Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Sacred Peacemakers of our Kingdom of New Jerusalem on Earth
After the beautiful latticework Rainbow Diamond patterns appearing on the Schumann Charts yesterday we had 13 hours of Blackout. 13 of the Divine Mother Goddess energies flowing into the field from the most High. We are integrating the higher Codes and Vibrations of our Paradise Resonance of New Earth.
All Hearts are being scanned, weighed and tested as we are all being prepared by the Great Spirit for our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into the New Human of homo-Luminous beings of Infinite Light. We must be Pure of Heart and Intent to pass through the Eye of the Needle and into the New Heaven upon the New Earth.
Those of ill will, nefarious intent and false pretenses shall not pass through the Gateway of Eternal Life. All Children of God Return to Innocence as we shall inherit the Earth as Caretakers and Guardians of Terra Nova Gaia.
As we enter a New Phase of our Ascension Journey, Gaia the Divine and our Galactic Families assist our Good People of our Rainbow Tribe to activate the Passions within their Hearts and Minds to be empowered on our Path with Hearth. We continue to go through and through and through until full and total compressions Breakthrough as Supernova Rainbow Bodies of the New Lemuria…A’Ho!
Right now: Moon at 20°46′ Cancer, Sun at 28°36′ Gemini
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
The first mockingbird of spring sings from the tree top.
Sabian Symbol for 29º Gemini
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 29º Gemini.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
A prima donna singing.
Sabian Symbol for 21º Cancer
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 21º Cancer.
UPDATE. Very strong energies being received. New cycles starting in relationships as if a big layer had been cleansed away. A new dawn is coming with possible declarations, openings or unexpected communication. New inspirations being downloaded, giving a sense of renewal to your mission, your purpose, shifting you higher. Progress is there. A new cycle is starting.
Liquid Plasma Light Rays of Gold are coming down in Sparkling Geometries of Kundalini Activations anchoring through Gaia. June is a month of uplevels, uprisings and reclaiming our place and power on the collective Atlantean Spirals we are rewriting together.
If you are harmonizing with your alignment to your True North by learning to sidestep the drama and walk in your truth as a creator you will be experiencing this Solstice Gateway as a means to land on a whole new trajectory.
Allow and follow the reroute. And choose to align with those who mirror your strengths. The days of shadow walking are dissolving as we make bold moves. Remember: We are currently in the Power of 7 ~ Action!
The Holy Spirit is your partner, and you never walk alone. Oceans of Aloha, Ameera Atlantis ~Star of the Sea~
We have received several new light codes since last week… I even witnessed this day 17th of June was the most intense in energies… many have found it difficult to let go… we will keep getting stronger and stronger, the human being can no longer continue to function with his egoistic human mind… these frequencies must be getting more and more powerful for all those who are strongly resisting to open up.
I received for the second time that there is going to be a breakthrough with technology, big changes on this side.
The waves of light we receive require that consciousness be expanded, elevated in the heart.
Gaia emanates high frequencies of love, celestial frequencies of pure love.
There is a lot of activity coming to us from the great sun and the magnetic crust of Gaia it can bring a lot of difficulties, mood instability, mental difficulties for those who had not yet done anything as a change, including this also who thought they were ok but are in judgement face to the other one…. nothing can happen without being seen by the creator, everything must be transformed and transcended.
You have to let yourself go and make the transition confidently in letting go and focus on you.
Keep getting ready for this magnificent walkway on the June 21st Solstice.
Love to all of you!
Christ consciousness
will be reunited once again…
The sphinx is the keeper and revealer of secrets, it represents a cosmic gate, he is the king just like the lion. The lion is justice and power… the two will reunite in the portal of June 21 which lasts until 08-08 for a perfect alignment and anchor in August 2023
Atlantis: A Gateway to Other Realms —Unveiling the Enigmatic Portals
Atlantis is a lost city that has been shrouded in mystery for thousands of years.
