COBRA- 17th November 2024- Planetary Situation( Italy, Aldebarans, Andromedans, Meditations, Doorway 11:11…)
COBRA- 17th November 2024- Planetary Situation( Italy, Aldebarans, Andromedans, Meditations, Doorway 11:11…)
Important Situation Update
To understand the current planetary situation, we need to dive a bit into the occult history.
In second century BCE, when Orsini family was expanding their properties north of Rome, they came across a network of underground tufa tunnels below Etruscan settlements of Pitigliano and Orvieto:
In those tunnels, they have encountered native Reptilians, and they forged a military alliance with them, which later supported the rise of the Catholic Cult, as tunnels were built to connect Pitigliano and the Vatican hill.
Orsini family has a very strong presence in the area north of Rome for over 2000 years, and since 14th century Pitigliano was their main entry point into the underground Reptilian empire:
Theodosian dynasty (currently Theodoli family) made another military alliance with the negative Andromedans in the late 4th century CE, which effectively crashed the Roman civilization.
Aldobrandini family made an alliance with the Aldebarans in the 16th century, and there are facts about that alliance that will surprise many people when they will finally be revealed.
Cathar and Templar movements in the 12th to 14th centuries were attempt by the Light forces to bring Light to the planet again.
Inquisition was an institution created by the dark forces to suppress that Light, and especially to suppress Goddess energy.
Then the Light forces tried again to bring more Light with the Renaissance and with the Protestant movement.
As a reaction to this, Farnese family created the Jesuits:
The Jesuits soon began exploring the underground world, and they made great progress in the 1660s:
They made contact with underground Draconians in the 1660s, and a military pact was signed, for which only very few top Jesuits knew about.
The hint is here:
In the late 17th and early 18th centuries, a small group of Jesuits broke off the surface civilization and started a breakaway group.
With Draconian assistance, in the late 18th century they already had small colonies across the Solar system.
In the late 19th century, they were allowed by their Draco and negative Andromedan overlords to hold small slave colonies (Jesuit reductions) in some less important solar systems under Draco dominion in our Galaxy and in the Andromeda galaxy.
These Jesuits were never a main force in intergalactic wars, and they tended to gravitate back to our Solar system during the 20th century, as the Draco lost more and more territory across the galaxy.
After the Archon invasion in 1996, they held some important positions in the dark infrastructure of the Solar system Illuminati breakaway factions. They were controlling the dark astrology matrix, and were heavily invested in AI nanotechnology.
Now there is still some of that Jesuit presence left throughout the Solar system, and they still control a huge amount of nanites, some of them interplanetary, and most of the nanites on the surface of this planet. These nanites create a network that can communicate through radio waves:
This interplanetary Jesuit network, together with their allied non-physical Reptilians and Draconians, are giving occult power to the surface Jesuits, which control the surface dark networks through hazing ritual initiations taking place in Jesuit universities. Many people who were studying at Jesuit universities and went through those rituals are now obedient servants of the Jesuits and their agenda:
Now, the positive Andromedans and Aldebarans are starting to clear all remnants of the Jesuit reductions from the Solar system, and this will greatly reduce the power of the surface Jesuits.
The positive Aldebarans and Andromedans have also started the second phase of their infiltration into the surface society. They use cloned humanoid bodies to replace certain people in key positions in the secret police and alphabet agency networks in most regimes around the planet, especially more totalitarian ones. This will counteract the Jesuit invasion of BRICS, where many such regimes are found.
Since China made some huge strategic mistakes during 2024, the Light forces have decide to support the United States to be the country which will create the breakthrough.
Kerry Cassidy is getting some intel from behind the scenes but is not interpreting it correctly:
The Light forces have put their power behind Trump presidency, and many positive occult Templar groups were meditating for fair elections, with Trump being elected effectively creating a positive timeline shift.
Andromedan and Aldebaran infiltration is taking place in the USA also, and they have communicated that they may contact Trump or Musk directly.
Trump is a grey hat, but at the moment he and his future administration is more suitable to work with the Light forces than any of the other main world leaders and their administrations:
There is a huge spiritual transformation taking place. Saint Germain has started activating positive occult groups, both in the Agartha network and on the surface. On the surface, especially groups that already have some connection with Saint Germain (and Cagliostro) are being activated, especially some Templar, Rosicrucian, Masonic, Misraim and Theosophical groups:
These groups are being prepared for the big activations in 2025 and the future arrival of the Golden Age.
