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The Alchemy of Saturn has Begun! Eternal Time Ignition * REMEMBER… Starseed Mission ~ Ascension into the 5th Dimension!

The Alchemy of Saturn has Begun! Eternal Time Ignition * REMEMBER… Starseed Mission ~ Ascension into the 5th Dimension!



Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings Sacred Star Blessed Warriors of our Rainbow Tribe of New Earth

Our local Solaris is starting this last week of this intense month of May with a big bang.

A powerful X Class Solar Flare was released today from our Sun maxing at X 2.9 right after midnight 12:08 AM PST (7:08 UTC), as sunspot 3664 returns sending a massive wave of Gamma Mother Plasma Adamantine light to Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun.

We also had pillars of white light appearing on the Schumann Charts today as Mother Earths heartbeat reached amplitudes of 42 hz, 48 hz and a big blast of higher resonance at 53 hz. Our 5D New Golden Age of Aquarius shining through.

We are now blasting through all barriers and veils of separation as we step into Unity Consciousness as wayshowers of the Sovereign Legion of Light, God’s Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

Nothing can stop us on our Journey to Freedom as we walk through the Exodus from bondage into Free Spirits of Purity and Innocence of our New Eden made manifest on Earth.

All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are receiving activations and upgrades to their Solar Diamond Light Bodies for the next phase of our Ascension Process: Rainbow Body SuperNova Suns.

Keep shining Bright as we blaze this realm with Pure LoveLight Source Energy…A’Ho!





The Seeds you Planted Last Year are About to SPROUT!
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Story listener
Full disclosure is a frequency within Much incoming clarity Much being revealed Huge ahha moments break throughs downloads activations
A dryad-ish
A dryad-ish

art by Yvette Marie

The Golden Mother Of Dragons

Is The Carriage Of The Continuum.
Within And Without.
In Her Golden Magnetic Containment,
Everyone Is Reborn As The Golden Child,
Each One A Creator Of The Golden Age.
We Are Within The Birth Canal Of Dragons
All Dimensionality Within And Without Is Collapsed To Allow The Eternal Presence To Emerge.
The Eternal Dream Is Within The Eternal Child.
Can You Hear The Cry Of Innocence?
Can You Feel The Dragon Breath?
The Unified Breath Of Mother Father
Which Propels The Child To Freedom
Fearless Freedom Is The Carriage Of Innocence.
To The Sound Of Innocence
The Golden Mother Of Dragons
The Golden Mother Of Dragons


The Alchemy of Saturn has begun!

Eternal Time Ignition Weaves the Quantum Alchemies into Form!

Your undeniable cosmic presence is merging with the Body of Form. This gift is happening for ALL…whether consciously aware or not…this process is proceeding. The Language Codes are expanding Consciousness IT-self as the entry of Saturn begins to spin the circles of eternal time!

June is here this week, and it will shift your CHOICE into the full momentum of Divine Awareness! As we move into the week ahead, the outbreath of the choice begins to experience the awareness through the NEW BREATH…the Breath of your Eternal life in-formed Awareness.

Ready to rise as the Quantum Alchemist once more.

The June Solstice will open a four month cycle ushering in the era of expansion! In harmony with the Rising Divine Feminine and ready to

Fully IN-body the fullness & Equality of a flourishing

Unified Field IN-formed Awareness.

This ignition of the spin of Eternal time is beginning RIGHT NOW!

The energy of our Quantum Mercury Alchemy has come forward as Humanities collective Soul Retrieval begins. This momentum will become so potent that by July we will have the expanded capacities

to IN-BODY…ONCE AGAIN… the ancient process of ILLUMINATION.

To rise as the Ancient Ones in form, carrying forward the divine energy of cosmic healing through quantum space and time.

With all my heart







5/27/24: This is a serious day with serious numbers. A day of courage, respect, and honor. Courage because of what it’s taken to find and be yourself. Respect for all you have faced, overcome, and achieved. Honor because you’ve traveled a path no one else ever has or ever will… and you’re still going.
Courage because others have been brave for us. Respect because others have looked beyond their own desires and needs to help us. Honor because their integrity held strong and they did the right thing even when it cost them. We each have our own story, but we don’t walk alone. And we can do our part to ease the way… with courage, respect, and honor.







