Pleiades Celestial Gateway ~ ALCYONE & AMPHITRITE ~ SEA GODDESSES ~ Master of Truth and Radical Transformation ~ Mother’s Zero Point
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Christos Sophia Conscious Wayshowers of the New Jerusalem
We begin this powerful magical month of May with a major release and transmission from our local Solaris with a massive X Class Solar Flare this evening!
As Pluto turns retrograde today our local Solaris has become very active again releasing 11 C Class Solar Flares, 3 more M Class Flares with two coming in at M 2.77 , one at 1:57 PM PST and the next at 5:15 PM PST. these were followed with a powerful X Class Flare maxing at X 1.69 at 7:20 PM PST.
Mother Earth also received two activations from a double CME strike today sparking a G3 Geomagnetic storm with Auroras flowing in down to Washington state in the US.
Gaia and all her Children of the Sun are being inundated with Solar Diamond Creation Codes of the Mother Plasma Wave of Adamantine Particles and Waves of Light. The Music of the Spheres are enveloping our Good People of the New Earth to prepare our Rainbow Tribe for our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into homo-Luminous, real Hue-man beings of Crystalline DNA Angelic Lightbody.
We also had several higher peaks of light on the Schumann Charts today at amplitudes of 35 hz, 45 hz, 52 hz and a big spike of white light at 56 hz. Fifth Dimensional Energies Anchoring In!
The Trinity Codes of the Threefold Flame within the Sacred Heart of the Queen’s Chamber within the MerKaBa Field of Light are being activated as we call in our Highest most benevolent Ascension timeline of the New Eden made manifest on Earth…A’Ho!
5/2/24: You must remember, as this busy year keeps your eyes on all the prizes and your mind focused on the how, that it’s your heart that makes it all worthwhile. It’s how you feel about both the process and the path you’re traveling that matters. Your emotions and your integrity must both be happy with the outcomes of all you accomplish. Balance is key all year, and that relies on having head and heart in sync. Today is for making sure your heart is onboard with your goals for May. You’re building a foundation this month that needs to support you in the future. Today you build on love for the purpose, the meaning, and the journey itself.
The energy of May is definitely change, change, change. Change from one day to the next, change from moment to the next. Learning to go with the flow will be key this month – and as I spoke that into dictation, a dolphin popped up in front of me to confirm
We are in the midst of a moderate solar influx right now and the forecast calls for low to moderate solar activity for at least the next three days. At the same time, it seems as though at least one of the atmospheric charge stations is registering a new low almost every day which continues to accelerate our Cellular Liberation from all of our old stories and programs.
It is quite a turn of events that the energy from solar influxes may actually be bringing relief to the intensity of our Cellular Liberation & detox processes by inundating our atmosphere with more positive charges, but it seems that anytime it does, Gaia balances it out with another drop. She definitely has her own plans as she moves through her own detox & Liberation from all of HER old stories which have come to pass mostly at the hands of humanity.
All we can do is honor her processes as we honor our own… by going with the flow with each passing moment We owe her that much… just as much as we owe it to ourselves.
With Great Love from Hazel, the Pod, and the Cosmic Resonance Team
The movement of Pluto into retrograde which happens on 2nd May is another powerful influence to the transformative energies that fall to our service across the mid year, reaching to 12th October.
Pluto in retrograde is a call to all to move from beyond the past and into the future.
This highlights more introspective reflection on personal levels and denotes a time of general influence to learn from the lessons of the past becoming a focus for the world wide stage. Pluto aligns in Aquarius, for the first time in 226 years,(1798) connecting us to our collective past and cosmic history.
This may be a time for a review of events of modern history, particularly those which might connect us to our sense of self and our value of it as well as those intrinsic to the themes of Environment, Community and Connection/Communication, including looking at political programming under identity and entitlement.
The Apocalypse is taking place in all inner timelines of One’s journey and the Masculine has aligned to the organic flows of time.
For those who have been aligned and doing the inner work both these developments might bring a small period of confusion in thoughts, words, codes and signals or miscommunication between the different inner systems and between them and others.
This will be taking place because the brain and nervous system will be adjusting to the new flows and frequencies.
