LIBRA LOVE INCOMING – Huge Shifts / Massive Expansions
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Galactic Earth Dragon Kings and Queens of the Holy Grail Union
The Libran Energies of Balance and Love are flowing into this realm through the Equinox Gateway bringing us the Divine Union Codes both within and without. Shiva dances with Shakti through the Cosmos, the Yin merges with the Yang, The Christ embraces the Magdalene and the Eagle flies with the Condor in Hieros Gamos.
As the Great Central Sun continues to envelop Mother Earth with Higher energetic light, Pachamama received two powerful activations today with massive earthquakes on the ring of fire. The first was a magnitude 6.2 earthquake in the west side of the Pacific ocean just north of the Equator in Indonesia at 20:52 UTC and the second was on the east side of the Pacific Ocean south of the tropic of Capricorn in the South Pacific with a magnitude 6.1 earthquake off the Coast of Chile in South America at 22:53 UTC. Gaia continues to release and resolve all that no longer serves her or all her Children of the Sun.
All Starseed Ground Crew of the 144 also continue to release and purge all that no longer serves themselves or the collective. This is all in final preparations for our full collective Quantum Leap of Consciousness into the new species we call homo-luminous, Golden Beings of Eternal Life.
In two days on the 25th of September we will enter directly into the Core of the Tzolkin (zero point), the Galactic Central Sun; Hunab Ku. This synchronizes with the retrospective New Moon in Libra. this will assist all Lightworkers in the integration and recalibration of the Intense and Transforming energies over the last couple of months. We get a birds eye view of our journey and all we have learned and grown through the lessons and challenges along our Way.
With the Pure Awareness of our Buddha Consciousness we open the Eyes of our Spirit to know all things in the Oneness of our Multidimensional Infinite Avatars of Light…A’Ho!
the blue rose of st michael blooms in the garden of eden
Right now: Moon at 10°20′ Virgo, Sun at 1°06′ Libra
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
Sabian Symbol for 2º Libra |
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 2º Libra.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
Sabian Symbol for 11º Virgo |
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 11º Virgo.
source: https://www.astrologyweekly.com/

Lisa Marie Wright

Ally Raye

Roberto Nunez

Jennifer Catron
Full Akashic rewrite as we’ve cleared the inverted timelines..our birth records “history”as we’ve known it, disintegrating as we embody our multi-dimensional Avatar templates.. quantum field, ALL is NOW. We have always been , always will be… death and birth.. . It’s a belief. Many timelines collapsing today.. many initiations passed, as well as nightly meetings ( for 10 days now) with Source and our Galactic council.. choice points in every moment dictate the reality that will unfold.. New realities manifested. As we’ve integrated shadow aspects within, balance manifests externally. Going to be a huge weekend for quantum leap into the next trajectory.. Honor and gratitude to our mirrors.. Divine Union, Sacred Union codes.. anchored weeks ago..Remember, your life can change over night.. mine just did.. Surrender to the now moment.. The best is yet to come.. Sovereignty.. 144,000
Maji Grail Kings and Queens.. it’s about to be real

Christy Ashley

Pars Kutay
As WE Are NOW in the EQUINOX TimeFrame. . . The Magnetosphere is Building in Particle PLASMA from our Sun’s Solar BLASTING.
This is an Opportunity for Greater Relaxation and Self-Care as well as for Tuning-In to the HIGHER SELF. . . SOUL. . . and DIVINE SOURCE Frequencies and Vibrations.
By Giving our SELVES Time to BE. . . to take Moments in STILLNESS each day Allows the Sacred Reflections of Understanding to Arise Within us.
~ ~
Photo: In Stillness – with the Midnight Sun, Norway. . . captured by Tomas Havel