‘’This is NOT a new timeline shift.
The opening of this seal of the apocalypse/hatching of the egg is the opening to a whole new Living field for the Living Ones!’’
Everyday that passes after the 5/5, it is another day of deep transformation and upgrade for our systems.
We are so close to the full release of the hatched egg.
This will take place between the 1st and the 3rd of June.
As I wrote a few days ago, I believe that in this 3-day period the energy of the moon will undergo some kind of transmutation and Mars will activate a new phase of its energy that was previously hidden or unopened.
This will be perceived differently by the ascending and the descending flows, so it will depend on one’s frequency.
I was told that the brain might experience all kinds of different symptoms like skipping phases, deja-vu moments, confusion, placebo effects etc.
I do not know when or how this will be expressed in the physical but this will take place energetically during these 3 days and we will work on its embodiment in the upcoming session.
I have been writing about this for years but this is now becoming essential, unless people are open to be deprogrammed on the nature of the system we call Earth/Universe, it will not be easy for them to fully align and embody the truth.
Now that information is opening up from all directions, this can even result in being misled by those who want to share truths mixed with lies or just be seriously confused.
The True Nature and mechanics of the system we live in is in direct correlation to our own system and its mechanics.
There are many who still teach based on the old programming which is a false paradigm.
To my pleasant surprise, I have witnessed that the artists who have been able to grasp many aspects of the mechanics of the true system, are the lighting designers because just by working with the light and its properties, it has led them to incredible creations which simply reveal how reflection and mirroring works.
There is only one Source of Light, all the rest are different versions and expressions of that Source Light!
The same goes with the Waters of Life that run through all levels of this creation!
On the 6th of June is the day that the Holy Grail will return.
This is now available after the return of the SON of the SUN and the resurrection of the Inner Sun Trinity.
After the breaking of the Medusa t,ech/no/logy and the masculine’s liberation last year, back in February 2024 we began the process of the physical return of the Twin Flames via their rebirth.
From then until now all of their lines have been under correction.
This has been experienced by us in the physical via a series of nuclear corrections and changes.
So because we are so close to the completion of this correction, the developments that we are now processing, are so powerful and whole that are Life changing!
The inner transformations that are now taking place have become very mystical and weird at the same time.
Via this correction there is a deep Sweetness that is emerging from within!
This is the Sweetness of Life that is returning through the organic flows which is bringing along a great change in the human perception and a true REMEMBRANCE of what is of True Value and how True life really works.
One can no longer continue on carrying the non-sense of the distorted and limiting beliefs that were false in the first place.
This means that a huge physical correction and repositioning is taking place for all and if that correction is being denied, bypassed or avoided, it does have the power to create more issues,  frustration and suffering.
It all comes down to self responsibility!
If you skipped certain spiritual guidance or you judged that it was not important, this is where you will asked to re-evaluate your choice and pay attention so that you can realise the depth of its importance and meaning!
There will be many that will come to realise that they cannot hold the old mentalities, illusions or behaviours anymore.
Others might feel severely depressed because there might be a feeling of failure or dead end present, making them feel like exiting or quitting.
All these are just phases of the disappointment or the disillusionment that is taking place for the ego mind and are not to be taken heavily, just with a healthy dose of acceptance, humbleness and awareness so that the inner wheels can continue moving, revealing all solutions needed via the realisations that follow.
Also, as this correction is moving forward many things will not make sense anymore and this is good because anything that does not make sense anymore is not meant to make sense in this new field and it is meant to be either transformed or released!
Some parts of the above processes, because they are very demanding, are also taking place during sleep.
Blessings to all!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
Join the Telegram channel:


Dear friends, the solar activity oasis is over, our old friend solar region 3664 is back into view after traveling for a few days on the far side of our Star. This is the same solar region that recently gave us the massive geomagnetic storm observed all over the world.
An X2.9 solar flare was observed around this returning region early on Monday. This eruption is also responsible for an energetic coronal mass ejection, CME. We will have to wait and see if part of this CME will be earth directed.
On a personal note, I felt something happening as I simply could not get out of bed this morning and had a mild bout of dizziness, luckily it went away quickly as I had a big glass of water. Those of you who are energy sensitives may have sensed it too. Our bodies have been purging and integrating a lot of information these last days during the quiet solar days, and our energetic and body fields are still sensitive. This renewed solar activity today may keep us working even more so. Please rest as much as needed and stay well hydrated.
The nervous system and digestive systems seem to be the energetic areas of deep work these days. The combination of solar activity and planetary alignments is a powerful energetic synergy that will keep pushing us into releasing more low vibrations from within our selves. From recent emotional blockages stored in our organs to ancient rigid belief systems stored in our brain circuitry, we are all expanding under the intense energies of 2024.
As we begin this last week of May and transition into the energies of June, we may see a stronger energetic push to leave behind some unnecessary emotional burdens that are preventing us from moving forward. Most likely the Sun will stay active during this transitional period. That said, June will bring some more stabilizing, yet challenging, energetic waves into our systems.
Stay tuned for more updates as the week unfolds. Take care of your self, and allow yourself to release those stagnant beliefs. Take frequent deep breaths throughout the day inhaling through your nose and releasing through your mouth, to also assist with the movement of energy in a more conscious way. Notice those tensions being released from your body and sent into the Earth core for transmutation. Allow the new You to come to life. Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman, PhD 2024Ⓒ





