Masculine Feminine Soul Unions ~ Ascension ~ The Serpent’s Path * New Earth Codes ~ Your Highest Timeline ~ NEW Nodal Points
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Ascending Masters of our Emerald Order of the Golden Sun
Gaia and all her Children of the Sun continue to get enveloped in the Higher Gold Rays of Infinite Source as our local Soualris continues to pulse Soular Flashes of Pure Light into this realm releasing 6 more C Class Soular Flares today and another Trinity of M Class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 4.11 at 9:36 UTC encoded with the Mystery Energy of the Universal Code of the 369 of synchronicity.
Pachamama also received a powerful activation today on Her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 6.2 Earthquake in El Salvador, Central America at 17:28 UTC. As Mother Earth’s Serpentine Kundalini continues to Ascend and Rise up the Central Channel of her Toroidal Electro-Magnetic Quantum Field we Rise with Her!
The Simulation is being exposed and revealed for exactly what it is, an illusion and temporary experience of division and separation. It is up to our Starseed Earth Angelic Team of the 144 to Transform this realm into the Paradise she has always evolved to be. We do this with our Pure Intent and Divine Will and holding our Visions of our Pristine New Earth within our Hearts and Minds as conscious Co-Creators of Terra Nova Gaia Galactica…A’Ho!
TODAY’S ORACLE. It’s an intense day with strong solar flares. Emotions could feel as bigger, everything more sensitive and dense. Overwhelming even. Physical symptoms are reported too. Something is activated within, at the DNA level. This is causing a depp purge. At the same time, insights could flow about next steps, things to do, connections to make, gifts to reveal. Everything could feel overwhelming or “too much” – the emotions being released, as well as the bigness of what you feel your path could become. It could feel like there is a lot going on, too much to do. Extreme self care is recommended. Try and do the things which release the tension. There is a fire within you right now, intense. It’s burning what’s gone and activating what is supposed to. We are all in this together. Faith.
Have faith in the magic within yourself
You are on Earth in the most exciting of times in humanity’s history. You are in the final moments of preparation, for a magnificent event that is causing ripples throughout the Universe. And this is humanity’s ascension into a new realm of existence. The shift that is taking place now will see much of what you believe to be reality deteriorate, and all the structures of the matrix dissolve. Please understand that it has all served its purpose.
Now it is time to transcend the illusion, return to your divinity, and your rightful place among the stars, to be as the Divine always intended you to be. Regardless of the appearance and events in the outer world, trust that all will be alright. We ask you to bring your focus daily to your heart center, and connect with the light within your being, your inner essence, and move forward in love.
May the year of 2025 be filled with light and love for you all. May the peace and wisdom of the One Radiant Creator emerge from within all of you, as you are enveloped in the wings of the angels and their love in every step of the way on your journey towards expansion and upliftment into higher states of consciousness and new ways of being.
“Our egotism is not a bad thing. We have to see it for what it is. It’s simply fuel. As fuel it has its use, but without awareness we don’t refine that fuel, so we don’t leave the trap of our urge to find fulfilment. The bottom line is that ego isn’t the enemy. It’s the booster rocket that one day will launch us into inner space.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
1/5/25: January will change things. Count on it. Changes of mind, heart, attitude, environment, perspective. And, because we’re all interconnected, you will witness dominoes falling with every shift you and others make… and those dominoes will continue to fall further and further. Today is a change of heart day. It’s your heart… your loves, compassion, and empathy… that will take much of the impact in this spiritual year.
So your Right Action is to expand your heart at every opportunity through gratitude, grace, and patience. It won’t likely be easy because the ego wants what it wants, but that’s why you powered up in 2024 with presence, nonattachment, influence, and self-mastery. It’s time to use all your tools.
witness dominoes falling
Ra James
The energies are going to continue to be quite high for the first few months of this year. Right now your body is adjusting to the jump into a much higher frequency. Remember as your frequency goes up, your actual timelines change too. As the Planetary frequencies continue to rise up so do you. Your integrating into the highest frequency to that you can hold at this time. You may be experiencing ascension symptoms as your body is working overtime to release, or let go of old energies.
