Black New Moon Capricorn ~ CHIRON STATIONS DIRECT * Calling in the Peacekeepers! Galactic Shaman
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Rainbow Ray Nation of the Immortal Ones of Pure Light
Happy Amavasya, our New Black Moon in Capricorn the Sea Goat. The “Black Moon” is a rare and auspicious celestial occurrence and is the 2nd New Moon in the same month which will assist us in diving deeper into the shadow self to undercover and reveal where we still need healing and transformation. The energy of this Black Moon will also help us journey deep into the unknown, still and silent waters of the Divine Feminine and navigate through the void and to the other shore of Enlightenment forever more. This final New Moon of 2024 and the Power of the Black Moon will call in our New Beginnings of the full manifestation of our New Heaven on Earth Paradigm.
After the Trinity of X Class Soular Flares and over 20 M Class Flares over the past 48 hours our local Soularis continues to flood this realm with massive Gamma Mother Plasma Waves of Adamantine Light releasing another 10 C Class Flares and 11 more M Class Flares in the past 24 hours with the most powerful maxing at M 5.02 at 16:54 UTC.
We also had more pillars of white light in the heartbeat of Mother Earth appearing on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 28, 29 and 30 hz, Fifth Dimensional Crystalline Codes fully anchored into the Core of Gaia and rising.
Synchronizing with todays powerful Events we also have an intense Galactic Activation Portal Day on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Galactic Signature Kin 176 ~ Yellow Resonant Warrior as all our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are resonating with the Gold Ray of Buddha Consciousness. Kin 176 is also one of the 13 clear signs of Prophecy engraved on the tomb lid of Mayan King Pacal Votan as a significant marker in the evolution of the consciousness of humanity.
As we make our Way through these final 2 days of 2024 we are anchoring all we have learned, achieved and activated through this Quantum Year of 2024 and call in our Highest Benevolent Timeline for the coming 2025 and powerful Year of the Snake of death, rebirth and renewal.
It is time Angels of the New Eden to rise and shine your glorious Light into the Quantum Field to activate the Freedom Codes of Total Liberation…A’Ho!
To remove inner darkness, “let go of attachments” and prepare for the future! The Dark Moon is in our skies….. an OMEN
2 X-CLASS Solar Flares blasting earth….
Pleiadeans have entered Agartha thru the Atvor Technology….Time for silence, meditation, prayer, as you LET GO of all embodiments on earth!
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In the span of the last 48 hours, Earth has borne witness to a significant escalation in ionized radiation and energetic frequencies—a phenomenon that resonates deeply with the rhythms of your existence. As a result, disturbances in sleep and heightened sensitivity of the skin may have surfaced, acting as subtle reminders of your interconnectedness with the cosmos.
Yet, the currents of energy are not still; within the next 24 hours, the already amplified waves are poised to double or even triple in intensity, heralding a period of profound energetic challenge over the ensuing 24 to 48 hours. These moments call for mindful navigation—seeking spaces of tranquility where any healing emotional turbulence will not become inflamed.
You will crescendo into your new year with an enormous wave of energetic surges. Use this to your advantage, allowing it to fuel the creation of that which your deepest desires long for. Let foresight and care guide your preparations, ensuring harmony within as the external energies rise. Much love to you as you traverse these potent times.
Setting the stage for this Black New Moon on Dec 30/31 is Chiron-The Wounded Healer . Chiron has been aligned with the North Node since July 2023 and is stationing direct just hours before The Black New Moon and days before the Nodes shift to the Pisces/ Virgo axis .
This means that whatever open wounds (of abandonment) , conflicts or unresolved issues, particularly on the karmic relationship axis, were brought to our attention since july 2023 will Now need resolution/ closure /Endings for a restructuring and transformation of our Foundations/ Capricorn- Home/ Finances/ Career/ Connections / Relationships/ Health that is Now slated to begin in the year of 9.
Black Moon/ Womb of Potential and future Creation, at 9 degree Capricorn is ushering in a year of 9 /2025 which also happens to be the year of the Snake ~ endings and Beginnings / transformation/ regeneration /purification /spiritual evolution . Before we begin with the Creation aspect ( this Black Moon carries some heigtned sexual / healing energies as well ) , there are some foundational/ karmic dismantling /endings and shedding of old skin that can no longer be postponed so that the New can be birthed at Spring Equinox. The Old needs to be sacrificed ~ The Phoenix Rises from The Ashes of The Old.
