You are currently viewing Stabilize your Pillar of Light ~ Rose and Lotus Codes * Freedom from all Dark Forces Now! Accelerated Cosmic Energy is being Released
Cascades of light

Stabilize your Pillar of Light ~ Rose and Lotus Codes * Freedom from all Dark Forces Now! Accelerated Cosmic Energy is being Released

Stabilize your Pillar of Light ~ Rose and Lotus Codes * Freedom from all Dark Forces Now! Accelerated Cosmic Energy is being Released


Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Soul Star Warriors of the New Light Rising!

As we navigate through these intense energies of the false 3d matrix being transmuted and transformed into a higher realm all is being exposed in the light to be healed and released. We let go of all that no longer serves our self and the collective to make Sacred Space for the New Creation to be made manifest.

All things are perfectly resolved in the Unborn Eternal Mind of Buddha, in this Now. In the Pure Awareness of our True Nature we hold the Higher Resonance of our Original Pristine State of Consciousness and call in our Highest Ascension Timeline.

Through the Power of Stillness we anchor into the Crystalline Core of Gaia the Glory of our New Golden Age of Enlightenment for all our Good People of Terra Nova Gaia. Keep rising and holding the vibrations of Peace, Joy, Abundance, Prosperity and Bliss in your Sacred Heart as Rainbow Bridges of Heaven and Earth…A’Ho!













Lets keep anchoring light family. Please be very vigilant. Sudden increase in disentanglement process and attempts to highjack planetary alignment energy.

No chance. We do not consent

Increase The Source Creator light.

Emerald, Violet, rose-gold light. Freedom from all dark forces now.💓💚✨💜💜💜


Honor the buffalo
Honor the buffalo


Stabilize your pillar of light like a tree! The frequency has been cranking up giving to the shifts I mentioned the other day. The planet is also feeling the angular rotation just like the particles within your atoms are spinning to a different resonance. Acceleration of charged particles is how we shift our biology and shift this planet back to its Stargate alignments through the magnetic poles.
Just as you are realigning to your true North as well. This can cause one to side step, feel dizziness or any other equilibrium symptoms. Equalize and stabilize to help your biorhythm, your balance and your immune system. Breathe with ease to help the respiratory and cardio systems during this attunement of light. Cells are oscillating very fast and increased oxygen helps!


Stabilize your pillar of light
Stabilize your pillar of light




Cascades of light fill the earth like waterfalls gracing their presence in the crystalline streams of consciousness throughout the world.

Are you now beginning to realize all is a stream of electromagnetic frequency flowing in great synchronicity with the waters of the soul in accordance with cosmic laws?

Oh you see humanity is finally starting to realize there is a power greater than self that resides within the Self as the ego is transformed into the realms of higher consciousness.

Can you feel the connection of the subatomic particles in the molecules of your cells singing at a higher frequency that moves in a rapid fluidity, becoming one with the stream of cosmic consciousness?

Oh, how great thou art! How grandiose is your most royal being of antiquity, the awakening giant of your soul!

My, how the rose and lotus codes so golden begin to flow opening the music box of your soul, harmonizing the DNA of antiquity into your life!

Cosmic consciousness begins to play like notes on a piano upon your DNA, fractals from the beginning of your soul integrating in song to create a paradise on earth, the home where you belong.

Oh the transformation that occurs within the temple of your soul, flesh raised in frequency as in days of old, electrons spinning effortlessly weaving particles of gold. Enlightened enLIGHTment bursts forth from your soul!

Can you now see the ease by which this process occurs ? Think all of the written information on enlightenment and condense it to one statement, “to thine own self be true” and to one word “love.”

It is with these words we recognize the golden rule for when you are true to yourself you recognize you are love. When you recognize you are love you can not help but to love one another as the Creator loves you.

Oh what a glorious return to higher consciousness humanity is experiencing as the limiting overcoat of dark suppressions are let go to reveal the truth to our souls. We realize this is who we are, giants from antiquity, living stars.


