You are currently viewing Soul Star Chakra at Gate of Ascension ~ IGNITING COURAGEOUS COMMUNICATION * Living in the NEW GOLDEN AGE!!!
Soul Star Chakra at Gate of Ascension

Soul Star Chakra at Gate of Ascension ~ IGNITING COURAGEOUS COMMUNICATION * Living in the NEW GOLDEN AGE!!!

Soul Star Chakra at Gate of Ascension ~ IGNITING COURAGEOUS COMMUNICATION * Living in the NEW GOLDEN AGE!!!



Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Sovereign Conscious Awakened Ones of the New Eden

In preparation for tomorrow’s  powerful 3:3 Portal every threshold has been crossed and every barrier has been removed and every veil dissolved that caused the illusion of separation and to open the Eyes of your Spirit to know all things.

It is in the direct experience of the Oneness with all Life that One comes to know themselves and realize their True Nature of Buddha Mind.

In Truth, all Paths lead to Freedom for all things come from the One True Source we call the Great Mystery and return to Creator in the inbreath and outbreath of the Universe. The pattern repeats until Consciousness Evolves into Cosmic Unity and in this Quantum Leap of Faith One becomes the conscious Co-Creator of God’s True Desires.

which is Peace, Joy, Love, Abundance, Compassion, Prosperity, Bliss, Health and Happiness for all the Children of the New Earth.

As we navigate through these final unknown waters of this Great Shift of the Ages we anchor in our Highest Ascension timeline for the highest good of all involved. You came on this mission for full Planetary Liberation and we stand together on the precipice of the void into form.

Now, always do remember “Nothing is at it seems, nor is it otherwise”

That is your koan for the year…

Goddess Speed….A’Ho!










ENERGY UPDATE ~ 02.03.2025

The Spells that have been Cast Upon the Earth are NOW BE-ing REMOVED!
They NO Longer Apply and there is NO Power Behind them!
Those who are Absent of LIGHT are Also BE-ing REMOVED!
This is Making a Monumental Difference with the ENERGIES of the Earth!
There is a Certain LIGHTNESS Most of us have NOT Felt or Remembered. . . yet WE are BEginning to Feel It!
This is Truly a GIFT and the Start of How WE will Feel Living in the NEW GOLDEN AGE!!!
timelessness gifts
timelessness gifts



The dark power parasites’ grip on humanity’s finances is being broken.

“We decree that all stolen wealth, resources, and energies are returned to their rightful owners – the people of Earth. This includes the release of all hidden funds, treasures, and technologies.🕊💖✨🛸

#Abundance To We The People


The energy of Spirit walks beside you, surrounding you with love, wisdom, and guidance on your sacred journey. Can you feel the bliss—the gentle embrace of divine presence whispering to your soul? Spirit speaks to you and through you every day, in every moment, inviting you to listen, trust, and walk in harmony with the infinite.
energy of Spirit
energy of Spirit

Sunday 2nd March : Heading into Spring/Fall and Equinox in the New Earth

March begins with the 3/3 portal on Monday 3rd of March. This portal focusses on Abundance (3) and Love (6). There is a sense on Earth that there is not enough of either, so on this 3/3 day we can confirm our intention to be part of the flow of Love and Abundance.
On the 13/14th March we have a HUGE energy event, the Full Moon in Virgo and a total Lunar Eclipse. Powerful Codes for the New Earth will begin coming in and will continue until the Equinox on the 20th March.
The Sun moves into fiery Aries on the 20th March which is also the Equinox, the time of equal day and night and the change of seasons from winter to spring and from summer to Autumn. This will be a powerful Equinox and will continue with themes of Endings and Beginnings. As the old falls away the new is arising in powerful ways.
Aries energy can be aggressive and fiery, but I always remember that Aries is also the Child, and we can approach life with the innocence of a child. We don’t have to get involved in the drama and the anger.
On the 29th March we have the Dark Moon/New Moon in Aries, and this is a good time to plant seeds for the next astrological cycle that begins with Aries. We also have a partial Solar Eclipse, which will bring in further energies and Solar Codes for the Planet.
Have a great month everyone!
Equinox in the New Earth
Equinox in the New Earth


Divine feminine 7777

The 33 portal is open.