Gma Chandra
Now all of your work is coming out of your head into your heart. Whatever you are creating is coming from the central sun into your sun through your crystalline plane directly into your hearts. This will be the biggest change after the Equinox on the 22nd of September. This is the total shift of your end chain of creation. Your end of creation will not be filtered or blocked anymore by your mental activity. It will be pure, and pulsating coming directly from your heart.
You will finally start hearing your own voice and your voice will become stronger and stronger because your voice will be backed by the vibrations and tune of your heart. You will be able to communicate with others around you through your heart activity, heart chakra opening and heart chakra work. Your heart chakra will be working in tune with Gaia and in tune with all the new energies that are coming to the world right now.
You will recognize each other by the work of your heart chakra, united and tuned together through your heart chakra. Many will feel as if you are in this world naked without any clothes or protection around you.
You don’t need this protection anymore. That is the difference. Instead of losing your energy and trying to build, hide and code the messages, you can speak directly, openly and put all the energy into what you want to say and do in this world. You are finally stepping into the world where you can live openly. You can send direct messages from your heart. Use all your energy to direct these messages.
Visualize a big happy pulsating heart, in unison with Gaia and the whole galaxy. Beautiful! Finally, start living your life!
Hugs and love to all of you,

Diego E. Berman, PhD
Dear friends, the energy of the upcoming post-equinox days will be merging with the New Moon energy on Sunday 25. This weekend the absence of the moon’s light will be allowing a stronger energy flux from the galactic center, leading to deeper shifts with us.
As we ride the intense post-equinox waves, our bodies might feel even more challenged by the new moon in Libra. So the end of September will feel a bit heavier than anticipated. Your bodies may feel lethargic, sleepy, manifesting skin and digestive issues, as well as some anxiety and allergic reactions. Our energetic fields are being pushed even further by the new moon so we can clear away everything that is preventing us from finding a renewed state of balance.
Nevertheless, Sunday’s New Moon energy will also bring some relief, like a healing tonic. As we purge the old and unnecessary beliefs from our systems, the new moon energy will be assisting us to find balance in our inner divine Light. This new moon will bring some sweetness and harmony to our hearts. However, the trick for us will be to focus on the Light aspect at the same time that we experience the physical and emotional uncomfortable releases.
This weekend under the dark night of the new moon will be a great time for setting intentions from the heart. Try to focus on simplifying your life, try to see the lightness in any burdens that are weighing on you. Allow the lightness of your heart to radiate through your being and into whatever issues feel complicated in your life. We are evolving into brighter and lighter timelines, which means clearing the old and making room for the new to enter our lives.
Have a peaceful weekend friends, much love

Karen Lithika
For the Path is Complex, Multidimensional and Expanding.
Tread Gently and Easily
Live each day Calmly and Patiently
Find this light way to Assist the complexities of your Light Expansion all around you and within you.
As Your World View becomes Multidimensional
You are required to balance the frequencies all around you. Some may retreat to the forest. Remove themselves from highly populated areas.
Others are called to stay, and find balance amongst the frequencies.
Every Soul on a Unique Light Path
Advanced Souls should practice Self-Regulation of Light Balance and Protect their Personal Light Sphere.
This is a recommended daily practice to ensure you are self-regulating your Light Field.
Balancing the energies around you
For the Pillar of Light of YOU is POWERFUL
Your Role is to ensure your Light Frequency is Strong and Stable.
Know When To Retreat and Rest
Connect to your Light Field
Ground in Light
Visualise A Wonderful Ball/Sphere of Light Around You
Connect and Bathe in this Wonderful Light
Ask for your Soul Team To Assist your day in Higher Light Guidance
Feel Your Light Body In A Harmonic Space of Light
Simply Breathe In This Centred Light
For Incoming Light and The Expansion of you requires a balanced Light view to balance expansion and energies of this reality.
As we expand and live our journeys
With Love Light Family
The Arcturian Light Collective
Karen Lithika
source: KarenLithika.com

