Mt. Shasta ~ Telos Council Meeting ~ Union and Freedom Codes ~ Becoming Human (Compassion) ~ Convergence of Timelines ~ The Blue Maharaja Staff
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Krystal Conscious Devas of Heavens Holy Rays
As we head into the coming Full Moon and Eclipse Corridor our local Solaris has become very active again releasing over 15 C Class Solar Flares in the past 24 hours sending Gaia and all her Children of the Sun, Gamma Plasma Waves of Adamantine Light.
Our Sacred Physical Vessels of Light are being upgraded and updated with the New Rainbow Creation Codes of our Divine Holy Origins from the most High, Prime Source Creator.
The Original Pristine Tree of Life has been reactivated within all Living Crystalline DNA of our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 to raise the consciousness and perceptions of our Earth Realm into the Higher Vibrations of 5D and beyond. Through these timelines, trials and initiations we are learning to be real Hue-man beings, meaning living from our Hearts being Connected to all things. this is the Oneness of our Universal Truth and Love of our Intrinsic True Nature of Buddha.
All our Stellar Diamond Minds of our Rainbow Tribe hold the Keys and Codes to the Doorway of our Perceptions of Multidimensionality as we become the Cosmic Bridges of the merging of Heaven on Earth as we consciously Co-Create the New Jerusalem of Peace, Joy and Abundance for all Sentient Beings of the Way…A’Ho!
Convergence of timelines causing tower moments, balancing of scales, new choice points for parallel alignment .( Seeing it like a” bleed through” into the bandwidth we just integrated. Fallen or distorted ( inverted) timelines/ realities are highlighted significantly for this Pre- Eclipse/ Easter transit, to be fully collapsed within and without. Parallels are in ” flux” ATM, contract’s almost rendered useless, as the new frequency, New Earth 12D coding and organic grid alignments are way more prevalent, therefore making Soul agreements ( always in flux) the new way.
All new Sacred Sexuality coding this past week, Union and freedom codes, Solar Masculine purge, DF activations- deeper embodiment/ integration. Inorganic overlays for incoming bandwidth are rapidly dissolving, as opposed to the previous ” heavy lifting.” Quantum VS 3-4D inverted grids. Take what resonates Much Love, beautiful Soul Fam
UPDATE. Your confidence is rising about something which is key for you. You have recently gone deeper within, reaching more vulnerability, more truth. Going deeper is the path to give birth to projects that are even more aligned with soul. Visions & big truths about the life that you want abound. You are finding stability in this new energetic space. Exploring a new kind of balance. Expect the external to be matching your inner transformation soon.
“The 36th Gift doesn’t freeze. It doesn’t close down. It stays open. Wow. Do you know what that entails? Someone or something completely threatens to overwhelm us, and we stay open. Our heart may recoil for a few moments, but we breathe deeply into our chest, anchor ourself in the belly, and look the experience right in the eye.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
3/12/24: Today wants to go full-spectrum. It wants all the flavors, textures, colors, sounds, and feelings. It wants to blow up the limitations, the judgments, and the proprieties. It wants you dancing in the streets to your own music. You won’t, of course, because you’re busy. Or you’re shy. Or you just can’t. What you can do, however, is to smile, laugh, compliment, praise, dare, and challenge. You can be different in delightful and delicious new ways. And there are a million of them. Choose a couple and get started. Break out, break up, break down if you must… but spread your wings!
Such beautiful, regenerative energy is pouring in, which is anchoring in the expansive higher dimensional life force, as well as the Divine Feminine birthing powers of the new 7th Root Race of the New Golden-diamond-white Hu-man, the full return of 7th dimensional Sun Children of the original 7th Central Sun of Illumination.
Many of you were these in Elysium, the Lion Kingdom and Avalon.
Your soul knows.
We have all returned, amplified by Sun children who were born since 2012 and never had incarnations before.
We paved the way for their birthing and we are here to see this process through, with love and pure loving intent. Within us now, this huge regenerative force is triggering the Divjne Imprints and the keys and codes of the New Golden Age of the Illumination are being activated.
