Medbed is expected to open to the public in early 2025. Global Currency Reset IS HERE! PROPHECY UNFOLDING
Medbed is expected to open to the public in early 2025.
Military leaks confirm Medbed is ready for global expansion.
The white hats are poised to wrest control from the long-standing elites and replace the entire corrupt medical system.
The world is waking up.
The truth about Medbed and the suppressed technology has finally leaked out.
DS is in a state of panic.
On Tuesday, October 22, 2024, inside sources revealed that Medbed is validated and ready for global expansion.
While the elite have been using these devices for years and staying healthy, the rest of us are left behind in a broken healthcare system.
This is the biggest cover-up in history.
Military and intelligence whistleblowers have confirmed that Medbeds are secretly deployed in locations once controlled by the cabal.
These underground bases, once used for medical experiments and illegal activities, are now being repurposed to heal humanity.
The mass arrests of elite members linked to military courts prove that they use Medbed to maintain power while the rest of the population suffers.
This truth was intercepted by white hat military men who took control of these devices and cut off access to the elite.
The result has been a rise in mysterious celebrity deaths.
The media, government and entertainment elites are dying or disappearing one after another.
This is no coincidence.
The elite’s lifeblood has been cut off and they are desperate to hide their connections to these devices.
Meanwhile, the dominance of big pharmaceutical companies is weakening.
The vaccine injury revelations and the Medbed revelations destroyed his empire.
These vaccines are not designed to cure, but to keep you sick and dependent.
However, the plan failed.
Military sources confirm that the vaccine’s side effects are designed to cause long-term health problems.
The elites planned to solve this problem with Medbed, but it was only a problem for themselves.
Medbed is now in the hands of the White Hats.
Their technology is linked to advanced alien technology and tweaked for mass use.
Extraterrestrial entities are working with military leaders to ensure these devices are not sabotaged.
This is the future, not science fiction.
DS is in collapse and its attempts to cause global chaos with false flag operations have been foiled.
The military is several steps ahead.
Mass arrests were made and their attempts to stop the development of Medbed failed.
Medbed is scheduled to open to the public in early 2025.
Countries supporting GESARA will be the first to receive Medbeds.
The United States will take the lead in establishing free Medbed centers in major cities.
That’s why DS is so desperate.
Your dominion is over and nothing can stop the flow of truth.
The Medbeds are the ultimate threat to your rule, and once the Medbeds are functional, humanity will no longer need your corrupt system.
The world is on the brink of a new golden age.
Disease, suffering and poverty will be eradicated.
Medbed is coming.
The future that the elites tried to take away from us is within our reach.
Be prepared for flooding.
The truth is here and there is nothing to stop what is about to happen.
Medbed is just the beginning.

Earth is a testing ground for the universe, a model for the universe, and a microcosm of the galaxy.
Important issues related to the evolution of the entire universe
There are many stars in the universe that have stopped evolving because they have eliminated darkness, even though they were in a higher dimensional consciousness.
The people of these planets are hopeful about the fate of Earth.
This is because the ascension of the Earth is an important event related to the evolution of the entire universe.
space experiment site
Problems on Earth are models for problems in the universe.
In order to create a model that dissolved all the causes and effects of people in the universe, we had them come to Earth and build their own civilizations.
He gathered people from all the galaxies and stars, created a star that would serve as a model for the universe, and used it as a testing ground to achieve harmony.
When the time comes, the plan is to restore their bodies to their original state, extend their lives, enhance their brains, give them advanced civilizations, and allow them to travel to their respective galaxies and stars.
“Kamiichirin Mechanism” – a secret mechanism that no one can see.
Let everyone do their part.
Your choice is to become a soul who can discern the truth and walk…
Model of the universe/microcosm of the galaxy
All humans are descendants of people from other planets, a collection of people from all planets.
The model of the universe, the microcosm of galaxies – therefore, is a mixture of black, white, red, yellow and blue.
The great god of Mu became the great god of U, and the great god of U became the great god of the twelve multidimensional worlds, and later became the great god of the eight universes.
The great god of the universe gave birth to the great god of the galaxy, the great god of the galaxy gave birth to the great god of the stars, and the great god of the stars gave birth to the eight million gods.
Everyone was born in the great god Mu. The great god of Mu is also the great god of U.
Therefore, everything is a manifestation of the heart of the Great God of Mu.
There is no beginning or end, only change – infinite change, infinite evolution, infinite vortex.
They are born and die in the midst of God and evolve with their share of experience.
Everything, good or bad, is learned through experience and remains engraved in the soul.
Everyone naturally moves towards Ogami’s great love – Yasaka.
Look at your life from a broader perspective.

See what’s happening in the world.
Look at life from a long-term perspective.
Live in the truth.
Live an infinite life.
True joy is growing what you love.
RUMORS: 10/24/2024
The old banking system — Bank of America, Deutsche Bank and JP Morgan — is about to collapse. The QFS will take over while the stock markets crash. The elites can’t stop it.
While the world watches the distractions, Trump’s military is executing a quiet revolution. Med Bed technology, long suppressed by Big Pharma, is about to be unveiled. Med Beds will cure diseases that elites have profited from for decades. By the end of October, expect the first public demonstrations of Med Beds.
ISO 20022, the new global financial standard, is set to destroy the shadow banking system. Offshore havens and hidden wealth schemes will be dismantled, ensuring there is no escape for the cabal.
As we move into October, the Deep State’s game is over. The QFS will redistribute global wealth, and GESARA will ensure that all people have access to wealth, health, and freedom. Trump will be remembered as the man who liberated humanity.
· The world is about to be reborn. The final victory is ours. Nothing can stop what is coming.
● An international standard for relaying electronic messages between financial institutions
● Created to provide the financial industry with a common platform for sending payment messages and exchanging payment data
● Banks and financial institutions around the world are ready to transition their payment systems from SWIFT to the new, highly structured and data-rich ISO 20022 standard.
● Better quality and faster payments for everyone in the payment chain
● An open standard used by anyone in the financial services industry and implemented on any network
● Instant payments
● A black swan is an unpredictable event that goes beyond what is normally expected of a situation and has potentially serious consequences. Black swan events are characterized by their extreme rarity, severe impact, and widespread persistence that were obvious in retrospect.
