilise what is happening. Don’t ignore where your called and above all else be who you are designed to be, a huge generator of light and love!
As Grandmother Turtle said to me last Friday evening. There is no such thing as time, but there is a natural order to how things unfold. Your binds to time has collapsed. Do not look at this in time frames but that we are in this eternal now moment ridding the waves of great shifts and change.
Be as gentle with yourself as possible. Do less, go slow. The energy is going to be accelerating, the energy coming onto the planet is really fast so the slower you move the better.
The more you consciously choose to stop and smell the flowers, and look up at the trees, and the sky, and more appreciating the simple sweet moments, the easier the energy will be and the more the energy will support you.
Keep things simple and curtail all the things that distract you from whatever you do to go within.
So when it is really fast we want to deliberately go really, really slow. And you will actually get a lot more done.
If you try to keep up with the energy you are going to get tired really fast.
So again be gentle. move slow.
Hold the vibrations that you really value deep in your core. Only work the energy flowing in your Divine Line (the Golden River down the front of your spine), only be attached and responsible for that.
Modelling a strong and coherent field positively and empathically will serve you well and can impact millions.
We are all moving into Higher Light. LIGHT comes in infinite layers of weave and is packed with infinite string “packets of information”, data. It takes time, patience and Love to unpack any of it. It takes reception mode and no amount of logic can do this. We unpack the feeling (knowing) which filters into our everyday HUman consciousness in a myriad of ways. It requires our intentional deliberate Presence to make available the capacity to “unpack”. To SLOW RIGHT DOWN and expand our embrace, to enable the receptacle, “our Loving Heart, to process and integrate a reflection of this Knowing and Being.
Our logic can only catch a whisper of this Knowing.
Tania Gabrielle
7:7 Mercury square Saturn: Inspired Manifestation
When curious Mercury meets up with responsible Saturn, your view of the world is likely to change.
On June 15 Mercury squares Saturn at 7°, which will prompt you to move from any tendency towards analysis paralysis to a broader view of the world.
You may be asked to step outside of your comfort zone and speak up (Mercury).
Confidence-building opportunities, such as learning about how to initiate and maintain long-lasting friendships or being comfortable speaking freely and openly one-on-one, will help you to overcome internal resistance.
A square in astrology urges you to take action – in this case you want to pay close attention to any subtle prompts.
Lovely doors to explore deep, mystical topics or engage in research that focuses on a subtle, mysterious subject matter will be open to you.
The 7:7 code echoes the need to engage in more intense mental work.
Number 7 and Mercury square Saturn encourage you to spend time on your own – including work environments.
Patience is required, so take extra time to make decisions.
Support and advice from a trusted source really works in your favor.
June 15 invokes the number of Spiritual Alchemy – a magical opportunity for optimism and joy to clear the air.
A good way to alchemize energy in your life is to use your strong concentration abilities to organize your space, tidy any paperwork, feng shui and cleanse your surroundings and bring some plants and flowers into your indoor space.
Allow the magic and mystery of this code infuse your heart and mind.
Raise your frequency consistently by remaining calm and open-minded.
One vital part of your own frequency which is consistently in play is the name you choose to use – since your name emits a powerful vibration that you send out into the world day after day.
Make sure that your current name adds up to a fortunate frequency.
Mercury square Saturn is the perfect time to check your name – Mercury communicates and Saturn takes responsibility. Together they transmit frequencies that have a major impact.
Your current name is a frequency you choose, you share, that is written and verbalized – it has a huge impact on your life.
Here’s why having a fortunate name is so important – especially in these epic times of change: Your name vibration shows how easy or difficult it is for you to fulfill your Birth Promise.
Mercury square Saturn means it’s time to pay attention to the power of subtle vibrations – including the powerful impact of your current name.
Emitting a POSITIVE name frequency makes it much easier for you to consistently manifest what is for your highest good.
Focus on the energies of change and transformation internally, within yourself. As you do this your life will change and transform externally as well.