There is also a huge reorganization and activation of the whole Agartha network taking place. They are being aligned with Galactic Confederation, the Resistance Movement is becoming a special force department within the Agartha, and Agarthan Silver Fleet will be reactivated again after the Jesuit removal from the Solar system.
Silver Fleet is a fleet of Agarthan spaceships that was instrumental in awakening the surface population to the positive New Age movement in the 1975-1995 period:
That fleet went into hiding during the Archon invasion in 1996, and is expected to be fully reactivated again in January 2025.
Two days before Pluto enters Aquarius, the dark forces made their last attempt to escalate the situation:
Therefore our meditation for peace between Russia and NATO is very much needed:
Pluto will enter Aquarius for good, and you can join our meditation for that event if you feel so guided:
(with links for the english broadcast on 19th November
+ French broadcast with meditations on 20th November
A few day later, on November 22nd, the doorway of the 11:11 will be completed, and you can participate if you feel so guided:
Solara, the visionary of the 11:11, had an accident a few days ago and you can send her healing if you feel so guided, so that the ceremonies of the 11:11 completion can be done to their fullest:
Completion of the 11:11 will make a room for the Portal of Preparedness, within which many breakthroughs are possible:
That Portal will open on November 22nd with the closing of the 11:11, will have its turning point on December 21st with Sedna Alcyone conjunction and will close on January 21st with heliocentric Earth conjuncting Mars, both opposing Pluto.
This very interesting Portal will prepare us for 2025, and I will release more information about it when the time is right.
Victory of the Light!
The old energy, especially before 2012, felt familiar and comforting. It moved slowly and gently and carried with it a sense of security, like the embrace of a worn blanket. For many Lightworkers, this familiarity was a source of safety, a place where the heart could rest.
But in the past six months there has been a profound shift. The energy has risen higher than ever before, beyond anything you could have imagined. It’s as if the familiar landscape has given way to vast, unfamiliar territory, pushing you to break free of what once felt safe and step into the unknown.
While it may seem disorienting at first, this new energy is not here to disturb you, but to uplift you. It is the wind your sails have been longing for, ready to transport you to the true essence of your being.
The key now is to surrender, to allow yourself to release old, comfortable patterns that no longer serve you. Yes, they once brought comfort, but they were also the anchors that kept you in the shallow end. Now is the time to trust that deeper, divine part of yourself, the higher self that has always guided you to your highest potential.
Change doesn’t have to be scary. The ego, with all its worries and attachments, was never meant to endure this journey alone. Let your intuition be your guide. Let your higher self hold your hand as you step into this new phase. Feel your way forward instead of thinking about it. This energy, designed to support your highest good, is here to help you let go of the old and embrace the abundance that is your birthright.
Remember, you’ve done this in lifetimes and realms beyond your current memory. Trust your strength. Trust the process. It’s time to reach for the stars again and hit a big spiritual home run as we begin to close out the energy of 2024. You’ve come a long way.
New! on Patreon
New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of November 17th through 23rd 2024 with my Sacred Condor 
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of November 17th through 23rd 2024. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and a powerful Guided Meditation for Pluto in Aquarius and the New Golden Age of New Earth Activation.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste
CLICK HERE for the Goddess Transmissions
Sananda: The Final Piece of the Puzzle
I am Sananda and I have come to be with you at this time.
In this time of great truth emerging, you are seeing it everywhere; those who have eyes to see and years to hear are finding the truth filtering through all the darkness.The light that pierces through all the darkness, the light that illuminates the darkness everywhere, for the shadows that have hidden this truth for so long, can no longer do so, even though they are the deep state cabal.
The dark forces are trying to hide this truth. To hide the truth from all of you. They know they cannot do this much longer. And in many ways, they have surrendered.
They have not shown it yet, but it is emerging and you will see it in the coming days and weeks. You will see much, much more of this truth emerging, much, much more of this surrender from those in the cabal, for they cannot take it much longer.
It wasn’t that long ago, however, that they thought they could still maintain control, that they could still go ahead with their program, their program of depopulating the planet. But that can’t happen anymore.
And they’ve come to that understanding. But just as a cornered animal will fight, to the death. These ones, many of them will fight to the death and they’ll be taken out of the picture one way or another.
So know that your future is confirmed. Your future as the light moving forward as the beings of light that you are, the forces of light that you are, is confirmed. And it can’t be held back much longer.
So expect major changes to occur in the short space of time.