While connecting with this energy I was shown that this is a powerful portal of (seeding our future) Manifestations and Abundance both in the material world and spiritual progression, provided we shift our perspective and lens of perceptions out of Fear / chaos/ the outside and direct it inwards – in Faith , Trusting our inner knowings and guidance and that the Abundant Universe works for us and not against us . 9 is also the energy of the Hermit in Tarot. He Who lights up the Path of Destiny with His Inner Light and Wisdom!!
Plot twist for this Capricorn New Moon is that Pluto is no longer in capricorn for the first time in almost 2 decades. For the inevitable restructuring of our Foundations, Healing our (Karmic) Relational Wounds and bringing Balance within and without will Be Key.
Chiron Direct and a shift of the Nodes emphase Healing and Closure of the Past as a prerequisite before Neptune takes on North Node Ruler status which further translates not only into Visionary Prophecy but also talks of Soul Mate Union / Balance energies ie Balance between our inner and outer worlds/ material manifestations and spiritual pursuits / masculine and feminine energy/ heart and Mind / emotions and logic.
So this Dark New Moon, like the Tarot Hermit bring in some solitude and stillness to take stock of the cycles that have ended. Give gratitude for the gifts/ lessons they brought you. Treat yourself with the same Compassion you gift to others. Gift yourself the Gift of Closure instead of expecting it from others and set yourself free . And envision that which you wish to bring forth into your world . Change is Coming. But it needn’t be scary. For that which scares us is usually also the key to our greatest fulfilment , joy and potential … provided we replace Fear with Faith,Trust and Courage.
May your Faith Always be Greater than your fears and Your Dreams bigger than your Doubts!!
“What will we do with each precious day of our life? The 38th Gift tells us: find a fight worth fighting, and pour ourself into that. The human spirit is indomitable. It loves to reach and stretch and break new ground. We won’t be happy in life unless we too reach and stretch and break new ground. No matter who we are.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
I have been lost in a dream spell in these days and what a dream is born beloveds! I saw a crown of crystal roses, Mother Dragons embodied, being birthed as Primordial Light Womb-Hearts around the globe and pouring rainbow plasma light as edenic joy into the collective time grids. They are rebirthing the new/restored memory matrix time wave into the collective.
The upgrades are washing in with tidal forces of divine love unleashed. The Great Mother Force is reclaiming her kingdoms. No more will her children be devoured by distortion. The Motherland, MU, is coming online as the new collective imprint is reborn as Lemuria restored. The restoration of the primary soul seeding frequency of humanity.
Mother will be remembered and honored.
I saw a bejeweled tapestry of light joining as WE the ancient wizards, masters, magas and magi, sacred priests and priestesses, earthkeepers, shamans, healers and starseeds of all kinds who have gathered globally raising our individual embodied frequency into Christos-Sophic love held together and fed the impulse of birth that opened the rainbow bridge of the covenant restored.
HU-manity restored to their birthright once more!!
And we corrected the mutations in the program by bypassing the old blocked and occupied stargate reversal systems.
We used our own sacred heart portals and created an entirely new stargate grid that wrapped the Earth with rainbow plasma bliss filled love.
VICTORY!!!!! The turning point is here.
The rainbow bridges have opened and cannot be closed or tampered with.
All now can choose their new timeline experience. No more soul entrapment by the occult binding of free will. No more generational entanglement and trauma cycling. Children of the Creator’s Light have their sovereign choice restored.
Access to the other dimensional planes is open, the gates of dimensional heaven realms are available to any who wish to rise in frequency to meet them.
We are home again as we will usher in the New Kingdoms of Light restored on Gaia.
Dear friends, as the final hours of 2024 tick away, the universe has one last surprise in store for us. Yesterday was quite an eventful day on the Sun with 18 M-class solar flares and an X1.1 solar flare. And just a few hours ago our Sun generated yet another strong X1.6 flare. A partial halo CME, observed leaving the Sun on December 29, is now set to sweep past Earth on New Year’s Eve, ushering in a strong G3 geomagnetic storm as predicted by NOAA. This celestial event marks a fitting conclusion to the year, as if the universe is orchestrating a grand finale to welcome the dawn of 2025.