You will start remembering, literally being RE-MEM-BE-RED the innate knowledge and wisdom your soul holds and these are the sacred geometrical patterns, light, sound and other sacred keys your soul holds as one of the Illumined Sun children.
This will activate a huge dissolving of the old, as the totally new arises in astounding ways.
Rise the New Golden Age!
The keys to unfolding life in full anchoring in of the Feminine Universal Christ consciousness with that of the Divine Masculine bringing unity consciousness and the return of balance and harmony.
The new Cosmic Creation Cycle is upon us (!) as we enter a new 12-month cycle at the astrological new year and steadily gain momentum toward a brand new way of existing on Earth…one that is beyond anything we have previously known. This new Creation Cycle includes new layers or realms of reality that are far more connected to/aligned with Source and will finally provide those at the fore with a palpable template to work with…a tangible blueprint to begin building the New Earth structures in such a way that we will be able to collectively participate with the budding potentials becoming available to all those in alignment with the unified realms of existence.
The first growing season our spring plantings will have both the (solar) nutrients and the (cosmic) nourishment to bear undefiled Fruit.
At the moment, while the planets continue their journey through Pisces, we are still completing karmic contracts, persecution + victim-victimizer themes, and clearing our bodies and Earth’s grids from the recent underworld purge via the (2:2) Aquarian gates. But as the sun enters Aries via the equinox portal (3/19-20) and we arrive at the first (lunar) eclipse of the season (3/25), you may begin to feel the Holy Fires ignite your creations as never before. This is the unified Love·Light (plasma) returning to all those who have reclaimed their seat in divine government and who are readying to lead this planet to her destiny as a Star.
When we step into our (dharmic) destiny and return to our proper place & position as co-leaders of Earth’s destiny, we successfully connect & collaborate with all those who join us on this epic Star mission so that together we can co-construct the Divine Plan as enlightened brothers & sisters of the Way-Truth-Life.
This will mean different things to different people but what will remain true for all who join in this sacred collaboration is an endless supply of energy to Create with. As Temples of GOD, we are granted access to as much Life Force as we can feasibly hold in our vessels which means our creative capacity expands as we do.
To expand your sacred container is to begin working with the Mother (plasmic) energies that now surround you, permeate you, and fill your (Grail) cup. These infusions of Life Force are altering our mindscape, heartscape & cellscape as we remember what it means to create cosmically (as LOVE)…to grow, blossom & bear the Fruit of Life from our very own Garden plot.
Remembering how to work with this sacred substance of the universe is the next order of business for the Cosmic Citizens of Earth…the very basis of the New Earth experience, which will require new things of you. Know that it is safe to work with these forces now…even as we are dredging up past (Atlantean) timeline events that may feel otherwise.
To complete the transmigration of realities we must purge past atrocities of power that weigh heavily on the ascending, however, we have already collectively moved beyond the trappings of ego from a time when our baser instincts were not well managed. This means that we are now free to experience and explore the sacred Forces of Life if & as we are aligned with them.
Moving into this new season you may come to know/remember that you are not only rewriting these lifetimes past, but reopening doors (portals) to welcome the far-distant future into the present. As you do, as you open these pathways to begin anew, you will also come to know/remember that this too has already been created…that these pathways have already been laid for & by you for this very pivotal moment in planetary history.
So fire up the kiln! The time to mold the divine clay is upon us. 🏺
Energy Update:
There are very fast developments taking place now.
We are in full preparation for the hatching of the Egg!
In our last group session on Sunday I was shown that the two separating flows have now entered a new acceleration phase which will bring full disengagement.
Some have already disengaged from the old and have fully aligned to the Ascending flow.
It will be clear in our perception who have chosen the Ascending flow and who the descending one.
There will be also those who will jump on the ascending flow at the very last minute before full disengagement!
We were also told that we have been greatly disoriented.
This message it is also literally referring to our lost understanding of the actual overall system that we live in.
The 4 directions that we know are false in the sense that they do not represent the natural and actual meaning of the 4 directions.
Through a series of events we lost orientation to our True Homes and the Cosmos!