In particular, one major change that will set all the other changes in motion; like the dominoes that have been spoken of in the past, where that first domino will fall. And one after the other will continue to fall, until the final picture is shown.
The final picture, you were looking at a puzzle and all the pieces of the puzzle were being put together, and that final piece that completes the picture. That’s what I’m talking about here. That final piece that ties it all together for so many; not all, but many crossing the planet. Setting the stage for the attention, for your ascension, setting the stage for the final big flash of light.
That’s why you all came here.
All of you, and you who volunteered so long ago and are here now, right on the cusp, at the apex, just before the crescendo, that is, they’re waiting for you.
Think about that for a moment. Think about how far you’ve come, so many lifetimes working toward this very moment and the moments that will come after.
That’s what you came here for. That’s what you’re here to do as your mission moving forward.
All of you, each and every one of you, have a part to play in this. Some greater than others, of course. But only greater in the eyes of others, should not be greater in your eyes.
Because within, you are the divine force within you. You have all the power within you. You have the power of a thousand sons as it has been said, within you.
Think about it, and that is, the cabal, the dark forces have tried to hold, hold back from you, knowing that you have this power. For they knew as soon as you realized, recognized that you are the power, that their power was over.
That is where you have come to now. Their power is over, their time is over. Yours is just beginning.
I am Sananda and I leave you now in peace, love and unity, and may you continue each day, each moment, to recognize this power within you.
RUMORS: 11/19/2024
Tomorrow the Reset and Reassessment will be announced.
It looks like the dinar will be traded on the foreign exchange market tomorrow,
but I don’t know what will be tomorrow
because I don’t know when it was actually posted. I don’t know,
is it a few hours later?
Is it 24 hours later?
I don’t know, but it doesn’t matter.
Tomorrow could be literally hours, maybe 24 hours, maybe two hours , and (in addition to dinars) Iranian rial and dong… let’s just say… That’s what I thought, but besides the Don there is another currency that goes there
I don’t know what else was there, but I think there was a “Free” type currency…
This coin will
The BRICS intend to launch their Reserve Currency on Tuesday, November 19th. They are launching the toll-free numbers for Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) probably on Monday, November 18th, and we will be able to make appointments on Tuesday, November 19th.
Frank Gonzalez Solis just said, WE ARE OVERDUE! Accounts already funded. Money already allocated and available for all projects. Stand by for notifications. NESARA, GESARA Blessings to all.
MarkZ and MilitiaMan
Question: What is your feeling about the moment…?
MarkZ: I’m feeling really good, it’s before the end of the year… really good.
MilitiaMan: I like where we are and there is evidence to support it happening this year… I hope it is within a 10 day window.
MarkZ: It could very well be.
Mountain Goat
Basel V !!!!!! …
If you take the Iraqi money supply and do the math on the roughly 150 tons of gold they have in their reserves, you can easily see that when they shrink the money supply, those reserves can cover the entire money supply of dinars in circulation. WOW! Yes, it can potentially cover 100%, not just a percentage of the dinars in circulation, if all goes according to plan…
Isn’t this then the financial “stability” that the CBI keeps telling us it needs to carry out the project of deleting the zeros?
Fnu Lnu
[Reply to Guru Frank26’s 11/15/2024 post on page two of Dinar Guru Updates – see link below]
Just to clarify, there will be no electronic background checks in the US for those exchanging Dinar for USD. In the US, we have a system where banks are required to report suspicious activity to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) under the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA).
A SAR (suspicious activity report) is a tool used to monitor suspicious activity that would not normally be flagged in other reports… The banks that are coordinating with the Iraqi government for the exchange event will know that the money for the exchange is “clean and clear”, i.e. it does not come from clandestine sources like slush funds, for example.
Where is the GCR?
All fires lit in September, October and November infamous declare the start of the GCR, right down to the exact days and even the exact hours of the day when it was supposed to start.
Keep an eye on financial news outlets that focus on the African and global economy. Sites like Reuters, Bloomberg, or even local Zimbabwean financial news can provide updates.
The path ahead
The power of the QFS is undeniable, and its integration into global systems is accelerating. White Hats aren’t just fighting back—they’re winning. The Quantum Financial System is proving to be the ultimate weapon against the deep state’s agenda of mass control, surveillance, and economic slavery.
Starting November 17, 2024, the future is no longer uncertain. With the QFS, humanity is reclaiming its sovereignty, dismantling the corrupt systems of the past, and building a future of freedom, justice, and transparency. The message is clear: the globalists’ reign of terror is crumbling, and the Quantum Age has begun.
