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Tartarian Age

The Great Jade Temple ~ Three Waves of Blue Light are Coming ~ Alcyone ~ Solar Beings – ARCTURIAN LIGHT HEALING

The Great Jade Temple ~ Three Waves of Blue Light are Coming ~ Alcyone ~ Solar Beings – ARCTURIAN LIGHT HEALING



Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings White Dove Nation of Ascending Souls

All Sarseed Earth Angelics continue to integrate and anchor in the Golden Diamond Solar Rays that flooded this realm after the 2 Powerful CME’s inundated Mother Earth over the weekend with Gamma Plasma Waves of Adamantine Light.

Our local Solaris continues to flash pulses of Higher Light today with 9 C Class Solar Flares preparing Gaia and all her Children of the Sun for this coming 11:11 Portal Saturday. We are going to complete this year with a Grand Rising in Electrical Magnetism to activate our full Creative Potential and make our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into the New Human of Homo-Luminous.

As the Eagle and the Condor hold the Hieros Gamos codes of Divine Union all Lightworkers tap into the genius within to consciously co-create the Paradise Mother Earth has always evolved to be.

In Buddha Mind of Awakening all becomes clear as we walk the Middle Path with Heart and resolve all things perfectly in the Pure Awareness of the Love of Infinite Source Creator.

In our Oneness with God we activate the Prayer for Life and Call in our Galactic Earth Angelic Rainbow Tribe of the 144 to fulfill our Divine mission of full planetary liberation as we collectively manifest a beautiful New World of Peace and Prosperity for all Sentient beings of the Way …A’Ho!







Expect an #Avatar update this week to the Adam Kadman Body/ EVE Epigentics. Orion Original Templates + PURE Source Seeds!💚
Whale Knowledge
Whale Knowledge
The original ones are about to remember everything!!! We are about to come fully out !! 🧬🧬🧬 abundance shift taking place !!! Abundance is a feeling of connection to your lineage !!
The original ones
The original ones
WE are in the TIMELINE of another GREAT TURNING in November and December 2023!
And WE Are Tasked with WITNESSING the illusions. . . and Where WE Have Gotten Caught Up with them. . . NOW or in the past!
It is NOW simply a question of How WE will Experience the RIDE as the World Experiences the TRUTH of the 2 Worlds!
Out of the TRUTH of these REVELATIONS. . . there will BE Clear Choices to RISE in the Absolute LIGHT and TRUTH of our Beloved GOD SOURCE. . . and The DIVINE NEW EARTH!!!

6th November 2023 : The Energies of NOW

Wow! The energies right now are powerful. The most beautiful auroras are being seen all over the planet. This one in Magenta and Gold, the colors of the Divine Feminine, was taken yesterday in Australia. These lights are called the Aurora Australis.
The second image is the Galactic Center, with powerful Water Codes descending and being guided by the Whales to reach us for the 11/11 Portal.
This is truly a time to celebrate the Grace and Love that is descending onto the Earth from the Divine Feminine and the Great Mother.
We can feel in our Hearts this beautiful and creative energy as we dance with the Lights and Flow with the waters.
Love and blessings to everyone!
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
Aurora Australis
Aurora Australis


Solar CME and solar winds prove the light is only getting stronger. I’ve been talking for days about this to prepare your body for the upgrades. This week the Krystal spiral will intersect with the galactic core and Earth’s core for a very electromagnetic charge of particles. Even more freedom will be felt! Give yourself the energy of acceptance which transmutes lifetimes of hardships on this planet and within you. Replenish yourself in light as ascension symptoms are strong. You will be able to see more light through your eyes, more vivid meditations and dreams. Bask in your light star travelers! You have accomplished more than you could even fathom.
The harmonics of creation are increasing to this plane of existence. Huge liberation and in order to help shift your energy to assist the light, release resistance and flow with harmony. From dark to light, from shadow body to krystalline light from distortion into the light, it is here now! Stabilize and anchor your beautiful magnetic signature that is your soul resonance. This will assist you, your genetics and the collective. We are one and we rise in light
The harmonics of creation
The harmonics of creation
🌀Nervous System so accelerated🌀SOULar Electromagnetic Energy so intense✨️Left Brain under pressure✨️densities released at maximum speed✨️
🌀From Saturday increasing strong acceleration generated by Geomagnetic Storms that put our nervous system in check and invite to slow down movement in physical space …
🌀 Left hemisphere of the brain under pressure, produces accelerated thoughts which can disturb greatly (and is subjective in relation to the current individual process) and make extremely nervous !!
🌀Fears and Discouragement/Sense of Depression: Emotional geysers that are being ejected from the cellular body… what are they showing? what are we looking at?
🌀 Photonic light entering the physical body… yeah she can beat pretty good.. it is useful to slow down and stay centered, not to take things personally, observe well the internal movement and the projections that the ego tends to place on others… No joke guys, it’s all about taking responsibility for yourself… there are no alternatives, ‘complaint’ significantly hinders the process… ✨️🌀✨️
With Love,
Cristina 💜
potent force of transformation and chang
potent force of transformation and chang

