RAINBOW LIGHT EXPANSION – Sensitivity is the Gift of Evolution – Initiation of True Power of the Sacred Divine Fires
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Sacred Star Vessels as Avatars of New Earth
We had another day of intense activations and ascension energies flowing into this realm from the Great Central Sun and the Great Spirit of Eternal Life.
Our local Solaris released a Trinity of Creation Codes with 3 M Class Solar Flares. Pachamama received another powerful activation today on the Ring of Fire with a magnitude 6.2 earthquake in New Zealand at 2:21 UTC.
The Veil of separation in between worlds is lifting and all is being exposed through this revelation. Your Spirits are being lifted to the Holiest of Holies of the most high of the Almighty Universal One. Please always remember that all beings are born perfectly Awakened Buddha but that Pure Awareness was converted to the three hells of suffering through the ignorance programs of duality and separation, the sine wave some call living in sin. We are resolving this Now in the Unborn Eternal mind of Buddha, which is our Infinite multidimensional Pure Awareness that is omniscient and omnipresent. What is coming through our Transcendence and Ascension is Beauty and Peace beyond what the mind can even imagine. We hold these codes of New Earth in this Now and Keep the Light shining bright through it all. This is the Calling of our Earth Angelic Starseeded Ground Crew of the 144…A’Ho!
Right now: Moon at 16°42′ Libra, Sun at 9°17′ Gemini
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
Aeroplane performing a nose-dive.
Sabian Symbol for 10º Gemini
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 10º Gemini.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
A retired sea captain watches ships entering and leaving the harbour.
Sabian Symbol for 17º Libra
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 17º Libra.
Powerful energy of what I can only call initiation, is being released now.
The initiation in to true Power of the Sacred Divine Fires which do not consume but purify and transfigure in the highest degrees.
The initiate learns to stand in the power and unity of the omnipresent power of the Mighty I Am Presence within and to direct it through the Power of Love with pure intent.
Can you feel it? Timeline and choice-points flickering, fluctuating, dismantling, rising … a perfect now to be flexible and open to pliable reality experiences and higher trajectories.
The expansion of a geostorm, without the storm. Star frequencies this day: Integrating by grounding in water, crystalline sound baths, and toning.
[photo: my radiant signing bowls after supporting some siSTARs during the last SUNday Unity Meditation.]
Dear family of love and light, the Divine is carrying out a special Divine intervention and operation right now. The Divine says that there are old energies that are trying to interfere with Gaia’s ascension plan and doing harm to our light workers and the planet. It is against the Divine law and therefore, per Gaia’s request, the Divine needs to take action now and to stop the interference. The Divine encourages our light workers to stay in the heart and let the Divine do the clearing work. Know that all is in Divine’s control. And the Divine needs to take actions.
Divine blessings to you always.
Linda Li, Gaia, the Divine and the company of heaven. So it is.
Sensitivity is the gift of evolution as it is the small minority of every species who are charged with the mission to use depth of observation and complex inner processing to ‘read’ signals from the outward environment as well as within their own physical being, as a way of sensing and anticipating potential threat; that requires adaptation of that whole species, as well as raising the alert to dangers.
Sensitivity is not weak, over emotional, shy or mentally unstable. It is a real and natural warning system held within less than 30% of any species.
If you are suffering due to lifestyle habits, you not only need to change your life to improve your own sense of vitality and approach to a healthy body…
Two more days of May and then we’re into June and it’s going to be another eventful month, so don’t think that you can sit back, relax, and be glad that you got through May.
This was just the beginning.
June expands on what happened in May.
If you are still contemplating letting go and have not done it yet, it may get done for you now.
The old matrix has been unplugged, unhinged, unwound, untethered, and decommissioned. It’s being replaced by a new matrix of potential, possibilities, connections, resonances, and empowerment that each of us must decide to embrace.
The cost of connection is congruent alignment with our intention and divine mission.
This is important and it’s why situations are ending, sometimes without your participation, as we need to plug into the new matrix and we cannot do that when we’re still attached to the old one.
