The Portal Of The Golden Age ~ Solar Lightbody and Rebirth into the New Earth * Intense Levels of Mother Plasma Flowing In! Creator Light Source
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Divine Spirits of the Christos Sophia Consciousness
We have a Trinity of Activations flowing in through today’s Cosmic Portal.
Today is day 5 of 10 Galactic Activation Portal days in a row on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Galactic Signature Kin 150 WHITE RESONANT DOG of compassion, loyalty and love.
Our local Soularis has become very active again today releasing 7 C Class Soular flares and 3 M Class flares with the most powerful maxing at M 2.39 at 10:00 UTC.
We also had a long sustained duration of white light spikse in the heartbeat of Mother Earth appearing on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 20 and 21 hz. Gaias Heart is going Crystalline as all her Children of the Sun are lighting up their Solar Diamond Light Bodies of Pure Bliss consciousness.
Pachamama also had another powerful activation today in her Sacred Portal of Iran with a magnitude 5.6 earthquake at 4:02 UTC.
All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are being enveloped and inundated with the Gold Rays of Buddha Consciousness as we rise together into our New Home of Heaven on Earth of Terra Nova Gaia Galactica…A’Ho!
This has been a time of wonder and transition for so many of you—a journey filled with highs and lows. The path has not been an easy one, and yet here we are, nearing the close of not just another year but the end of a significant chapter: the transformative period from 2020 to 2024. As this special time winds down, many of us are feeling the energetic shifts of restructuring and reflection.
This process can bring up questions about what needs to change or be reconsidered, and that can feel overwhelming. Please remember, though, that you are capable of navigating this. Yes, change can feel daunting, but it holds the promise of leading you to a more empowered and joyful version of yourself.
It has been a challenging year, and the finish line is in sight. Through it all, please don’t forget to love yourself. You are so deeply worthy. Your presence here gives this world its meaning. While Gaia would endure without us, she cherishes her children. Together, we are helping guide the consciousness of this planet back to its celestial origins.
You are on your own beautiful soul journey. Trust it, honor it, and know that you are exactly where you are meant to be. With love, warmth, and a reminder to keep moving forward—you’ve got this. You will be okay.
12/4/24: As December rocks and rolls you’ll be happily in balance because you’ll know that in this month the odd numbered days will be best spent on errands, meetings, appointments, creating, and general running around while the even numbered days are conducive to cleaning, repairing, deciding, organizing, and focusing on home and work. Flexing with each day’s energy will not only help your flow, but your productivity and your attitude. Today is grounded and stable, allowing you to put your life in better order. Tomorrow will bring more activity and opportunities. Rock. And. Roll.
The last few weeks I have felt a major expansion of my 5D holographic 360 degrees vision. Increasingly I am seeing sparkles, patches or whole areas around my body glowing in the multidimensional invisible light spectrum of UV with my physical eyes just randomly… I am not tuning in or looking consciously with my third eye, it just happens very often now.
It always takes my breath away. This is nothing new but has upgraded radically of late. I for many years also see it in the space around me, that however I see in many other colours and rays of light, this is the presence of angels, galactic and masters of light and that has also expanded and increased last months. I also see what I perceive as the life force energy around things (material things even inorganic things). This is a very specific bright light UV colour. You cannot describe them or even find them if you google. But it is plasma energy, there are a few pictures on the internet, that gives you an impression, but you cannot really depict it 1:1 in this reality.
The other day I had an extraordinary experience as I stood in one end of a long corridor in my house communicating with my dog laying on the floor in the other end. This corridor wasn´t lit but light enough to see everything. So I was in telepathic connection with my dog thus was very centered and aligned with my higher self and I looked at him from the other end of the corridor and I noticed that every time I blink.. this 1/100 of a sec… however long this blink of the eye takes… every time I saw this ultra violet magnificent light… I felt like every time I blinked I sort of looked into/shifted to another reality/dimension. And it just kept happening every time I blinked…. like a camera lense… so needless to say I was curious about this and observed it for about 5 mins.
without it stopping.