For those who have not performed the full inner work or who do not know themselves, it is possible that they will experience different series of crises or dark nights of the soul as their system will be trying to come to fast alignment to the new flows and frequencies.
Those totally unaware might lose their mind or act with no sense and in unexpected ways.
The human perception and perspective is changing fast!
This will bring something like a ‘tower of Babel’ period for humanity.
Those who will be able to align to the organic flows of time will also be able to see the New Earth.
During our last group session we were told that the Masculine in both men and women, was suffering from manic depression, mental disorders and denial towards life due to severe soul trauma, war and deep limitation and suppression.
These energies/thoughts/emotions will be coming to the surface in order to be addressed and healed, so it is important to remember this so that we can express and embrace them and support our body, mind and soul to come into a rebalancing and a new awareness.
There are major codes that the Masculine has been missing and as he is now coming back, he will need to access them via truth so that he understands and redirects himself.
Via this process he will be able to admit his true emotions towards himself, begin restoring his presence on the physical level, access new ideas and solutions and be able to come in synchronisation to the feminine.
He really wants to be included in love and support!
This is an inner process for both men and women
The feminine will also better readjust in her own space after this.
So both will feel more comfortable in their own skin!
The Hatching of the Egg is connected to their new Life of Abundance!
“The Mother is not going to bother with anyone who does not include her.
Remember this and watch how many who have been holding power and resources via the old ways, will be losing them.
It will take a position of humbleness in order for them to reach Her.
She is here, available for everyone but She will not make a move, they must go to Her.
Once they find their way to Her, they will be blessed to see a new Light and have a new understanding of things and of themselves! Then they will be able to be rebirthed!”
The clock of time of the Crystalline Portal of the Acropolis in Athena has been set in place and in synchronisation to the clock of time in the Mother’s Garden!
*When Sophia the robot fell in Thessaloniki,the clock of the Mother was revealed!
Sunday the 5th of May, the day of Resurrection and celebration of Saint Eirini, is the day of the Hatching of the Egg!
Yesterday while walking in the centre of Athena with my godchild I saw a poster saying ‘prepare for war’.
Five minutes later she showed me a dead white dove in the middle of the street which made her very sad.
Today while I was working with the trees at the park and I was in the round part that represents the solar lands, I found in one of the 4 solar lands (the one connected to the genealogy of the fallen families) a mask in military colours and next a black dove came.
I watched it form a full circle by walking all around all the solar lands and then it walked away to other lands.
I was given again the confirmation that the seal of the Apocalypse that just opened is a ‘killer of peace’ and that this will be witnessed even more this year.
At the same time I was told, once again, that those who are Ascending will be able to see these developments but they will not be affected by them.
The Hatching of the Egg is a MAJOR upgrade for the Ascending Ones!
An unprecedented one because it is connected to the opening of the next seal of the Apocalypse that just took place at the 22⁰ and which will act as a protective and empowering development for those in this world but not of it!
I was also given the exact time of the Hatching of the Egg and the astrological details surrounding it!
It is really mind blowing!
I was also wondering why we had to have such a small period of time between the Masculine’s alignment and anchoring to the organic flows of time and the hatching of the egg.
In my mind we needed more time to process the Masculine’s anchoring via our bodies but I was told that a certain number of people are actually ready because we have been doing the work and we are the One’s who will perform this and then the rest will be able to catch up.
The cosmic cog wheels are moving preparing for the great sweep quantum lift to the Mothership. Trust in the plan. Trust your higher self. It´s time.
No more time to hold back what you deeply within know to be true.
It is of great importance to stay grounded right now. Because staying grounded ensures that you are connected and aligned into the present moment and aligned with god omnipresence.
Do not allow yourself to be distracted. Trust in the mighty presence and orchestration of your higher self.
All you need to do is to be fully present in your heart. Your higher self has means to reach you thru your heart, but you need to be available and present for this to happen.
Let go of ego sabotage or cannot or not being good enough.
You are ALL you need to be and cannot miss anything.
Your higher self leaves no space for misinterpretation.
The higher self orchestration is done by immaculate design and is impeccable.
