Feline Lyran Starseeds ~ THE VEIL OF FORGETTING ~ LIFE AFTER THE Ascension ~ Our TIME Has ARRIVED!!!
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Soul Star Nation of Divine Grace and Peace
As we come to the Grand Finale of the Powerful year of 2022 our local Solaris releases several more C Class Solar Flares flooding this realm with Gamma Plasma Pulses of higher dimensional Light. With these massive energies coming in Pachamama received another powerful activation with a magnitude 6.0 earthquake on the Ring of Fire in Vanuatu at 16:34 UTC.
As we continue our journey through the Ascension Spiral we rise together as One Nation Indivisible in the Eyes of Mother Father God. United we stand for the right for all Sentient Beings to live in Freedom and Sovereignty. Nothing can stop the Great Awakening and Flowering of Human Consciousness. Like a Sacred Lotus we rise from the mud of the past through the still waters and blossom and bloom into the Heavenly light in the Wisdom of Buddha Consciousness.
Our Winged Nations of all species are with us to assist us in raising the vibrations and elevate the world to new heights of Bliss and Joy on the Way to our full compression breakthrough.
The Veils of Separation are lifting and dissolving as we merge with our multidimensional self to bridge the two worlds of Heaven and Earth. as our Ground Crew team of the 144 step fully into their missions of assisting Gaia in her Transformation into Terra Nova Mothership 33 of the Universal Alliance of Light. We are moving from a closed limited system to an Open Unlimited Galactic Station of Infinite Light.
We are in the Quickening as the Shift of the Ages is accelerating all into the Fifth Dimension and beyond as we ride the Celestial Waves into the New Golden Age of Eternal Life…A’Ho!
Right now: Moon at 23°42′ Pisces, Sun at 7°13′ Capricorn
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
An inhabited island.
Sabian Symbol for 24º Pisces
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 24º Pisces.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
Birds in the house singing happily.
Sabian Symbol for 8º Capricorn
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 8º Capricorn.
INCOMING ENERGIES STRONGER the last 3 days but, TODAY, are EXTREMELY STRONG and still building. The Patterns & Vibrations are changing by the hour. There’s a Sequence + a faster spin
Soul Fam..We have all SEEN, felt, tasted and dreamt of the New Beginnings that are already existing parallel to our existing realities.. Remember, the longer the wait, the BIGGER the blessing. Divine Balance Restored. Galactic initiations (Atlantean/ Egyptian timelines).. Completion
White Tiger
Isabel Garcia Garcia.
Life in the fifth dimension is very different from what we are experiencing now.
In the Body of Light, we already know who we really are: a pure and loving Being, united to all other beings as part of Source, but with remnants of individualization we leave behind.
We know who we are in terms of our incarnations over time, what we learned from each one, and how each was a daring and challenging mission through which the Source learned more from itself.
As SPIRITS, we automatically disseminate what we have learned across all frequency bands so that our discoveries can be enjoyed through direct knowledge.
That’s why every little detail in our lives is so important. Each one of us is an explorer and an explorer for the entire Universe.
We will be masters of creation. Our thoughts will be instantly made into objects, music, art, and other delicious ways, to be enjoyed by other beings in the fifth dimension.
The textures, colors, sounds, and materials we will have at our disposal will literally be limitless.
Messages From the Mer World: The Water Queen comes with her waves of love in the closing out the final completion Gateway 2022. Be willing to bless the gifts of your past Timelines with grace, compassion and honor. Water being the element strongest on the planet and in our body is becoming more receptive to our alignment to thought forms. A simple shift in perspective will wash the hurts from the wounds like a salve, you have finished and cleared the cycle, allow the space becoming prepared to guide you home to the of your heart.
For the sake of divine Mercy we are exempt from looking back at all the mistakes of hundreds or thousands of our past lives.
Jesus said many beings would lose their reason if they had to look at certain stages of their past.
Each life is an opportunity to reintegrate in its original purity the divine energy that we disqualified for our past and present mistakes.
The imperfections that human beings manifest are either due to their ignorance or their malice. The discord of human thoughts, feelings and actions never penetrate the electrons that are the nucleus of the atom, but form a coating that candles the Light of our electronic structure, constituting the density and opacity of the flesh.