You may be experiencing increased intuition, heightened emotional sensitivity, shifts in your moods/ or mood swings, shortness in breath, feeling overwhelmed or anxious, fatigue and exhaustion, headaches, stomach issues, changes in appetite, heart palpitations, tingling/ buzzing/ or vibrating sensations in your body, increased sensitivity to light and sound, ringing/ or buzzing in the ears, feeling lightheaded/ or dizzy, feeling disoriented and out of body, vivid dreams and heightened dream recall, sleep disturbances, night sweats, hot flashes, and waking in the night between 2 and 4 A.M. You’re integrating into a new 5D frequency. As you begin to awaken more and more you’re purging out/ or letting go of the old.
You may feel disconnected from your old self, a desire for deeper meaning, questioning how your living your life/ and sensing more of the collective, or big picture of the Planet, increased empathy and compassion, more of a desire to get out into nature, deep introspection, a sense of purpose or calling, increased intuition and gut feelings, seeing more/ or picking up on more signs, synchronicities, and repeating numbers and patterns. Self doubt, fear, and other negativities may surface for you to clear, shadow aspects and any karmic baggage your still holding may surface for you to clear, wounded inner child and relationship aspects may come up for you to acknowledge and heal. You will feel a pull to disconnect from old beliefs and patterns.
The symptoms will vary depending on each person and your own individual souls journey. You will understand you have things to heal, and will feel a pull to really dive into your healing journey. The symptoms are showing you areas and blocks that you need to work on. You’re going through a lot of energetic changes fast. Trust the process. You’ll feel more connected to Source as you move through this process, because Ascension is a process.
Focusing on self care and staying more present in the now will help so much. You’ll feel more and more of a desire to step into your full potential. You’ll begin to get more downloads, and integrate more and more of the higher here into your everyday experience. You’re expanding your consciousness beyond time and space.
This may change how you perceive time. You will be asked to let go of old connections, and situations that are no longer serving you. Self love and care as you continue through this intense process of becoming your Higher Self…
Dear friends, within the last 48 hours our sun has generated three intense X class flares, sending energetic ripples and solar plasma across the interplanetary space. These intense X-class solar flares can have a profound impact on the human body, particularly on the emotional, mental, and physical levels. As these powerful energies bombard the Earth, they can trigger a cascade of effects that can be both challenging and transformative.
Emotionally and mentally, these solar flares can heighten sensitivity and reactivity, leading to increased anxiety, stress, and feelings of overwhelm. Mood swings, irritability, and emotional turbulence can become more pronounced, making it essential to prioritize self-care and emotional regulation. However, these flares can also enhance intuition, psychic abilities, and connection to the collective unconscious, allowing for increased creativity, inspiration, and innovative thinking.
Physically, the effects of these solar flares can be intense. Fatigue, exhaustion, and physical weakness can set in, accompanied by headaches, migraines, and pressure in the head and face muscles. Sleep disturbances, insomnia, and vivid dreams can disrupt restful sleep, while digestive issues and stomach discomfort can cause physical distress. Additionally, increased heart rate, palpitations, and cardiovascular stress can put a strain on the physical body.
On an energetic and spiritual level, these X-class solar flares can trigger DNA recalibrations and activations, leading to an increased inner flow of energy within our cells and triggering spiritual insights. As consciousness expands, individuals may experience a deeper connection to higher dimensions, guides, and spiritual realms, allowing for enhanced manifestation abilities and reality creation.
The timing of these three X-class solar flares is particularly significant, as they coincide with the initial 11 days of the year, a period of potent energetic activation. The seeds planted during this time, from January 1 to January 11, are now beginning to sprout, and the intense energies of these solar flares are helping to nurture and cultivate this growth. As the energies of the solar flares intersect with the newly activated frequencies of the year, they offer a powerful catalyst for transformation, growth, and spiritual evolution. This convergence of energies invites us to release old patterns, habits, and limitations, and to rebirth into a more authentic, empowered, and spiritually aligned version of ourselves.
As we reach the end of this initial 11-day period, the magnetic energies of the full moon in the emotional sign of Cancer on January 13 will bring a deeper awareness to all the work these electric solar flares are triggering on our fields these days. Stay well hydrated, and rest as much as needed. Stay tuned for more updates as we move through this intense initial period of 2025.
