The Cosmic Hour has Arrived! Olympus ~ Celestial Gateway ~ Holy Grail Resurrected * Golden Age of Atlantis ~ Magdalene Roseline
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Emerald Order of our Galactic Alliance of Avalon
The Holy Waters of Great Spirit flow in through this Lions Gate Portal. We are two days away to the Peak of this Lion Gateway of the 888 this Thursday August 8th.
Our Royal Lion Kingdom of our Feline Nation of Lyra are rising up and reclaiming their rightful lineage of Ancestral Origins. The Freedom Codes of Divine Redemption are activating within the 12 Strand Crystalline DNA of our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144.
Here we stand on the Precipice of this Culmination Point of our Harmonic Convergence as we fulfill our Divine Birthright as Sovereign Conscious Co-Creators of our New Heaven upon the New Earth and make our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into the New Hue-man Species of Homo-Luminous, Light Beings of Eternal Life.
In the Perfectly Awakened Mind of Buddha we resolve all things and bring all into Balance and Harmony of the Five elements and the Music of the Spheres and bridge the two shores of Heaven and Earth through our Sacred Heart Centers.
Be in the Peace and Silence of your Zero Point Field and in the Power of this Stillness we breakthrough and expand into the Infinite MultiVerse in Unity Consciousness as One Tribe of the New Eden and 5D Golden Age of Enlightenment for all Sentient Beings of the Way…A’Ho!
New Atlantis Rising..Huge Galactivations/ Rewrites in progress. Overlays rapidly dissolving~ veil thinning. Ancestral presence like no other. Organic Crowning taking session.. Keys and codes previously dispensed~unlocked. Holy Grail Resurrected and anchored.. Magdalene/Roseline/ DF initiations~ access to Monad dispensing.
Lion’s Gate 888 portal
Diana Cooper
“During the Golden Age of Atlantis, everyone had 12 chakras in place, which contained the codes for all of their extraordinary gifts and talents. As energy disintegrated, five chakras were disconnected.
At the same time, the fifth dimension merkabah has dissolved. This was the six-pointed energy star that surrounded our aura and contained our fifth dimension project and body of light. (Our body of light contains all the codes of light and wisdom that we win in the course of our soul’s journey. It’s the physical manifestation of our Higher Self. )
The fifth-dimensional merkabah has been replaced by the third-dimensional Merkabah for that the remaining seven chakras radiate at a lower frequency. Now it’s time for all of us to bring back our 12 chakras and our entire range of extraordinary gifts and talents. So, we can bring a new civilization and a new Golden Age to the planet.
This will have the mark of Golden Ascending Atlantis, but our task is to recreate it at an even higher frequency. “
When the Sun aligns with the hearts of mankind, its bright light will reveal the hidden truths. The Cosmic Beings will descend not to impose their will, but to offer guidance and understanding.
In this special moment, known as the Great Connection, humanity will awaken to a new way of seeing the world. Old divisions and conflicts will begin to dissolve, while people will find a common purpose in harmony with the cosmos.
The secrets of the universe will be revealed to those willing to listen and learn. Open hearts and awakened minds will become beacons of light, guiding humanity towards a new era of peace and balance.
The connection between the Sun and humanity will strengthen, allowing for greater synchrony with cosmic rhythms. In this new time, humanity and the Cosmic Beings will work together to build a world full of love and understanding.
Thus, when the Sun shines in all its splendor, humanity and the Cosmic Beings will unite in an eternal harmony of light, love, and faith, creating a radiant future for all forms of life, I will continue to help you.
8/6/24: With the proud and powerful Lion buddying up with the lucky and magnificent Dragon, we have the makings of a mini Big Bang. You can count on both opportunity and drama. Thankfully, this number 7 global month, plus Mercury Retrograde, will help keep us from spontaneously combusting. Your Right Action is balance and self-awareness. Know your limits. Respect divine messages (they are everywhere).
Understand why you’re choosing what you’re choosing and doing what you’re doing. It matters. Balance head with heart. As we approach the Lion’s Gate of manifestation on 8/8, today is for preparation, alignment of intent, and confidence. You are at the starting gate. Are you ready… and what do you want waiting for you at the finish line?
The Lion’s Gate the energy that is coming on August 8th is different from any that you have experienced before. It is very powerful and is coming in uncontrollable varying impulses, sometimes lower, sometimes higher. It does not steadily increase. It is like a gust of wind that suddenly comes up out of no where and disappears and reappears again and again.