The use of the Consumer Violet Flame is taxed. It is the manifestation of the invincible merciful Love, the Purifying Power of sacred Love, the Holy Fire destined for the Earth, the Grace bestowed by the Authority of the Great Central Sun, which allows to purify the Earth and humanity harmoniously and permanent .
In and around our physical body is all the accumulation of disqualified substance we generate in this and in previous lives.
It’s our soul that must be saved. We are all obliged by the Cosmic Law to purify the energy used in imperfect creations present and past.
Therefore, we must activate our Powerful I AM Presence to carry or activate the Violet Flame in our discord accumulation, releasing this energy by its purifying action and thus freeing us from the limitations that surround our thoughts, in your words, our feelings and our imperfect actions, which constitute so much of disqualified energy vibrating in and around us.
Dear friends, our Sun continued showering us with intense solar plasma overnight. There are currently two active sun regions that keep generating solar flares and creating solar storms in our planet’s geomagnetic field. This process could continue for another 24 hours, although it’s hard to predict. This means, as I mentioned in yesterday’s post, that several physical and emotional symptoms may flare up in those of you who are energy sensitives. These could range from headaches and fatigue, strange and vivid dreams, lack of focus/concentration, ear ringing, skin issues, body temperature fluctuations, digestive issues, to more emotional symptoms such as anxiety, reviewing the past and nostalgia, and early childhood issues resurfacing. These symptoms may come in waves during the day. Please rest if needed and stay hydrated. As our bodies adjust to the new frequencies and we take action and enact the necessary changes we need to align our timeline with our true soul’s journey, the symptoms will subside.
On the other hand, there are also amazing positive effects these solar storms are triggering in our human energy fields. These solar discharges are increasing the amount the light codes carrying key information for our personal evolution. As we near the last days of the year, we are releasing deep layers of outdated and limiting information that is preventing us, mostly unconsciously, from moving forward into higher timelines.
These self-limiting belief systems are deeply buried within our energetic fields, and have been stored as energetic distortions within our DNA in different regions/tissues of our bodies. As we absorb, integrate, and consolidate these incoming light codes we are releasing these energetic “locks” and therefore can begin to integrate our past and present into a higher future timeline. You may suddenly see or feel a situation from a completely new perspective, that famous “eureka” moment that changes your sense of reality and self-awareness. These light codes act as a mirror that shows us the issues we need to relax and let go.
We are starting a new decade, 2023-2033, that will energetically separate “the wheat from the chaff”, those who will bring a new heart-centered way of being into the planet and those who will stay anchored in the old 3D ways. It’s a natural cosmic and divine process we are living and experiencing at this time on Earth. If you are reading this, you are most likely ready to shine your amazing Light into the world. You are a valuable piece of the universal puzzle that will form a new reality in Earth.
Stay tuned for more updates as the energies keep rolling in. Take care of yourself, and keep envisioning those wonderful 2023 timelines from your heart. Much love
‘Inner abundance linked with our Solar Plexus. Our metamorphosis transition is taking place right now, with our global planetary humanity higher heart upgrade recently. This upgrade has also included the brain being re-wired and releasing and letting go older energies coming from the ‘head’ as:
Feeling tired yet wired with upgrading energies has left little room for sleep/rest in the last 12-24hrs specifically – two steps forward and then one back is the case as this is being felt intensely through the physical in various ascension energies releasing through our physical bodies.
*Please ensure you are receiving as much rest as you can, when you can – and also increase fluids as we are processing and releasing so much during this 2022-2023 transition we may need extra electrolyte’s – or one finds they come to a stand-still or ‘hit a wall’ where they can no longer push as one once did in the very recent past – this is the part of: THE OLD CANNOT COME THROUGH WITH THE NEW energies of our transition of old earth and ascension energies with our New Earth energies we are newly creating as-we-go*’
The many benevolent energies from this New Year 2023 are going to help us immensely in upgrading our light bodies, as it is going to be in constant activation, for those who are ready to embody a higher level of consciousness and begin the process of physical ascension.