In conclusion, the RV redemption process is a complex journey that transcends borders and economies. Actual signature forms such as Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) and post-redemption plan documents are integral components of this process, shrouded in secrecy and intrigue. By understanding the steps and obligations involved, individuals can navigate this journey with confidence and make informed decisions about their financial future. Remember, knowledge is power, and in the world of RV redemption, being well-informed is essential.
Currency Wars:
Zimbabwe plans full adoption of gold-backed ZiG currency.
The Zimbabwean government has reiterated its commitment to de-dollarisation, signalling plans to make the Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) currency the country’s sole legal tender in a bid to stabilise the economy and curb inflation.
This announcement comes as the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) and senior officials emphasize a “monocurrency” approach designed to restore public confidence in the local currency amid persistent economic challenges.
An RBZ official speaking on condition of anonymity confirmed: “A full transition to the ZiG as Zimbabwe’s mono-currency is underway. This move aims to bring more price stability by creating a system where the ZiG becomes a reliable and singular medium of exchange within the economy.”
The so-called Dragon Family, Chinese elder statesmen consisting of 27 families who immigrated to Taiwan after the end of World War II, have the most money in the world, which was used to support the Western world after the Bretton Woods Agreement of 1945.
With $640 billion in gold, we have secured gold in all currencies of the world. That is why the CCP will not allow you to start or create trouble in Taiwan. The money has always been in non-communist Taiwan.
The fiat system allows the Illuminati criminal banking system to print as much as it wants and needs to stop to stop the idea of false inflation.
There are currently 22 million children going hungry in America, but there are almost a billion children on the planet right now. Normally, 8 million children go missing on this planet every year.
The government or monarchy will not receive any funds.
The era of self-sufficiency is rapidly approaching.
Protect your assets within Quantum Assets’ guaranteed account.
As there are many scams that are illegal because they are linked to the QFS…
Quantum Assets has the track record.
To prove it to you.
The discerning investor, whose…
Wise decisions are guided by God.
God inspired us to BE THE SOLUTION.
Guiding us to create THE SAFER PLATFORM
Fully linked to the QFS.
This secure software solution stands out as…
To store your cryptocurrencies, along with…
Your investments in precious metals.
While you are viewing this very disturbing content in the post below…
Determine your voice immediately,…
“…Choosing today whom you will serve…” (Joshua 24:15)
Trump NESARA Executive Orders Kickstart – Launch the Transition to Greatness and the Global Currency Reset (GCR)!
There is a powerful sense of hope and expectation that goes beyond a simple electoral victory. The return of President Donald J. Trump represents a renewed promise to the American people, one that has the potential to transform our country in ways many have dreamed of. At the heart of this vision is NESARA (the National Economic Security and Recovery Act), a historic framework for radical economic and social reform.
For those who have followed Trump’s presidency, the announcement of NESARA would mark a historic step forward, fulfilling a series of executive orders aimed at restoring equity, transparency, and economic justice across the country.
RUMORS: 11/22/2024
I get asked every day, “Why didn’t the Galactic Federation stop [blank] from happening?”
This is their planet. They don’t control Earth or any other planet. If they did, there would be even more complaints.
They have protected us from destruction many times and stopped many dark plans, but they are not here to take away anyone’s problems, save us from evil, or impede free will.
They help without interfering in our choices. It’s always been about our choices.
We are souls, not bodies. The soul never dies. The body is temporary. Don’t get stuck in 3D dualistic thinking. We are safe.
The Final Battle: The Awakening of Humanity
The storm is no longer approaching—it is here. November 2024 marks the collapse of the Cabal’s centuries-old hold on power. Their planned wars, false flags, and media manipulation are failing. The truth about GESARA, suppressed technologies, and the crimes of the elite is rising to the surface.
The world is waking up. The question is, are you ready? Or will you cling to the lies that have kept you enslaved? This is your time to rise up. This is your time to fight back. Prepare for the dawn of a new era and never look back.
GESARA: A Call to Action
GESARA is not just a program; it is a revolution. It is the eradication of poverty, the destruction of debt, and the empowerment of every individual on Earth. But this revolution is not passive. It demands your involvement. Stay informed, educate yourself, and prepare to seize the opportunities that lie ahead.
The ten days of darkness will be a time of chaos, but it will also be a time of awakening. Stock up on at least a month’s worth of food, water, medicine, and essentials. Spread the truth. Share the knowledge. Most importantly, trust the plan.