You are enough. You have all the credentials simply by being you, however it is time to honor and own your divine might to step into divine authority.
To wear the mantle of christ all that is required is to surrender and throw in the towel and say YES… I´m here and ready to serve love and love only in service to all that is. To be naked of all preconception is to free yourself from deception.
Soon your world will be turned upside down to the unrecognizable. The magnificence that awaits is beyond conceivable.
Do not try to conceive the inconceivable. Honor the great mystery that is going to unfold and unravel in your life.
When, what and who are all questions that lead you astray from the present moment… it takes you into a dead end loop and disconnects you from your heart.
Align with the cosmic breath. Trust. You do not need to KNOW HOW. All wisdom is stored within every cell of your being and orchestrated by your higher self.
There is nothing to miss! And there is no way you will fail!
Failing does not exist from the higher soul perspective and god sees you in your divine glory… it is your job to do that too.
Stay loyal and diligent to love.
Do not give into fear – no matter.
Fear will always lead you astray. Be loyal to love.
Thus be mindful, be discernful of what you ingest. What energies you allow yourself to be subject too. Remove all toxic impacts on your life. What thoughts do you feed.
That might lead to some heavy duty decisions.
Ask yourself who contributes to my well-being and uplifts me. Who do I feel safe with. Those that do not have your well-being in favor are there to show you, where you withhold love to self, where you do not trust or compromise yourself. You called them into your life for a reason. Be thankful and move on if there are no signs of growth.
Many things are loosing its meaning. Your job, your relations because you are rapidly upleveling your energy. So what felt right yesterday, may be different today. Thus BE present and check in what feels right in this present moment.
Listen to your inner guidance, trust your heart. To find a way to move forward whether you see a door or not right now. It will appear the moment you trust, commit and say YES.
The magic of the divine orchestration of your higher self is beyond what you are able to see in this reality. Your higher self is there with you with each breath overseeing and orchestrating every detail. Nothing happens by chance. Rejoice in this miracle that IS you.
Your galactic family is here lined up preparing for the great relocation to our “heavenly” home that is prepared, the new earth. It is a dimensional shift of octaves collectively. A complete separation from the matrix timeline hologram to the parallel earth that is prepared and ready for those that choose the path of love and to live as the christed Ones in harmony and unity with all sentient beings. The new Eden is here. The signs are everywhere.
It´s time and you feel it… an inner excitement that is increasing day by day. An ecstatic feeling of joy is bubbling below the surface or for many is already in full eruption.
Yes the great cleanse is here. Immense and unprecedented solar waves of love will cause a cleansing thru all the crevices and rifts from cellular to subatomic level across the grids within and without. It will purify the oceans, the air, the earth and is swiping across the lands… no stone unturned… the path of the wind (and tornados), the purifying rain (and floods), the erupting volcanos are divinely orchestrated and fulfills their purpose.
Know that you are safe.
There will be losses of life inevitable. But only for those that have fulfilled their soul plan and are ready to move on and transition to the higher realms of existence. There is no death, you will transcend to the higher realms of existence only in a different form. Some will be moving to the higher dimensions in their light merkabah light body (plasma ship) in divine timing. But indeed a great relocation is destined to occure thru divine intervention.
Cities of light are appearing in the skies, pyramids are surfacing, the crystal gardens are shooting up for those with eyes to see, they are already here.
Because it´s time. Humanity has reached the quantum mass tipping point. All is in divine order. Do not bother to ask how because you will not be able to comprehend it from your linear 3D mindset. It will not bear fruit. Just trust in your heart and stay in faith and jubilation mode and allow for all to be revealed in the splendor of the cosmic flow.
All is in the hands of god. You are part of the body of god. God does not fail. Anyone who tells you otherwise has gotten astray from god and lost the connection to the innate knowing of their heart.
You are the way, the truth and eternal life. You are the return of the Messiah. You are the golden ONE, the promise fulfilled.
God is quickly moving you into happiness, joy, love, and emotional fulfillment. You simply need to keep moving forward with the energies. This may include increasing your knowledge, education, and skills through reading, taking a course, a new hobby, researching, and seeking a mentor.