Atlantis is a city of legend, and its origins are shrouded in mystery. The island continent was said to be the seat of civilization during the Bronze Age, but it was later swallowed by the sea. Today, only scattered ruins tell of its existence.
It’s believed to be located somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Portugal. Legend has it that the city was built by a race of people who lived on Earth thousands of years ago. They were said to be very brilliant and also have advanced technology.
The Atlanteans also had a vast knowledge of astronomy, which is why they built a giant pyramid in the middle of their city. The pyramid was called the Great Pyramid, and it still exists today!
But what if there were more to the story? What if this lost civilization was not merely a myth? What if it actually existed? This may seem like a wild claim, but consider this: even today, we are discovering new evidence that suggests that Atlantis did exist. And as more information is uncovered about its history, our understanding of ancient civilizations will only become more complex and refined.
Atlantis was destroyed by an earthquake around 1450 BC and then sank into the ocean. According to legend, some people survived the catastrophe and fled to other countries, where they continued their studies about Atlantis and its mysteries. They also kept records of everything they knew about this ancient civilization so that future generations could learn more about what happened there!
The name, of course, comes from Atlantis, a sunken continent that was an advanced civilization at one time in human history. There are many interesting things about this lost land that we have yet to discover.
It was a great civilization that flourished for many years before being destroyed by earthquakes. However, its ruins have inspired some scholars to believe there were other dimensions accessible from Atlantis — a realm where time and space travel could be accomplished!
One remarkable aspect of Atlantis’ technological prowess was its ability to harness interdimensional energies. Intriguing devices found amidst the ruins indicate the Atlanteans’ mastery over manipulating the fabric of reality.
These advanced contraptions, infused with intricate crystal technology and harmonizing with the vibrational frequencies of other dimensions, served as conduits to traverse the thresholds between worlds.
Archaeologists have since discovered a great number of artifacts left behind by this mysterious civilization, including advanced technology and an understanding of interdimensional travel.
As the layers of history are peeled back, the relics of Atlantis continue to captivate our imagination. These artifacts provide glimpses into a civilization that possessed a profound understanding of interdimensional travel.
Intricate machinery, intricate engravings, and enigmatic symbols etched onto ancient tablets reveal the existence of a knowledge system that delved into the mysteries of parallel realms.
The implications of Atlantis’s interdimensional pursuits extend beyond mere curiosity. They present a profound shift in our understanding of reality and the potential interconnectedness of realms yet to be explored.
The relics left behind hint at the existence of gateways that transcended the limitations of time and space, offering a tantalizing glimpse into the realms that lie beyond our perception.
Each discovery brings us closer to unraveling the secrets held within the lost city of Atlantis. As we continue to piece together the fragments of its past, the possibility of interdimensional travel becomes less of a figment of our imagination and more of a tantalizing prospect waiting to be realized!
Atlantis stands as a testament to the boundless capabilities of human ingenuity, reminding us that there are still realms uncharted, awaiting our exploration and unlocking the mysteries they hold.
The discovery of the lost city of Atlantis has been a long time coming. In our modern era, we are used to being able to explore beyond our immediate surroundings and make incredible discoveries about the world around us. However, when it comes to this ancient civilization that vanished from history so many centuries ago, some things still remain a mystery.
Atlantis is not only one of the most mysterious sites in existence but also one of the most intriguing places on Earth. The legend of Atlantis has captured the imagination of people all over the world for centuries, leading them to wonder what secrets this lost civilization holds.
Nowadays, we have a lot of tools available to us that allow us to learn more about these secrets and even use them to explore other dimensions. A lot has been written about Atlantis over the years, and its many mysteries have been revealed one by one.
However, there are still so many things that remain unknown about this fascinating place because its secrets were guarded by powerful gods who were eager to keep them hidden from humanity forevermore.
We love you dearly,
We are here with you,
We are your family of light,
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Finding compatible connections in the World may have become obsolete, especially after releasing so many people from your life. You may have been challenged, attacked, and on the defence from others, which created a general tone of conflict in relationships.