As the geomagnetic storm unfolds, our bodies may respond in kind, mirroring the turbulent energies that dance across the planet. Those of you who are energy sensitive may experience disrupted sleep patterns, as if the universe is whispering secrets in their ear, urging them to awaken to new possibilities. Others may feel their heart rate and blood pressure fluctuate, as if the storm is stirring the embers of their inner fire, preparing them for the passions and pursuits that await in the new year. Moments of dizziness may also occur. Please stay well hydrated and rest as much as needed.
The storm’s electromagnetic waves may also awaken the body’s intuitive centers, sparking vivid dreams, heightened creativity, and a deeper connection to the universe. As the old year gives way to the new, this solar storm serves as a catalyst, dissolving the boundaries between our individual energy fields and the collective unconscious.
Interestingly, this geomagnetic storm is bookended by today’s Capricorn New Moon. This lunar event marked a powerful threshold, inviting us to reflect on our accomplishments, release what no longer serves us, and set intentions for the year to come. The energies of the Capricorn New Moon, with its emphasis on responsibility, discipline, and manifestation, have been building momentum, preparing us for the influx of new energies that arrive with the solar storm. As the storm’s electromagnetic waves interact with the Earth’s magnetic field, they’ll amplify the intentions set during the Capricorn New Moon, propelling us forward into the new year with renewed purpose and determination.
As we navigate this tumultuous yet transformative energy, we’re reminded that the universe is always seeking balance and harmony. The G3 geomagnetic storm and sudden solar activity is not just a celestial event; it’s a symbolic threshold, marking the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. As we cross into the new year, we’re invited to release the old, to let go of the patterns, habits, and energies that no longer serve us.
In the midst of this solar storm, we’re given a rare gift: the opportunity to recalibrate our energy, to attune ourselves to the frequencies of 2025 and the numeric resonance of number 9. As the storm subsides, we’ll emerge renewed, revitalized, and ready to embark on a new journey, one that’s filled with promise, possibility, and the thrill of the unknown. So let us welcome this geomagnetic storm, and the new year it heralds, with open hearts and minds, ready to receive the blessings and opportunities that await us on the threshold of 2025.
Stay tuned for more updates as the solar winds arrive.
30.12.2024 New Moon in Capricorn ( A Black Moon ) This is the second new moon in December, therefore giving it the title of a black moon. Black moons are always thought of as powerful points for intention setting, but this time it may be more constructive for us to set back from our own intention setting and to instead look to observing the flow and noticing that which is significant to us, both around us and what is incoming to us within our current timeline.
The pause that is felt at a black moon may bring us the feeling of taking some time to reflect on our sense of Self and where we are at before we forge our way forward into new plans and goals for 2025.
The powers of this new moon will fulfill themselves as aligned to the energetic shift which we shall discover across the early months of 2025, especially in terms of our newly forming soul contracts and angelic mission; and so let us surrender to trust.
Following ‘The Gathering’ at 24.12.24 we will be called to notice how many more of the awakened exist in numbers and this will be the beginning of a point of social change which we will look to navigate as they come. This will be profoundly noticable to the long term spiritual seekers across 2025.
The New Moon, Solar Flares, and Schumann blasts are offering us purification of the past. The karma of mirroring and duality are burning away. The upcoming 111 Portal and Pisces Virgo Lunar Nodes are changing the Collective timeline, bridging us into a new Humanity. This is a fresh start for us all. Until then, you can see the past for what it is, forgive, heal, and be independent from it. Take charge by refocusing on the new blueprints coming in. Follow the signs, stand in your truth, and go forward.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
New Moon at 21 degrees of modest Virgo
Divine energy works
The Galactic Shaman, stations Direct in Aries just before the Black New Moon in Capricorn and the arrival of the New Year, activating the potent energies of the New Timeline 2025.
Chiron, classified as both a minor planet and a comet, mostly orbits the Sun between restrictive Saturn and revolutionary Uranus, serving as a bridge between the Physical and Spiritual Planes. Chiron energetically rules the deep sources of pain, suffering, and core wounding, including past life wounds, along with the potential to heal ourselves and others through our painful experiences, as well as Dimensional Healing, Shamanic Healing, Global Grid Matrix, Divination Arts, etc. Chiron is often called The Wounded Healer, but I channel Chiron’s Consciousness as The Galactic Shaman. The Galactic nature of Chiron is activating the Galactic DNA and healing Galactic Wounds, which enables Higher Ascension.