So this was truly amazing. What I am sensing is, that I am being accustomed/synthesized/configurated to seeing into the new reality colour band frequency spectrum of 5D and beyond, bc once we are fully residing in the frequency bandwidth (not only able to vibrate with it but seeing it the light will be soooooooo bright and it will be ongoing, so you cannot switch it on and off like I did here (orchestrated by my higher self). I cannot wait to have this cosmic juicy techno colour uv spectrum ON to see everything in its true colour spectrum ongoing…. omg it is so blissful and elevating to say the least.
These colours always brings me in awe and sometimes almost knock the ground away from under my feet. The last two days I have had extreme pressure and moderate pain in my third eye and pineal gland (headache) and my crown chakra is like a frying pan lol you could probably fry and egg on it… lol. The energies are ramping up so fast now by the day. So get ready for a huge juicy light show. I certainly am. No 3d glasses and ai glasses needed.. because we wanna see the TRUE heaven in all its splendor. Heaven is here, shift to heaven´s octave, choose love… you are fully equipped for this. It is being ignited now… we are going online on heaven’s octave big time. Hallelujah.
The palpably intense levels of Mother Plasma flowing in the field right Now is the realm-shifting, consciousness-elevating New Light associated with Sacred Season – with a strong revelation quality which heralds the birthing of a new collective experience.
It feels NEW and familiar at the same time; the calm, still presence combined with the signature of inevitable rapid change.
Feel this. Witness this. This harmonic plasma contains the heart-expanding frequency of the I AM Presence, the natural organizing principle of pure Kryst/Unity consciousness, and the profound Cosmic Mother signature of compassion, grace, and TRANSFORMATION.
This harbinger of acceleration – for personal and collective events, as well as our Ascension process – will continue to build through the Sacred Season gateways. Energies may feel quite transcendent during this Cosmic Kryst-encoded passage through the end of January.
The area now known as Abu Simbel in Aswan is a primordial Dreaming Temple Birthing Gate. A personal place for me within the Planetary Dreamscape as we each Awakening to Dream
Not all apertures of Creational Portals were shut down malevolently, but held in safe keeping till the moment when the individual frequency bands of humanity could attune and hold the frequency match with the Unified Field of the original intent and patterns of expression and primordial flow of a sacred site. No more, no less. Know that time is Now!
We spiral through lesser and greater cycles of consciousness and unconsciousness. Knowing and unknowing and are entering back into the Great Galactic Cycle of organic Ascension Alignment.
All beings on all dimensional layers are participating in the Law of Cycles and the Ring Pass Not.
Many primordial terrestrial and intraterrestrial portals are in full dilation. Primordial waters must spontaneously break.
As the personal and planetary nervous system forms, which directly links to Cosmic Consciousness, it holds metamorphic information and properties pertaining to our Divine Mind and Sacred Architecture. Amniotic fluid is suspended in the neural tube, alchemising into the cerebrospinal fluid that bathes our brains and Krystic Consciousness.
CSF contains the breath of life that is given from the inner spirit and naturally regulates our Solar Synthesis, which is our golden fluidity. As we release the trigger points of frozen emotions, we begin to re~mem~ber dis~membered aspects of Self. We are currently experiencing Ancient Thaw, Primordial Flow.
There are Key places on our planet that naturally support this fluid brain wave patterning of left brain/ right brain hemisphere function and cohesion.
The corpus callosum is a bundle of nerve fibers that connects the two hemispheres of the brain, allowing them to communicate with each other.
Both Ramses and Nefertari temples hold male female balance key code coordinates that open up this primal function as pure intended harmonised expressions and patterns.
Lake Nasser is a holding tank for our Collective Gnosis and operates as a Water Memory repository and Knowledge Transference nerve centre for divine templating and transcriptions that unlock dormant DNA.
As always in the past, there has been Divine Intervention and Assurance on Earth, however mostly, on a personal level. Part of this Intervention at times, would include Benevolent Beings of other Dimensional Aspects, like the Angelics and Benevolent Extraterrestrials.
