THE FLOW OF NOW 🕉 Key Integrations Happening 🕉 Blue Ray Activations! 🕉 Twin Flame Union Guidance 🕉 The Mother has Returned to Egypt
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Divine Conscious Co Creators of New Eden Rising
All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are receiving full Root and Sacral Chakra activations as the portal doorway is fully opened and we are totally anchored into our 5D New Earth.
Now we allow the Kundalini to rise through the Sushumna Central Channel and Illuminate the Crown for full Coronation as Sovereign Grail Queens and Kings of our New Avalon.
Out with the old and in with the New, we say for the old mundane ways of separation programming have all played out and our People have suffered enough and it is Now time for all our Good People of the New Earth to reclaim all that which was stolen from us and Return the Prosperity and Wealth to our Kind and Compassionate Wayshowers of Terra Nova Gaia. The meek are inheriting the Earth in this Now.
The Trinity Gate is open to allow the Threefold Flame of Love, Passion, and Resurrection to freely flow through tomorrow’s 3:3 double Trinity Gates of Divine Flame Union as we walk in Higher Unity Consciousness as One Kingdom of God, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
We bring back the Purity and Innocence of our Divine DNA BluePrints to Assist Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun to transform this realm into the Paradise she has always evolved to be.
The Eagle and the Condor activate the Hope and Faith within your Sacred Heart, in this Now, as we call in our Highest Brightest Timeline of Ascension for the Greatest Good of all involved…Amen…A’Ho!
Feeling Key Integrations Happening today from Sacral to Root + New Frameworks. Big Energies in the Field!!
Key Integrations
A brilliant light fills the pineal clearing away calcification in those who previously could not see. Speechless from the light their senses are heightened to know and feel what it is to be alive! Spirit becomes the focus of life once again. Oh the glory of the Creator’s return!
Celestial Fire
Blue Ray Activations!
The heart of creation bringing justice, truth, peace and healing! Replenish yourself as forced compression of light taking you from density to light! You are here to bring your light to darkness dissipating a veil of deception. I brought my light and you see it here amongst a modified sky, I still got the light to shine! You can do the same 💙
Dracos disabled your DNA to lower humanity to density giving the shadow pain body. Your organic blueprint of creation is diamond sun light body. You are shifting and attuning your dormant DNA strands. Holographic with God source codes, galactic and angelic! What a beautiful pillar of light you are! Replenish and harness your strength and compassion for yourself. You were told and seen too many illusions.
Bring light to all darkness and it holds no power. We are in the midst of it. Don’t step down, step up! This has always been about your energy!!!
3/2/24: Because of global karmic balancing this year, and because that process is also very individual and personal, it may often seem that the universe itself is out of control, unstable, and unfair. It is not. We’re simply seeing, from our very limited perspective, some of the consequences of our use of Free Will. We are watching in real time the Divine Mind in action… and it knows exactly what it’s doing on our behalf.
March has come to slow us down so we can connect the dots and take responsibility for how we have used our power in the past. It can help untangle, clarify, strengthen, and heal… with your cooperation. Today’s energy is precise and specific. It will sort things out. Important decisions can be made as it brings valuable information to light.
We are in deep transformation in the sacred waters of our Mother Divine… this transformation is masterful, we bathe in emotions of the past and present in order to evict the old, it needs patience my friends… one must take great inspiration and draw yourself back in the confident consciousness of Christ… Christos consciousness.
All the injustice, the aberrance of the people is raised in our eyes it requires a lot of PATIENCE to go through this unique phase of transformation.
Fatigue, patience, pains of all kinds, dehydration are all symptoms of this transformation on the cellular level.
The signs are everywhere. Stay away from distractions and focus on the LIGHT. MARS is loaded with more LIGHT. A lot of changes we shall see. JUSTICE, LOVE, PEACE, HEALTH, ABUNDANCE and HARMONY
Remember that you are THE CHOSEN ONE, that you are protected by the universe. Trust that the universe will work in your favor because you are the karma of those who wish to harm you. You will be their lesson. The universe will take care of it, don’t you worry, soul child.
Over the next 1-2 weeks you are about to walk into a series of BLESSINGS in your LIFE. Pay attention to the signals you receive. Focus your ENERGY on yourself first and everything else will flow!!
New Twin Flame Union Channeled Guidance Galactic Teams…
For those who feel the JOURNEY and haven’t unitied with their counterpart YET. And got stuck in past experiences that kept them possibly torn in “if yes/no” inner dynamic….