A lot of work being done on you as humans will be done around our head. You will be attached through your nerve tissue and all your other fibers of connection to the universal energetic space. You can call it the ether or vibrational field. You will start feeling much more of this energy that surrounds you. You will be receiving much more and a much wider spectrum of the energies. Some of them will be new to you. This is all happening so you can better assimilate with Gaia’s and the solar system’s flow through this new galactic energetic space. It is like adding a parachute when you are jumping so you will be gripped tighter. This new energetic connection will help you to hold your ground, hold to Gaia, and to hold to interaction between the planets when you as a human being and you as humanity are passing through this Lion’s Gate energy.
The processes that will be happening around your backbone and in your marrow, will be activating a lot of your spinal brain cells and will activate your central nervous system to work a little bit differently for you in this new energy. Your nerve tissue will be expanding into multidimensionality. Your nerve tissue will be physically extended into this new physics of multidimensionality. You will have tactile feeling not only by physical touch but by touch of your multidimensional nervous system field. In other words, your physical senses will be sent into multidimensionality.
Pay attention to your breathing especially as it goes into your chest and your belly. This is something that can help you to pass through the Lion’s Gate and at the same time to help you to adjust not only to new energies but to start the new processes in your body.
Dear friends, we are navigating through a stormy energetic sea as we approach the climax of this year’s Lion’s Gate on August 8 2024. The energetic resonance of the 888 codes is increasing daily as many of you can feel.
On top of this potent shower of empowering and manifesting 888 energies, our Sun yesterday generated two major X class solar flares. As I have mentioned in previous posts, this electric solar activity is acting synergistically with other celestial forces currently playing in our collective energetic fields. Chiron and mercury in their retrograde motion are stirring old wounds pushing us to revisit our past so we can heal and rebirth a new future.
This process of inner transformation mostly takes place within our nervous system, at the energetic and physical levels. Memories deeply buried in our DNA are being released, and as these energetic imprints emerge they affect our sensitive emotional fields. In turn, our nervous system needs to process a huge amount of information, reassigning new emotional values to the past, and recalibrating itself so that new perspectives are being woven into the fabric of our energetic and physical structures.
The recent X solar flares have made our fields more sensitive to this alchemical process. Those of you who are energy sensitive may be experiencing a sense of overload, mild headaches, dizziness, ear ringing, visual issues, sleeping pattern disturbances, muscle tension, and a need to rest and just be. The 888 lightcodes, interacting with the solar particles are also releasing any emotional and energetic limitations within our fields that have been keeping us locked in fear and in victimhood states. We are literally breaking the chains so we can recreate more liberating and expansive timelines.
It will take a few days for this process to settle down. As we approach August 8 the intensity may increase, so please take care of yourselves, stay well hydrated, and go daily into your heart and spirit. Feel this amazing transformation taking place within every cell of your body. A new You is coming alive/online.
Stay tuned as the energies keep rolling in. Have a great and peaceful day. Much love
The opening of the seal has begun reaching the masses and it will continue being expressed for the year ahead.
There is upheaval on so many levels because oblivion is still ruling those in sleep.
Make no mistake, the ceremony began with people being stuck in traffic, coffee places exploding, public transportation getting stopped and death taking the 3 children on his boat through the Acheron river, the river of the dead.
Everyone on those ships parading, were considered dead.
Mocking people’s lives and values was the aim because the wicked ones cannot enjoy and access neither of these and the total lack of beauty, values and aesthetics shows the confirmation of their identity.
Great honour to the athletes who are the role models of true ethics and values!
They speak to the hearts of people and keep hope alive!
August is a very challenging month for the masses as they are being introduced to the seal and as I have mentioned in the previous posts there will be a lot of fighting, separation and division in different places of the world.
This month the Twin Flame loops are breaking so this also is another major factor of destabilisation for the collective.
This is connected to the Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Venus T square that is coming up.
So much truth will come out during the next few weeks!
Truth that for many at moments might be difficult to handle but this is such a blessing.
Since the opening of the seal back in April we have been experiencing a great expansion of our electromagnetic fields but since we began breaking the loops, a totally new kundalini liberation started and a new kind of power and information began entering our fields.
I believe that those in the front lines of ASCENSION have already experienced a new kind of revelation and reception of rebalancing information entering their consciousness helping the establishment of their true Self even deeper!
This new information is here to awaken them even more to the nature of this holographic reality and how deep the sleeping still is but most importantly, it is here to open the way of their restoration and pull them further out of the program and back into their own true essence.