On Thursday the Moon, ruler of nourishment and the cycles of our emotions, is in earth sign Taurus for most of the day and will be in a positive connection to Pluto, ruler of rebirth and the cycles of life, in earth sign Capricorn. There is a quiet, yet powerful transformation that our emotional body is moving through now. Take some time to be still within yourself today. Be in the state of peace and listen to the whispers of your soul. Know that great change is happening internally, and will soon have expression out in the world. Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Sun in Gemini trine Hygeia in Aquarius. Sedna enters Gemini. Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces – Inuit sea Goddess Sedna begins a forty-year story that centres around the evolution of consciousness. Mercury’s connection to Saturn suggests that we have hard lessons to learn. Our karmic story feels tough right now, the ache of history weighs heavy on the soul. But there is also great potential to realise ideas. First, we must tend to our mental health, visualise what we hope for in the future, play a part in our communities, recognise our kinship despite our differences.
Challenge negative thoughts, interrupt corrupt head chatter that bleats on about how it’s pointless, how things will never work, how we never learn. Lean into your intuition and your imagination. For every soul who preserves their sense of meaning and connection to the cosmos, there grows a filament of the dreaming mind. It’s an invisible chain of promises passed hand to hand, linking brother to sister, neighbour to neighbour, generation to generation. We are all messengers of the Gods, all responsible for the stories we tell, the thoughts we think, the words we say. Let us support Sedna, wish her safe passage, make our offering a sacred prayer for unity. We are the glimmer of hope on the horizon for future ages.
Degrees and Times
Sun 24°Ge01′, Hygeia 24°Aq01′ – 09:42 (BST)
Sedna 00°Ge00′ – 14:17 (BST)
Mercury 07°Ge12′, Saturn 07°Pi12′ – 17:09 (BST)
Note – Sedna will re-visit Taurus to complete that transit Nov 22, 2023 – Apr 27, 2024
A full article on Sedna in Gemini is available to patrons here
‘Electric’ is the name for the number three and its keywords are ‘Activate, Service and Bond’. This is the third day of the Blue Monkey wavespell. Certainly, Monkey can be tricky. Especially during these first few days as we are positioned right in the middle of the two Portal day columns. This is a powerful but intense time and it won’t let up until we get to Red Spectral Dragon in 8 day’s time. However, the number 3 is always a fun number regardless of which wavespell it occurs in. There’s so much energy available to tap into and that comes in very handy, if you make use of it.
Today is Red Skywalker which represents ‘Space, Wakefulness and Explore’. The Skywalker loves to go on adventures and this curiosity is quite catching. We may feel compelled to follow the pied piper today or go on a Magical Mystery tour. As it is an ‘Electric’ day, today is perfect for activating an adventure and also expanding your mind. Think outside the box today and be a little daring. It doesn’t hurt sometimes to surprise yourself. The Skywalker encourages us to be more bold and when combined with this energetic number 3, well that could lead to a very electrifying adventure indeed.
The Guide today is the Red Earth, the symbol of evolution and when in this guiding position, it can only mean one thing: Your Electric adventures today are guiding you towards progress in your life, so don’t hesitate and grab life by the balls!
The Challenge is the Blue Night, the dreamer of the Tzolkin. The Blue Night has a big imagination and loves to dream away the day. It’s hard to get out of the door when you are having a party in your head but for dreams to come true you must wake up. One of the key words for Red Skywalker is Wakefulness and so if you are a Blue Night – today is your wake-up call.
The Occult power is the Yellow Star. As I have mentioned before, look to the Occult power to see where the strength of a day lies. As in a person, the Occult power symbolizes the magical and often hidden aspect of the character, their ace up their sleeve. Well, today’s ace is the Yellow Star which represents ‘Beauty, Art and Elegance’. This suggests that when on your adventure today, remember to appreciate the beauty of your surroundings, the beauty in those you encounter and the beauty of your life. Indulge in art, wear elegant clothes and of course shine like a star. Yellow Star is also Blue Monkey’s best buddy and so this helps us because we’re in the Blue Monkey wavespell!
The Ally is the White Worldbridger who invites all to cross the bridge to a new adventure. If you need a partner in crime today, a White Worldbridger is your best bet.
1- New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
6- Heaven/Christ/Family/Harmony/Fertility
13- Goddess/Cosmic Consciousness/Natural Lore
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Angelic/Earth
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
23- Royal Star of the Lion/Strength/Protection
KIN 133 = 7 – Mystic/Majik/Spiritual/Solitude Magician’s code
A very POTENTLY EXPANSIVE DAY, full throttle maximum acceleration to ACTIVATE HEAVEN on EARTH
Day 3 in the BLUE MONKEY WAVESPELL of MAJIK, JOY, Spontaneity, Bliss, Play, Merriment and a return to Innocence.