In this new harmonic era, we are now beginning to act as One with our Planet, and as it continues restoring its fabrics, we can gradually re-connect our body portals with these higher structures, as it was meant to be originally.
For the ones who are in this stage of building the light body, Guides shared that this year is going to be very important to anchor and restore our shoulder portals, especially the left or female one, as the seventh ray has been already restored into our planet, and we have now access to heal and retrieve our wings.
The seventh ray is connected to our left shoulder, which is our feminine portal, for as you know the left side of our body corresponds to the female one. Aligning with this ray will help us restore our left wing and crown chakra, both connected, so we can begin completely healing the female pillar within us, as it is not just about working with our second chakra and hence, our emotional body, but about restructuring our entire female essence and portals, what will begin to heal eons of female distortion.
This is a long-term and arduous inner work that needs daily work, devotion, and integrity, as well as change in habits, thoughts, and behavior, which is essential to successfully achieve this inner work.
During this year we are going to be assisted by many seventh-dimensional beings, energies, and the seventh Ray of Creation to restore our shoulder portals, and the wisdom that can descend, when these portals are opened again, as well with their connection to their correspondent higher planes, for we are meant to be connected to All within Creation.
At this moment and time, several Galactic species are gathered here to help and guide humanity in its ascension process. These beings are communicating and sharing essential information for this process with many members of the Family of Light.
And, as in every family, it makes sense that every species tries to contact the Starseeds who belong to their family. This brings us to the following question: Have you ever wondered which kind of Starseed you are?
In my case, I am a Lyran, and among my family from the stars, you could find some of the oldest and wisest souls in our whole galaxy, as Lyrans are the founding race.
Hopefully, if you are a Lyrian Starseed, your heart will resonate with the information in this text, and you’ll start to identify with some traits of our family.
First of all, you have to know that Lyrans played a unique part in the creation of humanity. They were the ones that offered the element of fire to Planet Earth. Also, many souls from Atlantis were of Lyrian Ancestry. They taught about the use of frequency and resonance to the ancient civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria.
But where did the Lyrans come from? Where is their original home?
Lyra is the birthplace of the Lyran family. Well-known by being the first planet to have physical humanoid beings. If you look at our current Universe map, you will find that it is a small constellation that you’ll quickly identify it because of the brightest star in this constellation: Vega.
Now, if you’re looking at those stars and you try to picture your family from the stars, you must know that they are fourth-dimensional beings living in their constellation. However, from Earth’s 3D perspective, they are a bit different from what they would appear if they were on their home ground.
Maybe you’ve heard about the feline features of the Lyrans. Their nose and eyes would remind you of those of a lion or an African cat. Also, although they look like humans, their skin and eye colors can change depending on their home star.
If you are a Lyran Starseed, you’ll start to notice your family traits after your awakening; however, some signs can appear, mainly when you are exposed to intense experiences. This usually happens to all Starseeds, but it is especially true for Lyran Starseeds because of their strong physical grounding and manifesting power.
Lyran Starseed are commonly identified as being highly spontaneous and show their genuinely high energy all the time. Because of their high energy, they want to try many things, explore many places, and work intensely on their personal projects.
But as they have so much energy, they tend to work a lot without even noticing, and sometimes they end up feeling exhausted. That’s why they like to explore so many things. After the exhaustion, they tend to put their focus on new things.
Lyran Starseeds are friendly and outstanding leaders. But they prefer to work and be surrounded by people of their own Galactic Family. They are usually more reserved when they are in the presence of members of other families. That’s why they’re very good at receiving personal information and having strong perceptions about others.
They like to avoid unnecessary conflict, so they can reserve their energy for what matters to them, their mission. Their tireless determination to see every project to completion sets a great example that others are inspired to follow.
Of all the Lyran Starseed traits, this is the one that makes them the most unique: They are very grounded and live in the present.
As a result, they excel in physical activities, such as sports. They tend to be highly skilled with their hands and often make expert tradespeople.
They enjoy good health and are in tune with their bodies, meaning they know immediately when their health is out of its natural well-being. They are also very sensitive and can identify an ill person if they are close by.
However, when they neglect their health, they experience worse symptoms than most due to their intense and very grounded life experience.