We are being asked to evolve our spiritual understanding of why these experiences have occurred, so we can move past that dimension, and seek authentic connections. The past is inevitably over. Release it all to Mother Earth. Get grounded and welcome the rebirth to begin.
New Earth Love has arrived. Us Starseeds are being called to ground this new love into our Masculine and Feminine channels. Doing so will implement our New Earth lifestyle, land, home, peace, harmony, and Unions. Choosing to see through the lens of this love is the next step for us all.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen. God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
June 19-26, 2023 – ABUNDANT BLESSINGS – SuperNova Astrology Update
We are just coming off a powerful New Moon in Gemini, starting us down a brand new path which is more in line with our greater destiny. The Sun is still in square to Neptune in Pisces, making us question who we are and where we are going. This Grand Mutable Cross with the Galactic Center says the only way forward is to fulfill our spiritual truth. Ceres in Virgo says we must purify and re-awaken the Dream of Earth. It’s an activation of the SuperNova Earth Healer, Spiritual Warrior.
We know we are coming up upon an intense time of unavoidable change, with Pluto coming into square with the Nodes of the Moon. On June 17th, the Nodes of the Moon moved from 3 degrees to 2 degrees of Taurus and Scorpio, bringing them just a couple degrees out of square with Pluto at 29 degrees Capricorn. We will really be feeling this square of an inevitable twist of fate when the Nodes move to 1 degree on June 24th. A new reality is clicking in to gear. We are in a countdown to turning on the New.
Pluto is also just two degrees out of sextile with Neptune at 27 degrees Pisces, bringing forward a magical feeling of possibilities. Yes it’s a death of the old, but also a time for new beginnings. It’s time to live a life that expresses more truely, who we are as spiritual beings.
This is the message with our epic timekeeper planets, Saturn and Jupiter coming into exact Sextile from June 19-23. This is making Solstice week is an overflowing cup of potential blessings. Make sure to slow down enough to enjoy this time fully and completely. We are receiving abundant blessings by learning to drink from the cup.
Mars is approaching Black Moon Lilith in Leo, making this Solstice Season about bringing in new energies to our physical body. It’a an upgrade of epic proportions as we burn away the old stories of low self worth and shame connected to the past. It’s time to re-light our creative fire. Mars and Black Moon Lilith will be in sextile to Mercury in Gemini, completing the chapter of the Mercury retrograde. We are being freed from old worn out programming, as the light floods into our world, and into the cells of our being. A brand new perspective is coming.
Venus is also in Leo, and will come up to Black Moon Lilith on June 29th, continuing the fires of purification. It’s a powerful fire trine with Black Moon Lilith connecting with Chiron in Aries. This trine will last through the first week of July, inviting us to take life to a new level. We must take advantage of this potent time. It’s a re-awakening of the creative fires within
On Monday, June 19th, we have far reaching Jupiter, planet of expansion and blessings, in a positive sextile to disciplined Saturn, ruler of organization and practicality. There is an opportunity to take further steps towards your aspirations and goals, but it should be done with prudence and planning. Jupiter is about hope and seeking new horizons, but Saturn is about responsibility and patience. These two can work together to produce the best outcome now. It is about being cautiously optimistic in pursuing the big picture….one step at a time! Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces. Jupiter in Taurus sextile Saturn retrograde in Pisces – We’re floating in a mist at sea. The waves lap at our little boat, restful yet with a growing feeling that we were meant to be somewhere, be someone. But the will to start paddling seems to have left us so we drift, waiting for life to carry us. Uncertainty troubles the heart. Maybe for some, it’s a cue to escape – into sleep, a bottle, endless episodes of that great show. But at some point, we have to come back to reality, find our way, address disillusion. Yes, the soul is immortal, but the body is not. Time’s a-ticking and Saturn knows we have business to attend to.
Find your way through the fog by addressing ideals that leave you feeling disappointed in life or in yourself. Use this energy to reconnect with your spiritual path. Inhabit the magic of your imagination, the light of your creativity. Stop feeling guilty for resting but know when to return to the work. Increase your security to move past blocks. Don’t let your inner saboteur take away your dreams.