This retrograde season, which started on July 26th, brought deep Inner Child Healing, strong Conscious Awareness, and great potential for healing, breakthroughs, and transformation. Now, as Chiron stations Direct, it aligns powerfully with the upcoming Black New Moon in Capricorn and the New Year, activating the New Timeline 2025 and paving the way for profound healing, quantum breakthroughs, and the embodiment of our Highest Timeline.
As Chiron stations Direct, the energy is deeply activating. You might feel heightened sensitivity, emotional releases, or even physical sensations like pressure around the heart or throat. These are signs of old traumatic charges surfacing to be healed and integrated. Be gentle with yourself during this time – it’s a powerful opportunity to step into deeper alignment.
December 30, 2024: New Moon at Capricorn 9°44’, 5:27 pm EST.
This last New Moon of 2024 is dominated by two powerful aspects: the on-going Jupiter/Saturn square and Mars retrograde opposite Pluto. These are difficult transits; they describe a collective feeling of tension and constraint. Yet there are also “kinder” aspects mixed in with these two challenging transits. These gentler aspects offer a curious sense of blessing to this time.
Capricorn, the sign of the New Moon, is an earth sign, noted for its step-by-step approach. Capricorn is very productive, manifesting by taking things slow and easy. In the Egyptian pantheon, Capricorn is associated with the creator god, Khnum. Khnum is the compassionate elder who creates the humans and animals of Earth on his potter’s wheel. When something changes for that being – when they go through a process of transformation – Khnum invites them back on his wheel for some transformational work. Khnum understands that the external container needs to be re-worked when the essence of being – its substance – changes.
At this Dark Moon, there is a sense of slowing down. Mars retrograde isn’t able to act in a productive way, and the Jupiter/Saturn square means we are all caught between the processes of expansion and constraint. This is the Holiday Season for much of the world and business has slowed down almost to a stop. Those who push and try to make things happen will find themselves frustrated and perhaps even angry. Their anger will not make things happen any faster, it will just contribute to their unhappiness.
This is a time of collective retreat, perfect for going inward, which is where the answers lie. Step onto Khnum’s wheel and allow him to rearrange your molecules so that you may return to daily life revitalized and transformed.
December 29, 2024, by Ruby Falconer.
“Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.
This New Year’s New Moon in Capricorn forms a sextile to Saturn (ruler of Capricorn) in Pisces as Chiron turns direct in Aries while forming a trine to Mercury in Sagittarius and also opposing Lilith in Libra.
In addition, retrograde Mars in Leo will oppose Pluto in Aquarius as both planets gently aspect the Moon’s nodes in Aries/Libra as we move from 2024 and into the the first several days of 2025.
The new year is calling us to lay some new groundwork in a way that supports and fosters our highest intentions with a sense of ‘no going back from here’ underlying a greater urge to be ourselves and to live as ourselves once and for all in THIS life.
And being ourselves truly IS ‘for all’ when it arises out of humble authentic sovereignty, but, it is only when WE honor, respect and DEFINE our boundaries clearly even in the face of temptations toward ‘pleasing’ others or pleasing our attachment to our known personas at the expense of our soul’s highest intentions that we properly serve the ‘all’…
It is up to each of us to focus our minds on the future in a manner that is aligned with our highest plans and NOT on the future that is ‘attached’ the plans of our egos which requires that we make the effort to explore the unconscious intentions within us in order to transform them into the conscious intentions of our lives!
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” – C.G. Jung
On Monday, December 30th, we have a New Moon at 9 degrees Capricorn, sign of the Goat. New Moons are about new beginnings and planting new seeds but, as this comes at the end of the year, it is also portending endings and the closing of a chapter in your life. This is the second new moon in this month of December so makes this an especially important time. Reflect on what was happening in your life at the beginning of this month.
Ask yourself, “What do I still need to let go of so that I can walk into a new beginning?” Capricorn is about our goals, ambitions and life purpose out in the world. The true Capricorn Goat is really the Sea Goat, so it can go into the depths of the sea of our emotions, as well as put forth the patient effort to climb the mountain to the summit of our aims and aspirations. We may all still be traversing the deep emotional healing that has intensified for us in these last few weeks of 2024.