The Deception of Time and Control
The elite’s hold on humanity extended beyond finance. The very concept of time, enforced by clocks, city layouts, and social structures, was a tool of control. This illusion, enforced by draconian overlords, confined humanity’s creative potential within its rigid systems. But the illusion is breaking. -> US Military Leaks
Replicator technology, capable of creating food, clothing, and shelter from nothing, is being revealed. Intergalactic travel via stargates and SSP wormholes will become commonplace. These technologies, once suppressed by the Cabal to maintain their monopoly on power, are now being released into the hands of the people.
Today is November 20, 2024 — the elites’ long-hidden agenda is collapsing under the weight of the imminent activation of GESARA.
Every second that passes pushes us closer to the financial, spiritual and social liberation they fought tooth and nail to suppress.
The battle is reaching its peak, and the seismic shifts unfolding will obliterate the old system of control. -> US Military Leaks
Why hasn’t the Replicator been brought to Earth yet?
The familiar “replicator” from Star Trek, which manipulates elementary particles at the superquantum level and transforms them into materials, is a technology that already exists in the universe. Why isn’t it being brought to Earth? The reason for this is the current society that Earthlings are choosing.
Other near-future technologies include health pods (Medbed) that enable rejuvenation and fuel-free generators (FFG) that utilize free energy.
I tried to check what would happen if replicators and free energy appeared as they are now.
“It looks like things have come up. It’s definitely coming this week. It could be in a few hours. People are under NDAs. A lot of people have been paid, especially in South America. The bondholders have their commitments for this. November 21st. They’ve been paid.”
This Technology Will Change The World Forever Replicator Secrets Revealed
Do you know how to turn a plastic bottle into a sandwich, a t-shirt or a phone?
In a creative society, every household has two new devices: a consumer and a replicator. With their help, waste can be recycled and transformed into everything from gourmet food to high-tech equipment.
After all, all material objects are made up of the same elements. The main thing is to arrange them in the right combination.
Today, we know how to print molecules with 3D printers to make drinks. Making food with replicators is not science fiction, but it is the next technological step.
But such progress is only possible by creatively changing the shape of our current consumer society and building a happy and shame-free world for our children and grandchildren.
For Gesara
President Trump’s message shocks the world In 3 days we’ll be going home
November 22, 2024
The 61st anniversary of President Kennedy’s assassination marks the most anticipated moment in modern history
~The 17th Letter~,
Everybody rides
please fasten your seat belt
Put your hands and feet inside the cabin
This tour won’t take long
But where are we going?
far from where I am now
and we can’t go back
This is a one-way ticket and is non-refundable.
enjoy your journey
It is a blessing for you to be with us today!
Leaders who will be sending emails about how to schedule their redemption appointments to banks and redemption centers already have the emails to send out – which will be on Friday, November 22, Saturday, November 23, or the first day of the week.
Bruce (The Big Call) – [via WiserNow]
…we heard a few days ago – I think it was over the weekend – that we were likely to start this week, and that was really good news… So this is what we’ve been waiting for… This is the information we’ve been waiting for. Really excited about it.
MarkZ – [via PDK]
We expect the census to be completed tonight as far as the in-person count goes… and then a day or two for them to have very accurate census numbers. Those final numbers will be done very quickly.
I’m expecting something big very soon. Multiple sources are expecting something big tomorrow. We’ll see.
“Early Next Week” – MarkZ and Dr. Scott Young
Friday, November 22, 2024,
Early next week is about 4 days away. I have a feeling that this may be what we are waiting for. Many in Iraq say they are waiting for this to be the distribution of funds and to change the amount. I hope so.
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RUMORS: 11/20/2024
The month of NOVEMBER will be a pivotal point in history.
*The GESARA global prosperity program is about to be announced and activated.
*Over a quattuordecillion US dollars* This effort has gone too far.
* Launch of unprecedented prosperity packages with huge sums of money for humanitarian purposes.
* The bottom line is that GESARA is much more than a financial event, as it means that a new era is coming and it is coming soon.
* This will mean that NESARA and GESARA will be a path to giving every person in the world more than enough money to alleviate all their needs forever.
* Once GESARA is implemented, the Earth’s population will be freed from poverty and slavery, allowing them to dedicate themselves fully to the supreme task of planetary transformation.
* The transition to the new system has already begun, as people do not know… * This will mean perfect health for everyone, including lost limbs that will grow back.
Holly Monday RV Update Good morning everyone! I hope you are all well!