Those who are experiencing this, are losing even more interest in the 3d world developments and they can clearly recognise the staged movie playing out but also, they can see all of those players who are choosing the 3d movie as their reality.
The split in consciousness is so deep now that both movements can have their own experience without interfering with each other’s experiences as in the past.
For those in the Ascension flow Home is calling!!!
So much love and joy is coming in from Home!
The Emerald Sun has been witnessed and has revealed the next big step which is the SIM Card of the program of holographic reality!
The 888 is only a few days away and the Dragons Gods and Goddesses are ready for this amazing initiation!
Remember that the view of the world from the top of the Mountain is very different!
Mercury retrograde begins today so please make sure that you double check everything you have planned for this week.
Because we live in a computer simulation and our bodies run the same system, often during Mercury retrograde we encounter problems with devices or machines that reflect exactly parts of our own system, giving us clues and revelation of what we need to address in us!
But Mercury retrograde might cut down some of the dark plans and in the midst of the staged wars, financial collapse and social upheaval, people might have some time to rethink and revisit what plays out in their lives.
Many mistakes can take place during the following weeks so it is better to wait and do the inner work before action is taken.
So this will be a very potent week!
Generally speaking we are now in a smooth and flowy movement where everything we need is coming naturally, so there is no need for struggle or making excess effort, just consistency in the conscious I AM Presence is enough to get the wheels of life moving towards the direction of the compasses!
Let the truth in!
Let the water of Life in!
Let the wheels of Life turn and Ascend!
So it is!
Blessings of ASCENSION!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
The time for us to activate our inner interdimensional Heart infinity portal has come. After spending two months focusing on rejuvenation and regeneration, it is time for us to start a new process of conscious reconnection with the new earth’s timeliness that has just been reconnected, and focus on our personal journey of growth, and universal mission.
As number 888 represents, and as the Leo energies too confirm, we are in the process of lifetimes and timelines reconnection. When we finally activate our soul portal, we merge to the soul dimensions – fifth and sixth, as fourth is the astral plane – starting to remember more of who we have been, connecting with other lifetimes we have experienced in this and any other plane within the Universe, and healing all wounds, from our present individualized self.
It is then when we start opening our consciousness, and remotely navigating between the many dimensions, healing lifetimes of repression, oppression, victimhood, excess of power, soul disconnection, wars, and everything we can ever imagine, for many of you have experienced all, to be able to achieve the level of wisdom you now possess.
Now you are prepared to see all of who you are, have been, and will ever be, for now, you have moved from judgments to compassionate witnessing, and can, from a higher perspective, heal what is not aligned, unifying yourself and moving into a harmonic timeline.
Everything within Creation, as the 8 number represents, is infinitely connected on a never-ending dance, emerging from Source and coming back to it, expanding and constantly creating.
Our mission is to restore this divine flow from within.
This is a process that we achieve consciously, intentionally, and willingly from the inside, as energies are not going to do the work for us, activate our DNA, or interfere in any way. It is we the ones who have the power to go inward, where everything truly resides, and open our inner gate, situated in our thymus-heart complex, and start connecting from within to the new earth’s angelic timeliness, for many of you descend from the sixth and seventh-dimensional planes.
Energies are God-sent formidable Forces of Creation, and when we align with them help us heal, clear, and expand. However, they never activate our DNA or solve our life experiences. This knowledge is erroneous and we all have our time to realize it.
We are under a very important passage after having activated our soul portal, for us to take another leap in our personal evolution. However, taking full responsibility is essential for us to know how to achieve the next steps, in our ascension personal timeline.
The 888 energies are here to help us reconnect what was distorted, for us to be in perfect resonance and communion, as Guides share many times, with our Divine Selves and with the many God planes that exist and that are naturally connected to our earth’s structures.
The time has come for us to finally unplug from what is false, and connect to what is divine and pure, and to do that, we just have to go within and release all distractions.
Many of you are passing through very challenging times, for you no longer resonate with your partners, familiar ones, and anything that takes you back to the past, and who you used to be.
With time, we all embody more love and higher understanding, and we can keep the reunions that are based on authenticity and compassion, distilling those who were based on the ego, and learn how to co-create with others by focusing on what unites us, not what separates us, as we too can learn how to coexist with our loved ones, despite of our differences.
Be compassionate towards yourself as you pass through the shadows that impede you from seeing your new path with clarity. The time will come when you hold no more doubts about who you are and are meant to be next, and Guides share you never walk alone.
