You are currently viewing New Super Moon in Taurus ~ MOTHER’S GARDEN ~ HEAVENLY FLOW OF ABUNDANCE ~ Alchemising the Wounds to Unveil The Key to your Destiny ~ EAGLE ASCENSION
Star Seeds and Light Worker Souls

New Super Moon in Taurus ~ MOTHER’S GARDEN ~ HEAVENLY FLOW OF ABUNDANCE ~ Alchemising the Wounds to Unveil The Key to your Destiny ~ EAGLE ASCENSION

New Super Moon in Taurus ~ MOTHER’S GARDEN ~ HEAVENLY FLOW OF ABUNDANCE ~ Alchemising the Wounds to Unveil The Key to your Destiny ~ EAGLE ASCENSION



Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings Holy Devas of our Cosmic Ascension Portal

Here we go Angels of the New Earth!

After our local Solaris released another 10 M Class Solar flares today we just had another major X Class Flare maxing at X 1.08 at 6:40 PM PST (1:40 UTC)!

Massive energies from the most High Infinite Source Creator are pouring into this realm to assist Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun to make our Quantum Leap of Consciousness and Great Shift of the Ages into the timeless Reality of the New Golden Age of Eternal Bliss and Enlightenment for all our Good People of the New Earth.

As we step together through the Heavenly Gates and into the Pure Land of Amida Buddha we free ourselves from all Wheels of Karma and Samsara and turn the Wheel of Dharma to free all Sentient Beings from all suffering of illusions and delusions of Maya.

Keep anchoring in and integrating the Higher Holy Light as we Rise together through this Ascension Vortex and into our New Heaven upon our New Earth…A’Ho!












Roseline/ Christos Grail line activations, Galactictivations~ Trauma rewrites/ karmic imprint release, previous timeline convergence in preparation for trajectory shift. Divine blueprints coming online~ DNA activations, Throat chakra purge/upgrade, Initiation embodiment~ new keys and code dispersement, ( instruction set updates) current change of guard anchored
Christos Grail line activations
Christos Grail line activations
Happy New Moon in Taurus! New mindset. New abundance. New opportunities. New love & renewal of love. Feel it all coming your way. You deserve. This & more. Feel it — you are about to receive something special.
Only a wounded heart knows the secret of the Soul
Only a wounded heart knows the secret of the Soul

[ Artist • Signum Noir ]



Truth is embarking from solar initiations of the blue ray 💙 the rose ray or the magenta ray is bringing unconditional love 💓 Feel the metamorphosis of light as you expand your consciousness.

Codes of creation allowing freedom codes to see beyond illusions, it’s showcasing false light well, it’s bringing courage for those to heal and rise up in strength and love. It’s glitching the matrix and bringing in justice that all will see soon ✨

Got this beautiful pink rainbow yesterday after a cloud seeded storm and I heard the call to go outside and this was the sight seen. Always listen to your higher self, it will provide you well!

Pink Rainbow
Pink Rainbow

EAGLE ASCENSION… (big Cosmic synchronicity today)

Yesterday, the last of the old Moon was seen, and now it soon is going to be the New Moon on 7/8 May.
At the same time the Sun is emitting strong rays of transmuting healing Light energy that we may sense…it can be said it is a good interference that is activating our memory codes to transcend old conditions we hold but struggle to let go of, as we trust to let go the mind we grow and learn how to fly like an Eagle, with a free spirit that is at peace with itself.
Today’s energy aligns with 12-Eagle, the tone creates understanding and new memory is seeded, the aspect of EAGLE ascends to a larger view…
In terms of the larger expanses of time, the ‘”big Cosmic synchronicity today” is that time is also in 18 days of EAGLE, and in the 134th NIGHT of the 9th Wave, the 9th Wave being the most condense LIGHT frequency, and aligns consciousness to Diamond Light Time…
With the higher level you have evolved to become it is time to take new aim and be excited about the new LIGHT of creativity arriving, the new LIGHT is opening the door to incredible new realisation and inner Soul understandings that we are multidimensional being of the Stars here on Earth to anchor the purest of Light of the Source Creator of Creation…
In gratitude
5/7/24: We’re not conscious of it, but we feel it. We don’t work at it, but it’s happening. We don’t realize how important it is, but it’s everything. When the world entered this new millennium in the year 2000, this thousand years of number 2 energy, our hearts began to beat a new rhythm.
They began to adjust to a new consciousness of spirit, making space for more sensitivity. It is this sensitivity that makes some of us more fearful, more anxious, more uncomfortable with change. Today is the very essence of this global shift.
It is thoughtful, introspective, curious, compassionate, kind, and, yes, sensitive. It is the adventure into which we are all journeying more deeply. It is New Earth.
new millennium
new millennium

Master Lady Kira Raa

New Moon Time out of Time CREATION

As the Stobe strengthens…TODAY May 07, the New Moon begins our journey into the FINAL RELEASE Of Mercury and the May 13/14 ACTIVATIONS!!

BE-Loved One…as the Time out of Time sequence REVEALS the depth of our collective abiliy to VISION into FORM…

This specific New Moon Void of Creation IT-self is inviting YOU…to dive without Fear, Doubt or Hesitancy into Your Ascended BEingness.