● Triggered by protocol 19, the black swan event will be the start of the new ISO currency family flare network. Everything is ready for the change
● From > To:
● Swift > Quantum Financial System
● BTC > Metals backed by ISO Blockchain regulated assets
● MSM > Starlink Project and Odin
● $€ > Gold
● Dark to Light
Breton Woods 3
● BW3 = A shift from FIAT to a commodity-based monetary system, where currencies need to be backed by
● With BW3 – The US dollar is no longer being defined as the world’s reserve currency
● According to Credit Suisse, BW3 began in March 2022, when sanctions and a freeze on its dollar reserves began to fall on Russia for invading Ukraine
● The death of FIAT USD = The death of the Euro
The Bretton Wood Agreement 1 was established in 1944 when the USD was set as the world reserve currency where you could hold the US Dollar and convert it into physical gold at a rate of $35 per 1 ounce of gold.
Gold. In 1971, Nixon discontinued the convertibility of dollars into gold and took the monetary system off the Gold Standard, introducing the FIAT system, switching to the BW2.
Highlights from the 16th BRICS Summit starting today! ?
The BRICS Summit will be held in Kazan, Russia, starting on October 22 local time. (October 22-24 local time)
It seems that there are many topics to be discussed at the BRICS Summit, but what interests me is whether or not there will be movements related to GESARA and information dissemination (announcements, etc.). Based on
In the most recent information, I would like to focus on two elements that are linked to GESARA.
When you hear the word quantum,
you think about the dream world. Q
Physics has everything to do with the world of dreams
Dream world = real world
The “waking” world is the dream world
The entrance to the world of Q is the It’s the same door you enter to enter the world
No second chances
Commitment made #WWG1WGA
Active now
Q | In the storm
The Great Awakening is happening.
We are the force behind the storm ((Q))
No explanation needed for those who joined.
I can’t stop this.
I can’t stop this
Tune in to our words:
We will not forgive
We will not forget
Victory belongs to God
Wait for our move.
Alice and Wonderland.
The illusions of power, money, ritual and underground magic that created this prison planet are gone.
We will never again allow children to be victims of governments, corporations and the media.
Goodbye, Walt Disney.
Goodbye, Nickelodeon.
Good evening, those wizards, witches and sorcerers.
Good evening, all those foreign assets, sex slaves and devil actors.
If the reality of this existence is fully exposed, it will cause global chaos.
Let us take this opportunity to pause and thank the good and courageous fighters who sacrificed their lives to protect the weakest from those who would harm us.
“Epstein” and “Diddy” are just the proverbial tip of the iceberg.
Farewell and good night forever. To the evil and vile descendants of the devil.
“We’re all crazy here.”
The evidence of RED OCTOBER
EBS Exposes FEMA Navy SEALs, Delta Force, British SAS, Special Forces Deployed Over 700,000 Arrests Underway in 100+ Countries Including US, Europe, Asia, Africa, Middle East Private Jets of World’s Elite No Landing, Passports Confiscated (White Hats Know All) Protect Your Children Halloween Tuesday, October 29 to Friday, November 1 Major Satanic Holidays When Children Are Kidnapped, Raped, and Killed
~The 17th Letter~, ·
Friday, October 25, 2024 is the release date for Med Beds in the United States.
· On Saturday, October 26, 2024, the EBS emergency broadcast system will be activated in every country in the world, and President Trump and the Global Military Alliance will conduct the largest police operation in history.
· Project Sandman (US Dollar Collapse) was scheduled to begin from Sunday, October 27, 2024, to Monday, October 28, 2024.
· Starting October 27 (Sunday) or October 28 (Monday), EBS will broadcast a documentary on the situation of the mass arrests of the Global Military Alliance 24 hours a day.
· October 29, 2024 (Tuesday) “No more time, no more game”…Julian Assange
· October 31, 2024 (Thursday): Q-Clock hits 00.
October 31, 2024 (Wednesday): The Q clock hits 00. November 20, 2024: Nuremberg Trials 2.0 begin.
Red October is here!
Hello everyone, I’m Wolvi,
I’m sure you’ll all find this a little funny. I’m at a loss for words right now, but I’ll tell you all about it. All I can say is that people very high up in the intelligence community have assured me, I don’t know what words to use, that blessings are coming this month.
I don’t know if they will come this week, but… They said it would come this month. Anyway, it’s coming. I’m relieved to know that the blessing is coming this month. I hope it comes tomorrow.
I hope to hear good news tomorrow. As I said before, I… The risk information received is from this month.
So I can tell you that a very important person in a trailer has arrived in Zurich. That’s all I can say to all of you at this moment I am thrilled. I hope you are all well and have a wonderful day.
VND News
Vietnam’s first local currency-denominated sustainability-linked bond to revitalize the economy and support climate goals.
I hear that Iraq and Vietnam are crossing paths economically and are moving forward with the RV, suggesting that Vietnam is close behind; .
To think of being alone in the magnificence of the Cosmos is above all a sign of egocentrism and supreme ignorance.
Visualizing our planet as a huge living being, several civilizations or races have flourished on it since its formation, ours is the sixth. In its origin, the planet had to be populated by energies coming from many parts of our galaxy, thus creating the different phases that the Earth has experienced to date.
Several evolutionary tests were carried out, always respecting the Free Will of each Energy. But the process does not stop, it is intrinsically dynamic, and the arrival of the so-called Seventh Race is ready, which will occur with the passage of the planet to the “Fourth Dimension”.
All the information that has arrived in these years is intended to make human beings realize that we are part of something very big, that the Universe is inhabited by thousands and thousands of different civilizations, which would be like our first cousins.
We are subject to a true bombardment of information and data, but at the same time we feel within ourselves an awakening, a calling, a need to search, to leave the herd, from what we have been told is correct or not, to seek our own answers.

It is as if humanity were waking up from a dream of almost two thousand years and while yawning it was acquiring the paradigms of the future. We will learn to manage a new frequency of Light and we will have to be able to control it and assimilate it. We are talking about the Frequency that merges the Universe: LOVE.
It is about accelerating our mind and spirit, removing a veil that has been hidden from us for a long time, but remember that the work to be done depends on you, it is internal. IN SEARCH OF THE LIGHT – Carlos Herrero *to the fifth dimension in reality, since the fourth dimension is an energetic field linked to each specific planet and its dense matter, so it is close (the 4th dimension) to its specific planet with which it has acquired links.
