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Schumann resonances

Schumann Resonances and Biological Rhythms

Schumann Resonances and Biological Rhythms


Schumann Resonances and Biological Rhythms

Man lives in the cavity of the electromagnetic volumetric resonator of the Earth’s ionosphere, where standing waves (Schumann resonance) occur. The main frequency of the Schumann resonance is determined by the circumference of the Earth, the speed of its rotation around the Sun and its axis, and a number of other parameters. After numerous studies and double checks, the fundamental frequency – 7.83 Hz and harmonics – 14.1 Hz, 20.3 Hz, 26.4 Hz, 32.4 Hz, 39…, 43.2 Hz of the Schumann resonance were determined.

Schumann waves are believed to travel at the speed of light, circle the Earth 8 times per second and have a length of 38,000 km.

As a result of many experiments, it was found that Schumann waves affect the biocurrents of the human brain, which controls breathing, blood circulation, digestion, internal secretion and other processes. In 1952, the German physicist W. Schumann discovered that Schumann waves with frequencies of 7.8; 14.1; 20.3 and 24.6 Hz practically coincide (resonate) with the frequencies of the alpha and beta rhythms of the brain. They are vital for synchronizing biological rhythms.

German physician G. Koenig confirmed in 1979 that the main frequency of the Schumann resonance resonates with the threshold frequency of theta and alpha rhythms (electrical oscillations) of the brain – 7.83 Hz, and the second frequency of the harmonic Schumann resonance (14.1 Hz) – with the threshold frequency of the alpha and beta rhythms (electrical oscillations) of the brain. These values ​​​​were subsequently confirmed by many studies. One of the scientists who studied the Schumann resonance and its role in nature was W. Ludwig.



Theta rhythms   (4-7 hertz) correspond to a state of light sleep or deep meditation. They are associated with the active state of the hippocampus, the organ of memory. Theta rhythms correspond to a high level of penetration into the subconscious, during which the release of repressed emotions and mental blocks occurs.

Alpha rhythms   (7-14 Hz) correspond to the state of the body between sleep and wakefulness or light meditation. These are the most natural and productive rhythms of the human brain. Strengthening alpha rhythms leads to relaxation, positive emotions, a sense of comfort, harmony, and a state of expanded consciousness with the ability to think abstractly. Creative people call this state inspiration; most scientific discoveries were made when the brain worked in alpha rhythm. Alpha waves are also used in various “high-speed” audio and video teaching methods, such as foreign languages.

Beta rhythms   (14-30 Hz) correspond to a state of active wakefulness, when one needs to think a lot and actively. They contribute to a large release of stress hormones; Beta waves in the human brain are responsible for conscious activity.

Gamma rhythms   (30 Hz and higher) are responsible for inspiration and creativity and, according to Nobel laureate Francis Crick and some other scientists, go hand in hand with the terms “hyperconsciousness” and “hyperreality”.

According to experts in oriental medicine, the vibrational frequency of the human brain, close to 43 Hz, leads to enlightenment and the ability of clairvoyance.

Long-term experiments were carried out in the USA (NASA) and Germany (M. Planck Institute), as a result of which it was confirmed that Schumann waves are necessary for the normal existence of all living things on Earth.

Under the influence of a frequency of 8 Hz (7.83 Hz?), the pineal gland causes the left and right hemispheres to function synchronously, which only in this state begins to control the production of male and female hormones. In the absence of this frequency, the right hemisphere functions predominantly, which leads to mental illness, depression, homosexuality, etc. Under the influence of a frequency of 8 Hz (7.83 Hz?), the pineal gland produces the hormone melatonin, without which a person can develop cancer.



In 1995, two American doctors, U. Piepaoli and U. Regelson, published the book “The Miracle of Melatonin”. They conducted a series of experiments on rats, the results of which showed that “a daily dose of melatonin stops, if not reverses, the aging process in rats and humans”. They also stated that melatonin improves sexual function, although there are other opinions on the subject.

Melatonin is the main hormone of the pineal gland, which regulates circadian rhythms. It increases the efficiency of the immune system and slows down the aging process. With increasing age, the efficiency of the pineal gland, which produces melatonin, decreases, and the natural maximum daily values ​​of melatonin decrease significantly (by the age of 60, the maximum value is half the value at the age of 20). Thus, melatonin is a “trigger” of aging – a decrease in the “swing” of the melatonin pendulum leads to a significant deterioration of the body’s antioxidant and immune defenses.

The Schumann resonance frequencies also correlate with the vibrational frequencies of the seven energy centers (chakras) of the body. The root chakra, Muladhara, vibrates at a frequency of 7.83 Hz. The seventh and highest chakra, Sahasrara, vibrates at a frequency of 43.2 Hz. The set of vibrations between 7.83 and 43.2 Hz corresponds to the sound “om” commonly used in meditation and Tibetan healing practices.

Thus, Schumann waves have a significant impact on the human body and other living beings (animals and plants), which receive electromagnetic energy from the Earth and can heal themselves thanks to it. When the frequency of the brain exactly matches the frequency of the Schumann resonance, a person receives a number of other abilities – clairvoyance, telekinesis, etc.



Today, the Earth’s atmosphere is filled with electromagnetic and sound waves of various frequencies that were previously not found in nature (radiation from car engines, power lines, TV and radio transmitters, cell phone towers, etc.). This man-made “noise” greatly attenuates and distorts the natural electromagnetic background that has existed in the Earth’s atmosphere for many millennia. In fact, within the confines of the modern city, research into the Schumann resonance has become impossible. Therefore, V. Ludwig studied it in the open ocean and then in underground mines.