To THRIVE And RE-CREATE all the dreams that YOU KNOW are YOURS to Command into this form…now!

As you gift your-self and bring a Hand to your heart . in-joy a nourshing Avesa breath, and… Notice where it is taking you.

The Collective May moment is momentous and expansive. There is so much to share as we also take the soaring leap into remembrance of the Language of Energy it-self. This 7 window, from TODAY May 07 through Monday May 13, is the momentum of Creation inviting YOU TO COMMAND it with Conscious Awareness into Form

YES…You are able to build the dream you are carrying and YES….YOU ARE ready to make it ALL come forward. The gift of TRUST is the moment at hand and the CHOICE Is yours to make.

I LOVE YOU & HONOR your Unique Journey of the Yoga of Self-Ascension,


She holds the power of creation
She holds the power of creation





MAY 7 2024



Humanity has connected again to the realms of the Solar Lands, the Four rivers of Heavenly Abundance and the clock of time in the Mother’s Garden!
Humanity is now closer than even to the flow of Source and is ready to be pulled in by its Power!
Those ready have already connected to the top of the Mountain also, bringing back the drop of Life for everyone to taste.
Its ripple will reach everyone ready!
There is a whole new field that opened through this development as the Wheels of Life turned!
Yesterday as I was working with the realms and families of the Solar lands, the Four rivers and the Tree of Life in the park near my house, I experienced the Four Rivers opening up towards the Living Ones in our realm and pulling them in, towards the centre!
This pull will be felt by those who have not necessarily opened to the knowing of the actual existence of the Rivers but who are ready to do so and align towards their True Soul Destiny and reconnection to their True Families and home lands!
This will be a full realignment of all the chakras and readjustment of the inner Yin and Yang polarities which will be transforming the whole body and biology and perception and perspective!
True Remembrance and Clarity on where we are will return now in many!
It will be like an irresistible clear calling coming from within, showing them the right direction via their own inner compasses and flows, a calling to return to the state of inner flow of Abundance and Self worth, embracing the Self with True Love!
Mother is everywhere and Her message of attunement to her clock is manifesting in many different ways in this realm!
The Metropolitan Museum is my favourite museum, I have spent hours and hours in it!
Talking about Twin Flames this is where the Eros and Psyche sculpture is exhibited also!
Twin Flames this is the Great Love Story!
Let me just say starting from now, upon this new Moon and for the next 20 days start counting your gifts and blessings for the beginning of your New Life, as Heaven will unleash its most magnificent manifestation of Love and Abundance via the planets!
which will take place in different areas of Life according to each individual so have your hearts and eyes open and call in your blessings from Godhood!
😍💘 😍
Blessings of Self Worth!
El Moryana Anadimiana
OL A Christos
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
Garden of Time
Garden of Time

New Moon in Taurus – Alchemising the Wounds to unveil The Key to your Destiny.

While the New moon in Taurus is all about bringing into form / manifestation and embodying all that has been set in motion in the etheric realms courtesy the Eclipse Gateway and Jupiter Uranus Conjunction at an individual and collective level….there is a underlying current of rawness , grief, loss and vulnerability also due to the Mercury Chiron conjunction preceding it.
Chiron, the Wounded healer, has been a major player in this eclipse axis which means that the Universe may seem to have wilfully and deliberately orchestrated some deep soul searing wounds for us beginning of this eclipse axis (july 2023). The question Now is how do we alchemise/ heal these wounds in order to uncover the keys to our Soul Gifts that will align us with our Soul Destiny (North Node of Destiny). There are insights now available as to how to move beyond the trauma/ wounds into Empowerment (vs victimhood). These wounds were no coincidence. They are part of your soul/ ancestral/karmic legacy activated by Soul Mates in accordance with your soul blueprint. The moment you shift your consciousness out of victim mentality is the moment you allow the universe to unveil the gifts and potential that these wounds hold. The key to your Soul Potential, the key to your liberation, the Key to your King/queendom, The Key to your Power, The Key your Joy, Bliss and Purpose.
The New Taurus Moon energies are connected with Pleiadian Gnostic / Creatrix and Hathor Womb and Oracular energies of Co Creation and Manifestation employing frequencies of joy, pleasure, desire and sensuality . While the Pleiadian energies bring Creatrix Codes , their manifestation and embodiment finds expression via our Voice and intentions- Voicing our Truth, giving voice/ acknowledgement to the grief/ wounds so that it may be healed/released/ alchemised, giving voice and expression to joy and pleasure and desire,giving ourselves permission to witness our vulnerabilities and rawness without the perpetual cloak of strength and resilience we are forced to wear ….for Venus, ruler of Taurus is in the Underworld. Authentic living and expression.
The Pleiadian Emerald Sun gnostic downloads and Union Codes that we have been receiving for the past few weeks in the etheric realms are now ready to be anchored and brought into manifestation and embodiment. Use Intentions, Visualizations and sound Alchemy to anchor these into your reality.
EnLight ,InGrace, InJoy
Be The Change You Want To See
Sa Kei Na
Alchemising the Wounds to unveil The Key to your Destiny
Alchemising the Wounds to unveil The Key to your Destiny
The New Moon in Taurus on the 7th/8th May looks to help us to ground some very high resonating personal frequency, which has been building up across an accelerated April, and allows us to see a more assured footing as we look to step over an extremely powerful vibrational field which presents to us across May to September, as a part of the Lightbridge support offered to us across 2024 (12.02.24 – 24.12.24).
This Taurus Season has been a more watery aspect than that of the expected Earthing. Riding on the back of a total solar eclipse, which occurred in early April, our reliable bull began his season riding the waves of descending high frequency codings for expansion which, at such levels of intensity, have made it seem difficult at times to find steady ground on which to tread our path. This has highlighted an emotional awareness, no doubt related to the letting go of an era and our own personal contemplation of the narrative of our known past.
At 24.04.24 Taurus the Bull saw us through the opening of a life changing cosmic gateway which perhaps found his best attributes underrated, as who could know the true grounding effects of his influence at such a birthing point of time and space. And yet, with all of this going on humanity is still looking to open doorways for escapism and reinvention.
The message of the new moon in Taurus is unusually a watery theme, albeit a retrospective one…
Water Under the Bridge… may be our best hope in soothing a mounting emotional crisis and earthing our perspective of a new way forward.
The trick is to remember that all is laid ready for us; and with a little surrender perhaps we do not need to look so far to try.
Kirsty Elizabeth
Taurus the Bull
Taurus the Bull