It opens 3 days before the actual date and stays open for some days after, it is not only happening on the exact number of a portal.
We are already receiving high frequency energy into our systems. The collective energy feels lighter as it was a few days ago and we can feel the flow of a new frequency into our systems.
I hope you are feeling lighter and more relaxed too.
33 means “expect great change”.
We are re-aligning, shifting, bringing love and light into every aspect of who we are.
Our mind, body and soul are being synced, rebooted and activated to get to the next level, where we can shift into higher timelines that will bring new opportunities for us, unlocking parts that were asleep, installing new ways of being, living, doing, relating, which can cause chaos at first. Trust and believe, stay positive.
We are opening up to more light that will help us release the old ways of living, being, doing.
New Earth happens within first, not on the outside. Shine your light and empower others.
Our mission is all about service to the collective/planet in the name of love.
📸©Mégane Claire


The 33 portal is open
The 33 portal is open



3/2/25: It won’t take long for March’s laser beam of illumination to find us. No one can hide from it. It seeks enlightenment, clarity, simplicity, and transparency. So this is the time to put into practice what last year gave you: Balance. Presence. Strength. Courage. Nonattachment to outcomes. Nonresistance to what you can’t control.
(Self-mastery.) If you stand in your power this month, and shine your own light, all that March will find is your truth, authenticity, integrity, and potential. March ultimately wants to remove whatever lies in shadow. Today begins the unveiling of ‘what lies beneath’… which is always Light and Love.




Venus / Inanna at Soul Star Chakra at Gate of Ascension; March 2nd

Venus / Inanna conjunct the crescent moon for the last time on March 2nd as the evening star as The Leo Metagoddess, as she ascends through the Gate of Ascension at the Soul Star Chakra . As She Unites with her celestial radiance and essence we too are guided to embrace our inherent Divine Grace .
Grace that comes from journeying through the gates of the Underworld and meeting our shunned divorced and unacknowledged dark shadows. Grace that holds us in our inherent luminescent radiance so that we may always bring our unique medicine to the table, particularly in contentious situations, as opposed to the popular concept of ‘giving others a taste of their own medicine’. Grace that allows us to hold our boundaries in firm but loving ways and thus allows for the well being of all instead of being stuck in spirals of glorified victimhood or enabeling behaviour that benefit none…coz we will need this Grace Now.
Venus goes retrograde March 1st to April 12 and holds within it the last eclipse along the relationship axis and a Virgo South Node eclipse….i.e mega completions / Final release in some aspects of your life either sudden or those that have been brewing for the past 2 years. Venus retrograde along with Mercury retrograde reads as a lot of passive aggressive energy/ communication in relationships and financial matters where we are not feeling valued, taken for granted, seeking external validation to fill an inner void, a lack of reciprocity, seeking a guardian angel instead of fighting our own battles. Relationship wounds , past relationships/ connections and the feeling of Lack will come to the surface for renegotiation, karmic balancing and closure and release as we enter a brand new cycle of Eclipses and Venus Cycle.
As this past Venus cycle was of the Leo Metagoddess , you may need to do some deep reflections with regard to your definition and embodiment of Sovereignty….coz if Sovereignty is being paraded as hyper independence, then that too is a trauma wound!!! How can you maintain the delicate balance that allows for Sovereignty as well as the emotional depth required to navigate deep connections!?!?
As Venus retrogrades and vanishes from the evening sky ,she will be reborn after 40 days as the Morning star in a brand new avatar- as the Pisces/ Aries Metagoddess- Union of Fire and Water!!! We too will undergo this death / rebirth/ metamorphosis ….shedding parts of our identity that we can no longer carry forward especially with respect to our self worth ,how we wish to be treated in relationships/ friendships, what shifts are required for meaningful and fulfilling connections-with ourselves, others and money, how do we wish to show up for those we love without sacrificing ourselves in the process…It is a period of deep review, redirection and renewal!!
Let Grace Be our Guide!!
May Your Faith Be Bigger than Your fears
May Your Dreams be Bigger than Your doubts
Sa Kei Na