There should be some forward movement this week, if not this week, then everything should happen this month.
Keep the faith and be strong.
As you know, it is:
1. A fluid event
2. Changes in a penny based on what was discovered that day
3. It is one of the biggest wars ever fought
4. No one will know when this will end! No one
5. Certain events must happen
6. It is event-driven
7. It’s all about the kids
8. You must be willing to preserve no matter what
9. They tell those at the top that it will happen and then it won’t, why? Because things happen.
10. Everyone at the top is exhausted and wants to get this part over with! If it hasn’t gone away, there’s a good reason it hasn’t gone away!
11. Trust the plan 12. Pray every day for it to happen now
Two updates during the up and down weekend.
All the three-letter agencies said that the RV will be done today. We will make a lot of changes after the RV from our side. It becomes a new world for us.
Wolverine – [via Judy Byington] …
I have received many very positive messages that it has already started or is about to start… We can start on Monday afternoon, or Tuesday morning, November 19, 2024. No more delays…Christmas before Thanksgiving!
It’s an extremely good sign…
and I have received some comments from some in high places saying, “Foreign authorities in Iraq have confirmed that yesterday’s testing rates (referring to Saturday’s testing rates that appeared on the dinar and dong) are 100% legitimate.”
The BRICS intend to launch their Reserve Currency on Tuesday, November 19th.
They will be releasing the toll free numbers for Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) probably on Monday 18th November and we will be able to book appointments on Tuesday 19th November.
“It looks like things have come up. It’s definitely coming this week. It could be in a few hours. People are under NDAs. A lot of people have been paid, especially in Colombia. The bondholders have their commitments for that. November 21st. They’ve been paid.”
What we call the future, which is now at the Quantum Level.
The deception created by the Draconians, an illusion of time. Everything was tied to the illusion of time, it is the ultimate control instilled at the highest level. It was designed to control all your freedom, regulated by the seconds on the clock, the minutes and hours. By traffic lights, stop signs and the layout of cities – a repetitive design everywhere, designed to keep your creative freedoms confined to its systems.
The world without power lines, telephone poles – replaced by free wireless power by Nikola Tesla. Spaceships and spaceports, obsolete medical practices rendered obsolete by Nikola’s designed violet ray healing technology, intergalactic travel between the stars – to infinite possibilities through our stargate portals and wormhole SSP technologies.
Suppressed replicator technology – even to create on a large scale, everything exists. Technology that can “mark” who used adrenochrome directly against people poisoned by adrenochrome was used by the US Army.
Reality is not what you thought it was.
Matrix was a documentary My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us…
Medical Beds, Bruce:
We spoke to medical bed managers in North America, Canada, the US and Mexico.
This is also happening in other parts of the world.
In Canada and the US we have 34,800 medical centers with two medical beds each and more will be built.
80% of hospitals will be closed, leaving the remaining 20%, which are healing centers, that will have medical beds for use perhaps in January or March.
But the medical beds we have now are waiting and ready for us as soon as we make those switches -RV-
You will inform us if your need is urgent, so you will get an appointment very quickly. ZIM holders have priority.
Well, here we are waiting to do the VR and also use the beds so press the button
It is wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, money, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself, your family and to share with others in case of an emergency.
Uncover the secrets: The next step is already in play. Are you ready to see what’s hidden? Join now.
ALERT: GITMO TV to reveal disturbing list of corrupt politicians
– The world is not ready!
GITMO TV has announced plans to release a bombshell list exposing high-profile politicians involved in horrific crimes. This revelation could be the most alarming political scandal of our time, sending shockwaves around the world!
The question is: are you prepared for the names and shocking details that will be revealed?
– Don’t miss this story that everyone will talk about.
Cracking the Code: GESARA and You
A GESARA Experience: A Personal Day. Now, let’s address the burning question: What is your role in the GESARA narrative? The answer is simple and profound: you are at the center of it all.
GESARA envisions a world where every individual has the opportunity to free themselves from the chains of financial struggle, embracing a life of abundance and prosperity. Your participation in this shift in cosmic finance is not only encouraging; it is essential to the success of Miss GESARA.
Preparing for GESARA: Steps to Financial Freedom. As the world awaits the unveiling of GESARA, it is crucial to position yourself for the financial freedom it promises.
Stay informed, educate yourself on the complexities of GESARA, and be ready to seize the opportunities that will arise. The wave of change is taking hold, and those who are prepared will ride it to new prosperity.