Cascades of light
Cascades of light





3/8/25: As the Snake year gets underway and Lady Snake begins to survey her new territory, you also will be given fresh eyes. You will start to notice details and nuances, sense undercurrents and energy shifts, pick up subliminal signals and messages, and become much more discriminatory about who, what, and why.
You’ll be especially plugged into your personal environment, relationships, and choices. The Snake misses nothing and neither will you if you nestle into her embrace. Today, you take your place as her companion and colleague… and learn from her as she teaches you how to navigate the year gracefully.
Lotus Codes
Lotus Codes








Melanie Beckler

Waves of change and awakening …


It’s interesting energetic weather right now …

There’s a heaviness I’ve been feeling in the collective consciousness.

Are you feeling it too?
And yet, amidst this, simultaneously, there’s immense light.

Sometimes it feels like the divide between these grows increasingly.

When focused on the heaviness, on the uncertainty, and chaotic energy spiraling around in the world now …

It can feel challenging to break free from it.

Still: ​

I want to remind you that there is a simultaneous current of PEACE, PRESENCE, and LOVE you can choose to tune into.

Don’t be too hard on yourself if you are feeling a bit anxious or uncertain (this is a strong pattern in the collective consciousness now)…

Just remember that emotions of fear, anxiety, and worry are like storms…

You can sit back, go inside, and allow them to pass.

This is a good time to remember the tools and techniques you’ve learned leading up to this point…

And to cultivate new ones.

To shift!

To clear your mind.

Return to presence.

Center in love.

And hold the field of love and embody the light and Divine presence … The Truth of who you really are.


Whenever big challenges arise, one thing is certain…

There are simultaneous BLESSINGS and miracles arising alongside the challenge.

These are yet to be seen.

And yet, I truly believe that amidst all that is happening now there is an underlying Divine design and bigger picture and purpose.

We are collectively now at a crucial point of awakening, change and transformation. This is a part of why things are so intense now…

The winds of change are blowing strongly…

And we, can choose be the calm amidst the storm.

The light in the lighthouse …

Trusting that on the other side of this storm there is a surge of renaissance, awakening and tremendous positive change that awaits.

Perhaps this is even why we chose to be here now…

​​To be a part of the change, to create it, and call it forth.

But while the blessings of this wave of chaotic energy are yet to be seen…

The key is to stay present!

Stay aware and stay open. Face and listen to the fears and anxieties as they arise from within you…

And then let them go,

Return to presence… To your breath… To laughter…

To finding gratitude for the little blessings, and silver linings already present in your life.

And listen to your inner guidance now.

Letting your gifts and light rise to the surface for your benefit , and in the highest interest of all.