Due to the strong “noise” caused by man, there is a lack of influence of Schumann waves on the human body (as well as on animal and plant organisms) and a disturbance (imbalance) of the chakras and organs tuned from birth. There is a mismatch between all functional systems of the body, which in their natural environment should function strictly autonomously. Mental illnesses, depression, oncology and many other diseases are developing. For this reason, NASA uses Schumann wave generators to ensure the normal functioning of its personnel.

Also, according to the information published on the website, the devices HARP (Alaska, USA), EISCAT (Tromso, Norway), SPEAR (Longyearbyen, Norway) are devices for changing the frequencies of the Schumann resonance…

Using Sound Therapy to Treat People

To eliminate the lack of influence of Schumann waves on the human body and the disturbance (imbalance) of the chakras and organs tuned to them from birth, sound therapy has long been used, which is based on the energetic harmonization (balance) of the body through the influence of sound of a certain frequency on it. Its origins are lost in the Indian and Chinese treatises of the 2nd millennium BC and in the Pythagorean doctrine of the music of the spheres.

The use of sound to treat electromagnetic wave deficiency is explained by the combination of low-frequency electromagnetic waves with infrasonic waves that form an infrasonic map of the area. This relationship is caused by the constant presence of charged particles – ions – in the Earth’s atmosphere (ionosphere). Ionized air interacts with electromagnetic waves. Ions vibrate at Schumann resonance frequencies and create infrasonic waves. Infrasound freely penetrates any biological objects and has approximately the same effect on them as Schumann waves.



Recently, ornithologists have proven that migratory birds navigate using an infrasound map of the area. Many animals sense changes in infrasound fields, changes that portend natural disasters. The connection between low electromagnetic waves and sound is global in nature.

Artificially created low-frequency sound waves can restore the correct rhythms of functioning of biological organisms, to which they have become accustomed during millennia of evolution, thus compensating for the imbalance resulting from various artificial “noises”.

Subsonic sounds and vibrations are produced by a variety of sources, including flat bells (beaters) that allow the reproduction of the fundamental frequency and harmonics of the Schumann resonance.

By using vibrations corresponding to Schumann waves and alpha rhythms of the brain, blood circulation to the brain improves by 70% in 1 minute, regeneration processes in the body are accelerated 8-10 times, and a harmonious redistribution of energy occurs, from which it begins to circulate freely throughout the body. In Eastern practices this is called “opening the chakras”.

According to research by American doctor B. Brown, alpha rhythms activate healing processes ten times more intensely than beta rhythms.

In addition to the Schumann resonance frequencies, the frequencies of 110 Hz and 432 Hz (the same alpha rhythm, but in a different octave) are also widely used in sound therapy. According to the results of researchers from the University of California, led by Professor R. Jahn and the Mediterranean Institute of Ancient Civilizations under the leadership of L. Enneix, at a frequency of 110 Hz, the speech center is switched off, the activity of the left hemisphere is significantly reduced, and the activity of the right hemisphere, on the contrary, significantly increases.



The right lobe is associated with empathy (the ability to recognize the thoughts and feelings of others), intuition, imaginative thinking, the ability to understand symbols, read between the lines, take risks, and think philosophically.

It is usually activated in cases where it is necessary to solve a new problem (the left hemisphere is active when it is necessary to perform intellectual calculations). Later, scientists also discovered that exposure to the 110 Hz frequency stimulates the natural production of beta-endorphins, which in turn stimulates the production of human growth hormone, which has a rejuvenating and healing effect on our body.

According to calculations of energy-information interaction from notes on living organisms by VL Jaškardin in the work “Energy and information of waves”, paragraph 4.2 (, note A (110 Hz) is associated with the maximum growth in the development of the structure of life.

Beta-endorphin is a hormone of the medial pituitary gland, produced by the melanotropic cells of the pituitary gland from proopiomelanocortin. Like melatonin, it increases the effectiveness of the immune system and slows the aging process, although these properties have been less researched than melatonin.

The frequency of 432 Hz (the note “A” of the chamber tone used by the composer Verdi D. in the natural musical scale) also has a strong beneficial effect on the human organism, especially on the heart; the cells that make up our body begin to vibrate in harmony with the world around us; therefore, it is called the healing frequency. The simplest musical instruments of primitive tribes were tuned to 432 Hz. This means that the frequencies of 110 and 432 Hz also maximally activate the biological processes associated with the restructuring and renewal of the organism.

Ruins of rocky, underground and megalithic structures

Geological and archaeological research in the Russian Federation, Turkey, Israel, Bulgaria, Spain, Jordan and Sri Lanka and a review of literature and photographs from Syria, Malta, Italy, France, Portugal, Peru, Bolivia, India, China, Japan and other countries allowed us to determine the oldest underground-underground (or rock-underground) megalithic complexes. They are found on almost all continents and at the bottom of the oceans and seas and are represented by various rocky and underground cities and structures, ruins of cities made of large stone blocks and individual megalithic structures.

Underground structures located under the surface of large areas of central Turkey, Syria, Israel, Malta, Italy, Spain and other countries are particularly widespread. According to literary sources, there are underground cities in Ukraine and Russia – between Dnepropetrovsk and the Sea of ​​​​Azov, in the Crimea, in the Caucasus, in the Urals, in the Samara region, in South and Southeast Asia (China, India, Afghanistan and other countries), South and North America (Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, USA and other countries), Africa (Egypt). There is a whole underground country in South America, stretching from Venezuela and Colombia to Argentina and Chile, which is described in Native American legends as the underground city of Tulan or Chimostoc.

Our study of rock and subterranean sites and structures revealed that some of them were built in the Middle and Late Miocene, between 15.9 and 5.3 million years ago; others were built (often on Neogene rock ruins and underground cities) at the Pleistocene-Holocene interface (about 11,700 years ago), probably in the early Holocene. Neogene subterranean dwellings show signs of severe destruction, water penetration into them, and their near surfaces are covered with thick soot crusts, indicating the fires that ravaged the Earth. This means that they all survived a terrible disaster, and perhaps more than one.