New Moon in Taurus – Venusian Healing Transmissions

Beloved Ones,
As we continue traversing this month’s transformational portal, more benevolent energies join our planetary system, to assist us in our conscious desire for evolution. Today, the Taurus New Moon with its alignment to Uranus, and harmonization to Saturn, opens the gates for the Venusian healing frequencies that are now descending upon our planet, to assist in the female healing that is too taking place in ourselves and planetary template.
The reconstruction of our female essence, in both genders, as we all have both polarities within us, is a long-term process that involves the removal of all patriarchal, repressive, and false programs from our first and especially second chakras, as it is where the majority of our 3D traumas reside.
We are now receiving the assistance of our Venusian Council family together with Pleiadians in the female healing that many ascending souls are experiencing now. This passage will be also a profound one for our relationships. It helps us to dive deep into our feelings, and embrace and accept honesty, so we can continue healing our relationships, creating balanced relationships based on equality, respect, and harmonic exchanges, for we now co-create as equals, unlike it used to be the old.
An inner work that is required to achieve the female mission that many of you brought to this planet, and that is now emerging as you reconnect to your soul, and open yourself to your monadic wisdom and transmissions.
During this Venusian portal that the Taurus Moon activates, as we have Venus, Jupiter, The Sun, Moon, and Uranus in Taurus, many of you will start descending the loving wisdom, in the form of liquid stellar plasma, that will remind you of your origin, main mission and above all, next directions for your personal path.
Only you can descend what is only yours to know, for only you know who you are and the perfect Divine Plan you created before incarnating on your earth plane.
This shift is an ongoing process as our planetary system, our central sun, continues magnetically being aligned to Pleiades, from May to June, This cosmic reunion of our Sun with Pleiades is what triggers the plasmatic waves that many of you are now embodying, and that causes the many physical sensations that are the natural process of conscious evolution, as the more you work with yourself, the more you release, which is one of the main causes of the many physical sensations you may feel.
As our planet too continues moving into a trinity system, from the old dual one in the old Piscean Era, there will be more separation we will too appreciate, for the more we evolve, the more we can envision what we are leaving behind.
Our main task is always to discern, through inner knowing and deep communion with our soul, what is authentic for us, what we truly wish to align and co-create with, and what has become obsolete.
Daily soul communion is essential to differentiate what is true to us and what is not, as the many tactics and beings working to foment fragmentation possess highly evolved non-benevolent technologies to create disassociation, especially in the spiritual community.
To align to the current healing energies, and our personal truth, soul retrieval, daily body scanning, ego balancing, and soul reconnection, is pivotal to detecting any misalignment.
My Guides share for All who are guided to go out in the sunlight, if you can, or connect to it through your feelings and visualization. Once you are connected to our Stargate the Sun, for it is too an interdimensional portal as you know, visualize a bright golden orb descending from it into your solar plexus, and as you decree to retrieve the love, wisdom, and power that you are, as a Divine Being, expand it until it covers all your physical and non-physical bodies.
Call upon your Guides, Venusian Council, Unified Self, and any other benevolent being you work with to protect you and assist you in this embodiment exercise.
Decree to remove all imbalances, with the solar plasma waves you have consciously embodied, that is impeding your well-being, and healing process.
Decree to only align to your God’s Source and the Divine’s Source that created us All. Feel its warmth in your entire being, running throughout your chakras, healing, clearing, and restoring yourself and light body, as you build it, for plasma is required to build our light bodies.
As you rebirth into the Illumined being that you are, decree to only serve God’s Will and All Creation, from a space of unconditional love and compassion to all living beings, in service to All Creation in your unique way, and so be it.
Be patient to receive confirmation, in the unique way that you are meant to, and start building your light body, scanning it consciously to remove all that no longer serves your body and personal path.
All exercises must be followed by acting with complete integrity, for we cannot lie to Source, and when our actions contradict who we want to be, the Light does not support opposite frequencies.
The more Love, Wisdom, and Power we embody, the more discernment, and the more clarity for us to navigate our authentic soul’s trajectory and planetary mission.
This is a year of conscious reconnnection and empowerment for us to learn how to become the only authority and sovereign beings of our bodies and life experience, and to be able to achieve that, first, we need to realign to the Love that we are, as the only Force capable of healing all distortions and opening our eyes to the Truth.
May you be true to yourselves and your Divine Guidance, Beloved Ones.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Photo by: Natalia Alba with pre program.
New Moon in Taurus - Venusian Healing Transmissions
New Moon in Taurus – Venusian Healing Transmissions
I woke in a very much altered state this morning, and was clearly shown the immense transfiguration and transformation taking place, as the millions of Star Seeds and Light Worker Souls are now awakening in ever greater and higher degrees.
These souls volunteered to see this massive shift through, and came in droves, as the Divine Masterplan unfolds on earth. This has never happened before on such a vast scale, so is unprecedented.
The Divine Source declared that humanity would be set free at this exact time, 5th July 2020, and since then this is the case. It has been accompanied by such a deep and profound emergence, that the process has become unstoppable. As much as some are desperately trying to spread the seeds of chaos, dissent and false information, it is a last ditch attempt, for they know their time is up and fear the consequences of their actions, as the Divine Law of Cause and Effect is now returning unto them the self-same seeds, they have sown.
Then I was shown how these millions of Star Seeds and Light workers are gathering in Loving Communities, unified in heart and soul, sharing the same vision of co-creating the New Golden Age of Unity with unconditional love, as one!
Initially, I saw them gathering group by group, then the groups started to form cluster groups, and the cluster groups then united as ONE, and I was shown a massive beehive with all the clusters now forming part of one single WHOLE!
It was so incredibly beautiful that I have tears writing this!
We are all one, and we will now find in the highest degrees that this Unity and Oneness will be felt deeply in our hearts and souls, as we increasingly experience this unanimity within and outside of ourselves.
Instead of separation, we can only see ONE.
Instead of judging ourselves and others, our hearts open and we only see and feel a deep love. An all abiding love. For we finally now understand and deeply FEEL this, that all is One. Our brothers, our sisters, are ONE with us.
There is a deep compassion for those brothers and sisters who still choose to live in fear and separation.
In truth there is only Love – all else is illusion.
The more the higher heart opens, the more we return to the ONE and Unity Consciousness, for we cannot do nor be other than the truth of who and what we in truth are and were created to be.
Star Seeds and Light Worker Souls
Star Seeds and Light Worker Souls