In times of great stress and when what is Divinely Known as Universal Law is violated on Earth to great extents, like now, it allows for Our Direct Intervention into world matters that affect the approximate 6 billion Souls residing on Earth. We walk amongst You, omnipotent and invincible, enforcing Universal Law here in this dimension.
Earth is in the Ascension Process guaranteed by Prime Creator and All Aspects thereof, and the Will of God will not and cannot be compromised nor lessened, only compliance. You will now begin to see widespread in reality the removal of any nefarious entity and notion towards the Divine Plan. The Divine Ground Crew on Earth are given the go ahead to physically effect more of the Planetary Ascension and to further expose and remove nefarious obstacles which includes individual entities that are NOT Children of God. The Prime Directive is in full force.
From today until about the 12th of December are days of great importance and big change.
There will be a lot taking place on many levels for which we have already been preparing and receiving premonitions and signs in the last few days.
The Universe is speaking to each and everyone quite loudly now, the message is a clear revelation and guidance of redirection.
There will be those who will read the signs correctly and act upon them in trust and there will be those that will try again to bypass them once again with false hopes and try to change their meaning out of fear which will only make it more difficult for themselves.
In the upcoming days/weeks the adult integrated feminine within all that has been doing the inner work and truly taking accountability for every experience and life, will have the chance to rise along with all the Goddesses and retrieve huge parts of her being while receiving support and many gifts and advancements but the distorted feminine within all that has been cultivating ‘love & light’ manipulations and illusions, avoidance and dependancy, covering for the toxic and distorted masculine, justifying his lack of maturity and respect while supporting his false creations for her own gain, will have the chance to come face to face with her own dark mother shadow that she has been avoiding, she will lose the favors that she has been enjoying and she will be called to grow, admit the manipulation and take accountability.
The integrated adult masculine within all which has reconnected to the Living Mother, is now realising his true role in the return of her Matrix and the Rise of the Goddesses and he is receiving higher guidance on how to adjust his being and act upon it while supporting this process because he is the one that is holding space for this to take place but the distorted masculine within all
is actually meeting his shadow in real time and this could be really scary, frustrating and challenging for him as he has been so deeply and smoothly programmed, manipulated and used by the dark mother in exchange for certain favors and special treatments.
While he was serving her by literally giving her his soul and blood, he was sucking up energy from others so that he could survive.
His fear has been deep and hidden and he has been fearful of it.
How will he react to the truth this time?
Will he accept it or will he reject it again?
The demonic liberation is still going on.
The more space being freed, the more the true self can come in.
All of the above are now possible because of the new axis and the new orbit that the Twin Flames are taking as Magna Mater’s Matrix is returning so true Abundance is here but it cannot be embraced and received via self deceptions and illusions, dishonesty and manipulation.
The whole process is being supported by many astrological formations and the magnificent Mars retrograde and going Neptune direct!
Energy is really pushing the children to grow and choose what is best for them!
Message from the 19th of Nov 2024,
”From this day on, the non incarnated true parts of the self and the non or not fully embodied parts of the self, are free to awake and be embodied, so this is a totally new start for each person! This will unfold in a different way and timing for each person according to their level of remembrance and integration.
This is the gift of the Ruby Diamond and the Orgasmic Mode that came via Pluto!”
Today we will address the 3rd brain which is the more dense one and bring purification and healing to it and also align to the Twin Flame new axis and orbit!
Blessing of Twin Flame Love!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
We are entering a powerful transformational passage of soul remembrance and release. Many of you are feeling the urge of retreating, being in deep communion with your soul to receive authentic guidance, for the next steps of your journey.
We are crossing an interdimensional bridge into a totally new timeline, one many of us have been creating from the inside for many years. We will now be asked to review our past and present timeline, through holographic retrieval, which is how now ascending souls neutralize, cancel, or manifest new timelines.
My Guides shared the importance of working on holographic memory retrieval at this time when we are shifting timelines, and stepping into a New Era. This is how we review our past timeline and actions, by seeing holographically all we have done, said, and felt, and how it affected All in Creation.