Natalia Alba
Beloved Ones,
We are immersed in a very harmonizing passage that helps us continue with our inner work of balancing opposite polarities. A lifetime task that as humans, we all need to work on a daily basis, for it is how we ascend and move into a more synthesized state of being. The Libra Moon on the 25th will conjunct Venus, which is a very important alignment that summarizes what many are experiencing at this time: self-reconnection with their Illumined Selves, and hence regaining self-appreciation for themselves and their unique path, and for the ones who have already given this initial step, a time to reconcile relationships or create more balanced ones.
One of the most important steps to achieve graduation from the earth, as guides many times share, is to unify polarities and be able to create equal and harmonic relationships, as it is not until we master all this on our earth plane, that we can begin a new journey, in more evolved planes of existence.
We are in a very important portal for us to work on three main levels: self-love, illumined relationships, and the third, if we have previously achieved the first ones, continue with the integration of plasma, as it is how we build our light body, as ascension does not only occur on a physical level, but on a non-physical as well, and we shall work with the 12-dimensional bodies that make us whole, to achieve evolution.
The crystal that Guides invite us to work with, during this Libra Moon, is Citrine. This crystal is a wonderful companion to help us express ourselves, be empowered in who we are and our personal truth, clearing fears and doubts. On a more ethereal level, it helps the plasma energies in being properly conducted to our bodies, absorbing more light and helping it to move to our power center, the solar plexus chakra.
Above all, it is one of the best stabilizing stones for us to work with, which is something Libra invites us to do too. As a healing frequency, Guides offer us the 740HZ sound. This is a very powerful cleansing frequency, for us to purify the body, detoxify, and re-balancing it.
Stayin in our higher hearts as well is vital to support ourselves and others, as we continue crossing the many veils of illusions and stepping into the unknown, for we may not remember, but we must trust in our soul compass, for it is always guiding us towards our the next and perfect, destination for us to experience a major growth.
A time for us to finally manifest balance, stabilization in all aspects of our bodies and lives, and move into new beginnings, understanding that we are always creating ourselves, and physical lives anew, even though the illusion of stillness that we possess in our plane.
Every day is a new life, therefore choose to fill it with loving thoughts and feelings, for all your seed will reach All.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Art by: Encoded frequency
source: https://www.starseedsoul.com

We are basking in powerful Equinox energies with Mercury and the Sun together at 0 degrees Libra. We are looking for a perfect balance and ideal love. Mercury and the Sun are trading places. Last week the Sun was in opposition to Neptune in Pisces and in trine to Pluto, and Mercury has been opposing Jupiter. Now the Sun is coming into opposition with Jupiter and Mercury will retrograde back to 24 degrees, to oppose Neptune. Mercury made this opposition with Neptune when he went into retrograde shadow, back in August, when this whole chapter started.
Mercury turning direct on October 2nd will keep Mercury in this opposition with Neptune for all of next week. It’s a confusing placement, as we try to figure out up from down in our reality. The corresponding trine with Pluto in Capricorn is saying it’s time to break any ties and contracts that are no longer serving. But we are so gas-lit, how can we figure out what is good and what is bad? Mind control and programming have kept humanity deep asleep, but it’s starting to break down. SuperNovas are first to come out of the fog and stupor, and we need to get our act together in order play our role in supporting others in this Great Awakening
Now in Libra, the Sun is taking his turn in opposing Jupiter. Who we have been for everyone else is getting challenged by our desire to be free and go our own way. SuperNova’s deep pain from isolation over lifetimes is coming to the surface to be healed. Black Moon Lilith in Cancer has been revealing this wound of separation. But in sextile to Uranus in Taurus, we are seeing that coming into our gifts can heal this illusion and bring us back home to our true self.
Sunday’s New Moon, happening at 2 degrees, 49 minutes of Libra marks a new start in our relationship to relationship. It’s a launch into learning to love again, with an idealized vision of re-awakened potential. SuperNova Souls are learning to honor themselves and care for themselves again, so that they can make way for truly healthy and supportive relationships.
We can feel that we are the precipice of great change. Or are WE the great change? Either way, it’s happening and nothing can stop it. It’s a huge rearrangement of our priorities and values with Uranus in Taurus in square to Saturn in Aquarius. We have been feeling the effects of this transit since January 2021. This square also happened on June 14th, and December 24th, 2021.
We are in the final act of this transit, happening exact from Oct. 2nd to Oct. 12th, which is about stubborn structures that refuse to evolve and change. There is pressure, on everything false or without foundation or basis. The lies are being revealed and we are seeing that nothing short of dramatic change on all levels of our existence, is necessary.
For SuperNovas, this is our call to come back into who we have been in the past, a spiritual leader and teacher. We must heal the past so we can overcome all fear and trauma programming, in order to come back into our power. We are dropping all that no longer fis who we really are, and it feels like free fall. But it’s really a spiritual initiation, back into the One. These Neptune oppositions are helping us to complete the Piscean Age and rewrite our story based on the Light that we are, not the darkness that was projected upon us. It’s time to drop it all, and surrender into Source and Oneness, and into our higher gifts. A new world is waiting and we SuperNovas are forging the path ahead.