If you are a Lyran Starseed, you must know that you have limitless spiritual potential. This will be a clear advantage for your journey of ascension.
Finally, the last Lyran Starseed trait is their keen sense of justice. Paired with their natural leadership abilities, this will make a Lyran give everything they have to fight for social justice.
This is why Lyran Starseeds are vital to the ascension movement. They are destined to lead humankind to its bright future and Earth to its Golden Age.
For those whose hearts resonated and vibrated with this information, I welcome you to our magnificent family of light.
A new blueprint of creation is accessible, becoming more visible as we approach the Cancer Full Moon January 6th. Give yourself space, isolation, and care as we transition into this new beginning. Let every thought thats surfacing go with love of the lessons learned. These repressed emotions must transmute off the body so you can access your powerful life force energy that’s been buried under all the trauma of this lifetime. You are safe and protected to complete this massive healing and detox. Your Spirit Family surrounds you helping you release for your transformation into freedom.
We are at the end of completing the age of separation. Through your own inner work brings the rise of the Divine Masculine Christ to return back to their Feminine Counterpart. We are travelling home into Union where the Masculine and Feminine can reunite as a team, and unconditionally love and trust each other.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen. God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune and Juno in Pisces – Doing the work you were born to do brings a deep sense of peace and satisfaction. If you’re still looking for a direction or hoping to find your place, let your intuition guide you. Have faith that your heart will lead you to real results. Invest in your dream. In this atmosphere, sensitivity is heightened, and compassion increased. You may feel moved to offer someone practical assistance or open to asking for help yourself. Unconditional love makes everything possible. Commit to the path of the heart.
Create time to immerse yourself in what makes you happy. Make this a date night, even if it’s an artist’s date with yourself. Stimulate your creativity with music, art and film. If you feel stuck, touch a family heirloom, antique or ancient natural object to release waves of loving kindness. Be at ease. You are loved.
The number 3 is called ‘Electric’ and it’s keywords are ‘Activate, Service and Bond’. The 3rd step of any wavespell is about activating the process. Press the button and let’s go! We are in the Wavespell of communication on the third day. Today is about activating conversation. Expect debates to get electrifying and make sure that this energy is channeled productively otherwise arguments can occur.
Today is Yellow Seed, keywords associated with it are ‘Awareness, Targeting and Flowering’. Yellow Seed days are about sharing wisdom and planting ideas. People born on these days are very good at that but we can all strive to ‘sow awareness’.If you have learnt a valuable lesson, share it with someone who could benefit from your experience. When you combine the meaning of number and day the result is ‘activate target’ or ‘service to awareness’. To summarize; Today is about being on active duty on behalf of light and love. Make it your mission to find a target, either a person or a group, and make them aware of something that will help them grow. If you have knowledge this is a great day to share it.
Today’s Guide is Yellow Star which represents ‘beauty and elegance’. Do you remember as a child the world seemed more beautiful? Fairy lights and all that sparkled created wonderment and magic. We don’t always have to act like grown ups – we can take time out to remember how beautiful the world is. Be a beautiful person today and may that guide your actions and words.
The Challenge today is the White Wizard, the enchanter of the Tzolkin. If you are a Wizard you will find your charm doesn’t get you far today and that can lead to frustration. It will be difficult to sow awareness with others.
The Occult power today is the Red Earth. When in this magical position Red Earth can create opportunities to evolve on a magical level. Sow awareness with the magical knowledge you have and you can help others evolve too. ‘Synchronicity’ is another keyword for the Red Earth, and magic happens more frequently when we experience synchronicity and vice versa.
The Ally is the Blue Eagle and so if you need help today, an Eagle can see things from a higher perspective and so consult one if you can, they love to share wisdom and share what they see. If you are a Blue Eagle, you’ll be sought out today from people who need your advice. If you don’t know an Eagle, take their advice and try to step back and see the bigger picture yourself.
Huge codes supporting planning for NEW BEGINNINGS in 2023.
KIN 224 was the KIN of the DREAMSPELL YEAR just completed on JULY 24TH 2022.. the YEAR of the ELECTRIC SEED…
Today we get to REVISIT and REVIEW how far we have SEEDED the NEW TIME.
