You are currently viewing The Crown of Light ~ Plasma Diamond Liquid Light Activations ~ TIME TO WAKE UP! New Crystalline Cell Light Body

The Crown of Light ~ Plasma Diamond Liquid Light Activations ~ TIME TO WAKE UP! New Crystalline Cell Light Body

The Crown of Light ~ Plasma Diamond Liquid Light Activations ~ TIME TO WAKE UP! New Crystalline Cell Light Body



Paul White Gold Eagle 

Greetings Sacred Star Hearts of our Angelics Arising

In these final days of the false 3d Matrix as we transition into our New Earth all that is not of the Pure Aware Mind is falling away and all that is benevolent and right is coming to the fore. 

As we live from our hearts being connected to all things as “real” hueman beings we resolve all that is not in alignment with our New Home of true equality, peace and prosperity for all our Good People of the New Jerusalem.

All Starseed Earth Angelics are navigating through these unknown waters, as we travel through the Zero Point Field of the Void and into our Rightful Place upon the Sacred Lands of Terra Nova Gaia.

With these powerful energetics fully anchoring in, we have an intense Galactic Activation Portal on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Kin 85 ~ Red Resonant Serpent of this current BLUE STORM WAVESPELL. As Rainbow Warriors of the New Eden we continue riding this Storm out and make our Way through the Eye of the Needle at the Center of the Chaos into the Kingdom of Heaven within. As the Serpent of Energy of KunDaLini rises up through the Central Channel of the Ascension Vortex the Fire Rising in the Middle and reaches the Apex lighting up the Crown Chakra as the Halo is Illuminated with Celestial Light.

The Glow has been activated in the Shining Ones to be beacons of Light for all Sentient Beings of the Holy Way. The Tao flows smoothly through all the Channels and Meridians of Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun…A’Ho!









Woke up hearing “everything’s going to change today”🤩 New Octaves, although feels like we’re still in Void space next 7 to 10 days!
Dhanishta Nakshatra
Dhanishta Nakshatra
Leave who you were
Love who you are
Look forward to who you will become
Time isn’t linear and an illusion – perception. Like a spiral, we walk into 2024, which is both an uncharted path and a familiar trail. It’s an opportunity to leave old patterns behind and make room for something new and better
Don’t make promises you can’t keep – Commitment – remember there are consequences from all choices
Be true to your Self- Genuine and Authenticity
Life is like a hike; it’s not about the destination, it’s about what you experience with all of your senses along the way.
You are LOVED
Genuine and Authenticity
Genuine and Authenticity



Plasma diamond liquid light activations 💎 Breathe in this light with ease as your electrons and protons increase. Ground to stabilize and hydrate to assist you. Breathing & hydrating assist your cellular changes center and ground help stabilize the energy of charged particles which move very fast. That gives to dizziness and nausea.

The right & left hemispheres are balancing pineal and pituitary so keep the neck in alignment helps. Sleepiness, increased visual effects of seeing photonic light that is holographic which is attuning your spiritual holographic DNA. Enjoy, rest to integrate and give gratitude for your beautiful soul being here shifting humanity and this planet back into the light. You are so significant! 🌹

Plasma diamond liquid light activations
Plasma diamond liquid light activations


The Crown of Light January 13th 2024

As we work with the powerful incoming solar and galactic/diamond energies, there is much activity in the Crown Chakra and higher. As we expand into our new self and energy for the New Earth, we are truly “crowned with light”.
This creates a “vortex” of light and energy that is very strong, especially in those who are set to expand their work and be the seed bearers for the New Earth communities.
It is a most beautiful Gold and White light that carries Codes for the Divine Feminine, the Christ Consciousness and the Galactic Diamond Light!
You may feel this energy on the physical level as pressure on the head, or as dizziness and “swaying on your feet”. Be careful not to fall over, but stay firmly grounded and anchored in the material and earth realm so that you can better carry this energy and ground it!
Wear your Crown with Grace!
You deserve it as you embrace your sovereign power as a Queen or King!
As we pass through this week towards the zero point reset on the 20th January when the Sun and Pluto are conjunct at 0 degrees of Aquarius, this energy may become even more intense.
And miraculous!
Love to everyone!
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
The Crown of Light
The Crown of Light
1/13/24: There is likely to be some wobble in certain areas of your life right now. Places where you don’t feel secure or supported, and things you want to jump into or accelerate. Maybe you feel ready for more… and 2024 wants that for you… but it’s not yet time and none of us are truly ready.
Today can help to ease some frustration if you use it to accomplish just one task. Just one that fills your cup. There will come a time soon enough when you’ll be working on your core… your values and desires. But it’s not this month. You’re still finishing up last year’s business and general impact. Small steps will add up and make a big difference come February. Make peace with your surroundings… one day at a time.
one day at a time
one day at a time