With love and blessings,



Waves of change and awakening
Waves of change and awakening
Beloved Ones,
The amplification of solar plasmatic transmissions is being strongly felt at this time. Many of you will be undergoing a profound solar reconfiguration during the lunar eclipse in Virgo. In this process you will feel the pull of the New Light being born within yourself, asking you to release unwanted programs, influences, and anything that is not dwelling within Divine love in yourself and your body.
We are preparing now for another intense passage with the coming of the Equinox as well. Both the eclipse in Virgo and the Equinox are great sources of plasma and stabilization, which is what planet Earth needs during this time of chaos and intent to bring more separation. Both Forces, even if opposites in nature, are necessary for our planet to exist. However, our mission is to focus on the creation and stabilization of the future fifth-dimensional earth timelines, that are already residing in another parallel dimension.
The eclipse in Virgo brings healing and purification at a personal level. As a result of this inner process of letting go, many will feel the descension of their soul mission or new aspects of it being embodied, while others, will be immersed in planetary stabilization and restoration, for we are all in different stages.
The Equninox’s Light will be the stabilizing point we all need to anchor and support after a period of cleansing and integration, in both ourselves and the planet, for it is a time of deep recoding in our three-dimensional chakras, as well as for the elementals. As we transfigure and recode our three-dimensional chakras, we can clear lower timelines connected to our first chakra, and move into higher timelines, which is what Virgo, representing our sixth-dimensional chakra and hence connection to the soul dimensions, invites us to do.
This is why many of you have had a profound pineal gland activation during this time, descending higher truths about your unique divine assignment and human journey, for you are preparing yourselves to start supporting this planetary transition in ways you could never have imagined, for many of you do not see your worthiness, only what is yet to be achieved.
The Divine knows you and knows your worth, true essence, and purpose, and when your human self releases all resistance to be who you are, the descension will be imminent. You just have to let Love/God in.
The eclipse in Virgo cleanses and prepares us to receive a Higher Light, a Light that comes to sweep away all that is already vanishing due to our choice of moving into a new level of consciousness, and that will upgrade many earth’s locations.
The solar plasmatic waves received during the Equinox will help many of you to restore your solar centers, as well as to continue embodying more plasma to build your light bodies. Others will initiate the process of their tenth-dimensional body activation, for it is a time of massive acceleration in our ascension journey, as the old timelines collapse, and we are called to accelerate our transition into the new earth’s timelines.
Our task at this time as New Earth’s Anchors, Pillars, Stabilizers, and Earth keepers is to sustain the crystalline Diamond frequency that is being anchored in New Earth’s locations, as a result of the shift in Consciousness that many are experiencing, for it is a transitional year in which many will awaken to who they are, leaving behind everything that keeps them attached to their old lives and ways of being.
It is a time when we need to be supportive pillars for those who, like us once, are now facing their shadows, moving into the light, and discovering the many illusions that too reign in this plane. It is a time for us to focus on our unique mission, for we all are key to contributing to this massive planetary transition.
It is a time for you to see your worth within Creation, your unique role and contribution to our present transition, for you are All Divine Design, as Guides remind us beloveds.
May you recognize your value, wisdom, and power.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba

source of inspiration
source of inspiration
The accelerated cosmic energy is being released now, is purifying at very deep levels, so that it goes deeply into all the stuck, dense energy, false programming, belief systems, all which has kept souls asleep on this planet, as well as deeply into the subconscious, and whatever has been deeply suppressed in the subconscious minds of the collective.
When trauma and pain occurs in the individual as well as the collective, it is often pushed away, as life goes on, and all of this is pushed down, so one can function at physical level, but in truth, is there festering. It clogged up the energy fields and made us more dense, on all levels.
Indeed caused more separation, more division as the survival modes were activated.
These energies now will and are triggering the subconscious so that so much will now surface, individually and collectively which needs to be finally healed and dealt with.
When a festering wound needs to be healed, a doctor will often need to cut it open, to let all the puss out, and then disinfect (purify) the wound, so that it can self-heal. The same applies now and it will bring a deeper level of awakening and activation of souls, individually and collectively.
We, are asked, as Lightworkers, to step up in highest loving service, more than ever before, and hold the light and love steady, even as we expand in illumination. So many of us are working on multiple levels now as souls and multi-dimensionally. After all, our souls are not bound by the physical.
Staying in the heart of love, is the only way, and indeed the omnipotent, omnipresent, infinite way and using those spiritual wings to lift us higher than ever before as we usher in the New Golden Age, with pure intent and holding the vision not only for ourselves, but for every soul on this beautiful planet.
Indeed, highest loving service, with love and joy leaving our divine golden white imprints whereever we are and go and soul travel.

 accelerated cosmic energy
accelerated cosmic energy


We Greet you in this Ever-Expanding Light Construct.
We wish to speak of the quiet souls, who hold the ancient signature. For the calling to amplify this light field requires a dedication to the Higher Light Mission.
To Hold a High Vibrational Light Field, above the chaos of your world. To keep your vibrational thoughts in a High Vibrational Light Space.
To Be interested in holding this Light Field to assist many, for this is the Future Light Code of Your World, required Now to expand and evolve.
See the awakening of who you are, the reading of this message is confirmation of your Light Path.
An ever-expanding, forever unfolding Symphony of Light.
Simply Affirm this message to yourself
“I awaken the Ancient Parts of ME”
“To Assist the Global Misson of Light”
As the Universe showers your world with Galactic Light Gifts.
Trust in the Light Mission that is unfolding…as your Higher Light Gifts awaken.
Sending waves of Cosmic Love ❤
The Arcturians
Karen Lithika
Crystal Vibrational Healer
Light Alchemist
Guided In Light 💫