The consequences of disasters, which we reconstruct on the basis of geological data and legends of various nations (earthquakes, fires, floods, long periods of darkness and cold, wetlands after disasters), as well as the recent age of Neogene underground rock structures, including petrified ones, investigated during expeditions to wells, shafts, graves and ruts from wheels of chariots or carts, which were unearthed and left in large quantities in the still undried and fossilized soil on the other hand, indicate that Neogene underground cities and structures were used (probably more than once) when it was impossible to live on the Earth’s surface.

The surviving ruins of rock cities and megalithic cities and structures made of huge stone blocks appear to represent the remains of antediluvian settlements. They are close in age to Neogene underground structures.

Many (if not most) free-standing megalithic structures – menhirs, seids, cromlechs, dolmens, tumuli, etc., as well as underground and domed tombs, pyramids, stone sarcophagi, etc., were probably built in the early Holocene, immediately after the catastrophe that occurred 11,700 +- 99 years ago.

Underground and megalithic structures are resonators of the Earth’s Schumann waves and pre-Schumann resonance oscillations

Our study of underground structures in Israel, Turkey, Bulgaria and Spain and photographs of underground structures in other regions indicate a widespread occurrence of dome-shaped structures among them (bell-shaped caves and domes of underground temples).

Many of them have pyramidal or rectangular cells carved into the walls, round openings above and menhirs below. Similar pyramidal and rectangular niches (so-called columbaria) are found in underground structures of rectangular, linear and cruciform shapes and rock niches. Bell caves and vaulted underground temples have excellent acoustics and host operas (Bet Gavrin Bell Cave in Israel). At the same time, rock complexes with trapezoidal depressions (deaf stones in Bulgaria) are carved into their surface, which dampens sound.

These and other structural features of underground structures allowed us to hypothesize that bell caves, domed underground temples, domed tombs, and probably also underground structures of other shapes were resonators of electromagnetic or acoustic waves, which are not fundamentally different from each other and equally affect people, animals and plants.

Our calculations of the resonance frequencies of these underground structures lead us to believe that they were either resonators of Schumann waves and near-infrasonic waves that existed for the past 11,700 years, or of pre-Schumann resonance oscillations that determined the electromagnetic activity of the Earth-ionosphere system before the global cataclysm at the Pleistocene and Holocene turning point (11,700 +- 99 years ago).

According to V. Jaškardin’s hypothesis, other resonators of Schumann waves and infrasound waves similar to or preceding Schumann resonance oscillations were underground pyramids (Brú na Bóinne, Newgrange, Lough Crewe, etc. in Ireland and Great Britain), located in underground “tombs”, and stone sarcophagi and baths carved into rock complexes (Bol. Yazilikaya in central Turkey, Tatul in Bulgaria, Castro Ulaka in Spain, Mihintale in Sri Lanka, etc.), as well as various above-ground megalithic structures – pyramids, mounds, dolmens, mastabas, nuraghi, seids, menhirs, cromlechs, etc.

Research by L. Enneix from the Mediterranean Institute of Ancient Civilizations (USA) and R. Jahn from Princeton University (USA) has shown that underground temples with domes in Malta (Hypogeum), underground pyramids in Ireland, Great Britain (Newgrange, Wayland Smithy) and pyramids in Mexico (Temple of Kukulkan at Chichen Itza) – stone vaults, walls with niches and stepped ceilings of temples and pyramids – resonate at 110-111 Hz (Hypogeum), 95-120 Hz and 110 Hz. At the same time, the shapes of the interiors of the temples are very different: some are built in the form of a cross, others in the form of a pentagon, others in the form of a petal.

These geometric shapes can be seen as a superposition of a subtle information structure on the wave energy of the carrier frequency of 110 Hz to which these dome structures are tuned. Considering that the frequency of the PL tone is capable of activating the biological processes of restructuring the body, we have the right to expect that each geometric model of the structure played a specially determined role in the restoration or transformation of people.

According to V. Jaškardin’s hypothesis, artificial generators of infrasonic waves close to Schumann waves, as well as infrasonic waves close to Schumann resonance frequencies, which determined the electromagnetic activity of the Earth-ionosphere system before the global catastrophe at the turn of the Pleistocene and Holocene (11,700 +- 99 years ago), there were pyramids.

The pyramids can be considered a complex of high-performance infrasonic energy generators. This complex included a pyramidal infrasound generator, sound channels (waveguides), high-quality resonators and hydroacoustic antennas.

Large-scale construction of pyramids (in Egypt, China, Mexico, USA, Bosnia, etc.) and use, as well as the construction of most other underground and above-ground megalithic structures – Schumann wave resonators and infrasonic waves near them and/or before Schumann resonance frequencies that determined the electromagnetic activity of the Earth-ionosphere system before the global catastrophe at the boundary of the Pleistocene and Holocene, according to our latest research within the scholarship, occurred immediately after the catastrophe at the boundary between the Pleistocene and Holocene, in order to save people who survived the disaster. Most of them first hid in underground shelters, and after centuries or millennia they began to come to the surface.

Changes in the position of the Earth’s axis (shift by 15-17 degrees), the nature of the orbital motion (the length of the year was extended by 75 days), the speed of rotation and oscillation of the Earth’s axis (precession, nutation) occurring after the disaster led to the restructuring of its own resonant electromagnetic oscillations and the change in the frequencies of standing Schumann waves, which no longer correspond to the frequencies of vibrations of the brain, chakras and other organs of people and animals who experienced before disasters.

This led to the need to build artificial emitters and resonators of ancient (pre-Schumanian) electromagnetic and acoustic waves similar to them in operation.