Nancy Rebecca

Three waves of blue light are coming during November to help us remember our true spiritual nature 🌍🌿

The blue light is: “Knowledge of the Highest Form”.
For those who can see, they will look like blue sparkles gently falling to the Earth (like snow flakes).
The codes contained in this light will activate our dormant DNA.
As the light comes through to us, more light will come on in your Being to help you access your innate inner knowing.
This will feel like a subtle inner shift where you simply feel more like yourself.
However, your body might experience some symptoms such as exhaustion, sleeplessness, and restlessness.
You can help your body integrate these new frequencies by:
Hydrating 💦💦💦
Eating nutrient dense food
Then, going forward, become curious about what you’re being guided towards, as your true self.
Be sure to honor your heart 💙
Information from
Nancy Rebecca
Three Waves of Blue Light are Coming
hree Waves of Blue Light are Coming


Solar Beings
We are the sun walkers, those carrying the solar consciousness of the Great central Sun, portalling between both locations.
We are the gatekeepers of the great cosmic library and data entry point of the galaxy.
Alcyone is home to many galactic races and we are but one.
Those of our lineage carry a solar essence and activation codes which amplify the solar consciousness igniting those around them like wild fire.
Alcyone’s solar beings, like all of Pleiades are master healers using that energy of the cosmic fire, burning away all that distorts from the original divinity.
We invite you to receive a focal point activation calling in the cosmic fire through your third eye channel allowing all to see past the distortion before you. Clearing the field and aligning to your North Star your Destiny Path.
Connecting to our Star Consciousness is easy.
We are the bright ones.
We are only a star away.
Kacie Clawson – Galactic Channel
Solar Beings
Solar Beings



11/6/23: Numbers, like musical notes, are vibrational energies. Many numbers are embedded in your birth date and your name. Individually, they’re yours to explore and express. Together, and even in their countless combinations, they represent your unique song. No one else on the planet has your exact combination of numbers. No one else can sing your song for you. But many have tried, and that’s why you may have felt misunderstood at times… or different or separate or disconnected from your true self.
But now, because of 2023’s focus on self-awareness and self-discovery, you can begin to hear your special song again. It might be faint, but it’s there. Your Right Action today is to listen and to remember that every single note is available to you… and the more you tune into those personal vibrations, the more of your own music you can play.
musical notes
musical notes





‘’Twin Flames all you have to do is focus on your inner work.
Once you reach a certain level of Self realisation and knowing then a natural restoration of the Union with your True and organic Flame will take place because this is your True nature.
We are talking of the physical establishment of the Unshakeable Code, which will be expressed via the new Twin Flame Torus Field.
The new Twin Flame Torus Field belongs to the mechanics of True Creation, it is very different to the mechanics of your familiar human aura.
Its activation signifies the physical beginning of your True Twin Flame restoration on all levels.
This is something that each of you will experience on your own once ready.
This is not something that can be pushed to take place and for many different reasons, it can only take place in Divine Timing and in alignment to the highest good of each individual.
The foundation of this new Torus Field is the qualities of Love and Wisdom and its essence is purity and innocence.
This is the way to the Twin Flame restoration everything else is just external chattering, a theatre of dialogues.
If you find yourself focusing on the external or on another then you can surely know that there is still unaddressed trauma and programming so this is a good indicator that you need to continue your inner work.
Once you are ready the code of the Unshakeable will physically find you and it will be created.’’
Could this be the most miraculous week of our lives up until now?
It is so beautiful that we are FINALLY parting ways with everything and everyone who is out of alignment to the Truth and Organic Existence and we are FINALLY stepping into our True Home, Twin Flame and Family, within and without.
‘’Who is who will be clearly shown!
The Genealogy of the Godly Earth will be seen and the Divine Families will be better understood.
These days you will notice that you might have very powerful and vivid dreams, different dreams than usual, that will function as restorative activators, messengers carrying the angelic announcements and symbolisms and healers of all kinds!
As the energies are accelerating the heart is undergoing a huge upgrade and you might also face heart-related symptoms that you are guided to attend to.
You are all coming out of 3D graves that you had entered via the channels of our earthly mother and father!
This is the Resurrection of the Children!’’
This information is very important and we will discuss it during our group session tomorrow but we will be able to fully work on it on the 22nd of November after the Medusa code is broken and the recovery of the Masculine is in full flow!
The Yang is back!
This morning I experienced an unprecedented metamorphosis of my torus field led by my own True Being.
I witnessed my whole aura healing and changing quality.
I could feel a new electromagnetic energy taking over but in a total new formation which is so powerful that nothing can affect it.
The whole process felt known and it was very pleasant to me!
I was told that eventually we will all fully activate our new Torus Fields.
We all carry this knowledge and it will be revealed to us by us, at the right time.
This is the phase of the physical restoration of the paths of the Divine Kundalini which we have been clearing, liberating and rebalancing for a long time!
The sexual channels are to purify on all levels and how this will take place will be clearly shown to each one depending on their own lineage and organic yin and yang templates.
Our human sexual/erotic experience is on a trajectory of total transformation and the womb chakra will fully be restored and blossomed in both male and female, fully affecting all of the chakras.
The physical body will need to adjust quickly to this as the energy accelaration is increasing.
Because of this expect any last pending unprocessed trauma, karma, memories and distorted energies to be coming to the surface in order to be addressed with self love.
There is another, much greater part of us that is taking over now.
This part is finally available to us after such a long journey.
This means that we did it, we are here, at our destination!
We have reached the Fountain of Life!
We have reached home!
This is a Divine Month!
Great changes are here!
Blessings on your Twin Flame Union!
El Moryana
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Join the Telegram channel:


Dear friends, as our bodies continue adjusting to the shifts and energies of the recent eclipse passageway, we are now venturing into a very different type of energies: the master 11:11 codes. This week after the closing of the eclipse corridor and the incoming 11:11 light codes will act as an energetic “nursery” for your dreams and future projects.
There is a lot of information out there regarding this particular date: Saturday November 11. Beyond beliefs and superstition, numbers do actually resonate with specific energies. Numbers and frequencies can generate different geometrical patterns in liquids and solids, for example. It was the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras who first popularized the idea that all numbers have different vibrational properties. Some scholars even believe that Numerology pre-dates Pythagoras and derives from the ancient mystical Hebrew Kabbalah which is thousands of years old.
The double 11, as in 11/11, is considered to be a master number. Many people will use 11:11 as a means of making a “wish,” or setting a positive intention with the Universe.
The number 11 holds within it the vibrations of spiritual Unity, the one in the Heavens united with the one on Earth. The number 1 denotes new beginnings, or the start of an unexpected journey or chapter in your life. It signifies being one with the universe and the possibility for powerfully manifest new timelines of reality. With 11, the magician’s manifestation powers are doubled, where dreams are quickly turned into reality.
As we focus our intentions on this 11:11 date, we begin to resonate with these manifesting abilities. The 11:11 energy assists us to connect with the consciousness of the One, residing outside and inside of us. We are constantly co-creating our life, but on this particular date the connection is specially stronger. New realities are being woven at this moment pre-11:11, so make sure you keep clear intentions in your heart and mind as we approach this date.
The physical symptoms associated with the 11:11 energies tend to be subtler compared to the ones of the eclipses we just experienced. That said… if there are stagnant energies within your systems (specially the nervous system) that are preventing your ability to see clearly, to manifest beyond your comfort zone, or to connect with the Divine, the 11:11 codes will bring these issues to surface. As always, take care of yourself and stay hydrated to facilitate the flow of information.
We are also under the effects of strong solar storm, so be extra careful if you are energy sensitive. This intense solar wind may increase the occurrence of some physical symptoms as well, most notably: dizziness, ear ringing, lack of focus, sudden waves of fatigue, etc. Stay hydrated and rest as needed, our bodies are requiring more energy these days to process all the different energetic shifts.
Have a wonderful week everyone, Much love ❤️
Diego E. Berman 2022 Ⓒ
Sending Waves Of
💙BLUE Ray Healing💙
Cosmic Light Encodements
For Our Cosmic Brothers And Sisters Are By Our Sides
Feel The Crystalline Formation Of Our Light Family In This Reality
Awaken To A Higher Light Capacity
SEE the Light Cues of Communication
Together In Advanced Light Awareness 🙏
Awaken Ancient Cellular Memories
To Assist My Light Mission
Love for your day Brothers and Sisters
Uprising in Global Unity
Karen Lithika xo
Light Channel

Stuck energies in the Sacral and Womb Chakras are releasing today. The density build up may have created stagnancy in your creative gifts, health, wealth and Feminine power. The Most High is supporting us with this today through breakthroughs in the consciousness. This awakening is revealing that you are Creation, pure Source Alchemy, based on Love. God’s Way is that this self is revealed with the 1111 PORTAL opportunity.