On Saturday, March 8th, the Moon, ruler of our feelings of safety and security, is in maternal, water sign Cancer and conjunct Mars, ruler of energy and passion, in the same sign of the Crab. Later in the day Luna will make a positive trine to the Sun, ruler of individuality and self-expression, in spiritual, water sign Pisces, and then a challenging square connection to Chiron, ruler of past life wounds and healing, in restless Aries.
All in all, this could be quite a beautiful and enchanting day. The energies of love, nurturing, compassion, forgiveness, home, family, creativity and intuition are strong today. However, we could also be prone to oversensitivity, overprotectiveness, vulnerability and defensiveness. Use this energy to connect with those you care about and tending to your home. It is also great for activities that include self-reflection, meditation, journaling, writing, music, and healing. Connect with your emotional body and have a magical day!
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Sun in Pisces trine Mars in Cancer and Vesta in Scorpio (Grand Water Trine) – Yes bigger and heavier aspects continue to play out in the background, but today’s Grand Water Trine offers us a soft spot to fall. We have the instinct to act at just the right moment, a sensing of where things could change and how, a willingness to pour energy into facilitating transformation. For some, the clues may come thick and fast as the energies rush to aid us on our journey. Here is a sacred personal mission illuminated, the urge towards purpose and meaning, the recognition that you have a place in the world.
Blaze your light fiercely. Align your goals to your heart’s calling. Be ready to launch when the moment presents itself. Play to your strengths. Know your reason. Focus your energy on constructive change and empowering action. The more at home you feel with yourself, the easier it is to know what you need to do. Get comfortable and open yourself to divine guidance.
Degrees and Times
Sun 17°Pi45′, Vesta 17°Sc45′ – 02:13 (UT)
Sun 17°Pi52′, Mars 17°Cn52′ – 05:12 (UT)
© Leah Whitehorse

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Painting – Romantic Novel by Santiago Rusiñol i Prats
Romantic Novel
Romantic Novel

Kin 244 ~ Yellow Planetary Seed

The number 10 is called ‘Planetary’ and its keywords are ‘Manifest, Perfect and Produce.’ The 10th step of any wavespell is about manifesting what you need, it provides perfect opportunities. We are still in the Blue Eagle wavespell and so by now, you should be closer to a vision if you have been following the wavespell day by day with intentions set from day one. The wavespell agenda is always prominent throughout and the days along the way are like stepping stones. Day ten is important and really yields results.
Today is Yellow Seed, keywords associated with it are ‘ Awareness, Targeting and Flowering’. Yellow Seed days are about sharing wisdom and planting ideas. People born on these days are very good at this but we can all strive to ‘sow awareness’…if you have learnt a valuable lesson, share it with someone who could benefit from your experience. It’s true that you reap what you sow and on Yellow Seed days, you get the chance to see things flower that you’ve previously planted, including ideas. Some things take time to come to fruition. Things may manifest today because in the past you planted seeds. If you want to manifest things in the future, you must lay the groundwork today.
The Guide for the day is Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment and Universal fire’. This is a great guide for such a day, the sun illuminates the path to knowledge making it much easier to share wisdom. And what do we need to make things grow? The Sun of course! This gives a great boost of energy today.
The Challenge of the day is White Wizard, so if you are a Wizard, you will find today tough going. It will be harder for you to share wisdom. Don’t shy away from the challenge though, it’s good practice for you to focus on your weaknesses…how else will you ever improve if you don’t push yourself?
The Occult power today is the Red Earth which represents ‘Evolution’. This suggests that there is a magical opportunity today to evolve. The Red Earth, when in this position, can show us that magic facilitates synchronicity and in turn synchronicity increases the likelihood of magic! This can greatly aid our navigation and so, don’t be surprised if today you find yourself magically in the right place at the right time.
The Ally today is the Blue Eagle and so if you need help and support, find a Blue Eagle as their role today is to be everyone’s advisor. As it is the Blue Eagle wavespell…this means that the wavespell energy is friendly to all today. It’s a great day to be creative and remember to look at things from a higher perspective.
Kin 244
Kin 244


10 KAN – KIN 244
8 MARCH 2025



I perfect in order to target
Producing awareness
I seal the input of flowering
With the Planetary tone of Manifestation
I AM guided by the power of free will.

