Temple of the Avalon Priestess ~ DIVINE KUNDALINI UPGRADE * Rites of Passage ~ Planetary Ascension
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Heavenly Spirits of our Earth Angelic Legion of Light
As we continue our Ascension Journey through the 11:11 Gateway Corridor our local Soularis continues to flood Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun with Gamma Plasma Waves releasing 6 C class Soular Flares today and 5 m class flares with the most powerful maxing at M 3.82 at 1:40 UTC.
We also had spikes of white light in the heartbeat of Mother Earth appearing on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 10hz, 11 hz and 20 hz. Fifth Dimensional Resonance fully anchored in and rising.
Pachamama also received a powerful activation today on her Pacific Ring of Fire in the Crown of Lemuria with a magnitude 5.8 earthquake in the Aleutian Islands at 10:56 UTC.
All our Starseeded Earth Angels of the Emerald Order of the Christed Ones are holding the Visions and Codes of our New Pristine Heaven on Earth.
We are in the final days of the old false 3d matrix as it has served its purpose of mundane lower density lessons and experiences as consciousness itself has realized it has suffered enough and it is now time to live the Life of our Highest dreams come true.
All of humanity is ultimately seeking the same thing in which we call Eternal Bliss Consciousness. The best we can do is live our joy and passions in this now that leads to our Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
In this Divine Decree of the almighty I Am Presence of Mother Father God we manifest the Grand Plan of Full Planetary Liberation and continue to navigate through these unknown waters and into the Truth of Eternal Life…Aho
End of the battle of light against darkness on Earth; participation of volunteers; effects of fear; forces of light; “lost” memory; special treatment for some souls, healing, karma
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. The Creator Source, Supreme Being of the cosmos, has endowed all souls with the gift of free will to use Its love-light energy to co-create whatever they can imagine.
The Supreme Being of this universe, called God or other names in reverence, has used this gift in His domain to manifest joyful, healthy, prosperous, spiritually and consciously enlightened souls with remarkable innate powers.
Some strong souls used their free will to put 10 of the 12 DNA strands of weaker souls into dormancy and confined these numb souls in a matrix that excluded all the wonderful qualities and abilities that God had given them. Thus began the universal battle between the forces of light and the forces of darkness and it has raged ever since.
Let us compare this matrix to balls of wool tightly wound in the Earth’s potential energy field, which reflects activity on the planet. Over the eons, these balls have remained rigidly in place, while the activity in the field has shown how one civilization after another has been dominated by a succession of powerful, greedy, and ruthless individuals.
About 90 years ago, an influx of light loosened the balls and they began to fall apart. They continued to fall apart over the ensuing decades, and today the matrix is just countless strands thrashing about chaotically. This analogy, however insignificant, represents the end of the universal battle on Earth.
The Creative Source
The forces of darkness fight with division, deceit, corruption, and fear. The forces of light use only the power of love, and in the continuum, they have already won the battle. The souls you have helped awaken now know this, and it will serve them and you well as the truths begin to emerge. We do not know exactly when this will be or in what order the truths will emerge, but it is realistic to anticipate that you will soon be in the midst of a virtual cauldron of emotional turmoil—the most dynamic stage of your Earth journey is at hand.
You have been told by messengers of light that out of the billions of souls who wanted to experience this unprecedented time on Earth— in this universe!—you have been chosen because you are the strongest. This is not flattery, it is fact! This is why many of you are in the trenches, so to speak, with White Hats, Red Hats or patriot groups, or are journalists, scientists, whistleblowers or secret agents, and you are all radiating and anchoring the light that is sustaining all legitimate activities and actions. Beloved brothers and sisters, you can do it!
“Matthew often says , ‘Be fearless,’ as if fear is always negative. What about when it gives a person an adrenaline rush that saves their own life or someone else’s?” It’s not fear, it’s fearlessness that motivates someone to run headlong into danger to save a life.
Fear paralyzes the mind. It is clear thinking and common sense that are your allies when quick action is needed, and we are not neglecting the value of knowing survival skills. It is not fear that motivates firefighters to rush into a burning building and carry individuals caught in the fire, and it is not fear that motivates Coast Guardsmen to dive into icy waters to rescue drowning people—these rescuers act knowledgeably and appropriately, as well as courageously.
Fear isn’t what drives people to help strangers who are trapped in a crashed vehicle or who are struggling to get up after a fall, for example. They see that help is needed, and their response comes from the heart.
Conscience, instinct and intuition are ingredients of the soul and are therefore natural reactions. Fear is an acquired sensation, taught to children or learned by observation. Parents, by example and guidance, please teach your children safety measures and precautions, not fear!
Fear is not only a highly amplified emotion with vibrations in the lower frequency range, it is contagious. When a person fears a current or impending situation or even some “what if…”, this strong energy flows to nearby individuals who then also experience feelings of fear.
And fear is the dark ones’ fuel source and perhaps their most effective tool. Their very survival requires a continuous supply of low-frequency energy, so they create situations that cause widespread fear in the population, whose reactions fuel the low vibrations that sustain the producers of these situations.
This vicious cycle involves the universal law of attraction. Energy transmitters with fear attachments shoot out into the collective consciousness, find situations with matching energy, and bring them back to Earth, thus perpetuating fear-filled circumstances.
Dear ones, don’t be afraid!
“Will the winner of the U.S. presidential election make positive differences around the world?” There is no need to attribute positive differences to the winner of the election or to any other individual. The path for benevolent change in your world has been paved by the forces of light—volunteers, other lightworkers such as the “Hats,” members of the extraterrestrial special forces, all people living in divine ways, and distant civilizations radiating light—and the ever-rising vibrations that are empowering all good-based efforts.
The public is unaware of the forces of light and it is doubtful that they are thinking about vibrations; however, these powerful sources play important roles in all elections and other national affairs and their consequences. Whatever gains permanence anywhere in the world will be aligned with the light, and anything with basic intent will be fleeting or never get off the ground.
“It is clear that my memory is failing, and dementia is a logical concern now. Please ask Matthew when we will have technology that can restore lost memory.” It would be hasty to alleviate concerns about dementia, so let’s address failing memory. Mom, please find the passage on this topic and copy it here.
[ Saminten spoke about memory loss during one of our long conversations in 2003 that became the “Saminten” chapter in Illuminations for a New Era . His highly evolved civilization is a collective of souls in which unity consciousness is so satisfying that there is no mental or emotional individuation of souls. ]
You mourn the loss of time that seems to be passing quickly, and another loss you mourn is memory. None of these aspects of third dimensional consciousness are being lost, dear ones. “Time” was never as you conceived it, with 24 hours in a day and 12 months in a year and so on. That served you well, but that is no longer the case. Your time frame is collapsing, for energy is moving at its lightest density speed, and your periods of light and dark are coming at an even faster rate. So instead of time being lost, it is speeding up.