This is not a time to allow anything in our personal field that is meant to bring us back into a slave mentality, and hence what disconnects us from our soul, for we have already transcended the three-dimensional levels, by choosing to live consciously with All, as harmonic as we can within this 3D plane, and are finally moving into a new way of living our lives and co-create with others.
The more we focus on being online, or what is happening, or what we are told that is happening, in the world, the less connection to our soul and Unified Self, for this is precisely meant to destabilize our energetic levels and keep us connected to a false soul matrix.
The triple 888 passage will remind us of the power of coming back to our origins, to what is organic, and authentic. We have been for so long distracted in ways we cannot even detect sometimes, and now it is a time to disconnect and reconnect with the earth, allowing it to heal us and clear us naturally, so we can seed our essence, from a renewed space.
I wish you all a loving and reconnective passage!
May you embrace discernment and the wisdom that comes from it.
The Lion’s Gate Portal energy empowers you to manifest quickly and bring your vision closer to a new earth reality. intentions embody the potential to transform and manifest into life. Strong intention and focus determines what expands and grows, setting intentions vibrationally aligned with the higher heart, nourishes the soul, and ignites the fire within . This is a time for the Ascending on this planet to rise up and step into their true Sovereign power.
During this planetary positioning some may experience what feels like a mini dark night of the soul. If you are experiencing this, it is important to maintain trust in the process and be loving and compassionate to the self . Shadows that you thought were previously healed may resurface, revealing different layers and aspects still need of attention and healing.
It is wise to offer the self support and compassion as the inner child is emerging strongly during this time and seeking recognition , allowing this internal aspect the acknowledgment it needs , to express inner fears and concerns. Expressing love and affection that may have been lacking in childhood. The Ascending are collectively releasing and healing profound traumas associated with authoritative parenting, as new templates and timelines for divine nurturing and guidance are being birthed.
This is an intense transformational phase of significant soul evolution . The ascending are no longer bound by the past and are liberating from outdated beliefs, heavy emotions, and denser energies. Lack and limitation no longer take place in new earth present realities . All energies that are not based in love are actively being cleansed, released, healed and transformed into higher frequencies of light.
Transitioning from 3D to 5D Consciousness involves a profound journey of the complete ego death , the shedding of all old lower conscious timelines that prevented spiritual activation . This journey mirrors a process of Death and Rebirth, symbolising transformational metamorphosis within the consciousness. In the confines of lower conscious realities, the ascending navigate linear time , physical restrictions, and transcend from a temporary and perceived disconnect from the Divine.
During this major reset phase, some may feel fatigued, disoriented, or stagnant as old karmic ties and soul contracts wind down. familiar perceptions of reality are shifting, offering unknown new perspectives and uncertainty rather than the previous sense of certainty. This astrological Aquarius era marks an emergence into a present-focused life guided by intuition, desires, and inner knowing.
Amidst the lasting impact of survival mode across many lifetimes, giving self grace and compassion is important. The discomfort residing in your cellular body requires release, serving as a sign of shedding suppressed and past emotional attachments. Paying close attention to this discomfort is an opportunity to transmute trauma into higher conscious knowing . By surrendering to this process, your nervous system comes into balance, regulates,and initiates healing.
The dedication and efforts of the Ascending have been remarkable. The Divine is ready to bestow many blessings upon this planet , the ascending are on the verge of miraculous transformation. Remaining open and receptive to the divine miracles that are about to unfold.
Humanity is now in the era of Frequency Currency, where collective focus and mastery of energy become central. As Alchemists and ascending earth masters embodied in human form we are working with an amplified frequency in Earth’s Energy fields .
When self resides in a higher conscious frequency and energetic vibration, it may happen that others struggle to comprehend and grasp what you are expressing. Their level of understanding often aligns with the depth of their own self conscious awareness.
Consciously not exhausting energy by attempting to justify self , focusing on preserving energy and engaging with those who reside in similar levels of conscious vibrational alignment. Keeping to self or Surrounding self with individuals who are receptive and open to higher perspectives, letting go of the need for others to fully grasp your unique metaphysical experiences. Trusting that as you continue on your authentic path, you will naturally attract those who resonate and connect with your frequency levels .
This transformative process goes far beyond the physical realm as the ascending step into higher planetary frequencies , co-creating with expansive energies . The ascending’s awareness expands to include the soul, higher self aspects and the vast world of energy that supports self evolution and life’s continuous journey. Expanding into this higher awareness opens up new realms of potentials and possibilities , empowering the collective Ascension and global transformation.