As our planet has had many new openings in the earth’s fabrics of time and space, many of us are starting to retrieve our holographic memories, from this and any other timeline we need to remember, remove, cancel, or expand.
When we have embodied enough plasma and have built part of our light body, we can now have access to our holographic memories, or to the ones that will most benefit us at this time, so we can see how we can become better creators, or how we can shift the current trajectory of what we are already giving birth.
Everything in the Universe as you know is holographic, everything affects everyone else, and when we observe through holographic neutral witnessing the repercussions of our actions, we become more aware of our existence and planetary trajectory.
The more we commune and link our human self with the soul dimensions, the more access we will have to the holographic memories of these timeliness too, working on not just reviewing our present human path, but also if we are prepared, at a multidimensional level, all the parallel existences we had and how they continue to affect us in our present lives.
This is an exercise that should be supported by our Unified Self and personal Guides team, as our Unified Self will determine if we are ready to confront our choices, and which ones will be descended for us to review.
My Guides invite us to wear clear quartz, diamond, Herkimer diamond, and/or any other similar one that serves as a plasma conductor, light amplifier, and sender.
It may occur in your sleep phase when your mind is quiet and surrenders to this process, or you may be literally immobilized, for you are not only in your body but in other dimensions at the same time, reviewing, witnessing, and transforming as you choose, from your new level of consciousness, a better timeline for you.
You will see holograms of how things happened, or are happening, or are about to, and you will be granted a time to shift if it is meant to be for the highest good of All. I experienced this process recently, which is not easy to explain in words, as well as I am sure many of you, and even though we often need to clear painful memories, we can see now clearer how all affect our parallel selves too, and how we can best serve Creation, by choosing from a wiser view.
During our holographic review, we may see timelines that are left incomplete, as we choose other ones to manifest, we will also see false timelines we are inserted with to deviate our current trajectory, and many other future possibilities we can choose to live.
Erase the ones that are not serving your highest purpose and trajectory. Remove them from your DNA as possibilities to be happening, and clear all records of them, only focusing on what you are now choosing to align with, and truly desire to bring into fruition.
As you do this conscious exercise, you will literally unplug your mind, and DNA, from 3D false, timeliness and all you wish to cancel as a future manifestation.
This is how ascending souls manifest, in a multidimensional and parallel way my Guides explained, by not only taking into account our present moment, but also being conscious of our parallel selves, our actions, and their repercussions for All, in other timelines, surrendering completely to the Divine’s Will, for we now understand this journey is not just about us, but about altogether.
It is a time to transform the ashes of the old into the new paths that are being opened for us to transit them. A time to review our life, what we have given, received, created, healed, cleared, and what we too have achieved.
It is due to our efforts of choosing and acting lovingly and benevolently, that planet Earth shifted its trajectory, one we need now to support and stabilize with our daily loving actions and neutral witnessing.
May you create and make your choices, from an unconditionally loving and compassionate space, for the highest good of All, Beloveds.
A deep reminder that we are here, as souls to now fully step into our highest soul purpose and mission, with love and joy, as we agreed to do before we were born, and have been prepared for, for thousands, and for some, millions of earth years ago.
We knew this before we came and we so wanted to be here, to experience the miracle of the birth of the earth, the transfiguring into the new Solar Lightbody and total rebirth into the New Earth and the New Golden Age.
I was taken in my soul state, to the 7th Central Sun of Illumination, and I was connecting to thousands of souls, the new Super Sun Children, who are waiting to be born, and it was profound. New souls who never had been on earth before, and were very pure. I was asked, like all of us, to prepare the way for these new children now, in the highest degrees. With can only do this, with pure hearts filled with Divine Love, pure intention to become their surrogate (non-physical) parents as well here on earth, at heart and soul level, and prepare the sacred space for them, with love. Please hold this vision, form sacred circles of light and love, so that they will feel themselves loved and welcomed in the New Earth and the New Golden Age.
More than this the ascension energies have escalated and a totally new way of life and living emerging. Allow yourself the sacred space to assimilate this as these are now 7th to 9th dimensional and lifting us higher than ever before.