Our DNA Carries CODING. . . Since its SPIRALS Consist of the FINEST LIGHT-CODED THREADS!
When the THREADS are COLLECTED into BUNCHES. . . or. . . in other words. . . HAVE a Certain STRUCTURE. . . these ELEMENTS BEgin to Act. . . TRANSMITTING INFORMATION to the STRUCTURES of the BRAIN!
The LUMINOUS THREADS Inside the CELLS of OUR BODY Are Similar to a HUGE LIBRARY – in it Contains the HISTORY of OUR WHOLE UNIVERSE!!!
Dear Ones. . . WE Came to Earth to Bring DIVINE ENERGIES into the Material World!
And WE CANNOT Do it Any Other Way than by STARTING with OUR SELVES!!!
Dear family of love and light, the Divine has a quick message for the light workers and the planet as a whole.
The Divine says that Gaia’s clearing effort has moved onto the Mideast and central Asia today. So far, Gaia is pleased with the clearing process. Regions such as Europe, Asia, Africa and America have been cleared and now Gaia wants to clear the rest of the planet which is the mideast and central asia.
According to Gaia’s design, clearing the Mideast and central Asia is going to be quick because these regions are often on Gaia’s list to be cleared. Gaia and the Divine have cleared these areas of the planet before. Now, in this round of clearing, Gaia’s main focus is humans. She says that the land in the region has been deeply cleared before. It is the humans that Gaia wants to clear so that the hidden old energies can be removed from the region.
Gaia has designed this clearing effort thoroughly, and now this process is underway. Gaia is calling the light workers to pitch in and help with the process. She says that the light workers in these regions are really needed. In other words, Gaia is calling the light workers in the Mideast and central Asia to help her with this clearing effort.
Gaia says according to her record, she knows that there are some powerful light workers who have incarnated in these regions. She has great admiration for these light workers. These light workers have been coming and going for many lifetimes. And now they are in the Mideast and central Asia, Gaia wants these light workers to answer the call and join her in this effort.
The Divine says that Gaia has already started the clearing process in the region. Light workers need to answer the call and join her in the region. Know that the Divine and the company of heaven are also present. The process shall be quick so that the Divine can move onto the next phase of the Divine plan.
Thank you for your light work and contribution. Divine blessings to you always.
Linda Li, Gaia, the Divine and the company of heaven. So it is.

Photo: Jordan Root


Dear friends, those of you who are energy sensitives may be experiencing this weekend a plethora of nervous system symptoms due to the bright energy of the planet Mercury currently showering our planet.
The planet Mercury reached yesterday its greatest westward separation from the sun, showing itself as a very bright “morning star.” Look in the sunrise direction, as the sky is getting lighter. Mercury is on a line with Venus and the coming sunrise.
Mercury is well-known in Roman mythology as the messenger of the gods, generally associated with the principles of communication, mental reasoning and quick adaptability. Our ideas this weekend may become more direct and organized and the puzzles may start solving in the proper pattern, giving us clarity and new higher perspectives of our life’s journey.
However, on the other hand, our central nervous system may feel a challenged by these mercurial energies. The crown chakra is being showered by these intense cerebral energies and may feel overwhelmed this weekend. If you are sensitive to these planetary energies you may feel some mild headaches, dizziness, lack of focus, change in sleep patterns, fatigue, and ear/eyes issues. Strange and vivid dreams may also occur. Take it easy if you experience any of these symptoms, stay hydrated, and rest and relax.
The intensity of Mercury’s light should diminish as the week progresses. Ground your energy as much as possible as well: walk barefoot, take a salt bath, hug a tree, and rest. Have a peaceful day.
Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024 Ⓒ