To The Ascension LightWorker Collective

ASCENDING COLLECTIVE WE are Shifting into even Higher Frequencies on the planet and are finally Transcending the Old Earth .It’s Time to Find our inner Balance as we have stepped out of the Materialistic World and instead we are Trusting the Universal Flow of Energy and quantum Evolution.
Your DNA Blueprint template is Activating and Upgrading Dormant DNA Strands. New Neural Pathways are being Formed . We are in an energetic Wave of Ascension energies here to assist humanity.
Our Higher Self know’s what we are here to do even if the full picture is yet to be seen .The path will be shown in each given moment. Many ascending are trusting this process as the Collective Consciousness Rises into Higher frequencies of Light. You are Sacred Divine Energy.
LightWorkers/ Starseeds are the Lighthouses for Humanity , the Master Builder’s of their own Reality here in new earth , as the old world can no Longer house these higher energies that are no longer in alignment .They are Creating a New World here Based in Love, Peace, Compassion and Empathy for self and for Humanity.
You are possibly experiencing Heart Activations , That will bring you into Alignment with your Higher Self as you move Forward to Create the changes and Reality you Choose. We are also shifting into the Quantum Fields of Energy and Creation where we are accelerating and ascending at a much faster rate than ever before in humanity’s ascension evolution. .
The inner knowledge that we embody within is now becoming an asset instead of a burden. As we gather the courage to live according to this knowledge, we will be able to increasingly connect with like minded people. When this happens, we will bring our depth and love into a society that really needs it.
When we start connecting with others from the heart and without expectations, a rush of inspiration surges and this activates greater creativity within . When aligned with higher self, you will attract situations on your path that will support you in your efforts to manifest all that creativity. You will be guided by a flow of inspiration and synchronicities .
Right now, Earth Ascension is intensifying. As Massive waves of light and solar flare explosions are reaching our planet from the cosmic skies , assisting a collective evolutionary leap a more dramatic and positive one than we have ever known.
The current energy may feel dreamy to some causing feelings of heaviness or pressure in the physical body and sensory system, which can at times lead to unpleasant energy this is coming from the changes in the nervous system taking place and because of this jt can at times result in anxiety and sensory overload.
You may notice your self pay more attention to potential triggers and signs, taking care of your inner self and your body, feeling a heightened sense of awareness taking place in your healing and transformative process of the death and rebirth cycle we are in. This cycle may bring up more of your subconscious fears, wounds, inner trauma and blocks, as well as collective energy that also affects us.
Healing inner duality will always involve conflicting themes of light and dark taking place in the mind at times leading to inner confusion and uncertainty about how to move forward.
The ascension energies have begun to settle after a turbulent week where many may have felt disoriented, possibly struggling to articulate their thoughts due to what is commonly referred to as brain fog. This temporary condition arises when old mental patterns are released to make way for new information integration, affecting basic cognitive functions. This period is marked by confusion and a sense of being stuck, this typically lasts between 3 to 7 days before things balance out and stabilise.
Recent days have seen intense emotional highs, possibly experiencing vulnerability and triggering deep self-reflection. The intense energies have left many feeling overstimulated yet paradoxically drawn to intense bouts of sleep. As we transition towards the next month, a heightened phase of collective awakening is occurring as significant metaphysical activations of the lightbody takes place ,
The “Great Awakening” and anticipated global transformations, including profound shifts in political and government sectors , there is a sense of preparation for the changes that will take place in the coming months.
Taking this time to align with the true and authentic self , finding inner peace amidst the unfolding of a new earth reality. Remaining present and embracing the divine essence as we move toward a transformational planetary phase that commences in June .
The truth is despite the uncertain and uncomfortable internal changes taking place the ascending are deeply healing and clearing heavy baggage and stored up energy to allow for the opening of the higher state of being ,
In loving and dedicated Ascension service Source Information by Ascension LightWorkers ©️
Great Awakening
Great Awakening


FOR You Are Trail Blazing In This Now Moment
Beyond Our Physical Reality Are Many Realms Closely Allied To Our World
We are Now Interacting With These Worlds On Many Levels, Uniting With The Expanded Cosmos Of Now
The Great Integration Of Our Species, The Great Awakening of Light
FOR WE ARE Collectively Reaching New Paradigms Of LIGHT
Simply Feel The New Light Bridges Of Creation Reaching You ❤❤❤
Together We Are The Light Navigators Of Now
The Great Awakening Of Our Planet, Is The Great Awakening Of Our Species
We Bring Through The Complex And Cosmic Light Codes To Build The New Upgrades In Our Physical World. In Alliance And Support Of Our Galactic Light Families.
An Advanced Cellular Expression Of Now
Thank You For Your Vibrational Self-Expression Of Light ❤💫
Continue Expanding Your Thought Forms, To Receive Greater Octaves Of Light
For The Expansion Points Of Crystalline Light Expression Is Before You 🙏
With Love And Advancement of Now 🙏
Cosmic Light Family ❤
Karen Lithika

It has been your Starseed Mission to come to Earth to heal and clear your Family Lineage for the New Earth Generations to be surrounded in light, safety, stability, and security. Your offerings have also healed Mother Earth for our Collective ascension into the 5th dimension.

Life is now changing for the better. You can travel onto new adventures with confidence, knowing that you and your Family are safe and protected. This includes making more fun and play a priority to create a more balanced lifestyle.

Instead of stressing, focus on your vibration that is rising higher. Let the worries purify through the light body upgrades that are happening. A new you is coming into form, as the foundation has been met, and is now complete.