This is a significant MILESTONE where we have reached MATURITY and are ready to SERVE humanity. We are RISING from the deep dark soil, where the seeds were incubating, and into the stark SUN – LIGHT of a new dawn, marking the start of our new Golden Era.
TODAY is another potent day in our Planetary Evolution process... We have a beautiful alignment of celestial codes, as the moon is in PISCES, the sign of the selfless servant of the DIVINE – this AMPLIFIES our desire to serve the greater GOOD through the DIVINE PLAN for EARTH.
9 months ago PISCES was also the STAR of the SHOW!!! We had a SUPER STELLIUM lineup of celestial bodies in the spiritually devoted sign of PISCES. . Pisces is represented by the FISH symbol, which denotes their expression of the CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS qualities of unconditional love, empathy, compassion and devoted service to humanity.. Pisceans are very psychic and intune with the subtle energies of people, their environment and the EARTH. PISCEANS are the most beautiful gentle souls who are totally committed to their Mission.
Our psychic senses and SPIRITUAL gifts are super boosted by the continuous stream of Solar Flares raining down on us, ready to imbue these germinating SEEDS with a MAJIK SUN KISS from Spirit.
Our SEED packets are BURSTING OPEN today with NEW LIGHT. New SEEDS of awareness, understanding, higher consciousness, and compassion will AWAKEN within us. Whatever has been planted has landed, and comes to the fore of our inner-standing. .
This STELLAR infusion of spiritual LIGHT codes is BLISSING us with DIVINE ABUNDANCE, GOOD LUCK, HIGHER LOVE and ecstatic JOY.. A beautiful dreamy combination to set the tone for this wondrous, next stage of our journey.
We have FINALLY ARRIVED in that marvellous land, somewhere OVER THE RAINBOW – where SKIES are BLUE and we have fertile new soil to plant our ABUNDANT DREAM SEEDS for rapid GROWTH and harvesting.
This NEW GREGORIAN YEAR of 2023 is a very fertile and supportive period – particularly after 22nd JANUARY 2023, when we commence the Lunar New Year of the WATER RABBIT.. Rabbits are extremely PSYCHIC, sensitive and gentle beings akin to PISCEAN souls. They are also very FERTILE having ABUNDANT offspring..
These FERTILE NEW BEGINNINGS will be boosting our soul connections and accelerating our unified MISSIONS.. Wonderful news for the traumatized masses to AWAKEN to this beautiful energy on this new dawn.
KIN 224 brings forth a turbo boost from Spirit today – a highly charged day to rocket fuel your Divine Service
Today is Day 3 in the wavespell of IK (pronounced eesh) – the WHITE WIND which appropriately is taking charge of our mainsails and directing our new FLOW into the NEW YEAR, through these benevolent WINDS of CHANGE.
WHITE WIND holds the INTENT of Spirit – the WILL of the DIVINE – communicated through the BREATH and the whisperings of the WHITE WIND. As such Spirit had the last word in the BLUE STORM year and has redirected the energies from turbulence and chaos – to full steam ahead as the driving force in this new energy.
IK holds the power of Spirit and this wavespell encourages us to become hollow vessels for Spirit to communicate and work, through our being. We are learning to EMBODY SPIRIT.
Today we are connecting with SPIRIT to gain absolute CLARITY on how and WHERE, we need to FOCUS our energies in order to GROW and be of Service to others during this new Golden Era.
Today’s tone is ELECTRIC!!! This is another incredible DIVINE GIFT from our Creator, as we have an incredible surge of POWER to kickstart and drive our DIVINE MISSIONS. Get ready to POWER up and fulfill your DESTINY!!
The key word here is ACTIVATE! The ELECTRIC tone brings great power to energize and ACTIVATE whatever we FOCUS on, and wherever we DIRECT this energy. KIN 224 ACTIVATE AWARENESS through awakening souls, to the TRUTH of our reality and their greater MISSION – so get ready for more spontaneous AWAKENING in the still sleeping masses.