Many of you are now stepping into new phases of density emancipation, releasing more old egoic layers as your chakras continue transfiguring and your DNA rehabilitates. Light body reconfiguration is an arduous process, in which many of you experience a profound emotional release, while others even experience depression. In the process of transfiguration, emphasized by our Sol-Ar transmissions at this time, the old self has lost what was familiar, feeling isolated and reticent to embody a new frequency.
In these cases, soul retrieval, violet flame immersion techniques, and fortifying the silver cord strengthen our commitment to serving as a divine vehicle, so we receive more soul transmissions, support, and insights from our new embodiment while we continue balancing the ego. However, it is not the only technique that we need when we are passing through profound emotional breakthroughs.
There are other important causes of emotional pain, that can be misled with soul disconnection. Many of these sensations and disconnections you may experience, as I see often in sessions, even though you are soul-connected, are related to vagus nerve anomalies and the endocrine system, in charge of producing hormones, which are key in the neurological functions, that allow us to receive guidance from the God Worlds.
Their functioning is key to helping us retrieve our monadic connection, opening our Consciousness to new interdimensional experiences and contact, for our bodies are Divine Design, and each part is made also to have a divine function, not just a physical one.
Above all vagus nerve anomalies are also of utmost importance at this time, and very common in feeling disconnected. This can be emphasized for those of you with anomalies, as we are again embodying the new plasmatic SOL-AR (Sol and Auroras) waves that are now descending upon our planet, and our nervous system is being deeply impacted.
Our vagus nerve as you know is the one that is in charge of controlling digestion, our immune system, and heart rate, which are involuntary functions. At a spiritual level, it is the one that amplifies the light transmissions received into our brain complex, transmitting them into our heart, balancing brain and heart, and helping us achieve a sense of Oneness, unity, and peace.
When there are anomalies in the vagus nerve, there is disconnection, sadness, and trouble integrating the transmissions received. There are also headaches, stomach issues, changes in our heart rate, arrhythmia, dizziness, and other similar symptoms that are not due to any medical reason, or to ascension symptoms, but to the anomalies we need to clear to help the light be properly transmitted.
Unfortunately, many artificial signals and non-benevolent technology are created to destabilize our nervous system, impeding Higher communication. However, our Consciousness has the power to overcome the misalignments they create in our bodies if we use the right physical tools, protections, and energetic healing methods.
As we scan and observe ourselves, our unique physical ascension process, and our feelings as the highest forms of guidance, we become more aware of what we are experiencing and how to treat ourselves correctly, as comparisons only lead us to confusion and often wrong treatments.
Only you have the key to understanding your body and healing yourself. We all came here with the same wisdom and divine capacity to heal ourselves and embody our unique mission.
Many of you have started the year being challenged beyond your human understanding. Trust, surrender, and work on acceptance, for Divine Will, works in a perfect way for All, in Its Time, nor in our time.
It is not about the start, but about the trajectory in between, the devotion, the love we put into our process and all we do, and the companionship and support we all carry, as we continue transcending an old world and stepping into a harmonic dimension.
May you embrace your divine strength, wisdom, and power to continue BEcoming free, and sovereign of your own body and life experience.
For The Path Before US Is A Unique Path of Light. A Cosmic Assimilation Phase Now Available To All Species.
As We Integrate The Path Before US
For The Vision Of 2025 Is Now
Focus, Align, Vision Dream
For The Higher Light Encodements Are Paving The Way For Great Advancements
Simply Believe To Achieve
The Magnetic Pulsation Of DNA Alignments With Other Activated Star Beings Is Before US
Like Magnets Of Light, Our Magnetic Frequencies Will Align US
A Great Crystalline Synergy Beyond The 3D Physical Matrix. This Is Before US Now
For Great Pulsations Of Light Activations Are Initiated At Greater Capacities In 2025
The Great Uprising Is Before US
The True Awakening Of Gaia Brings Much Insights For Humanity
I Awaken To The True Divinity Of The Human Experience
Global Light Alliance,
Sending Much Love
Karen Lithika
I AWAKEN The Cosmic Light of ME
Carolyn 144 GODCODE
Masculine Feminine Soul Unions
The stored memory system within every cell of the body is waking up reunion of the Divine Masculine and Feminine Christ. The separation of these two energies separated the entire firmament from being in balance, creation, and flow. It made the Masculine and Feminine polar opposites, creating duality and dependency on things outside of ourselves to supply. All while we have been the supply for the hierarchy that’s been playing out pre-Piscean age.