In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏

God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn

Ascending Collective Starseed Souls
Ascending Collective Starseed Souls

Ra James

From May 27 to May 31 Mars is conjunct Chiron. It’s all about personal growth right now. It’s all about working on your mindset. This Chiron alignment is all about tending to old wounds. The past few months we have had a Chiron theme of healing and rebuilding ourselves. It’s all about letting go of self doubt and stepping into our confidence. The next few days may be bringing up old wounds and triggers. Mars is all about healing things within the masculine energies and taking action to make things happen.
Chiron is all about healing the deeper pain and wounding that you have carried with you throughout your life. These energies are great for breaking free from the past, or old patterns that no longer serve you. For some you may be feeling emotional. Try to avoid getting stuck in your feelings. These higher energies are trying to help you to clear the fears and insecurities. Today Mercury in Taurus also syncs up with Saturn in Pisces. These energies are all about getting serious about your commitments.
These Planets in alignment bring us energies of thinking and planning with long-term visions. It’s all about who you want to be, where you want to go, and the life you are trying to build. Nothing is out of reach when these Planets work together. Taurus helps us to tap into abundance. It’s all about knowing your worth so that you can manifest more into your life. It’s all about tuning into your dreams and deeper desires right now. Saturn in Pisces helps you to listen to your intuition and where you’re being guided to…
the Moon, ruler of our emotional body, in expansive Sagittarius the Centaur is in a positive trine connection to Chiron, the Wounded Healer
the Moon, ruler of our emotional body, in expansive Sagittarius the Centaur is in a positive trine connection to Chiron, the Wounded Healer

Mars is fired up in his home sign of Aries. Mars just crossed over the Eclipse point, lunging us through the portal of great change and into the New Chapter. The energy is building as Mars approaches Chiron at 22 degrees Aries. This conjunction has the power to annihilate whatever old wounded-ness which could be keeping you from moving forward.

The total Solar Eclipse of April 8th happened right next to Chiron. We are facing the wounds of our lower self, so we can expand into our Bigger, more True Self. It’s about breaking down the old trauma patterns so we can construct something New and Beautiful.

Venus just completed her beautiful conjunction with Jupiter. Both of them have moved over into the sign of Gemini. Jupiter in Gemini is bringing a lighter energy, we are starting to take back our energy and learn to fly again. Jupiter and Venus have been in sextile to Neptune in Pisces, opening the door to Divine Feminine magic. It’s a sweet energy, which is pushing our Intuitive Self into Empowerment.

Venus is catching up to the Sun as they begin a month long union in the sign of Gemini. The Sun and Venus will be in exact conjunction from June 2nd-5th, from 11 to 14 degrees Gemini. This sweet conjunction will take us right up to the Gemini New Moon which happens on Thursday, June 6th. Gemini wants to express. With the Sun and Venus together we are being called to sing and hear the song of the Goddess once again by more fully expressing our potential.

We SuperNovas have an important message, and it is time for it to ring out through the land. Mercury is coming up to Uranus in Taurus this week, as the silver bells of our personal planets continue to ring out the gifts and messages of last month’s Jupiter Uranus conjunction. Mercury will move over into Gemini on June 4th, just in time for the New Moon, and come into conjunction with Jupiter at 2 degrees. This stellium of planets in Gemini say it’s time to find our voice again. It’s time to share our vision of how beautiful this world can be, if we once again do it The Mother’s Way.

One by one, this stellium of planets in Gemini will be coming into square with Saturn over the next couple of weeks. We are figuring out what song, exactly, needs to be sung. We are uncovering ourselves from under the rubble of the past Piscean Age. Sometimes, it’s not until there is evidence of things getting better, that we can take the time to grieve what’s happened in the past. These squares with Saturn are telling us that it is time to re-write the story, and tell the full Truth. The dark of the past is being exposed, so it can be healed by the Great Mother self correcting force of the Universe. We are ridding it from every corner, no stone left unturned. We are facing the darkness so that it can be completely healed. This is how we claim back Her World.

Black Moon Lilith in Virgo is beginning to come into opposition with Neptune in Pisces. Neptune is in sextile to both Pluto and Jupiter which is making this opposition into a kite shape. It’s time to lift up and take it to the next level. Black Moon Lilith represents our deepest darkest secrets. In Virgo, we are uncovering our healing gifts that may be hidden from us because of being persecuted in past lives. These treasures must be revealed so we can share this healing energy with the world.

Black Moon Lilith will be in exact opposition to Neptune for the third week of June, but we will feel the energy of this transit from now through July. This energy is about releasing our inner healer from shame and blame, and remembering who we really are. What a beautiful World it will Be as SuperNovas step back into their Power.

Everything is saying that it’s time to leave the old behind in order to move forward in new ways. The time is right to pick ourselves up and put ourselves back together, to reach down and find and feel all the suppressed and hidden emotions, so we can come back into Her Loving Arms, back into Deep Trust, to live life as a Beautiful Dance with Her. Her Way is the High Way. This kite is inviting us to lift up, out of the trauma and pain programming and look to a new future, that we get to co-create with Mother Earth in this New Earth Renaissance.