Support from God and Mother Earth is elevating your connection to the entirety of Life. As emotions release and purge, including stored memories, your mind will shift you back into being the sovereign being that you are. The people that stole this from you are transmuting by the flames of Life, opening up the portal to Wisdom, so you can receive the truth of who you really are – Love and Creation.

In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏

God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn

Tartarian Age
Tartarian Age

There’s been a powerful shift of energy with Saturn turning direct at 0 degrees Pisces on November 4th. There was quite a bloom of dark themes from the Piscean Age, just before Saturn turned. This is confirming that Saturn in Pisces is about a re-set to the Christ Consciousness Timeline. But in order to do that we need to clean up some delusions from the past. Saturn will remain at 0 degrees Pisces through the rest of the month.

The Sun in Scorpio has been opposite of Jupiter in Taurus for this last week, and Mercury in Scorpio has been opposing Uranus in Taurus. These oppositions speak to the lies we have been told which have kept us from knowing our God-given right to our own power. It’s all about claiming our inner, energetic worth.

All of this Scorpio energy is bringing a feeling of dissolution, a washing away of identities and attachments. We have been unconsciously living out dark stories of the past, simply because we are used to those paradigms. But with this timeline shift, we are being asked to rapidly release all forms that no longer fit who we really are. What we thought really mattered, the issues we have been clinging to, it turns out aren’t so valid anymore. It’s time for our True Light to shine through.

Mercury will be our first personal planet to move over into the sign of Sagittarius on November 11th, bringing some Fire energy. This will put Mercury into square with Saturn in Pisces. In Mutable signs, this square will stimulate necessary adjustments to our life and path. Where we thought we were going, isn’t quite the right direction, in this time of rapid shifting. Our true spiritual path is calling from under the rubble of the past. It’s time to get back on the horse and ride.

Venus in opposition to Neptune has been urging us to rise above the old energies and get a new perspective on the bigger picture. We are experiencing a shift of Ages. Everything we thought to be true is being challenged. Venus is coming into trine with Pluto in Capricorn, and completing her time in the Kite shape over the next few days. The message of this Venus/Neptune opposition, Grand Earth Trine Kite, is to stay flexible and open. Things are not what they seem. We are living in the time of the Boomerang.

Venus is excited to come home, into her sign of Libra on November 9th. She’s learned and faced a lot over these past months, she looks forward to a rest and to Shine her new found light. This placement is an activation of creative energy, and will lead us into a very powerful New Moon which happens on November 13th at 20 degrees, 44 minutes of Scorpio. Mars will be close by to the Sun and the Moon in Scorpio, and together they will all oppose Uranus in Taurus for this New Moon. This New Moon is the completion of a very intense Eclipse Season. Expect things to line up in a new way from here on out. This New Moon can be like a portal to a new reality. We are being called to examine what ‘really’ matters in our life. We are cleaning out the darkest corners of the closet, so we can be ready to travel light in the dynamic year ahead.

Mercury in Sagittarius will be in sextile to Venus in Libra for this New Moon. New ways of thinking creatively are helping us, finally, get into alignment with our greater spiritual purpose. The Sun, Moon and Mars across from Uranus is inviting us to clear any remnants of fear programming in order to fully embody the light that we are. We have no idea the incredible power that lies within us. Now it is time for the great reveal. It’s an exposure of the dark, as well as a bringing forth of the light. In a huge way. SuperNovas it’s our time to SHINE!


Greatest Love Story
Greatest Love Story
On Monday, November 6th, Venus, ruler of the feminine archetype, in purity seeking Virgo is in a positive trine connection with Pluto, planet of evolution and renewal. There is a deep transformation taking place within us. The Divine Feminine is transmuting the collective shadow energies, rebirthing herself, and taking back her power. No longer will she be restricted, suppressed or tamed. She will discover her inner resources, hidden gifts and sense of empowerment! It is time for her to uncover her courage, confidence and inner strength!
Late Monday and early Tuesday, November 6th and 7th, Mercury, ruler of thoughts and perceptions, in penetrating Scorpio is in a trine aspect to Neptune, ruler of the intangible and the uncertain, in sensitive Pisces. Usually Mercury, the Messenger, in Scorpio can see beneath the surface into the hidden mysteries of a situation. However, the connection to Neptune may bring in illusion and confusion. This is considered a positive connection though, so we are able to tap into the unconscious, subconscious, and superconscious all at once! Our intuitive and psychic abilities are magnified if we tune in and trust the visions and feelings we are are receiving. This is a wonderful connection for imagination, inspiration and creativity. Let your mind go, and flow……release logic and analysis……move into transcendent levels of being-ness, oceanic consciousness, and the energy of Oneness.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤️
Sphinx and the Elf
Sphinx and the Elf
Venus in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn – Love Goddess Venus moves into a beneficial connection to power-broker Pluto. Love has the power to change everything. Here is deepening intimacy, an attraction towards the truth and transparency. Here is my soul. I lay myself bare for you. For some, this may be a solidifying moment in a relationship, on an ordinary day, extraordinary things can happen. For others, this may mark a moment when the heart says, you’ve got this. Ask for the raise. Talk to the boss. Apply for that job that’s been flirting for your attention.
Venus in Virgo speaks of a love of precision, perfection, service, improvement. To clean the dishes is self-love. To dust the surfaces is self-love. To take a walk and eat healthily is self-love. To do the job well is self-love. To approach routine tasks and duties from a place of love transforms the mundane to the magical, a gilt edge to bring a smile. Perfect the art of living. The beauty is in the details. Remember, today is a gift. You are rich in time. Make the minutes count.
Degrees and Time
Venus 28°Vi03′, Pluto 28°Cp03′ – 14:37 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
source :
Painting – The embroiderer or Mette Gauguin by Paul Gauguin
The embroiderer or Mette Gauguin
The embroiderer or Mette Gauguin