8/3/2025 = 8/3/9 = 8/12= 8/3=11=2
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
11- Portal/Gate/Illumination/Polarity
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨

3- Holy trinity/Joy/Communication/Creativity
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity
11- Portal/Gate/Illumination/Polarity
12- Acquiring spiritual wisdom/strength
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes

KIN 244 = 10 – Manifestation/Power/Leadership/New Beginnings

✨✨A very powerful code for MANIFESTATION through AWAKENING to our SOVEREIGN power as the new LEADERS, through our DIVINE partnerships. The 13th Vertical column of the Sacred Tzolkin Calendar, in which we are travelling- symbolizes the OPENING of the Crown chakra👑 of ourselves and our Planet..

The PLANETARY SEED🌍🌱🌎🌱🌏 is calling us all to AWAKEN✨💡 to our DIVINE MISSIONS!!✨🌞✨

STEP UP AND TAKE THE REINS🐎/REIGNS! 👑 It is time to LEAD by example!


Day 10 in the BLUE EAGLE Wavespell 👁👁👁 where we are being asked to FLY HIGH – and focus on the BIG PICTURE so that we can CREATE IT!…. Envisioning the Highest timeline for ourselves and our Planet.. as our VISION-ARY POWERS and 3rd EYE is AWAKENED and ACTIVATED!
It is TIME for the sleeping masses to WAKE UP!! 🐑🐏

Today the EAGLE’s 🦅 POWER of being able to CREATE our greatest VISION, is being SUPER AMPLIFIED with the Planetary tone of Manifestation – Today we can easily MANIFEST on a GLOBAL level!! MANIFESTING greater AWAKENING! 💥💥💥


PLANETARY 🌏🌎🌍– Tone 10 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – produces, POWER – perfects, ESSENCE – manifestation. The tenth day of the BLUE EAGLE🦅 Wavespell is the one that MANIFESTS! 💫

This is the state of PERFECTION of all we imagined👁 possible. And more! It is the harvest stage 🌾where we reap what we have sown – creating our VISION in the PHYSICAL realm!

The visionary, Blue Eagle allows us to see👁 the potential in things on a much larger SCALE – global and GALACTIC!!. This gives us confidence, enabling us to leave the confines of the nest🪹, and stretch our new found wings, discovering new horizons so that we can GROW to great heights! 🌲🌳

Rise up, beloved STAR-BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS and FLY HIGH beyond the Planet🌏 and far into the Galaxies.🍥


Today’s questions are ” How can I AWAKEN my DIVINE WILL – perfecting the MANIFESTATION of my greatest VISION, in order to FLOWER and attain my highest potential?

“How can I use my leadership and influence, to AWAKEN others to the DIVINE PLAN for our Planet,in order to perfect the manifestation of our UTOPIAN timeline? ” 📈✅

🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤
Divine blessings for extraordinary GLOBAL AWAKENINGS today. 🌏💫🌎💫🌍

In Lak’ech a la kin

Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈


9 moons ago – Last Galactic spin KIN 244 occured on 21 June 2024 , ❄️WINTER SOLSTICE ❄️ – SOUTHERN🌏 HEMISPHERE
where we were seeding our Highest potential timeline through the SOLSTICE portal – to GROW and BLOSSOM. Very potent AWAKENING codes for humanity.