‘Resonant’ is the name for the number seven and its keywords are ‘Attune, Inspire and Channel’. We are right in the middle of the Blue Monkey wavespell and finally well clear of the intense squishy bit in between the two Portal Day columns. It’s not over yet mind you.. when we are at the top of the next column – Red Spectral Dragon – the intensity will transform into awesomeness. This is the third wavespell of the notorious Blue Western Castle of Burning. The last wavespell is Yellow Seed which also contains ten Portal days but it is more rewarding than intense; in my personal opinion. The Yellow Seed yields a cornucopia harvest and many good things come out of it. This is day seven of the Monkey wavespell which translates into: Fine tune your intuition, be still and listen for instructions. The seventh day is about trusting your gut instincts. So, if you regularly remember to do this when the Resonant number comes round every 13 days, that’s a great and healthy habit to form. With enough practice we become better at trusting our natural instincts.
Today is Red Earth which represents ‘Evolution, Synchronicity and Navigation’. These instructions that are waiting for you, if you can tune into the right frequency, will lead you to Evolve. ‘Navigation’ is about steering yourself in the right direction once you have understood these instructions. Again, use your intuition and you’ll know just what to do. It’s a great combination of day and number as we always experience more psychic activity whenever we connect to Mother Earth. It’s when our Ego disconnects us, that we lose the ability to navigate.
The Guide today is the Red Moon which symbolizes relaxation. As always when the Moon guides us, we must surrender and relinquish control and trust that things will work out. This laid-back attitude is very good for channeling too, so permit yourself to chill. Really anything can happen when the Moon guides, you’ve just got to be prepared that anything you planned, may not turn out well. In fact, drop all of your plans as things never turn out the way you expect when the Moon guides anyway.
The Challenge is the Blue Hand, the healing energy. We all need healing, the Earth too but today it is especially challenging to get the healing that’s needed so badly. If you are a Blue Hand, your challenge is to evolve, if you are a Red Earth your challenge is to heal. These are opposing energies but together they create wholeness.
The Occult power is the Yellow Seed which represents sowing awareness. When in this position, the knowledge being shared, centers around all matters magical.
The Yellow Seed is a bit of a know it all. They dabble in this and that and consume information like no one’s business. Luckily for us they love to share this wisdom.
The Ally is the White Wind, the communicator of the Tzolkin. If you talk to anyone today, talk to a White Wind. They’ll have a message for you to help you evolve.
A much more yin, DIVINELY feminine day today, attuning to the EARTH MAJIK of PACHAMAMA!
Day 7 in the BLUE MONKEY WAVESPELL of MAJIK, Joy, Bliss, Play, Merriment, Spontaneity and a return to Innocence. Today we are asked to BE STILL, LISTEN and attune to the synchronicities which lead us to greater MAJIK and BLISS!
RESONANT – Tone 7 in the EMOTIONAL realm. ACTION – inspires, POWER – channel, ESSENCE – attunement. The RESONANT tone very powerfully IGNITES the potential for great ALCHEMY today, as it provides the ability to fine tune and channel the majikal forces available to us all, to walk through the doorways, offering new pathways and opportunities.
Today we are super sensitive, as we are attuned through our senses – the emotional “feeling” body. So tune in and FEEL what your body is sensing.
What signals are you receiving?
At tone 7 our vibrating phenomenon learns to be still and to listen. Mystical 7 understands that EVERYWHERE is majikal but right here is better, once we attune and then channel the majik through this present moment. Number 7 is also the frequency of the Mystic and the Magician which DOUBLES the MAJIK of the MONKEY wavespell today !!
What are you ATTUNED to today? What form of MAJIKAL portal will you manifest?
Today’s question is “How can I attune to the synchronicities, leading to the flow of more MAJIK, opportunities and BLISS in my life ?”.
Divine blessings for attaining Majikal resonance with these BLISS codes of PACHAMAMA today!