According to V. Jaškardin’s calculations, the Cheops pyramid could generate a wide range of infrasonic frequencies from 8…16 Hz, transmitted on the main carrier frequency of 12.25 Hz. In fact, the pyramids of the Giza plateau were the prototype of modern musical notation operating on an infrasonic octave of frequencies. This allowed them to have a direct energetic impact on biological life.

The dolme

ns were built at 2 resonance frequencies in the range of 50-200 Hz, after their addition binaural frequencies were created in the ranges of Schumann waves or pre-Schumann resonance oscillations.

Thus, on Earth, widespread underground and megalithic structures, whose construction occurred at least from the middle Miocene (15 million years ago) to the early Holocene (11,700 years ago), were probably the sources and resonators of pre-Schumanian Earth-generated electromagnetic waves and near-infrasonic waves.

They were built to cover the number of people who took shelter in them during disasters (underground shelters) and who lived near them after disasters (free-standing megalithic structures) before Schuman’s electromagnetic resonance frequencies changed almost immediately after global disasters, until the restructuring of humanity. organisms and animals lasted for centuries or even millennia.

There is a clear relationship between pyramid complexes and other megalithic structures (mastabs, dolmens, seids, tumuli, domed tombs, etc.) found throughout the world.

The relationship between the sizes of vaulted tombs, tumuli, dolmens, mastabas, underground caves and vaults allows us to speak of the multiplicity (scale) of these structures in relation to the artificial infrasound fields created by the pyramidal complexes.

All of these structures contain structural elements for tuning the resonant frequency. In pyramids, these are adjustable positive feedback acoustic channels, movable valves and niches with quartz sand. In dolmens, it is a long stone rod inserted into the adjustment hole. In domed tombs, these are regulating wells. It is also common to use irregular (checkerboard) floors and resonant grooves in the walls and ceilings of the chambers to adjust the resonances.

Thus, underground and above-ground megalithic structures built at a time when the frequency of the Schumann resonance waves in the Earth was changing can be tuned to the Schumann resonance frequencies that exist today. This allows them to be used as amplifiers of the correct natural rhythm created by electromagnetic fields and infrasound due to their own resonant and properly tuned properties. This means that they can still function as resonant amplifiers today.

This is especially important and relevant in our time, when the natural source of Schumann resonance waves can (can be) significantly damaged by “electromagnetic pollution”, dust and smoke in the atmosphere during fires and “nuclear winter”, and the use of geophysical and climate weapons (e.g. HARP)…

Alexander Koltypin

Schumann resonances
Schumann resonances

Ashtar Sheran: Fear only brings imbalance

Dear brothers of planet Earth!


Many of you miss my messages, but I am always close to each of you. Each of you who embarks on the path of ascension, who opens your heart to receive light, peace and all the energies inherent to ascension, has me by your side; a quantum of my consciousness is by your side.

We are preparing for the big moment. I recognize that it will take a while, longer than you imagined. But it is precisely because of our Unconditional Love that nothing can happen abruptly or with little planning. Your world is already too chaotic for us to bring more disharmony and imbalance.
Therefore, everything will happen gradually and extremely easily, so that after each shock you will get up and wait for the next one.


We will not make triumphant entries, we will not appear in your skies in blocks, that would bring so much despair that it would be as if we were condemning the souls of this planet to succumb at the same moment. So everything will happen silently, or rather, as silently as possible.

Many people think that everything we say is a lie, that we are not going to do anything, that we are not going to do anything; because in your world there are no signs of improvement, no signs of justice, no signs that you hope for in your hearts.

We completely understand how you feel, but it is precisely because of this overwhelming fear that you are the way you are. If you would only think about the present moment in your life, neither of you would be out of balance.

But you are always thinking about tomorrow, about the future:
“What will happen, what will I do, what will it be like…?” This creates such an imbalance in your body that it only attracts one thing: more diseases.
So why live in the future?
Live in the present.

Maybe you know this, but you don’t realize that your fears have no effect. Think about something you really want. Does the fact that you care about it happening make it happen? Then I’ll give you a different answer. We’ve said here many times that you need to focus on what you want. But what would that focus look like? Thinking about what you want every second of the day? That’s fear, not focus.

Concentration means creating the object of desire in your heart and simply trusting that it will come at the right time, at the right moment. “Ah, but if we don’t focus on it, it won’t grow.

I agree, but what kind of focus do you need to put? Whenever you remember your object of desire, go into your heart and say, “Let it come at the right time for my balance, let it come at the right time for me and for the Whole!” That is the focus, that is the desire in your heart, but hand it over, hand it over to Father/Mother God to make that act come true, He knows the right time.

And I would say even more: behind the fulfillment of a wish there is a journey, there are lessons to be learned.
All of this prevents the fulfillment of the wish. So when you ask with all your heart for what you desire:

“I desire this, this and that.
But let it come at the right time for my balance!” This sets the focus, you nourish the desire, but you don’t get restless, it doesn’t harm your health.

Likewise, you want what is meant to happen to happen. And why? We understand that you want to be free from all the suffering you are experiencing, but I am sorry to tell you that this suffering will only end when you ascend.

So the road is still very long. Do not imagine that the planet will be a miracle after the Great Awakening, because it will not be. On the contrary, you will experience many things that contradict everything you desire. Because not everyone will be ready to receive what is coming.

So why so much unrest, why do so many want everything to happen quickly?

Many are afraid of Gesara/Nesara, and I just tell you: whatever has to come into your hands will come, regardless of whether Gesara/Nesara is implemented or not. It is all part of your own path. There is no reason to try to rush it because nothing will happen. Learn to trust, learn to be sure that everything will happen for the good of each of you, never for the worse.

I will say it again: The Great Awakening will not produce a beautiful, harmonious planet.

There will be very difficult times and many will even say: “Why did I want this to happen so much? But as we have said before, it will be up to each of you to vibrate what you want. If you continue on the path of evolution, you will vibrate higher than most,
so do not get involved in what those below are getting involved in. Then you will be drawn into this chaos.

