You are currently viewing Seven Flames of God’s Consciousness ~ Tai Chi ~ MONAD Family *  Firey Flaming Sword of Truth ~ Another Wave of Awakenings…
sword of truth

Seven Flames of God’s Consciousness ~ Tai Chi ~ MONAD Family *  Firey Flaming Sword of Truth ~ Another Wave of Awakenings…

Seven Flames of God’s Consciousness ~ Tai Chi ~ MONAD Family *  Firey Flaming Sword of Truth ~ Another Wave of Awakenings…





Paul White Gold Eagle

Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand

Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Great Silent Warriors of the Event Horizon of Stillness

We are Now on 13 days in a row of 5D Resonance appearing on the Schumann Charts with Gaia’s heartbeat reaching amplitudes of 25 hz, 26 hz and a big white pillar of light at 65 hz. The 13 is the Divine Feminine Goddess Energy, the Void, the Power of Stillness, Emptiness, the space in between, surrounding and within all things. All things are intrinsically empty, including the mind. “From the very first ‘not a thing’ is: MU!

Mother Earth and all her Children of the Sun are currently being flooded with Gamma Mother Plasma Waves of Golden Liquid Light from a CME that was released from our local Soularis sparking a G1 Geomagnetic Storm today calling on our Aurora Family of Rainbow Light.

Synchronizing with these powerful Cosmic Events we have our 2nd day in a row of a Galactic Activation Portal Day on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Kin 51 BLUE CRYSTAL MONKEY as the Blue Ray of Monkey Magic and Alchemy activates our Crystalline Codes of the 144 within our 12 Strand Etheric DNA.

As the Still White Magnetic Light at the Center of your being calls you home to the Kingdom of Heaven within all comes into perfect balance with the Harmony of the Music of the Spheres as the Cosmic Symphony reaches a crescendo of Universal proportions.

In our elevation of our Ascension we connect with our Godhood a Original Awakened Mind of Buddha in the Christed State we free our self and all humanity from all false programs and projections of ignorance and illusions. As the veils thin and lift all is being revealed as we make our Quantum Shift of the Ages to the 5D New Earth and Golden Age of Eternal Life.

Keep going thorough and through and through until complete and total compression breakthrough in the Infinite Light of Prime Source Creator…A’Ho!






Gray Hairstreak Butterfly by Paul White Gold Eagle
Gray Hairstreak Butterfly by Paul White Gold Eagle




Big Integration Day = Emotional Layers are Peeling off at a RAPID Rate. Allow the MONAD Family to Catch you. Breathe + Release! 🤍
MONAD Family
MONAD Family
💙💜Seven flames of God’s consciousness, seven rays of the Christ in the masculine and the feminine principle, are experienced through the seven chakras beginning with the T’ai chi, the white-fire core of God, the Alpha to Omega, which is the whirling center of every chakra.💛💚
Seven flames of God’s consciousness
Seven flames of God’s consciousness
✨🚨🧘🌟👽CONTACT with the INTELLIGENT LIFE in the UNIVERSE is a global phenomenon like no other…
✨🧘💫👽It represents the next big step in the development and evolution of the human family…
✨😇💫🌟And there are people all over the world who know this to be TRUE…
✨👽👽👽That ALIEN LIFE is a reality and that we are not alone in the universe, even in our own WORLD…
✨🧘 ✨👽💖💛💙 GET READY!!!
“Though you may hold your sword in a shaky hand, I see the demons you are slaying. Carry on, warrior, you are stronger than you realize.” ⚔️🔥✨
Firey flaming swords of truth⚔️🔥⚔️🔥⚔️
sword of truth
sword of truth

We are about to enter another wave of awakenings…

Every time we have a major event that can not be explained, it creates a ripple of awakening energy. The energy over the last few weeks has been extreme and the number of souls that will see the truth is about to explode. It is much like a pebble dropped in a pond that spreads throughout the collective…
Please help these souls as they are going to realize things are not adding up. It is a time of great confusion and fear… Much like we experienced in our own awakenings.
Be that soft shoulder that you longed for when too were wiping the sleep from your eyes.
Nothing can stop humanity from awakening at this point. The forward momentum is unstoppable… Sit back and enjoy the ride… It’s about to get wild …💜💜💜💜💜