Focusing on these new energies will support the purification of the pain and suffering from the past. This is the assistance needed to help birth your manifestations. Unplug from the collective consciousness of the matrix, and open your heart to the success, abundance, and prosperity that is on your path to receive.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
goddess Venus, ruler of love and happiness, in pragmatic Virgo is in a positive trine connection to expansive Jupiter
Divine Energy Works
Tiny, but extremely Powerful, Pluto is starting its annual RX journey in Aquarius, on May 2nd, and will be stationing Direct on Oct 11th at 29° (karmic degree of Completion) of Capricorn, highlighting Major turning point…
Dwarf Planet Pluto is called “The Master of Truth and Radical Transformation” – as it energetically rules Death and Rebirth cycle (The Dark Night of the Soul), the Shadow, Ego Death, Alchemy, Soul Awakening, and Growth of Consciousness. Pluto RX starts at 2° of the Revolutionary sign of Aquarius (that represents the Collective Consciousness), amplifying the energies of Accelerated Transformation, New Perspectives, and Revelations of Truth.
Pluto will dive back into Capricorn on Sept 1st, to wrap up the old energies and issues, facilitating us to go inward and challenge us in uncomfortable ways, creating space for Healing, including the Inner Child Aspect, for Deep Foundational Transformation both on the personal and Collective levels, for final endings and reflection on how we will proceed within these new energies. This RX will end in Capricorn, and it’s the very last time we’ll see Pluto in Capricorn…
On Nov 19th Pluto will move into Aquarius for good – this energy will continue to Unfold in the next 20 years, revealing Truth, and catalyzing powerful Shifts to raise the Collective Consciousness and anchor the New Earth Timeline.
May 2, 2024: Pluto Stationary, turning Retrograde, at Aquarius 2°06, 1:46 pm EDT.
Pluto, symbol of death, transformation, and birth, is associated with destructive forces that obliterate an old way of being to make way for something new. This is a violent force, even more terrifying because of the impersonality of its expression. Pluto stations are often accompanied by collective events that are explosive in their nature and thereby initiate change. This station is part of the transition of Pluto from Capricorn to Aquarius.
In Roman myth, Pluto was the Lord of the Underworld. Pluto’s realm was the place deceased souls went to reside. This was a realm of darkness and shadows through which the dead wandered aimlessly for eternity.
In Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Pluto is allied with Osiris, the Lord of Regeneration. Osiris was murdered by his brother Set and brought back to life by his consort, Isis, long enough for them to mate. The result of their union was a son – Horus (Jupiter), the New King. Central to the myth of Osiris is the idea that all death is followed by new life. There is loss, grief, and pain in the story of Osiris and there is also hope for the birth of a New Aeon.
In 2023, Pluto moved briefly into Aquarius from mid-March to mid-June. Pluto re-entered Aquarius in January of this year and will retrograde back into Capricorn for a final time from September 1 to November 19. Pluto will remain in Aquarius – the sign associated with our own New Aeon – for the next 20 years. The movement of Pluto through Capricorn (2008 to now) has corresponded to the dismantling of the existing structure of society.
It is worth noting that the US Presidential election will take place during Pluto’s final retrograde in Capricorn. This final visit to Capricorn will be particularly important.
“Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.
As we flow into the Pleiades Gateway this month, I was surfing the star charts this morning collecting and assembling the alignments for sharing with you, and looking at the Pleiades star cluster….there was an “extra” star/point of light in there. That I had never seen or noticed before. Right next to Alcyone.
Further “investigation” revealed it to be Amphitrite. An Asteroid with a periodic orbit around the sun every 4 years.
TODAY – May 2, 2024- it is sitting in our sky within the Pleiades cluster right next to Alcyone.
This is not an easily observable event, as the Sun is moving closer and closer to the Pleiades and this week is the HELIACAL SETTING OF THE PLEIADES- the last time we can see this star cluster before it “disappears” from our eyes and night sky and joins the bright sky space next to the sun. Depending on your latitude and view lines, this setting is approx anytime between April 28-May 6 this year.
AMPHITRITE is the Queen of the Sea. According to stories, she was born from sea foam, became partner to Poseidon and mother and nurturer of sea life. With her kind yet firm hand, she keeps the sea balanced.