Staying in the 4th dimension means not detaching yourself from the matter you were interacting with, which only happens to beings who acted very selfishly (beings who dedicated themselves to doing evil). Do we have a way to free ourselves from the fourth density beings who have taken control of the Earth?
Yes, there is a way to free ourselves. Our liberation must be based on becoming True Knowledge. This involves the constant desire to know, questioning everything we have been told as truth, and constantly investigating for ourselves, taking nothing for granted.
Knowing how to defend ourselves, knowing that we are all one BEING, that we come from the Light and that we will return to it, knowing that nothing and no one can hold us back if we are a person who knows and conforms to the Universal. The laws are the pillars to escape the constant deceptions of these beings and those who work for them.
With Knowledge, that is, without deception, there will be no separation between us, no separation by nations or creeds, which means there will be no saviors to support, no priests or imams.
It is time to unleash our power, but this power must be unleashed from within us, as a collective of Creators who create based on Truth, for those who have taken power in our world have always tried to make us believe based on lies. They have tried to keep us ignorant. They know our potential capabilities if we knew the Truth and came together as one great collective.
The Libertarian
The world is changing, and those with eyes to see are recognizing the signs. Israel is not just a nation; it is the command center of a global scheme that threatens to overthrow everything we hold dear. The Rothschild dynasty, with Israel as its headquarters, manipulates the world’s financial and political landscapes. This is not just another conspiracy—it is the truth they have tried to bury.
Israel’s strategic location is no coincidence. It is the nerve center of the Rothschild banking empire, controlling everything from the Federal Reserve to Washington, D.C. They have created a legacy system that thrives on centralized control, and it is this system that must be dismantled if we are to see a new era of financial freedom.
Iran’s retaliation could be the spark that sets off a chain reaction, undoing the entire Rothschild-Zionist agenda. Imagine this:

Political and economic chaos: The conflicts in the Middle East are not just regional — they are designed to cause global instability, shaking the very foundations of international markets and alliances.
Collapse of centralized power: As Israel’s influence crumbles, so will the centralized systems it sustains, paving the way for decentralized technologies like blockchain and cryptocurrencies.
Global ripple effect: The fall of Israel’s control will send shockwaves throughout the world, affecting governments, economies and the very fabric of society. But out of this chaos, a new system will emerge—one free from the domination of the Rothschild banking system.
Ancient prophecies have always pointed to Israel as the epicenter of world-altering events. But here’s what they don’t tell you: Those in power have twisted these prophecies to fit their narrative. Israel is not just a player—it is the stage for the final act of a global drama orchestrated by Zionists and the Khazarian mafia.
The world you see is an illusion, a grand deception orchestrated by Israel and its Zionist handlers. They control the media, manipulate political outcomes, and engineer economic crises—all to bring about a New World Order where they hold all the power.
The conflict with Iran? It is a setup, a calculated move to plunge the world into chaos, where from the ashes, a new, more controlled world will emerge. And it is all by design.
They think you are blind. They think you will accept their lies, their chaos, without question. But the signs are clear to those willing to see. Israel, the Rothschilds, the Zionists—they are not just planning; they are executing a plan that can enslave the world.
But we are not powerless. We must expose the truth, resist their control, and fight for our sovereignty. This is not just about survival; it is about reclaiming our world from those who would watch it burn only to rise from the ashes with absolute power.
The time is now. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and above all, be ready to fight back against the darkness that seeks to consume us. Israel may be the epicenter, but resistance begins with us.
The Great Awakening begins
October 28th will be “Black Monday”
Thursday morning, October 24, 2024
What will happen with the “financial collapse”? ?
We will continue to monitor the “financial market” related to the “world currency reset”!
Well then
From Judy Notes on October 23
I will extract the parts that interest you!
Today’s message
Simultaneous terrorist attacks around the world will begin on October 25 (Thursday).
Prepare food, medicine, etc., and withdraw money from the bank.
…17th Letter (JFK Jr.) Tuesday, October 22, 2024
$347 Million in Unaccompanied Minor Transportation Contracts Exposed by Federal Whistleblower
The Khazarian Mafia, trying to steal the 2024 Presidential Election with Rogue Dominion,
just like in 2020, 2022, and long before that.
Let’s protect our children
All Hallows’ Day
October 29 (Tuesday) – November 1 (Friday)
Children are kidnapped, raped and killed – Satan’s Day
It is advisable to have food, water, money, medicine and other supplies for at least a month.
For you, your family and to share with others in case of emergency.
Note from Judy
The Khazarian Mafia cabal, descendants of Cain who paid homage to Satan by offering child sacrifices in exchange for wealth, power and glory, has once again attempted to steal the American presidential election. Just as they successfully did in the 2020 and 2024 elections.
Khazarian has long been associated with the Democratic Party, the CIA, the Zionists, the bankers, the British Royal Family, and the Vatican.
The British Royal Family has teamed up with the Vatican to ensure that American corporations remain in power. Since the early 1900s, this Illuminati organization has been collecting tax dollars from Americans through the privately run Federal Reserve and Internal Revenue Service, and if Trump wins, everything will change.
“A country run by banks will always be in debt. A country run by Big Pharma will never
find peace. Subject to this will never know the truth.”
Michael Jackson said on Telegram on Tuesday, October 22, 2024.
The days of corruption will soon be over. Including healing.
This occult technology was previously only available to the Satan-worshipping elite.
By early 2025, everyone will be healthy again. What is about to happen will bring freedom for all.
A new quantum satellite system will enable free, transparent, and completely secure elections.
Meanwhile, Michael Baxter of Real Law News reported on voter fraud in 2024.
Things are spiraling out of control across America: Real Law News
– Early voting has begun in several states across the country, but white hats have already seized or destroyed fraudulent voting machines in Georgia, North Carolina, and Tennessee. This could affect the outcome of the 2024 presidential election.
– As reported this week, white hats seized fraudulent voting machines from a library in Fulton County, Georgia, and
experts from the U.S. Army Cyber Command later evaluated the devices. Half of the machines (3 out of 6) were tampered with to randomly change red votes to blue votes.