The Universe is always responding to the vibrational energy self is emitting . Consciously mindful of what is manifesting into new earth existence.
In Loving and Devoted Ascension Service by Ascension LightWorkers .
Thank you for being here on this planet earth at this exact time as new Golden Sun which is being anchored in and brings in the golden and pure white illumination from the 7th Central Sun of Illumination.
You are now asked to step into the greater purpose, as your inner Suns now are being fully activated and deepest knowing within your own soul.
With it, clarity and purity of intent, arises from the depths of your soul.
Open yourself to greater visions, greater knowledge, greater wisdom.
More than this, greater love, unity and peace, with inner joy!
This is the great arising of the new humanity, even as the highly evolved super Sun children are now being born.
You will feel every word here in your higher heart, your deepest inner knowing.
You are being called by your soul name, Beloved One, to step fully now into the truth of your soul, as you now gain access in much higher degrees to your own ineffable soul knowledge, gifts, talents, abilities, wisdom from the first birth of your soul and throughout all its cosmic and universal existences, with love and through love.
Prayers of Divine Union are being answered. Your efforts to heal and attract the evolved Divine Counterpart are now in God’s hands.
An expansion of consciousness is bringing new understandings around who and what you are, and the role that you have participated in for Divine Unions. Today it is best to rest, connect, and ground the information that is coming in.
This can bring you out of the dark night of the soul where you may have been stuck and blocked from your Union. More awareness of where you have been trapped can be surfacing. As this awakening completes in the intuition, a zero point is achieved.
Inspiration enters, showing you the way out and into your Beloved’s arms. This is the new life path that is birthing through the LIONSGATE Portal. You’re free to thrive in Holy Grail Union with the one God has Chosen for you.
On Tuesday, August 6th, the Moon, ruler of our intuitive nature, is in discerning Virgo but will be creating challenging aspects to Mars, ruler of frustration and impatience, in vacillating Gemini, Jupiter, ruler of perceptions and belief systems, in changeable Gemini, and Saturn, planet of restrictions and karmic lessons, in ungrounded Pisces. We may struggle with feeling overwhelmed by all that we are perceiving and experiencing. Our emotional and mental bodies may be out of balance.
We are trying to make logical sense out of the situations that we find ourselves in, but perhaps nothing is making sense at the moment. Negative self talk, judgments and lack of focus could be energies of the day. The positive way to use this energy is to explore some deeper insights regarding what is occurring in your life. Make a list of things that need to be done and check them off one by one as you accomplish them. And, come up with possible solutions on how to move forward depending on how circumstances unfold. Pay attention to the details, the little things, as this could provide some “food for thought.”
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
the Moon, ruler of our intuitive nature, is in discerning Virgo
We are now on the 4th day of the wavespell which is all about taking a closer look at the details. The number 4 is called ‘Self-Existing’ and its key words are ‘Definition, Measure and Form’. Today is a good day to read the small print, to scrutinize so that you are better informed when making decisions. Do your research, gather information and ask questions. Remember that we are in the Blue Hand wavespell and an agenda was set on the first day. Now we need to look more closely at our plans. Don’t let something important slip by unnoticed.
Today is White Dog and key words associated with it are ‘Love, Heart and Loyalty’. The energy of a White Dog day is about putting all of your heart into whatever you do… whether it’s taking on a huge project or just doing the housework. Love what you do and be loyal about seeing it through to the end. Dogs can be very tenacious and they don’t easily give up their bones, take a leaf out of their book if you want to get it done. As it is a number 4 day, before you throw everything you’ve got at whatever you are focusing on, make sure you evaluate whether it’s worth all that effort. Scrutinize and gather information before you get in too deep.
Today’s Guide is White Worldbridger which represents ‘Death, Opportunity and Equality’. To be guided by Worldbridger is to be guided by the desire to cross a bridge to another place. ‘Death’ is associated with Worldbridger and we certainly cross a bridge when we die but in this case it is symbolic. The past is dead and we move forward to the future. ‘Opportunity’ is another keyword and this implies that when one door closes another opens.
The Challenge of the day is the Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment’. Those folk born on Yellow Sun will find today difficult. For the rest of us, it will be hard to find the answers we seek but not impossible. The Yellow Sun offers enlightenment but asks that you strive for it. If you are a Yellow Sun, you do have a tendency to be in your head a lot and when matters of the heart arise, you find it hard to deal with.