These last few days have been so incredibly expansive and liberating
The records have been swiped clean for so many and true divine blueprints are being anchored now. This is showing in so so many ways all across the board as alignments continue to fall into place
As we move forward throughout the week, some may feel the crown chakra upgrades a bit more intense than usual. I have been feeling strong pulsing and vibrating over my head and a strong sensation of my skull contracting like never before
Upgrades to the throat have been felt as a tightening of the jaw with tooth/mouth annoyances and a tightness throughout the neck but this is also bringing a lot of self empowerment energy through as we continue to open up and express ourselves
The heart chakra is being blown open and with this expansion powerful feelings of love and devotion are felt as the divine feminine flourishes and blooms within the softness of this space. This can also bring up suppressed emotions that are in need of being felt and released. A great deal of inner child healing around trauma, especially abandonment wounding and karmic connections are coming up here for many to transmute in order to bring healing and closure to ancestral lines. This is not for the weak, be kind and give yourself and others grace while holding healthy boundaries
The astral is vivid and potent in this moment and I was shown in my dream last night, myself with many other beautiful Sistars all gathered together in an open field, wearing flowers, crystals, feathers and other decorations around our heads and from medicine bags worn around the waists. Standing in front of huge colourful shamanic drums, with each individual drum holding the frequencies of the rainbow, we all took turns beating and playing them while singing, dancing, shaking our bodies, stomping on the ground and laughing joyfully. At one point I opened a scroll that read in beautiful white and gold letters THE SISTERHOOD
Maybe a few days of grace , we are about to Enter a period , again , via our greatest stargates, and doorways , where the unconscious becomes conscious .
The doorways into our greatest shadows , the corridors always offering , pathways to our own light.
Down into the nitty gritty , clearing, releasing , surrendering the blind spots.
Facing all that could not, yet do, those things we had set up to remain hidden, the addictions , the lies , or not be seen, via the tiniest triggers or full blown chaos, depending on , what scripts of awakening and letting go we have in place for our lessons and opportunities for growth .
Re- writing, re-scripting , self responsibility, self accountability, coming closer again , the one , creator self , re- designing new potentiality .
The hidden, the secrets , the denials , the avoidances , owning all external projections of
Our own creations .
A month coming, in preparation of the gateway between 6/6 and 22/6, of re- writing, re-scripting , and aligning , with our own , deepest and darkest secrets, and freeing ourselves from the unseen, awareness in catching it, then owning it and transcending it.
What does our own personal script for awakening releasing , surrendering look like .
Do we have it programmed for trials tribulations, distractions and chaos or with ease and grace.
Either way we are ready for what is coming and we can do this .
Neutralizing , the old , the programs, attachments , resistances, judgements , collapsing ongoing projections . And at the same time , more and more energy , being focused on new dreams.
It will be an enlightening time , a personal and collective period , of great expansion . Preparation, for a great leap in collective empowerment .
Where we become , the people as One.
But our skills, wisdom, compassion , understanding , etc has us ready to transcend , through new choices , in all moments. We are equipped and ready for this
The creators reprogramming , re-scripting , re-writing, new codes for self and humanity .
Building , holding and amplifying Our new dreams
We are doing this , with charcoal, the dark , the shadowed creations , of our hidden light , we are creating new visions , with our dark and our light
Anchoring , personal integrity, responsibility, accountability , sacred creativity .
Did you feel the shift today? It is a minor shift really, getting prepared, or really just stirring the earth for the major shift coming in two weeks time. I am off to Italy on the 15th June, and when I return on the 19th I will have passed through death and settled deeper into this same body but a much lighter dimension aligned with 5D in greater awareness. I feel that awareness hiking and sharpening every day lately. And something is coming up – new work for me – already begun and it won’t be too intricate, not too energetic but huge energy all the same, energy that will stay harmonious which means an easier flow for me – for all of us.
The work has begun as I said – but after the 19th it will increase in awareness and effectiveness. Black Elk, my twin flame spirit, is speaking in Lakota during my sleep. I am hearing myself speak it during the night, and Black Elk has told me that he is actually speaking to many of you and others around the world. He is speaking through me in the etheric realms, and then when I take that awareness into the awake physicality, those people will receive clarity in whatever spiritual thought it is they desire to get clarity on. Today I received confirmation of that from a Facebook friend who said it is like Black Elk is physically with her at night.
Soon I will have more clarity as to my part in this, and if there is anything more to do with it other than keep a record of those petitions really for want of a better word….. My awareness of them will make a big difference I believe.