NOTE: 45 moons ago (5 Galactic spins), KIN 244 occured on- August 15th, 2021.. On that Majikal day we had a DIVINE CELESTIAL SIGN.. A great Astrological GRAND CROSS✨ configuration occured in the HEAVENS ABOVE✨ – which was a DIVINE SIGN – heralding that our CHRISTIC✨☀✨ templates were ACTIVATED that day, as the Children of the SUN/son! 🌞👫👬👭🌞

The Planetary SUN -Flowers truly BLOSSOMED that day into beautiful STAR🌟 BLISS 🐬SUPERNOVA SUNS!🌞 🌻🌻🌻


CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW PLANETARY SEED 🌍🌾 KAN Today we are FOCUSED on the highest potential📈 that we can MANIFEST.. YELLOW SEED highlights our capacity to GROW and blossom, from the seed packet, to our greatest potential flowering.
✨✨✨We must make this a CONSCIOUS CHOICE, in order for it to happen! ✅✅✅✨✨✨

The PLANETARY SEED🌍🌱 today is SUPER ACTIVATED 🌱 – so today is a POTENT TRIGGER to ACTIVATE💥 and energize the masses through TARGETED AWARENESS – bringing LIGHT to the DARKNESS. If it takes a stick of dynamite or dropping the bomb💣 – in order to achieve GLOBAL AWAKENING – it will happen! NAP TIME IS OVER for the sleepers!

The SEED🌱 needs to grow strong roots, and sprout shoots 🌿 which push through the dark compact earth, against all the resistance it encounters in order to find the LIGHT. ✨

We must not get caught up in the dark void or the struggle to break out. Our intention must hold the VISION👁️‍🗨️ of being that beautiful, strong and vibrant plant/flower/tree that we ALL came here to be! 🌱🌿🌲🌳
A small acorn holds within it the potential to be a massive and vast, wise, oak tree.🌳 This is the miracle of nature.

As the craziness, FEAR and programming took DEEP roots in the collective mindset of the sleeping masses 🐏🐑– (the unawakened and dormant SEEDS), it is up to the AWAKENED Starseed community to hold the VISION 👁and continue to FOCUS on our desired and destined UTOPIAN society 🌴, beyond the illusion of all that is transpiring in the collective.

As we hold higher frequencies of LIGHT 💡– the room becomes BRIGHTER🌞 and BRIGHTER,🌞 and soon those who are wearing BLINDFOLDS😷 cannot shade their eyes any longer from this LIGHT of ILLUMINATION. 💡💡💡

✨Keep FOCUSING BEYOND – the surreal illusion – and ENERGIZE the BIG PICTURE!!🖼✨✨

KAN can also assist us in FOCUSING and targeting AWARENESS so that more people can WAKE-UP, through being influenced by the AWAKENED StarSeeds holding space for them to GROW and reach their highest potential too.


Each of us has a PLANETARY 🌏 Service Mission programmed into our individual soul’s plan. We are GALACTIC beings and also have a Galactic Mission beyond the confines of this planet. It is time to think MUCH BIGGER. Break out of your HU-Man shell and reach for the stars!🌟✨🌟


HIGHER SELF/GUIDE:YELLOW PLANETARY HUMAN 🌎😊 EB – 10 EB is the kin of MAHATMA GANDHI the famous INDIAN freedom leader – so we have a very powerful higher DRIVING FORCE today working in humanity’s favour to SEED our HIGHEST EVOLUTION!

EB brings forth Buddhic wisdom, allowing us to KNOW and SEE our highest DIVINE potential for our soul.. Aligning our human mind with DIVINE MIND, in order to be, THE BEST HU-man being that we can possibly be, seeking the highest LIGHT. 💡

YELLOW HUMAN invites us to spend time meditating and enVISIONing both HU-manity, and our ascended Planet at its highest point of WISDOM….MANIFESTING a total alignment of Planetary Mind with Divine Mind… This will ensure the DIVINE PLAN for our Planet is realized in our lifetime!