Ask for a 100% activation of your higher heart, yet know it will open all new possibilities such as never known on this earth before as it is the New Golden Age being anchored in.
With firm boundaries in place, you are moving away from self serving narcissists. The Akashic Records are receiving a massive karmic clearing so you are no longer entangled with those relationships and traumas. Emotionally you are balanced and ready to level up. Voice activations and coming in to heal and attune the throat chakra. Solar Plexus activations are building confidence and passion to reclaim your truth. This is your opportunity to embrace your own uniqueness and rewrite your story from your truth.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
Creator Light Source
Ra James
Today we have Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter in Gemini. Expect these energies to have you reevaluating your personal beliefs. It’s all about aligning with new ways of seeing things. Be mindful that you aren’t overthinking things right now. Mercury’s domain is the day to day affairs. Sagittarius is all about focusing on the bigger picture. Jupiter has us focusing on the bigger questions, encouraging us to seek wisdom, purpose and faith.
Jupiter in Gemini brings major clearing of stuck energy vibes and social butterfly energy. Mercury Retrograde will bring up any unresolved issues from your past. Usually it tends to push to the surface things you need to heal, work through, or let go of. It’s a period of reflection and review. It’s great energy for wrapping up old projects and getting things done. Your focus should shift from everyone else, back to you. You may feel pulled in many directions right now. That’s because you have so much potential to do anything you want right now. This Mercury Retrograde is the best time to get clear on where you’re headed in life.
It’s a good time to reflect on more clarity about your path and where you’re manifesting it to go moving forward. Today Venus is sextile Neptune. Venus and Neptune brings a dreamy vibe to your interactions and relationships. Venus is in Capricorn, and Neptune is in Pisces. Venus in Capricorn is all about long-term goals and stability. These energies are amazing for bringing your dreams into reality. These energies are amazing for connecting to the spiritual and connecting on a deeper more emotional level in your relationships. Tonight we have a conjunction between the Moon and Venus. That makes today all about love, and self love.
Our Sun is also square Saturn. This means you may be facing karmic obstacles that you need to clear. It’s a great space for letting go of old energies right now…
On Wednesday, December 4th, the Sun, ruler of our life force energy, in fire sign Sagittarius is creating a challenging square aspect to Saturn, ruler of karmic lessons, in water sign Pisces. Water can put out Fire, and Saturn may have a limiting and restrictive effect on our vitality and expression of light today. However, remember that Water and Fire can combine together to produce steam……the “steam” that we need to keep pushing forward through difficulties and delays……the “steam” that we need to rise above the earthly conditions that we are currently experiencing.
So, instead of giving up and throwing in the towel when our “lessons” show up, use the confidence and courage of Fire and the nurturing and intuitive guidance of Water, to produce the energy, power and momentum to keep on, keeping on!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
The Sun, ruler of our life force energy, in fire sign Sagittarius
Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter retrograde in Gemini. Sun in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces. Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune retrograde in Pisces – Sometimes other people don’t live up to our expectations, promises are broken, the universe doesn’t seem to uphold its end of the bargain. Perhaps it just seems like there’s plenty of talk but not enough action. Bit by bit, the light goes out and we’re left in the gloom, fingers trailing across the walls as we look for a way out.
Forgive them. Forgive yourself. Let it go. Be compassionate. Set good boundaries. Accept this is where you are right now. Look closer and you’ll see stars winking from the deepest darkness. The more you listen to your heart, the easier it is to find your way back to the light. Here too is a reminder that life is art and sometimes we have to scratch out the lines we drew and do them again. Having to repeat a line or teaching isn’t a punishment. Push past your self-doubt.
Degrees and Times
Mercury 16°Sg43′ R, Jupiter 16°Ge43′ R – 10:15 (UT)
‘Resonant’ is the name for the number seven and its keywords are ‘Attune, Inspire and Channel’. This is the 7th day of the Yellow Seed wavespell and the 5th Portal Day in a row. The number seven is all about tuning in to the cosmic frequency, attuning one’s self to a higher vibration. Use your intuition today and receive insights that will help you progress further on your path. Remember that we are in the Yellow Seed wavespell and its agenda is all about sowing awareness. Today’s psychic number helps tremendously with that mission.