This took place within our DNA flows.
We are dealing with mirrors and reflections!
The Inner Sun is now helping us to find our orientation and fully heal!
This is directly connected to the Twin Flames and their rebirthing!
Once the Twin Flames find their orientation, they can initiate their rebirth and become the Phoenix Rising which also represents the new state of Kundalini!
We are now half way in the restoration of the natural orientation and understanding the directions true meaning!
Each step of the inner process is very detailed and has a unique purpose, it is not something that just happens nor something that is only happening mentally, this is an actual process of restoration of the the Self in its Trinity soul ~ body mind soul/past present and future!
There is a DNA/SYSTEM map that we follow, a guiding tool that we use and every step of it explains a bigger part of the journey!
This map exists only in one place and can be only retrieved via a certain process.
We will work on this soon!
Last night I was shown how the Tree of Life of the Crystalline Portal of the Acropolis is undergoing a great change.
Since early December our work switched completely because we connected to the Inner Central Sun and since February, the portal has also been transformed!
Sound seems to be taking over all the processes of the Portal!
I will soon announce the next 144000 DIAMONDS gathering.
The time has come, the overall DIAMOND CODE is ready for the next phase and we are to do this BEFORE the gate of the Equinox!
I love this part of Ascension that begins now because it is the part of actual awakening that I have been waiting for years which will also break down all spiritual pride, illusion, distortion and bypassing that has been really hurting the ascension community though I was also told that once this opens, many ascension supporters will fall for the lies because of the deep programming.
An Ancient project aligned to the human configuration and evolution of your species.
We ask you vibrationally review this concept, for the uprising of this moment, paves the way for humanity to learn and perceive the energy of the past leading to now.
The great evolution of your collective life force is now paving the way for your light role in necessitating the change you are seeking.
Please know, the way forward is within and all around you, as you feel and interpret the vibrational pathway
For the advanced Souls are now aligned to their soul tribes of light. They are uniting to bring forth the great assistance you require in the physical realm you desire.
Know, the great lock and key you seek to reach a higher state of multidimensional advancement is within the cellular expression of your own individual life force.
The amplification of your collective and individual mission is the task before you.
Your role is to strive to reach a light equilibrium balance between your multidimensional role and light role.
Choose your guidance wisely, seek your inner guidance within to shine the light on what you are seeking.
As an antenna of light, seeking and reaching the true light expression of you, is what you are seeking.
For this is the light bridge to reach and receive the true activation of you.
An ending of obstacles is supporting new beginnings. The Divine Feminine Christ is awakening to inspiring new ideas and creative expression that are revealing themselves through this process. This alignment and understanding wasn’t accessible before due to karmic cords and contracts in the way of the possibilities. The consciousness is now able to see the light of opportunities that are available to create.
As part of this alignment, the Divine Masculine Christ are upgrading into their position of loving, honouring, and protecting the Divine Feminine Christ. Together the Masculine and Feminine energies throughout the entire firmament are finally coming into balance and oneness. They are becoming One once again, ending the timeline of separation and control.
This is a beautiful new rebirth of the Holy Grail. We are at the zero point of moving on from karmic partners and into Divine Union, love, and pure source alchemical creations through the Masculine and Feminine unified. The Solar Codes downloading from the new Sun of God are supporting this awakening of our Life Force Energy and Creation through the Holy Grail.
On Tuesday, March 12th, the Moon, ruler of our emotional interactions, is Void of Course in fire sign Aries, the Warrior, for the rest of her travels until moving into earth sign Taurus at 8:28pm EDT. Void of Course means that our Moon will make no further aspects this day until shifting into the sign of the Bull. The energy and passion energies of Aries are taking a break and there may be a lack of momentum right now.
In fact, it is not a good time to charge into any new activities. If we try to move forward, it is said that under a Void of Course Moon that nothing will come of the matter. Do what you must, but it is best to sit tight and wait for a time where Luna is more active again.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Moon, ruler of our emotional interactions, is Void of Course in fire sign Aries
Lunar aspects. Saturn in Pisces opposite Juno retrograde in Virgo – Saturn’s connection to Juno is the second of three, an ongoing story around resistance to commitment. Whether it’s troubled relationships or an internal dilemma, we have too many questions and few answers. Right now, the devil is in the details…and yet, if we take this too far, it’s possible to lose sight of what we’re looking for. Perfectionism and idealism knock us off balance. The trick is to acknowledge the current reality without losing hope of a better future.