Angelique Larson

Dear Beloved Family of Light,
I was delaying sharing this message today. Due to processing massive sadness and grief that has created separation from what is not healed within
the collective. However Source, The Angelic Realm and The Galactic Team of Light were insistent I share. As many of you know this month of August has been one of the most difficult for many emotionally and yet the most joyous energetically speaking. Our physical vessels are upgrading and morphing at an accelerated pace. We are continuing to detoxify the mind and cellular memory of our sacred vessels, fully healing within and without. As our crystalline bodies are coming online. With the full anchoring of Heaven on Earth.
For three weeks leading up to the Lions Gate 888 Portal I was guided to hold LIVE transmissions and bring in clearing for the negative inverted codexes that were keeping humanity in the lower dimensional realms. My Angelic and Star Tribes of Light were very clear to connect with the 3-6-9 the cosmos and inter connectedness of the fabric of creation, for spiritual awakening, strength, transformation, abundance, creativity, kindness, joy and service.
Beginning Monday, July 15th through Friday, August 2nd every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8:00 PM PST I guided 100-200 participants through Quantum NLP Clearings for the collective. With Source, Mother Mary, Mary Madeline, Yeshua, St Germaine, El Moya, Mahavarar Babaji, Adama, The Angelic Legion of Light, My Pleiadian, Sirius B and The White Wind Feline Lion Collective Teams extensive clearing of these 13 inverted codexes. Clearing from the subconscious and conscious mind, cellular memory, through all space time continuum, through all dimensions and separate realities. With healing and expansion of the sacred heart portal for all sentient beings. I was advised this was required to lessen the shock and impact on the psyche and physical vessel on the day of the Lion’s Gate 888 Portal for the collective. Over the three weeks we all experienced intense clearings of the psyche and physical vessel. And I received profound insights, visions, and downloads for the prophetic event of the 888 portal.
I hosted a 5 Day Shamballa Retreat arriving in Shasta on Monday, August 5th two days of preparations and downloads prior to the arrival of our group. Our retreat began on Wednesday, August 7th, 2024 with a purification ceremony in sacred waters with St. Germaine and AA Michael. The sky illuminated with light and a rainbow ring around the sun. As each participant submerged seven times, purifying the primary energy centers. Several ducks joined our group displaying their bold violet feathers.  That evening we began Shamballa and connected with the elementals and the white wind feline lion collective. Adama and our Lemurian Family within Telos; receiving profound healing and activations for the next days event. Thursday, August 8th we made our journey up to Mother Mountain. As the Avians and 8 different bird tribes made their presence known, pure exquisite beauty. As a group we anchored the pure light from the heart of source, the 18 rainbow rays of creation as we connected to the Crystalline City of New Lemurua, The Crystalline Sapphire City, and the Crystalline City of New Atlantis, The Great Pyramids of Egypt, The Heart Chakra of Terra Nova GAIA Sophia in Glastonbury, Stonehenge and Avebury. Assisting with deactivating the 666 clearing the fear codexes and restoring the 999 Sacred Divine Blue Print Codes within the Diamond Heart Center Terra Nova GAIA Sophia. Anchoring light codes of unconditional love, peace, unity expansion of consciousness, restoration of health & wellness And sacred divine abundance for all of humanity. The pure love and joy of this sacred event was potent and full of memorable gems of insights and expanded awareness for all.
On Day 3 of our retreat Friday, August 9th, 2024 we anchored in the sacred divine feminine and divine masculine codes of Mary Magdeline and Yeshua of pure unconditional love. In the evening we connected with the Galactic Masters of Light, to dynamically expand consciousness in the highest frequencies of love and light throughout all of creation. The light teams from Arcturus, The Pleiades, Sirius B, Antares, Cassiopeia, Alpha Centauri, Spica, Andromeda Galaxy, Aldebaran, Lyra and Orion. The shift and pure unconditional love was felt and the activations was beyond human communication. We sent unconditional love and healing to all sacred heart and souls throughout the earth plane and all of creation.
On Day 4 Saturday, August 10th,2024 of our retreat I guided our ground crew to sacred waters where I experienced communication with St Germain and a portal opened as I was welcomed by Adama into Telos in 2018 prior to traveling to Gastonbury to anchor the light for the first time in 2019. We journeyed to the Lemurian forest, Heaven on Earth as we enjoyed the sacred healing waters. Sending ripples of unconditional love, peace and unity consciousness to all sacred  souls throughout the earth plane.
We wrapped up our Day 5 on Saturday, August 11th, 2024 with integration of the13th dimension. It truly was an honor and joy to facilitate this gathering as we anchored the sacred cosmic light code and frequencies with the 18 rainbow rays of creation for humanity. Eternal Unconditional Love and Gratitude to All of the Light Workers throughout the Earth Plane who all gathered for sacred divine prophecy event. Thank you, to all who attended in person and online. I Love You, All. Namaste
May Unconditional Love, Peace & Unity Consciousness become the lasting living reality for all Beings on New Earth
l will continue to assist all who choose, with unconditional love and compassion.
Angelique Larson KIN 39 Blue Cosmic Storm, White Wind Tribe & The Federation of Worlds