We have the FREE WILL to choose whether to GROW🌱, whether to STAGNATE, or whether to give up, wither and DIE!.😢.
In order to EVOLVE, we must choose LIFE! Just as a plant uses photosynthesis to process the light particles and nourish its cells, we too must embody the great SOLAR ☀️ LIGHT, then radiate and share our LIGHT. ✨🌎✨

We must ENVISION all of HU-manity on our planet, growing and evolving together, all being given the opportunity to grow, free from oppression and constriction, reaching OUR highest individual and COLLECTIVE potential. 🌴🌲🌳


SUPPORT: BLUE PLANETARY EAGLE👁 MEN – the VISIONARY POWER of the majestic BLUE 🦅🦅EAGLE is DOUBLED👁👁 today, as we are in day 10 of its own wavespell. The PLANETARY LENS is on full PANORAMIC VISION as we peer through the LOOKING GLASS – throughout space/time!

The focus of the BIG PICTURE, BIG VISION and BIG DREAMS is totally in the spotlight today. How A-MAZING!!! Our PLANETARY/GLOBAL VISION, our 3rd eye and future VISION 🔮is totally activated and transmitting to the MAX.

The PLANETARY🌏 EAGLE 🦅is ensuring that our Collective MIND 🧠 – the NOOSPHERE🌐, is totally cleared and REFORMATTED. TODAY we are installing a NEW PROGRAM on our Planetary computer. A QUANTUM RESET! Absolutely FANTASTICO – reprogramming our collective MIND.

This is fully supportive as a BRILLIANT blessing for the AWAKENING of the Collective masses to the Planetary evolution that is unfolding before our very EYES. 👁👁

IT IS TIME to WAKE UP people!! 🐑🐏

(NOTE: BLUE EAGLE 🦅revels in appearing in people’s dreamstate😴💤 to AWAKEN them to the TRUTH)

BLUE EAGLE is beautifully guiding our FLIGHT🦅 and AWAKENING 👀 us all to what is possible for each of us, beyond our wildest dreams.
Expand your horizons. Tap into the incredible power of Blue Eagle, and if need be, ask to be shown what is possible for you.

❓❓Spirit, what is next on my journey of soul growth? 🤔🤔🤔



OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED SELF-EXISTING EARTH📦 🌏 CABAN is the energy of GAIA, and today it is the SUPERPOWER! This adds phenomenal PLANETARY POWER to this day – as GAIA has the reins, leading us all into this phenomenal ASCENSION phase. We are really expanding the BIG PICTURE to a GLOBAL LEVEL giving us the ability to MANIFEST our imaginings into FORM on the EARTH plane!

CABAN reveals the SIGNS and synchronicities pointing the way for our best focus point, in order to MANIFEST our highest potential…. Many clues will be revealed today on a GLOBAL level as GAIA will be talking to the masses! RED EARTH will be indicating which flags are RED⛳ and which are WHITE🏳 today…

CABAN will answer your question of what is next, by providing the signs and synchronicities showing you how to NAVIGATE the best path forward.
RED EARTH will show you which path is treacherous and best avoided (beware the quicksand!), and which paths are CLEAR – leading you to the greener pastures that you desire.


Watch mumma’s HEARTBEAT❤ (Schumann Resonance)📈 today as she PUMPS UP💪 the volume,📻 BOOSTING the 5D NEW EARTH frequency through her Planetary body.


CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE PLANETARY WIZARD🌎🧙🪄🔮💫 IX – Hoo weeeee!! What a brilliant SOOTHSAYER🔮 code we have today!! Oh my, so much VISION and WISDOM flowing forth today… 👍⚛💫✨

IX is the Galactic Shaman, time traveller and wise SAGE who can access information throughout the Galaxy in multi-dimensions… We have an extensive plethora of answers available today from the great AKASHIC LIBRARY… 💫📖💫 Particularly relevant in providing solutions to our PLANETARY dilemma – OPENING the path for FREEDOM!

The shadow of WHITE WIZARD – (which is today’s lesson) may highlight issues regarding integrity and control. Integrity comes from an intention to be HONEST and true to yourself, and others, and being totally transparent. You are your AUTHENTIC SELF – what you SEE is who you are!
Having integrity means that you can be TRUSTED to do what you SAY you will do, that you are TRUE to your WORD!
It also means that your actions are congruent with your feelings and honest INTENTION.