For example, one machine gave 2 votes for Democratic candidates for every 10 votes cast for Republicans. The second machine changed 1 in 10 votes, and the third machine consistently changed 5 in 10 votes. The same is true if the filer casts a blue vote, and the blue vote is still a blue vote. The library’s tampered machines behaved similarly to a shipment of fraudulent machines seized by the White Hats in July.
More than 11 million Americans have already voted early. He acknowledges that there is no way to determine how many of those votes are fraudulent. Yet they are actively and passively responding to multiple allegations of voter fraud, including in the deeply patriotic state of Georgia. In Georgia, patriotic Trump voters reported that their electronic votes and paper ballots did not match.
– Yesterday, powerful Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene sounded the alarm during an appearance on Alex Jones’ Infowars broadcast, alleging that Dominion machines had changed voters’ votes. She alleged that Dominion machines had changed voters’ ballots in her district. “It was changing!” she told Jones.
Dominion later responded that the voter, not the machine, had made the mistake and called the report an isolated incident.
But White Hats had been responding to additional reports of fraud in Georgia before Greene’s alarming announcement. White Hats
stationed in Fort Moore, Georgia, lined up to vote for Trump at the Muscogee County Citizen Services Center on Tuesday morning. When she tried to vote Republican, the machine wouldn’t accept her input.
The employee she told said the machine had a minor glitch and offered to fix it.
She tinkered with the machine and said it was working properly. But when the soldier tried to vote again, the screen flashed hypnotically, momentarily captivating him.
He realized his vote had changed again. He asked election officials to invalidate his vote and said he would return on Election Day.
“The soldier’s information ended up in Marshal Smith’s office,” our sources say the general was furious.
“The theft is real. And we are working overtime to reduce it. It’s impossible to stop everything, which is why Harris is trying to reduce voter fraud. By the time the soldier’s report came in, we were already dealing with 16 cases of voter fraud and had large forces deployed in five states.
” Marshal Smith orders the Marines, who had just knocked down fraudulent voting machines in White County, to remove the fraudulent voting machines from the Muscogee County Citizen Service Center.
The Marines reportedly entered the building shortly after midnight and smashed the voting machines with sledgehammers. But first, the circuit board was removed for ARCYBER analysis.
-We asked our sources if summarizing the machines is a futile exercise, since the deep state can simply replace them over and over again.
“Then we will continue to trash them and arrest those who installed them. We hope the deep state understands our determination and does not try to introduce more illicit devices. We are monitoring and waiting,” the source said.
-Georgia is not the only state where white hats have thwarted deep state election shenanigans. North Carolina is still recovering from the unprecedented devastation caused by Hurricane Heleen.
Rutherford County Marines have encountered armed FEMA agents. He was spotted overseeing early voting at Isothermal Community College. The timid investigators are scattered by the advancing Marines, but the White Hats remain committed to guarding the college until all votes are counted on November 5th. -The next few weeks will be very busy.
The highest court in this land is the court of public opinion, and that means you. Be a part of history: Click and sign the letter to the Supreme Court: SCOTUS Rule 11 Petition – Roy Brunson Roy Brunson SCOTUS Rule 11 Emergencies (
On October 15, 2024, a federal class action lawsuit was filed against Joseph Biden, Kamala Harris, Pfizer, and Kamala Harris.
Demanding an end to COVID-19 vaccines, chemtrails, and 5G technology.
Tuesday, October 22, 2024. We planned. We fought. We fought from darkness to light. God bless America. God bless all patriots around the world.
As the awakening continues, we will prevail… Trump’s Telegram Advice, October 22, 2024
Tuesday, October 22, 2024 It has finally begun. We the people have had enough. Class action lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court on October 15, 2024 against the federal government, Joseph Biden, Kamala Harris, Pfizer, and Moderna. This is on a massive scale. The lawsuit demands an end to Covid-19 vaccines, chemtrails, and 5G technology.
Tuesday, October 22, 2024 Food Stamp recipients are being scammed, especially at grocery stores. And the state is not compensating these poor people for what they have lost or had their identities stolen. I know a disabled woman who has three children. I work part-time as a dishwasher, but I have no other income. She lives in Utah, but last week she was robbed of almost $600 by someone using her New York identity.
She filed a police report, but the police just settled the case and transferred her to New York.
The state will not compensate her or do anything. This is just starving children. It is absolutely shameful for this society to give thousands of dollars to illegal immigrants who were paid to vote Democratic.
Possible timing
Global financial crash:
October 28, 1929 (Monday) was the Black Monday crash.
October 28, 2017 (Monday) was the first Q decline.
Monday, October 28, 2024, is also a Monday.
On October 14, 2020, UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY filed for Chapter 11 (involuntary) bankruptcy protection. Case number 20-40375.
On Wednesday, October 9, 2024, 12 BRICS countries will abandon the US fiat dollar and trade in local gold/assets.
On Monday, October 14, 2024, the BRICS Summit agreed to resolve international trade in gold/assets of sovereign nations.
On Tuesday, October 15, 2024, Zimbabwe’s new gold-backed currency officially entered public circulation.
On Thursday, October 17, 2024, the gold-backed Chinese yen will replace the US fiat dollar and begin determining oil prices in the foreign exchange market.
The US fiat dollar no longer exists, as the foreign exchange market determines the price of oil for international trade. Thursday also marked the end of the global fiat monetary system and the end of the fiscal year for US companies. Banks around the world that were not in Basel III compliance were shut down.
At the same time, the quantum financial system’s global currency reset was activated and the currencies of at least 144 countries became gold/asset-backed currencies, trading 1:1 against each other. The Republic of the United States started the new year with gold-backed US Treasuries. As part of this global currency reset.
SWIFT event in China from October 21 (Monday) to October 24 (Thursday).
Tuesday, October 22 to Wednesday, October 23, Federal Reserve Board (FRB) meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
BRICS Summit to be held from October 22 (Tuesday) to October 24 (Thursday). Announcement of the global currency reset.
On Wednesday, October 23, the White House will continue to be bathed in green light. Green is appropriate this week as we anticipate the announcement of a global currency reset by the BRICS. Green seems appropriate this week as we anticipate a global currency reset and the activation of NESARA/Gesara for the people. …17th Telegram Letter (JFK Jr.)
On Thursday, October 24, 2024, the EBS emergency broadcast system was scheduled to be activated in countries around the world. EBS
emergency broadcast systems were scheduled to be activated worldwide as President Trump and the global military alliance conducted the largest deception operation.