So just focus on your own journey. Don’t suffer the suffering of those who have failed to learn. They only want to live violence, greed and fleeting pleasures and have forgotten about love.
For them there is no way out, no solution, no cure. They will go as we see fit; Gaia will know how to do it.

Then it will not be up to you to bear their suffering, they are on another level, these souls are in another time, they still have a long way to go to get to where you are. Do not get involved with those who are lower down. Stay balanced. Focus on your own paths. And you will increasingly move away from the effervescent cake that the planet will become.

This will not be easy for anyone, not even for you, because many around you will be part of this cake; they will not accept it, they will rebel, and I would even say against you. So this will be, if I may say so, the biggest fight you will have.

Practice pure and unconditional love for those around you, for those who don’t believe, for those who judge you, for those who are against everything that is happening. And you need to stand up, with confidence, and not let yourself be shaken.

Relationships will be broken, lives will change, and it will be up to each of you to make the decision: will you stay with those who resist change or will you go your own way? The decision is up to each of you.

So don’t expect wonderful and flowery times. Yes, there will be flowers, there will be peace, harmony and love in abundance. Oh, and abundance too, of everything, but for those who remain standing, remain on the path, remain confident that they are walking towards the New World. For them it will be a prosperous world, even if next to them there is a representative of that other path.

Just turn it off, let it talk to itself, walk away from it, don’t suffer looking at it and seeing so much evolutionary ignorance. Just don’t get involved in it. And unfortunately you will have to make a decision.

Should you continue on your path or remain attached to this person? Each case is different. And rest assured, for each of you who is going through this problem, we will be there, by your side, taking care of you, not you, but those who are by your side. So that they can find their way and you can make decisions with confidence and without suffering.

We are not here to harm anyone, but there will be losses, there will be separations. So why so much fear? Why do we pray to heaven for everything to happen quickly? The longer it takes, the easier it will be.

Now it is up to each one of us to trust in the path, believe and follow it every second, not thinking about the future, but living in the present, with a lot of unconditional love in our hearts. Then you will learn to have more and more balance and become stronger and stronger, and? I would say unshakable with everything that is happening around you.

· On Sun. 29 Sept. 2024 Zimbabwe’s new gold-backed currency officially entered general circulation.
· On Sun. 29 Sept. 2024 EAS testing happened across dozens of US States. Multiple independent video verifications and timeframes aligned across State borders to within minutes of one another
· On Sun. 29 Sept. 2024 a Temporary Flight Restriction Notice went out via NOTAM closing off all air space until further notice around Washington DC from surface to 99,000 feet. A Temporary Flight Restriction was also issued over Chimney Rock NC supposedly “to provide a safe environment for search operations.”
· On Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 the gold-backed Chinese Yen will replace the fiat US Dollar to determine the price of oil on the Forex for international trading and thus the fiat US Dollar will cease to exist because it has no value and cannot be used for international trade.
· On Tues. 1 Oct. the US Inc. Corp. fiscal year ends; has not been funded by Congress for the next fiscal year and thus will be forced to close down, ending the fiat monetary system.
· On Tues. 1 Oct. all banks worldwide not Basel III Compliant (have gold backed currency) will be closed.
· On Tues. 1 Oct. the Quantum Financial System Global Currency Reset activates with at least 144 countries currencies being gold/asset-backed and trading at a 1:1 with each other, which means that NESARA/ GESARA also activates across the World on 1 Oct.
· On Tues. 1 Oct. LIBOR is slated to be replaced by SOFR, marking a significant change in financial benchmarks.
· On Tues. 1 Oct. the new United States of America Republic will start its new fiscal year under a gold-backed US Note as part of the Global Currency Reset.
· In the first week of October the Emergency Broadcast System will activate while President Trump and the Global Military Alliance will be executing the largest Sting Operation in history and the EBS broadcasts documentaries 24/7 on the state of those arrests.
· On Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 Congress adjourns for 30 days (Congress can only be arrested when it’s not in session).
· On Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 workers at major ports on the East and West Coasts plus in Canada will go on strike, severely disrupting the supply chain. Stock up on goods.
· Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 is the one year anniversary of the US Debt Clock Messages on Telegram.
· Wed. 2 Oct. is the signal on the Mickey Mouse Clock where he points to 10 and 2.
· On Thurs. 3 Oct. 2024 Iraq celebrates their Independence Day.