Soul Star Chakra at Gate of Ascension
Soul Star Chakra at Gate of Ascension



Dear friends, Mercury’s entrance into Aries on the evening of March 2 marks a significant shift in communication and mental energies as we begin this new month. This fiery sign is all about bold, passionate, and potentially impulsive expression. Expect sparks to fly in conversations, and ideas to flow rapidly, as Mercury ignites courageous communication and innovative thinking. Examples of this energy will be seen on the world stage.
As Mercury enters Aries, it’s like a cosmic sparkplug, energizing the manifesting potential of the upcoming 3:3 energy portal on March 3. This potent combination can manifest as innovative breakthroughs, courageous self-expression, and accelerated personal growth.
With Mercury in Aries, communication becomes bold and passionate, with a hint of impulsiveness. Ideas will flow rapidly, and innovative solutions will emerge. Mental processing accelerates, and thoughts move quickly, enhancing mental clarity. This energetic shift is a call to embrace bold, courageous communication and innovative thinking.
As Mercury settles into Aries, the stage is set for a creative and communicative firestorm. The cosmos is poised to unleash a powerful surge of innovative energy, and the possibilities are endless. Buckle up and get ready to ride the wave of bold expression and courageous communication this upcoming week.
However, amidst this energetic surge, remember to balance bold expression with heartfelt consideration. Take a moment to think before speaking, and connect with your heart to speak your truth kindly. This will help you navigate potential impulsiveness and ensure that your words uplift and inspire others, rather than causing unintended harm. By marrying courage with compassion, you’ll become a powerful force for positive change, using your words to heal, uplift, and transform.
Emotionally, this transit may bring up feelings of restlessness, impatience, and a strong desire for independence. You may feel an intense need to express yourself authentically, without filtering your thoughts or emotions. This can be both liberating and challenging, as you navigate the fine line between courageous self-expression and potential conflict with others.
Mentally, Mercury in Aries can manifest as rapid-fire thoughts, innovative ideas, and a strong desire to take action. Your mind may feel like a racing engine, with thoughts and ideas emerging at lightning speed. This can be exhilarating, but also overwhelming if you’re not prepared to harness this mental energy.
It is essential to stay grounded and centered while we navigate these intense energies. Regular meditation, self-care, and connection with nature can help you maintain your balance and inner peace. Many shifts will be taking place in the next weeks, so please be mindful of your emotional and physical well being.
On top of these already volatile energies, we also are being influenced by the recent shift of Venus going retrograde also in Aries, which may have us feeling the heat as anger and impulsivity can strain even the most loving relationships. This retrograde puts us in a war-ready mindset, making it easy to pick fights and create enemies. Take a moment to pause before taking action this week as well.
To navigate these transit with ease, focus on cultivating mental clarity, emotional balance, and heartfelt communication. Take time to reflect on your thoughts and emotions, and express yourself authentically, yet kindly. By doing so, you’ll be able to ride the wave of Mercury in Aries, harnessing its innovative potential while maintaining emotional and mental well-being.
Have a wonderful week, much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2025Ⓒ

Beloved Ones,
As we navigate March we will feel the push but also the balance between the many retrogrades and the intensity and transformative frequency of the Eclipses, for there is always Divine Order in the macro and in everything we experience to help our growth and evolution.
March is a month whose energies represent the closure many of us are experiencing during this transitional year, in which terminating old contracts, ties and everything that attaches us to the old is pivotal to regain more harmony and alignment.
March is a 3 universal number, as a result of summing our nine universal year plus the number three of the month, and then reduced. A month filled with infinite possibilities, whose frequency is a creative one that emerges from the trinitization we have previously created within ourselves, as without inner synthesis, our creative spark cannot surface.
Tomorrow, the 3/3 portal concludes as well the process of inner alchemy my Guides named last year as trinitization and galactivation that we started last year, and that this year ends with us being more aligned to our Divinity and hence, to who we truly are and our unique role within Creation.
We now move to bring this same unity, balance, and harmonization into our divine reunions, for it is throughout relationships that we can master unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion, and our ego, uniting to create something that benefits All, as number three reminds us.
This month also brings many activations for those of you who are integrating or expanding on your soul purpose, as you have been navigating your shadows, embracing them as equals, and merging opposites you previously judged. It is now from a wiser state of being, from this timeless and spaceless moment, that you are birthing a new harmonic timeline.
The energies of this month allow us to move inward, commune with our soul, and navigate through its depths to receive true guidance about the next steps we wish to take. For those of you who resonate with retrogrades although there is nothing ever retrograde within Creation, in this month we have Venus, Mercury, Vesta, and Juno retrograde.
On the opposite, the eclipses in Virgo, and Aries, together with Piscean energies will trigger a massive transformation, for those who are willing to embrace the unknown and step into new horizons. Both energies complement each other as we cannot take conscious action if we have not yet communed with our soul.
For those of you who are immersed in physical ascension, this month is going to be challenging for those of us who are feeling the intensity of liberating old energies within our bodies, residual, karmic, and miasmatic ones, as it is with Pisces that we have the opportunity to release, so we can prepare to embrace the new.
The legs, especially knees, feet, and hips, ruled as well by Pisces, and the lymphatic system, can feel tiring, blocked, and painful, although not everyone is meant to suffer symptoms, as many will feel the intensity in their emotional bodies, while others a feeling of relief, gratitude, joy, and peace, as they conclude their personal releasing process.
The lymphatic system plays a key role this month as well, as it is the one that keeps our body fluids in perfect balance, and defends our body from outer attacks, releasing toxins and lower energies, and for those of you who are immersed in the process of releasing old energies, it is key to focus on self-care, being grounded and doing all you are guided to keep it balanced and fortified.
Discerning physical ascension sensations and our personal experiences is pivotal to treating them. Often it is not about ascension symptoms, but about facing a certain situation or lesson that we are reticent to confront, which causes many symptoms in our legs, hips, and feet, for we do not want to move forward.
It is not by reading about symptoms that we can heal them, only obtain confirmation or resonance, and often more confusion, but about communing with our soul and body that we can truly know what we are uniquely experiencing and shift anything we need to at the moment, to continue activating our light bodies and reconnecting with our Divinity.
March’s energies, especially with the first eclipse in Virgo, are a source of profound healing, clearing, awakening for many, and expansion into our soul mission. It is a month to surrender to who we are, and our Divine assigned role. A month to be grounded to see the Truth and release what is false, to realign to our true path and mission.
A month to create more balance in ourselves and our lives, and hence in All, for what we do for us, we do for All. A time for us to focus on the importance of building together, from a space of unconditional love, unity, and compassion that will bring assistance to others, as above all, it is a month for us to remember unity, and how we can be of service, in our unique way.
It is a month of infinite possibilities, as when we let go, new horizons open for us to see the many detours and doorways out there for us to choose if we are willing to navigate the New with an open heart, mind, and soul.
Let us be ready to embrace the transformation we asked for, with joy and gratitude.
Let us become more love, wisdom, and power, putting ourselves in service to All Creation.
May you create a wonderful month, filled with love, joy, and many abundant blessings!
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba

Art by: Forest spiritual art
inner alchemy
inner alchemy

Planetary Alignments – Light Advancement

For We Attune To The Advanced Souls, The Activated Emminisaries Of Light.
We Wish To Discuss The Great Alignment Of The Planets. The Grand Uprising Of Light. For Planetary Alignments Bring Forth Much Insight And New Information Reaching Your World.
The Grand Uprising Of Cosmic Information Granted To The Hu-man Evolution of Now.
For The Cyclic Nature Of Planetary Alignments Is An Ancient Quantum Tool Encoded Within The Fabrication Of Your World.
I Am Shown The Planetary Alignment Like A Lock And Key. A moment In Hu-man Cosmic Time That Has Resulted In The Great Releasing Of Information.
A Synchronisation Point Of Planetary Alignments Resulting In A Quantum Realisation Of Greater Light Now Birthed In The Universe.
It Is Heralding A Great Alignment Of The Planetary Forces, In Alignment With The Universal Light Of Now.
The Alignment Provides Many Advanced Energies And Definitions For You To Explore. It Signifies A Great Alliance Of Cosmic Attunement And Mission To The Essence Of The Universe.
We Ask You To Take This Message A Step Further, Look Deep Within Your Consciousness To Explore Your Connection With The Universe.
What Are You Truly Feeling? What Are You Perceiving?
Take Your Thoughts Now, Directly To The Universe, Feel Into The Quantum Presence Of Our Neighbourly Planets.
For Communication With All Beings Is Now Available As We Advance In Light.
May You Feel Into This Wonderful Planetary Alignment.
The Advanced Cosmic Light Codes Come In Many Formats.
I Awaken To The Grand Assimilation Of Light Moving Through My Light Field.
I Arise To Communication With All Beings 🙏
Together We Welcome The Influx Of New Cosmic Information Reaching Gaia And All Beings 🙏
Together In Light 🙏
The Arcturians
Karen Lithika
Authentic Light Message 🙏
Light Advancement
Light Advancement

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

The Masculine Takes Charge

We start the week with Mercury moving into Aries. This is propelling our Masculine energies to cut out the influencing drama, distractions, and opinions.

The Masculine wants clarity to take action on. A firm boundary with your mind, energy, and time can be created so you can focus on your own intuition.

The guidance coming through can include understanding that you need to put time and energy into your health, body, and physical appearance right now. This Pisces season we are retracting our energy before launching into the new zodiac year.

Venus is going retrograde calling us to pull back and take care of our beauty, health, diet, exercise, lifestyle. Our Masculine wants take the action steps to get you the self care you need right now to feel good internally and externally. Therefore it is important to make space to connect with your body and communicate as to what support you need right now.

As you begin this journey, more will surface to your awareness daily for you to make lifestyle changes upon. This can be with relationships, money, assets, and your body. It is important to receive the intuitive guidance and follow through with action. Then more that you need to know will be revealed. Daily alignments will birth a brand new you, and new experiences that are in alignment with who you are becoming.