Soon the energy of the earth will quickly shift completely into a higher vibration.

Every human will wake up to another world…
We as a collective will jump timelines and never be able to go back to the 3D.
A spiritual heart portal is opening within all of us, allowing everyone to connect with their purest love.
This portal connects us to the ancient time of the Lemurians. A time of peaceful life, working in harmony. All beings were seen as equal and we were deeply reverent to Mother Earth. These important vibration will help us understand the reason why we are eternal beings. At that point “most of us will surrender to what we once knew and step through the doorway of light.
How can you help this portal expand in your heart way beyond your human comprehension?
– Release the shackles of “judgment “ on yourself.
– Understand YOU are here to learn and grow from each experience… good and bad:)
– Love yourself unconditionally.. truely and wholeheartedly.
– Using your quartz crystals to help your energy stay at a high frequency.
– Spend time with yourself in nature. Feeling Mother Earth underneath your feet and connect with all living creatures.
Most importantly, SHINE YOUR BEAUTIFUL LIGHTS DEAR ONES🌞… this will help others that are stuck in the “old patterns” see YOU!
Your light will remind them – giving them a chance to feel and raise their vibrations.
Because at the end of the day. We are all here to help each other heal and be one with God.
Love and Light,
higher vibration
higher vibration
8/27/24: Today is the first of two turning points to navigate before September breaks loose. Two days for emotional and spiritual acceptance, understanding, and closure. Two powerful chances for release and satisfaction. Today could unlock any remaining old wounds and pain carried within you through the years… and help you to see that these are only shadows hiding from the light.
This could mean the final recognition and confrontation of old fears that cling when you don’t face them… as well as the unhealthy behaviors they spawn. You have choices before August is done with you. But be vigilant about what you choose to carry forward… and leave space for the treasures the Dragon has been storing up for you.



Mercury is Releasing into the Template of Conscious Self-Ascension! CREATION IT-SELF



The week ahead is filled with the integration of ALL that the shimmers have illuminated. As you gift your-self and go deeper within, this is the ultimate moment to honor:

What in me, invited this to be?

To smile with KNOWING and HONOR the GIFTS!!!

You are the commander of the totality of this life!

IT IS..when you move through the FIVE PHASES of CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION that YOU…discover the depth of the journey and the ESSENCE of IN-LIGHT-enment.

For those who knew/experienced my Be-loved Husband, Ascended Master Wisdom Teacher Sri Ram Kaa,

this is WHY HE HAD TO ASCEND while I was still carrying physical form!

As you connect with the journey of the phases above, Sri & I,

as with ALL of the teaching of the Yoga of Self-Ascension,

agreed to first experience the totality so that we were able to transmit & remain steadfast in Authenticity, above all else!

Even when the world of form felt “unready” to receive, we remained in our commitment and continue to do so.

This unfolding moment is offering YOU the ease and grace to transcend!




The September equinox beckons! Say YES TO YOU! Personally MEET THE ELDERS, Activate your inner Alchemy & RISE! YOU ARE ABLE to spin the wheels of eternal time and REMEMBER your DIVINE MASTERY PRESENCE into Form.