Anchoring Love & Light ❤

We ask you to open your Heart, find the space to EXPAND.
In every second, you are actively contributing to the Mission and the life force of Gaia.
As your light body integrates, you will notice more space in your mind, more virtual awareness as your thought processess take a whole new meaning of expansion and expression. The term BEING will resonate and relate on a whole new level.
As your multidimensional self becomes your reality – you will need a period of time integrating the Greater Aspect Of You.
We ask you to be gentle & sensitive with yourself & others.
Self care, good rest and harmony is an integral step in the process.
Focus your thoughts in a heart centered space of Love & Light.
Know we love you dearly Galactic brothers & sisters xo
Sending waves of Cosmic Love for your day❤
The Arcturians & Karen Lithika
Anchoring Love & Light
Anchoring Love & Light

Ra James

Welcome to our Taurus New Moon. This is a powerful manifestation portal. We have a triple conjunction of Planets happening. There is a rare alignment with Venus, Jupiter and Uranus. Venus brings us love, desires, and attraction. Jupiter brings us good luck and good fortune.
Uranus brings change and upheaval. This New Moon is especially strong. It’s the first New Moon of the Spring, as it’s the First non Eclipse New Moon we have had. It’s also a Super New Moon. This Moon’s orbit is very close to us. This means we will feel it a lot more and its effects. This is all about reflecting and setting your intentions. It’s a time to focus on what you’re manifesting and what it is you desire. We are also clearing a lot of energies.
These energies are like a reset button has been hit in your life after Eclipse Season. It’s all about realigning your energies. It’s the time to be planting seeds for your future. It’s all about manifesting your dreams into your reality. Taurus rules the second house of wealth and worth. It’s a great time to be working on a business, or other money making ideas. This New Moon is all about how you’re investing in and taking care of your own energies.
Taurus is always a sign that’s happy with some good food, feeling financially secure, and having a good lover. Love is in the air! It’s all about growing within your connections. It’s a great time to heal your love life. Expect sensual and romantic vibes. There is a lot of magic in the air right now…
Moon is in earth sign Taurus
Moon is in earth sign Taurus

May 7, 2024: New Moon at Taurus 18°02’, 11:22 pm EDT.