Today is White Dog which represents ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart’. The playful puppy invites us all to play today and so don’t growl about it. Try not to take life too seriously for once. The Dog teaches us to act with our hearts instead of our heads and that’s why Dog is so lovable. Even if you are a cat person, you can appreciate the love a pet gives unconditionally. If only humans were more like those pets. If we had more heart, we’d solve all our problems. ‘All you need is Love’! The White Dog also represents the joy of doing what you are passionate about and that entails putting all your heart into whatever you do. If a job is worth doing, it is worth doing well. As it is a ‘Resonant’ day, this suggests that we can easily tune in to the love vibration.
The Guide today is the White Wind which symbolizes ‘Communication, Breath and Spirit’. Communication guides our actions today and so ensure your communications are coming from the heart. Speak with love and understanding and try to avoid debates and ego clashing. If you receive a communication that is not loving, don’t drag yourself down but retaliate with love.
The Challenge is the Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment’. Yellow Sun people tend to spend a great deal of time in their heads. It’s not that they are unloving, no on the contrary. It’s just that their brains are indulging in too much thinking. Sometimes, you just have to trust what the heart feels. If you are a Yellow Sun you may find today drives you a bit crazy. It doesn’t hurt you from time to time, to remember to be less in your head anyway.
The Occult power is the Blue Monkey which represents ‘Magic’ and this is the position of the Occult, or Magic. Monkey is right at home and on his best behavior today providing us with magical experiences. Of course, it’s natural that there is more magic in the air, when the Dog is inspiring us all to be loving. Love and Magic go hand in hand don’t you think?
The Ally is the Red Moon which symbolizes ‘Going with the Flow’. If you are a Red Moon, your easy-going energy will be in much demand today. If you don’t have one in your life, do what a Red Moon would do and that’s take it easy. It’s OK to just wait and see how the day unfolds.
KIN 150 = 15= 6 – Heaven/Christ/Harmony/Love/Romance DIVINE LOVE ALCHEMY
Day 5 GAP day – halfway through the passage!! What a forceful PUSH forwards!!!
Day 7 in the YELLOW SEED WAVESPELL of AWAKENING, flowering, new beginnings, ripening, opening to more LIGHT and blossoming into our Highest potential.
Today the ONENESS portal to UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS is WIDE OPEN!!! We are tuning into Spirit through our PURE HEARTS and being inspired to connect with kin as ONE HEART, and ONE LOVE! . .
The 6.6. DOUBLE HEAVEN code highlights DIVINE UNIONS that are HEAVEN SENT!
RESONANT – Tone 7 in the EMOTIONAL realm. ACTION – inspires, POWER – channel, ESSENCE – attunement. The RESONANT tone very powerfully IGNITES the potential for great ALCHEMY today, as it provides the ability to fine tune and channel the majikal forces available to us all and walk through the doorways, offering new pathways and opportunities.
Today we are super sensitive as we are attuned through our senses – the emotional “feeling” body. So tune in and FEEL what your body is sensing. At tone 7 our vibrating phenomenon learns to be still and to listen. Mystical 7 understands that EVERYWHERE is majikal but right here is better, once we attune and then channel the majik through this present moment. Number 7 is also the frequency of the Mystic and the Magician which doubles the MAJIK of the BLUE MONKEY Occult superpower present today !!
What are you ATTUNED to today?
What form of MAJIKAL LOVE portal will you manifest?
OPEN the doors in your HEART to greater LOVE
Today’s question is “How can I attune to DIVINE LOVE and unite with our PLANETARY FAMILY as ONE HEART?”