With the peace, love and JOY of the Yoga of Self-Ascension


Paramhansa Yogananda
Paramhansa Yogananda


Dear friends, this energetically amazing month of August is coming to a close with a rare six-planet parade on August 28, 2024, and it’s going to be a treat for stargazers. This celestial event will be visible in the early morning, just before sunrise, and will feature six planets aligned across the sky: Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn. This rare alignment is like a symphony of celestial bodies, each playing its unique role in the grand orchestra of the universe.
These six planets combine their energies in a complex and harmonious way, creating a unique cosmic signature. Here’s a breakdown of how their energies interact, and the effects you may feel within your emotional and energetic bodies.
*Saturn’s structure + Neptune’s spirituality*: Saturn’s discipline and responsibility blend with Neptune’s mysticism, creating a foundation for spiritual growth and introspection.
*Mars’ passion + Uranus’ innovation*: Mars’ drive and energy merge with Uranus’ revolutionary spirit, sparking creativity, motivation, and a desire for positive change.
*Jupiter’s expansion + Mercury’s communication*: Jupiter’s optimism and growth amplify Mercury’s expressive energy, facilitating open communication, mental clarity, and new ideas.
*Saturn’s focus + Jupiter’s expansion*: Saturn’s concentration and Jupiter’s growth create a balance between discipline and expansion, helping to manifest goals and desires.
*Neptune’s intuition + Uranus’ insight*: Neptune’s intuition and Uranus’ innovative thinking combine, enhancing psychic abilities, creativity, and unexpected breakthroughs.
*Mars’ drive + Saturn’s discipline*: Mars’ energy and Saturn’s responsibility blend, fueling determination, perseverance, and focused action.
As these complex energies combine, they create a powerful synergy that can amplify spiritual growth and self-awareness, inspiring creativity, innovation, and positive changes to our timeline. This celestial dance can also enhance communication, mental clarity, and manifestation specially as we just experienced the last wave of the 888 lightcodes. The end of this month is fostering a much needed balance, discipline, and focused action for the road ahead. Expect also your intuition to reach new higher levels, with unexpected insights and revelatory new perspectives.
As the six planets align on August 28, 2024, and we leave behind this special time of the year, we are invited to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery, growth, and transformation.
May we remember that we are part of a larger cosmic symphony, connected to the universe and its infinite wisdom. Let us tune into the cosmic dance, allowing its rhythms to resonate within us, and may we emerge transformed, renewed, and harmonized with the celestial music of the spheres. Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ

Octavia Vasile

The Keepers of Time, 12th Dimensional Blue Avians: Restoring Destiny

We are here to invite you, the reader of our message, to look through the veils of time. There are timekeepers among you as well, and you might start remembering the different worlds you experience simultaneously. This is a great time for you all.
It has happened before that humanity has awakened to its multidimensionality and started to travel between realities, exploring the quantum field. Although it happened, not so long ago, the timelines were shifted so that you, human beings, did not benefit. Timelines were manipulated not for the good of all, but for the benefit of the few who considered themselves to be the elite—the keepers of the secrets.
Not so long ago, your history was changed and replaced with stories serving this new reality. Books, ancient manuscripts, and other documents that attested to the truth were hidden, though many still exist on Earth. Your entire planet has been a universal gateway for a very long time and is destined to take back its place in the Universe.
Now you will restore your destiny and rediscover who you truly are and what level of development you achieved. Many of you will remember and step forward—maybe you are already feeling it—and in this case, dare to look for the truth. Once the truth is revealed, your DNA will be reactivated.
This is not a message of war; it is one of truth and commitment to your real journey. The information has to be disclosed, and the truth will once again be revealed for the timeline to be restored to its original vibration. Ask for the old manuscripts to be made public—have the courage to at least think about a greater history than you can even imagine. Start searching within, and the outside will reflect it.
We will be here to guide you on how to access the hidden information. If you resonate with our message, simply affirm “yes,” and we will connect with you. We never left you, but now we are closer than ever. We have a commitment toward Earth, and you have one toward your species.
Do not lose hope, but trust and step forward because there are memories not only of a past, but of a “future” that lives within you, and it is as alive as this life. Be the keeper of the truth and remember that you are never left alone.
Blue Avians
Blue Avians