The way to resolve this is to reunite the Masculine and Feminine back together, as a team, as One.
This is what we have been doing daily the past decade. Decoding the old earth codes, and coding in the New Earth Codes.
We are so close to completing this template and retuning the firmament back into a unified field of existence through Masculine Feminine Union. This includes Divine Counterparts and the reunion of their souls in physical Union here on the Earth. This creates a timeline jump for us all into higher dimensional realities where duality and separation doesn’t exist. Nothing can feed off your energy and control you.
It will be very simple and easy to understand once we return fully back into this state of being. This week’s 111 Portal, Pisces Virgo Lunar Node shift, and January 13th Wolf Moon are pivotal dates of progress into the reunion of the Divine Masculine and Feminine Christ.
The Sun in Capricorn forms a sextile to Saturn in Pisces as the opposition between retrograde Mars in Leo and Pluto in Aquarius begins to break apart and as Mercury in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces.
We are still anchoring in our new foundation in association with Monday’s New Moon in Capricorn as we are also getting back in touch with some of those ‘passions’ and projects that we may have left by the wayside over the past months to years.
Though, at the moment, it is best to keep our thoughts in our heads for a period of rumination as it can be challenging to express our ideas in a practical and grounded manner and these ideas are still ‘cooking’ for all intents and purposes anyway…
As we move through the winter and into the spring months, we will gain clarity and the urge to move forward with what we are preparing now will lead the way forward with a renewal of passion and purpose!
The time to DREAM is now…the time to act on those dreams will make itself obvious when it is appropriate.
On Sunday, January 5th, we start the day with the Moon, ruler of our emotional outlook, in empathic Pisces. She will connect with Neptune, ruler of the spiritual realm and unconditional love. Luna will then shift into pioneering Aries, and then will connect with Mars, ruler of our confidence and willpower. Divine Feminine energies shift into Divine Masculine energies.
It is interesting that we are still in the Chinese New Year of the Dragon until January 29th. The Dragon is bold and powerful! However, we are now in a 9 Universal Year for 2025, and the 9 energy is about compassion and service to others. This day is a combination of both our sensitivity and our strength….our kindness and our personal power. We can do both!
Lunar aspects. Mars retrograde in Leo trine North Node in Aries – After a sleepy few hours, the Moon picks up pace with her entry into Aries. Immediately we’re confronted with our karmic story, the urge to press ahead, the push to be brave and follow our instinct. Under these influences, we get a glimpse of our true north, or there is a subtle feeling that we’re more in step with our spiritual journey. If you have been feeling unmotivated, these aspects ask you to feed your enthusiasm.
Perhaps you need an injection of group energy to spur you on or friends to encourage you. Maybe you just need to bounce ideas around. Find a buddy. Get a goals app. Name your intention. Figure out what gives you an incentive. Even with Mars retrograde, there are things we can do to get us one step closer to our goals. Just get moving and trust that the momentum will feed itself. Action triggers action. Improvise to synchronize.
‘Cosmic’ is the name for the number 13 and its key words are ‘Transcend, Endure and Presence.’ It’s the last day of the White Dog wavespell and on the last day of any wavespell one needs to digest the experience, before moving on to the next. This can be an enduring task and it represents that wisdom is hard earned.
Today is White Wind and its key words are ‘Communicate, Breath and Spirit.’ Communications on a ‘Cosmic’ day can be tricky. ‘Endure to Communicate’! On the other hand, we can also transcend communication from Spirit. Which ever way you slice it up, it’s quite a day. Make your communication count today and if you need to either send or receive communication from spirit, the channels are wide open.
The Guide today is the White Worldbridger which symbolizes the ‘crossing of bridges’. The guide energy is all about what motivates us into action. Be motivated to cross a bridge today or be a bridge yourself between two people, in order to enable them to communicate. The Worldbridge is also the diplomat which symbolizes the need for diplomacy on a day when communications are potentially enduring
The Challenge today is the Yellow Human which represents ‘channeling wisdom’ and when in opposition our intuitive powers aren’t so clear. Be careful before you speak today as your gut feelings may not be reliable. If you are a Yellow Human, you may be affected more by the enduring aspects than the rest of us.