To The Ascension LightWorker Collective :

NEW EARTH , THE GOLDEN AGE is not a place but a higher frequency and higher state of consciousness . All of existence is accessed through light and sound waves. As an Ascending Collective we are vibrating and shining at a much higher light level to match the collective frequency to this “New Earth” reality.
The only way we can truly reach this actualisation is by RECLAIMING OUR POWER AND SOVEREIGNTY, being fearless enough to stand up against anything or anyone that does not serve the highest spiritual path of love, and to REFUSE TO COMPLY to anything that promotes manipulation, enslavery and control .
Ascending souls are walking in the light of the new age of Aquarius , the defenders of truth and sovereignty and have Consciously stopped feeding in the lower vibrational structures of control and tyranny in all things 2-3D that prevent humanity from Ascending and transforming into the original templates of God/ Source original creation .
You are receiving downloads to access your higher light, Divine Consciousness soul awareness, and healing frequency in order to upgrade your operating systems of beliefs and to access new programs and new possibilities such as healing abilities, higher levels of psychic senses, and new levels of conscious awareness and knowledge .
Your reality is about to change immensely: The sadness that you have possibly been experiencing is the old energy leaving your Physical body. You are leaving behind a great amount of your past self in the past and behind you, where it now belongs. if there is anything that surfaces within you, validate it, feel it , in order to heal it.
You are being asked to keep going and use the contrasts in your life as stepping stones to move forward. There is nothing wrong with you if at times you are reliving your past self. You are in fact reaching deeper into more layers and levels of healing within yourself.
The only thing that is ultimately real about your journey here on ascending earth are the steps that you are taking at this moment. That’s all there ever is. The point of our power is only found in the NOW .
As you Ascend you also Recognise that your ‘unlearning’ is the highest form of your ‘learning’ .
Whenever your life is feeling stagnant or as if nothing is happening, this means you are being given the time and space, to heal and release the baggage that you can’t carry to where you are going next .
Sometimes the Universe will take things from you, move you out of places, and/or disconnect you from certain people and places in your life, in order for you to truly see and fully embrace your TRUE self. This can feel lonley at times , however time spent with self is the real investment made in your Ascension.
Earth is moving into a region of space with higher frequencies and a new energy field, which affects the Earth’s magnetic grid and our consciousness. This allows us to think on a higher level.
Starseeds are beings who came from higher realms to serve humanity and help transform Earth into a paradise. The celestial light forces are bombarding the planet with intense light rays to strengthen the 5D crystalline light grid and upgrade Earth’s systems.
These light rays activate your DNA and disintegrate lower-vibrational energy. The new crystalline cell light body is forming and will enable starseeds to interpret universal data.
A major collective awakening and transformation is occurring, which will lead to a more harmonious and united world. In the next three months, there will be powerful Forces to support your ascension, making the shift to 5D much smoother. Starseeds around the world are being activated to assist in humanity’s awakening and ascension.
In the age of Aquarius, the “New Human” will adopt a different approach to decision-making. Instead of relying solely on logical thinking and analyzing every detail, they will prioritize trusting their intuitive thoughts and listening to the innate wisdom of their bodies. This shift in attitude requires more courage, as it entails venturing into the unknown with faith and openness.
Traditionally humans prefer to gather information and prepare extensively before stepping into unfamiliar territory. However, the new energy of the age of Aquarius calls for a different approach, one that acknowledges that we are supported and cared for by the unseen forces of the universe.
This is symbolised by the practice of asking the spirit / higher self for guidance, stating “Dear Spirit, tell me what it is I need to know.” By embracing this mindset, the New Ascending Human seeks insight beyond what is immediately apparent and actively engages with the higher unseen realms.
You may be experiencing a need for more sleep and a general sluggishness as you integrate the recently received light codes. This period of rest and integration is important as it prepares you for further upgrades and updates in your DNA, leading to expanded awareness.
It is wise to prioritise your quality of rest, consume light and nutritious food, taking care
of your emotional well-being, which may be fluctuating. Allowing yourself to feel without internal judgments, listening to your body, and giving it the necessary rest and integration time needed .
Channeled In loving and dedicated Ascension service:
by Ascension LightWorkers .Copyright ©️