This is such a challenging time. New life is stirring, erupting out of the confines of old forms, but it is difficult to see beyond the chaos created by the eruptions.
This New Moon is dominated by Taurus and Aries energy. Aries is the initiator of a new cycle. At this New Moon we have Mars, North Node, Chiron, Mercury, and Eris in Aries. Venus, Sun, Moon, Uranus, and Jupiter are in Taurus. Taurus, second sign of the Zodiac, grounds in physical form the new cycle initiated by Aries. In this New Moon chart, all the planets are held within a trine between Ceres in Capricorn and the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction. New structures are being created, even as the old forms are being destroyed. Quite naturally, our attention is on the destruction but that is only part of the story.
There is healing energy in this chart, particularly around the mindset of the Warrior. Mercury and Chiron are conjunct on the 21st degree of Aries and in a challenging aspect to Ceres. Old forms are loudly challenged, creating space for new energy to come forth.
Saturn in Pisces is in a sextile – a harmonious aspect – to the New Moon conjunction in Taurus. The Old King is supporting the emergence of new forms. The biggest challenge lies in the shadows. The Aries Warrior has spent centuries supporting values that are no longer useful; what worked in the past no longer works. Taurus can be very stubborn, reluctant to release what has been acquired. Yet that is what must happen.
When there is an eruption – an earthquake, explosion, volcanic eruption, a war – the structure of Earth society is reorganized. We are in the throes of destruction and the chaos of creation. What will emerge is not yet clear.
Art: Root and Branch by Natalie Dixon
Root and Branch
Root and Branch

Mercury is now direct and has just crossed over the Eclipse point of 19 degrees Aries. Mercury is coming up to his third and final conjunction with Chiron on May 8th, just in time for the Taurus New Moon on May 7th. This New Moon happens at 18 degrees, two minutes of Taurus, not too far away from Uranus. This New Moon is a blooming and activation of the divine feminine.

Our Earth is waking back up, and taking back Her Power. We are in a continued time of massive higher vibrational activation with our personal planets about to make a procession across the Uranus Jupiter conjunction in Earthy Taurus. Now we begin to see what this all means in our personal life. It’s time to find our roll in building back Her Garden.

We are starting to understand what this last couple of months has been about. We are dropping our wounded stories from the past, and preparing to move in a whole new direction. Mercury’s two conjunctions with the North Node are confirming that this season is about finding a new way forward. Mercury will exit retrograde shadow on May 14th, and move into the sign of Taurus on May 16th. He’s completed his retrograde, but he still needs to square up against Pluto on May 18th. We are more clearly seeing the cords and contracts which may be in the way of us fully stepping into the Abundant New Age.

Pluto is now retrograde in Aquarius, sitting at 2 degrees. Neptune has made it to 29 degrees Pisces, and so they are beginning to come into sextile. This is a beautiful backdrop to the rest of 2024, speaking of new possibilities of Living our Dreams. Yes, Pluto has to go back into Capricorn from September into November, but he will be in sextile to dreamy Neptune, bringing creative solutions to create something new. In order to do that, we must first completely break down the false authority structures which have been holding us back. We are already feeling this sextile, but the height of it will happen from June through September. It’s time to claim back the miracles and magic, and totally rework our reality.

Mercury retrograde crossed over Venus on his way back through Aries, as if going back to get Her. He won’t catch back up to her until they meet at 29 degrees Gemini on June 17th at 29th. This will be like a powerful reboot of Her Sacred Song, giving us big clues around the energy of our New Directions. There’s only one way forward, and it’s Home to Her. This energy will be highlighted for the end of May and into June when Venus catches up to the Sun for an extended conjunction. They will be together at 11-14 degrees Taurus through June 2nd through 5th.

This Taurus New Moon is a New Start of our New Earth. We are being called in a magical way to come back into connection with Our Loving Mother. There is a delightful energy inviting us into celebration of the bounty of higher frequency gifts which are flooding in during this potent Astrological time. We are Awakening right beside Her. As we surrender back into her love and support, we are surrendering back into once again being a full conduit for Her Love. As we walk with New Earth in our Energetic Field, we re-ignite her Glorious Loving Dream.