The Occult power is the Blue Storm, the Catalyst of the Tzolkin. The Occult power is all about magic and the Storm is about changes and so it isn’t hard to work out that magical changes are possible today. Just not in a relaxing way at all!
The Ally is the Red Earth which represents ‘Evolution’. If you need help on this enduring Cosmic day, find a Red Earth. If you are one, expect to be very much needed today.
Thanks for Reading and if you have any questions send me a PM.
MANTRA I ENDURE in order to COMMUNICATE Transcending breath I seal the input of spirit With the Cosmic tone of presence I AM guided by the power of death
1- Leader/New beginnings/Original/Independent/Unique 9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity 10- Manifestation/Perfection/Power/Authority 2-Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality 20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision 25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes
KIN 182 = 11 PORTAL = 2 – Partnership/Cooperation/Duality
Today we have a 5 LIBERATION day on a COSMIC tone day – AWAKENING to the TRUTH of our COSMIC INTELLIGENCE!
We have a hugely EXPANSIVE day, filled with lots of DIVINE COSMIC LOVE and guidance from SPIRIT, to carry us forth into wondrous new realms of creation.
And so we arrive at Day 13, the final day in the WHITE DOG WAVESPELL of unconditional love, loyalty, devotion, Service, friendship and Faith.. On day 1 we were focused on attracting LOVE, and aligning our DIVINE purpose through our HEART based consciousness.
The WHITE DOG is a loyal servant of GOD… DOG = GOD.. The culmination of this wavespell results in our total transcendence, as we merge together into the COSMIC MISTS of PURE DIVINE LOVE … returning to our pure ORIGIN.
Today as we close this 13 day journey with OC the devoted WHITE DOG at our side, we have arrived at the greatest lesson a soul could learn. That the pathway of LOVE is the ONLY way to reconnect with SOURCE and reclaim our Divinity. Hopefully this journey has revealed all that was holding you back from experiencing yourself as LOVE, in all aspects of your being and your life.
It’s another BIG DAY on Planet Earth folks!
Enjoy the BLISS
COSMIC is the last and final tone of creation. The highest octave. Tone 13 operates in the SPIRITUAL realm. 13 is the mystical number of the Cosmic order, the Goddess and synchronic Natural time. COSMIC ACTION – transcends POWER – endures ESSENCE – presence Today you have incredible SPIRITUAL POWER at your disposal to transcend all those old patterns that have blocked the inflow of LOVE.
Releasing the limited conditioning, where the world and all its trappings dissolve into the Cosmic mists! We can transform them by our pure presence, translating into pure BLISS!.
We have arrived – ADSUM I AM HERE!. This is the stage of having transcended the physical, emotional and mental realms and arriving at COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS.
Today we can be still and realize the connectedness of all things through the web of creation. Transcending all but the power of DIVINE LOVE through the frequency of pure internal presence! Total COSMIC expansion – having journeyed from human love to discover the EXPANSIVENESS and pure presence of DIVINE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE as a potent CREATION force throughout the Cosmos!
Our EYES have awakened to COSMIC LOVE!
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE COSMIC WIND– IK Today the WHITE WIND is singing sweet LOVE songs. TUNE IN and LISTEN carefully. Be mindful and be observant as the communication channels are much clearer today.
The waxing crescent moon is in PISCES today – the beautiful intuitive Spirit Messenger – so the channels will be flowing CLEARLY today.
The VOICE OF GOD, will come through much STRONGER today, so find yourself a quiet sanctuary and be STILL in order to benefit from the whisperings of White Wind.
Surrender to Spirit today and just BE in the pure presence of unconditional LOVE travelling through your hollow bamboo vessel. There is much WISDOM to be found through channeling Divine messages, greater than any library or google search!!!. The Divine can teach and show you incredibly wondrous revelations, beyond our limited comprehension or technology.