On Tuesday, August 27th, the Moon, ruler of our emotional landscape, is in busy Gemini and has already connected with Saturn, planet of limitations, in confused Pisces and Jupiter, planet of growth, in changeable Gemini, which may have caused a feeling of retraction vs. expansion. Now the Moon will move on to make positive sextile connections with Mercury, ruler of thoughts, in confident Leo and Chiron, ruler of healing, in active Aries. Then Luna makes a powerful conjunction with Mars, planet of energy and action, who is also in vacillating Gemini and finally, a challenging square to Venus, ruler of how we value ourself, in perceptive Virgo.
There is a lot of mutable energy expressing itself today. The term mutable means variable, fluctuating, shifting and inconsistent. And, since we have a focus in inquisitive Gemini, with Venus in analytical Virgo, we are most likely going to do a lot of thinking today. What information or messages are being presented to me? How can I heal my mind and my perspective regarding my situation? What action can I take in this moment that will redirect me to a “glass half full” mentality? And, how do I feel about my own sense of self-worth? Do I believe that I deserve joy and happiness, health and well-being, prosperity and abundance, love and respect? These are some things to ponder.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
the Moon, ruler of our emotional landscape, is in busy Gemini and has already connected with Saturn
the Moon, ruler of our emotional landscape, is in busy Gemini and has already connected with Saturn
Venus in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus. Hygeia stations retrograde in Taurus – Venus in Virgo gains great pleasure from being of service and helping others. Today’s trine to innovative Uranus suggests that we try new methods to gain personal satisfaction in our work and relationships. Upgrade to experience improvements. Ensure there is enough space in partnerships for each party to learn and grow. Change your routine. Free up resources to invest in what you love. Treat your body with the respect it deserves and liberation from insecurities will soon follow.
Hygeia’s station is also a sign that preventative action is required. We might need to curb over-spending or over-indulgence or acknowledge where we’ve allowed ourselves to stay stuck because it’s easy. Take a holistic approach to money and resources. Explore energy work to release negative emotions carried in the body. Release old possessions that carry bad memories and sad vibes. Get down to the source of insecurities. Cleanse your chakras/energy centres. Know your worth. Know that you are worthy.
Degrees and Times
Venus 27°Vi14′, Uranus 27°Ta14′ – 08:23 (BST)
Hygeia 06°Ta02′ R – 19:04 (BST)
Note – The Sabian symbol of Hygeia’s station is The Woman Of Samaria At The Ancestral Well.
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – Young Italian Girl by the Well by Franz Xaver Winterhalter
Young Italian Girl by the Well
Young Italian Girl by the Well

Kin 51 ~ Blue Crystal Monkey

The number 12 is called Crystal and its keywords are ‘Dedication, Universalize and Cooperation’. The 12th day is all about gathering together and working as a team. Too often we struggle and stumble through life on our own forgetting that naturally we work better together. Make efforts on Crystal days to find your like-minded folk and together you can support one another and discuss your life journey. Feedback is crucial for clarity otherwise we can lose perspective.
Today is Blue Monkey which represents ‘Play, Illusion and Magic’. Monkey is the universal trickster and clown but also a serious teacher. If you have been confusing magic for illusion or vice versa, Monkey will teach you a lesson today and make a monkey out of you. Look out for the proverbial banana peels! Monkey loves to play but also can bring a lot of magic so be wise and not a fool and monkey will reward you. As it is a number 12 day, this makes it an ideal time to get together with other monkeys and have some fun.
Today’s Guide is the Blue Night, so abundance and dreams should be what motivates you – combined with a bit of monkey magic you may be surprised with good fortune that comes your way today. Just make sure your dreams are realistic and that you are not under the illusion of unlikely expectations. Monkey likes to show us the difference between magic and illusion and the guiding energy of the Blue Night shows that Abundance is possible when we can tell the difference.
The Challenge of the day is Red Dragon, if you are a Red Dragon your issues may surface and you may find Monkey just annoys the hell out of you. Well, don’t give him reason to treat you like a fool and you’ll be fine.
It is good for you from time to time, to be enticed out of your nice, comfy cave and have some fun too.
The Occult power is the White Dog which represents ‘Love, Heart and Loyalty’. This suggests that if you put all your heart into whatever you do the result can be quite magical. Remember though it is a number 12 day which means getting together with others. Love your fellow mankind today and see how magical that can be.
The Ally is the Yellow Star and so people born on Yellow Star days can be very helpful to others. They see the beauty in the world and can show you too.
Kin 51
Kin 51