In the Garden
In the Garden
On Tuesday, May 7th, we have the energies of new beginnings with a New Moon in loyal, earth sign Taurus at 11:22pm EDT. This means for most of the day we are in the Dark of the Moon phase. We may feel tired, introspective, and introverted at this time. It is a time to take stock of our existence and think about what is working and what is not……a time to process everything that is going on in our life and declutter our minds and our hearts.
The hours leading up to this New Moon in Taurus will see the Moon, herself, connecting to Venus who is also currently in Taurus, the ruler of this sign of the Bull. This is fortunate as Venus is about love, as well as attraction, and known to bring blessings into our lives. Just hours after the New Moon is exact, Luna will connect with both Uranus, the Awakener, and Jupiter, the Great Benefic, who are also in this stable and grounded earth sign.
This is also fortuitous as these two planets recently came together in conjunction to start a new cycle of manifestation for us, personally and on a collective level. Uranus is about liberation, change and surprises, while Jupiter is about abundance, prosperity and good fortune. This is the first New Moon after the shakeup energies of the Eclipses in March and April, and the perfect time to set new intentions for what you want to grow and bring to life! Remember to recognize what you are currently grateful and thankful for, as this generates more gifts from the Universe to appreciate!
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
New Moon in loyal, earth sign Taurus
New Moon in loyal, earth sign Taurus
Sun in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces. Mercury conjunct Chiron in Aries and square Ceres in Capricorn. Upcoming New Moon in Taurus (7th/8th May depending on time zone) – Mercury concludes a long conversation with Chiron and Ceres. Hopefully by now, we’re clearer on how internalised voices can help or harm. Give yourself a pep talk. Remind yourself that you are capable. You are not so broken that you cannot be fixed, or so faulty that you cannot be loved. Healing is knowing that you are holy.
The Sun’s connection to Saturn is carried through to a beautiful Taurus New Moon. This is a quiet, steadying hand, an elder guide watching over us. Get real and present with this reality. Marvel at the body, how food grows, how bees make honey, how the pigeon always finds her way home. You too have an internal compass that will always bring you back to centre when times are hard. Plant your seeds – literally, metaphorically. Slow down and savour. The acorn isn’t stressed about how long it will take to become an oak tree. Just feel the air on your skin, the sun on your face, the wind in your hair, your toes in the grass. Let nature soothe your soul for you are a part of nature.
By Robert Julian Onderdonk
Degrees and Times
Mercury, Chiron 21°Ar02′ – 03:26 (BST)
Sun 17°Ta09′, Saturn 17°Pi09′ – 06:42 (BST)
Mercury 21°Ar21′, Ceres 21°Cp21′ – 12:53 (BST)
*New Moon 18°Ta02′ – 4:21 (BST) May 8, 2024 *
© Leah Whitehorse
source :
Painting – Old Live Oak Tree and Bluebonnets on the West Texas Military Grounds, San Antonio
Old Live Oak Tree and Bluebonnets on the West Texas Military Grounds
Old Live Oak Tree and Bluebonnets on the West Texas Military Grounds

Kin 199 ~ Blue Self-Existing Storm

‘Self-Existing’ is the name for the number four and its key words are ‘Define, Form and Measure’. We are on the fourth day of the Yellow Warrior wavespell and to proceed, we must take a closer look at the details of our mission. The Yellow Warrior has a curious mind and so this number four energy goes well together. You should receive answers by the end of the day, if you are discerning and ask the right questions. Taking a closer look at your situation will ensure your mission’s success.
Today is Blue Storm which represents ‘Catalyze, Self-Generation and Energy’. When the stormy game changer falls on the fourth day, we must scrutinize in order to change our situation. Don’t make any big decisions today unless you have all the facts at hand. Read the small print, take stock and be very clear where you stand. Do a bit of detective work! As the number four can make us feel insular, don’t be surprised if you find yourself being your own analyst. The changes that are made today have the potential to be huge and personal. Work on yourself, if you want to make progress.
The Guide today is the Blue Eagle which sees things from a higher perspective. This guide is very handy for today’s mission. We can look at the details and see the bigger picture. Eagle helps us see everything from all angles. This balances the day nicely. If you are giving yourself an analysis and pondering deeply about the meaning of your life, don’t forget to also see the bigger picture.
The Challenge today is the Red Moon which symbolizes going with the flow. It will be difficult today to relax. The Storm is too disruptive and there is too much to be done. All this gathering of information and making plans to change things, leaves little time for chilling out. If you are a Red Moon, you won’t enjoy all this fuss as you’d rather be relaxing.
The Occult power is the White Wind which represents communication. The best part of this day is this magical aspect of the White Wind. Expect communication to transform your day and make the whole process much easier. Make that phone call or send that email, the White Wind really delivers the message today! Good news can blow your way today and this facilitates the changes.
The Ally is the Yellow Sun which represents Enlightenment. If you need a clever clogs to assist you with your fact finding today, your best bet is a Yellow Sun, if you happen to know one. If you are a Yellow Sun expect people coming to you seeking answers. Do shine the light for them if you can.
Kin 199
Kin 199