The end of the fallen trinity and the embodiment of the true trinity in union.
-THE GREAT 777 PORTAL (July 7 2023)
Mastery embodied.
The day of rebirth for the ascending masters.
Connecting to our true spiritual families.
-THE SOLAR 8/8 PORTAL ( August 8 2023)
The Breath of the Solar Masculine expressed.
Beginning of restoration via conscious repositioning and action.
Beginning of transformation of physical reality.
-Since February 2023 we were told that if we were still carrying any pending inner karmic imbalances, traumas, illusions and distortions that were still negatively affecting
our consciousness and blocking our physical body, we would be pulled back during the following months in order to revisit them and bring conscious healing and positive change in order to be able to continue in a balanced way.
By now we have all been shown both those pending inner issues and the proper therapeutic ways to address them for complete healing and many have taken action accordingly.
Those that have not, might still be in denial of the true Self and still allowing the different inner voices which are coming from the old karmic programs and possessions, stealing their power and dictating their choices and actions via bipolar pull.
As we proceed all energies will be meeting in the now/new moment and this can be a very powerful and challenging process for the human system if one is still carrying the false ego masks and beliefs and is still vibrating in the shadow self, in low and distorted or toxic thoughts and emotions.
For those who are struggling to bring inner balance, please know that a divine plan of healing is available for you upon inner clear decision.
Ascension can only take place through the physical body so the human body is the main portal that all energies will be meeting and this is why it really needs our biggest attention and care now.
We are preparing for the day that the simulation walls will come down when we will connect again to the true worlds.
This is the real quantum leap that is already being introduced to our systems.
And for this, we are all called to bring back the harmonious inner connection between the soul, the spirit and the body in the now and let go of all inner pulling of both bipolar ends.
The end of bipolar disorder is available for everyone who is embodying unity consciousness.
‘’Once one manages to bring the soul, the spirit and the body in conscious reconnection, then one has created the most harmonious and loving path of transformation
into self realisation and blissful ascension.
The highest version of one’s Self can then be experienced in the field of the unified consciousness.’’
To quickly launch ahead successfully, it is important to celebrate your wins, rather than focus on the losses. Doing so will support the expansion of your new life cycle of joy and pleasure that has commenced. Release the ego’s control and listen to your higher self that is showing you the way. Get grounded, go within, at tap into this Wisdom. Here you will find the truth that you have made it through many soul growth lessons, and are ready to emerge with the soul Mastery you have attained.
The Moon, ruler of our emotional body, remains in Libra, sign of the Scales, all day Tuesday. She will make an opposition to Chiron, the Wounded Healer, and a difficult inconjunct aspect to both Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, and Uranus, planet of the shocking, strange and unusual. In relationship matters we are trying to stay balanced. The Moon in Libra wants harmony and equality, but opposing Chiron in Aries brings up old wounds of independence and autonomy, It is a give and take plus compromise being the best course of action here.
With the challenging connections between the sensitive Moon and Mercury/Uranus, communication may prove arduous or burdensome. On the other hand, we may speak before thinking with our words being triggered and reactionary pertaining to the imbalance that we perceive is going on. Find the Libra peace within yourself first. Then, it may be easier to initiate peace with others. Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Uranus conjunct Vesta in Taurus – Vesta stands stock still, waiting for the tremble of Mother Earth to recede. In her state of absolute focus, she can ride the wave, ground the charge, channel the high frequency energy shift. If you require stillness, she says, you must BE stillness. If you require security, then you must BE secure. It’s not about the trappings of life – money, riches, possessions. It’s about knowing you are valuable, knowing what matters, knowing you are worthy. Treat the body as a holy temple so that it becomes a conduit for higher consciousness. Get ready to receive. Soon the answers will come.
In the myths, Vesta took an alternative path to her societal sisters, heeding a call to sacred service. Under this influence, we too might find our calling awakened. Hold space for yourself. Treasure your freedoms. Question conventional attitudes and paths. Consider what you need to do differently to keep the inner flame alive. Devote time to manifesting your best future self. Invest in your uniqueness.
‘Cosmic’ is the name for the number 13 and its key words are ‘Transcend, Endure and Presence’. This is the final day of the Red Serpent wavespell and as always – the last day sums up the journey that began on day one. We have arrived at our destination. Now we must contemplate the lessons learnt these last 13 days. ‘Endure to Transcend’, is today’s theme. And this means we must strive for what is important, it doesn’t just land in your lap. The number 13 is not unlucky, it is just very powerful and with all power we must pay a price.