12 CHUEN – KIN 51
27 AUGUST 2024
I dedicate in order to PLAY
Universalizing ILLUSION
I seal the process of MAJIK
With the Crystal tone of Cooperation
I AM guided by the power of ABUNDANCE
27/8/2024 = 9/8/8 = 9/16= 9/7=16=7
✨7.7.✨ DOUBLE MAGICIAN’s portal
27- Rewards/Power/Leadership/Command
9- Endings/Completion/Destiny/Service/Humanity/Grace
16-The TOWER struck by lightning/Sudden unexpected events
7- Majik/Mystic/Spiritual/Initiation/Test/Solitude
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
16-The TOWER struck by lightning/Sudden unexpected events
7- Majik/Mystic/Spiritual/Initiation/Test/Solitude
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 51 = 6 Heaven/Christ/Family/Harmony
We have a very powerful 27/9 completion/harvest code with a 16.16 double TOWER code, and a 77. double majik code on this GAP portal day – ACTIVATING sudden windfalls and rewards through the majik of cocreating together with our kin..
DIVINE MAJIK is FLOWING through this GAP portal – being transmitted through the CRYSTAL GRID..💎🌐. Very potent SPIRITUAL POWER is broadcast and accessible today!
The energy is ripe for manifesting majikal outcomes through joyful expression. A DIVINELY beautiful, intensely SPIRITUAL day – filled with LAUGHTER, MAJIK, PLAY and ABUNDANCE! 💫
Day 12 in the YELLOW SUN ☀WAVESPELL of ILLUMINATING our HIGHEST EVOLUTIONARY PATH to reclaim our SOUL POWER and full Sovereignty. 👑✨
Today we come out to PLAY, PLAY, PLAY with MAJIK💫, connecting and cooperating in our EN-LIGHT-ON-ed communities.👭👫👬 We SHINE our de-LIGHT, attracting joyful ABUNDANCE. 😍😊🤗
CRYSTAL💎 – Tone 12 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – universalizes, POWER – dedicates, ESSENCE – cooperation. Yesterday we focused on dissolving and releasing any barriers to LOVE in our hearts.❤ Through the space and freedom engendered by the Spectral phase, new space is created for something new to emerge. New partnerships are forged. 👫👭 Energy comes together and CRYSTAL 💎beings form.
The Crystal energy is brilliant for gaining crystal, clear, clarity and guidance for our next step forward. Communication and networking flows.🌐 Information from Spirit and all realms flows, freely accessible by all of the new CRYSTAL beings connected to GAIA’s crystalline communication grid! 🌐
Today our CRYSTALLINE LIGHT BODIES are upgraded and connected to this higher evolutionary GRID that has been fortified through these potent ASCENSION energies.
❓What information will you be broadcasting through this grid?
❓How can your skills and knowledge assist in the upliftment of humanity, out of survival mode, into HAPPINESS, BLISS and infinite ABUNDANCE?
The CRYSTAL💎 tone activates and charges our Crystal allies today – the CRYSTAL KINGDOM.. Crystals are BRILLIANT for holding a charge of energy, storing and transmitting data, energy and codes. Today is a great day for creating CRYSTAL GRIDS💎🌐 and MANDALAS, doing MAJIKAL SPELLS💫 and putting forth much focused intention into your crystal WANDS!
Today’s question is “How can I cooperate with others through JOY💕 and BLISS🐬 to create more FUN, MAJIK and ABUNDANCE in my life, and MANIFEST the NEW WAY DREAMING in our world?” ❤☀🐬✨🌴💒👭😍
Divine blessings for a very, very, very majikal JOY filled PLAY day! 👭🐬💕
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger- KIN 66 🌏🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE CRYSTAL MONKEY💎 🐒 CHUEN… yesterday we LIBERATED LOVE💗 and today we get to connect with our KIN and experience BLISS!💒 BLISS filled encounters and connections through expressing our JOY! 🐬
The 💫💫 MAJIK continues today through our wonderful MAJIKAL MAGICIAN CHUEN. 🎩🐒
CHUEN🐵 the cheeky monkey🐒 loves to PLAY, and brings forth great MAJIK and merriment. 💫 Monkey days are usually LIGHTER and brighter, and today’s codes are GORGEOUS, so get out and PLAY today!!! 🎡👬🎢👭😍