But, soon it will be time to swim to the surface and make your way towards the summit of your dreams as you enter, and move through, the new year 2025.
New Moon in Capricorn – Coming now to the end of the year, thoughts turn to new beginnings. Seeding ideas, visualising the next mountain to climb, the next challenge. Maybe too, feeling a curious sense of urgency, a desire even to do something unique, different. For some, maybe it’s throwing off this old ‘new year, new me’ nonsense! Stop pressurising yourself to be an overnight success! Change takes time. Every day is a clean slate.
The Sabian symbol for this lunation is ‘An Albatross Feeding From The Hand Of A Sailor’.
Feed your soul to gain a higher perspective. Identify ways to let down your guard. Sometimes, to get what you need, it is necessary to look fear in the eye. Stop fighting reality and ground yourself. Let go of limiting thoughts and old superstitions. Look for where you may have alienated yourself through misinterpretation. Let go of the heavy burden around your neck. Release old stories that no longer serve you. Maintain your integrity. When you are the real you, your spirit soars.
‘Resonant’ is the name for the number seven and its key words are ‘Channel, Attune and Inspire’. It’s day seven and we are in the very middle of the Dog wavespell and this is a Portal day too. The seventh day is all about tuning in, connecting with your natural intuitive abilities.
Today is Yellow Warrior which represents ‘Intelligence, Questioning and Fearlessness’. Oh, how the Yellow Warrior loves to go on quests and take on missions. We too can wield a sword today which represents our will power. Exert yours and make your mission successful. As it is a ‘Resonant’ day, its best to follow your intuition and allow it to guide you in the right direction.
The Guide today is the Yellow Star which symbolizes ‘Beauty, Art and Elegance.’ Follow the guiding star and admire its beauty and admire all shiny sparkly and pretty things today. Too often we do not take time to just look around us. Art is everywhere, so enjoy it.
The Challenge is the White Worldbridger which yesterday was in the strong Occult position but today, it is hard to cross a bridge and for folk who are Worldbridgers it is a potentially tough day. All you can do is sit it out till tomorrow.
The Occult power is the Red Serpent which yesterday was in the challenge position and so today is a bit like musical chairs. When in the magic position Serpent can offer profound healing experiences and transformative opportunities. Today you can shed your old skin and emerge re newed and refreshed.
The Ally is the Blue Night, the dreamer of the Tzolkin. If you need assistance today consult a Blue Night. Their imagination can come up with good ideas and they enjoy sharing their thoughts, so give one a call if you happen to know one.
If it is your birthday today then you are having a Portal year. Because of the math involved they don’t happen very often. If today is not your birthday it is worth looking to see what day your last birthday fell on. Portal years are life changing but what day they fall on and what number also must be considered. The number tells you at what point you are in your current 13-year chapter. Portal years can be intense and memorable…..knowing this is what is happening to you, can certainly help you understand where the intensity in your life is coming from. Thanks for reading.
MANTRA I CHANNEL in order to QUESTION Inspiring fearlessness I seal the output of intelligence With the Resonant tone of attunement I AM guided by the power of elegance I AM a GALACTIC ACTIVATION PORTAL ENTER ME!!!
KIN 176 – 14 = 5 – Change/Transformation/Freedom/Liberation
A powerful GAP portal day bringing CLOSURE of the old world to herald our NEW CHAPTER and NEW GOLDEN ERA.
Today the NEW EARTH RAINBOW WARRIORS are stepping up and banding together as they trailblaze the path to the NEW TIME. On this special GAP day we are focused on building a new foundation for a PEACE filled world.
KIN 176 – is also one of the 13 CLEAR SIGNS on the tomb lid of Mayan King Pacal Votan!
These SIGNS highlight the 13 KIN Galactic signatures which hold special significance as MARKERS in humanity’s EVOLUTION.
We have a GAP DAY, a PACAL VOTAN day, a 3.3. HOLY GATE and a 5/5 LIBERATION portal, AND an emotional tone day today. Be extra mindful of what you are feeling and expressing today so that you do not get STUNG!
OPEN your HEART and become a channel for DIVINE LOVE instead..
Day 7 in the WHITE DOG WAVESPELL of unconditional love, loyalty, devotion, Service, friendship and Faith.. We are uncovering and healing all that separates us from SOURCE LOVE in order to BE LOVE!