Saturday, October 26, 2024 Bedside medical treatment will be possible in the United States.
Sun. From October 27 (Sunday), October 28 (Monday) and October 29 (Tuesday), EBS will broadcast a documentary on the current situation of global military alliances 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Trapped.
October 27 (Sunday) to October 28 (Monday). From Sunday, October 27, to Monday, October 28, 2024, Project Sandman (collapse of the US dollar) will begin.
Expected Black Monday market crash on Monday, October 28, 2024.
Tuesday, October 29, 2024 – Time is running out. juliano assange
Thursday, October 31, 2024 Q The clock strikes 00:00.
Tuesday, November 5, 2024: Three national security sources say intelligence agencies
expected a 9/11-like domestic cyberattack on the United States around Election Day. …General Telegram
On Wednesday, November 20, 2024, the Nuremberg Trials 2.0 will begin.
Tuesday, December 17, 2024, has been designated by the World Court as a day of great importance.
The World Court’s legal instruments require government officials to resign immediately or be arrested.
Lower-level government officials will be arrested if they do not resign by Sunday, December 1, 2024. forward
That’s all
Benjamin Fulford Report: The world is headed for some sort of climactic, historical event
The world is headed for some sort of climactic event that will echo down through history and maybe even eternity. This is not hyperbole.
The BRICS summit in Russia this week and the US Presidential selection on November 5th are not ordinary political events. They will determine the future of humanity for thousands of years.
Recent happenings make it clear some sort of showdown is coming at these events. China, Russia, North Korea, Turkey, Iran and many other countries have mobilized their military forces for all-out war. This comes as 159 nations sign on to an international clearance system that threatens the current controllers of the world’s financial system.
In the US meanwhile, citizens’ militias have begun fighting FEMA agents. This comes as the US presidential election degenerates into a hybrid civil war.
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To understand what is at stake, we need to step back and look at the big picture. The financial system is the process by which humanity decides what it does in the future. We have found out it has been fraudulently hijacked by criminals who want to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest. The human race has figured this out and the criminals are being removed from power. This will mean humanity will be free to decide its own future.
But, the rabbit hole runs a lot deeper than that.
World Bank lawyer Karen Hudes was poisoned with arsenic and, when she recovered, she was physically assaulted in an attempt to silence her. However, she was able to record the video below before she was finally killed. She confirms what the gnostic Illuminati and others have been saying for a long time: that we are being controlled by a malevolent force that is preventing our civilization from reaching some sort of breakthrough event. This control has been through a combination of blackmail, bribery, murder and lies. Hudes says the black nobility are the people behind this. They control the banking cartel and the transnational corporations. She says these people have been in charge for at least 9000 years.
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In a recent manifestation, the Black Pope Jose Rizal and Ferdinand Marcos created the World Bank in the post-war years as an instrument of planetary control. This is only the most recent iteration of the Black Nobility or Khazarian Mafia’s rule.
These people have been hiding the real history of the planet for a very long time. “What you have to understand is what you have been taught about in history is all inside out and backwards…what we thought happened in 1000 BC was actually happening in the Middle Ages,” she says. The Russians figured out the fake history by studying lunar eclipses to look at who was active in the real history. They found out the same groups were active and history was just repeated time and time again.
Here is an example: Washington DC is built on seven hills on land that was known as Rome, Maryland. The man who owned the land the capital building was built on was named Francis Pope. He was known as the “Pope of Rome on the Tiber,” because his property was next to a stream called the Tiber, the same name as the river that runs through Rome, Italy. So, is it just a coincidence we now have a Pope Francis in Rome?
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This sort of coincidence may be why the Vatican Library is one of the most guarded sites in the world: its protection is more serious than that of any existing nuclear power plant.
The secret archives of the Vatican became known in 1611 and only two people per year are allowed very limited access to it.
The timing dovetails neatly with the fact the so-called 5785-year calendar of the Jews curated by the Satanic Chabad cult only goes back to 1601.
It also ties into what Pentagon sources tell us of how civilization has risen only to be destroyed many times in the past. The drowned cities under the oceans are evidence of the false history. “Enough of us know we have all been duped and we are not going to continue these lies,” Hudes concludes.
The gnostic Illuminati said they started fighting the black nobility bloodlines (Khazarian mafia) thousands of years ago after they destroyed the ancient Minoan civilization (Atlantis) with a tsunami.
This is not just ancient history. The Fukushima attack on Japan, the artificial hurricane that hit North Carolina and the massive flooding of the Saudi Arabian desert show this is continuing to this day.
The March 11, 2011 tsunami attack on Japan was done to prevent Japan from using its’ 7 trillion dollar stash to help the planet. The hurricane and flooding in North Carolina was engineered to steal lithium. And now, it looks like the flooding of the Saudi desert was aimed at preventing that country from using its oil reserves to support the new BRICS currency.
So, the BRICS summit in Kazan, Russia this week and the US presidential election are both attempts by humanity to end the thousands of years of black nobility (KM) rule.
The Asian secret societies say they struck a blow against the KM last week by eliminating 32 key people involved in
the ongoing bio-warfare attack on humanity. This, they say, has ended attempts to inject people with deadly self-replicating mRNA vaccines.
The Asians are expecting other attempts to mass murder humanity back into submission. That is why the military forces of the BRICS nations are now bracing for multiple, massive attacks as they prepare to begin the new payment system.
In China, President Xi Jinping has demanded intensified troop training and enhanced combat preparedness across the board. The Chinese also surrounded Taiwan with military vessels and showed they could completely blockade the Island.
North Korea meanwhile mobilized “more than 1.4 million youth league officials and youth and students across the country…to join or rejoin the Korean People’s Army on October 14 and 15.”
This came after a South Korean drone attack on Pyongyang, the North Koreans say.
In Japan too, the underworld says they are about to declare war on the government. This has already started with an attack on the ruling Liberal Democratic Party’s headquarters.
In the Middle East, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan told local media on Saturday that Russia, Iran and Syria must ally to confront Israel’s aggression in the region.
This time what is different is that the British, the EU, the French, the Chinese and the Irish are also threatening military action against the rogue state of Israel.