4 CAUAC – KIN 199
7 MAY 2024
Measuring energy
I seal the matrix of self-generation
With the Self-existing tone of FORM
I AM guided by the power of VISION
7/5/2024 = 7/5/8 =7/13=7/4=11=2
7- Mystic/Majik/Solitude/Initiation/Test
11- Portal/Gate/Illumination/Polarity
2- Partner/Twin/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
13- Goddess/Cosmic Consciousness/Natural Lore/Synchronic time
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 199 = 19 = 10 = 1 – New Beginnings/Leadership/Manifestation
Today this STORM is heralding in the final run of these closing tumultuous energies- counting down ready for a BRIGHT NEW CHAPTER!!!
Day 4 in the YELLOW WARRIOR WAVESPELL 🏹🌈of fearlessly QUEST-I-ON-ing everything in our path with a profound intelligence, disabling the old paradigm and fully focused on forging a new path to a brave New World.
Today we are DEFINING CHANGE. Using our MINDS to intelligently QUEST-I-ON everything, so that we may define what it is, to go beyond FEAR, to the core of our planetary missions, so that we can find our TRUE PATH.
SELF-EXISTING –🎁 Tone 4 operates in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – measures, POWER – defines, ESSENCE – form. SELF-EXISTING number 4 takes form 📦 and we have ourselves a square shape. Self-existing, measuring and defining , very intelligent, fascinated by self. We now have built a sturdy platform upon which further growth takes place.
Today we are using our MINDS to define our QUEST and measure the energy that is needed to catalyze this transformation. Defining how we can transform our lives through building a solid Divine structure for our Mission.
Dispense with the rest and build your new solid foundations on the basis of DIVINE ALCHEMY⚛ and majikal manifestations💫 through your clarity and FUTURE VISION👁👁..Go forth and BUILD this new more EXPANSIVE foundation!
So planetary kin, TRUST in the power of GREAT SPIRIT today, and the winds of change, to catalyze the tremendous evolutionary changes our souls are seeking. We are FEARLESSLY AWAKENING to the GREATER VISION 👁 for our lives to TRANS-FORM our World. 🌏🌎🌍
Today’s question is “How can I harness the POWER of the STORM 🌀🌪to catalyze great transformation and manifest my highest VISION👁 for my life and our world?” ❤🌈🌏
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤
Divine blessings for DEFINING and forming a wonderful new foundation for your Mission! 🌊 😊😄☺🌞😎💕💞
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE SELF-EXISTING STORM 📦🌀 🌪CAUAC – brings transformation, change, purification and self regeneration. BLUE STORM is the initiation by fire, the lightning storm. The arrival of the thunderbeings who bring the final transformation.
To the Maya, BLUE STORM represents the storm, the thundercloud full of purifying rain, and the lightning that shatters any false structuring of reality. BLUE STORM is the purification of the ‘body temple’ and the ignition of the light body. BLUE STORM comes to help you in the disintegration process that moves you from separation to Ascension. SOURCE: MAYAN ORACLE – Ariel Spilsbury 🙏🙏🙏
We are currently PERMANENTLY CLOSING this old artificial paradigm, which is in its final DEATH throes. Generally BLUE STORM highlights disharmony and chaos🌪, however the SELF-EXISTING STORM seeks to FORM and CREATE, through the MIND’s NEW imaginings. Rebuilding from the crumbling ashes as the NEW PHOENIX rises.
Today we are defining our QUEST, by releasing any out-moded thoughts and belief systems, allowing them to transform into pure catalyzing energy which we can access to fuel our Mission.
❓❓QUEST-I-ON-ing WHAT it is, that is keeping you contained in your box, 📦 the old paradigm and unable to FLY FREE!
Our creative MIND is harnessed using appropriate QUEST-I-ONs to define our Mission, measuring the infinite possibilities that exist and are available to us. Defining FEARLESSNESS and allowing our MINDS to flex and change, once we can SEE the greater VISION👁 or the bigger picture, 🏔catalysing far-reaching transformation.
Today BLUE STORM purifies anything in your MIND that is not in alignment with your Highest future VISION. 👁👁🏔❤
This brilliant LIBERATING STORM🌀🎆 has tremendous POWER and CHARGE behind it, which can be focused on transporting your MIND from one Reality to the next. Leaving behind the old paradigm and finding yourself in a brilliant prosperous new REALITY.
“We ain’t in Kansas anymore, Toto!” 🌪 hold on to your red slippers👠👠 and get ready for great change! There is no going back now!
BLUE SELF-EXISTING EAGLE📦 👁– MEN flies HIGH above the STORM clouds, unaffected by the tumultuous thunder, lightning and gale force wind currents. BLUE EAGLE has a prime position high above the chaos with a “bird’s EYE view” able to SEE the whole panoramic landscape, being in the pilot’s position. Knowing where and when to ride the prevailing currents, to arrive safely and effortlessly at his desired destination, safe from the storm’s fury.
Today BLUE EAGLE gifts you with the power of future vision, 👁 and reveals the BIGGER PICTURE,🖼 the GRANDE VISION 🏔for your life. Catalysing change guided by the higher vision, of a world where harmony is our first choice. We are AWAKENING to the TRUTH and the BIG PICTURE through the 11 illumination portal… A beautiful synergy of codes to ACCELERATE our MIND’S ability to grasp the TRUE VISION for our world.
Using our intelligent MIND we can uncover solutions during these tumultuous times, that allow the change to take FORM, in order to define the New World. By trusting in the VISIONS that the EAGLE reveals to our creative MINDS, we can ascertain the next step to take in our evolutionary journey. Keeping an OPEN mind that is ready to transform, and be the catalyst for change, guided by a greater VISION of harmony on our beautiful planet.