Drop the DUALITY.
Send all the love you feel for the one you perceive(d) as him/her.
Then, send love to the ultimate one that you know that is there…
Observe and dissolve illusion &emotions….Let the love align you to the truth and surrender in its full capacity.
New Twin Flame Union Channeled Guidance Galactic Teams
This morning I was pulled in to do intense work in Egypt, the cataracts, branches of Nile Delta, etc. Plus so much more connecting to intense work done before with spine of earth and 33 octaves of Sound. The living waters restored and their innate knowledge.
The Isis and Hathor temples have been set free, as well as Sekhmet.
The High Priestesses who were bound, with the Miriams, have been set free.
All of these represent rebirth and resurrection, otherworld.
The Divine Feminine has fully returned as the sacred heart of the earth has opened.
The sacred Rose returned with the 33 petals of the sacred heart of all hu-mans reactivated.
Yesterday I worked with the White & Black Dragons. There has been an unfolding from last Sunday. All Sunday night I was in Egypt. I was aware I was working there and there was big shifts happening. We were repairing light architecture.
I woke up Monday morning and I knew it was my time to go to Egypt. I have tried to go a few times before, but my guides said no, not yet. Monday morning I knew ok… it’s time.
In 2017 Isis came to me and she said “ Saffron they have moved my temple and are teaching in my name” I knew she was telling me what happened to her architecture and the corruption connected to the false teachings in her name.
Yesterday I brought through a transmission that will be released through my Luminaries offering. I was working with these Dragons, it was a profound transmission and a huge Mother of Dragon came through, saying she was the Mother of Egypt. She said Saffron we are bringing the Mother back to anchor into Egypt again.
In this new energetic month of March, we will have the opportunity to continue healing the many reversals and hence false geometries, other light symbols, and false codes, that still reign in our consciousness, mind, and planetary fabrics and grids. Guides call this passage: trinitization, the process of bringing two opposite aspects into perfect union, and as such I have named this post.
March’s 3/3 portal is coded with trinitized frequencies for those who are ready to shift their physical and non-physical body programs through DNA rehabilitation and the necessary changes in our light vehicle required to shift eons or manipulations, through the many reversals implanted.
Piscean frequencies, whose peak will be reached with the New Moon at 20 degrees of this Water sign, on March 10th, will be key as well, due to the surrounding energies, to do the proper clearing and healing in our light vehicles required to start reprogramming our bodies.
This will be too an important passage for personal purification and consicous recalibration, and at a personal level, to descend more soul’s creative visions and all the guidance required to continue sharing more love, beauty, and light into our tangible plane, for all is required within Creation, to keep the balance, as Guides continually share.
During the 3/3 passage, onwards, we will continue to feel the masculine and feminine frequencies that are assisting repair the earth’s structures, and the profound masculine distortions exerted for many human years in our plane. In the locations where possible, especially in the Iran/Iraq region, Guides share it is a very important time to heal, clear, and reprogram the field, so the integration of the new light codes can take place, followed by the proper stabilization when the Equinox comes, which will amplify this passage.
This passage will contribute to planetary integrity, for not only we, as sovereign beings are retrieving our integrity but also our planet. It is during this process that Guides also invite us to work with the stabilization of certain fifth-dimensional passages on our earth, that our Auroras, and Arcturians families have created to support the planetary magnetic fields, the process of masculine and female merging, as well as our individual ascension.
One of the most important reversals for us to detect and work with is the 12th-dimensional template, which is often called Tree of Life. Call it as you prefer through your own guidance. This has been severely wounded and our light bodies have suffered from repression due to this and many other implants. The authentic human template is not a tenth-eleventh-dimensional one, as I still see on many pages online.
The authentic human template is a 12th dimensional one and starting by working with this and correcting this false template is what triggers ascension. If we are working on an already distorted template, there is no possibility for ascension, for we are creating more reversals.
When one advances in the ascension work this becomes evident, this is why it is so important to do the previous clearing by disengaging from the astral and other similar forms of energetic manipulation, so we are open to scan our bodies and find what needs to be healed and reprogrammed.
There are many other reversals that one needs to be prepared to see on its own. One of the most common ones is the vesica pisces, as we are now moving into the trinitized light symbol, which I share as the main image of this article.
As we move from duality to unity, there will be many other symbols that we have been programmed with that we recognize now as false. This is a good indication that denotes moving into a more evolved state of being.