Kin 17 ~ Red Self-Existing Earth

The number 4 is called ‘Self-Existing’ and its keywords are ‘Define, Measure and Form’. I find the fourth day can make you feel a little introspective. The desire to search for details can lead to focusing on yourself and not really relating to others so much. This is perfectly fine as long as you make use of this inward contemplation and remember too that we are in the Wizard wavespell… and we can cast spells on ourselves….don’t get too lost in your own thoughts. Our analytical minds can make us notice things today we previously overlooked. This is super helpful and don’t be surprised if you feel a bit like a detective today searching for clues.
Today is Red Earth which represents ‘Evolution, Synchronicity and Navigation’. Today has great potential for synchronicity. You can find yourself in the right place at the right time and this will get you what you need to Evolve. That is the message of Red Earth but when it falls on a number four day, the synchronicity requires that you look at the details. To navigate your way through this day, make sure you have gathered all the facts and are well informed. Signposts are ready to guide you to the right path. Pay attention is the message today. Red Earth days are great for reconnecting with our lovely planet too and whenever we do this, we are empowered and rejuvenated. Naturally, when we spend time outdoors and tune in to our Mother, this facilitates ‘navigation’.
Today’s Guide is Red Skywalker which represents ‘Wakefulness & Exploring’. This guiding energy today will encourage you to be braver, to think outside of the box and perhaps go on an adventure! Skywalker makes a great guide but he is not for the faint hearted. It takes courage to follow the adventurer of the Tzolkin because you’ll never know where he will lead you. This energy can make you spontaneous and impulsive.
The Challenge for the day is the Blue Hand and so if you were born on a Blue Hand day, your attempts to evolve may prove to be more difficult. Just look at the details and you too will find the answers. Tap into your ambitious nature, and this true grit you possess will help you ‘Evolve’ too. For the rest of us when the Blue Hand is weakened, you may find healing hard to come by and your ambitions may not succeed.
The Occult power is Yellow Seed which represents ‘sowing awareness’. People born on Yellow Seed have a magical ability to provide valuable information. Their need to share knowledge – especially about magic, is very strong today and very, very helpful to others. This energy goes well with the number four as both are concerned with information and details.
The Ally is the White Wind, the communicator. People born on these days are a friend to everyone today as they communicate so well and information is what we need. If you do not know one, do what they would do and remember to keep the lines of communication open. You can expect a friendly message too.
Kin 17
Kin 17