ELECTRIC is tone number 3 in the tone of creation. It is the first of the three EMOTIONAL realm tones. Thus there is a very strong emotional charge today which may create outbursts in those who need to find their balance. ELECTRIC energy creates a short fuse, particularly in those souls that are confused or not focused on their Divine Missions… through FOCUS these strong energies can be creatively utilized rather than being destructive or chaotic.
This energy can be better harvested through the higher aspects of this tone, which encompasses being of SERVICE to others, through the action of BONDING, that is coming together with others to cocreate and be of SERVICE. How positively EXCITING!!!
ELECTRIC energy provides the ignition or SPARK for your manifestation. It is a current that needs to keep moving and flowing, transmitting energy.. It also adds POWER to anything you are creating today. An extra electrical boost to draw upon. The power of 3 is derived from 2 units merging and creating the third, more powerful entity. This action duplicates the essence of bonding in service that the Electric tone provides.
Today beckons you to become emotionally mature. EXPAND your focus from bonding with ONE to the joy of bonding with all. Do not become OBSESSED with romantically coupling! Instead use the energies from your partnership to serve a greater purpose, which is crucially needed at this juncture in Earth’s history.
Together with your divine counterpart, offer your united energies to be of DIVINE SERVICE to HU-MAN-ITY.. and ACCELERATE our PLANETARY ASCENSION!
Today you should contemplate HOW you can activate your electrical power to send waves of pure charged energy to uplift and AWAKEN others through your acts of DIVINE PLANETARY SERVICE!. Aho!
Today’s question is “How can I SEED my divinely inspired ideas, through bonding with others, in greater service to HU-manity?
Am I ready to RIPEN and fully BLOSSOM into my highest potential destiny?
Divine blessings for your accelerated GROWTH in the direction of your Highest potential FLOWERING!!
Let’s get ready to POP!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW ELECTRIC SEED KAN – targets AWAKENING, new beginnings, ripening, flowering and GROWTH, all positive LIFE ENHANCING qualities. The YELLOW SEED is encouraging you to fully FOCUS on what you can CREATE from your ripening ideas, that have been incubating within the depths of your mind and your soul.
What is inside you that is bursting to be birthed into creation? What resources – nutrients, water, sunshine – do you require for your idea to flourish?
These are the questions to ask of Spirit today, which is guiding your elegant blossoming throughout this WHITE WIND wavespell.
How can you apply this Divine inspiration to fuel your passion in order to inspire and AWAKEN others?
What gifts and latent talents lie dormant in your being, which you need to AWAKEN and apply in your higher purpose?
It is time to devote more time to your daily communication with Spirit, building your trust and confidence that you are READY, WILLING and ABLE to step up and be a divine conduit through your daily Service.
All the planetary STAR-SEEDS are now UNITING in collaborative common-unity projects for the betterment of all, to SEED these wondrous new 5D communities living in HARMONY with Mother Gaia.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW ELECTRIC STAR LAMAT brings forth beauty, elegance and grace today as well as fuelling your creativity. An absolutely GORGEOUS guiding LIGHT for the ELECTRIC SEED codes – so we can STEP and SHINE brightly.
LAMAT embodies the codes for the new HARMONIC MATRIX we are actively choosing, as fully AWAKENED STAR BLOSSOMS, to replace the outmoded ARTIFICIAL TIME MATRIX. LAMAT brings forth HARMONY, PEACE and a beautiful symphony, heralding a new way of living our lives – expressing our heart’s desires and creating our beautiful lives as true ARTists!
LAMAT enables us to tap into our innate creative power and find new INSPIRATION to express that in our life’s Mission.
The YELLOW STAR is supporting the YELLOW SEED in asking you
How does your new idea/project/creation add more BEAUTY to our world?
Does it ease or eliminate PAIN and suffering, and enhance healing?
How can I contribute to the beautification and upliftment of humanity and our planet?
Maybe you wish to add more Harmony and PEACE to our planet. Or perhaps be involved in community projects, such as building and designing beautiful harmonious and sustainable living spaces for our new world. Connect with your TRIBE to share your ideas, resources and power. When two or more gather in service to humanity their powers are compounded infinitely!
Now is the time to step up and SHINE your LIGHT brightly so that others can SEE in the DARK and find their own LIGHT within.