For The Light Of Your World Provides A Limited Perspective Of The Universal Light Streams
We Bring Forth This Information To Expand The Concepts Of The Physical Format versus The Plasticity Of Universe Of Creation
For The Reality You Reside Is A Complex Constrained Format That Is Now Awakening To The Parallells of Your Neigbouring Worlds
This Has Limited Your Perception Of The Many Cosmic Groups That Reside In Your World, That Are Not Just Restricted To The Physical Constraints Of Your Biochemistry
For Your Species Has Evolved Simulatenously With Other Species Within The Same Light Format Of Your Reality
Conditioning You To The Cellular Expression Of Your World
We Ask You To Expand Your Species Concept Of Other Life Forms In The Universe
See And Feel The Physical Constraints Of A Limited Oxygenated World Versus The Odyssey Of Worlds Apon Worlds Living Remotely Throughout The Universe
The Ancient Deception Of Your Species Is A Complex Story. The Awakening Of The True Story Is A Complex Realisation
We Ask You To Connect To The Night Sky, Seek The Energetic Frequencies Of The Cosmic Rays To Expand Your Perception Of Now
The Great Hu-Man Story Is Birthing A Whole New Perception Of Light In Your World
We Observe And Assist The Light Progression Of Your Cosmic Reality
The Transformation Of The Physical Form Is The New Antenna Of Light You Are Seeking. Like Tuning Into A Radio Station. You Are Now Awakening To The Vast Cosmic Community.
Be Patient And Wise On The Journey 🌿
Together We Assist The Light Transition Of Now
The Awakening Of The Cosmos Is Before You
Sending Waves Of Cosmic Love
New Earth Alliance
The Arcturians
Karen Lithika
On Saturday, January 13th Mercury, the Messenger, will be shifting into grounded Capricorn, sign of the Goat, at 9:49pm EST. He will stay in this practical sign until February 5th, giving us a little less than a month to consider our intentions and put a plan in place. Mercury rules our thoughts, perceptions, ideas and communications.
Capricorn rules goals, ambitions, career and life purpose. He is committed to the hard work necessary to reach his aims. He is patient, persistent and persevering. So, this is the time to be organized and productive with what we would like to accomplish. If we do, it can lead to great manifestation.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤️
 Mercury, the Messenger, will be shifting into grounded Capricorn
Mercury, the Messenger, will be shifting into grounded Capricorn
Mercury in Sagittarius semi-sextile Pluto in Capricorn. Juno stations retrograde in Virgo – Juno’s station retrograde begins a three-month journey which asks us to explore whether our relationships are healthy and how we can improve in this area of life. There are also questions around commitment in general, whether we have been paying attention to our health, whether our routines are efficient, whether we are really in the game when it comes to honing our skills and being of service. Details matter says Juno.
And in the midst of all this, comes a strong alert signal, even a powerful synchronicity or realisation that forces us to realign. The truth is, we can’t run away. The truth is that something MUST change. The truth is that sometimes we scare ourselves with our thoughts. The truth is that when you change your thoughts, the world opens up at your feet. Don’t let fear make you think the worst. Use the power of your mind to transform your life.
Degrees and Times
Juno 21°Vi52′ R – 04:55 (UT)
Mercury 29°Sg46′, Pluto 29°Cp46′ – 21:39 (UT)
© Leah Whitehorse

source :

Painting – The Little Gate of the Old Mill by Henri Matisse
The Little Gate of the Old Mill
The Little Gate of the Old Mill