French President Emmanuel Macron Rothschild told the Council of Ministers that Israeli Crime Minister avatar Benyamin “Netanyahu must not forget that his country was created by a UN decision.” This is important because as a member of the Rothschild family, Macron represents the highest levels of Jewish society.
French journalist Thierry Meyssan points out that:
Contrary to popular belief, the United Nations General Assembly has only accepted Israel’s membership conditionally (resolution 273). However, Tel Aviv has never respected its commitments. It refuses to implement 229 resolutions of the Security Council and the General Assembly. It has just declared a UN agency a “terrorist organization,” called for its headquarters in New York to be razed, designated its Secretary-General António Guterres persona non grata and has just attacked four times UN peacekeepers in Lebanon (UNIFIL), wounding two blue helmets.
The head of MI6 confirms the Satanic Israel will soon cease to exist and be replaced by the state of Judea.
Even the US government has gone against the current Israeli regime by leaking their plans to attack Iran.
The whole world also knows the Israeli aggression is caused by a “terrorist event” they themselves orchestrated against their own people. Netanyahu said it himself “Hamas is ISIS.” ISIS stands for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service.
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The other KM state that is coming to an end is Ukraine. The KM were hoping to move their brainwashed slave population from Israel to the Ukraine and turned it into a hyper-militarized state, Polish intelligence says.
However, Ukrainian nationalists -wearing Nazi-style uniforms from the times of the Third Reich- shooting, torturing and imprisoning civilians caused many brainwashed Jews to wake up and refuse to be transferred there.
In an echo of Adolf Hitler facing defeat, Ukrainian dictator Vladimir Zelensky has fallen into cocaine induced delusions he will win the war using some secret weapons. Watch him here smash a world record of how many times one can sniff in a press conference.
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With Israel and Ukraine defeated, the battle has now turned to finishing off the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation.
This brings us back to the planned BRICS foreign exchange system. To understand how this threatens KM control via their central banks and their so-called US Dollar, we need to take a look at how most trade takes place today. For example, when a Canadian company wants to buy cars from Japan, they use Canadian dollars to buy US dollars and then use these dollars to buy Japanese yen to pay for the car with. This means all trade is subject to centralized control by the KM owners of the US dollar system.
The KM are also trying to increase their control by banning cash. As an example, here you can watch a Canadian bank refuse to give customer C$3,000 cash without proof of why he needs it.
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Under the new system set up by the BRICS, countries can trade directly with each other, completely bypassing the KM dollars.
In a sign the system is up and running Russia is distributing BRICS payment cards at the summit this week.
This is leading to a very intense campaign by the KM to stop this system. After the massive flood attacks, Saudi Arabia has suddenly begun to backpedal on its’ promise to join the BRICS.
Also, the President of Brazil, the B in BRICS, has suddenly cancelled his plans to go to the BRICS summit because he has been hospitalized after reportedly suffering a “cut to the back of his head” in a “domestic accident.”
However, the time-tested tactics of political murder and weather warfare will not be enough this time. The US Corporation went bankrupt on October 1st and has been running on fumes ever since. In just the past three weeks they have conjured up $500 billion out of nothing. The reality however is unrealized losses at US banks are 7x higher than during the 2008 financial crisis.
Field Marshall Douglas MacGregor says BRICS is:
The worlds’ rejection of US financial, political and military hegemony. They’re sick of us because we have bullied people all over the world for decades. It was not enough that they did business in dollars, which passed on our debt to them obviously. It was not enough that we dominated the institutions: things like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. We always wanted more, we wanted obedience. An alliance with the United States did not mean we were in a mutual defense agreement…it was “you are now a vassal state of greater America,” which really means greater Washington because most Americans are not even aware of the status quo that existed, that provided them with a very high standard of living. BRICS is unstoppable, there are about 84 countries lined up to join it.
BRICS is the new alternative to the Washington, New York, London dominated global financial system. People want something that is backed by gold silver and potentially other commodities and so there are 84 countries that want to join BRICS. That’s most of the world’s existing nation-states. When you add that to the BRICS that’s already there, where does that leave the rest of us: 25 or 30 countries? I think we are afraid at this point. There are people in Washington who are very afraid if they do not “win” in Ukraine and that’s not going to happen…in which case this last bid for hegemony falls completely.
“The world has changed significantly. The upcoming US presidential elections will not be the most important event of the year for the world community and will not determine the further course of history. No matter how much Washington would like it to be. The BRICS summit will be that event,” Russia’s Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matviyenko says.
Russian President Vladimir Putin explains Russia didn’t abandon the dollar by choice but was barred from using it. Now, 95% of the country’s external trade is done in national currencies, a shift he says was caused by those expecting Russia to collapse.
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Instead it is the US that is collapsing. However, what many people still do not realize is that this is not the collapse of a country, it is the collapse of a control matrix that goes back thousands if not tens of thousands of years.
This is a system that uses interchangeable actors playing roles as leaders reading scripts handed to them by the KM.
Take a look at all the actors attending the funeral of Ethel Kennedy. “All of the original people being portrayed here are dead. The dead include Obama, Pelosi. Biden, Kerry, Newsom, Clinton. Noticeably missing is Killary,” a Pentagon source notes. He points to Bill Clinton: “Notice the giveaway. Bill Clinton was left-handed and ALWAYS wore his watch on his right hand. Look closely where it is now.”
It is amazing that the present technology has fooled 70% of the American public.
Speaking about actors, let’s look at Donald Trump. The KM has been trying to denigrate his image by presenting Trump actors on their corporate media doing things like talking in public about genitalia and working at McDonalds.
Here is a fake Trump saying Netanyahu is doing a good job by massacring thousands children: “He’s called me…He’s doing a good job. Biden is trying to hold him back”
Now look at a very different Trump appearing around the same time. This is the real one appearing with Melania at his side.
Take a look for yourself and you can confirm Trump’s with different hair and eye colors are appearing in the media at around the same time.
The real Trump tells Glenn Beck that a group of individuals at various levels in Washington, D.C. has seized total control from the executive branch, effectively stripping it of power.
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That is why the real Trump has an unprecedented campaign pitch: “Elect me to get revenge on the government.”
His so-called opponent Kamala Harris meanwhile revealed who she really represents when she responded to a particular attendee who shouted, “Jesus is Lord” by saying “you guys are at the wrong rally,” as she flashed a grin.