The Moon presses us to address where further healing is required, to regain independence, inspiration, strength, motivation. Yes, there may be moments of vulnerability but when you face life head on, there you will find a bridge to conflicts, a key to a locked door, a healer with wisdom to share, a remedy, cure or recovery. Watch for an uprush of energy, a tingle or warmth in your stomach that shows you the way. Courage and optimism are the best medicine.
Degrees and Times
Moon, Node 15°Ar42′ R – 01:17 (UT)
Moon, Chiron 17°Ar49′ – 04:41 (UT)
Saturn 11°Pi22′, Juno 11°Vi22′ R – 23:58 (UT)
Painting – Italian Landscape with Viaduct and Rainbow by Károly Markó
‘Cosmic’ is the name for the number 13 and its keywords are ‘Endure, Transcend and Presence’. The last day of the Blue Monkey wavespell is special because it so poetically sums up the journey that began on day one. The agenda was ‘Magic’, and after all we went through – the final destination we find ourselves at is the ‘Cosmic Night’. Today, we Endure to Transcend all we have learnt and this process leads us all to become ‘Cosmic Dreamers’.
Today is Blue Night and it represents ‘Dreams, Abundance and Intuition’. The Blue Monkey led us here, a day full of dreaming, aspirations and imagination. Our dreams are what define us as humans. The Monkey in the tree dreamed of walking on two legs and it was so. What dreams can you dream up to transform your life? Attract Abundance into your world today.
The Guide today is the Blue Hand, the healer. A dreamy day guided by the healing hand makes this Cosmic day a little less harsh than some other enduring number 13 days. The Blue Hand offers his hand to guide you to the healing you need. Offer your hand to others as well and pass on the good vibes. This guide gives the day a high five! May you accomplish today what you need to make your dreams come true.
The Challenge is Red Skywalker who represents Wakefulness. To make your dreams come true, you have to wake up. Skywalker encourages you to be braver but it is a challenge. Don’t be meek about your goals and aspirations. If you don’t care enough about them, who will? When the Skywalker is in the challenge position, it can mean that it’s hard to muster up the nerve to do what we must do. It is not impossible but we just have to try harder. If you are a Skywalker, you may find today tricky. It is also an enduring day and so that doesn’t bode well for you at all, sorry.
The Occult power is the White Mirror which symbolizes reflecting truth. What if the truth was that your dreams really do stand a chance of coming true but you’ve been afraid to question it? What if the truth was actually quite magical and it is only your belief that needs changing? Look truthfully in the mirror today you may be surprised to find magic.
The Ally is the Yellow Warrior who loves being Ally for the day. He is always up for a quest and so if you need assistance, call up Warrior. If you don’t have one handy, be like Warrior. Be fearless, wield your will power.
KIN 143 = 8 – Abundance/Infinity/Flow . ABUNDANCE GATE!
It is time to CLAIM your REWARD!
Day 13 in the BLUE MONKEY WAVESPELL of MAJIK, Joy, Bliss, Play, Merriment, Spontaneity and a return to Innocence.
Today we conclude our majikal carpet ride with CHUEN the mischievous and playful BLUE MONKEY.
And so today we reach the HIGHEST level of MAJIK, transcending the humdrum old paradigm, and launching into our Greatest Dreaming, having returned home to our pure Divine DIAMOND Selves.
Today we CELEBRATE the active STILLNESS in the pure MAJIK of the enchanted Monkey Forest.
We commenced this wavespell in search of our pure divine innocence, our original essence, and today we have arrived here, realizing that the greatest MAJIK lies wholly within us!
Connecting to our pure presence unleashes the POWER of the COSMOS and all of CREATION!