The memories that many of you refer to as “gone” are not. With everything in the universe accelerating, it is only natural that the cells in your body are reacting by being elevated into a higher survival mode. Most of all, this is affecting your brains—the computers that power your thought and reasoning processes—and it is necessary! The light being absorbed by your cells is allowing your brains to shed the layers of forgetting and programming that have denied them the ability to function fully.
If you are not experiencing any memory loss or a sense of scattered thought, then you are stuck in third density, which will not be the status of Earth beings for much longer. So it is desirable that you do not feel too firmly in touch with the reality of the day or the environment.
Thank you, Mom. Not remembering clearly has become common and Saminten’s explanation will ease many minds.
“Is karma involved in satanic rituals or deaths due to ‘climate warfare’?” First, let’s say that during the last few decades the karmic merry-go-round of Earth has been slowing down and is now almost stationary. At this point in the personal ascension process, almost everyone who has chosen to complete all karmic lessons in this lifetime rather than in stages over several lifetimes is getting closer to their goal, albeit with the loving assistance of caring souls in many cases, and many have already transitioned into spiritual life. So choosing as a karmic lesson death by the means in question would be extremely rare, especially for the young.
Adults who did not choose to perish when and how they perished, through Satanism or climate war disasters, receive personalized treatment in Nirvana healing centers with constantly present medical attendants. When the etheric body is strong and the psyche healed, these individuals are gifted with advancement in evolutionary status and elevated to a higher level in Nirvana, where there are more residence options, amenities, encapsulated climate areas, and means of travel throughout the realm.
Young children through early adolescence also receive personalized treatment for damaged bodies and psyches. Throughout the recovery process, each is lovingly nurtured by a personal caregiver, and trained counselors lead special age-appropriate exercises, activities, and classes designed to reduce the intensity of cellular memory in subsequent incarnations.
Divine grace enters into the treatment of infants and young children used in Satanic rituals, which began soon after the darkness entered this universe. Without extraordinary intervention, psychic and physical traumas at such a young age can remain in cellular memory for up to 20 lifetimes, and no soul would willingly choose to be haunted by such horror. Therefore, long ago, a unique world was established for the youngest victims of Satanism.
Each baby or child lives in a cheerful room with friendly animal companions while a specialist gently soothes cellular memories. Whether this process takes a year or a century, the little inhabitants do not age — aging would cause cells to change and the effect would be like releasing deadly toxins into the environment.
When the psyche and body are healed, the soul celebrates gratitude, then dematerializes the small body and projects one for a child with minimal consciousness. The new soul’s introduction to mortality is a brief, tender experience of feeling safe and cherished. The second persona of the original soul has more consciousness and lives a little longer, and souls in subsequent incarnations have increasing measures of intelligence, reasoning ability, and growth experience. This gradual return to a “normal” life reduces the effects of cellular memory until it has only a minimal subliminal influence on the person’s life.
Individuals whose diabolical acts cause this type of suffering and death incur karma that can be a series of very difficult lives in a third-density world, confinement in the small orb where the density corresponds to the energy of their life, or reabsorption by the Creative Source, where all souls had their Beginnings.
Let us add that Nirvana will continue to ascend with Earth into successively lighter energy planes, but the orb will not. When all of Earth’s humanity is in 4D evolutionary status, the orb’s residents will be transferred to a similar dense outpost in the spirit world of a 3D civilization and the orb’s energy will be neutralized with an infusion of light, then returned to one of the universe’s energy reservoirs.
Revealing the truth about the unconscionable acts of the dark Ones is the part of the planetary cleansing that will allow all souls and the Earth herself to heal and move forward. Dear family, simply by BEING, you are a powerhouse of healing love-light.
All beings of light in this universe honor you for your steadfastness in your mission and support you with unconditional love.
NEW Atlantis Tones in the Field. Updated Rites of Passage + Codes of Conduct. #waterworld
Atlantis Tones
Sophie Bashford
Listening Deeply
In the Temple of the Avalon Priestess, you will be encouraged to practise the art of listening deeply to the layers beneath the surface. This isn’t complex, and yet practice and discipline is at the heart of it.
You must practise listening to your Soul with regularity and commitment. There will always be some reason not to, or a demand made on you that seems more pressing.
If you always avoid this deep listening, the Priestesses will make it almost impossible for you to keep resisting. You might create an illness or an accident so that you have to be still for days. You might reach the point of such sensory and emotional overload that you temporarily abandon everything for a while.
You must listen.
Listening is just being with your deep Self. It is taking time to create space in which the utterly still, totally silent and limitless presence of your Soul can touch you.
Gradually, the art of deep listening will return to you. You’ll imperceptibly merge with the deeper layers of your psyche, and they will show you the power of your intuition and inner knowing..
For the advanced Souls high in Their Empathic and Co-Creator abilities, the energetic compression is strongly felt. All were previously upgraded for this period to allow for a more manageable navigation period through this compressed wait time.
This compression will implode, setting many free of the illusions, which could catapult reality fast forward in alignment with the overall Planetary Ascension and the Will of God.
The Divine Plan is building a huge energetic force upon Earth as the assimilation of Gods Law and Will are put into the physical manifest. The Divine Plan is liken to a momentous flood, where obstacles not in alignment are washed away and resistance Truly is futile.
11/3/24: All that 2024 has done for you has not been blatantly obvious, but it has been painstaking and is crucial to your spiritual evolution. This year has been the engine with enough power to boost you into a new, upgraded version of yourself. You have been the means and the end to a stronger, more present, and more resilient self.
Your spiritual support team has finessed the timing, the circumstances, and the resources. Together, you’re ready for wherever your path leads next. November is a mirror that reflects your progress in this upgrade. So, what you see “out there” can, in every moment, be tweaked from within. This is the true beauty of New You… and a testament to self-mastery.
Dark God Vs Dark Goddess : Power Shifts in Favour of The Brave
The Wounded Masculine is presently quick to bristle and will resort to high octave reactionary behavior in the current Mars Pluto opposition. Instead of introspection , facing its Shadow aspects and taking accountability the Unhealed Masculine will resort to projecting its insecurities, anger and limitations on others via gaslighting, manipulation , power and passion struggles and playing the Victim card.
However, Venus/ Inanna as The Leo MetaGoddess Sovereign Queen Archetype is in her Home Gateway of Personal Power at Solar Plexus…..ie The Divine Feminine aspect is in Power Portal of The Sekhmet/ Durga/ Kali archetype……Means ….The Inner Kali / Spiritual Warrior aspect is activated and ready to fire on all cylinders and WILL NOT bow to the shenanigans of The Wounded Masculine at the moment. She will dig in her heels and call out the Wounded Masculine to level up and take accountability . She Will No longer play enabler and this time She is a Powerful opponent who will NOT be back down or be defeated. She instinctively knows the deep dark secrets that the wounded masculine is desperately trying not to reveal and leverages this information to bring Justice and equilibrium in Power Struggles. … .The Power shifts in Favour of The Brave and Deserving!!!