Integrity comes from a deep connection with SELF. It is characterized by a willingness to speak your TRUTH, to address your shadow issues honestly, and to WILLINGLY complete issues with yourself and others.

WHITE WIZARD also reveals issues of control and personal power. Look into your life to see how these issues might be manifesting.
❓❓Do you sometimes feel a need to hold on, to control, to have things your way?
❓❓Is your personal will combined with a desire for recognition, approval, status, or fame?

Many people in this shadow seem calculating and controlling, using their MINDS without alliance to their HEARTS. This DISCONNECTION from SPIRIT is what has led society astray. When man believes that he is accountable to no-ONE but himself, he digs a deep hole for his soul. 😢
GREED, POWER and self-aggrandisement are the traits that SEED corruption, disarray, competition and separation.

The need for control arises when you feel insecure, or no longer connected, to that which creates meaning and satisfaction in your life.
The DIVINE PLAN and the experience of ONENESS, felt through the web of CREATION🕸 is what connects us all together as sparks of DIVINE SOURCE. AWAKENING to CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS fuels our renewed PASSION and our desire to DO GOOD for our PLANET and HU-MAN-KIND, driving our DIVINE purpose.

The GIFT🎁 that the WIZARD brings today, is to MANIFEST from your PURE Heart❤ (and the PLANETARY HEART)❤🌍🌎🌏❤ bringing forth your soul’s yearnings. Being honest and truthful with what you TRULY desire. By connecting to Spirit through your HEART❤, and holding the highest and purest intentions, you will reap the benefits and MANIFEST your greatest dreams into reality – reaching your FULL PLANETARY POTENTIAL.

The PLANETARY WIZARD🌏🧙🪄 will greatly assist HUMANITY in breaking FREE ⛓️⛓️‍💥 from the evil DREAMSPELL, and casting our NEW enchanting WHITE MAJIK DREAMING, to perfect the creation of our UTOPIAN DREAM! 🌴🐬🏝❤🌏

GAIA is strongly calling all the PLANETARY WIZARDS🌏🧙🪄 to UNITE in their collective VISIONS of UTOPIA today… let’s do it!



Today’s questions are ” How can I AWAKEN my DIVINE WILL – perfecting the MANIFESTATION of my greatest VISION, in order to FLOWER and attain my highest potential?

“How can I use my leadership and influence, to AWAKEN others to the DIVINE PLAN for our Planet,in order to perfect the manifestation of our UTOPIAN timeline? ” 📈✅

🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤
Divine blessings for extraordinary GLOBAL AWAKENINGS today. 🌏💫🌎💫🌍

Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈





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Astral Projection Guided Meditation | Deep Journey Beyond the Physical ✨

with the Sacred Condor 🕉 🔥



Embark on a profound journey beyond the physical realm with this Astral Projection Guided Meditation. Designed to help you achieve an out-of-body experience, this session will guide you through deep relaxation, vibrational alignment, and conscious detachment from the physical body.

🌌 What You’ll Experience:
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🌠 Connection to higher realms and cosmic wisdom
🌀 Safe and controlled astral travel techniques
💫 Expanded consciousness and spiritual awakening

Allow yourself to float beyond the limits of time and space, exploring the astral plane with ease and clarity. Whether you’re a beginner or experienced traveler, this meditation will support your journey into the unseen dimensions.


CLICK HERE for the Astral Projection Guided Meditation


Paul White Gold Eagle

🌍✨ New Earth Mantra ✨🌍

“I am the light, I am the love, I am the way.
With every breath, I anchor peace and harmony.
My heart beats in rhythm with Gaia’s song,
My soul rises with the dawn of a golden age.
I walk in unity, I shine in truth,
I create with love, I live in grace.
The New Earth is here, and I am one with it.
So it is, so it shall be. I AM.”

🌟 Repeat this mantra daily to embody the vibration of the New Earth and radiate its divine frequency.

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