Spirit may also guide you to go to places or connect with people in order to open their hearts and minds to the Divine… Trust in the messages and TRUST in the power of SPIRIT to lead us to the greatest LOVE possible.
Open your EARS and EXPAND your channel allowing Spirit to dance through your vessel. Connect through your HEART through devotional prayer, mantras, yoga and appreciation. Fill your vessel with the breath of Spirit and radiate this HOLY LIGHT far out beyond the galaxy.
GOD/SOURCE is calling you to actively LISTEN.
Can you feel the presence of WHITE WIND riding on the waves of pure Cosmic consciousness?
The WHITE KIN are the REFINERS revealing DIVINE TRUTH. We have greater CLARITY today, to witness DIVINE TRUTHS throughout the entire COSMIC realm.. HUGE disclosure and revelations possible bringing EUREKA moments and EVENTS!!
“We look at the world
and see many problems.
There is only ONE problem,
and only one solution—Consciousness.
The Truth is:
Consciousness doesn’t come from the head.
It isn’t found by thinking and doing.
It arises from being, flowing
Into creation through the heart.”
Gregory Hoag
Sacred Geometry: The Universal Language of Divine Alignment
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE COSMIC WORLDBRIDGER CIMI is the BRIDGE or doorway connecting us to Spirit today. CIMI seals the store of death through SURRENDER, release and forgiveness. NOW is the time to fully FORGIVE yourself for drifting through separation from SOURCE LOVE. Allow CIMI to build the Rainbow Bridge connecting you back to SOURCE once more.
CIMI seals the door to DEATH – bringing final CLOSURE and indeed we are in the final process of departing from this old crumbling paradigm. As one DOOR closes, look for the new doors opening through the guidance of SPIRIT and CIMI. Follow the SIGNS to find the right path.
OPEN the door for Spirit to enter and channel through you, and SURRENDER completely to SPIRIT as a Divine conduit. Become the Divine messenger as you allow the messages to travel through you on the breath of the wind. Surrender completely to becoming the vessel for Spirit’s pure LOVE.Feeling the pure presence of unconditional LOVE communicating from the many realms, weaving a web of unconditional love connecting all hearts.
Gather with your kin folk to dance, sing, write and breathe Spirit’s messages from the Cosmos into the COSMIC HEART of all existence!
SUPPORT: RED COSMIC EARTH – CABAN today synergistically reveals the signs and symbols from Spirit which puts you in the FLOW of Cosmic synchronicity. What a beautiful synergy – AS ABOVE SO BELOW
Our PACHAMAMA will reveal the SIGNS when you just SIT with her, and feel her presence through the 5 elements. Sit, Listen and OBSERVE and all will be revealed,
We need to LISTEN and observe more intently in order to respond with more sensitivity and compassion as an instrument for Spirit. Act on inspiration as it comes to you, without analyzing it. And remember: the breath of Spirit can be as subtle as a fragrance in a breeze. Learn to sense it and experience it. Deeply LISTEN for the sounds of the wind’s messages that are directed from the very HEART of SOURCE!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE MAGNETIC STORM – CAUAC brings forth the transformative energies that brings the change that LIBERATES us. This enables the FLOW of pure energy to catalyse the LOVE R-Evolution that is needed.
This SUPERPOWER will ensure we attract all that we need to evolve to a purer frequency, assisting humanity in transcending the old paradigm. A beautiful synergy of transformational forces with the COSMIC wind.
Place your LEFT HAND on your HEART, and RIGHT HAND on your Solar Plexus/Stomach – thumb in your belly button. Take a deep breath in and send that breath simultaneously out your CROWN and your FEET – connecting a column of WHITE LIGHT to SOURCE and to MOTHER GAIA.
Being aligned and UNIFIED with Spirit, imagine yourself being infused and purified with white LIGHT permeating your being, clearing your Divine Heart with the frequency of WHITE WIND and BLUE STORM. Allow the STORM to blow out all the cobwebs and dissolve all blocks and heart walls.
As your HEART chakra, and HIGHER HEART is cleared – expand your HEART toroidal field out infinitely.
Feel and experience yourself as PURE LIGHT – as a LIGHT BEING – formless and floating on infinite COSMIC WAVES of BLISS
All FLOWING back to your origin.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW COSMIC HUMAN – EB challenges you today to truly RADIATE your LIGHT and LOVE, to powerfully influence those around you, who are reflecting on your radiance through the state of pure presence.