Divine blessings for the BLISS filled merging with DIVINE LOVE in the COSMIC ocean of ONENESS!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE RESONANT DOG – OC lovingly snuggles into your body radiating the pure unconditional love and loyalty that our animal companions naturally exhibit. Their connection to SOURCE through their heart portal is so strong and so pure, that they have an infinite supply to bestow upon others. No limits! Their pure presence provides comfort and healing to all those humans lucky enough to be in their presence.
Is your HEART attuned to the flow of LOVE????
OC is the loyal devoted servant of Spirit and is eagerly willing to please his “Master”. The unconditional LOVE and LOYALTY is what drives the Resonant Dog in his Mission to do GOOD on this Earth Plane. OC is most satisfied when he can EXPRESS his core of LOVE through his dedication and service to the Divine Plan.
OC reminds us today of the pure unconditional love we need to connect to and then reflect to others, without judgment. This is our natural state of be-ing and one to which we need to return. A field of total ONENESS and connection TO ALL THAT IS, through our HEARTS, each heart connected through our planetary heart, the cosmic heart and the heart of GOD/GODDESS!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE RESONANT WIND – IK communicates Spirit, the essence of which is the mandala of original cosmic order. Stop, be still and LISTEN to the whisperings of the Great White Wind. Great SPIRIT is communicating LOUD and CLEAR through the portal of your higher HEART today. Each person is a hollow vessel to channel and universalize this FORCE, through their being.
The RESONANT WIND is very clearly attuned to Spirit and is transmitting this through your entire being to INSPIRE and uplift you.
Are the messages that are coming through, LOVING and gentle, with respect for all souls?
Do you feel aglow with the LOVE and warmth filling your cells and energy field?
If it UPLIFTS and makes you FEEL GOOD, then the messages are TRUE and are coming from SOURCE – trust your HEART barometer!
The WHITE DOG – guided by the power of SPIRIT – his driving force, is a phenomenal duo today. They are blessing us all with COSMIC WAVES of pure DIVINE LOVE flowing from SOURCE – the COSMIC HEART of all CREATION.
It is a brilliant day for planetary kin to come together, to network, to communicate, to create, to laugh, dance, sing, channel and meditate. What inspires the NEW TIME, is to merge hearts with others, breathe in and channel the new energies.
Open your EARS and your HEART to the voice of Spirit. Dedicate your SOUL’s purpose, to the fulfillment of the Divine Plan through your legacy.
SUPPORT:RED RESONANT MOON – MULUC represents the GODDESS and our intuitive Feminine aspect. More GODDESS energies following yesterday’s DOUBLE GODDESS day. The DIVINE FEMININE agenda is very CLEAR and consistent in achieving a better, more caring world for us all.
Unconditional LOVE flows endlessly from our connection to SOURCE, particularly from the GODDESS, our Mother aspect of SOURCE. GODDESS provides all the love, nurturing and comfort that any child craves. We just need to OPEN our hearts and allow the FLOW!
Yesterday the RHYTHMIC GODDESS gave us a huge FLUSH to cleanse and purify our physical bodies and physical environment, to make SPACE for more LOVE to FLOW freely. Today she continues this desire to make your HEART squeaky CLEAN, so you can easily ATTUNE to DIVINE LOVE.
Allow MULUC to wash away any impurities and heart walls you have constructed in order for DIVINE LOVE to flow endlessly once more!
Do you FEEL love, forgiveness, empathy and COMPASSION for your fellow kin? Friends and enemies alike?
These beautiful qualities are the indicators of a PURE HEART and one that has EXPANDED to hold infinite COSMIC LOVE.
Be OPEN to channel, receive and SHARE the LOVE that flows within you, freely with all souls
The most powerful force in all of CREATION is the POWER of LOVE.
BLUE MONKEY represents the BLISSFUL Dolphin jumping out of the deep blue sea of LOVE, the attraction of JOY into the void of CREATION. The Dolphin energies carry the codes for 5D Bliss and joy. Return to your purity and innocence to reclaim your forgotten majik and reclaim the power of your heart.