With Pluto ready to move out of capricorn for good, this means
Final closures or breakthroughs are now on the horizon that alter some foundational aspects of life- relationships , Health, career etc .
EnLight ,InGrace, InJoy
Be The Change You Want To See
Sa Kei Na
Dark God Vs Dark Goddess
This is the promise of a golden age…
These technological healing systems will become an integral part of transforming the way our traditional medical communities heal and care for the masses, using plasma energies and healing frequencies. You can imagine that at some point in the future hospitals will play a completely different role in the world. Big Pharma will be eliminated… This is certainly one of the most secret technologies that has been used in the secret space program for over 80 years.
They’re coming in the very near future, though exact dates have yet to be announced. Tesla Technologies and Jarad Rand are the two main forces behind Med Beds, and they’ve stated that the timeline for our ability to use these modern “fountain of youth” free-energy medical devices could begin to be deployed as early as late 2021.
Darker estimates say it could take up to ten years, depending on how society evolves. These medical advances are so amazing that they can regenerate lost limbs and organs in just a few hours. Medical beds will lead us to perfect health and well-being.
When this revolutionary process of re-atomization known as “regenerative technology” becomes public, it will be a true revolution. There is speculation about how much control public investors should have, since safeguards against manipulation and greed need to be put in place. Remember, we have all experienced the struggles of militarization of everything good and bad; there are deep state actors in every industry.
The military-industrial complex has already controlled and exploited these patents and many more, turning them against us through its deeply state-run science fiction and Hollywood film productions.
These medical miracles perform and support diagnostic procedures, surgical repair, cell, DNA, reconstruction and regeneration through free energy systems through Tesla energy coils, new antigravity devices and replicators that repair all imperfections in the human body.
There are said to be three different types of holographic medical beds, each performing a specific healing modality, as they will be used in conjunction with qualified medical supervision to restore our physical bodies to their optimal form, without the use of radiation, chemotherapy or organ removal.
It also means that our bodies will be free from disease-related dysfunction and scarring, and we will not need rehabilitation as our organs, bones and all body systems will be fully repaired. It sounds too good to be true, but it is a quantum leap into a new era of Aquarian healing, and soon every country in the world will be ready to receive its supply of holographic medical beds.
We will know that we are about to receive a precious gift from this world when NESARA/GESARA is announced, as it will include the introduction of over 6,000 patents and treatments.
These quantum therapy beds will be available in three different variants and with three unique functions; all work at different vibrational levels and frequencies with refractive lenses and 3D scanners, as well as surgically precise lasers to open and close wounds.
These quantum healing devices contain extensive monitoring technologies that allow the healthcare professional to be fully informed during diagnostic and healing sessions. The medical beds create maximum human healing through minimal light and energetic intervention through tachyon particles and plasma energy. Since we live in a vibrational universe and humans are vibrational beings, healing occurs through a homeopathic frequency resetting approach with little to no side effects.
Before the deployment of treatment beds can be effective, production teams need to be created to monitor the supply and infrastructure of global production, as well as the military environment, to prevent greed and attempts at control. We are currently on the horizon of an unlimited tomorrow…
“Earth, the place where snakes are meant to become lightning bolts. This is the new phase that is opening now!”
Both November sessions are directly connected to the work we did in our last group session on the three brains, the neurological system and the immune system.
– Message from September 2024:
the feminine and the masculine are now reaching the nuclear state of their opposition/alienation/separation/disagreement that has been active in and between them and are given all tools, solutions and support in order to heal and bridge their lack of syn-chronisation.
They are being pushed to understand themselves deeper.
They will come to remember and realise that manifestation, creativity, abundance and fulfillment comes only via syn-chronisation and union of their qualities and that the whole narrative of separation and differences, was planned and imposed via the goal of the fallen goal to keep them powerless.
The masculine will be now reconnecting to God and the feminine to her passion!”
We are collectively healing events that took place long ago and in a different timeline.
These events disturbed the natural course of things and created deep deep trauma, hatred, pain and separation within all so this realm lost the balance and fell into darkness and oblivion.
History was manipulated and people totally forgot what had happened.
This whole story is calling to be healed in the now in the physical and we are doing it.
Healing can only take place when truth is restored that is why we are entering a time of great revelation of the secrets and correction from the historical distortions.
Imagine if current history was being written by w/e/f.
What would the future generations learn about us and what took place during our time?
Well the same took place long ago.
We have not experienced anything like this up until now and the unfoldment is continuing.
Everything is being processed on the physical level!
As we are called to perform the great correction of time both collectively and personally it is the King’s Heart that is to heal now from everything that took place that turned his sword, red
and all three brains will be free and heal!
This November Earth’s Kundalini and the human Kundalini are under preparation for a great upgrade!
This is us returning to innocence by remembering and understanding our true history and we all doing it together.
Only truth can heal!
Blessings of Healing via Truth!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there https://www.instagram.com/crystal_indigo144000
✨ An American bank where you can exchange IQD and VND after the RV announcement ✨
This month, a bank in the US was announced where you can exchange Iraqi Dinar and Vietnamese Dong after RV❣️✨✨
Are you getting closer little by little? 😉
🟢Banks where you can exchange foreign currency after RVing
● America’s First Credit Union
● Bank of America
● Citi (Group)
● Citizen Bank
● Chase Bank (JP Morgan)
● First Citizens Bank
● First Horizon Bank
● Huntington Bank
● PNC Bank
● Regions Bank
● Service Federal Credit Union
● State Employees Credit Union
● TD Bank
● U.S. Bank
● Wing Financial Credit Union
👆In addition to the above, I think the quantum banks I have previously published about , such as Wells Fargo, Barclays, and Goldman Sachs, will also be able to do this.
*By the way, as I posted before, places like [redemption centers] other than banks also have [800 series] numbers for redemption, as gurus said and eBay worldwide etc. will not be notified by email. 🙏
This is bullshit and is just a way to get personal information or direct you to paid salons. . 🙄
Will Japan become a quantum bank like Japan Post Bank or Mizuho Bank? That’s what I thought, but so far it’s nowhere to be found. 💦
However, there is only one bank affiliated with Mitsubishi UFJ Group’s World Currency Shop, but it is not a bank.
Also, I don’t think there will ever be just one bank in the country that deals with currency exchange, and as of this spring, Mizuho Bank has separated branches that deal with companies and individuals and is focusing on [asset management]. I think there is still a possibility that foreign currency exchange will be possible in the future. 🙏
Dear friends, we are on the cusp of a profound transformational week, as the cosmic energies from November 3rd to November 11th ignite the flames of spiritual awakening, emotional liberation, and creative manifestation.