Today we ACTIVATE the JOY and BLISS. This is best expressed through EXPLORING the Majik that lies dormant within us, and around us. Using the ELECTRIC tone to IGNITE the SPARK to create more MAJIK, JOY and BLISS in our lives.
Today’s tone is ELECTRIC!!! This is pure creative genius energy – TESLA POWER. The ELECTRIC TONE coupled with the SKYWALKER, BLUE MONKEY, and MAJIK codes today, adds up to another electrically charged ROCKET FUELED DAY!! ZZZZZZZZAP!!! KAPOW!!!!
ELECTRIC is tone number 3 in the tone of creation. It is the first of the three EMOTIONAL realm tones. It’s focus is on being of SERVICE to others through the action of BONDING, that is coming together with others to cocreate and be of SERVICE. This desire is AMP-lified today through the 6.6 heavenly portal and 10/1 MANIFESTATION code.
ELECTRIC energy provides the ignition or SPARK for your manifestation, it is a current that needs to keep moving and flowing, transmitting energy.. It also adds POWER to anything you are creating today. An extra electrical boost to draw upon. The power of 3 is derived from 2 units merging and creating the third, more powerful entity. This action duplicates the essence of bonding in service that the Electric tone provides.
Today we bond together through the power of MAJIK to ignite joy and BLISS, lifting the vibe of our entire PLANET!
MONKEY FUN-EEE BUSINESS is the order of the day!
It’s TIME to PLAY together with our kin!
NOTE: ELECTRIC energy is very volatile and combustible which can lead to short fused interactions today, particularly with the cheeky monkey and GEMINI energies…. especially as it is an EMOTIONAL realm tone….
BE AWARE that people may be easily triggered on these days….. Remember to DIRECT this energy into creative and inventive projects so you can fully utilize the POWER available to LIGHT UP our world!
Today is a great day for manifesting MAJIK and fuelling our dreams and desires, to create a BLISS filled, beautiful life of constant flowing JOY.
A life we all truly deserve! The collective dream of ABUNDANCE FOR ALL BEINGS!
So beloved STAR BLISS SUNS, go forth and IGNITE the MAJIK so that it may GROW and E-X-P-A-N-D and continually grant all your wishes.
Today’s questions ARE “How can I activate more MAJIK, JOY and BLISS, as I explore greater potentials, for my creative expression through Divine Service?”
“How can we build together, a new Majikal foundation for PEACE, JOY and ABUNDANCE for NEW EARTH!
A great day to VISUALIZE the 6.6. HEAVENLY GOLDEN GATES of SOURCE opening WIDE and sending forth massively, EXPANSIVE golden rainbow codes flooding onto our planet and over all the tribes of our planetary kin, BONDING in Divine Service to Nova Gaia MANIFESTING our beautiful UTOPIAN WORLD.
Today’s code is absolutely BRILLIANT for all kin to bond together in unison to ACTIVATE the DREAM, that the AWAKENED ones are holding for the whole community.
Visualize all beings SAFE and protected from harm, enfolded in DIVINE Love and LIGHT so we can successfully ACTIVATE the New Earth Dream…
Muchos Gratitude IT IS DONE X a GODZILLION
An absolutely BRILLIANT day to swim/meditate with the Dolphins, PLAY with children and/or animals and activate your BLISS genes!
Divine blessings for the most EXPANSIVE BLISS filled day!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED ELECTRIC SKYWALKER BEN coupled with the ELECTRIC tone means you are outwardly driven to ex-press your e-motions of JOY, BLISS, HAPPINESS and excitation through the creative element today. Ecstatic BLISS EXPANSION
Today is a divine day to explore SPACE – other dimensions and NEW HORIZONS, that bring you greater happiness, contentment and bliss. BEN the Skywalker is the 13th tribe opening us to the mysteries of the Cosmo adding to the EXPANSION of JOY!
Today we EXPAND, EXPLORE and connect very easily with altered realities! This is our birthright as beautiful RADIANT STAR BLISS SUNSThe more expanded you go, the more deeply you can EARTH.