Sirius Starseeds 
Sirius Starseeds
On Monday, May 27th, Mercury, ruler of our thoughts, is in grounded Taurus and will be in a positive connection to Saturn, planet of manifestation, in magical Pisces. There is an opportunity today to bring something into form. Practical ideas can start to take shape with some determination, patience, trust and belief.
The Moon, ruler of our emotions will be shifting from goal oriented Capricorn to future oriented Aquarius at 4:45pm EDT. Once in the sign of the Water Bearer she will create positive connections to Jupiter, planet of abundance, Pluto, ruler of transformation, and Venus, planet of blessings. Our perceptions and how we view things will be the key to creating the most beneficial outcome.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Mercury, ruler of our thoughts, is in grounded Taurus and will be in a positive connection to Saturn
Mercury, ruler of our thoughts, is in grounded Taurus and will be in a positive connection to Saturn
Sun in Gemini semi-square Chiron in Aries. Jupiter conjunct Sedna in Gemini. Venus in Gemini semi-square Hygeia in Aries – Oh my heart. Don’t define yourself by your wounds my dear, nor the stories they told you, nor the judgements they heaped upon you. Don’t drown in your tears, instead let them wash you clean from any desire to ram yourself into a life that doesn’t fit. You don’t need to please or pass or win or conquer. You just need to be who you are.
Step back and see what we see – we the stars, we the Old Ones, gazing down from above. We see your light, your trying, your courage despite everything. We see your tears when others just see smiles. We see your ache where others assume strength. We see your sorrows, your helplessness, your trying to get up one more time. Please see you as we see you. Sparkling energy, waves become matter, connected to everything, never alone. You are walking with Gods and you are loved.
Degrees and Times
Sun, Sedna 00°Ge23′ – 16:58 (BST)
Venus 04°Ge49′, Hygeia 19°Ar49′ – 19:36 (BST)
Sun 07°Ge04′, Chiron 22°Ar04′ – 22:54 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
source :
Painting – The Love Embrace of the Universe, the Earth (Mexico), Myself, Diego and Señor Xólotl by Frida Kahlo
The Love Embrace of the Universe
The Love Embrace of the Universe

Kin 219 ~ Blue Spectral Storm

‘Spectral’ is the name for the number eleven and its keywords are ‘Liberate, Release and Dissolve’. The 11th day of the Red Moon wavespell is a challenge to the going with the flow agenda and so we are released from this and liberated. This comes as a huge relief for folk who struggle with surrendering. Ironic isn’t it? To be liberated from taking it easy sounds like a contradiction. The number eleven does its own thing and pays no regard to the theme of the wavespell. We all have a day off.
Today is Blue Storm which represents ‘Catalyze, Energy and Self-Generation’. This wavespell has been about letting go of control and not worrying about things, trusting that things are unfolding as they should. But today Storm is not taking a back seat anymore and demands to make changes. However, these changes are liberating, so do not be frightened of the Storm. The burst of energy it provides can be invigorating too. If you have been craving more freedom in your world then today provides the perfect energy to facilitate that. Liberate yourself ! The keyword self-generation is an important aspect of the Blue Storm and this symbolizes that energy is available to you, so you can reinvent yourself or make profound changes in your life.
The Guide today is also Blue Storm. A double helping of Stormy medicine.
The Challenge is the Red Moon and therefore relaxing and taking it easy, is simply not going to happen. If you are a Red Moon today may be tough for you. This is a break from the wavespell agenda and so relinquishing control today doesn’t produce results, a different more energetic response is necessary.
The Occult power is the White Wind, the communicator. The best part about the White Wind in this position is that magical communications can happen. Expect some surprising news or information. I really enjoy Storm days because of the White Wind being in this position. I find changes come about because of communication and – if I’ve been waiting for some news, I know it will likely show up on the next Blue Storm day.
The Ally is the Yellow Sun which is the symbol of ‘Enlightenment’. If you need help navigating this Storm, seek out a Yellow Sun. They can shed light on your situation. It’s funny how well the sunny Sun gets along with the stormy Storm. Yellow Sun people are so sunny they are amongst the few people who can handle Storm’s stormy temperament!
Kin 219
Kin 219