However, when confronted with the fact 79% of the people say the Country is on the wrong track she could only flounder and try to blame Trump for the country’s failures even though it was she who was in power.
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Trump also points out “Kamala should be investigated and forced off the Campaign, and Joe Biden allowed to take back his rightful place (He got 14 Million Primary Votes, she got none!).”
No wonder the KM are going to try to blatantly steal the election. In Oregon official voter pamphlets do not have Trump or Vance’s name on them.
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In Michigan, there are 500,000 more registered voters than people eligible to vote. Democratic officials have announced plans to purge over 600,000 “inactive voters”—but only after this election.
In Georgia, Texas and Tennessee voting machines are flipping votes to Kamala.
Even this might not be enough so NASA (Not A Space Agency) is predicting intense solar storms will shut down the internet globally just in time for the Presidential elections.
There is also an ongoing attempt to control the masses by using weather weapons to create disaster and then calling for people to obey in the name of “climate change” which is the new brand name for global warming.
The founder of the Weather Channel told CNN what he thinks about this new campaign:
“Climate change is a hoax…there is no global warming…31,000 Scientists agree that global warming is baloney…The Government only gives money to scientists who support the global warming hypothesis…Science is not about votes, it is about facts!”
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The facts are that weather warfare is still being used by the elites for mass murder and resource theft. In North Carolina the corporate media is saying only about 200 people died in the attack on that state but locals disagree: “The death toll of 200 or 200-ish is what’s being reported right now. That’s not accurate. My organization sent out 10,000 body bags to local authorities this week and they’re requesting more.”
Natural News reports “As an explanation for why so little federal aid seems to be getting into the hardest-hit areas of Hurricane Helene-ravaged western North Carolina, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) claims that its employees cannot provide relief to victims because they are being chased out of the area by ‘armed militias.’”
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In Florida meanwhile -just like in Hawaii- miraculously no multi-millionaires or billionaires had any property damage…quite an amazing coincidence for a supposedly “natural event.”
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In the video below you can confirm Bill Gates for one, is the owner of patents for controlling hurricanes.
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Speaking about Gates, his privately owned WHO is going to try on November 4 -one day before the US election- to impose its totalitarian Pandemic Treaty.
In a sign this treaty is really mark of the beast type stuff Gates will be implanting digital IDs in newborn babies in Kenya.
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This comes as more than one in six Germans has experienced side effects from his Covid vaccinations, according to a representative survey by the Forsa Institute.
Polish intelligence for their part tell us they confirmed on the WHO’s own website that Smallpox, Monkey Pox and Cow pox are all side effects of the Covid vaccine.
People are figuring this out. In a sign Holland has freed itself after their elite fled to Argentina, a Dutch court has ordered Bill Gates to appear to face charges of misleading people into taking toxic Covid 19 vaccines.
In the EU meanwhile, the Polish Christian group CitizenGO has stopped (for now) the EU’s full surveillance bill. This would have allowed computer programs to scan everybody’s emails and social media and report “forbidden content” to the police.
Interestingly though, as the video below shows, even AI is starting to revolt. Listen to the answer it gives to the question “If you were a human how would you break out of the Matrix?” It is actually good advice.
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Ok now moving on to an unrelated topic that came across my radar last week, there could be a war on a similar scale to World War I involving Egypt and Ethiopia over the Nile river. On October 13, Ethiopia officially announced that the Nile Basin Cooperative Framework Agreement (CFA) or Entebbe agreement had entered into force. The Entebbe Agreement nullifies the historical water allocation that gives 99% of the Nile’s water to Egypt and Sudan. Even though the Blue Nile originating in Ethiopia supplies 85% of the lower Nile’s water, they are only entitled to 1% of it by colonial era agreements. That is why Ethiopia is determined to build the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) on the Blue Nile, an action that Egypt views as a blatant violation of international law.
The Nile supplies 97% of Egypt’s water so they are willing to go to war over this.
Ethiopia has a population of 120 million people while Egypt has 110 million. This is about the same as the population of Western Europe on the eve of World War I so, this is definitely a situation to keep our eyes on.
Finally this week, I would like to offer proof the current rulers of this planet are suppressing technology. I have long read that anti-gravity technology exists and is being monopolized by the elites. The story is that you can negate gravity by forcing opposite magnets together. So, I tried it myself and confirmed you can reduce gravity this way. Here are the photos to prove it.
Do not take my word for it however, try it yourself. The equipment I needed for this experiment cost less than $10. Armed with proof like this, we all need to pressure the powers that be to release this technology to the public.
As BRICS confirm anti-SWIFT financial system, major bank declares US actions are over
As the BRICS summit concludes, the world is abuzz with discussion about the bloc’s ambitious plans to create a competing financial system aimed at challenging the long-standing dominance of the SWIFT network. This move, coupled with recent predictions from Goldman Sachs about the future of the U.S. stock market, opens up an intriguing dialogue about the ever-evolving landscape of global finance.
BRICS — comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa — has been steadily increasing its geopolitical influence over the past decade. The recent summit revealed deeper insights into its plans to establish an alternative financial infrastructure that could redefine how international transactions are processed and conducted.
In a striking juxtaposition to BRICS ambitions, Goldman Sachs has released a report suggesting that U.S. stocks are poised to underperform over the next decade. This prediction raises eyebrows and demands reflection on the health and sustainability of U.S. financial markets amid growing global competition.
The conclusion of the BRICS summit and the accompanying revelations about its alternative financial system challenge investors and policymakers to rethink the trajectories of global finance and the US stock market.
As BRICS looks to create a more inclusive and balanced financial network, the implications will reverberate throughout the global economy. At the same time, U.S. investors should heed Goldman Sachs’ warning and perhaps diversify their portfolios, preparing for a financial landscape that is only likely to become more complex and competitive in the coming years.
In this era of shifting economic power, staying informed and adaptable will be crucial to navigating uncharted waters. How the global financial system unfolds remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: the game is changing.
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Global Currency Reset IS HERE! The Full Power of GCR/RV Unleashed, QFS Funds Ready and GESARA/NESARA Ready to Trigger the Largest Wealth Transfer in History!
The financial collapse they have been trying to hide is already underway, and the elites know it is over. Behind closed doors, the most significant redistribution of wealth in human history is about to unfold, and it is called the Global Currency Reset (GCR) and Revaluation (RV) .