We all have the time to realize where we are and what we need to work with. Remember the importance of clearing illusions, being open and humble to receive, from your own guidance first, always, what is authentic to you and what is not.
This is a very important passage to regain a more unified state of being, for we cannot help in the rehabilitation of the many earth’s structures if first, we do not hold the right codes and unity within.
I wish you a healing and loving passage, Beloveds.
May you always recognize the Truth above any other form of illusion.
Strategically positioned across the globe, Starseeds serve as leyline and grid activists, transmitting original seeded frequencies to stabilise Earth and restore balance. Their purpose here is to anchor higher cosmic light and guide humanity toward its highest timeline.
As Earth’s grids undergo reclamation, restoration, and reactivation, Starseeds instinctively gravitate towards one another, forming soul tribes and communities to embody 5D Soul Tribal Energy.
Through these connections, they develop self-sustainable, heart-centered environments based in love and unity consciousness, shaping the foundation for the New Aquarian Age Earth template.
Lightworkers are currently facing challenges as they transition from working in old Earth energy to adjusting to the new Earth energy. Working on internal self, shedding linear beliefs, and addressing conditioned thoughts are essential parts of this ascension process.
Simplifying through meditation, clearing internal clutter, intentional creation, and prioritising self-love are keys to navigating this transformation. Activating dormant DNA strands is required for evolving into a new version of ascending self .
Remembering that feeling uncomfortable at various times is part of the ascension journey, and strengthening trust and faith in Self is most important. With focused efforts on self-love practices, energy reclamation, and reconnecting with nature and healing elements, Lightworkers will navigate this stage successfully and rediscover their inner light and power. Trust that this challenging phase will soon pass, and you will emerge feeling lighter, more accepting, and aligned with true self within the next coming weeks.
The influx of activations may challenge the body’s physical systems, manifesting as digestive disruptions, sleep disruptions , liver detoxification, muscle tension, brain fog, and various skin irritations as the body purges what no longer serves it.
Starseeds are reminded that they are not defined by the darkness they have faced but are beacons of light that persist against all odds, embodying the essence of a spiritual warrior. Accepting change without resistance is emphasised, as transformation paves the way for conscious evolution.
Trusting the natural flow of life is so important, with faith in the universe’s intelligence, guidance and purpose in every moment. Believing in self’s resilient nature and ability to overcome challenges is key, as each lesson learned propels individuals towards their destined path of growth and fulfillment.
Ascension is a profound and at times an arduous journey that challenges individuals beyond their expectations. The process of ascending on a planet based in duality is far from easy, especially for those with strong conditioned linear minds. Internal shadow work, including dissecting emotions, beliefs, fears, and self-perceived deficiencies, is extremely important and complex at the same time , involving multiple levels and layers of introspection.
This transformative journey can take a toll on the physical body and provoke threats to the ego, which resists change and perceives ascension as a major threat. The decluttering of the mind requires facing confusion, questioning, and doubts, all of which are integral to shedding the embedded false self in a world filled with illusions and dysfunction.
The truth is that only a minuscule fraction of the population—0.7% of 1%—is truly engaging in conscious shadow and ascension work, highlighting the challenging and selective nature of this path.
Experiencing solitude on this journey serves as a reminder of your uniqueness and reinforces the need for self-reflection , stabilising the system and for conscious evolution . As we collectively stand on the threshold of profound self-transformation, our collective efforts contributes to the Collective evolution of both ourselves and the ascending planet we inhabit.
Genuine ascension is niche due to its high demand for authenticity. Embodying truthfulness within the self leads to uncovering the internal shadow self, acting as a vital catalyst for profound self-exploration akin to a miner digging for gold beneath the surface.
Beneath the calcified layers of the false conditioned self resides the metaphysical and multi-dimensional aspects of the self. By delving deeper within, ascending self unveils a wealth of self-discovery and profound insights all waiting to be unearthed.
For your cosmic light world is now reaching the upper spectrum of your light continuity.
We express this crystalline perspective to provide insights into the metamorphosis of now, coupled within the unique humanitarian perspective of the activated souls.
For the energies of now could be explained like diving deep into your oceans. A foreign place, yet a familiar place. As your awareness of your surroundings is providing a whole new crystalline perspective.
Many travel to vast destinations to reach this perspective. The energies of 2024 is providing the Light Gateways to you.