On Sunday, March 2nd, we have a few planets connecting with one another. First we have Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, connecting with Neptune, ruler of the spiritual realm, both in dreamy Pisces. Our mind is best used, today, in the realm of imagination, visualization, fantasy and creativity. Let go of logic, facts and analysis and allow your mind to be free, traversing the expansiveness of the cosmos.
Things to do would be writing, journaling, meditating, mindfulness, listening to music, and listening to your intuition during various activities. We also have the Sun, ruler of our self-expression, in nebulous Pisces in a challenging square to Jupiter, planet of expansion, in vacillating Gemini. This could bring in the energies of chaos, confusion, exaggeration and overextension. We may be lacking focus and direction, or unable to see or understand situations clearly. Lack of boundaries and oversensitivity could be an issue. If we can shift the “challenge” into a positive, it would be the ability to look at things from a higher perspective. What spiritual nuggets of wisdom are you able to tap into?
What are all of the various possibilities that are being presented to you? Lastly, we have the Moon, ruler of our emotional body, in passionate Aries. It creates a difficult connection to Mars, the Warrior, in sensitive Cancer. They are in each others ruling sign, called Mutual Reception, (Moon rules Cancer and Mars rules Aries) which will magnify this aspect’s energy. We may feel some internal frustrations that stem from a subconscious level. What is this all about for you? Later in the day, the Moon will move on to connect with Chiron, the Wounded Healer and Shaman, which will either bring the energies closer to the surface for examination, and/or allow the process of healing to begin.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Mutual Reception
Mutual Reception
Venus stations retrograde in Aries. Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces. Sun in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini – Follow the yellow brick road. The song tumbles across the airways, jolly voices singing from a distant past. Times were different back then, better…and worse. Memory though can be an illusion. Through the haze of wistfulness, we can imagine what was never real, breathe life into fantasies. The bubble grows and grows – how wonderful! Then pop! The dream has gone and what remains feels insubstantial.
But Venus knows what we need. ‘I’m going to save you some time and skip to the end’, she whispers. Here, let’s pull back the curtain to reveal the wizard is just a man. And even though it seems like the magic has gone, in truth the magic is only just beginning. Take a step back. Realign with your heart because love is strength and peace is power. Let’s review the lessons learn, the paths skipped, the passions that got frittered away. When you know how precious you are, then you’ll see the beauty behind the veil.
Degrees and Times
Venus 10°Ar50′ R – 00:36 (UT)
Mercury, Neptune 28°Pi57′ – 16:21 (UT)
Sun 12°Pi25′, Jupiter 12°Ge25′ – 18:18 (UT)
© Leah Whitehorse

Website :

Painting – The Princess and the frog Prince by Edward Frederick Brewtnall
The Princess and the frog Prince
The Princess and the frog Prince

Kin 238 ~ White Self-Existing Mirror

‘Self-Existing’ is the name for the number four and its keywords are ‘Definition, Form and Measure’. Day 4 is all about the finer details, taking a closer look and scrutinizing. Weigh up what you need and what you don’t, make a list and take care of the practicalities. These days can make us feel more insular as often the defining energy is directed inwards. You may not feel like socializing so much because you are deep in thought.
Today is White Mirror which represents ‘Reflection, Order and Endlessness’. The truth is vital because without it, we live life as a fantasy. No matter how hard the truth may be, it is always better to know exactly where you stand, be honest with yourself and you will see things more clearly. When you combine the meaning of the number with the meaning of the day, the result is ‘Define Truth’. Such an interesting combo today, seek the truth and read the fine print! You may hear more truth than you are ready for… but from this you will be better able to proceed consciously through this wavespell. It is the perfect day for going over important paperwork or signing a contract. Do not proceed without that vital reality check!
Today’s Guide is White Wizard which represents ‘Enchantment’. This creates an interesting situation… Will the Wizard put you under a spell as you search for truth? Or is being enchanted the way to find the truth?
Consider that perhaps your normal rational way of seeing things, doesn’t give you the insights you truly need. Do beware though, because Wizard when guiding us can be a bit tricky. You’re never quite sure what is going on and so this isn’t always the most helpful medicine, unless of course you wish to use your charm to get the truth out of someone!
The Challenge today is the Yellow Star. People born on Yellow Star days see the world through the eyes of a child sometimes….in awe of its beauty, dazzled by sparkly things but reluctant to accept the truth if it’s not pretty. Today will be tough on them but Yellow Stars need a reality check from time to time just like the rest of us. If you are a Sparkly Yellow Star, remember that learning the truth can be a beautiful experience.
The Occult or magic power is the Blue Night, so a good day for them and for everyone else, a good day for dreams to come true. So, cross your fingers and make a wish. The Blue Night is also brimming with abundance!
The Ally today is the Red Dragon, the nurturer of the Tzolkin. We all need a little nurturing today, so be kind to yourself and others. If you are a Red Dragon, be prepared to be lent on for support.
Kin 238
Kin 238



4 ETZNAB – KIN 238
2 MARCH 2025


I define in order to reflect
Measuring order
I seal the matrix of endlessness
With the Self existing tone of form
I AM guided by the power of timelessness.