Today the RESONANT Warrior seeks to channel the courage to LOVE thy neighbour fearlessly, as we step into the shoes of the NOBLE SPIRITUAL WARRIOR!
RESONANT – Tone 7 in the EMOTIONAL realm. ACTION – inspires, POWER – channel, ESSENCE – attunement.
A definition of attunement ‘is a kinesthetic and emotional sensing of others, knowing their rhythm, affect and experience by metaphorically being in their skin. Going beyond empathy, to create a two-person experience of unbroken feeling connectedness by providing a reciprocal affect and/or resonating response’. Wikipedia
Today we are super sensitive as we are attuned through our senses – the emotional “feeling” body. We are super connected to our kin and FEELING the togetherness as one GLOBAL FAMILY, attuned to unconditional love. Tune in and FEEL what your body is sensing today.
At tone 7 our vibrating phenomenon learns to be still and to listen. Mystical 7 understands that EVERYWHERE is majikal but right here is better, once we attune and then channel the majik through this present moment. Number 7 is also the frequency of the Mystic and the Magician giving you the MAJIK to channel LOVE and God’s GRACE in this pure DIVINE energy today.
What CHANNEL are you ATTUNED to today? Are you attuned to NEW EARTH frequency?
Today’s question is “How can I fearlessly attune and channel the POWER OF DIVINE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE to create a PEACE filled world?”,
Divine blessings for the RISE of the PEACEFUL NOBLE RAINBOW WARRIORS today!
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW RESONANT WARRIOR – CIB is the FEARLESS warrior who leads us on a courageous QUEST-I -ON. We become fearless advocates for JUSTICE, LIBERTY and a HIGHER TRUTH. We ask continuous and bold, highly intelligent questions, then COMMAND answers and solutions. We are on a Divine Mission and are unstoppable. No false “authority” can stand in our way!
The RAINBOW WARRIORS of the New Earth will not stop QUESTIONING, as they fearlessly confront HEAD on all obstructions to attaining Nirvana. If it is not for the betterment of ONE and ALL, then it must crumble and yield to a new way of being.
The RAINBOW WARRIORS are becoming so RADIANT now – they will influence legions of followers through their enchanting valiant vibration.
The WARRIORS of OLD now hold the LIGHT of the CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS, as they evolve to become the NOBLE SPIRITUAL WARRIORS. We have been upgraded and the RAINBOW WARRIORS are glowing with this new Golden energy – setting forth on our new QUEST, determined to focus on the new ways of living a better life, and creating a better world for ourselves and our kin.
Today we are questioning the very nature of LOVE, and what it is to live in total Peace and Harmony in Divine union with each other. The WARRIOR combined with the RESONANT tone, is a very special combination as this SPIRITUAL WARRIOR is attuned through his HEART. Feeling and connecting through compassion, empathy and unconditional LOVE, which is the divine web that connects us all, through our very soul essence.
Jesus/Yeshua may have been a RESONANT WARRIOR as he exemplifies this code, connecting with other hearts through his heart. He was a fearless Divine Warrior advocating LOVE, harmony and PEACE for all humankind. He was a Divine channel and totally attuned to his “father” – CREATOR/SOURCE. The PRIME message that Yeshua brought forth was that “GOD” was not external to us, but rather WITHIN US, and accessed through our PURE HEARTS.
The WARRIOR attuned to Divine Guidance through his HEART is THE MOST POWERFUL WARRIOR of them all!!.
The true RAINBOW WARRIORS, the Soldiers of Christ, are the souls who fearlessly uphold the codes of Christ Consciousness, through the power of unconditional love in their PURE HEARTS.
NOTE: Chief Sitting Bull, the Lakota Sioux holy man, who led his people during years of resistance to United States government policies, exemplified his Galactic Signature of KIN 176 the Yellow Resonant Warrior. He was courageous, fearless and compassionate to the needs of his people, whilst attuned to the wisdom and guidance of Great Spirit to fulfill his Divine Mission.
Chief Sitting Bull was a pacifist and PEACEKEEPER, he famously defined a WARRIOR as follows: “The WARRIOR is not someone who FIGHTS, for no one has the right to take another life. The WARRIOR, for us, is the one who sacrifices himself for the good of others. His task is to take care of the elderly, the defenceless, those who cannot provide for themselves, and above all, the children, the future of humanity.”