The Keys before you is to understand this light. Know how to navigate the cascades of light waves before you.
For your allies of Light are by your side
As these realms of light are providing new opportunities for communication.
We ask you to simply find this still point in yourself to travel and immerse in these light fields.
Know we join you in this light, amongst many cosmic light tribes who are your brothers and sisters of light.
Much is unfolding, as the cosmic layers of your world are returning for all species.
Together we join in the crystalline harmonic flows of creation
On Saturday, March 2nd, we have beautiful Venus, ruler of partnerships and resources, in liberating Aquarius in a challenging square aspect to Uranus, ruler of independence and the unexpected, in stubborn Taurus. We may feel the sudden urge to break away from relationships or circumstances that are impeding on our sense of freedom. The Goddess Venus in Air Sign Aquarius can be cold, distant, impersonal, unemotional, erratic and unconventional.
She is spirited and clever, and as she makes this difficult connection to the Great Awakener Uranus, she may do something shocking or out of character. There is a need for stimulation and excitement and this may lead her to do something impulsive or to take a risk by changing or redirecting her life in some way. At the very least there is a desire for more freedom and independence now. Try to not be overly reactive, but at the same time, beat to the beat of your own drum and follow your higher intuition.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
beautiful Venus, ruler of partnerships and resources, in liberating Aquarius
Sun conjunct asteroid Nostalgia in Pisces. Venus conjunct asteroid Pythia in Aquarius – We’re in the soft hush between major aspects, accentuated by it being Pisces season. Our local star is floating on an airbed in the ocean, eyes upturned to observe the rest of its stellar kin. As it bobs, we may find, in a distracted moment, a nod escapes, head bowing to a memory from long ago, a surge of remembrance leaking water from the eyes. In the bath, on a long commute, drinking tea, a sensing of a time long since gone, echoes of laughter, smiling eyes.
And whilst we find ourselves looking back, a flutter of anxiety (or excitement), provokes a flurry of questions. Will I ever be happy again? Will I love again? Will things be better next week, next year? Consult the oracle of the heart. Draw a card. Pay attention to images that arise in your imagination. Sometimes nostalgia is a message from the past to your present self, a reminder of what it is to be loved and what it is to love life. Now is the gateway to all timelines and none for there is only now. Take a breath and turn your face to the sun.
‘Electric’ is the name for the number three and its keywords are ‘Activate, Service and Bond’. This is the third day of the Blue Monkey wavespell. Certainly, Monkey can be tricky. Especially during these first few days as we are positioned right in the middle of the two Portal day columns. This is a powerful but intense time and it won’t let up until we get to Red Spectral Dragon in 8 day’s time. However, the number 3 is always a fun number regardless of which wavespell it occurs in. There’s so much energy available to tap into and that comes in very handy, if you make use of it.
Today is Red Skywalker which represents ‘Space, Wakefulness and Explore’. The Skywalker loves to go on adventures and this curiosity is quite catching. We may feel compelled to follow the pied piper today or go on a Magical Mystery tour. As it is an ‘Electric’ day, today is perfect for activating an adventure and also expanding your mind. Think outside the box today and be a little daring. It doesn’t hurt sometimes to surprise yourself. The Skywalker encourages us to be more bold and when combined with this energetic number 3, well that could lead to a very electrifying adventure indeed.
The Guide today is the Red Earth, the symbol of evolution and when in this guiding position, it can only mean one thing: Your Electric adventures today are guiding you towards progress in your life, so don’t hesitate and grab life by the balls!
The Challenge is the Blue Night, the dreamer of the Tzolkin. The Blue Night has a big imagination and loves to dream away the day. It’s hard to get out of the door when you are having a party in your head but for dreams to come true you must wake up. One of the key words for Red Skywalker is Wakefulness and so if you are a Blue Night – today is your wake-up call.
The Occult power is the Yellow Star. As I have mentioned before, look to the Occult power to see where the strength of a day lies. As in a person, the Occult power symbolizes the magical and often hidden aspect of the character, their ace up their sleeve. Well, today’s ace is the Yellow Star which represents ‘Beauty, Art and Elegance’. This suggests that when on your adventure today, remember to appreciate the beauty of your surroundings, the beauty in those you encounter and the beauty of your life. Indulge in art, wear elegant clothes and of course shine like a star. Yellow Star is also Blue Monkey’s best buddy and so this helps us because we’re in the Blue Monkey wavespell!