The CRYSTAL MONKEY is a CLEAR conduit that opens a portal to 5D bringing forth the ECSTATIC codes, raising our frequency and helping us FLY HIGH on the wings of LOVE. 💗💗💗
The MONKEY tribe holds the DOLPHIN🐬🐬🐬 energies, which represent 5D consciousness and BLISS. 💕
The DOLPHIN uses sonar technology, to broadcast his BLISS and JOY🎶 to his fellow pod members, through the frequency grid connecting them together. If you have ever been lucky enough to swim with a DOLPHIN🐬 or be in their presence, you have felt these ecstatic JOY waves reverberate in your cells and AWAKEN your innate state of BLISS..
This is the GIFT🎁 of our MONKEY today! Embrace all those holding this 5D frequency and welcome them into your tribe!👫🐬👬💕👭💏
The coupling of CHUEN with the CRYSTAL tone today, provides the ability to UNITE in cooperative play and celebration with your kin. Crystal energy activates your telepathic connection allowing you to sync. together without the need for words. Just like children naturally play together through their natural curiosity and connection. This is the majik of today’s code. 👫👬👭💫
CHUEN is of course the DIVINE CHILD👶👼 who connects to our Creator, through his intuition and innate knowing. It is time to establish and TRUST your own connection to SOURCE ☀ through your Divine child, and claim your Sovereignty. Be like a child and know that you are a child of GOD, who has INFINITE access to all the treasures of CREATION! COSMIC ABUNDANCE and BLISS are your birthright!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE CRYSTAL NIGHT💎 🌃💰 AKBAL the DREAMER and MAJIKal wish fulfilling GENIE is the HIGHER POWER today, bringing forth many blessings from these two wonderful BLUE BOYS on this majikal G.A.P. portal day!! Tremendous MANIFESTING MAJIKAL POWER! KAPOW! ✨💥✨
AKBAL enhances your intuitive powers today and the dreaming code. The collective NEW WAY DREAMING is the VISION we are all holding of infinite ABUNDANCE, JOY, PEACE and HARMONY for all beings.
The CRYSTAL NIGHT holds the keys to the KINGDOM, and will clearly reveal the GOLDEN GATES to access this prosperity, through this majikal GAP portal day. ASK and it shall be GIVEN.. Before sleep tonight ASK to be shown HOW to access this wealth and happiness.
AKBAL will reveal any ILLUSIONs of scare-city, dwelling in the shadows, which must be brought into the LIGHT of DAY.. BLUE MONKEY is the mischievous TRICKSTER and may have a ‘DARK’ side, as he delves into the shadow aspects of trickery, deceit and illusion… all revealed deep in the abyss of AKBAL.. These two complex buddies provide the tools to uncover the blocks, sabotage and resistance through the illusory world of F.E.A.R – Fake Evidence Appearing Real.
The MONKEY is the TIME TRAVELLER who enables us to jump through SPACETIME. On GAP days the veils are THIN and we can easily access other reams… As there is a blurring between dimensions and realities, we have the POWER to change our old reality by choosing to ENERGIZE this ABUNDANT NEW WAY DREAMING.. becoming a conscious dreamer… Joining with our kin to jet propel 🚀 this NEW DREAM into manifestation.💫
You may find yourself “daydreaming” or having more prophetic dreams or hunches today. The play and positivity also ignites our ability to attract more ABUNDANCE in our lives.
Akbal allows us to feel happier and more self confident, knowing that the POWER 💥and majik 💫 is within us to manifest our DREAMS! ✨✨
LAMAT is the beautiful STAR🌟 linking to the new ✨HARMONIC MATRIX✨ which we can easily access through our Crystalline💎🌐 connections, to further activate the NEW WAY DREAMING codes. The NEW HARMONIC MATRIX is activated in this NEW TIME cycle – so keep DREAMING of it and then it SHALL BE!
LAMAT enables us to SPARKLE🎆 our LIGHT✨ to illuminate our path, navigating towards EN-LIGHT-ON-ment. We join in harmony with our tribe expressing our joy, and creativity together.👫👭