We are ONE!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED RESONANT EARTH -CABAN attunes us to the signs, synchronicities and FLOW of the natural rhythms of Gaia. The RESONANT EARTH is very closely bonded with Mother Gaia, and highly attuned to her signals.
CABAN beckons us through our attunement to her rhythms, to be sensitive to the FLOW of great Majik through our Planetary body. Today Gaia gives us the SIGNS of synchronicity and right timing. What it is to track the majik in your life and all around you, to track the JOY and find your BLISS.
If you have lost the BLISS in your life – go back to your roots and what makes your HEART sing.. Being immersed in the splendour of nature is a quick boost to our BLISS quotient.
It is TIME to reset our BLISS BAROMETER...
Red Resonant Earth reminds us that we are the Children of Gaia, and through our Earth Mother we are all connected. As she feels and senses through us, we too can sense and FEEL through her, as we connect at a much deeper and more empathic level.
Talking to the trees, listening to the wind, sailing in the Mediterranean Sea, soaking in the Solar rays, hearing the choir of birdsong, and feeling the pulsing of Mother Earth’s heartbeat.
The RESONANT EARTH is our GPS system pointing the way forward – our navigation cycle enabling us to EVOLVE into cycles of greater BLISS and fulfillment.
The NEW HU-MANS will be more attuned to the EARTH and all of creation – this is our key to growth. Our ancestors knew this wisdom and imparted it to future generations through their storytelling and prophecies. Sadly current generations have broken the connection with their ancestors and wisdom keepers to their demise, feeling the great separation and disconnection from the land and her EARTH MAJIK. .
NOW is the TIME to reconnect! As we connect and F-E-E-L more deeply, we develop more love, respect and begin to truly honour this beautiful planet we call home. Tune in and be inspired through listening to Gaia’s messages to navigate your path back home to unbounded BLISS.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED RESONANT MOON – MULUC adds more gentle, feminine, intuitive energies, and a beautiful sensitivity to this day. Added to the resonant tone, this makes today a highly EMPATHIC day, so be sure to channel this into expression through greater compassion for all you connect with.
Your psychic senses are heightened today – so tune in to the messages, signs and signals you are channeling.
The power of the Goddess and her Universal waters allows us to FLOW with the thoughts, ideas and opportunities arising today.
Our focus is on PURIFICATION of our emotional body, particularly through the familial lines and ancestral patterns. We are releasing old patterns of the past, that impede us from obtaining a state of BLISS, and returning to our pure childlike innocence.
The Universal waters of the Goddess really SOOTHE our senses, bathing us in the much needed gentleness we need. Mother GODDESS will cradle our beautiful INNER CHILD back to a state of absolute contentment and GLEE.
Gently FLOW with the energies today, connecting to your inner BLISS, and feel the MAJIK coursing through your body, as everything starts to GLOW and come ALIVE!
Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the Stream,
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
SUPPORT: WHITE RESONANT WIND– IK works in unison with CABAN to bring us much stronger messages today. The RESONANT WIND – opens a SUPER HIGHWAY connection to Spirit and the natural world.. uninterruptible FLOW!
We have the messages from Mother Earth, echoing and amplified through the whispering wind. Feel the connection to Spirit, to Mother Gaia and to the natural kingdoms. Be an antenna and ALLOW the BLISS to FLOW through you today.
Where are the WINDS of CHANGE guiding you?
Open your mainsail and allow Spirit to be your GPS.. navigating your new path to more JOY and fulfillment.
The great WHITE WIND wants us ALL to unfurl our mainsails in order to allow the WIND to help us SAIL out of the harbour, into new waters and new lands, exploring new adventures.
The sleeping masses are like yachts docked in a safe port. They are firmly ANCHORED to the shore with their ropes curled around the bollards, and their sails are packed away… They are going NOWHERE – because they are too afraid to change and explore the unknown… their FEAR keeps them anchored and trapped.