The Ally is the White Worldbridger who invites all to cross the bridge to a new adventure. If you need a partner in crime today, a White Worldbridger is your best bet.
KIN 133 = 7 – Mystic/Majik/Spiritual/Solitude Magician’s code
A very POTENTLY EXPANSIVE DAY, full throttle maximum acceleration to ACTIVATE HEAVEN on EARTH
Day 3 in the BLUE MONKEY WAVESPELL of MAJIK, JOY, Spontaneity, Bliss, Play, Merriment and a return to Innocence.
Today we ACTIVATE the JOY and BLISS. This is best expressed through EXPLORING the Majik that lies dormant within us, and around us. Using the ELECTRIC tone to IGNITE the SPARK to create more MAJIK, JOY and BLISS in our lives.
Today’s tone is ELECTRIC!!! This is pure creative genius energy – TESLA POWER. The ELECTRIC TONE coupled with the SKYWALKER, BLUE MONKEY, and MAJIK codes today, adds up to another electrically charged ROCKET FUELED DAY!! ZZZZZZZZAP!!! KAPOW!!!!
ELECTRIC is tone number 3 in the tone of creation. It is the first of the three EMOTIONAL realm tones. Its focus is on being of SERVICE to others through the action of BONDING, That is coming together with others to cocreate and be of SERVICE. This desire is AMP-lified today through the 2.2. TWINS portal.
ELECTRIC energy provides the ignition or SPARK for your manifestation, it is a current that needs to keep moving and flowing, transmitting energy.. It also adds POWER to anything you are creating today. An extra electrical boost to draw upon. The power of 3 is derived from 2 units merging and creating the third, more powerful entity. This action duplicates the essence of bonding in service that the Electric tone provides.
Today we bond together through the power of MAJIK to ignite joy and BLISS, lifting the vibe of our entire PLANET!
MONKEY FUN-EEE BUSINESS is the order of the day!
It’s TIME to PLAY together with our kin!
NOTE: ELECTRIC energy is very volatile and combustible which can lead to short fused interactions today, particularly with the cheeky monkey energies…. especially as it is an EMOTIONAL realm tone….
BE AWARE that people may be easily triggered on these days….. Remember to DIRECT this energy into creative and inventive projects so you can fully utilize the POWER available to LIGHT UP our world!
Today’s questions ARE “How can I activate more MAJIK, JOY and BLISS, as I explore greater potentials, for my creative expression through Divine Service?”
“How can we build together, a new Majikal foundation for PEACE, JOY and ABUNDANCE for NEW EARTH!
A great day to VISUALIZE the HEAVENLY GOLDEN GATES of SOURCE opening WIDE and sending forth massively, EXPANSIVE golden rainbow codes flooding onto our planet and over all the tribes of our planetary kin, BONDING in Divine Service to Nova Gaia MANIFESTING our beautiful UTOPIAN WORLD.
Today’s code is absolutely BRILLIANT for all kin to bond together in unison to ACTIVATE the DREAM, that the AWAKENED ones are holding for the whole community.
Visualize all beings SAFE and protected from harm, enfolded in DIVINE Love and LIGHT so we can successfully ACTIVATE the New Earth Dream…
Muchos Gratitude IT IS DONE X a GODZILLION
An absolutely BRILLIANT day to swim/meditate with the Dolphins, PLAY with children and/or animals and activate your BLISS genes!
Divine blessings for the most EXPANSIVE BLISS filled day!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED ELECTRIC SKYWALKER BEN coupled with the ELECTRIC tone means you are outwardly driven to ex-press your e-motions of JOY, BLISS, HAPPINESS and excitation through the creative element today. Ecstatic BLISS EXPANSION
Today is a divine day to explore SPACE – other dimensions and NEW HORIZONS, that bring you greater happiness, contentment and bliss. BEN the Skywalker is the 13th tribe opening us to the mysteries of the Cosmo adding to the EXPANSION of JOY!
Today we EXPAND, EXPLORE and connect very easily with altered realities! This is our birthright as beautiful RADIANT STAR BLISS SUNSThe more expanded you go, the more deeply you can EARTH.
Today we expand, expand, expand and witness the new. As we EXPAND we realize great BLISS, floating endlessly in a sea of infinite potential and ALL THAT IS.
It is our MISSION to return from our adventuring as fully AWAKENED STAR BLISS SJPERNOVA SUNS, bringing Heaven to Earth.