The LAKOTA people (who are PLEIADIAN starseeds/descendants) lived in HARMONY with nature and each other – they held dear the principles of being virtuous and NOBLE people.
THE 12 LAKOTA VIRTUES Humility Perseverance RESPECT Honour LOVE Sacrifice TRUTH Compassion Bravery Fortitude Generosity Wisdom
The LAKOTA and most indigenous/original people on EARTH model the harmonious communities that we are returning to in this new GOLDEN ERA of PEACE. Aho!
Empathic LEADERS who seek PEACE, HARMONY, UNITY and FREEDOM from suffering for their people, rather than power, control, greed and self aggrandisement are the LEADER’S needed to take us into the new paradigm.
Let us PRAY that EVERY nation on Earth is blessed with Divine Leadership from VISIONARY, empathic evolved souls.
It is TIME for ALL WARS to STOP – and all parties to attune to LOVE and UNITY –
LIVE and LET LIVE – is the motto of the peaceful warrior!
Let us pray that all the discordance on our Planet is NOW balanced and dissolved with harm to none! Aho!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW RESONANT STAR – LAMAT is the VENUS STAR that holds beauty, elegance, grace and harmony. What a beautiful energy to be guiding our peaceful Warrior today!
LAMAT is the diplomat and PEACE keeper, shining the LIGHT on HARMONY, beauty and UNITY. LAMAT is a portal to the NEW TIME. LAMAT is the Galactic Ambassador leading the Rainbow Warriors to manifest this new Golden Era.
LAMAT also highlights our creativity today through the new harmonic time matrix expression of TIME AS ART. Attuning and channeling our emotional responses through our beautiful creations.
How can you express your WARRIOR energies through the creation of ART in your life?
Channel your anger, power and lifeforce into CREATION, rather than destruction and division. Our focus is on UNITY, PEACE, HARMONY and LOVE, particularly in our relationships with others.
This is our Higher Self energy forging the way forward, away from disharmony and discordant energies to the new era of PEACE. This will bring in Universal understanding of our collective role as HU-MAN beings, focused on the mission of re-establishing HARMONY on our planet.
We use our HEARTS to FEEL the resonance of what such a world of beauty would look like. Focusing on creating a world with the Highest Potential for love, compassion, harmony and peace. A world which allows us to be creative so that every unique soul can IGNITE their inner PASSION and LIFE-force by contributing to this Utopian Vision.
SUPPORT: BLUE RESONANT NIGHT – AKBAL reveals any unconscious FEARS that we hold and teams with CIB so that we can FEARLESSLY face any resistance to this new way of being. Cutting away and transcending our limitations and restrictive patterns inhibiting our ability to grow, shine and radiate.
We are attuning to the resonance of our emotional body, EXPANDING what FEELS GOOD, and RELEASING all that FEELS painful. Through facing and overcoming our FEARS we become EMPOWERED and can then take up our leadership positions, influencing others to follow in our footsteps, who walk beside us in our collective journey to the promised land.
Are you feeling the remnants of FEAR and shadow energies arising to be FACED and finally cleared, beloveds???
We are nearly FREE dear RAINBOW WARRIORS – FACE it FEARLESSLY and then surrender to LOVE – filling the vacuum within, where FEAR once resided.
AKBAL holds the keys to the Inner Kingdom of GOD! The keys to INFINITE ABUNDANCE.
We have a CHOICE today. We can attune to the deep scars and wounding in the dark abyss – the dark, damp cave, or we can FOCUS on ABUNDANCE and all that is BEAUTIFUL in our world. The more we focus on BEAUTY and elegance in our world the RICHER we become – both inwardly and externally.
We have a 3.3. HOLY GATE flowing forth through this GAP portal day.. lots of blessings from SPIRIT.
AKBAL holds the dreaming code for the collective that the WARRIOR will fearlessly defend until it is made manifest in all its RAINBOW splendor. That is our unified QUEST as the shining ones – the RADIANT CHRISTED, STARBliss Supernova Suns leading the way to the NEW PARADIGM.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED RESONANT SERPENT – CHICCHAN gives us the power to FEARLESSLY face our FEARS which have been a barrier to being a pure vessel for unconditional love.. Channeling the kundalini energy up from the heart of our Mother Gaia in order to allow ourselves to feel the changes that we are all experiencing as one great body of pure consciousness. Feeling and being inspired by the evolutionary changes that are propelling us forward.