4 CABAN – KIN 17
I define in order to EVOLVE
Measuring synchronicity
I seal the matrix of navigation
With the Self-existing tone of form
I AM guided by the power of space.
6/11/2023 = 6/2/7 = 6/9 = 15=6
6- Heaven/Christ/Fertility/Romance/Family/Joy
15- Spiritual Alchemy/Charisma/Magnetism
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
11- Gate/Portal/polarity/illumination
2 – Twins/Partners/Alliances/Cooperation/Duality
7- Spiritual Test/Initiation/Solitude/Majik/Mystic/Magician
9- Completion/Endings/Mission/Destiny/Service/Humanitarian/Grace
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
23- Royal Star of the LION /Strength/Protection/Support
Kin 17 – is the immortality number! Leaving a LEGACY to remember!
KIN 17 and tribe 17 – CABAN – RED EARTH!
8.8. Infinity/Abundance/Source flow
Another majikal LEGENDARY day on Planet Earth – forever revolving and evolving. 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Today is the 4th day of the White Wizard Wavespell where we are focused on aligning our MINDS with our HEARTS❤ in order to access our ENCHANTING powers of White Majik, through the endless realms of creation.
Day 4 is the day your White Majik begins to take FORM… we are creating a NEW MAJIK BOX!💫📦
SELF-EXISTING 📦– Tone 4 operates in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – measures, POWER – defines, ESSENCE – form.
SELF-EXISTING number 4 takes FORM and we have ourselves a square shape.📦 Self-existing, measuring and defining, very intelligent, fascinated by self. We now have built a sturdy platform upon which further growth takes place.
RED EARTH 🌏 in the Mental plane, increases our capacity to OPEN OUR MINDS, to explore EVOLUTION and the cycles of time (endlessness). Recognizing what came before this present moment, in order to be fully OPEN to what is coming next. A powerfully REFLECTIVE coding synchronizing with this incredible SOLAR ASCENSION passage.
Our mind needs to AWAKEN to the synchronicity of NATURAL TIME. ⏳ 🍥
Today we are defining our SPACE and evolving, through following the Majikal SIGNS – leading to constructing a new solid foundation on the basis of fun, creativity and majikal manifestation. It is time to build and accomplish our Dreams!✨🌈✨
Our Creator is giving us a miraculous gift of healing,🙌 from all that ails us, healing all the trauma from these past years and bringing CLOSURE on the pain and suffering. Today we can WIPE THE SLATE CLEANas we start afresh for this new Tzolkin cycle .
Be open to receive this gift by fully embracing the LOVE❤ that surrounds you and enfolds your being.
❤LOVE heals all wounds! ❤
Together as ONE global family we can accomplish GREAT THINGS and redefine our World as a new Paradise. 🌴🐬🌈🌍
Today’s QUESTION is “How can WE navigate to a higher state of evolution, through measuring the SIGNS and synchronicities – aligning with the natural world, to create a sustainable and Harmonic new world?
Divine blessings for NAVIGATING your path to New Eden! 🐬🌴🌼🌸🌺🌻
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED SELF=EXISTING EARTH 📦 🌎CABAN relates to signs, synchronicities, the pulsating rhythm of life and creative beginnings. CABAN is your GPS – the evolutionary compass that shows you which path to take, and how to navigate through your life’s journey.
Today is a day to STOP and REFLECT – to witness the passing of cycles in these evolutionary times, as we spiral higher and higher in our Planetary Ascension process.
❓❓Where are we headed? 🤔
❓❓What LEGACY are we leaving for our future generations? 👭👬👫
Today the WHITE WIZARD is asking us to sit in STILLNESS and LISTEN to the pulsating rhythyms of Mother EARTH. 🌎🌍🌏
❓Do you RESPECT and HONOUR Mother nature?
❓Is your life in harmonious flow with her rhythm?
Humanity’s arrogance in defining human existence, in isolation to our Natural world and Universal Law, was creating the evolutionary downfall of our species and the destruction of our environment. 💣🎇.
The only way forward as a HU-man species, is to redefine our existence through symbiotic relationship with our Earth Mother and her kingdoms. It is ironic that the global lockdowns and confinement of humans in their home “cages” had revealed to us, WHO the real wild animals and parasitic beings are, upon this planet. As our global human population was contained and isolated, Mother Nature was finally able to BREATH again, given the SPACE and time to self heal and regenerate without human “interference”. SHAME ON US!! 😭😭😭
Our Australian indigenous – ORIGINAL people have lived continuously on our land for over 65,000+ years without leaving a destructive footprint – quite an achievement! The early colonists deemed them as “primitive savages” because they had not carved up or industrialized the land. In contrast, in a few hundred years “White Man”, who defines his race as evolved and “civilized”, has managed to nearly destroy our entire planet through degradation and reckless profiteering of her natural resources. So which people would you DEFINE as more “evolved”?
✨If the human species has been the “problem”, then we must REDEFINE ourselves as the new SOLUTION✨, giving back and contributing to the POSITIVE evolution of our planet and our human species.
The Shamanic White Wizard respects all realms, and draws his Majik through his HEART, in connection with ALL THAT IS.✨☀ When we define ourselves as a part of the WHOLE we develop a deep reverence for all of Creation.