As we embark on this intense energetic passage, the universe invites us to confront and release the shackles of our limiting patterns and emotions. The intensification of solar flare energies and the Mars in Leo synergy will catalyze our mental agility and adaptability, empowering us to transcend the constraints of our conditioned minds. It’s time to think outside the box and take bold action towards our dreams.
Meanwhile, the Venus in Sagittarius frequency will infuse our hearts with creativity, optimism, and artistic expression, guiding us to tap into the boundless potential of our inner creator.
However, this journey will not be without its challenges. The emotional turbulence and mood swings that arise this week, as millions of people express their political views, will test our resilience and emotional intelligence. Yet, it is precisely within this crucible of transformation that we will discover the depths of our inner strength and compassion.
As we approach the 11:11 Portal, the gateway to higher realms and spiritual growth, we will be invited to embody the frequencies of unity, love, and manifestation. This portal will amplify our intentions and desires, birthing a new era of co-creation and collaboration.
To navigate these potent energies, it’s essential to anchor yourself in mindfulness and heart centering activities. This practice will calm the tempests of your mind and emotions, allowing you to stay centered amidst the turbulence. Engaging in creative expression will also be vital, as it taps into the boundless potential of your inner creator. Cultivating self-love and compassion is equally crucial. As you transcend the limitations of your conditioned self, you’ll unlock the doors to spiritual growth, emotional liberation, and manifestation.
Remember, this earthly journey requires courage, resilience, and determination. We must be willing to confront our shadows, release our fears, and embrace our true essence. Yet, the rewards will be immeasurable: spiritual growth, emotional liberation, and the manifestation of new timelines more aligned with your soul’s essence.
May you walk this new week with grace, wisdom, and an open heart and mind. May you emerge transformed, renewed, and radiant, ready to embody the highest expression of your soul.
Stay tuned for more updates as we navigate this interesting week. Much love
Soul integration is taking place on many levels, during this time when chaos seems to reign in many regions of our planet. We are witnessing a lot of disorder and natural, often created too, weather disasters on our planet. This is also an organic process to the density emancipation process that has just begun and that will enhance during 2025.
Soul embodiment continues occurring in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th dimensions, due to the physical transfiguration that is taking place, and that involves the dissolution of our lower 3D chakras layers and the embodiment of our soul or 5th-dimensional ones.
As our planet, All living beings, and many of us continue merging with the soul dimensions, a process that is a long-term one and that many of us have been working with for years, many are the tactics employed to create more separation, chaos, and above all pain in the collective.
We have many examples around the globe showing us the desperate attempts to control Consciousness, weather, and everything they can to disturb our inner peace, physical integration, and soul embodiment. No matter how it seems from the outside, as where we choose to focus is very real, the embodiment is taking place, and it has been since 2012, 2017 was as well a key year, and now 2025, a pivotal year to continue freeing ourselves from mental and soul slavery.
In my country of birth, Spain, a country I just visited and left a week ago, you have now a clear example, of starvation, leaving people to death, in what “they” call a natural weather disaster, even if it is hard for me to write it, and what the governments, and what is behind them, do to satisfy their agendas.
All needs to come to the light to be dissolved. Our efforts and conscious intention cannot be focused on what we cannot control or change, but on what we can do to help All, which is to remain in our Higher Hearts, feeling the Love, and the healing we wish to send to all who are passing through these challenging situations.
It is heartbreaking to witness. Stabilizers, and transmuters especially, and for all, in truth, no matter what planetary mission you have, who are now directly involved in planetary grid stabilization and others who work directly in the land to help stabilize it, it breaks our hearts to see what is happening.
This is why it is so important that as we work in the Field, land, or in your unique way, we remain in the Love that we are, in a compassionate neutral space, and beyond everything, focus on the mission, filtering the pain, seeding harmony and stabilizing what we are assigned to help to bring more peace and restoration where allowed and required.
Mental and emotional strength is vital to serve as peace, harmonic, and healing channels, for we cannot assist if we allow chaos to disturb our being.
Scanning our nervous system daily is key to being able to function within Divine Harmony for us and All. Our link between our brain and heart needs to be clear and strengthened, and to help stabilize our hearts we may use sound therapy as a powerful tool to neutralize disharmonic fields, whether in our sacred space or where we are assisting, other non-benevolent influences and parasites that get attached to us.
128Hz tuning forks, universal healing, and stabilizers work very well for our personal mission, as well as others who are DNA repairers, and you can use too when working in the earth’s fabrics and grids to help anchor the 144 harmonics frequencies.
As the 5th frequency continues being anchored in many of our planet regions, independently of what we are told, for we know the Truth, let us join as One Family, to send our love, and healing blessings to All who are passing through many tribulations at this time, for they are brave souls changing structures from within the 3D matrix, bearing the weight of the pain all this chaos unleashes.
Love resides in zero time-space zone, and from this neutral compassionate, and harmonic space, I invite all who feel guided to send love to Valencia, at this time, for Spain needs our love, as other important parts of the world I too mentioned before.
Let us bathe Valencia, and all the regions in the world that need it, with the Violet Flame, transmuting all lower frequencies, followed by the Blue Ray, to help anchor God’s Will and Power, finishing with the Pink and then the White 12th-dimensional Ray, bringing love, purity and restoration.
You all know what to do, for you all are master healers, sovereign free beings with your personal guidance. Many of you work with the Arcturians to precisely assist in the anchoring of the 5th-dimensional harmonics. As ascending souls, joining in soul serves the whole immensely, as the more of us reunite, the more love is anchored and extended to All.
Thank you for your love, healing blessings, and assistance at this time.
Every kind thought, feeling, word and benevolent gesture reaches All, and serves to continue seeding more harmony, peace, and restoration.
The Limitless Way forward is simply the task of seeing YOU
Being YOU
Believing in YOU
Understand, these doorways of light are enabling you to reach the light spectrums you are seeking.
For many, it is removing the conditioning and simply find the freedom of light.
Finding the Internal Doorway to Freedom
By Your Side, we assist and Guide, the
Ancient Wayshowers Holding Light
As a New Day Approaches
Another Opportunity for Advancement
The Arcturians
Karen Lithika
Together In Light
Carolyn 144 GODCODE
The Divine Feminine is feeling strong and confident enough to resolve whatever is replaying abandonment wounding. Patterns can end through getting more clear, stable, and balanced within. She can chose a new path in Union without projected wounding influences.
The Masculine is supported to dissolve conflicts though evolving into healthy loving communications. Balancing their inner masculine and feminine power is assisting them with replacing the ego wanting to be right and win, with a more empathy for everyone involved.
This is supporting the Masculine and Feminine ascend out of duality, and into better teamwork and collaboration. This will support having a long term successful union.