The 2.2 portal plus the SKYWALKER is UBER ACTIVATING us to BOND with our kin in united ecstasy, to realize BLISS ON EARTH. This collective Mission will be felt very strongly today!
But the stars do shine
In promising salvation, is near this time
Can you FEEL it now
So brothers and sisters, show we know how
Now tell me
Can you feel it, (tell me can you feel it) can you feel it, can you feel it
(Hey, hey, tell me, can you see what’s going down? Open up your mind)
Can you feel it, can you feel it, can you feel it
Go forth and WALK THE SKIES on all levels today, deep into the earth realms and even high out in the stars and multi-Universe.
All this can be experienced through your own bodies and consciousness without leaving home! No rocket required!!
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED ELECTRIC EARTH – CABAN’s coding is through SIGNS, synchronicity and navigation. Allow yourself to be DE-LIGHT-ed today with the majikal synchronicities appearing around you, and even materializing before your EYES!
Our MAJIK MONKEY is all BLISSED up and READY to PLAY – so watch for the cues he is giving you with CABAN to navigate your way to greater BLISS. The GATE to MAJIKAL 5D is blasted OPEN today!
Today we are listening, to find the PERFECT TIMING that IGNITES the MAJIK in our lives.
Energy expressed in right timing, can ACTIVATE those around us to express, as well, creating a domino effect of joy filled creation. This creates a feeling of WAKEFULNESS and a FLOW of euphoric BLISS, through the EXPANSION of our consciousness. Navigating our path through greater realms of experiencing this infinite BLISS, and then grounding it back into Mother Gaia.
BOOM! This code can sweep you off your feet beloveds!!!
ELECTRIC CABAN as today’s Higher Guide, IGNITES and ACTIVATES GAIA’S POWER GRID . VOLCANOES may erupt as the electrical current flows through her veins/meridians.. Pyramids are ACTIVATED and there is much energy to be harnessed for the betterment of all.
Use this POWER to ACTIVATE your DIVINE NEW EARTH MISSION and GAIA will surely partner with you.
For all those STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS who have been patiently waiting EONS for the RIGHT TIME – NOW IS THE BLISS TIME – so HOP TO IT!!
SUPPORT: WHITE ELECTRIC WORLDBRIDGER– CIMI the best buddy of BEN, of course, is joining the Galactic GIGGLE party today. BEN, CIMI and CHUEN are riding on the MAJIK carpet together, to take us to new worlds and dimensions in our happy adventuring through the space/time continuum. Jumping into other worlds to build the EXCITATION that leads to expression. To GET EXCITED by everything NEW. New opportunities, new knowledge, new adventures and new higher potentials.
Worldbridger enhances networking and CONNECTION – bonding with your soul tribe, divine partner and colleagues destined to walk beside you.. EYES wide open today.
The name of the game today is building EXCITATION so that it becomes CONTAGIOUS and spreads, creating even greater JOY, BLISS and HAPPINESS. Building energy and EXPANDING, touching more souls to AWAKEN to the greater experience of JOY.
All riding through the portals together, bringing forth the codes needed to create even more MAJIK and MIRACLES in our lives.
“NOTHING is more EXCITING than an IDEA whose TIME has come!” VICTOR HUGO
NOTE: KIN 146 – 3 CIMI is the Galactic signature of ELON MUSK – so as today’S SUPPORT we have more rocket fuel IGNITION to ACTIVATE our projects – people, resources, money, inspiration, majik – whatever is needed for your MISSION will MAJIKALLY APPEAR! NO LIMITS!
KIN 146 is a G.A.P. – Galactic Activation Portal – which is BLASTING open the veil today on this beautiful 2.2. PORTAL day…
In EXACTLY 13 days time on 15 MARCH 2024 it will be the day of the ELECTRIC WORLDBRIDGER which BLASTS OPEN the next row of 10 GAP days in a ROW – during the YELLOW SEED WAVESPELL…
3 CIMI is bridging this span today as the first bridge opening the way to access these resources to reach your HIGHEST potential flowering.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW SPECTRAL STAR LAMAT is also joining this amazingly EXPANSIVE party today! LAMAT is the STAR of the show! The portal to other galaxies and planets. ANOTHER PORTAL CODE!!!
LAMAT works in unison OPENING THE GOLDEN GATES for CIMI to connect to, and BEN and CHUEN, to flow through, on their majik carpet, RIDING on the Superhighways of the Cosmos.