✨We are not SEPARATE from Mother Gaia✨
We are ONE body❤ and ONE global family💞 – woven together in the Web of all Creation.🕸🌐
CABAN has a softer, more feminine and flowing energy today, compared to yesterday’s masculine Warrior challenges! The Warrior questioned and thus rejected the status quo, now CABAN is bringing forth the era of PEACE! ✨🕊🌈
It is TIME to build the foundation for these new peaceful societies. Changing the combative and competitive culture to one of PEACE and UNITY, in HARMONY with Mother Gaia and her natural synchronic flows. The time is NOW, in this present moment! Stop pushing everything into some future time! Bring forth your ideas into the NOW in order for them to be made manifest.
This 6.6. and 8.8. CODES is activating more DIVINE MAJIK to flow into EARTH. Ground deeply into Mother Earth and bring forth your SHAMANIC POWER!
Stop stalling and start creating your MAJIK! 💫💫💫
The following is a beautiful excerpt from The Mayan Oracle by Ariel Spilsbury & Michael Bryner 🙏🙏🙏
RED EARTH is the access point to your natural alignment with Earth force. It is the unis mundi, the point of perfect centeredness in the eternal present, from which all alignment and magic manifest. Your center, the Earth center, is the secret of gravity’s magnetizing force.
Red Earth is the channel of harmonic synchronization that is aligned with the galactic heart.❤ From the center point within self, you align with this galactic center and connect through your own crystalline structure to the larger crystal grid network.💎🌐 To keep this channel of synchronization open, connect to the elemental energies of earth, air, fire and water, and the seven directional guardians.
Cosmic consciousness is not just ‘out there’; it is also resonating within you. Be sacramentally rooted where you are. You are made of the Earth! Look through the ‘eyes’ in your feet. Your body is the present focus of your consciousness – through it all gifts are received. Remember, too, that your environment is ALIVE and reacts to your awareness of it; therefore, the way you perceive the Earth and your physical form affects the information you receive.
✨✨✨Red Earth is the Earth keeper, the keeper of the garden, the shaman/healer who, through reverence for all life, heals and sanctifies the Earth. ✨🌎✨🌍✨🌏
Earth keepers preserve the harmonic relationship with nature, by connecting to the wisdom held in matter. In Latin, mater means “mother”. As you bring light into yourself, you bring light into matter. You and the Earth both contain the holographic seed of the new consciousness emerging. ✨🌱✨
Center yourself in the present moment! This is where you can most beneficially observe the synchronicities and revelations about your personal pattern and larger purpose. From here your mind can learn to be keenly observant, allowing the larger pattern to take shape, as naturally as the small brushstrokes that eventually complete a beautiful painting.
Sit in simple relationship to the Earth, like a poet enraptured in a forest.🌲🌲🌲 Be rooted where you are now. Out of synergistic centeredness, you will receive your greatest desires and open to the full flowering of the mystic power of the universe.
This synchronization can be seen as the alignment of your personal myth with the greater myth of our times. Myth is the framework or “story” in which the truth of the cosmos🍥 is revealed in symbolic form. Utilize it to catalyze your unfolding alignment.
By accepting your physical form and your growth process in this world, you access the hub of centeredness out of which all the truth and majik of the universe unfold.
Take off your shoes. 👞👞
Touch the one Earth. 🌏
Find a place to dance 💃with the sacred hoop of life.
Contribute your vision as an awakened member of our global rainbow family!
The question to ponder today is ❓❓❓ Do your ideas support PEACE on EARTH? 🤔
Are they sustainable, renewable and sympathetic to all of nature’s kingdoms? If you are in the natural flow, then your constructs will be supported by spirit, flowing naturally into form.
Watch for SYNCHRONICITIES today guiding you into this natural flow.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED SELF-EXISTING SKYWALKER 🎁 🚶BEN is the Galactic Shaman who takes our hand today and guides us to new adventures, exploring our multi-dimensional forms.
RED SKYWALKER is the time/space traveller who can jump dimensions to assist you in realizing HEAVEN ON EARTH. 💒 RED SKYWALKER’S energy is expansive and totally unlimited in form. BEN can travel anywhere through space time to retrieve wisdom, information and energy codes bringing them through as the Angelic Messenger.
BEN is asking us today to define how we use the SPACE that we have been granted guardianship over. ❓❓❓How do we use it, or abuse it?
❓❓❓Have we created our own little patch of 🌴PARADISE 🌴 or have we constructed an environmental eye sore?
Was humanity designed to live in concrete little boxes, atop of other little boxes?📦🏢🏘📦
Or were we naturally inclined to live in EXPANSIVE spaces, blending the lines between our living environment and the natural world?🌴🌅🌴🌅
Are we bringing the outside IN,🌳🌿🌳 or boxing ourselves INSIDE in our artificial concrete world? Which model brings us the most JOY, HAPPINESS and HEALTH?