And Lead Us Not Into Temptation
We are shedding another layer of the jezebel serpent that got into the Genesis Bloodline and created division and corruption.
This week the Sacral Chakra and Feminine Life Force Energy is detoxing the temptation that kept reinforcing the agenda of separation.
Intimate partners are detoxing out of the body, including the point of attraction to them. Envious frenemies and narcissists are also clearing away so you may continue raising your vibration, and hold more light.
This light is setting you free, protecting you, and raising your vibration out of duality and into Oneness. It is leading to your rebirth as Christ, the Second Coming – you and us!
source: 144godcode.com
Holy Union
Ra James
Today Venus is opposite Jupiter.
Venus and Jupiter are the two luckiest planets in the sky. Today is a day where dreams come true and where you may find your true love. This opposition reminds us that part of what makes love happen is us being open to being loved. It’s all about being more open so love can reach us. These energies are also amazing to help you progress towards your goals. They are also here to help you to ditch any patterns that are no longer serving you.
Venus in Sagittarius aligns with Chiron in Aries. Chiron represents your deepest wounding and your healing journey. Chiron can for sure dredge up old wounds. Expect old relationship wounds to be coming to the surface. They only do so in order for you to heal more completely. There is a healing happening which has the potential to help any relationships to grow deeper through authentic and vulnerable connection. Jupiter is Retrograde until Feb 4, 2025. This is a time to slow down.
You may want to avoid any major decisions. It’s best to use this space to reevaluate your goals and personal beliefs. You want to be focusing on inner growth and stability. Jupiter Retrograde is always a time of mental transformation and shifting perspectives. This Jupiter and Venus opposition may have you reflecting on what a healthy relationship with yourself and others looks like. There may be things you need to work on, in these areas…
On Sunday, November 3rd, there is a lot going on astrologically! First, we have Mars, the Warrior, in emotional Cancer opposing Pluto, the Transformer, in stern Capricorn. These two can bring about an activation of situations and events that are of an explosive, or a transformative, nature. Next, we have Venus, ruler of love and money, in freedom oriented Sagittarius opposing Jupiter, ruler of belief systems and aspirations, in changeable Gemini. This can have us questioning and vacillating in our thoughts and perspectives regarding relationships and finances. Then, lovely Venus, ruler of the Divine Feminine, in inspirational Sagittarius will create a positive trine to Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in “take charge” Aries. We can bring healing to old wounds within ourselves that relate to self-value and self-worth. And, finally, Mars, planet of energy and action, will leave the sensitive waters of Cancer the Crab behind, to move into the passionate fires of Leo the Lion. He will be in this strong-willed sign until January 2025, and then will revisit it again from April through June 2025, because of a retrograde motion that he will begin in early December 2024. This will initiate a fiery motivation and an enthusiastic determination in the areas of creative projects, positions of leadership, and confident self-expression. It will be a time of moving forward in a determined way!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: https://www.sacredsoulempowerment.com
Mars, the Warrior, in emotional Cancer opposing Pluto
Mars in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn. Venus in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter retrograde in Gemini and trine Chiron retrograde in Aries – Head’s up! Pay attention! The skies blare a warning. Watch and learn. Don’t react. Take time to consider your next move. With an angry, sometimes violent aspect in play it pays to be one step ahead of the game. Choose your battles carefully. Let go of power struggles. Don’t let your fears dictate what you do next. Note where and to whom your energy goes.
Accompanying the volcanic Mars-Pluto frustration is Venus and Jupiter who bring with them a hunger for more and more and more. When the heart is shut off, when we feel shut down, threatened or like everything is out of control, we might be inclined to grab at anything that makes us feel good, however fleeting. But right now, there is a strong instruction to choose from a place of love and abundance rather than anger and lack. Love is the bridge that leads you back to your strength and self-belief. Use your power wisely.
‘Lunar’ is the name for the number two and its keywords are ‘Polarize, Challenge and Stabilize’. OK, let’s be honest, number two days can be a pain in the backside. There’s no relaxing today, you must deal with challenges and then those challenges must be polarized to stabilize them. Problems must be faced and just like members at an AA meeting, you must admit that you have problems before you can tackle them. Today, look at what needs fixing and deal with those issues without further procrastination.
Today is Blue Storm which represents ‘Catalyze, Self-Generation and Energy’. Stormy days bring about big changes. When you combine this energy with the number two the result is KAPOW! What a crazy day. To summarize; identify your challenges and then with the mighty power of the storm blow your troubles away. This suggests that even very large problems can be dealt with today if you have the nerve! As always on Stormy days you either get blown away or you harness all that energy and put it to good use.
The Guide today is Blue Monkey which represents ‘Magic, Play and Illusion.’ I can hear your groans… when you all realize that today is guided by a monkey, and a ‘Challenging’ day on a Stormy day to boot. But don’t panic! Monkey is a very useful guide showing us that magic can help remove obstacles. In fact, Hanuman the Monkey god, is a symbol for removing obstacles and so this is a great help for facing challenges and polarizing them.
The Challenge today is the Red Moon, the go with the flow energy. There is no chance of relaxing today and chillin out. If you are a Red Moon, you will find this day tougher than everyone else. Don’t worry …it will all blow over by tomorrow.
The Occult Power is the White Wind which represents ‘Communication, Spirit and Breath’. I always say when Wind is in the magical position expect magical messages. It’s happened to me countless times. This really helps today and so if you need to understand how to solve a certain problem, expect the answer to land in your lap, voila! Just like magic. The White Wind also symbolizes Breath and Spirit. Today is ideal for doing breath work and connecting with spirit.
The Ally is the Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment’. If you are a Yellow Sun, you will find the Storm a breeze and may even be amused by the shenanigans going on around you. I implore you to help out all of those poor buggers being blown around today. Any help will be greatly appreciated, so shine some light on a friend in need today. If you don’t have a Yellow Sun handy, be like one and shine brightly.
1- New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 119 = 11 Portal/Duality/Twins
A turbulent day revealing any distortions to TRUTH… lots of “mud slinging” as the pond is being stirred up to be cleaned! A catalytic day for powerful transformation.
KIN 119 the BLUE LUNAR STORM was the code for the DREAMSPELL YEAR in 2020 and what a catalytic year that was! Global transformation beyond anyone’s imagination!!!
This gives you an idea of the energy today, and also the energy of this entire 13 day wavespell to create TRUE transformation…
We are also in the YEAR of the BLUE RHYTHMIC STORM DOUBLING our STORM energy today!
And VERY QUICKLY indeed! We have accelerated CHANGE happening at SONIC speeds these days… Anything can and will happen..
Fasten seatbelts beloveds and get ready for a WILD RIDE!!!
LUNAR– Tone 2 in the PHYSICAL realm. The LUNAR tone represents the sacred twins, cooperation, relationship, polarity of male and female and duality. It’s ACTION – polarizes, POWER – challenges, ESSENCE – stabilizing.