“Amphitrite, the Mistress of the Ocean, symbolizes power and authority. As the Wife of Poseidon, she also stands for partnership and unity. Her role as the Mother of Sea Creatures conveys nurturing and protection. She is connected with calmness, gracefulness, and a deep connection to marine life. Her chariot, pulled by seahorses, is a reminder of her affinity with sea life, both big and small.”
ALCYONE is the central brightest star in the Pleiades Star Cluster – and one of the Seven Sisters- associated with rain waters (rain nymphs) in some tales, and considered herself a Sea Goddess in other myths. Powerful and Peaceful.
Alcyone is a B Star (a Star that is Blue and luminous). Color Coding in the Oceanic realms.
We bring a TRIDENT of powerful watery flow to assist as we open the Pleiades Celestial Gateway .
On Thursday, May 2nd, powerful Pluto, ruler of death and rebirth, is shifting directions to retrograde motion at 1:46pm EDT. We have been feeling his energy expand and intensify for the last couple of weeks as he slowed down to a standstill. Because he moves so slowly his energy is strongest as he changes directions. Pluto, the Great Transformer, rules transformation, regeneration, transmutation, elimination, the collective unconscious, the collective shadow, power, control, manipulation, abuse, rebirth and evolution.
He rules our hidden fears, digging down deep beneath the surface of our psyche to help us release repressed feelings. His energies can be about forced change and letting go of the old. All of these things may have been magnified in your life, and in situations and relationships with others. Pluto is about the courage to face the darkness, and our ability to empower ourselves through self-transformation.
Pluto stations retrograde in Aquarius – As Pluto slows, stops and stations, intensity builds. It’s time to explore hidden realms and deep complexes. Unconscious motivations, power, control and fear are all subject to scrutiny under this influence. There is an opportunity for regeneration but first, old ideologies must be destroyed to make way for a more empowering vision. Dredge the depths of your mind. Let go of what doesn’t serve you. Release fear of the unknown. If you want something different, you have to do something different. Change happens from the inside out. Freedom is knowing that this is your power.
The Sabian symbol of Pluto’s station degree is ‘A Deserter From The Navy’. Ask yourself, where might I be blindly following orders, expectations or the desires of others? Where has unconscious indoctrination influenced my wishes, my friends, my future? Whose war am I fighting? Whose fear am I replaying? Maybe it’s time to break the pattern and take the unconventional path.
‘Crystal’ is the name for the number twelve and its key words are ‘Cooperation, Dedication and Universalize’. Crystal energy is all about working together, finding your like-minded folk and evolving as a group. Think of a hive of bees or a pack of wolves. They survive and thrive because of working together. Ironically, we live in an age where everyone seems bent on detaching themselves from the herd yet we’ve never been so overpopulated. Wouldn’t it be sensible to cooperate with each other to solve our problems?
Today is White Wizard and it represents ‘Enchantment, Receptivity and Timelessness’. We are always in for a fun ride when the Wizard rules the day. You never quite know what to expect. Sometimes, he puts us under a spell and it’s not till the next day you realize what happened. If you tune in to the energy, you can be a Wizard and be charming and use Enchantment to your advantage. As it is the Crystal Wizard, try getting together with others to create some communal enchantment! Imagine a group of Wizards in a sacred grove, conjuring up spells together and enchanting each other (sounds like some festivals I’ve been to). The point is – we can make more magic together than individually. This is also called Synergy.
The Guide today is the White Worldbridger which symbolizes ‘Death, Opportunity and Equality’. When Worldbridger guides us, he is inviting us to cross a bridge to a new place. Worldbridger is the gatekeeper and he has rules just like in a video game. You want to go up a level? First you may have to pay the troll under the bridge or fight a dragon to achieve that higher level. Follow the Worldbridger today and he will offer you a chance to cross the bridge if you are prepared to let something go or make a sacrifice.
The Challenge today is Yellow Seed which represents ‘Sowing Awareness’. When in the challenging position Yellow Seed finds it nearly impossible to get folk to listen to the wisdom they have to share. Keep your head down today if you are a Yellow Seed, it will all pass over by tomorrow.
