Beloved People of the World, There are many changes that are in the works at this time. Although it may seem as though the world is on the brink of being overtaken by chaos and its forces, know that things are not as they seem, for there is a new dawn on the horizon. We ask that you do not falter in the upholding of your own Light and the invocation of the Light for the world you live upon and all of her inhabitants. As you know, we work with you in energetic ways and so, together, we now take a stand and draw our line in the sand.


The Safety of Love

Beloved ones, We the Arcturians come to you within your NOW to salute you for your ever-expanding transmutation into higher and higher frequencies of consciousness. As your consciousness expands into the frequency of reality which is the threshold connecting the fourth and fifth dimensions, often known as the Rainbow Bridge, your perceptions of reality take a quantum shift.

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CREATING A NEW WORLD ~ The Arcturian Group

Dear friends, we observe many now filled with Light and hope in spite of outer appearances. The “future” is here and all is proceeding according to plan. Allow the process, which means a letting go of remaining resistance and concepts regarding what “should” be happening or when and how it “needs” to happen. Simply continue to hold the Light, Dear Ones, for you are creating a new world.

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The New Earth Times

What a fascinating time it is. Here in the higher dimensions, we are working at our full-out capacity, carrying through each surge you make, like a well-practiced volley ball team: You serve, others try to control the ball, but when they volley, we leap and stretch to keep the ball in play until we can score and celebrate together. It has been an energetic game of back and forth, with the dark ones trying every dirty trick they have developed over the past centuries, while we play with good will, intelligence and cooperative energy that far surpasses anything they can muster. Nevertheless, it is necessary to play out these last phases of the dark ages on Earth, for many reasons. The most important reason for documenting every move, every counter-move and every nefarious action on the part of the dark ones is to have the complete record of the final moments of this transition, and to be able to share the information with others for eons to come. As George Santayana so famously stated, ""Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." It is our responsibility, as Galactic beings working on the edges of Creation, to create new worlds and new ways of resolving the ancient questions about good and evil, to think deeply and sincerely about our philosophies, our actions and our history.

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When we want it all NOW~5th Dimensional Consciousness

So you are in the Present Moment. Things are flowing, you accept everything that arises. You love and honour yourself. Then there are those moments, when suddenly your mind turns to what you want. And you want it All Now. Yet this Now (of your wants) of the external world, appears to be lacking, that which you want. You will experience the LIFE of your DREAMS. Then why, you might ask, do you want what you do not have.

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Align to the higher Version

Many Lightworkers are finding it difficult to keep their focus off the drama taking place in the newscasts and this is keeping them in a place of bondage to outer happenings. It is important to set an intent that actually helps you in your daily life rather than allowing the energies moving through the world at this time to affect you adversely. Hold your ground, Dear Ones, and do not be distracted from your path of Light. Keep faith and hope ever burning in your hearts, faith that the majority of people in the world hold goodness within their hearts and desire only peace and harmony to prevail.

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Many of us are having a lot of unique situations and the energy feels very different. Those of us who have been on the path for a long time know that this energy is a part of the path. We also know that it is the difficult part because it is where we are moving into brand new territory that we have never experienced before. This new territory feels like it is “the next step,” but we do not have a clue how to navigate through this frequency of reality. However, we do know that we need to call in our higher multidimensional self and connect with the component of our SELF who is able to assist us in the manner that we can best accept.



Catch glimpses of the joy, the ecstasy that will greet your awakening into Reality, Heaven. Your illusory world does appear to be sinking into a state of desolate and catastrophic pain and suffering from which it seems there is no exit, as a number of severely damaged people in positions of power and influence choose war and death in a desperate and abject last ditch attempt to impose their controlling authoritarian regimes on humanity at large. They cannot succeed because those who have for so long blindly supported them and put their plans into effect are at last realizing the error of their ways and are leaving the sinking ship – population control by enforcement.

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