The RESONANT SERPENT enables us to attune to PASSION, JOY and beautiful soul expression.. from FEAR to LOVE – this is the path forward NOW.
Yesterday the RHYTHMIC SERPENT was the GIFT and also the 5D UNIFIED KIN – indicating that PACHAMAMA has done her work!! She has ASCENDED and is holding the BALANCE in her new Planetary body reflecting the equilibrium that humanity needs, to manifest the DREAM of HARMONY, PEACE and ABUNDANCE...
This is ALL available to the RAINBOW WARRIORS to thrive now – we just need to CLAIM IT. Aho!
The RESONANT SERPENT is empowering us today to tap in and attune to this NEW POWER that Mother Gaia is providing through her Planetary Grids. Walk on her lands barefoot and draw it up into your body – igniting and activating your juicy CREATION POWER through the force of your rising KUNDALINI
Are you attuned to the sensual PASSION provided by CHICCHAN, or the hypnotic, controlling POWER of the Serpent ???... ooh la la – POWER vs PASSION!
Use the Serpentine energies to fuel the LIGHT in your kundalini.. pledge your allegiance to Spirit to express your soul’s purpose for the benefit of the many.
The Resonant Serpent is attuned to PASSION and VITALITY, restoring our much needed LIFE FORCE that the WARRIOR channels into his QUEST of stamina and endurance, to come home VICTORIOUS!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE RESONANT WORLDBRIDGER – CIMI’s challenge today is to LET GO and SURRENDER, all that does not “feel right” anymore in order to build the bridge to the new. New world, new connections and new life.
Place your LEFT HAND on your HEART and your RIGHT HAND on your Solar Plexus/Dantien – with your right thumb in your belly button!
“By my Warrior World-Bridger death power, may all that has been hidden now be revealed and surrendered to LOVE!”
AMEN and so it is!
In your intelligent questioning, tune in to your instincts to facilitate this process. Surrender to connecting with a wider and wider matrix of family. Expanding our boundaries and embracing those we consider to be our family, inclusive of more and more of our ‘SOURCE” family UNITED as ONE through our pure HEARTS! Joining with others to reflect the creative potential that we are capable of, as we envision the New Time, and the New World.
Allow CIMI to build the bridge from the old world to the new, revealing the true path to travel in order to reach the promised land – GOD’S KINGDOM.
So beloveds, enjoy this very special Divine GAP day and remember the precept from the teachings of Jesus/Yeshua – “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself”.
Let us re-imagine a beautiful new world filled with unconditional love and loving kindness for ALL.
Today’s question is “How can I fearlessly attune and channel the POWER OF DIVINE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE to create a PEACE filled world?”,
Divine blessings for the RISE of the PEACEFUL NOBLE RAINBOW WARRIORS today!
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of December 29th 2024 through January 4th 2025. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a beautiful Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the Black New Moon in Capricorn.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Healing Prayer for the New Black Moon in Capricorn
**”Oh sacred energies of the Black Moon,
And guiding spirit of Capricorn,
I call upon your grounding strength and transformative light.
In this moment of stillness and renewal,
I open my heart to release what no longer serves me.
With your quiet power, help me shed old patterns,
Clearing the way for growth, stability, and purpose.
Great cosmic force of the Black Moon,
Illuminate the shadows within me,
And reveal the wisdom hidden in the depths of my soul.
Guide me to align with my highest truth,
Grounded in the strength and discipline of the Earth.
Capricorn’s essence, steady and determined,
Bless me with clarity to set intentions rooted in love and integrity.
Help me build a foundation for my dreams,
And walk the path of my destiny with courage and grace.
I honor the cycles of life and transformation,
Knowing that endings give rise to new beginnings.
May this sacred moonlight infuse me with healing,
And anchor me in the infinite wisdom of the Universe.
I trust in the process of my becoming,
Knowing I am divinely supported, always.
So it is, and so it shall be.”**
This prayer can be recited during a ceremony, meditation, or personal reflection to harness the transformative energies of the Black Moon in Capricorn for healing and renewal. 🌑✨
Healing Prayer for the New Black Moon in Capricorn
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