Pay attention in the near future..
It’s very close 👇👇👇
We know that something powerful will take down the Mossad Media satellite. This will cause a worldwide communications blackout, transitioning us to a Quantum System. This is called PROJECT ODIN. In essence, it provides a reason to activate Military EBS.
Starlink is up and seemingly ready for the Army to activate the worldwide Emergency Broadcast System.
The Odin Project, as mentioned by Ron CodeMonkeyz, is a powerful cross-platform Anti-Cheat Engine and part of Quantum Starlink. These new Quantum Systems are protected by secret space programs beyond the reach of the Cabal.
Q tells us that Mossad media assets will be eliminated. has repeatedly stated that there will be a big Biblical scenario where they present it as World War 3 but in reality they will activate the Military worldwide and then start bombing all the This satanic place.
This will release the NESARA/GESARA funds and then we the people will begin to rebuild. This event is truly biblical.
What are some of the larger Satanic Illuminati sites in the world? Q showed us things like:
* Vatican
* Buckinghan Palace
* Whitehouse x 2 (USA, Germany)
* 3GD in China
*Cern at Swiss/French Border possibly
* Big Pharma in Wuhan = Israel
* Israel/Khazarians control CCP
* Communication etc
* 34 Satanic buildings and dams will fall
Many events will also take place such as:
* Rods of God/DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) used on Satan-targeted sites worldwide
* Planes and trains will be grounded
*Lights/Energy will be turned off briefly as they switch to Tesla free energy
* Bitcoin Server/Data Center will be hacked and shut down forever
* 99.5% of cryptocurrencies will disappear, including Chinese Coins
* ISO20022 coins backed by Precious Metals will be available
* WW3 scare event will take place
* Nuclear siren
* Water events
* The stock market collapsed
* Global martial arts rules
* CASTLE ROCK – Background Julian Assange
* Quantum system
* Odin project enabled
* Nesara / Gesara / RV
* Revealing the election through the Military Court – FISA
* Military trial
* 10 countries will run EBS for worldwide coverage
* Tremendous truths revealed
* Trump and Kennedy inaugurations
* ISRAELI MOSSAD has controlled world media out of America.
* Project Odin is part of Quantum Starlink
* The new quantum system will be protected by secret space programs beyond the reach of the Cabal
* Satanic Media assets will be removed.
* Israeli intelligence was forced to withdraw
* Media assets will be removed
* After communications are disabled, John F Kennedy Jr will appear.
To convert to Gesara/Greatness, they must play this fake World War 3 scenario to sound the sirens in each National Military Command Center. This is to justify to the entire planet many things that have taken place. The Gesara Military Law was implemented which included Secret Military Tribunals, Confessions, executions etc. As usual, all armies will be there to help build new things. We have achieved freedom, saved our children and freed the world of corrupt governments and enslavers.

Iraqi Dinar Currency Exchange 

…Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy on Telegram

  • The four scenarios of how the “currency swap”  can unfold when changing the Iraqi dinar exchange rate:
  • Scenario 1:  Once the remaining Deep State agents are completely eliminated, the Iraqi dinar exchange rate will change. (There is also a chance that GESARA will be launched before this happens.) The fall of the DS means the rise of true power to the people.
  • Scenario 2:  Currency exchange will be done through a QFS account. In this case, the change in the Iraqi dinar rate will happen shortly after the GESARA announcement. The QFS is not just a system – it is the death knell for your old, corrupt ways.
  • Scenario 3:  There are other ways to deal with the Deep State remnants besides QFS accounts. (The timing of exchange rate changes will depend on the response.) We know they are fighting, trying at every turn to maintain their control. But their time is running out.
  • Scenario 4:  First, change the exchange rate only within Iraq (the new rate will not be displayed on FOREX). Currency exchange and exchange for new notes will be for Iraqi citizens only, at first. (Until GESARA is launched, wider exchange outside the country will not be possible.) They are trying to delay us, to prevent the truth from getting out – but we know what is coming, and nothing can stop it.
  • The truth is that these plans are already underway  . DS is cornered, and every move they make leads to their downfall. Stay vigilant. The storm is here, and their control is crumbling before our eyes.
Iraqi Dinar Currency Exchange
Iraqi Dinar Currency Exchange

Update on what is happening and what is about to happen.



October, November will be challenging and disruptive.

What we haven’t seen, we’ll see.

It will be insane and fast.

On 10/1 all US ports, import and export, will be closed, as will railways and airports. No one will be going up or down. Military personnel will be deployed everywhere in the US, in major cities, where riots are expected.

If there is no import and export, there are no supplies and this will affect the food chain.

There will be many events related to water, sea, rain, rivers, dams. Many events in the sky, things we have never seen before. We will possibly have events on the moon, the sun, on Earth, in the air, in the woods, in the forests, mountains. Events of great proportions, enough to make your hair stand on end. Watch everything, it will be pretty crazy. There will be a second moon.

We will have a major solar event, a major solar flash that will affect the entire Earth. A major solar eclipse. All in these two months, plus the ports being closed.

The new American SOFR system is linked to the quantum system. This SOFR system will manage import and export taxes and will be implemented starting October 1st. That’s why the ports have stopped working because they will have to adapt to this new technology system.

Just like banks, everyone in the world will have to adapt to the new system that is based on the blockchain, on digital currencies in the quantum system.

Many crazy things will come and we need to prepare ourselves, keep the faith, because this last phase will be very disturbing and difficult. Therefore, the end is not for everyone and no one can stop what is coming.

In every corner there will be events, appearances. It is the last battle, leading to the collapse of everything. Do not get emotionally involved with the things that will appear and those who seek you, you will reach out and help. Try to be yourself.

The Event was developed within biblical prophecies. The world as we know it is dying.

It’s the fall of the matrix.



  • The clock is ticking toward a monumental shift that will reshape the world  as we know it. What appears to be the buildup to World War III is merely a front for a deeper, more sinister agenda—a global purge to dismantle the Luciferian strongholds that have ensnared humanity for centuries.
  • This is not merely another war; it is a divine intervention  designed to obliterate the shitty infrastructure that rules over us. This global cleansing will use key military targets not as armies or foreign states, but as symbols of Illuminati power—the Vatican, Buckingham Palace, the White House, and even CERN with its dark experiments.
  • The Event marks the beginning of this great turnaround,  with GESARA funds paving the way for the rebuilding of a clean world. It is about resetting the financial system, away from Rothschild-controlled banks and toward rainbow Treasury notes backed by real precious metals.
  • The destruction of 34 key sites linked to global cabal power  will be carried out using Rods of God and Directed Energy Weapons. This is not just conspiracy theory; it is strategic dismantling, as seen in recent attacks on Tesla’s Bitcoin servers and data centers.
  • The coming chaos will extend beyond a simple currency reset.  The impending stock market crash and the implementation of global martial law are not mere economic crises, but a deliberate overthrow. This will usher in a new world under emergency measures, radically different from the one we know.
  • As the market crashes, so will the old  elite-linked financial systems. The portrayed Third World War, with its nuclear sirens and mass panic, is merely a distraction from the real agenda: the establishment of a new system aligned with divine justice.
  • Military tribunals and secret courts  are already in action, executing a global purge of treason against humanity. These are not rumors; they are realities, with executions and confessions unfolding far from the public eye, unreported by the mainstream media.
  • Project Odin, part of the Quantum Starlink system, will neutralize Mossad’s control of the media,  erasing its influence and ending its ability to manipulate the truth. This will coincide with a global blackout essential for the transition to Tesla Energy — an energy system free of cabal control, signaling the end of their reign.
  • This blackout is strategic,  aimed at cutting off the cabal’s last lines of communication and disinformation. It is a necessary step to reveal the full extent of what has been hidden from public view.
  • But the transition will not be smooth.  The elites will stage a fake World War III, complete with nuclear threats, to cling to their waning power. They will claim it is for our safety, but it is their final act of desperation.
  • This is not just military training; it is preparation for the greatest military operation in history  —the final battle between good and evil. Castles will fall, royal families will be dethroned, and corrupt institutions will crumble.
  • The event we have been warned about is unfolding  . The signs are clear, marking the shift to a new era under GESARA, revealing hidden truths and empowering the people, not the elites. The storm is here, and there is no turning back.
  • Prepare for the most tumultuous period in human history.  The war for our freedom—and for the soul of humanity—is now.



🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 WEEKLY GODDESS TRANSMISSIONS 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of Week of September 29th through October 5th 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🔥


Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the week of September 29th through October 5th 2024. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a powerful Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Libra Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste

CLICK HERE to receive this special Transmission



Insider Alert! The Secret Military Operation Behind the Revaluation (RV) Aiming to Collapse the Corrupt System and Redistribute Global Wealth!

What you’re about to read is the truth they don’t want you to know. The Revaluation (RV) isn’t just a financial shift—it’s a military operation aimed at destroying the corrupt global elite and redistributing wealth. It’s happening right now, and the elites are working hard to keep it hidden.

This isn’t about currencies; this is a complete financial takeover orchestrated by military forces. Forget what you’ve heard from the mainstream media — they’re involved. This is a war to restore control of the world’s wealth to the people and wrest it from the hands of the secret societies and deep state banking cartels that have enslaved humanity for centuries.

The Military’s Silent War The military isn’t just supporting VR—it’s leading it. Every strategy has been meticulously planned in secret. For decades, the elites have manipulated markets, crashed economies, and controlled central banks. But now, the military is executing a counterattack, a move so precise that it’s impossible for the elites to stop.

Secret Military Operation Behind the Revaluation
Secret Military Operation Behind the Revaluation

The RV is a direct attack on the entire global financial system, aimed at crushing the power structures that have oppressed people for generations. Clandestine raids, secret arrests, and disappearances are happening all around us, but the media remains silent. High-profile figures are being neutralized to prevent sabotage. This is a war, and the military is leaving no stone unturned.

Black Sites and Covert Operations The operations are being conducted from underground bases, locations so secret that even some governments don’t know they exist. These black sites are where elite military units are coordinating the RV with military precision. Their mission? To protect the new financial system and eliminate threats before the elites can retaliate.

The military anticipated mercenaries, assassins and private security for the elites, but it has already neutralized these threats with covert attacks. “Accidents”, sudden illnesses and mysterious deaths in the financial world? These are no coincidences. The military is cleaning house.

Quantum Financial System: The Future The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is the next step — an impenetrable, military-grade financial system that will replace corrupt central banks. Elites are terrified, and for good reason. This new system will make hidden accounts and offshore money laundering impossible. Every transaction will be recorded on an unbreakable blockchain.

The QFS is not just about money — it’s about total control of the world’s resources. The military and top-secret intelligence agencies built this system to ensure that the global elite never regain power. The old system is crumbling, and the QFS will redistribute wealth backed by gold and real assets.

The Global Takeover This isn’t just an American operation — it’s a global military alliance. Forces from Russia, China, and other nations are working together in secret with the U.S. military. They’ve held secret meetings, agreeing to deploy the RV simultaneously around the world.

The elites are powerless to stop it. Their private armies are no match for this global military force. This is happening at such a deep level that even the United Nations is powerless to intervene.

The Final Blow The military’s ultimate goal is not just the RV—it is to impose the new order. When the RV is complete, expect mass arrests, tribunals, and the dismantling of corrupt systems. The fraudulent bankers, corporate elites, and political puppets will face justice for their crimes against humanity.

This is the final battle. The RV is just the beginning, and the military is ensuring that the elites lose control forever. We are on the brink of a new world — one where the people take control.

Brace yourself. The storm is here.


Stargate to Stargate
Stargate to Stargate


RUMORS: 10/01/2024

On Tuesday, October 1st, the global quantum financial system currency reset will be activated with at least 144 countries’ currencies backed by gold/assets and trading at a 1:1 ratio to each other, meaning NESARA/GESARA will also be activated worldwide on October 1st.


Bruce (The Big Call) –  [via WiserNow]

…we have a very strong source that is indicating that we will be notified…on Monday, which is September 30th of this month. That is, next Monday, we will receive our notifications.


27.09.24 🗣🏳️ 

Work is underway on an independent “payment and settlement circuit” in BRICS that will serve all foreign trade – President Putin

The President’s most important statements at the plenary session of the International Forum “Russian Energy Week” in Moscow:



◼️ Europe and North America are losing their position in the world economy, the main growth will come from the BRICS countries and those who want to join them

◼️ Russia’s partners are interested in switching to national currencies for settlements

◼️ Friendly countries account for 90 percent of Russian energy exports

◼️ Russia is expanding the geographical scope and range of energy cooperation, including by increasing supplies through the Siberian power grid.

◼️ Western elites are blocking undesirable countries from accessing the platforms and technologies of the fuel and energy complex because they are afraid of competition.