A beautiful SUPPORTing energy to help us SEE, and connect to the BEAUTY in each other and all around us. PERFECT HARMONY! ✨✨✨
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE LUNAR DOG🐕 OC is back again today, this time as the SUPERPOWER, to strengthen our ability to RECEIVE these DIVINE LOVE CODES, streaming forth in ever increasing levels each day.
This OC is a LUNAR DOG – he will reveal any polarity challenges that we have in receiving ABUNDANCE, forming higher unions, and expressing our HEART’S desires.
The LUNAR DOG and CRYSTAL MONKEY work together beautifully to reveal all the illusions, deceptions and betrayals to LOVE.💔..
✨✨THE DARK MAGIC DREAMSPELL is SHATTERED 💥💥💥 through the piercing arrows of TRUTH, through these two kin. All that manipulates, controls and seeks to disempower humanity will crumble to ashes!
The CRYSTAL💎 tone beautifully gives you the clarity to SEE the TRUTH 👀 of what is and is not derived from LOVE.💞. The WHITE DOG sniffs out the TRUTH by uncovering all the evidence, so TRUST what your intuition is showing you today.
This SUPERPOWER of LOVE❤ allows us to breathe deeply into our hearts, communicating Spirit’s messages through us, as we strengthen our bond with our CREATOR and our beloveds, through unconditional love. This is the pathway to BLISS and true ABUNDANCE.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED CRYSTAL DRAGON💎 🐉 IMIX is the Mother Creatrix Dragon who is reminding us that LOVE❤ and NURTURANCE is the KEY to all our manifestations. The CRYSTAL DRAGON holds the keys to the door of the AKASHIC RECORDS – The COSMIC library is easily accessible today.
❓❓What information do you require to make your LIFE more loving and joyful?🤔😍
We need to express our desire to care for each other as part of common-Unity. Accepting our communal responsibility to love and nurture each other as we merge into ONE united family of HU-MAN-ity. Healing all the DIVISION and separation, welcoming all through the power of ONENESS. 🌞
Together we are STRONGEST💪 as we forge this NEW WAY DREAMING path.
All the powers of CREATION are available at our disposal as we evolve into our DIVINE CREATOR beings, expressing SOURCE energy through our embodiment of our FULL LUMINOSITY. ☀🎆
Today’s question is “How can I cooperate with others through JOY💕 and BLISS🐬 to create more FUN, MAJIK and ABUNDANCE in my life, and MANIFEST the NEW WAY DREAMING in our world?” ❤☀🐬✨🌴💒👭😍
Divine blessings for a very, very, very majikal JOY filled PLAY day! 👭🐬💕
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger- KIN 66 🌏🌈







🔥 New on Patreon 🕉 Sirius Stargate Transmission and Activation 🕉

Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Blue Ray Beings 🔥



Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.


CLICK HERE to for the Sirius Stargate Transmission



✨️Activation and Decree of the I Am, of the White Ray:*

_”I am the pure white light of the rising.
I am the divine presence in action.
purifying, uplifting, transforming my whole being now. “
☆☆☆ Activation ☆☆☆
“I am the white flame of divine purity, cleansing and harmonizing every aspect of my life. “
“I am the light of perfection, bringing clarity and wisdom to all my decisions. “
“I am the energy of transmutation, dissolving all limitations and blockages in my path. “
“I Am the essence of divine peace, radiating serenity and balance to my being. “
“I am the presence of the White Ray, manifesting spiritual ascension and evolution in every cell of my body. “
“I Am the purity that illuminates my mind, heart, and spirit, aligning me with the universal truth. “
“I am the white light that expands my awareness and connects me to my Higher Self. “
“I Am the force of divine oneness, integrating all aspects of my being in light of ascension. “
the I Am, of the White Ray
the I Am, of the White Ray

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