2/3/2025 = 2/3/9 = 2/12 = 2/3=5

2- Partner/Twin/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality
5- Freedom/Liberation/Change/Transformation/Movement

✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨

3- Holy trinity/Joy/Communication/Creativity
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity
11- Portal/Gate/Illumination/Polarity
12- Acquiring spiritual wisdom/strength
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes

KIN 238 = 13 = 4 Form/Foundation

A beautiful day for breaking out of the old box,💥 into our NEW WORLD, 🌈🌍 built on a FOUNDATION of PEACE, Joy, LOVE and prosperity!


Day 4 in the BLUE EAGLE Wavespell 👁👁 where we are being asked to FLY HIGH – and focus on the BIG PICTURE 🏔🖼– the DIVINE PLAN for humanity – so that we can CREATE IT!…. Envisioning the Highest timeline📈 for ourselves and our Planet.. as our VISION-ARY POWERS and 3rd EYE are AWAKENED and ACTIVATED! IT IS TIME for another MASS AWAKENING of HUMANITY!!💥💥🌻🌻🌻

Today we are redefining the FORM📦 that our greatest VISION👁️‍🗨️ will take, in order to reshape and build our New World.


SELF-EXISTING📦 – Tone 4 in the MENTAL plane emphasizes thinking and analyzing. ACTION – measures, POWER – defines, ESSENCE – forms. The 4th day of BLUE EAGLE Wavespell is the one that gives shape and FORM.

4 represents the EARTH element, structure, form, and solid foundations. We are building a sturdy foundation for further growth to take place. This allows you to manifest your dreams (AKBAL) and finally gives your ideas shape and form in your physical reality.

NOW it is time to DEFINE what is important to you – what stays👍 and what goes. 👎 When we use our discernment to mold the life we want, we only keep what is in alignment with who we are (or rather who we want to be).
❓❓What are you ready to cut and let go of?
By pruning and cutting away the old dead wood we encourage the new shoots🌱 and new growth 🌿 (SEED and RED DRAGON – birth) to take hold and bloom.🌹


✨Today is the day to release your BIG dreams🌟 and give them WINGS to take FORM.✨

Channel your creative energy constructively, generating the power for practical manifestation!

✨YOU are the ARCHITECT who manifests your DREAMS!⚛ ✨


Today’s questions are ” Are the reflections in my world, revealing a life filled with peace, 🕊 love💕 Harmony 🌼and endless Abundance?💫💰🌻🎆

If not, how can I restore more order, for my DREAMS to take form?📦

🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬

In Lak’ech a la kin

Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈


Today is a day encouraging you to gain a NEW PERSPECTIVE👓 of your life as we enter a NEW REALM. NEW VISTAS to be SEEN from this HIGHER perspective and NEW HORIZONS to be explored!

The themes are very expansive, emphasizing timelessness (WHITE WIZARD guide) and endlessness from the WHITE MIRROR. These energies harmonize brilliantly with the 4th day of the BLUE EAGLE WAVESPELL giving us incredible CLARITY and endless VISION.

Now that our 3rd eye👁 has been ACTIVATED, we are able to stand in the Hall of Mirrors and reflect upon a multitude of different perspectives in order to SEE the TRUTH… The MIRROR reveals the TRUTH of WHAT IS and reveals the CRACKS in the illusory FALSE MATRIX world!

The MIRROR usually results in the majority of souls wandering aimlessly in the Hall of Mirrors – like a maze – not knowing how to EXIT.
People are LOST, CONFUSED and cannot discern the best path forward when they are dazed and hypnotized. This is how the false matrix keeps souls eternally trapped in the maze, like lab rats – easily controlled, experimented on and dependent on the puppeteers.

To BREAK FREE from the maze and set yourself FREE – connect through your HEART to Spirit and the TRUTH shall be revealed.. The WHITE WIZARD provides the Shamanic POWER to break the hypnotic spell enabling you to SEE the way out of the ILLUSION.

The MIRROR reflects our old reality and gives us a glimpse of the FUTURE🔮 – what is in store for us if we continue to travel on the same timeline. As the corridors converge in the HALL of MIRRORS we can also choose which path to follow, walking through the doors opening to new possibilities and opportunities, as we CLOSE the doors to the old crumbling reality.