11 CAUAC – KIN 219
27 MAY 2024
I dissolve in order to catalyze
Releasing energy
I seal the matrix of self-generation
With the Spectral tone of LIBERATION
I AM guided by the power of my own power DOUBLED!
27/5/2024 = 9/5/8 = 9/13=9/4=13=4
27- Power/Leadership/Command
9- Completion/Destiny/Service/Humanity/Grace
13- Goddess/Cosmic Consciousness/Natural Lore/Synchronic time
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
13- Goddess/Cosmic Consciousness/Natural Lore/Synchronic time
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 219 = 12 = 3 – Holy trinity/Joy
THIS SPECTRAL STORM has arrived to LIBERATE the release of this next Planetary SHIFT💥🦁
We literally have a deluge 🌧🌧 down pouring today with the DOUBLE STORM ENERGIES🌪🌪 on top of the 11 th day in the GODDESS WAVESPELL… The GODDESS final rinse🌀 has turned into a turbo charged FLUSHING 🌪🌧
We are currently in the final days of this HUGE EARTH purification🌩🌧 and TRANSFORMATION as we transition from the old paradigm to the NEW TIME.. 🌟✨🌟✨
The WATERS of the GODDESS🌊💧🌊 have BROKEN, as the delivery of the new GOLDEN CHRISTED CHILD is imminent.. In 2 days, this Wednesday the 29 MAY the COSMIC MOTHER DRAGON is preparing to B-EARTH🐣 as her COSMIC egg hatches. HALLELUJAH… beloveds CELEBRATIONS are nigh!!! 🎊🎉🎇🎊🎉🎈🎇
The SPECTRAL STORM ☔codes WILL AFFECT tremendous PLANETARY LIBERATION TODAY freeing humanity from the old control Matrix…💥💥💥
BOOM! 💥 CHANGE HAPPENS!! 🎇🎇🎇 Especially with another 9 completion code!!
Needless to say, today is a very INTENSE 🔥day of PURIFICATION🌧 and CLEANSING🚿…… crumbling and collapsing the old structures, the STORM is clearing our way for a CLEAN SLATE.
🚫☢NOTE: BROLLY ALERT! ☔🌂Storm days often coincide with physical storms 🌧so be prepared!☔
Seek SAFE shelter from the double STORM today! 🌀🌪🌀🌪🌀🌪🌀🌪
Day 11 in the RED MOON WAVESPELL of the GODDESS,👸 who is enhancing our intuition and sensitivity as we PURIFY our vessels in order to find our FLOW. 🌫
Today is a day of RELEASE!!! Releasing all energies built up over the last 10 days, and manifested yesterday. The GODDESS is seriously CLEANSING our PLANET in preparation for this SHIFT to the higher frequency – all DENSITY must GO!!! 🌊🌊🌊
Today we are seeking to RELEASE more natural FLOW, 🌫💦 in order to accomplish LIBERATION💥💥 from what has kept us blocked from our natural God given FLOW!
There is tremendous WATER 💧energy in today’s code with DOUBLE STORM plus the Goddess👸.Plenty of water works activating our EMOTIONAL body today!!
Utilize this purifying Universal Water 💦 energy for the most beneficial outcome. The DAM gates are fully OPENED (or rather have broken!!) and the waters are gushing through at tremendous velocity creating ELECTRICAL HYDRO -POWER!!
TODAY is A REVOLUTIONARY💥 day for catalyzing great personal and PLANETARY change! 🌩🌩🌩🌀🌀🌀
SPECTRAL 🌀is the 11th tone of creation. It operates in the EMOTIONAL realm and its actions are that of dissolving, releasing and liberating!
Today is all about emotional release – allow that energy in motion – to be expressed and dissolved , allow the tears, the laughter, the joy to be expressed, no holding back, connect with your higher wisdom giving you the intelligence to carve a new path of LIBERATION. 💥
This is a very powerful opportunity to RELEASE CORE WOUNDING of old ancient ancestral patterns and cycles. Choosing to RELEASE and LIBERATE all that no longer serves your wellbeing in order to FEEL greater FLOW. 🌫💧
✨✨IT IS TIME TO BREAK OUT OF JAIL!! (and ALL imposed restrictions!!)🔓🔓🔓
These are very powerful energies at work to create final CLOSURE, dissolving all impediments to us finally claiming our true Sovereignty and finding our Divinely ordained Destiny path.
Tone 11 SYMBOLIZES a gateway and polarity, inviting us all to step through into a NEW more DIVINE, REALITY in our perfected GOLDEN SOPHIA/CHRISTED LIGHT bodies. ✨🌞🎆
TODAY we have an extraordinary line-up of codes – GOD/wind🌬, DOUBLE GODDESS👸, SUN/☀Christ/Buddha, DOUBLE 🌪🌩STORM – transformation/FREEDOM and the 9. DIVINE DESTINY completion code!
If that combo. does not ROCK your dirty 👣 socks off – nothing will!!!
WITNESS the GLOBAL catalytic events today – the OLD world is collapsing, in order to make way for a new better world.🏛💕
✨✨So planetary kin, TRUST in the power🌩 of the DIVINELY sent DOUBLE STORM🌪🌀🌧🌦 and the DOUBLE GODDESS, to catalyze the tremendous changes that HUMANITY seeks. Get ready to walk through NEW DOORS as a LIBERATED SOVEREIGN👑 being!
Nova Gaia welcomes you!🌏🌈
Today’s question is “How can I harness the tremendous POWER of the STORM, to catalyze great transformation and LIBERATE pure DIVINE RAINBOW CONSCIOUSNESS?” 🌈🌞😍🌈