Yesterday we MAGNETIZED and attracted spiritual energy and today we anchor that energy in our PHYSICAL bodies. The LUNAR tone may also reveal challenges, in order to recognize and release anything stopping us from expanding into new horizons and recognizing our true authentic DIAMOND self..it’s POLISHING time!
“How can you use the POWER of the STORM to MAJIKALLY transform your physical reality?”
NOTE: If CHALLENGES present today, FLIP the energy, funneling the POWER generated through the chaos into CREATION and ALCHEMY!
Divine blessings for our collective journey through the Hall of Mirrors, may we arrive at our desired destination with ease and grace – buffeted from the ravages of the STORM.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
Generally on STORM days, we witness GAIA releasing pent up energies through physical storms – electrical, hurricanes, hail/snow, floods/tsunamis and all types of extreme weather conditions. Particularly when in the PHYSICAL plane as the LUNAR tone of creation is!
Whether “natural” or artificially induced (H.A.A.R.P – GEOENGINEERING) these extreme STORMS are reflecting the nature of our reality – one filled with confusion, discordance and huge upheaval. When our collective consciousness is calm and stabilized then GAIA’S weather patterns will reflect this HARMONY back to us through idyllic and balanced conditions.
Welcome to Day 2 in the WHITE MIRROR WAVESPELL of reflection, truth, illusion, endlessness, and magnification.
Today we anchor our capacity to REFLECT the TRUTH as revealed by the MIRROR. Trusting in the transformation of the chaos, that the STORM is catalyzing in our physical world. This enables us to stabilize the polarity conflicts.
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE LUNAR STORM – CAUAC brings transformation, change, self regeneration. BLUE STORM is the initiation by fire, the lightning storm. The arrival of the THUNDER BEINGS who bring the final transformation.
BLUE STORM is presenting today with WHITE MIRROR to cut to the TRUTH and sever any discordant reflections, that are distorting your energetic field. Today’s LUNAR STORM reveals what has been blocking our HARMONY and peaceful relations.
The MIRROR Wavespell magnifies the STORM energies so we have TREMENDOUS catalytic powers focused on our SELF and our reflection in the physical plane!
It is time to be born anew – after our rebirth through the Phoenix rising in the culmination of the Serpent’s cycle. We have completed our shedding and now we begin the POLISHING!
New beginnings, and a NEW YOU!
BLUE STORM will assist us in honing our image, confidence, self-esteem and projection of our true AUTHENTIC SELF.
Are you projecting the image of the PERSON you want to be? That you are PROUD of being? If not, allow the BLUE STORM to wash away the remnants of the undesirable aspects of your false self.
To the Maya, BLUE STORM represents the storm, the thundercloud full of purifying rain, and the lightning that shatters any false structuring of reality. (The TOWER card in the tarot).
BLUE STORM is the purification of the ‘body temple’ and the ignition of the LIGHT BODY. This initiation by fire breaks any false containers of SELF that cannot withstand the flames of transmutation. Only your TRUE IDENTITY will survive through these fires, for you will be reborn in the heart of All That Is.
BLUE STORM provides the water that purifies and quenches your spiritual thirst. In this state of consciousness, you stand willing to SURRENDER everything. You give up what you seem to be, in order to become fully what you ARE. You step into the fires of the unknown, and you are changed forever.
Allow BLUE STORM’s energies to purify and cleanse you in preparation for your DIAMOND SELF to be brilliantly buffed and polished. .
The LUNAR STORM energies BREAK the WINDOWS in the HALL OF MIRRORS – shattering all illusions and revealing the green pastures that had been hidden from view.
The STORM partners synergistically with ETZNAB to reveal the TRUTH of what IS – the reality beyond the ILLUSION..
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE LUNAR MONKEY CHUEN is the beautiful Divine child who uses MAJIK and PLAY through laughter and merriment to transform the world.
As the higher guide CHUEN assists in unveiling the deception through the smokescreen and Hall of Mirrors, as the Magician can decode all illusions. This Majik can be transformed from dark to Light by connecting with the purity and innocence of your Divine Child.
The DIVINE CHILD is your inner pure self – that aspect of Divinity that can never be diminished. The innocence and purity that every Divine soul embodies. Connect with this Divine Child that reveals your TRUE SELF – the beautiful aspect of your authentic self – free from masks, cloaks, distortions, personalities and layers of imposed illusions..
Look in the MIRROR and reconnect with your TRUE LOVING SELF to find your CENTER and place of BALANCE through the chaos of the STORM.
The cheeky monkey has a riddle for you today!
He asks “What type of cheese looks in the MIRROR and LOVES itself?”
Answer – Hello me! (Halloumi).….
It is time to LIGHTEN UP to lessen the severity of this LUNAR STORM… Laughter diffuses all seriousness!
Today we can use the MAJIK that CHUEN offers us to work with the Elementals and the DRAGONS to transform our physical reality. It is a great day to PLAY with the turbulent and powerful STORM energies, using them to catalyze great change, rather than being tossed around in the chaos.
Today is a great day for WEATHER MAJIK – playing with the Elementals to affect the Sun, Wind, Rain, temperature, or even some psychic cloud busting as per Weather 101 class!
A FANTASTIC day to SING A RAINBOW into existence!
LIGHTEN up and PLAY today. Do not take yourself too seriously!. Join with your friends, jump in the PUDDLES and PLAY in adventure land – Look for the BLUE SKIES – SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW..
SUPPORT: YELLOW LUNAR SUN – AHAU peeks through the dark clouds today, commencing the radiant light codes that will fully anchor tomorrow, throughout the following VERY POWER PACKED day of the YELLOW ELECTRIC SUN! Wisdom and en-LIGHTEN -ment!
The LUNAR SUN casts the darkest shadows, illuminating what needs to be stabilized, in order to hold more LIGHT and SHINE BRIGHTLY.
Once the SUN has unveiled the density, the STORM can wash away all debris, cleaning the slate for a new foundation to be built. The STORM thus catalyzes change, leading us to our en-LIGHT-on-ment.
The STORM allows for our physical independence to stabilize us in the midst of change. Our LIGHT shines brighter after each and every STORM in our lives.
What does not KILL us, serves to make us STRONGER
LOOK IN THE MIRROR – you are not the same person you were yesterday, last week, last month or last year! Tremendous soul growth through releasing, detaching and self generation has transformed you into a new wiser and brighter version of yourself.
Look through the ILLUSIONS to really SEE your true Divine Soul essence!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE CRYSTAL WIND– IK provides the energies of spirit, through the whisperings of the wind. The STORM merges with WHITE WIND and is thus Divinely directed in its path of minimal destruction for the purpose of bringing you to your most beneficial destination unharmed.