In contrast the STARBLISS-SUNS are in their boats headed out of the harbour, – eager for the NEW ADVENTURES that this exciting NEW DREAMSPELL year is bringing.
So far we have been using the mechanical ENGINES of the yachts trying to make forward progress – This could only get us so far, as many boats were stopping and starting, or running out of fuel. They had no NATURAL FLOW to help them GO.
In order to really take off at accelerated speeds we need to unfurl our mainsails, tack a little to the right 45 degrees, and catch the WIND in our sails. Allow the WHITE WIND to take hold, steering us all in the right DIRECTION, out to the vast ocean of opportunities, as we attune to our natural flow.
Sail your boat, connect to mother GAIA, sing, dance, channel, play instruments, write, draw and allow the Divine to animate your being.
Feel yourself in synchronic flow with the cycles and timing of the Natural world. Allow the breath of Spirit to course through your body becoming a Divine conduit, the living bamboo reed. The conduit of FLOW for spiritual evolution.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW RESONANT SEED – KAN Is the SEED of new potentials through expanded GROWTH. We are all SEED packets with potent LIGHT packets encoded within us.
KAN enables us to express our creativity today and to cocreate the beautiful gardens of the future. One by one, each sowing our own unique seed, through our unique talents and contributions, until one day our garden has flourished into the GARDEN OF EDEN! A haven filled with ABUNDANCE that we can harvest at will. Collective abundance for all beings.
Tune in to the highest potential revealed to you through CABAN, MULUC and IK to lead you down the path of greatest LIGHT and natural FLOW!
Sail your beautiful yacht to ABUNDANT new lands where you can SOW new seeds of potential. Enjoy the NEW opportunities allowing you to S-T-R-E-T-C-H- your WINGS and FLY.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE RESONANT HAND – MANIK challenges us to trust in the presence of HEALING. This is revealed as the knowing of the greater vision, to our deepest inner-sense, our child-like nature that is drawn to the Majik of what we can accomplish.
The RESONANT HAND is highly attuned to the healing wisdom from Mother Gaia’s treasury of medicinal cures and elixirs. Allow MANIK to navigate your course, to accomplish full restoration and wholeness once again.
FEEL the POWER of Spirit coursing through your veins and allow nature to soothe your soul, healing your ailing techno. stressed body. Open to the FLOW of chi that meanders majestically through the rivers, sea, mountains and forests of the natural world to accomplish great healing today!
Enjoy this beautiful gentle day beloveds, stop, listen, connect and revel in the Majik of synchronicity!
Open your MAINSAILS and invite the WIND to take you to WONDROUS NEW LANDS.
Today’s question is “How can I attune to the synchronicities, leading to the flow of more MAJIK, opportunities and BLISS in my life ?”.
Divine blessings for attaining Majikal resonance with these BLISS codes of PACHAMAMA today!
We are ONE!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 Shamanic Negative Implant Removal Ceremony 🔥
Implant Removal Shaman Ceremony ~ Cutting all Cords, Attachments and all False Soul Contracts ~ Freedom from all Negative Programs and Entities
Make the most of this second energy jump of 2023. Remember that your personal Crystalline Stargate of the Heart is part of these Stargate flows and the dynamic Crystalline Grid.
Clearing, activating and calling forth the flow of light through the Infinite Kryst Heart is key to a new experience.
Be your own Gatekeeper; connect with Gaia, Solaris, and the Stargate flows to become ONE with these transformative New Light flows.
Solar flashing experiences are anticipated for prepared Hearts. Create the calm, focused, open space for transformation and get outside to receive.
Meditate on the SUN, and fully merge with the Solar Presence above, below (Gaia’s core), and within the Solar-Diamond-Crystalline Heart.
Solstice peak is Wednesday, June 21 at 7:57AM PDT.
We will unify in meditation and support of the New light flows from 7:30-8:30AM PDT. Join in this synchronized activity of Light, wherever you are, in the Unified Field of Ascending Hearts.
There is strong guidance to honor the passage before Solstice, and to witness the first rays at SUNrise, wherever you are.
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