COSMIC is the last and final tone of creation. The highest octave. Tone 13 operates in the SPIRITUAL realm. 13 is the mystical number of the Cosmic order, the Goddess and synchronic Natural time. COSMIC ACTION – transcends POWER – endures ESSENCE – presence
Today you have incredible SPIRITUAL POWER at your disposal to transcend all those old patterns, where the world and all its trappings dissolve into the Cosmic mists! We can transform them by your pure presence, translating into pure BLISS!.
We have arrived – ADSUM I AM HERE!. This is the stage of having transcended the physical, emotional and mental realms and arriving at COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS.
Today we can be STILL, and connect to the essence of our greatest Majik the frequency of pure internal presence!
You are the RAINBOW BRIDGE and you have the power to do this for yourself personally, and also collectively as a valuable member of our PLANETARY tribe of RAINBOW WARRIORS!
HEAVEN on EARTH is our Collective birthright –
Today’s question is “How can I TRANSCEND illusions and use my highest MAJIK to ACCOMPLISH my GREATEST DREAMS – opening to COSMIC ABUNDANCE through pure DIVINE presence!
And so we bid adieu to CHUEN, the spontaneous Majikal BLUE MONKEY who enabled us to SEE through the illusion, in order to transcend all that is not of BLISS in this world. Reclaiming our lost innocence and aligning with our inner Divine Child, remembering that JOY and PLAY are our greatest MAJIKAL tools to create a wonderful life.
Now that we have rediscovered our greatest Majik we are READY to set forth on our new journey.
Tomorrow we commence a brand new Wavespell packed with even greater potential, with KAN – the YELLOW SEED as our learned guide.
And so our journey of RIPENING through the DREAMSPELL continues…….
GET READY TO GROW exponentially!!!!!!!!!!!!……
Divine blessings for your transcendance to RECEIVE your highest form of Cosmic ABUNDANCE!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE COSMIC NIGHT– AKBAL -THE DREAMER! carries the dreaming codes, and brings forth the Golden keys to prosperity and ABUNDANCE, accessed through intuitive knowing.
COSMIC AKBAL holds the highest code of DREAMTIME – the GREAT COSMIC DREAM for man-kind… Our Planetary collective Destiny for manifesting 5D UTOPIA!
Our great COSMIC GENIE has all the POWER to make our wishes come true. Connect with the MAJIK flowing throughout the Universe to ensure your DREAMS are activated.
As we join with our fellow kin we can become a conscious dreamer. You can assist in literally creating a new reality for yourself, as well as contributing to the larger DREAM that is emerging.
By focusing on this creation, your thoughts and intentions are projected across the crystal grid network that encompasses universes. This energetic field seeds, supports, and empowers the creation of an unfolding reality. At a certain point, when a critical threshold of energy has been focused on a clear intent such as world peace/unity/food for all people, the underlying constructs of reality shift,
and a new reality begins filtering into human experience.
Source: The Mayan Oracle – Ariel Spilsbury
And so it is TIME for our collective DREAMS to manifest the Utopia that we are all dreaming of… the outer expression of our pure Spiritual presence.. the joy and bliss of creation made fully manifest in the world we live in…
Disconnect from the Matrix and keep your eyes on the prize!
Make no mistake: great change is seeded by conscious dreamers who understand and KNOW that they are co-creating the larger dream. .
What DREAMS will you energize today?
Hold the presence of the collective dream of our new 5D Ascended Gaia in your manifestations today.
Today’s COSMIC dreaming code perfectly leads into the next 13 day wavespell of the GREAT AWAKENING and ripening ABUNDANCE – so get ready to REAP YOUR REWARDS – beautiful STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS!!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE COSMIC HAND– MANIK the COSMIC hand guides us today to HEAL the collective unconscious, those underlying streams that create the script for our world, through the mysterious CONDUCTOR of our global SONG. The her-STORY that is being told through the mass consciousness, and held in our NOOSPHERE.
As we draw up these powerful healing hands we can clear that pattern, and steer our nations into a better and brighter future, evading the continual repetition of cycles and lessons that we have been doomed to repeat over and over ad infinitum.