Today is Red Earth which represents ‘Evolution, Synchronicity and Navigation’. So, what are we striving for? Evolution! The point of the Red Serpent wavespell was to shed our old skins and emerge renewed and that was the agenda all along. This is a perfect ending to a 13-day journey which really tested our patience and strength. If you wish to evolve, you must put in the hard work is the message here. Today is not easy but potentially very progressive. The Serpent crawls on the Earth on its belly symbolizing the close connection between the two. In order to attract more synchronicity into our lives, we must strive to connect with the Earth. Our timing improves when we act naturally. The reason the Red Earth helps us ‘evolve’ is because the synchronicity increases and then we find ourselves in the right place at the right time. Then amazing coincidences occur.
The Guide today is the Red Dragon, the nurturer of the Tzolkin. When in the guiding position the Dragon is leading us to rebirth through nurturing. This is the perfect guide for today’s energies, so take good care of yourself through this birthing process. Your transformation will be much easier if you are kind and gentle to yourself. After all, transcending is a struggle and so imagine a butterfly fighting its way out of a cocoon. Thats what we are going through today.
The Challenge is the Blue Hand which represents ‘Healing and Accomplishment’. A challenge aspect often acts as a galvanizer. Provoking you into action. To heal oneself is the challenge today and of course if one is evolving, transcending, and attempting to emerge renewed – accomplishing healing is the ultimate goal (or challenge).
The Occult power is the Yellow Seed which represents ‘Sowing Awareness’. The Yellow Seed loves to share wisdom and when in this magical position, they love to share their knowledge of magic. We too can share our magical knowledge with each other today and through this sharing of wisdom we can help each other evolve.
The Ally is the White Wind, the communicator of the Tzolkin. If you need someone to talk to about all of this, find a White Wind. They can offer friendship, guidance and support today.
23- Royal Star of the LION /Strength/Protection/Support
KIN 117 = 9 Destiny/Service/Compassion/Humanity/Grace
Another VERY POTENT and HOLY DIVINE DAY today!!!
A very beautiful transcendental code today, marking the completion of the RED SERPENT wavespell –
HIP HIP HOO-RAY we made it through one of the toughest, transformational cycles of the SERPENT- EVER!! Especially with that barrage of Solar Flares/CME’s!!!
On with the show!
Day 13 in the RED SERPENT WAVESPELL of survival, instinct, kundalini rising, life force, PASSION and rapid transformation through shedding our old skin.
Today we complete our baptism of FIRE with CHICCHAN and SHED OUR OLD SKINS.
We are transcending our SURVIVAL and SCARE-CITY wounding, ready to REBIRTH ourselves through this evolutionary passage… RENEWAL and REGENERATION is the order of the day, expanding our Kundalini through our Crown and our Soul Star chakras, bursting out to become ONE with the Cosmos!. Our CROWNING GLORY!!
COSMIC is the last and final tone of creation. The highest octave. Tone 13 operates in the SPIRITUAL realm. 13 is the mystical number of the Cosmic order, the Goddess and synchronic Natural time. COSMIC ACTION – transcends POWER – endures ESSENCE – presence
Today you have incredible SPIRITUAL POWER at your disposal, to transcend all those old patterns and transform them by your pure presence, through your kundalini rising attaining Cosmic Consciousness.. Our DNA has been upgraded and our LIGHT QUOTIENT increased as our cells are rejuvenated and our LIGHT BODY is GLOWING!!
We have arrived – ADSUM I AM HERE!. This is the stage of having transcended the physical, emotional and mental realms and arriving at COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS.
Open to the flow of chi that meanders majestically through the rivers, mountains and woods of the natural world to accomplish great healing today! As our meridians have been cleared so too have Mother Gaia’s, as we are ONE – the microcosm and the macrocosm.
We celebrate Mother Gaia’s accomplishments in clearing and balancing her Earth Grids and meridians throughout this RED SERPENT wavespell, as the Rainbow Serpent and Feathered Serpent have fully awakened and risen, commencing their planetary dance in readiness for this Cosmic EXPLOSION of their UNION..