The SPECTRAL STAR – also operates on the emotional plane, dissolving, releasing and finally LIBERATING more energy. So anything that has restricted our BLISS will be dissolved so that we can fully LIBERATE more spontaneous JOY in our lives.
Today we are releasing the pure beauty, creativity, harmony and abundance that we have discovered through our joy filled exploration.
LAMAT shines her STARLIGHT on our capacity to co-create together the highest potential beauty and Harmony for our planet. To focus primarily on the Harmonic Matrix as a model of Harmony throughout the universe, which empowers us to fearlessly co-create the New Earth/Time for all beings.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE ELECTRIC NIGHT– AKBAL is the challenge that strengthens us today. AKBAL rules the deep subconscious inner realms. As it is a day of JOY, BLISS, CREATIVITY and outwardly expression, our challenge today, is not to delve too deeply into the abyss, but rather to SUPERCHARGE our happiness quotient.
ACTIVELY CHOOSE to explore the outer realms and world around us. Igniting our inner creative spark, through the guidance of our intuition, to navigate our way, welcoming more ABUNDANCE in our lives. Therefore building the basis for more MAJIK to flow.
The BLUE ELECTRIC NIGHT -is the MAJIKAL GENIE who very powerfully ACTIVATES our greatest DREAMS today! Seek out those kin holding the same DREAM and bond in SERVICE to ignite those DREAMS.
Today is a great day for manifesting MAJIK and fuelling our dreams and desires, to create a BLISS filled, beautiful life of constant flowing JOY.
A life we all truly deserve! The collective dream of ABUNDANCE FOR ALL BEINGS!
So beloved STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS, go forth and IGNITE the MAJIK so that it may GROW and E-X-P-A-N-D and continually grant all your wishes.
Today’s questions ARE “How can I activate more MAJIK, JOY and BLISS, as I explore greater potentials, for my creative expression through Divine Service?”
“How can we build together, a new Majikal foundation for PEACE, JOY and ABUNDANCE for NEW EARTH!
A great day to VISUALIZE the HEAVENLY GOLDEN GATES of SOURCE opening WIDE and sending forth massively, EXPANSIVE golden rainbow codes flooding onto our planet and over all the tribes of our planetary kin, BONDING in Divine Service to Nova Gaia MANIFESTING our beautiful UTOPIAN WORLD.
Today’s code is absolutely BRILLIANT for all kin to bond together in unison to ACTIVATE the DREAM, that the AWAKENED ones are holding for the whole community.
Visualize all beings SAFE and protected from harm, enfolded in DIVINE Love and LIGHT so we can successfully ACTIVATE the New Earth Dream…
Muchos Gratitude IT IS DONE X a GODZILLION
An absolutely BRILLIANT day to swim/meditate with the Dolphins, PLAY with children and/or animals and activate your BLISS genes!
Divine blessings for the most EXPANSIVE BLISS filled day!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 New Earth Ascension report and Astrology Reading 🕉 for the week of February 25th through March 2nd 2024 with Paul White Gold Eagle 🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week we covers the astrology for the coming week from February 25th through March 2nd 2024. We also read three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and a very special prayer for the new earth and the new golden age.
Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste 🕉
In the name of the Great I AM, I call for the Light of a thousand suns from the Great Central Sun, Angels of Violet Fire, Beloved Saint Germain, Beloved Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst, Omri Tas, ruler of the Violet planet.
In the name of God, I AM That I AM! Saturate the Earth and all of Her evolution with limitless waves of Violet Fire.
I call for the action of the Violet Transmuting Flame and the action of the Will of God to manifest on Earth, now and forever, an ever increasing spiral of Divine Perfection.
I call for all discord and activities on Earth that are not reflecting the highest Light and God’s Holy Purposes to be miraculously swept and transformed, by the power of the Violet Flame, into Divine Love and Harmony for the restoration of Earth and Her people into their original blueprint of perfection that was originally intended.
Violet Flame! Violet Flame! 0 Violet Flame! In the name of God, flood the Earth, Her people and all Her kingdoms with oceans and oceans of Violet Fire until every particle of Life is restored to Divine Perfection. May Peace and Love be spread throughout the Earth! May the Earth abide in the aura of Perfect Love!
May the Earth abide in an aura of Peace, Love and Freedom! I give thanks that it is done now according to God’s Holy Will! And so be it, Beloved I AM
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