Kin 85 ~ Red Resonant Serpent

‘Resonant’ is the name for the number 7 and its keywords are ‘Attune, Inspire and Channel’. The seventh day is all about adjusting your frequency, tuning yourself in – so you may receive wisdom from the Universe. We are now right bang in the middle of the wavespell, so a good time to ponder what you’ve experienced thus far and attune so you may understand what steps to take next. Some cultures regard the number seven as lucky and if it does enable you to channel, well that seems lucky to me!
Today is the Red Serpent which represents ‘Life Force, Instinct and Survival’. The Serpent is a very sensitive creature, it detects the slightest movement. He has a good handle on everything that is going on in the vicinity. On Serpent days, we too can use our instincts to work out what is happening. If you try to feel the subtle vibrations and use your snakey senses, you too can detect details you previously overlooked. This sensitivity however, can be intense so be aware of that today. The Serpent also represents transmutation – as it is said if you can survive a snake bite, you become stronger. This symbolizes transmuting your own poison, or darkness or whatever prevents you from vibrating higher. Take advantage of this energy today and process the venom you may be poisoning yourself with and set it free. As it is a ‘Resonant’ day, you can channel the wisdom you need to help you succeed.
Today is Guided by Red Earth which represents ‘Evolution’ and this is a very appropriate guide for such a day. Allowing the desire to progress on your spiritual path, motivates you to channel the Serpent’s healing process. These two go together so well because the Serpent crawls on the Earth on its belly. This close connection.they have means that today is a great day for connecting with nature.
The Challenge today is the Blue Eagle. The Eagle is so busy flying high in the sky, that he forgets to land sometimes and ground. This energy represents the Crown chakra, and the Eagle is the opposite of the Serpent which represents the Base chakra. If you are an Eagle, come down and see the earth up close like a serpent does, you may learn something with this up close and personal perspective today.
The Occult power is the Yellow Warrior and when in this magical position, you can expect opportunities to go on a magical quest. Make it your mission today to use a little magic and channel the wisdom you need.
The Ally is the charming White Wizard. Consult one if you need a friend today as they will be very useful, Wizards can enchant you and help you find the right path.
This is a Portal Day so there’s a potential for intensity!
Kin 85
Kin 85