The PYRAMID of the Mirror Glyph will amplify our new creations today, supported through the Planetary Grid. A very POWERFUL ENVISIONING day to CONSTRUCT our NEW REALITY – but first it must be FORMED📦 in our MIND’S EYE! 👁

Take some time in meditation today to ✨QUANTUM JUMP to the NEW EARTH ✨– into the future – 5-10 or more years. Immerse yourself in the energies and soak them up. FEEL the PEACE, HARMONY, JOY and ABUNDANCE – look around and observe your environment –
❓❓WHERE are you? What do your surroundings look like?
❓❓How are you feeling – what are you thinking?
❓❓What are you doing?.
❓❓Who is there with you?
❓❓What role are you playing in this NEW EARTH?

SIT in PEACE with this imagery and allow the DOWNLOADS to encode your cells to fire up your neurons and upgrade your programs. Allow this KNOWINGNESS to imbed, in order to become your G.P.S. guiding you to this future reality.

This HOLOGRAPHIC imprint can now FORM the basis for your new creation through the SELF-EXISTING MIRROR.

✨✨YOU are the CREATOR of your REALITY!✨✨


Global Planetary Meditation – Quantum Jump to the New Earth…

5D Timeline Meditation: Meeting Your Future Self…


HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE SELF-EXISTING WIZARD📦 🔮💫 IX provides the SWORD of TRUTH🗡 which cuts through illusions revealing deceptions and falsities, making it crystal clear which options are most viable, pointing to the solution needed to set you on your best path forward.

Our minds can receive endless VISIONS and truths, as we align and marvel at the Divine order in the reflections of truth, that we receive from many realms, dimensions and realities..The stillness in the LOOKING GLASS🔎 can bring forth many revelations for the adept SEER. 👁 🔮 Do not limit yourself, your options, or your possibilities as they are infinite! Be OPEN and receptive to what is revealed in order to REFLECT and receive from a timeless place in the order of the Universe.

When your VISIONS👀 align with your HEART’S KNOWING❤ you can then use your WHITE MAJIK 💫 to cast your enchanting DREAMSPELL✨ – transforming the aethers into matter to realize your DREAMS and create your reality.


SUPPORT: RED SELF=EXISTING DRAGON 📦 🐉 IMIX provides the nurturing and creative energies to support your choices, enabling the CREATION of your new ideas, options and pathways.

IMIX gives BIRTH🐣 to these DREAMS and VISIONS that have been illuminated by the MIRROR, adding FIRE🔥 and PASSION through the forces of Creation, to manifest your mentally honed thoughts into matter. 💫📦🎆 Primal matter enables your CREATIONS to take FORM. 📦🌍🌴🐬

The DRAGON tribe 🐉are very active on Earth at this present time bringing forth great POWER, protection and the codes for b-Earthing🐣 New systems of Abundance.💰

The Dragons of myths and legends always guarded a den of treasures💰✨💰 for which the fearless Warriors would eagerly battle (often to their demise) in order to claim untold wealth.. Now the Dragons are returning this Wealth to our Planet and all will be distributed to those with the purest of hearts!❤❤❤


OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE PLANETARY NIGHT🌍🌎🌏🌃 AKBAL brings forth the dreaming codes, to manifest your greatest DREAMS and VISIONS into CREATION, enhancing RED DRAGON’S powers.

The PLANETARY NIGHT holds the power of MANIFESTATION⚛ which is today’s SUPERPOWER!! What a phenomenal GIFT this is! Cosmic Abundance is now following freely.. OPEN your ARMS and get ready to RECEIVE like you cannot even IMAGINE! Multiple income and revenue streams flowing forth NOW!⛲⛲⛲

The WIZARD can use his majik wand 🪄to EASILY manifest the forms your mind has been imagining…
The ideas, inventions, inspiration and mostly the COLLECTIVE DREAMING for our PLANET.. the DIVINE PLAN for EARTH… A VERY POWERFUL alchemical code today! 💫💫💫

When you TRUST what the Universe is reflecting back to you, you will know instinctively that spirit has your back, and the abundance, contacts, and resources will automatically flow from your choices – you are now on GOD’S PAYROLL! ✨💲💰💱💲💸✨

Allow the SUPERPOWER💫 of AKBAL today to redefine your perception of Wealth 💰💲🌻– breaking the old ceilings and revealing the endless flow of Cosmic Abundance✨💫 to manifest in your new life.