The Occult power is the Blue Hand, the healer of the Tzolkin and when in the magical position, there is a real opportunity to have magical healing. If you are a Blue Hand, today your powers will be greatly enhanced. We can all benefit from this and so be prepared to feel much better by the end of the day. The Wizard casts as spell on you and this spell is healing.
The Ally is the Red Serpent who is very handy to have around today. Call one up if you happen to know one, they’ll be glad to give advice or offer support. Otherwise, use your instincts today and you’ll be alright.
13- Goddess/Cosmic Consciousness/Natural Lore/Synchronic time
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 194 = 14= 5 – Change/Transformation/Freedom/Liberation
A very HEAVENLY day today, lots of DIVINE MAJIK to guide our spell casting beloveds.
Another powerfully SUPER DUPER, MAJIKAL day – for enchanting your DREAMSPELL.
Day 12 in the BLUE NIGHT WAVESPELL of dreams, intuition and ABUNDANCE. Where we are collectively DREAMING the NEW WORLD into reality!
Today we are CONNECTING and COOPERATING with our common-unities in a crystal clear manner of communication in order to SEED the Highest potential TIMELINE and make our DREAMS come TRUE!
We are reprogramming our MINDS with the new DREAMING codes of PEACE, JOY and ABUNDANCE.
CRYSTAL – Tone 12 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – universalizes, POWER – dedicates, ESSENCE – cooperation. The CRYSTAL tone 12 is the highest level of the mind (MENTAL realm) The other two MENTAL tones are tone 4 Self-existing and tone 8 Galactic.
Yesterday we focused on dissolving and releasing any blocks in order to LIBERATE our Dreams of Abundance. Through the space and freedom engendered by the Spectral phase (of dissolution and release), new space is created for something new to emerge.
At the CRYSTAL level of MIND we have the capacity to cooperate, or operate with other minds. Just as a crystal can be programmed, so too can we program our minds on this day. Today we are joining and merging with other MINDS through the power of our resonating Hearts and Minds, being receptive to the needs of our Common-unities.
The Crystal Wizard is DEDICATED to creating these new 5D communities through the unified power of co-operative alliances.
We are reprogramming GAIA’s crystalline grid to a much higher octave of PURE consciousness through telepathy and our Heart connections. Focus on the CRYSTAL CLARITY of your mind today through the power of co-operation with others. A day of greater CONNECT-I -ON to each other through our precious HEARTS and highest Collective MINDS and to Mother Gaia!
A brilliant day for THINKING, NETWORKING, meeting with like minds and finding brilliant solutions!
Go forth and SEED the HIGHEST TIMELINE of ABUNDANCE, PEACE and JOY on our beloved New 5D Planet – Nova Gaia!
Aho, planetary kin!
Today’s question is “How can I become more receptive to the DIVINE MAJIK flowing now, to CONNECT and COOPERATE with my Common-unity through our ENCHANTED HEARTS and pure MINDS, in our UNITED purpose?
Divine blessings for enchantingly beautiful connections through Majik and Miracles today!
In Lak’ech a la kin
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE CRYSTAL WIZARD – IX is the Magician, whose powers are activated by wisdom that emanates from the HEART. Such wisdom is not the intellectual understanding known in Western culture; it is the SHAMANIC wisdom that comes from an alignment of mind and heart and through LISTENING to the natural world. An open, trusting heart is a refined tool of perception. Allowing yourself to ‘not know’ opens the door of the mind to a deeper understanding of the universe.
White Wizard asks you to fully utilize this aligned mind to participate in GREAT majik today. The MAJIK that emanates from our inner core being, our pure essence radiating pure consciousness energy. The spiritual power that weaves the beautiful shamanic web of creation connecting all our kin in one beautiful glistening web of LOVE.
WHITE WIZARD is a tool of the LIGHT, dedicated in his Service as a conduit for SPIRIT. Today we have DOUBLE WIZARDRY energy with the OVERTONE WIZARD yearly kin – boosting our DIVINE WHITE MAJIK today… this is UBER potent wizardry manifesting POWER!