13 JANUARY 2024
Inspiring instinct
I seal the store of life force
With the Resonant tone of attunement
I AM guided by the power of navigation
13/1/2024= 4/1/8 = 4/9= 13=4
✨13.13✨ Goddess portal
✨4.4.✨ NEW EARTH portal
13- Goddess/Cosmic consciousness/Natural Lore/synchronic time
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
1-New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
9- Endings/Completion/Service/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 85 = 13 =4 New Foundation
13.13.13 COSMIC portal
Today we have a DATE with DESTINY on this potent GAP portal day.. ensuring these POTENT codes are fully encoded in GAIA’S GRIDS as humanity TRANSFORMS! The Serpent,🐍 resonant emotions😢, blue storm🌪🌩 and GAP day 🍥💥– Mamma Mia what a PUNCH!!✊ 💥💥
Day 7 in the BLUE STORM WAVESPELL🌩🌪🌀 of purification, cleansing, transformation and evolution. The STORM and the SERPENT brings each of us, and humanity, a HUGE Majikal transformation today, through shedding our old emotional snake skins!. 🐍🐍🐍
Today we ATTUNE to the cycles, transcending the old survival themes, and transforming them to a higher frequency, allowing our kundalini🔥🔥 to rise up, elevating our consciousness. 📈🌟
RESONANT 🔮 Tone 7 in the EMOTIONAL realm. ACTION – inspires, POWER – channel, ESSENCE – attunement. The RESONANT tone provides the ability to fine tune and channel the majikal forces today, to affect great healing and transformation. 🌿⚛
Remember that it is our VIBRATION that will energize our creation.⚛ This is broadcast through our EMOTIONAL body, rather than our mental body. So it is uber important that we are stable, calm and receptive to our feelings, and what frequencies we are actually emitting as a transmitter to the aetheric realm.
At tone 7 our vibrating phenomenon learns to be still and to listen. Mystical 7 understands that EVERYWHERE is majikal but right here is better, once we attune and then channel the majik through this present moment that is available to us all. Number 7 is also the frequency of the Mystic and the Magician which strengthens our ability to affect real change and transformation in our lives.
❓❓What are you ATTUNED to today?
❓❓What ELSE is possible for you, once you release your emotional attachment to FEAR based responses?
UNLEASH your MAJIK today! 💫💫
So beloveds a day of great kundalini rising 🌋🐍from Pachamama, to allow the reception of Divine inspiration from the Heavens…helping us navigate our path to the promised land – Somewhere over the rainbow.🌈🌈🌈
Blessed be and deep LOVE…💗💗💗
Today’s question is “What instinctual FEARS and emotions can I release, to raise my consciousness beyond SURVIVAL mode, IGNITING my PASSION💋💃 through my higher Divine Mission?”
Divine blessings for your transcendance of FEAR, in attunement to the BIG global AQUARIAN PICTURE. ❤❤❤
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED RESONANT SERPENT 🔮 🐍 CHICCHAN The themes for RED SERPENT are SURVIVAL, life-force, kundalini, passion, vitality and instinct. 🔥💋💃🌿🌞🔥
CHICCHAN increases the INTENSITY🔥 of the day, as primal FEARS are highlighted. FEAR may arise to be cleared and transformed TODAY, through the power of the Serpent to shed its skin, and be born anew. As RESONANT is an EMOTIONAL tone this AMPLIFIES the EMOTIONAL triggers today.
✨✨The CHOICE you need to make today and everyday, is between LOVE❤ or FEAR? 😱
What are you attuned to?❓❓❓
Sadly large numbers of the populace are still attuned to FEAR 😨– This is what drives their thoughts, words, and ACTIONS. This is how they are manipulated, controlled and kept enslaved. 😱😱😱
When you operate through FEAR,😱 the higher analytical and intuitive aspects of your BRAIN – SHUT DOWN. You literally DO NOT have the capacity to have rational thought. You become STUCK in FIGHT✊ or FLIGHT- 🏃 SURVIVAL mode, taxing your adrenal system, which creates more FEAR and anxiety.😱😭😱
🌟🌟🌟 The way OUT of this vicious cycle is to SLOW down, switch OFF and tune out… Limit the sensory overload and retreat into nature to calm your body, mind and soul.🌞🌿🐦
As we attune to the natural flow of life, we can then RELAX, and our BRAIN begins to function better, with more clarity from our intuitive messages.
RED SERPENT operates and ACTS through INSTINCTUAL responses.. if you are stuck in FEAR MODE then your will RE-ACT to triggers and stimuli usually in a limited format. To raise your frequency and find SOLUTIONS, you must be willing to LISTEN and ATTUNE to a higher channel of wisdom.
If you are BALANCED and in the LIGHT side of RED SERPENT, you can attune to the more positive aspects of the wise Serpent giving you more vitality🌞 and life force🔥 to fuel your PASSION,🔥 whether that be of a romantic nature or of a creative expression focus. 💃💃💃
The SHADOW of Red Serpent can arise today, bringing up our instinctive connection to SURVIVAL, and whatever that means to you, be it physical, financial, emotional or wherever you perceive lack, FEAR or DANGER.
The anxiety, fear or nervousness arises through the chaos and agitation of BLUE STORM, which is seeking to purify and cleanse your vessel of all limitations and FEAR based emotions and thinking.