So beloveds, a divine day to immerse yourself in the natural world, listen deeply to our PachaMama, our Earth Mother and respond to the urge to B-Earth the new highest potentials for her and all of consciousness…
Today we have fully CROWNED as we EXIT the birth canal.
We are indeed here in presence with her, fully witnessing and co-creating the NEW reality. Ready to fly, swim, sing our way into HEAVEN b-Earth-ing here NOW on Earth!!!
Today’s question is “AM I READY to transcend the old Earth paradigm, and b-Earth a new higher consciousness in this NEW evolutionary cycle? “
We bid adieu to RED SERPENT who challenged us to evolve through raising our kundalini, clearing our channel and aligning with the Cosmos. CHICCHAN uncovered our deepest, darkest Survival FEARS, stirred up our PASSION, our LIFE FORCE, and gave us much needed wisdom and vitality.
We have TRANSCENDED our old 3D bodies, having energetically shed our old cell-ves. We have activated and encoded our DNA and upgraded our cellular GOLDPRINT. We are now READY to set forth on the next chapter of our journey.
Tomorrow we commence a brand new REVEALING Wavespell, with ETZNAB – taking us into the HALL OF MIRRORS, where we journey into uncovering our TRUE AUTHENTIC, new and upgraded cell-ves in the majikal Dream-spell .
Divine blessings for the transcendence of the old – outdated and outmoded EWE birthing the NEW shiny COSMIC U
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED COSMIC EARTH – CABAN’s coding is through SIGNS, synchronicity and navigation. Mother Earth is TALKING today, and she has a lot to say. Today we hold the pure presence of life itself as we reflect, honouring her wisdom. The wisdom of the ages that the ancients held through the power of OBSERVATION and LISTENING. Being silent, and holding the awareness of the interconnectedness of all things.
Your environment is a REFLECTION or your inner state, so TUNE IN and absorb what PACHAMAMA is showing you. By observing our physical reality with heightened awareness, we elevate our consciousness. In turn we become more balanced and feel the equality of all HU-MANS as Earth’s children.
Mother Gaia is evolving today and transitioning, as we birth this new Cosmic Consciousness..Many strong EARTHQUAKES have been occuring (even one in my home city of MELBOURNE last night!!) Earthquakes and VOLCANOES venting – all SIGNS of PACHAMAMA puring more collective DROSS through the fires of transmutation.
We are witnessing humanity navigating to a whole new cycle and a whole new operating system..to a time that our ancient forefathers foretold in their prophecies… We are now LIVING THE PROPHECIES..
We are able to look to ourselves through our new higher consciousness, for the signs to navigate forward and create the new prophecies of our Golden Era. And what grand stories we have to tell our grandchildren and their children in the bountiful years to come, as we transcend this old crumbling world!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED COSMIC DRAGON– IMIX Today we give GRATITUDE for the passing of the old cycle, (particularly on this 3.3. holy code) as we prepare to BIRTH the new. COSMIC IMIX opens a portal to the COSMIC womb of CREATION – the dark void of infinite possibility, the CREATION vortex from which we can B-EARTH the new!
IMIX represents our MOTHERS and the feminine ancestral bloodlines – all the feminine energy holders in the Cosmic expansion of TIME. We BLESS and honour all those beings who have birthed us in the past cycles. As we listen to Pachamama, new consciousness is born, and we realize and accept our responsibility as Earth’s children – TO NURTURE and PROTECT ALL LIFE – particularly our precious babies and children, in order for our species to survive.
RED DRAGON also holds the codes for the SOPHIA Dragon keepers who hold the feminine WISDOM codes, as Sisters of the Rose lineage of Lady Nada/Mary Magdalena…
The DIVINE FEMININE now has full sovereignty and reclaimed the MATRIARCHAL power returning to the Earth plane.. Today this COSMIC WISDOM is the higher guide operating the GPS Navigation system, to ensure we stay true to this new course, particularly in this feminine SELF-EXISTING MOON year. .
IMIX our Mother Dragon assists us in birthing our cell-ves anew today, for as we transcend our physical bodies, shedding our old skin, so too does Pachamama! Major DNA upgrades as we END this Serpentile kundalini cycle!