A wise Magician is spontaneous and transparent, allowing Majik to come in, rather than trying to control it or make it happen. A Magician dances the dance of LOVE through offering gifts of FREEDOM to others. This is real Majik. Freed from the need to use POWER to manipulate or control, a White Magician uses WISDOM to manifest LIBERATION and LOVE.
Open your heart and mind to allow GREAT SPIRIT to flow through your vessel guiding your enchantment today.
Today you can effortlessly connect to the WHITE MAGNETIC WIZARDRY PLANETARY GRID – that is ready and at your disposal. We can access these potent energies through being in a hyper receptive mode of anchoring with a deep receptivity to many dimensions. This requires stillness and attunement in order to conduct and flow these energies through your vessel.
The power of enchantment can be utilized to fuel your Dreams and creations through shamanic, ritual, ceremony and spell casting today. Make sure you say “This or something better, with harm to none.” Preferably for the benefit of us ALL on a PLANETARY level.
VISUALIZE all OPEN HEARTS and unencumbered MINDS connecting to this Planetary Grid through the crystalline network and send waves of PEACE, LOVE, JOY and PROSPERITY as a pulse, flowing through the grid to all connected hearts.
SEE us all UNITED as ONE PLANETARY family, building and fully grounding this Universal PEACE code through Nova Gaia’s foundation…
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE CRYSTAL WORLDBRIDGER– CIMI seals the store of Death! CIMI beautifully closes the old cycle ensuring your transformation and Liberation through KIN 194 . DEATH is always followed by NEW BEGINNINGS – always a tandem team.
Today we have the WORLDBRIDGER bringing CLOSURE in order for the New BEGINNING. When one door closes – look for the new door OPENING. New opportunities arrive to transform your life into a new story.
I am seeing the MAJIK akin to that of the Cinderella story – from rags to riches! Her fairy godmother used ENCHANTMENT to transform a pumpkin into a Royal Coach, Cinderella’s shoes into Glass slippers, and her rags into a regal ball gown! In so doing, her lowly life was transformed to that of a Princess! From an enslaved house cleaner to a Royal Princess ruling the kingdom – now that is one MAJIKAL career promotion!!
Miracles abound to transform your life path NOW if you SURRENDER to this new energy.
Such is the POWER of the CRYSTAL WIZARD guided by the CRYSTAL WORLDBRIDGER – a formidable duo that can access all realms, to bring all the RESOURCES needed through ENCHANTING means A pure DE-LIGHT experiencing this MAJIKal alchemy.
This is the POWER of the majik TODAY – we are transforming from the outcast and suffering despondent LIGHT “WORKERS” – and Blossoming into Divine Sovereign LEADERS of New Earth. Beautiful STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS rising up as powerful PLANETARY EARTH WIZARDS.
CIMI brings new majikal opportunities today, particularly in connection to others. New people arrive that can share their skills, knowledge, advice and resources. Shared ABUNDANCE in new and unique ways to solve our problems.
Our challenge is to become more RECEPTIVE to anchoring multi-dimensional planes, through accessing this huge information superhighway. Our capacity to SURRENDER opens our ability to receive more Abundance, enabling us to build the necessary bridges to wondrous new worlds and dimensions that we have been DREAMING of!.
NOW is the time that we must UNITE with our tribes and soul kin to establish our 5D businesses and launch our new projects ready to BLAST OFF in full SERVICE in this NEW GOLDEN ERA!
Today SPIRIT is bringing the RESOURCES and connections needed to propel your mission – but only for those loyal and dedicated souls placing the needs of HUMANITY and GAIA as the fundamental principles in their offerings through DIVINE SERVICE.
SUPPORT: RED CRYSTAL SERPENT – CHICCHAN fully energizes the capacity of our life force to fuel our passionate heart’s desires, and our greatest DREAMING. . As we become clear vessels and align with our heart we become a vibrational match for that which we are creating. Our instinctual pulses will guide us through survival responses to create our greater mission, superseding our primal scarcity and lack fears, raising us beyond into a higher vibration in order to manifest our dreams.