There is nothing more BLISSFUL than attuning your HEART to LOVE – channeling and anchoring that infinite LOVE through your being, an ecstatic dance in every single cell! Take a deep breath and TRUST, then dive deeply into the heart of love. Merging with ALL THAT IS, in pure joy, as the PURE Divine child through the merging with Divine Mother’s compassion and pure nurturing love.
Our pure, innocent DIVINE CHILD is ALWAYS connected to our SOURCE, and is the KEY to accessing this infinite LOVE. Find some time today to PLAY, reconnecting with your inner child and natural exuberance – reconnect and remember that this is the true expression of a pure innocent soul. Remember to LAUGH and spread this vibration throughout our world – the sounds of LAUGHTER have been greatly amiss – so use this SUPERPOWER to restore BALANCE and INSPIRE others to lift their frequency.
As you recalibrate your frequency and attune to the power of LOVE, you will MAJIKALLY transform every aspect of your being, your life and the world around you. Such is the POWER of LOVE as the great TRANSFORMER… pure ALCHEMY turning LEAD into GOLD.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW RESONANT SUN – AHAU challenges us to reclaim our DIVINITY through ENLIGHTENMENT.Accepting responsibility for our full Sovereignty and independence! Becoming the WAYSHOWER who LEADS from his pure HEART.
The path of GROWTH is now NOT through pain and suffering, but rather through LOVE. Total SOUL EXPANSION through the experience and expression of PURE BLISS and ECSTASY in our lives.
This is achieved through expanding your heart toroidal field and SHINING your heart LIGHT. Expanding your LOVE and LIGHT out into the Cosmos and connecting to the Divine LIGHT of pure cosmic consciousness – the Solar codes that raise your frequency bringing forth this era of the NEW GOLDEN AGE. . The expansive opening of the LIGHT that independently SHINES, co creating with SOURCE itself.
We are all NOW returning home, full circle to the RADIANCE of the ONE HEART!
One love, one heart
Let’s get together and feel alright
Hear the children crying (One love)
Hear the children crying (One heart)
Sayin’, “Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel alright
Sayin’, “Let’s get together and feel all right
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
One love, one heart
Let’s get together and feel all right
As it was in the beginning (one love)
So shall it be in the end (one heart)
Alright, give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right
NOTE: Bob Marley was born on 6th FEBRUARY 1945 – His galactic signature is KIN 134 the WHITE SELF-EXISTING WIZARD – guided by the DOG!
KIN 134 is in the central MYSTIC COLUMN of the TZOLKIN CALENDAR – which is the ZERO POINT QUANTUM FIELD – SOURCE.. His wavespell is the BLUE MONKEY -powered by BLISS and MAJIK , and 1945 was the YEAR of the SELF-EXISTING STORM.. He incarnated at the END of WW2 as a CHANGE CATALYST bringing anti-WAR messages to humanity. He was an AQUARIAN – a true Rastafarian hippie – embodying PEACE and UNCONDITIONAL LOVE for ALL.. He was on a MISSION to change the world and he left us with a beautiful legacy through his popular music.
WHITE WIZARDS are true leaders. This explains MARLEY’S potent MAJIKAL FORCE and influence. He weaved his enchanting LOVE SPELL throughout the globe and kept envisioning a compassionate world built on a foundation of LOVE.. The movie based on his tumultuous life story was aired in cinemas on 14 TH FEBRUARY 2024 – VALENTINE’S DAY – DIVINELY PERFECTO for a beautiful soul who brang forth 11 children into this world. MARLEY was the greatest WIZARD of LOVE this planet has seen.
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of December 1st through 7th 2024. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the New Moon in Sagittarius
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
May my ego move away and release all control, allowing the full command of my being to be assumed by my Higher Self.
I trust the infinite wisdom that guides my journey.
I surrender all doubts, fears and attachments to the light of Source, so that they may be transmuted into love, peace and clarity.
From this moment on, I am guided by the truth of my Higher Self, in perfect harmony with the divine will.
I embrace the wholeness, wisdom, and strength that already reside within me.
And so it is, here and now.
Repeat this decree as many times as you feel necessary, with the genuine intention of delivery and alignment.
Surrender to the Higher Self
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