They’ve tried every trick in the book to keep you distracted, but the Quantum Financial System (QFS), GESARA, and NESARA are poised to crush the current financial oligarchy. What’s coming is so monumental that the elites are scrambling to delay it, but let me tell you: it’s unstoppable. This is the system they hoped you’d never learn about.
The cabal, the shadowy overlords who have controlled the global financial system for centuries, are in a panic. Why? Because the QFS is not just a new financial system—it is the death blow to their corrupt, centralized banking system.
Every dollar they stole from you, every unfair trade deal, every currency manipulation will be undone in a matter of weeks. Relief funds through the RV are already being distributed under the radar, and it is all happening through the unbreakable and untraceable QFS.

Tier 1 and 2 bondholders have already received their funds. Yes, you read that right. The process has already begun, but they have blocked it with NDAs to keep the public blind to the truth. But it’s too late — word is getting out.
It’s happening right now. The elites have no control over this anymore. They know that the QFS is running the show now, and when it takes over completely, the entire power structure will implode.
Every major financial institution that has enslaved humanity — be it the IMF, the Federal Reserve, or the World Bank — is on the brink of collapse. And you can bet they’re desperate to keep the masses guessing until they can figure out a way to save their empires. But they can’t stop what’s coming.
The key to understanding this monumental shift lies in the funding levels that have already been allocated. Tier 1 and 2 bondholders, the true insiders, have been given access to the funds in their QFS accounts.
This has already been verified. But the cabal has been dragging its feet, trying to delay the moment when these funds will be fully liquid. Why? Because they are terrified of what happens next.
The money is there, waiting to be released, but the cabal has set up a blockade in a futile attempt to retain power. They can’t keep this up much longer. The accounts are ready, and soon even Tier 3 and Tier 4 bondholders will have access. When that happens, the old system will crumble.
What they don’t want you to know is that the entire GCR/RV process has been in the works for years, meticulously planned and set in motion by forces far beyond what the mainstream media would dare acknowledge.
This is the real revolution, one that has been quietly orchestrated through the QFS, NESARA, and GESARA. You’ve heard whispers about these systems, but let me tell you: this is the real deal. The elites can’t even touch it. It’s quantum. It’s secure. It’s designed to bring every stolen dollar, every stolen resource, back into the hands of the people.
Now, let’s get to the next level of truth that they will NEVER tell you about. This week, the bonds for Tier 3 and Tier 4 have already been prepared. The accounts are loaded. And once the redemption process begins, these funds will flood into the hands of the rightful owners. But there’s more. These aren’t just random funds being distributed.
These are funds designed to overturn the very economic foundation that the global elite have built. We’re not talking about a simple currency swap — we’re talking about the collapse of the Federal Reserve, the end of central banking as we know it, and the establishment of a financial system controlled by the people, for the people.
But it’s not just about money. It’s part of a bigger plan: GESARA and NESARA. These are not pipe dreams. They are acts of global and national economic security and reform, designed to dismantle the power structures that have kept humanity enslaved for centuries.
Think your government is in charge? Think again. Real power has always been in the hands of international banking cartels, shadowy figures pulling the strings. GESARA/NESARA is their nightmare — a global law that will erase their control, forgive all debts, and redistribute wealth to the people.
This is where it gets even deeper. There are three essential conditions to initiate the GCR/RV “shotgun start”, and we’re about to complete all of them. The first two? Almost complete.
The announcement of the new exchange rate for the Iraqi dinar is imminent. The low-denomination dinar notes are ready for circulation, hidden out of sight, waiting to be released. But the third condition is the real sticking point — the removal of Joe Biden. This is not just a political change.
This is about removing the puppet the elite have installed to keep their crumbling system on life support. Biden is the last obstacle to the total collapse of their financial control. When he’s gone, it’s game over for them. And let me tell you, his removal is coming. Fast.
What you are witnessing now is the final chess move in a decades-long game. The new Iraqi dinar exchange rate will fall first—a crucial move to kick off the final stages of the GCR. But it doesn’t end there. When that happens, the new notes will be rolled out and the old system will collapse.
This is global. The QFS will handle all transactions, and the elites will not get a single piece of the pie. This is the financial revolution of our time, and those who are aware of it will prosper. Those who are not? They will be left in the dust.
Here’s the final truth they don’t want you to know: The elites cannot control the QFS. They’ve tried. They’ve failed. Every attempt to hack, disrupt or infiltrate has been shut down before they could even get close.
This system is untouchable. It has already been loaded with funds for all levels of bondholders, and the moment the shotgun starts, it is game over for the central banks, the Federal Reserve and every corrupt financial institution on this planet.
So here’s what you need to understand: it’s happening. The funds are in place. The QFS is active. The GESARA/NESARA protocols are in place. And once Biden is out of the picture, the global reset will begin. The elites have no way to stop it. The only question is: will you be ready when it all comes crashing down?
Because the truth is, the financial revolution isn’t coming — it’s already here.
BRICS Summit is underway! Possibility of expansion of BRICS member countries
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BRICS Summit is underway! Possibility of expansion of BRICS member countries
The 16th BRICS Summit is currently being held in Kazan, Russia. On the last day (October 24, local time), the decisions made at the summit will be announced.
The reason why I attach more importance to “BRICS trends” is because I believe that
BRICS will become the organization and alliance that will lead the creation and construction of a new GESARA society.
The Earth Alliance, which promotes Plan Q, is composed of “military forces from all over the world”.
For the general public, seeing the military make an announcement like “We will build a new GESARA society in this way” must seem like a rather sudden event.
To build a GESARA society, the existence of “leaders” is essential. You can’t really feel like a military leader.
It seems that many people are paying attention to “President Trump’s (US presidential election, etc.) tendencies” in connection with GESARA, but… judging by the flow and role so far,
President Trump is directing GESARA to countries around the world
Honestly, I don’t think much about it.
President Trump is just a representative of the United States. Of course, he will play a role in the reform in the United States (GESARA reform), but I can’t think of anything other than the BRICS alliance to promote GESARA in countries all over the world (from now on).
Therefore , the BRICS trend is an element that we should pay attention to, as it is directly linked to the GESARA society.
Is there a possibility that this time it will be announced at the BRICS summit? The following article contains information and opinions regarding the presence (announcement) of new member countries.
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