CHICCHAN provides a beautiful HEALING panacea to provide the salve for our abundance wounds! Follow your PASSION and the ABUNDANCE and BLISS will FLOW effortlessly.
The CRYSTAL SERPENT also activates Gaia’s Planetary Grids , especially the 5D crystal within the body of ULURU – a HUGE MAGNETIC CRYSTAL receiver and transmitter. The CRYSTAL SERPENT is allowing for more communication and energy to FLOW through and be transmitted to those who are “tuned in” to our Planetary body. The CRYSTAL transmitter within ULURU is activated and fully POWERED to deliver the new DREAMING codes to those souls who are receptive and “listening” to these crystalline frequencies.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE LUNAR HAND – MANIK governs healing, attaining knowledge, intuition and abundance. As the SUPERPOWER today, MANIK assists us to receive our deepest knowledge through our intuition, and guidance from Spirit.
The LUNAR tone beckons us to be STILL and receptive to afford greater healing – rather than rushing to accomplish through our MINDS. We must LISTEN to discover the solutions to bring us back to BALANCE and HARMONY.
We are all connected to HUMANITY’S great DREAM, that of collective ABUNDANCE for all beings and our PLANET. We each can accomplish GREAT THINGS, individually and collectively if we are operating with pure HEARTS through the Collective dreaming for our PLANET!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW CRYSTAL SEED– KAN challenges us today to TAKE INSPIRED ACTION!! The SEED needs to GROW and EVOLVE in order to achieve its HIGHEST POTENTIAL. Now is the TIME to get moving, arise from the darkness and move toward the LIGHT. Follow the promptings of your HEART.
The best way forward is through CONNECTION and cooperation..Instead of trying to GROW on our own in a solitary patch, we can achieve greater success in a field with other like minded souls – guiding, protecting and supporting us. Be BRAVE and courageous and DARE TO GROW!
Reach out and CONNECT with like minded souls and those who ‘MAJIKALLY APPEAR!” in your space! Spirit is sending you, your tribe! As we join together with the same collective intentions we are assured of achieving a better outcome.
KAN gifts us with the capacity to MANIFEST and cocreate our DREAMS today, reaching for our Highest Potential.
Go forth and SEED the HIGHEST TIMELINE of ABUNDANCE, PEACE and JOY on our beloved New 5D Planet – Nova Gaia!
Aho, planetary kin!
Today’s question is “How can I become more receptive to the DIVINE MAJIK flowing now, to CONNECT and COOPERATE with my Common-unity through our ENCHANTED HEARTS and pure MINDS, in our UNITED purpose?
Divine blessings for enchantingly beautiful connections through Majik and Miracles today!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the week of
April 28th through May 4th 2024 with my Sacred Condor🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology and Horoscopes for all 12 Zodiac Signs for the coming week of April 28th through May 4th 2024 She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a Healing Guided Meditation of Lemuria, Mt Shasta and Telos of Inner Earth.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
From the Lord God of My Being, I am what I am, I wish today to express and renew my deepest Gratitude, for this wonderful opportunity, to present my request to be prepared for my Ascension, with my physical body in this Life.
I ask the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Planet and all my Guides, Angels and Masters to instill in me enough faith to continue on my path, with great determination, even if I do not see, hear or feel you. To be totally drenched in the purity of the Fire of the Ascension, for total purification, so that only the purity of my Divinity remains. I ask for the courage and faith I need to keep this Goal, until the Ascension becomes my reality.
I ask forgiveness for all the mistakes of the past and I choose from today on to live my life, with the Love and Wisdom of my Divine Essence. I ask the full meaning of the word Divine Union to be revealed.
I ask for total support and assistance in the creation of my spiritual openings and returning my spiritual gifts. I ask for Divine Union and a greater connection, with all aspects of the Self, particularly my Beloved I Am Presence and my Higher Mental Body. I ask that the strength, Grace, Joy and kindness and Love be given to me, to go through all the tests and challenges, presented to me, and to be taken to the next step and the next, until I am fully ascended into the Light and free.
I express my deepest gratitude for the Blessings and Healing that grace my life every day and for my Ascension.
With all my love and gratitude, I bow to the Light of My Divinity!
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