SUPPORT: BLUE ELECTRIC EAGLE MEN brings forth the gift of FUTURE VISION and CLARITY. BLUE EAGLE completes the trinity of wondrous energies today, giving you the panoramic view of the landscape.
BLUE EAGLE allows you to SEE far into the future so that you know exactly where you need to aim for, and breaks it down step by step. Envision the completed outcome of your project, hold that in your mind’s eye and engrave that holograph into your crystal manifesting orb. Energize that with the ELECTRIC blue Tesla energy and VOILA your VISION is now alchemizing into matter!
The ELECTRIC EAGLE holds the POWER of an ATOMIC BOMB so harness this energy constructively – applying it for long term gain!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED SPECTRAL EARTH CABAN brings forth signs, synchronicity and much needed FLOW, giving you a strong connection to the WHITE WIND today. Once you tune into your heart’s desires, the signposts will clearly validate your true path. SPECTRAL EARTH will reveal the RIGHT PLACE and the RIGHT TIMING – when you need to take INSPIRED ACTION in order to realize your VISION.
The SPECTRAL EARTH will indicate the way forward to claim your FREEDOM, dissolving all impediments to following your DESTINY.
RED EARTH is also asking you to GROUND your ideas into the physical! Do not just daydream! Start to take actual physical steps to make it manifest.
RED EARTH’s magnetic power adds strength to your manifestations on this 10.10 DOUBLE MANIFESTATION day. Call forth the energy of GAIA through your feet chakras, pull up the red cord into your body and up your spine, giving you strength to stand tall and go forth with renewed confidence and vigor.
The ELECTRIC SEED works in harmony with CABAN to fertilize your DREAM SEEDS within the fertile EARTH. Partner with SPIRIT and PACHAMAMA to achieve bountiful harvests and rewards from your endeavours.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE ELECTRIC WIZARD IX cautions you to use humility and grace in your relations and connections. Avoid big noting yourself with your grandiose ideas, or falling prey to your egoic falsities. Instead hold the knowingness, that you are just ONE part in our interconnected machine, and that each and every cog is valuable for the operation.
To work effectively, we must CO-OPERATE, and work in unison with our whole team in order to realize our collective dreams. Each dream and each idea is precious, but we need to CONNECT with others and work together to make things happen in our NEW WORLD.
No man is an island! Unity consciousness and egalitarianism are the keys to unlocking the gift of the WHITE WIZARD’S majik powers, during this 13 year Wizard cycle! THIS approach will boost your manifestation in realizing the DREAMS incubating in your PURE HEART.
The WHITE WIZARD will also bless you with his gift of enchantment! The ability to CHARM others with your words, dreams and big ideas. You also have the Majikal power to access all the information and wisdom you need throughout the multitude of realms and dimensions that IX can access.
Be STILL, tune in and think BIG. Allow Spirit to communicate New ideas, technologies, inventions and solutions – never before accessed on this Earth plane..a wondrous New world awaits!
Today’s question is “How can I SEED my divinely inspired ideas, through bonding with others, in greater service to HU-manity?
Am I ready to RIPEN and fully BLOSSOM into my highest potential destiny?
Divine blessings for your accelerated GROWTH in the direction of your Highest potential FLOWERING!!
In the Name of God “I Am”, I invoke the presence of Beloved Master El Morya, Archangel Michael and all Ascended Masters and angels of the Blue Flame Love of God’s Will to guide and protect me daily and hourly.
Archangel Michael, come into my life. Help me overcome all density with your sword of blue flame. Cut me loose and set me free of all negativity and errors of the past.
I ask for a shaft of blue lightening of divine Love to be established over my being, over my home, my family, my work and all my affairs. I call the guidance I need to manifest God’s Will in all aspects of my life to fulfill my divine purpose here on Earth and make my Ascension in the Light. I claim for God’s Will to manifest everywhere on Earth as it is in the Realms of Light and Freedom. I give thanks that my request is answered according to God’s Holy Will. And so be it, beloved I AM.
(Feel free to repeat more than once. 3, 6 or 9 times)
( From Prayers to The Seven Sacred Flames by Aurelia)
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