The Occult power is the Blue Monkey which represents ‘Magic’ and the monkey today is in the most magical position. The monkey is always better behaved when it is in this prominent aspect. There’s less monkeying around, less illusion and more magical moments. If you are a Blue Monkey, you provide magical experiences for others today. So folks, paying attention to the details of Monkey’s magic is the most important.
The Ally is the laid-back Red Moon. If you need to chill out today, find a Red Moon as they are masters of relaxation and can offer much support and friendship. This means that when you are being tenacious today, in regards to looking at those details, remember that you should be chilled out about it and not worry.
Today we are defining what a life FUELED by LOVE would look like.
Day 4 in the BLUE HAND WAVESPELL of HEALING and accomplishing our plans and desires, through new knowledge gained.
Day 4 is the day our hopes, dreams and desires start to take FORM. You are beginning to make progress in the HEALING goals you set on day 1. In particular we are being asked to use our MIND to evaluate, define and measure the quality of our relationships.
SELF-EXISTING – Tone 4 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – measures, POWER – defines, ESSENCE – form. SELF-EXISTING number 4 takes form and we have ourselves a square shape. Self-existing, measuring and defining, very intelligent, fascinated by self. We now have built a sturdy platform upon which further growth takes place.
Today we are measuring the form that LOVE takes in our lives. We are defining our new lives built on a new solid foundation of SELF LOVE and love for others on the basis of HIGHER LOVE, loyalty, COMPASSION and majikal manifestations.
Today’s questionS are
“What FORM of LOVE is my relationship with myself, and others based on? How HIGH is that LOVE?
How can I HEAL and elevate all my relationships, to the highest form of DIVINE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE?”
Today is the day to SURRENDER to the HEALING balm of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
LET GO of the old stale relationships and build bridges to the new soul fulfilling unions. Happy RE-unions!
Divine blessings for our attainment of absolute BLISS in all our relations. Aho!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE SELF=EXISTING DOG OC pertains to matters of Love, loyalty, TRUST, devotion, unconditional love, faith, honesty, integrity, compassion, Service to others, and all matters of the HEART.
The focus today is on LOVE and relationships. In particular your LOVE of SELF, and then your reflection of this in relationship with others.
Day 4 of BLUE HAND wavespell is calling us to HEAL all issues associated with opening our HEARTS to the highest capacity and welcoming a HIGHER LOVE to permeate our being. We are being asked to DEFINE what LOVE means to us, and to measure the quality of that LOVE.
Without LOVE, our life feels meaningless, and we feel like hollow vessels with huge empty caverns inside us, as of course no man is an island. We thrive on social connection and bonding. Building a solid foundation for loving relationships takes time and effort.
These qualities FORM the 4 pillars, and our own SELF-LOVE and honour, forms the core central pillar, around which the other 4 pillars follow. If any of these pillars are missing then the walls crumble and the whole structure collapses. Like builders we lay these foundations on solid ground and then once our structure is strong and stable we can reap the benefits of secure and lasting loving relationships.
Today we have a 13/4 CODE which is the formula for constructing a SOLID FOUNDATION based on COMPASSION for our new world.. lots of SUPPORT to build a better structure!
Great relationships are built over time, with due consideration, self-reflection and awareness. Consideration for yourself and the needs of others is key. Placing your needs above all else is a recipe for disaster. As is self sacrificing and servitude in valuing others above yourself.
Are your current relationships loving and fulfilling? What about your relationship with yourself?
If they are crumbling then it is time to get out the plaster and do a repair job. If the damage is too far gone, it may be time to bail out of toxic relationships and start afresh with new prospects.
HIGHER SELF: WHITE SELF-EXISTING WORLDBRIDGER CIMI seals the STORE of DEATH and reminds of us of the impermanence of our LIFE and relationships.. We need to LEARN to CHERISH our friends, family, colleagues and whoever appears in our life’s journey as a Messenger, Teacher or Helper.
People appear in our LIFE STORY for a REASON, a SEASON or for a LIFETIME as the poem goes… We need to ACCEPT the cycles, ending and revolving within our life story, much like trains arriving with a myriad of passengers embarking and disembarking on the carriage that represents our LIFE.. Not judging or clinging to those characters in our story. but merely observing, honouring and cherishing those souls who have volunteered for their respective role in our lives..
By DEFINING the nature of particular relationships, we can accept their purpose in our lives. We then have the ability to MOVE ON, and embrace more loving relationships and connections with our kin. Worldbridger seals the store of DEATH. The SELF-EXISTING WORLDBRIDGER enables you to sever the cords to any toxic and dysfunctional relationships that are not serving your highest soul Mission.