Europe and America are gradually losing their positions in the global economy! Putin



• We’re hearing this coming out of Iraq, that they’re going to have their smaller denominations ready to go, which are like ours in terms of, I don’t think they have one, but five — 10, 20, 50 and 100, that’s their new currency.

• This is their new currency — you know the three zero notes from Iraq we have?

• Do you know the 25,000 or 25k notes?

• I call them 10k, 5k, 1k — all these 3 zero notes were removed from Iraq

• And we’re getting good news that everything is moving the way we want it to — from a bondholder perspective.


Alliance Plan:

· Trump created a fake Biden presidency to expose globalist crimes and corruption

· The Emergency Broadcast System will bring Martial Law until fair and transparent elections can be held.



· Three Days of Darkness: Cyber ​​Attacks Planned on Everything; Blackout – Internet, Communications, Possible Power Grid Shutdown

· 10 Days of Disclosure: A Website, a Web channel broadcast eight hours a day on a loop.

· Implementation of NESARA/GESARA Debt Forgiveness

· The Military will provide necessary food for the masses

· QFS implemented

· 95% reduction in government

· Federal Reserve dead, IRS under new US Treasury

· New tax system where there is only a 14% tax on new items purchased, no tax on food or medicine, wages, etc.

· Withdrawal of Maritime Law and change to Common Law.



Military Strikes Capture Global Elites Desperate to Stop GESARA, Sent to GITMO — Medbeds Begin Global Deployment — Elite Clones Replaced with Confirmed Actors!

The Cabal has been desperately clinging to power for decades, but their time is running out, and the true patriots of this world are taking action, supported by the Quantum Financial System (QFS) and military forces under the command of the White Hats.


Unseen by most, the revolutionary Q-Phones are about to turn the world upside down. 

Brought to life by QFS and StarLink HQ, these devices transform not just communication, but the entire financial system as we know it. Integrated with GESARA apps, these phones hold the key to distributing Universal Basic Income (UBI) — ushering in a new era of freedom.


As the world teeters on the brink of collapse, the Quantum Financial System (QFS) emerges as a beacon of hope. 

These Quantum Phones aren’t just a communication device—they’re a weapon in the war against the outdated systems that enslave us. Powered by StarLink HQ and inspired by the innovation of Steve Jobs, these phones promise seamless communication and financial freedom. The future is no longer a question; it’s here.


Device-integrated Quantum Credit Cards enable instant and effortless transactions.

No more reliance on paper money. No more control by centralized financial powers. The old world is burning, and Quantum Phones will rise from the ashes, giving those ready to embrace it unprecedented financial control.


The impending “GREAT RESET” is a threat to everything we hold dear.

Clinging to traditional assets, physical currency, or broken deep state systems will leave you behind as the tide of GESARA and NESARA sweeps the globe. These laws promise not just economic equality, but global prosperity. One key? Quantum phones.


It’s not just gadgets. 

They are the foundation of the new GESARA financial era. No more slavery to the financial structures on the ruins of the elites. We are at the forefront of a global transformation, and Quantum Phones will be a tool that will liberate us all.


As the old guard struggles to maintain its power , we, the desperate, invite you to seize this opportunity.

The choice is clear: remain trapped in your dying systems or embrace Quantum Phones and join the revolution.



The time to act is now — future generations will remember this moment.


The Quantum Phone is more than a tool. 

It is a bridge to a just and equitable world, where the Quantum Financial System replaces the corrupt. It is a lifeline in this battle for freedom. Fall behind and you will fall with the old world. Move forward and you will be part of the greatest triumph in history.


Get ready. 

A storm is here. Embrace Quantum Phones, embrace GESARA, and join the movement that will shape the world for the better.


They have attacked Trump through phony impeachments, media campaigns, and assassination attempts because he stands in the way of their plan. Trump holds the key to the greatest financial reset in history — GESARA.

GESARA is the global solution that will destroy the corrupt banking systems that enslave us. Trump knows this, and that’s why the Deep State is panicking. They don’t want the public to know about this game-changing financial reset. But guess what? It’s already happening. Russia, China, and the BRICS nations are moving toward a new financial system that will destroy the US dollar and its dominance in global trade.


As the Global Economic Security and Reform Act (GESARA) moves closer to becoming a reality , the promise of the largest wealth transfer in history is setting the stage for a transformation unlike any other. A global metamorphosis is on the horizon, fueled by sophisticated strategies and bold maneuvers.

Trump’s pivotal role in GESARA implementation: Donald Trump, leveraging his post-presidential influence, is at the forefront of this global movement. His role transcends national politics — he is positioning himself as a key figure in restoring economic power to the people.



Recent engagements with leaders of nations including the United Kingdom, Japan and Saudi Arabia point to a deeper agenda: aligning global powers with GESARA principles. While disguised as trade negotiations, these talks are intended to secure international cooperation to redistribute wealth.


Just before next week, realize that Gesara/Nesara 

It will NOT happen under false rulers!! Something very strange is supposed to happen in the next few days, which I welcome by the way. But Mr. Pool often gets lost!

I found a calendar that shows that Congress has an empty agenda for the month of October.

Sometimes you have to be able to create a lot of enigmas when it comes to information, the globalists have also messed with the calendars and winter was not designed to save energy.

Sounds good, but I think there’s something more going on. We’ll see… There comes a time when you become suspicious of everything, right? Conspiracies everywhere! 🤣😂🧐!



We are in the last 48 to 72 hours. 

It’s at the bank level. There’s no more waiting for Iraq, the IMF or the UST because it’s done. They’ve given the green light to the banks.

NESARA to destroy US Inc.

GESARA to destroy the corrupt banking system

StarLink Satellites to Destroy Corrupt Mainstream Media

Medical beds will destroy Big Pharma and corrupt health authorities

Global Military Alliance and Military Law to Destroy International Children Sx T**g

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