🎼And I am not worried about how!
The UNIVERSE is working for me!
I Believe it🎶
and I receive it. 🎶
I feel like it’s already here!🎶…


CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW SELF-EXISTING STAR 📦 🌟 LAMAT is the STAR from the FUTURE bringing in this ✨NEW HARMONIC TIME✨ that we are all collectively CREATING. As we step through the endless portals we enter another STAR-GATE, illuminated by LAMAT, revealing the land OVER THE RAINBOW🌈 that we have all been DREAMING about.

LAMAT is challenging us today – to keep our EYES on the PRIZE🏆 – keep FOCUSING on this ✨NEW TIME✨ to ENERGIZE IT 💫 and bring it forth into our REALITY.. Do not SLIP BACK – or pay attention to the old world – keep marching forward with renewed VIGOUR and GUSTO.

The shadow of LAMAT is lacking the confidence to choose wisely, not believing in your choices, or having the faith in implementing them. Your old definition of your life and how it unfolds, needs to be discarded if it has not served you… Unworthiness must be harmonized and transformed into deservedness, 🌻self-acceptance😍 and LOVE. 💕

YELLOW STAR 🌟 also asks you to become aware of the existing harmony or disharmony in your life.
❓❓What is the MIRROR reflecting back to you?
Be willing to appreciate or prune where necessary. Call on wisdom and love to facilitate this pruning process. Open more fully to PEACE and HARMONY in all aspects of your life. This harmony of self and one’s life becomes the foundation for FREEDOM.
✨The TRUTH shall set you FREE! ✨
It is TIME for PEACE to reign supreme in our lives and our world… LOVE, 💕HARMONY 🕊and ABUNDANCE🌻 are all our natural birthright – AND SO IT IS! AMEN! 🌼🌻💕✨


✨Today is the day to release your BIG dreams🌟 and give them WINGS to take FORM.✨

Channel your creative energy constructively, generating the power for practical manifestation!

✨YOU are the ARCHITECT who manifests your DREAMS!⚛ ✨


Today’s questions are ” Are the reflections in my world, revealing a life filled with peace, 🕊 love💕 Harmony 🌼and endless Abundance?💫💰🌻🎆

If not, how can I restore more order, for my DREAMS to take form?📦

🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬

Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈






🔥 Spirit Animal Guided Meditation with Sacred Condor 🕉

Connect with Your Sacred Animal Spirit Guide 🔥



Embark on a powerful journey with the Sacred Condor to meet your spirit animal in this guided meditation. Your spirit animal is a wise and sacred guide, offering you deep insights, protection, and a connection to your true essence. Through relaxation, visualization, and sacred intention, you will open the doorway to the unseen realms and receive the messages your spirit animal has for you.

Whether you seek clarity, healing, or a deeper connection with nature, this meditation will help you align with the wisdom and power of your animal guide. Surrender to the journey and allow your spirit animal to reveal itself to you.

🌿 What to Expect:
✨ Deep relaxation and grounding
🦉 Spirit animal connection and messages
🔥 Energy alignment and guidance for your path

Get comfortable, open your heart, and let your sacred animal ally come forth. 🐺🦅🐍


CLICK HERE for the Spirit Animal Guided Meditation



Paul White Gold Eagle

Sacred Hymn to Lord Krishna

O Krishna, Lord of the lotus eyes,
Flute-bearer, whose melody charms the skies,
In Vrindavan’s groves, your dance unfolds,
A tale of grace in hues of gold.
Govinda, Gopala, sweet name we sing,
Hari, O Hari, to your feet we cling,
With love unbound, your glory we raise,
Krishna, eternal, in endless praise.
Beneath the kadamba, by Yamuna’s flow,
You call the gopis, your heart aglow,
Your peacock crown, your smile divine,
Steal every soul in a bond sublime.
Govinda, Gopala, sweet name we sing,
Hari, O Hari, to your feet we cling,
With love unbound, your glory we raise,
Krishna, eternal, in endless praise.
O Slayer of Kansa, O Friend of the meek,
In every heart, your truth we seek,
With Arjuna’s chariot, you guide the way,
Dharma’s light through night and day.
From Mathura’s call to Dwarka’s throne,
Your leela plays, your will is sown,
O Blue-hued One, with butter-stained hands,
You bind us all in love’s sweet strands.
Govinda, Gopala, sweet name we sing,
Hari, O Hari, to your feet we cling,
With love unbound, your glory we raise,
Krishna, eternal, in endless praise.
O Lord of compassion, O Source of delight,
Lift us from maya, into your sight,
With flute and glance, our spirits you free,
Krishna, our refuge, forever be.
Jai Sri Krishna, victory to thee,
Master of all, yet ever so free,
In every breath, your song we’ll sing,
O Lord of love, our everything.

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