The BLUE STORM 🌪energy is heightening these emotions and assisting in the final PURGE.. releasing you from bondage and enslavement through FEAR.
Use your breath, through relaxing, meditating, doing yoga or sitting in nature🌿 to gently heal and release these ancient primal fears. CHICCHAN is the symbol of the healing caduceus, so utilize this panacea for your wounding today to restore your LIFE FORCE🌞🌟 and make you WHOLE again.
EDITOR’S NOTE: recap dream I had 27 months ago – 3 Galactic Spins of KIN 85.
Yesterday morning on Overtone Night – DREAMTIME day – I had a dream where I was walking on a red dusty road in the outback, which felt like the Rainbow Serpent 🌈🐍ley line. The path had young rainbow serpents🌈🐍 slithering onto it from both sides of the road – huge numbers of them now joining the main artery. I had been tuning into ULURU the previous day and the RAINBOW SERPENT🌈🐍 had been calling me. I take this message to mean that there are many more Serpents available to humanity now to reclaim and COMMAND back our POWER and healing life force. The Serpents had a lilac glow with black stripes – indicating much transmuting is happening now. 💜🌈💜
Synchronistically my beloved and talented siStar Haven Greer – MorningStar – had intuitively drawn a Mumma Serpent 🐍healing her injured hand 💗🖐💚… I perceived the healing rays in her Artwork as young serpents! Galactic Sistar Haven is a Self-Existing Serpent 🗳🐍-4 CHICCHAN, so she is defining the form that the healing will take through her Art. Absolutely DIVINELY PERFECTO! Deep gratitude Shamanic siStar. 🙏🙏🙏
NOTE: Many people are reporting encounters with SNAKES the last few weeks, with LIVE Snakes and finding snake skins – this SNAKE medicine is teaching us important lessons re transmuting POISON into healing medicine. In 20 days time, on FRIDAY FEBRUARY 2024, we enter the belly of the SERPENT as we commence the RED SERPENT WAVESPELL which will really test our resolve!! Hang on beloveds we are being SPIRITUALLY tested AGAIN !!! Let’s alchemize this POISON into PASSION..
EDITOR’S NOTE: So funny I am reminded that POISON was the name of my favourite perfume when I was in my twenties and waitressing at Pizza Hut whilst at UNIVERSITY… It was sooo STRONG that customers could smell it over the PIZZA aroma! A few years later I became allergic to chemical based PERFUMES! So IRONIC!
The RESONANT SERPENT powerfully activates and raises our KUNDALINI energy today, so channel this wisely for healing and expression through creative pursuits. It is time to use your VITALITY🌞 and PASSION🔥❤ to inspire others..
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED RESONANT EARTH🔮 🌎– CABAN assists us in attuning and listening to the cycles and timing of Mother Gaia, instinctively knowing there is a “right time” for everything. ⏳👍
The Resonant EARTH is brilliantly calibrated to Pachamama like a tuning fork, totally in sync. with her rhythms. Where Mother Earth goes, we all go, as passengers on this timeship⏳🌏 called EARTH/TERRA!
We need to look and listen for the SIGNS. This intuitive instinctual response has been honed through our ancestry, so that we can recognize when DANGER lurks nearby, or we do not feel SAFE. Tap into the energy of Mother Gaia to lead you to safety and natural abundance, finding safe shelter in her arms. As you fortify your connection you can draw up greater LIFE-FORCE through your EARTH star chakra using that as a POWER 🌋generator to charge your Mission.
CABAN and CHICCHAN make a formidable duo, to tap in and channel this incredible POWER and VITALITY, to inspire others through your PASSION for LIFE.
RED EARTH 🌏 guiding the RESONANT SERPENT🐍 is a powerful Planetary day, raising GAIA’s kundalini🔥 through our Planetary Serpents,🌏🐍 and activating the life force in Gaia’s Chakras and Grid system. 🌐
GAIA may respond with EARTHQUAKES, VOLCANOES 🌋 floods, or other phenomena to purify and cleanse the mass FEAR held by the collective that has been stagnating her energy.
As GAIA purges her meridians, this enables more VITALITY and LIFE FORCE to flow through the Planetary Grid🌐 Higher consciousness energies will then FLOW through our entire GLOBE benefiting our Planetary family and accelerating ✨THE GREAT AWAKENING.✨
TRUST IN THE DIVINE PLAN!🙏💝 MOTHER GAIA is well in control, dear Star🌟 Bliss 🐬Supernova Suns🌞. 🌹✨✨✨
SUPPORT: WHITE RESONANT WIZARD 🔮💫 IX encourages you to SURRENDER to the changes, to OPEN your HEART,❤ to feel SAFE, and to take down the barriers to love and growth. WHITE WIZARD allows you to become more receptive, to know, and understand what is TRUTH leading you back to safe ground.
WHITE WIZARD allows you to transcend the Earthly ways and reach for the Heaven’s! You have access to much MAJIK💫💫 today through IX, the RESONANT codes and EARTH MAJIK. 💫💫💫💫
The WIZARD loves to sit in contemplation with Mother Gaia,🌏 immersing himself in nature🌿 and becoming ONE with all that is. Feeling and sensing her rhythyms and heartbeat, as he enters his Shamanic journeys.
He is very skilled at reading the SIGNS and using the GPS, to track the source of blockages and interference, in order to CLEAR the PATH, for moving forward in harmony with Mother Earth.