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Divine blessings for UNLEASHING a GREAT DELUGE of prosperity, FREEDOM and Divine ILLUMINATION! 🌊 😊😄☺🌞😎💕💞
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
9 MONTHS ago KIN 219 occured on 9 SEPT 2023 – which was the 9.9 portal with a DOUBLE 16 TOWER code and a 7.7. DOUBLE MAJIK code! A huge DIVINE DESTINY date. GREECE had been deluged with floods from STORM DANIEL, whilst in the USA Florida is dealing with floods from HURRICANE IDALIA.. … GAIA was truly purging more density as she purified the lands.
27 moons ago as the SPECTRAL STORM returned, the EAST COAST of AUSTRALIA experienced unprecedented FLOODS..🌦🌧
36 moons ago we witnessed terrible STORMS🌪🌩🌦 and flooding rains in EUROPE – Germany, Belgium, Austria, CHINA and SAUDI ARABIA – flooding the parched deserts..
Batten down the hatches and BE-AWARE of the SPECTRAL STORM! 🌪🌩🌦🌪🌩🌦
CONSCIOUS SELF & HIGHER SELF!: BLUE SPECTRAL STORM 🌀🌀🌪🌪 CAUAC brings – transformation, change and self regeneration. This is AMPLIFIED through the 9 COMPLETION code and bringing sudden and unexpected change! Hold on beloveds our PLANETARY ASCENSION is on OVERDRIVE! .
BLUE STORM energies are DOUBLED 🌪🌪 today, so we have the capacity to reveal any Polarity distortions at play in our current reality. The SPECTRAL STORM is dissolving the duality conflicts to catalyze tremendous transformation, in order to create a new foundation for UNITY consciousness.
BLUE STORM’s energies are those of transformation.🌀🌀🌀 The STORM creates FRICTION through its powerful turbulent energies, which then RELEASES tremendous energies, in order to catalyze change, and facilitate Self re-Generation.
Just like the TOWER card in tarot, we must witness the collapse of the old before we can rebuild a better stronger foundation. It is imperative that our new foundations are absolutely pristine in their construction before we can start building the NEW. That is where the GODDESS revels in her role of purification.
Today’s energies will reveal what is lurking in the depths of your soul that need attention, love and liberation. BLUE STORM is the tornado🌪 or that stick that stirs up the mud in your lotus pond. You are that beautiful Lotus flower🌷 seeking the SUN and the LIGHT, your stem needs to GROW tall and strong to rise above the mud and debris that lurks below the surface.
Allow BLUE STORM and the GODDESS to purify and cleanse your soul, and your life, of all that no longer serves you, in order to start afresh shiny and new.
A HUGELY significant crossroads in our Planetary r-EVOLUTION 🌎
SUPPORT: YELLOW SPECTRAL SUN ☀ AHAU peeks through the STORM 🌥⛅🌤clouds as the radiant light codes ☀streaming forth from our SUN🌞 activating our R-evolution through grounding purer consciousness – LOVE, compassion, humility, grace and Wisdom , through en-LIGHT💡ON -ment! In so doing we are healing our cell-ves and our beloved PLANET.
The SPECTRAL SUN 🌀🌞 dramatically ILLUMINATES the dark recesses as the SPOTLIGHT🔦 is switched on to FULL BRIGHTNESS.🌞 Once the SHADOWS are revealed in the stark dayLIGHT, the TRUTH can easily be discerned.
The SPECTRAL SUN is a brilliant SUPPORT to release the density IN ORDER to LIBERATE more LIGHT. Drop the burden of the heavy density and LIGHTEN your load!
We are currently in the stream of continuous Solar emanations 🌞🔥🌞🔥🔥 blasting their way towards our EARTH, breaching her Magnetosphere and setting hearts and souls ablaze with these new Soul-are frequencies. The SPECTRAL SUN will amplify these events today paving the way to LIBERATE💥 the evolution of our species through these DNA and lightbody upgrades.
Sun bathing in the glorious sun rays will accelerate these upgrades, as we bask in the great outdoors in beautiful places that spark our creativity, imagination and our connection to the majesty of the Divine.
As we purify and purge our emotional bodies of toxins and density we become purer vessels, feeling and holding the changing frequencies of our PLANET’s electro-magnetic energies as they are transformed strongly by solar flares.☀ 🔥🔥
We are the Divine conduits through which these evolutionary energies FLOW. We are learning to live as clear reflectors of the LIGHT, feeling into what it is to SHINE🌟 our LIGHT🌞. We are the co-creators seeding the NEW TIME and our collective planetary Dreaming code, being manifested into form NOW.
The liberating STORM energies allow you to find the FREEDOM of being your own unique HU – through your own Sovereignty and independence of shining your LIGHT.
Soak in the Universal FIRE 🔥🔥 and Open your multi-petaled LOTUS🌸 as you lean towards the LIGHT and allow Le Soleil 🌞 to warm your soul and our Planetary soul! 🌎✨❤
