This is it! The next phase of our Love (R)evolution
by Jonathan Geesing |
What “beyond belief” times we live in.As every day the frequency on Mother Earth is growing exponentially, all that is not in alignment with the highest light will come to the surface to be healed and transformed into its divine nature. That is why on a collective and individual level we are being challenged as never before, to awaken our compassionate hearts, our wise minds, our miraculous bodies and our highest potential to serve the wellbeing of all. You are needed as never before to no longer hide any gifts you already carry inside and to shine your light in your powerfully unique way. You are essential in this Love (R)evolution we are in, if this wasn’
The darkness may seem bigger and stronger than you but only when you believe it to be so. In reality when you would align by being in a state of relaxation, your source power and all the gifts you carry inside would switch on and transform all darkness. This may sound too easy for you to transform all darkness. You may think that complex challenges need complex solutions, but the opposite has over and over again turned to be true for me.
Speaking from experience the principle may be simple to implement, the mastering of it can be excruciating challenging. I have come a very long way in mastering it in comparison to the extremely stressed being that I was for many years. Also only the last two years I have started to realize that this is what I was here to most of all remember and master, as it is the basis of awakening your highest potential. When you master this all other things you are here to develop will develop effortlessly and miraculously. I have for 2 weeks or so been on hiatus from social media as I have been challenged to awaken at an even more radical pace than I already was. I discern per moment what choices are in alignment and so far it still feels like the right thing to do, to be on hiatus. I was just called to deliver this message and so I did. I wish you a joyous, abundant and miraculous celebration of your home coming because that is what the Love (R)evolution essentially is. Every moment how terrifying and awful it may look and feel, it is source calling you back to the home you never really left, because you are It! Namasté and many blessings to you dear friends and fellow kickass masters, Jonathan Geesing
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