When someone is in your life for a REASON, usually to meet a NEED you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide guidance and support. To aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually.
They may seem like a GODSEND and indeed they are – an EARTH ANGEL. They are there for the REASON you need them to be. Then without any wrongdoing on your part this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an END.. Sometimes they DIE, sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. Once your need has been met, your desire fulfilled, their work is DONE. Your initial prayer was answered and now it is TIME to move on…
Accepting the FINAL CLOSURE of this relationship can help you CHERISH the purpose they fulfilled.
Some people come into your life for a SEASON to help you share, learn and GROW. They may TEACH you a lesson through an EXPERIENCE, or help you acquire new skills, as your soul expands and grows.. They usually give you shared joyful experiences, and then it is their turn to GO, for their stay was only for a SEASON..
And then there are those souls who stay for a LIFETIME. They teach you LIFETIME lessons, the things you must know, in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to ACCEPT the lesson, LOVE the person, and put whatever you have LEARNED to good use in all your other relationships and areas of your life, to make you a BETTER PERSON.
Through DEFINING WHO is in your life for a REASON, a SEASON or a LIFETIME, you learn to GROW and go with the ebb and FLOW of LIFE. Knowing WHEN to HOLD on TIGHT with all your MIGHT, and when to LET GO, forgive and SURRENDER to the greater plan in your life..
STAY? or WALK AWAY? That is the WISDOM within the relationship. Which choice leads to your Highest good?
As we look compassionately, both within and without, at what needs to be released, in order to love the shadow and create connection with others… This compassionate loving mind seeks the shadow, loving it into healing, to release the thought forms of separation, in order to embrace all that is, and finally HEAL.
What thought forms have kept you in seperation?
Can you now SURRENDER the PAST, as water under the BRIDGE, in order to allow and embrace NEW more loving connections, understanding yourself and the role of others in this great web of life?
WARNING: WHITE WORLDBRIDGER -seals the store of DEATH – so be prepared for the DEATH and sudden/abrupt ENDINGS of toxic relationships and cycles today, to make SPACE for NEW BEGINNINGS.
SUPPORT: RED SELF=EXISTING MOON– MULUC’s themes are that of Universal waters, feminine flow, communication, emotions, softness, intuition, receptivity, remembrance. The GODDESS continues her support today soothing the emotional waters and assisting us in finding our NEW FLOW. The 13/4 DAY code ensures the sensitive and empathic qualities the GODDESS brings is cemented in the foundations of our new relationships that we are building.
Through being receptive and listening to our intuition we can tune in through our loving hearts to guide our analytical mind, so that we can SURRENDER the pain, the blame and the past – and just allow our MINDS to FORGIVE and become more compassionate and KIND.
The WHITE DOG’S main lesson is often through BETRAYAL. The person that has betrayed you in your life, is usually your best teacher and closest soul ally.
They have agreed to “PLAY” the character of JUDAS, in order for you to learn a lesson and give you the greatest soul growth. They LOVE you soooo much that they have volunteered to be the “bad guy”. When you review your experiences through reflection, you can witness the beauty in every soul, and cherish the sacrifice they have made in your LIFE for the sake of LOVE!
The JUDAS collective wound is coming up for HEALING now so we can be FREED from the GUILT and SHAME that we all carry.. It is TIME to focus on LOYALTY, KINSHIP and our circle of trusty friends. Our soul family is gathering to offer LOVE, SUPPORT and guidance on our next chapter.
NOTE: Many are casting SHAME and BLAME on those souls who have “acted” as the “bad guys” in this grand global chess game. We (including myself!!) label people as GOOD and BAD according to our moral code – but at a UNIVERSAL LEVEL they are all just souls – here to play a part in
The souls with the darkest path, have made the ultimate karmic sacrifice, in order to be the catalysts for this great change. The polarity GAME creates the FRICTION which leads to greater GROWTH.
Let us practise NON-JUDGEMENT and FORGIVENESS, in order to FREE ourselves from the accuser role. It is not our role to be the JUDGE and JURY – but rather to add more LOVE and LIGHT on the EARTH plane.
Take some time today to PRAY and send LOVE, FORGIVENESSand AWARENESS to all those souls – Politicians, Leaders, Corporations and “Elites” – even the off world beings and species who have orchestrated this AGENDA throughout the Cosmos.