SUPPORT: WHITE COSMIC WIND – IK works in unison with CABAN, to bring us much stronger messages today. We have the messages from Mother Earth, amplified through the whispering wind, that blows from the COSMOS – riding on the Universal Super Highway of Consciousness.
Allow the presence of universal love and pure Cosmic consciousness to FLOW through you today. Sing, dance, channel, play instruments, write, draw and allow the Divine to animate your being.
Feel yourself in synchronic flow with the cycles and timing of the Natural world.
Where to next Universe! You may ASK!
Allow the breath of Spirit to course through your body becoming Divine conduits, the living reeds and conduits for spiritual evolution. Attune to Spirit to navigate your best path forward.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW MAGNETIC SEED -KAN assists us in integrating this Divine timing and evolution, through focusing our minds wholly on the greatest potential timelines. Magnetically attracting all that we require, to SEED our greater purpose through Cosmic Consciousness.
Our challenge is to GO WITH THE FLOW of this new consciousness! Be willing to EXPAND your AWARENESS as new things are revealed. Being more OPEN and flowing with the changes, instead of resisting and holding a limited perspective of yourself and your world.
Seeing ourselves as growing and constantly evolving, connected within the cycles of time. Allowing our Divine potential to FLOWER beyond what is perceivable. Experiencing the flow of kundalini expansion through our pure presence, transforming us into our greater Divine selves. UNITING together and co-creating beauty, peace and harmony to seed the NEW TIME on Nova Tara Gaia.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE COSMIC HAND– MANIK challenges us to trust in the presence of HEALING TODAY, as we can access the higher knowledge needed from the entire Cosmos. The wisdom that is gleaned, as the knowing of the greater vision is revealed to our deepest inner-sense.
The completion of this SHAMANIC Serpent cycle is the culmination of our HEALING journey through the upsurgence of our kundalini, awakening and revitalizing our LIFE FORCE and VITALITY.
Our child-like nature is drawn to the Majik of what we can accomplish today. FEEL the POWER of Spirit coursing through our veins and allow nature to soothe our soul, healing our depleted techno. stressed bodies.
RED SERPENT has gifted us with tremendous emotional purging and balancing our energy body, through which we can now ASCEND to higher levels of expansion through our purified vessels.
Open to the flow of chi that meanders majestically through the rivers, mountains and woods of the natural world to accomplish great healing today! As our meridians have been cleared so too have Mother Gaia’s, as we are ONE – the microcosm and the macrocosm.
We celebrate Mother Gaia’s accomplishments in clearing and balancing her Earth Grids and meridians throughout this RED SERPENT wavespell, as the Rainbow Serpent and Feathered Serpent have fully awakened and risen, commencing their planetary dance in readiness for this Cosmic EXPLOSION of their UNION..
So beloveds, a divine day to immerse yourself in the natural world, listen deeply to our PachaMama, our Earth Mother and respond to the urge to B-Earth the new highest potentials for her and all of consciousness…
Today we have fully CROWNED as we EXIT the birth canal.
We are indeed here in presence with her, fully witnessing and co-creating the NEW reality. Ready to fly, swim, sing our way into HEAVEN b-Earth-ing here NOW on Earth!!!
Today’s question is “AM I READY to transcend the old Earth paradigm, and b-Earth a new higher consciousness in this NEW evolutionary cycle? “
We bid adieu to RED SERPENT who challenged us to evolve through raising our kundalini, clearing our channel and aligning with the Cosmos. CHICCHAN uncovered our deepest, darkest Survival FEARS, stirred up our PASSION, our LIFE FORCE, and gave us much needed wisdom and vitality.
We have TRANSCENDED our old 3D bodies, having energetically shed our old cell-ves. We have activated and encoded our DNA and upgraded our cellular GOLDPRINT. We are now READY to set forth on the next chapter of our journey.
Tomorrow we commence a brand new REVEALING Wavespell, with ETZNAB – taking us into the HALL OF MIRRORS, where we journey into uncovering our TRUE AUTHENTIC, new and upgraded cell-ves in the majikal Dream-spell .
Divine blessings for the transcendence of the old – outdated and outmoded EWE birthing the NEW shiny COSMIC U
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 Shamanic Negative Implant Removal Ceremony 🔥
Implant Removal Shaman Ceremony ~ Cutting all Cords, Attachments and all False Soul Contracts ~ Freedom from all Negative Programs and Entities
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