The CRYSTAL WIND – brings us crystal CLEAR cognitive abilities to receive and channel the VOICE of GOD/Spirit.
Spirit is the SUPERPOWER behind this Lunar Storm, having the hidden agenda of transmitting the Divine plan, into every mind that is OPEN and receptive to hearing and knowing the higher DIVINE TRUTH.
As we partner with Spirit to do the work of the Divine on Earth, we can navigate a clear path through the Storm, arriving safely at our utopian destination.
Today we cooperate with our kin, through open and fun communication, making LIGHT of all that is in a state of change around us, as we anchor to let spirit communicate through us, as a pure channel. Follow the guidance of spirit to best utilize and navigate through these powerful energies!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED LUNAR MOON– MULUC The MOON reflects the SUN-LIGHT. The shadow of RED MOON includes negative self-talk and self deprecation, that is, hiding the fullness of your LIGHT. Forgetfulness and lacking awareness of signs and synchronicities voiced by Spirit, is also a challenge of MULUC.
The Lunar Goddess asks us to surrender the battles, through the power of forgiveness and compassion. Become softer and more receptive to the needs of both yourself and your loved ones, to stabilize any polarity clashes. The GODDESS soothes all hearts through the power of LOVE.
RED MOON also brings forth another layer of PURIFICATION power, working synergistically with BLUE STORM to PURGE every last remnant of any toxins you have been holding in your body, mind or life revealed by the MIRROR.
To reap the gifts today, MULUC asks you to become an empty vessel and take off your veil of forgetfulness and shine your LIGHT, becoming the beacon of awakened awareness. As you open to the remembrance of your true LIGHT the voice of Spirit will freely FLOW through your purified vessel, filling it with the GOLDEN LIGHT from AHAU until your cup runneth over!
Allow MULUC to help you find your FLOW so that you can meander through the great Hall of Mirrors, effortlessly flowing in the right direction
May the STORM, WIND, SUN, MOON RAINBOWSand universal WATERcome out to PLAY and cleanse our bodies catalyzing tremendous transformation in our physical realities.
“How can you use the POWER of the STORM to MAJIKALLY transform your physical reality?”
NOTE: If CHALLENGES present today, FLIP the energy, funneling the POWER generated through the chaos into CREATION and ALCHEMY!
Divine blessings for our collective journey through the Hall of Mirrors, may we arrive at our desired destination with ease and grace – buffeted from the ravages of the STORM.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
WOLVERINE LIVE CHAT: November 1, 2024
I have received wonderful news and have spoken to payers and bank staff. The green light has been given. We are about to cross the finish line.
Our friend Charlie Ward always said that nothing would happen before the election. He was absolutely right and he never wavered from that opinion, and he was absolutely right.
The codes have been set, the authority has been granted, and next week we will be celebrating. We are one million percent sure that everything is being complied with.
The top leaders of all countries (Mauritius may have been included) were called to receive his blessing.
I spoke to the leaders of the platforms and they have the same information as me, and they also told me the same thing. The Precatorias should be published on Tuesday or Wednesday for the people who are on that platform.
Every platform is different. When these people see your money, they have to deliver it to the members (I don’t mean the currency, but the bondholders). They will decide when they can deliver it to you, because it’s not as easy as pressing a green button. They have to do everything according to the rules, have everything ready, gather all the sub-leaders to deliver the money to their people. Everything has to be done on time.
You have until November 10th to DELIVER 1% TO EVERYONE!!! This has been verified and reviewed.
I know we’ve been thinking “it’s coming and it’ll come tomorrow”, but talking to payers in general (not those in South America) they assured me that it’s all coming now.
I had the privilege of being on a private call for a private contractor, and the amount of money is huge to come in and be used for humanitarian purposes.
In the ZOOM call I joined, I asked them that when all these people get this huge amount of money, there will be those who will not be able to control themselves and will end up doing things they shouldn’t (like drugs, etc.).
They said “no, that’s not going to happen.”
So what happens is that when these people receive this money, including you, they need to know that your vibration is right and they can check that. If they feel that something is “not right with this person,” I suppose they can work with you to raise your vibration. There are a lot of people involved in this who shouldn’t be here because they are not humanitarians, they have no right because they are only interested in money and they only want it for themselves, they are not looking to help humanitarians.
If this applies to any of you in these rooms, you will be surprised at the time of your blessing, as you will receive nothing. So make sure your vibration is right.
Now, as for the currencies, I know you’ve all been waiting for your currency, currency, to receive that notification by the Grace of God after the election results on Monday. We know that Trump is going to win, but we’ve also heard from the other side of this equation that there will be no election, but we hope that that will be the case, and then hopefully on Sunday we’ll get the big news that the election has been canceled and the truth has come out and all of this is what we’ve been waiting for.
We hope that happens. Otherwise, we have to wait for the election results, and we know that President Trump will win the election, and we know that Trump will win.
I know you’ve been waiting, but this came from official channels. God bless you. Be patient. I know it’s been hard for all of you and for me as the messenger. Hopefully we’ll have an amazing celebration next week. I’d like to see you all at the gathering and give you a big hug.
The opera will be broadcast live on the PPN channel. I posted Chosen Ine’s channels, pinned them there, and I already said it could be at any time. I’m going to put on my suit and fix my tonsils so I can get in shape for the high notes!
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of November 3rd through 9th 2024 . She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and a powerful Prayer for the I Am Presence and New Earth Manifestation.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Prayer for the I Am Presence and New Earth Manifestation
Divine I Am Presence within me,
I honor and acknowledge Your light,
The essence of my being and the source of all creation.
As I align with Your divine purpose,
I invite the energy of the New Earth to manifest in my life and the world around me.
May the vibrations of love, peace, and harmony resonate through every aspect of my existence.
Let the vision of a world filled with compassion, unity, and abundance unfold before me,
And may my actions reflect the truth of this New Earth.
With each breath, I release the old patterns and limitations,
Embracing the infinite possibilities that lie within the New Earth.
I call upon the wisdom of the Universe to guide me,
As I co-create a reality that honors all beings and the planet.
Together, let us rise in consciousness,
Manifesting a world where kindness reigns and all are uplifted.
I am a vessel of Your divine light,
Shining brightly in the unfolding of this new era.
Thank you for the gifts of transformation and awakening.
In gratitude, I affirm:
I Am love. I Am light. I Am the New Earth.
Prayer for the I Am Presence and New Earth Manifestation
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RUMORS: 11/04/2024
All countries and banks have signed the necessary treaties and are ready. Dinar will lead the way on Sunday/Monday. Bonds/GCR on Tuesday.” I guess they decided that the US election chaos is actually the perfect cover.
MarkZ – [via PDK]
…my gut is screaming that under the distraction of this s******n that the whole world is watching – they are going to pull the trigger… That’s what my gut is saying… I hope I’m right this time…
Question: Is Nov our month Mark?