As we AWAKEN as a species, we are redefining what is important to us, for our continued survival and enjoyment of our Planet. And that involves CONNECTION, CONNECTION to each other and the elements of the natural world. 👬🌳👭❤
The industrial experiment🏗 went awry and we really did take the wrong track. It is time to get back on track as a species and choose differently this TIME. Choosing to ditch the discord and opt for Harmonic synchronicity, moving to restore our beautiful Planet to the bountiful Eden that we originally inherited.. ❤🐬🌴🍇🍎🍓
✨It is TIME to create the NEW HEAVEN💒 on the NEW EARTH.🌈🌍
SUPPORT: WHITE SELF-EXISTING WIND 🎁 🌬🍃IK brings forth the WINDS of spirit. The IN breath and the OUT breath, flowing through you and all living things. Ik and CABAN dance💃 in symphonic harmony through the corridors of time,⏳as the White wind whistles through the trees, and flows through the valleys, cleansing the land with the purity of FRESH AIR..
The WHITE WIND is the refinement and purity of Spirit which enhances the powers of the WHITE WIZARD.. amplifying his reception to the incoming messages.
Spirit is the WIND beneath your WINGS and has your back. You are fully supported and held in a protective shield by spirit today. Trust and listen to the whisperings and communication through the majikal synchronicities dancing around you and within you.
✨LET GO and LET GOD be your guide!✨
The SELF-EXISTING WIND seeks to define a NEW EARTH through the DIVINE PLAN – ✨AS ABOVE SO BELOW.✨.
This is our birthright and our DESTINY – . HEAVEN ON EARTH awaits us now, we just need to REMEMBER our VISION of EDEN to allow it to MANIFEST!
OCCULT/HIDDEN ENERGY: YELLOW PLANETARY SEED 🌏🌾KAN holds the codes for our highest potential Planetary flowering today. 🌷🌸💮🌹🌺🌼🌻 What a superb GIFT to energize our SHAMANIC MANIFESTATIONS today!!! Our VISIONS have already BLOOMED!! 🌹🏵
As we REFLECT on the PAST horrors, we can now AIM HIGHER – knowing we are all older but very much wiser, having journeyed long together through this collective rite of passage.
Humanity has evolved and Gaia has evolved to a much higher frequency. As we have unpacked greater wisdom and codes, we now have the seed packets to manifest our highest potential and witness the beautiful flowering of the harmonic New time, to leave a beautiful legacy for our grandchildren.
KAN is bringing forth the dawn of a NEW DAY! 🌅 The seeds of the Rainbow Warriors and Dreamers have sprouted, and it is time for a NEW ERA OF PEACE.
Your brilliant new ideas, projects and creations will finally take root and emerge from the depths of your mind, able to Majikally take FORM in our new world and grow. 🌸🌺🌼🌹
A very potent SUPERPOWER today for our SHAMANIC EARTH WIZARDS!!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE SELF-EXISTING HAND 🎁 🙌 MANIK brings forth great healing, assistance, support and accomplishment as GIFTS🎁 and BLESSINGS from spirit. Our CHALLENGE is to listen and interpret the healing knowledge brought forth, through observing the SIGNS that we are shown.
MANIK gives us the power to accomplish great Majik, through applying the wisdom and recognition of the patterns that create form. The WISDOM from our ancestors can be applied, as solutions to our current problems, honouring our EARTH MOTHER.
Our Creator is giving us a miraculous gift of healing,🙌 from all that ails us, healing all the trauma from these past years and bringing CLOSURE on the pain and suffering. Today we can WIPE THE SLATE CLEANas we start afresh for this new Tzolkin cycle .
Be open to receive this gift by fully embracing the LOVE❤ that surrounds you and enfolds your being.
❤LOVE heals all wounds! ❤
Together as ONE global family we can accomplish GREAT THINGS and redefine our World as a new Paradise. 🌴🐬🌈🌍
Today’s QUESTION is “How can WE navigate to a higher state of evolution, through measuring the SIGNS and synchronicities – aligning with the natural world, to create a sustainable and Harmonic new world?
Divine blessings for NAVIGATING your path to New Eden! 🐬🌴🌼🌸🌺🌻
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger




🔥 Calling On and Connecting with our Star Nations 🔥


Connecting with our Star Nations

This Sacred Art was taught to our People from the Andromedan Council of Light. This is a Special Practice to call down our Star Nations, Star families, Galactics. Any Star Race that resonates with you will come from this Call if put into practice. Being consistent and not giving up is the key to success with any Divine Spiritual Art

click here to learn this Galactic Art





Prayer to be taken to The Great Jade Temple, before sleeping~ 💕

From The Lord God of my Being, I Am that I Am, I ask to be taken to the Great Jade Temple, In Telos, tonight and every night. I now ask my guides, Masters and Angels to take me there as my body rests from the activities of the day.
I wish to signal my I Am Presence with serious Intention, that I want to be whole again, and that I want to integrate all parts of myself in unity and oneness. I submit myself willingly, to whatever process is necessary, to receive that healing, in full trust, faith, love and surrender. Im assured that I’ll receive full co-operation from my Higher Self and the whole of the Light Realms.
Thank You!
From the book. “Seven Sacred Flames by Aurelia. “
Great Jade Temple
Great Jade Temple

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