Today we expand, expand, expand and witness the new. As we EXPAND we realize great BLISS, floating endlessly in a sea of infinite potential and ALL THAT IS.
It is our MISSION to return from our adventuring as fully AWAKENED STAR BLISS SUNS, bringing Heaven to Earth.
ELECTRIC energy is DOUBLED today – so we will really be ACTIVATED to BOND with our kin in united ecstasy to realize BLISS ON EARTH. This collective Mission will be felt very strongly today!
But the stars do shine
In promising salvation, is near this time
Can you FEEL it now
So brothers and sisters, show we know how
Now tell me
Can you feel it, (tell me can you feel it) can you feel it, can you feel it
(Hey, hey, tell me, can you see what’s going down? Open up your mind)
Can you feel it, can you feel it, can you feel it
Go forth and WALK THE SKIES on all levels today, deep into the earth realms and even high out in the stars and multi-Universe.
All this can be experienced through your own bodies and consciousness without leaving home! No rocket required!!
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED ELECTRIC EARTH – CABAN’s coding is through SIGNS, synchronicity and navigation. Allow yourself to be DE-LIGHT-ed today with the majikal synchronicities appearing around you, and even materializing before your EYES!
Our MAJIK MONKEY is all BLISSED up and READY to PLAY – so watch for the cues he is giving you with CABAN to navigate your way to greater BLISS. The GATE to MAJIKAL 5D is blasted OPEN today!
Today we are listening, to find the PERFECT TIMING that IGNITES the MAJIK in our lives.
Energy expressed in right timing, can ACTIVATE those around us to express, as well, creating a domino effect of joy filled creation. This creates a feeling of WAKEFULNESS and a FLOW of euphoric BLISS, through the EXPANSION of our consciousness. Navigating our path through greater realms of experiencing this infinite BLISS, and then grounding it back into Mother Gaia.
ELECTRIC CABAN as today’s Higher Guide, IGNITES and ACTIVATES GAIA’S POWER GRID . VOLCANOES may erupt as the electrical current flows through her veins/meridians.. Pyramids are ACTIVATED and there is much energy to be harnessed for the betterment of all.
Use this POWER to ACTIVATE your DIVINE NEW EARTH MISSION and GAIA will surely partner with you.
For all those STAR BLISS SUNS who have been patiently waiting EONS for the RIGHT TIME – NOW IS THE BLISS TIME – so HOP TO IT!!
SUPPORT: WHITE ELECTRIC WORLDBRIDGER– CIMI the best buddy of BEN, of course, is joining the Galactic GIGGLE party today. BEN, CIMI and CHUEN are riding on the MAJIK carpet together, to take us to new worlds and dimensions in our happy adventuring through the space/time continuum. Jumping into other worlds to build the EXCITATION that leads to expression. To GET EXCITED by everything NEW. New opportunities, new knowledge, new adventures and new higher potentials.
The name of the game today is building EXCITATION so that it becomes CONTAGIOUS and spreads, creating even greater JOY, BLISS and HAPPINESS. Building energy and EXPANDING, touching more souls to AWAKEN to the greater experience of JOY.
All riding through the portals together, bringing forth the codes needed to create even more MAJIK and MIRACLES in our lives.
“NOTHING is more EXCITING than an IDEA whose TIME has come!” VICTOR HUGO
NOTE: KIN 146 – 3 CIMI is the Galactic signature of ELON MUSK – so as today’S SUPPORT we have more rocket fuel IGNITION to ACTIVATE our projects – people, resources, money, inspiration, majik – whatever is needed for your MISSION will MAJIKALLY APPEAR! NO LIMITS!
KIN 146 is a G.A.P. – Galactic Activation Portal – which is BLASTING open the veil today on this 6.6 DIVINE HEAVENLY day…
In EXACTLY 13 days time on 28 JUNE 2023 it will be the day of the ELECTRIC WORLDBRIDGER which BLASTS OPEN the next row of 10 GAP days in a ROW – during the YELLOW SEED WAVESPELL…
3 CIMI is bridging this span today as the first bridge opening the way to access these resources to reach your HIGHEST potential flowering.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW SPECTRAL STAR LAMAT is also joining this amazingly EXPANSIVE party today! LAMAT is the STAR of the show! The portal to other galaxies and planets. ANOTHER PORTAL CODE!!!