BLUE EAGLE holds the coding for PLANETARY MIND which is BRILLIANT as the higher guide today. Our collective MIND is on the HIGHEST TIMELINE, headed towards our beautiful UTOPIAN future. This VISION is extra STRONG in its formation today as our PLANETARY MIND is focused on building this NEW WORLD powerfully over this current DREAMSPELL YEAR.
SUPPORT: YELLOW SELF- EXISTING SUN📦 🌞 AHAU peeks through the STORM ⛅clouds as the radiant light🌤 codes streaming forth from our CENTRAL SUN☀ activating our evolution through grounding greater intelligence, compassion, humility, grace and LOVE, through en-LIGHTEN -ment!☀🌞🎆
By fearlessly questioning, then listening for the messages that are revealed, our illumined MIND is able to define the FORM the New Earth will take. A world where we all have the potential of embodying the SOPHIA/CHRIST SOLAR CONSCIOUSNESS.🌞🌞🌞
The SELF EXISTING SUN 🌞– carries the evolutionary SOLAR☀ codes for humans to transform their DNA. UPGRADING to the New Divine HU-man, that will create the HARMONY through ONENESS, that defines the new TIME.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE PLANETARY WIND 🌏 🌬IK provides the energies of Spirit to MANIFEST greater awakening 🎆 on a PLANETARY 🌎 scale, through the whisperings of the wind. This is a hugely transformative WIND as it can POWERFULLY MANIFEST the VISION in the MIND’S EYE which is aligned with the DIVINE PLAN for our Planet. 🌏🌎🌍
BLUE EAGLE – the higher guide holds the codings for Planetary Mind, and when accompanied by BLUE STORM and the superpower of WHITE WIND – we have incredible potential for tremendous planetary transformation through the DIVINE PLAN for humanity. Sweeping changes!!
The STORM merges with WHITE WIND, and is thus Divinely directed in its path of minimal destruction, for the purpose of bringing you to a place of greater PEACE and clarity within your soul. . Catalysing great change, with the communication of Spirit, guiding our journey back to wholeness.
LISTEN to the WIND, and allow the STORM to carry these encoded messages through your knowingness. Allowing all these powerful forces to channel through us, as we align with our Divine Missions and allow Spirit to express itself through us, as Divine conduits.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED SELF-EXISTING MOON📦🌜 MULUC.. today’s GIFT🎁 – KIN 69 was the seal of the last DREAMSPELL YEAR!!! We KNOW the AGENDA of this GODDESS very well as we have journeyed far with her guidance. Today she is BACK and we are AGAIN being DRIVEN by this GODDESS, to transform our reality through LOVE and compassion. This HEART and MIND ALCHEMY will lay the foundation for the new template we are collectively creating. HUGE BUILDER codes today beloveds!
MULUC brings forth yet ANOTHER LAYER of PURIFICATION power!!! Working synergistically with BLUE STORM, to PURGE every last remnant of any toxins you have been holding in your body, MIND or life. A purified and clear MIND is able to initiate a greater FLOW of pure information and consciousness from SPIRIT, accessing answers and solutions to the questions the Warrior is asking.
Allow the FLOW and purification of your MIND and thoughts today, manifesting greater FLOW and MAJIK💫 in your life. Opening up to allow the LOVE❤ of the GODDESS 👸energy to FLOW through your being.
To reap the gifts🎁 MULUC asks you to become an empty vessel and shine your LIGHT, becoming the beacon of awakened awareness. As you open to the remembrance of your true LIGHT☀ the voice of Spirit will freely flow through your purified vessel, filling it with the GOLDEN LIGHT from AHAU until your cup runneth over!🏆
Open and ACTIVATE the flow of great transformation through self-generation today.✨🌟☀
So planetary kin, TRUST in the power of GREAT SPIRIT today, and the winds of change, to catalyze the tremendous evolutionary changes our souls are seeking. We are FEARLESSLY AWAKENING to the GREATER VISION 👁 for our lives to TRANS-FORM our World. 🌏🌎🌍
Today’s question is “How can I harness the POWER of the STORM 🌀🌪to catalyze great transformation and manifest my highest VISION👁 for my life and our world?” ❤🌈🌏
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤
Divine blessings for DEFINING and forming a wonderful new foundation for your Mission! 🌊 😊😄☺🌞😎💕💞
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈








Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology and Horoscopes for all 12 Zodiac Signs for the coming week of May 5th through May 11th 2024. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for this weeks powerful Super New Moon in Taurus.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste




Paul White Gold Eagle

New Supermoon in Taurus Prayer

Divine Source of all Creation,

As the New Supermoon graces the celestial tapestry, In the grounded embrace of Earth sign Taurus, We bow in reverence to your infinite wisdom, And open our hearts to your guiding presence.

Beneath this luminescent canopy, We seek your blessings of stability and abundance, May the fertile earth of Taurus nurture our dreams, And may our endeavors take root and flourish.

Grant us the strength to embody perseverance, Like the sturdy bull, steadfast and unwavering, May we cultivate patience and determination, As we tread the path of our earthly journey.

Illuminate our souls with the light of understanding, And the wisdom to honor the cycles of nature, Guide us to embrace change with grace, And to sow seeds of compassion and love.

In the gentle glow of this New Supermoon, May we find clarity in our intentions, And courage to manifest our deepest desires, In alignment with the greater harmony of the cosmos.

Blessed be this sacred moment, As we unite our spirits with the cosmic dance, In harmony with the rhythms of the universe, So mote it be, now and forevermore. Amen.

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