It is a GRAND movie of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA on a UNIVERSAL level – what a script, what a battle, what a story!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE PLANETARY MONKEY – CHUEN reveals the themes of Majik, illusion, deception, trickery, playfulness, spontaneity, inquisitiveness, curiosity, intelligence, divine child, innocence and BLISS..
KIN 30 has the BLUE PLANETARY MONKEY as it’s SUPERPOWER which wields great MANIFESTATION power.. This MONKEY can spread LOVE on a GLOBAL SCALE – Think the hundredth Monkey effect! Once we start the BLISS BALL rolling, our whole Global family can come to the 5D party! Manifesting a world filled with deep, intimate and unconditional LOVE, respect, loyalty and DEVOTION for all Planetary kin.
HEAL the division and separation through the POWER of LOVE – accepting that we are all DIVINE CHILDREN inside. Our innocence and purity is begging to be expressed once more, as we UNITE as ONE GLOBAL FAMILY.
Use the MAJIK of CHUEN today by aligning your MIND with your PURE heart, and become LIGHT and BRIGHT.. Through spontaneous PLAY you can forge more satisfying and loving relationships built on TRUST, LOYALTY and laughter.. the best foundation for the bonds to FORM.
DEFINE what you wish to attract and allow the UNIVERSE to surprise you!
Join your friends today for some Monkey mayhem and playfulness, enriching your INNER CHILD.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW SELF-EXISTING SUN – AHAU’s themes are Universal fire, enlightenment,BLISS, Unconditional love, radiance, Higher wisdom, Higher Consciousness, I AM PRESENCE, SOURCE, ALL THAT IS.
AHAU is challenging us today to look beyond the SHADOW.. and take the ENLIGHTENED view. REFLECT back on ALL your relationships through the loving EYES of SOURCE..
All souls made an agreement to play their character in YOUR LIFE STORY, so now you need to HONOUR that agreement, and RESPECT their individual contribution as your teachers.
No more remorse, BLAME or SHAME… No guilt or grudges… just pure GRATITUDE...
Even the souls who have fallen to the darkest depths of depravity, have all volunteered to PLAY THE GAME.. Some have LOST themselves in the charade – but we need to HONOUR every soul for their role in our PLANETARY GAME.. behind the MASK and ROBES lurks a being of PURE LIGHT..
At this STAGE of humanity’s evolution we all need to
RISE above the 3D EARTH GAME.. and become
The OBSERVER in our LIFE and
In this way we can recognize that all that exists in our world, was born from LOVE and eventually will return to LOVE… such is the nature of existence.
In HONOUR of your own path and your soul’s value AHAU is challenging you today, to DEFINE and discard anything that is not worthy of your LIGHT, and insist on a HIGHER LOVE.
Seeing and sensing SOURCE energy in yourself and others, is the BLESSING of today.
This GIFT enables us to attain the ecstatic bliss of ONENESS with ALL THAT IS!
Today’s questionS are
“What FORM of LOVE is my relationship with myself, and others based on? How HIGH is that LOVE?
How can I HEAL and elevate all my relationships, to the highest form of DIVINE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE?”
Today is the day to SURRENDER to the HEALING balm of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
LET GO of the old stale relationships and build bridges to the new soul fulfilling unions. Happy RE-unions!
Divine blessings for our attainment of absolute BLISS in all our relations. Aho!
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
I come before you with an open heart, seeking your healing grace.
Within me lies a wounded child, hurt and yearning for comfort.
I ask for your tender care and loving embrace to heal the wounds of my past.
Guide me to connect with the child within, with gentleness and understanding.
Help me to listen to their pain, to acknowledge their fears, and to honor their experiences.
Grant me the strength to hold this child with compassion, offering the love and safety they have longed for.
Release the pain and sorrow that has burdened my heart for so long.
Heal the scars left by past hurts, and fill those spaces with your unconditional love.
Let your light shine upon the darkest corners of my soul, bringing peace and solace.
Grant me the wisdom to nurture and care for myself,
To offer the kindness and support that my wounded child needs.
May I learn to forgive and let go, releasing all that no longer serves my highest good.
Transform the pain into strength, the fear into courage, and the sorrow into joy.
Help me to reclaim my inner child’s innocence, wonder, and pure joy.
May I embrace life with the openness and curiosity of a child, free from the chains of the past.
Divine Spirit, I trust in your healing power and infinite love.
Thank you for guiding me on this journey of healing and self-discovery.
With your grace, I will nurture my inner child, bringing harmony and wholeness to my being.
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