EB invites you to use your intelligence and your own independent creativity to foster and empower greater HEART connection with all beings. NOW is the TIME to choose LOVE, instead of fear!
Always make your choices in alignment with LOVE for all humanity. The purer your intent and the more you dedicate yourself to Divine service, the more Spirit will co create with you, bringing forth people, resources and guides to assist you in realizing your greater Divine Mission.
We have a plethora of DIVINE codes today in this HEAVENLY transition, challenging you to ALIGN with DIVINE WILL. LIsten to the whispering of the WIND and SIGNS from Mother EARTH to navigate your path aligned with your highest DIVINE MISSION.
Today’s challenge is to SURRENDER your little human will to that of the GOD FORCE. Aligning with DIVINE MIND is the best form of LIBERATION, As we surrender our egoic drive, in order to return to Spirit, ultimately leading us back to ONENESS.
“Divine Presence within, living in wholeness, moving in Joy and Love, I surrender to your Will. Bring the radiance of your Light into my Heart and mind, and merge with me to manifest your Will upon the Earth. ”
SOURCE: P 196 THE ESSENES – CHILDREN of the LIGHT. – Stuart Wilson and Joanna Prentis
so blessed be, dear ones! A POWERFUL day for listening and communicating in pure DEVOTION to Spirit, as you hold the pure presence of unconditional LOVE through your being.
SURRENDER yourself to Spirit and align with your DIVINE MISSION.
Today’s question is ” How can I SURRENDER to become a PURE vessel for SPIRIT holding the pure presence of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE in my HEART and my every word?
And so we bid adieu to OC – the beautiful LOYAL and devoted WHITE DOG who has cracked OPEN our Hearts through compassion for our fellow humans. It has been a potent lesson these past few years, in choosing to BOND and unite with our fellow Hu-mans despite the wedge that has been cast between us. Reach out and UNITE with your fellow HU-MANS as we all walk together through the Cosmic bridge to infinite LOVE available to all.
All roads lead us back home to SOURCE and the doorway OPENS through the power of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE
Why else do we incarnate in a physical body, but to experience LOVE in all its forms?.
Tomorrow we commence a brand new Wavespell as we journey deep into the DREAMTIME with AKBAL – the mystical intuitive BLUE NIGHT who will guide us into the deep subconscious dreaming, and holds the keysfor AWAKENING COLLECTIVE ABUNDANCE
This ABUNDANCE WAVESPELL activateS unexpected prosperity and blessings!
And so our journey through the DREAMSPELL continues…….in these miraculous evolutionary times!! Bon voyage precious StarBliss Supernova Suns
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of January 5th through 11th 2025. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a beautiful Guided Meditation for the January 11th Ascension Gateway
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
I am a beacon of light, guiding the transformation of our planet into a New Earth.
Every breath I take fills me with the energy to create a world of peace, love, and unity.
I manifest abundance, harmony, and healing for all beings on Earth.
My actions and thoughts contribute to the collective awakening of humanity to the New Earth.
I am connected to the infinite wisdom of the universe, and I use this wisdom to foster change.
Every day, in every way, I am co-creating a world of sustainability, compassion, and enlightenment.
I embrace change as an opportunity to build the New Earth, where every creature thrives.
My heart is open, broadcasting love and high vibrations to heal and elevate the planet.
I see the New Earth in my mind’s eye, clear and vibrant, and I trust in its manifestation now.
I am grounded in the present, charged with the mission to bring about New Earth consciousness.
The energy of transformation flows through me, reshaping the world into one of balance and beauty.
I celebrate each small victory as a step closer to the New Earth, knowing every moment counts.
I release all fears and doubts, welcoming the New Earth with open arms and a joyful heart.
I am an active participant in the cosmic shift, aligning my will with the highest good of all.
With every choice I make, I am choosing the path that leads to a New Earth of peace and prosperity.
Repeat these affirmations daily or whenever you feel the need to reconnect with your purpose in manifesting the New Earth. They are designed to help you align your thoughts and actions with the vision of a transformed, enlightened world.
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