LAMAT works in unison OPENING THE GOLDEN GATES for CIMI to connect to, and BEN and CHUEN, to flow through, on their majik carpet, RIDING on the Superhighways of the Cosmos.
The SPECTRAL STAR – also operates on the emotional plane, dissolving, releasing and finally LIBERATING more energy. So anything that has restricted our BLISS will be dissolved so that we can fully LIBERATE more spontaneous JOY in our lives.
Today we are releasing the pure beauty, creativity, harmony and abundance that we have discovered through our joy filled exploration.
LAMAT shines her STARLIGHT on our capacity to co-create together the highest potential beauty and Harmony for our planet. To focus primarily on the Harmonic Matrix as a model of Harmony throughout the universe, which empowers us to fearlessly co-create the New Earth/Time for all beings.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE ELECTRIC NIGHT– AKBAL is the challenge that strengthens us today. AKBAL rules the deep subconscious inner realms. As it is a day of JOY, BLISS, CREATIVITY and outwardly expression, our challenge today, is not to delve too deeply into the abyss, but rather to SUPERCHARGE our happiness quotient.
ACTIVELY CHOOSE to explore the outer realms and world around us. Igniting our inner creative spark, through the guidance of our intuition, to navigate our way, welcoming more ABUNDANCE in our lives. Therefore building the basis for more MAJIK to flow.
The BLUE ELECTRIC NIGHT -is the MAJIKAL GENIE who very powerfully ACTIVATES our greatest DREAMS today! Especially with a 10/1 MANIFESTATION CODE!! Seek out those kin holding the same DREAM and bond in SERVICE to ignite those DREAMS.
Today is a great day for manifesting MAJIK and fuelling our dreams and desires, to create a BLISS filled, beautiful life of constant flowing JOY.
A life we all truly deserve! The collective dream of ABUNDANCE FOR ALL BEINGS!
So beloved STAR BLISS SUNS, go forth and IGNITE the MAJIK so that it may GROW and E-X-P-A-N-D and continually grant all your wishes.
Today’s questions ARE “How can I activate more MAJIK, JOY and BLISS, as I explore greater potentials, for my creative expression through Divine Service?”
“How can we build together, a new Majikal foundation for PEACE, JOY and ABUNDANCE for NEW EARTH!
A great day to VISUALIZE the 6.6. HEAVENLY GOLDEN GATES of SOURCE opening WIDE and sending forth massively, EXPANSIVE golden rainbow codes flooding onto our planet and over all the tribes of our planetary kin, BONDING in Divine Service to Nova Gaia MANIFESTING our beautiful UTOPIAN WORLD.
Today’s code is absolutely BRILLIANT for all kin to bond together in unison to ACTIVATE the DREAM, that the AWAKENED ones are holding for the whole community.
Visualize all beings SAFE and protected from harm, enfolded in DIVINE Love and LIGHT so we can successfully ACTIVATE the New Earth Dream…
Muchos Gratitude IT IS DONE X a GODZILLION
An absolutely BRILLIANT day to swim/meditate with the Dolphins, PLAY with children and/or animals and activate your BLISS genes!
Divine blessings for the most EXPANSIVE BLISS filled day!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 Shamanic Negative Implant Removal Ceremony 🔥
Implant Removal Shaman Ceremony ~ Cutting all Cords, Attachments and all False Soul Contracts ~ Freedom from all Negative Programs and Entities
Beloved Source of All That Is, The One. Christ Light, Beloved Divine Presence, Guardian Angels, Ascended Masters and the Highest Christed Light.
Shine The Light and Warmth of Peace and Divine Presence Upon Us so we may as individuals and as one Humanity Cultivate Peace, Warmth and Compassion in Our Hearts and Minds and Actions.
Guide Us Now to experience Stillness, Peace and Calm Within.
Help us to embody Peace and Divine Presence so we may overflow Peace and Love out beyond us here and now, to Bless All Hearts and Minds across the Planet, and Around the Earth with Divine Light Presence so that Peace and Light May Prevail.
May, Divine Presence and the Light of Compassion, Transmute Hatred and Darkness, bringing into Sync and Harmony the paths of All.
Help us to embody Peace as individuals, to shine the Light of Love and warmth within our Open Hearts.
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