Today we are AWAKENING from the old DREAM with a new found AWARENESS, that we have the ability to SHAPE and sculpt our new collective experiences as a HU-MAN global family.
As we claim our true power as COSMIC beings, we can finally experience the TRUE meaning of ABUNDANCE for all beings. This is the default setting of the Universe.
Today we KNOW that we can ACCOMPLISH GREAT THINGS, realizing our greatest dreams through pure MAJIKal presence!
Put your hands together in GRATITUDE for all the GREAT REWARDS you are about to RECEIVE…AMEN!
SUPPORT: YELLOW COSMIC WARRIOR CIB is the fearless warrior who uses his intelligence to QUEST-I-ON everything. Through applying his wisdom from past experience in his many battles, CIB knows how to forge a peaceful and sustainable path forward.
Allow CIB to guide you in the choices you make today. Choose wisely as there is potent majikal manifestation energy in vast supply today.
Use this wondrous opportunity to SUPERCHARGE your DREAMS placing your full focus on the most beneficial outcome of your Quest-I-on.
The RAINBOW WARRIORS of Planet Earth are bringing forth their promise of delivering us back to Paradise.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE MAGNETIC MIRROR ETZNAB. The MAGNETIC MIRROR- Etznab can assist you to attract the TRUTH.. What is needed to manifest a better reality? – The revelation of TRUTH shatters the old illusions.
The MIRROR will reflect your current REALITY… but to TRULY CHANGE – you need to THINK BIGGER and BETTER than your current environment.
“Fake it, until you make it”.. DREAM your new life into REALITY.
The Rainbow Warrior with his fearlessness, courage and trusty sword, marches into the Hall of Mirrors defiant of the games and trickery that the monkey is notorious for. Etznab assists CIB in revealing the TRUE PATH to discover and create your wildest DREAMS.
Sift through the infinite choices and possibilities reflected today, and ENERGIZE those in alignment with your BIGGEST DREAMS.
ETZNAB also provides the power of the PYRAMID to exponentially MAGNIFY and supercharge your DREAMS, with the FIRE energy from the pyre! KA-BOOM
You may wish to write out your desires and place them under a pyramid to fully utilize ETZNAB’s powers (alternatively you can place them on a mirror, or mirror tile to DOUBLE the power!). A quartz crystal or manifesting crystal is also a brilliant tool.
Allow MAGNETIC ETZNAB to magnetize and ATTRACT the life you desire.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED COSMIC SKYWALKER BEN is the Galactic Shaman and Angelic Messenger who brings HEAVEN to EARTH. His challenge to you today is to ensure that you do just that!
What do you choose to TRANSCEND, in order to make your life on this planet more blissful and heavenly?.
You are the RAINBOW BRIDGE and you have the power to do this for yourself personally, and also collectively as a valuable member of our PLANETARY tribe of RAINBOW WARRIORS!
HEAVEN on EARTH is our Collective birthright –
Today’s question is “How can I TRANSCEND illusions and use my highest MAJIK to ACCOMPLISH my GREATEST DREAMS – opening to COSMIC ABUNDANCE through pure DIVINE presence!
And so we bid adieu to CHUEN, the spontaneous Majikal BLUE MONKEY who enabled us to SEE through the illusion, in order to transcend all that is not of BLISS in this world. Reclaiming our lost innocence and aligning with our inner Divine Child, remembering that JOY and PLAY are our greatest MAJIKAL tools to create a wonderful life.
Now that we have rediscovered our greatest Majik we are READY to set forth on our new journey.
Tomorrow we commence a brand new Wavespell packed with even greater potential, with KAN – the YELLOW SEED as our learned guide.
And so our journey of RIPENING through the DREAMSPELL continues…….
GET READY TO GROW exponentially!!!!!!!!!!!!……
Divine blessings for your transcendance to RECEIVE your highest form of Cosmic ABUNDANCE!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology reading for the week of March 10th through March 16th 2024 from my Sacred Condor 🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the astrology for the coming week from March 10th through March 16th 2024, reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a Super Moon in Pisces Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation!”.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
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