The RESONANT WIZARD is very adept at channeling wisdom from multi-dimensional realms for inspiration and creative expression. You can draw upon this power to cast your Majik DREAMspell 💫and ENCHANT and inspire others through your integrity and alignment with your Divine purpose.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW RESONANT WARRIOR 🔮 🌈🏹 CIB Sadly humanity is quite resistant to change, and thus it often takes an event of cataclysmic proportions, and/or a life-threatening situation that FORCES change upon us.
Most people need plenty of “friction” creating RESISTANCE, in order to catalyze the change needed for GROWTH and soul expansion. Mother Gaia generally obliges us through NATURAL DISASTERS, her ECLIPSE cycles, and astrological alignments and transits – especially the SQUARES.
If you do not move in the direction of your DESTINY the celestial bodies will “pull the rug out from under you” and force you to MOVE! Especially as PLUTO enters AQUARIUS on 20 JAN 2024, forcing humanity to focus on global equality, prosperity and service to others!.
If only we were more in sync. with the cycles and could FLOW with the energies, our transition and growth would happen with ease and grace. Instead we resist, hold on and battle with these new forces, reluctant to let go of the old.
The Ascension cycle is a brilliant example of how our bodies feel threatened by these high level frequencies, reacting with FEAR and thus shielding and rejecting them as foreign. If we could relax and assimilate these energies, by naturally listening to our bodies wisdom, and the guidance of our Higher selves we could bypass the FEAR and discomfort.
Detoxing, purifying and raising our frequency naturally, eliminates the need for stress, hardship and battles. The YELLOW WARRIOR today gives you the courage to face the battles, hardships and challenges that arise through facing your innermost FEARS in order to catalyze great self-transformation. This accelerated and INTENSE ASCENSION phase requires much fortitude, courage and FAITH to journey through this rite of passage! .
The RESONANT WARRIOR also awakens the RAINBOW WARRIOR🌈🏹 who is attuned to the New Earth, to bravely come out of his shell and courageously LEAD the masses, who are still trembling from the trauma of the last few years. We have a 4.4.4. NEW EARTH code today – so the RAINBOW WARRIORS are fearlessly ACTIVATED in their QUEST.
These Warriors of the Rainbow 🌈 are the Wayshowers who hold NO FEAR, because they are privy to the Divine Plan for Earth. As they fearlessly lead the way to NEW EARTH with confidence and trust, they inspire others to feel safe, protected and provided for in these transitional times.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE RESONANT EAGLE 🔮 👁 MEN provides inspired VISIONS👁👁 today that channel the solutions needed to evolve. BLUE EAGLE provides clarity and objectivity, to overcome the tyranny of enslavement to our emotional body and irrational fears. We can see the big picture of what action we need to take to transcend our FEARS and align with our Higher Missions.
🌟🌟🌟The RESONANT EAGLE provides the FUTURE VISION🔮👁 of Gaia’s evolution.⏳🌏. showing us the DESTINATION, so that we can use the RED EARTH GPS system to set our course for the most Utopian timeline. 🐬🌴🏝🌈
The BLUE EAGLE clan are the prophets, seers and scouts that lead the tribe to SAFETY, and the promised land.
Allow BLUE EAGLE to fly into the distance and return with the maps directing our QUEST to find the Holy Grail.
So beloveds a day of great kundalini rising 🌋🐍from Pachamama, to allow the reception of Divine inspiration from the Heavens…helping us navigate our path to the promised land – Somewhere over the rainbow.🌈🌈🌈
Blessed be and deep LOVE…💗💗💗
Today’s question is “What instinctual FEARS and emotions can I release, to raise my consciousness beyond SURVIVAL mode, IGNITING my PASSION💋💃 through my higher Divine Mission?”
Divine blessings for your transcendance of FEAR, in attunement to the BIG global AQUARIAN PICTURE. ❤❤❤
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈




🔥 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for

January 7th through January 13th 2024 from the Sacred Condor 🔥


Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the astrology for the coming week from January 7th through January 13th 2024, speaks of the BLUE STORM WAVESPELL on Mayan Tzolkin Calendar, guides a very special beautiful ceremony for this Thursdays New Moon in Capricorn on the 11th of January for the 111 Portal and a powerful New Earth Scribe message.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste




Green Flame in activity Prayer

I AM ! I AM ! I AM ! The way, the truth and the life of all the manifested power of the Green Flame in activity in my being and in the world, in all humanity, in all the Elemental Kingdom and Nature and throughout planet Earth!
By the power in me consecrated,
Green Flame in activity Prayer
Green Flame in activity Prayer

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