MarkZ: …unfortunately we got through October without him…but November looks good.
Comment: Others say we will be notified any time after November 6th.
MarkZ: That’s basically what the upper echelon of the banking industry is saying right now.
Question: What do you think the rate will be, Mark.
MarkZ: Just a guess… But I think it could be $3.91.
Bruce (The Big Call)
[via WiserNow]
We know that the rates on the redemption center screen are increasing, and that means they’re going up, and we know that we have fixed rates on the bank screens. The redemption center screens are what we’re going to work with, and it’s going to be, I think the rates themselves are going to be so good, that they’re going to blow us away — especially the contract rate for the Iraqi dinar. They should offer that to us, not in the banks, but just in the redemption centers.
Let’s start with some things we’ve heard about NESARA and GESARA. And the last thing we’ve heard about NESARA and GESARA is that they’re both starting this weekend.
Same story and same positivity… But I don’t think we’ll see a bondholder with funds until early next week. But if we see a facilitator with money before then (which is highly possible) this weekend, we’ll know it’s party time.
With the Quantum Financial System (QFS) and NESARA/GESARA, a global reset was already underway. It is a return to the principles of 1776, bringing gold-backed digital currency.
Wednesday, October 30, 2024 Wolverine Looks like it’s the end, folks!
• It has started in some places. Some bondholders have already received notice of Monday’s appointments. Some bondholders have already received tomorrow’s notice.
• Tier4b (our internet group) should receive currency notifications today, Wednesday, October 30th, after 6pm.
• Everything needs to be concluded before the elections. Now that the Brunson case has come to light, there may be no elections.
• We are confident that everything is ready
We received this information from Brazil:
Tier 4B Internet Group officially begins operations. We are very proud to announce the launch of Tier4B Internet Group.
Usage and uniformity at Tier 4 will ensure that all systems are free from defects.
• We await the judgment of Wells Fargo National Bank Association, the guardian of these resources. Miguel Ribeiro is one of them.
The release of funds by the Central Bank requires an authorization decision from Wells Fargo Bank, which can occur at any time. The approval has already arrived since 4 pm and there will be no problems starting tomorrow (October 30, 2024).
• A close friend reached out to me and it seems like things are changing on his side.
October 30, 2024 (Wednesday) Tier 4b funds released in Brazil
• November 1, 2024 (Friday), the state of Texas, which was the planned construction site for the Capitol of the New Republic of the United States, transitioned to gold-backed currency Chief Fasthorse is located in Sedona, Arizona.
• Joanna Morningstar on Wednesday, October 30, 2024: “I was on the phone with Chief Fasthorse and his guest, Robert flying to the Hopi reservation.
Yes, that’s cool. The humanitarian work has started. They say the trailers never worked. Now that it’s a new republic, they’re distributing the funds.
✴️There is a possibility that there will be a major branch point (branch from the mid-world line) around November 5th US time! ?
This content is related to the previous article (Procedure for invalidating the 2020 election result
In fact, from multiple perspectives, we believe that we will reach an important turning point for the future “close to voting day for the US presidential election (November 5, US time).”
😊What are multiple points of view?
✅ A turning point in the Q plan
✅ A turning point in the mid-range world line
. ✋We believe that the content of this result will be the factors (conditions) that will determine whether or not we will be able to follow the story we talked about in the previous article (Flow of invalidation of the 2020 election results
In my opinion, this will be one thing in a line of great events.
Ginger stated in Chronicles that a Clash of the Titans scenario will happen, things happening all at once, observe but don’t absorb… some things will be real and some won’t… head on a swivel as Plato, Skipper and Patrick recommend.
WWIII type event, 34 Satanic sites taken down, massive public arrest, financial collapse, possible “assassination”, limited martial law with military intervention. People must never allow this to happen again!
It has to be as if all is lost. AND THEN… new qfs system announced, new Republic announced, truths being told, humanitarian projects started, new blockchain elections within 120 days of Nesara/gesara announcement, we are taking back what was stolen from us AND the meek shall inherit the world!
I’m sure there is much more and everyone will be shocked, but if we remain prayerful and watch from a distance, we will see the greatest 4th quarter comeback in history!!!
This is our week. One of the seven great leaders of this movement told me this morning that it would happen this week, probably at least by Friday, November 8, 2024.
Around the world, nations like Argentina and Japan are moving to dismantle oppressive tax regimes, in line with GESARA mandates. These are not isolated moves, but calculated steps toward financial liberation.
The Golden Age of Gesara🚀
President Trump talks about the end of 📢 rallies and 😄 future rallies under different names🔔 This will never happen again😄 Let’s celebrate🌈 This story will be #1 at today’s rally The content can be considered the harvest of ❣️➡After all, November 5th is not an election but a liberation event/anniversary🌈 November 3rd, 2024 (11/03)
Putin Russia 🇷🇺 “Moscow police are carrying out operations to arrest illegal immigrants and deport them.”
Garbage Truck for Kamala and Biden 🚀🔔 President Trump 📢 “How about my garbage truck? This truck was built in honor of Kamala and Joe Biden 😂🌈 October 2024, month 31 [2024/10/31].”
The November 5 US presidential election will not take place
😄 will be void 🚀 Donald Trump will be the winner 🔔 because the Democratic Party’s fraud will be exposed before the election starts 😄➡ Kamala is done 😄 President Trump 📢 We won’t have them for long 😎 Kamala is not qualified to be president because she broke the law 🚀 An ultimatum has been given 😄 October 30, 2024 [2024/10/30]
The key to Gesara🔔
President Putin orders military to begin nuclear weapons training🚀↓Translation (It seems preparations have been made for a false flag global nuclear war😄)After all, President Putin holds the key to Ebisu🌈🙏President Putin📣 Russia is experiencing the “fastest economic growth in the last 10 years”🌈Gesara BRICS country😄October 30, 2024 [2024/10/30]
Kamala is done
😄 President Trump 📢 We won’t have them for long 😎 Kamala broke the law and is unfit to be president 🚀 The ultimatum has been given 😄 October 30, 2024 [2024/10/30]
Julian Assange📢Listen❗Warning❗
Prepare for total darkness within 7 days🚀Worldwide power outage❗❓No internet❗Nothing❗President Trump…November 5th is not an “election” but an “event” Mark what I said😄This will be the biggest political event in American history🔔Welcome to the great awakening🌈10/29❗October 30, 2024 [2024/10/30]
Trump says Americans must 📢 prepare for what’s coming
📢 See what’s happening in Washington DC 🚀 Minutes after Trump posted these messages, Ezra Cohen posted last night Responded with video showing military exercises taking place at the Capitol and the White House and military helicopters simulating evacuations 🚀 October 30, 2024 [10/30/2024]