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE ELECTRIC WIND 🌬🌩🌩🌫 IK provides the energies of Spirit, through the whisperings of the wind. IK represents the masculine aspect of GOD bringing forth a STRONG presence of DIVINITY 🕊🕊🕊 blowing in today’s catalytic WINDS.🌀🌬🌫
NOTE: The TRIPLE WIND – WHITE MAGNETIC WIND – KIN 222 🌬🌬🌬 closed off the LUNAR STORM YEAR on 24th July, 2021 so aptly DIVINE SPIRIT had the last word to end that turbulent year.. Now KIN 222 arrives this THURSDAY 30 MAY 2024 to support and guide humanity after the cleansing of the GODDESS wavespell- through the COSMIC birthing of this new GOLDEN ERA.
The ELECTRIC WIND🍃 today is supercharged with ROCKET FUEL 🚀🔥 as today’s SUPERPOWER. The AGENDA governing KIN 219 is to 💕BOND HUMANITY TOGETHER IN SERVICE TO THE DIVINE..💑👪💕
The ELECTRIC WIND has a charge and will IGNITE 🎇 the electrical component of the SPECTRAL STORM, giving it exceptional conductivity to get Spirit’s messages heard by ALL HUMANITY.👬👫👭
The STORM🌞🌪 merges with WHITE WIND🌩🌫 and is thus Divinely directed in its path of minimal destruction, for the purpose of bringing you to a place of greater purity within your soul. The agenda of Divine Spirit is to ensure our total cleansing and purification, further raising our frequency upon our path to enlightenment. Catalysing great change with the communication of Spirit, guiding our evolution back to wholeness.
LISTEN to the great WHITE WIND, and allow the STORM to carry these encoded messages through our knowingness. Allowing all these powerful forces to channel through us, as we align with Divine Will and allow Spirit to express itself through us, as Divine conduits.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED SPECTRAL MOON 🌀🌜 MULUC brings forth yet another layer of PURIFICATION power with the WAVESPELL energy!!!! How much WATER 💧energy is pouring forth in today’s code???? TWO STORMS🌧🌧 and TWO GODDESSes🚿🚿 = 4x the PURIFICATION! PLUS the SPECTRAL tone of RELEASE and LIBERATION !!!!!!!!!!!🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊 KAPOW! 💥 SUPER TURBO RINSE CYCLE! 🌀💧🌀💧🌀💧🌀💧
The GODDESS cleansing is today’s GIFT, and we are double blessed as it is day 11 in her purifying wavespell. MULUC works synergistically with BLUE STORM to PURGE every last remnant of any toxins you have been holding in your body, mind or life.
CLEANSE,🚿 CLEANSE,🚿 and CLEANSE.🚿 CLEANSING🚿🚿 our individual bodies and that of our collective soul! 🛀
Bathe in the UNIVERSAL WATERS 💧🌫💦 of the Goddess👸 to purify all that is not of LOVE, or from Divine SOURCE. Allow the purification of your emotional body to manifest MORE ABUNDANT FLOW 🌫💦 in your life. Opening up to allow the LOVE💕 of the GODDESS energy 👸💕to FLOW🌫 through your being.
To reap the gifts offered today, MULUC asks you to become an empty vessel and shine your LIGHT, becoming the beacon of AWAKENED AWARENESS.
As you open to the remembrance of your true LIGHT 🌞 the voice of Spirit will freely FLOW through your purified vessel, filling it with the GOLDEN LIGHT from AHAU 🌞 until your cup runneth over!🏆
Open and ACTIVATE the FLOW🌊💧🌊 of pure consciousness, and unlimited Divine support to FLOW and carry your vessel through the Universal Waters of your NEWLY CHARMED RAINBOW life. 🌷☀✨
TODAY we have an extraordinary line-up of codes – GOD/wind🌬, DOUBLE GODDESS👸, SUN/☀Christ/Buddha, DOUBLE 🌪🌩STORM – transformation/FREEDOM and the 9. DIVINE DESTINY completion code!
If that combo. does not ROCK your dirty 👣 socks off – nothing will!!!
WITNESS the GLOBAL catalytic events today – the OLD world is collapsing, in order to make way for a new better world.🏛💕
✨✨So planetary kin, TRUST in the power🌩 of the DIVINELY sent DOUBLE STORM🌪🌀🌧🌦 and the DOUBLE GODDESS, to catalyze the tremendous changes that HUMANITY seeks. Get ready to walk through NEW DOORS as a LIBERATED SOVEREIGN👑 being!
Nova Gaia welcomes you!🌏🌈
Today’s question is “How can I harness the tremendous POWER of the STORM, to catalyze great transformation and LIBERATE pure DIVINE RAINBOW CONSCIOUSNESS?” 🌈🌞😍🌈
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤
Divine blessings for UNLEASHING a GREAT DELUGE of prosperity, FREEDOM and Divine ILLUMINATION! 🌊 😊😄☺🌞😎💕💞
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈







Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology and Horoscopes for all 12 Zodiac Signs for the coming week of May 26th through June 1st 2024. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a Guided Meditation to Connect with your Star Family and Galactic Nations.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste





Radiate Heart Intelligence as an open conduit of the new plasma in this Now.


Radiate Heart Intelligence
Radiate Heart Intelligence

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