Leah Whitehorse
Sun enters Libra. Sun conjunct Mercury in Libra. Mercury retrograde re-enters Virgo – We reach a turn in the wheel of the year. Autumn arrives in the northern hemisphere, spring in the south. For all, we experience equal day and night, a balancing of opposites, light and dark, young and old, you and me, as above, so below. Here we stand at the centre, poised in perfect harmony, dancing on the axis of the world.
And on this magical day and degree, Mercury meets the Sun, ascends to the throne to receive instruction from Source. Soon he will fly down to each of us and whisper a golden nugget of wisdom in our ear. This is the midpoint of the retrograde, so we are equipped with knowledge that will enlighten the rest of this period. Mercury then backsteps into Virgo, where critical thinking skills are amplified, and a practical approach suggested. Explore where healing or improvement is required.
Degrees and Times
Sun 00°Li00′ – 02:03 (BST)
Sun, Mercury 00°Li14′ R – 07:49 (BST)
Mercury 30°Vi00′ – 13:04 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
source : https://www.leahwhitehorse.com/
Painting – Golden Autumn by John Atkinson Grimshaw

The Tzolkin Times
Kin 128 ~ Yellow Spectral Star
Christina Papageorgiou

Blue Rose Oracle
Affirmations for Today
“I am aligning with the Equinox Energies and gifting myself the space to integrate and process all downloads and upgrades”
“New templates of crystalline light are flowing all around my energy field ready for me to expand into with ease and grace”
“ I am clearing old patterns and releasing templates as I enter into a new cycle of rebirth and re growth”
“I am planting new seeds and nurturing myself with loving kindness as I
shed old growth layers and enter into the inner realm of transformation and creation”
A beautiful Lilac and pink flame is anchoring around Gaia held aloft by the interdimensional crystalline Dragons who are supporting the sacred spinal column of the planet which is pulsating with activation wavelengths as the song and dragon lines expand and shimmer with the Equinox energies.
These ancient golden green intersecting lines are multi dimensional pathways infused and encoded with light codes & vibrational hymns that pulse in alignment with the planetary heart field.
Each sacred pathway a reservoir of ancestral and tribal memories woven into the grids as the footprints of all who have walked before us leave energetic echoes and activations as imprints and downloads which we receive through the collective consciousness field.
As the lilac and pink flame glows around Gaia many of the holographic layers attached to the past timelines are being cleared as the dream weavers begun to stitch new threads of awakening and expansion into the great dream scapes of the quantum fields.
We are expanding the through the layers of our own awareness, transcending the pathways and patterns that have been part of our journey to sovereignty and self love as we come into full union and communion with the fullness of our divinity.
Walk barefoot upon the grass today and support the golden light rays of energy that are activating the planetary grid formations.
Pachamama is sending waves of healing light frequencies through the dragon lines as she holds ceremony for another cycle to turn upon the cosmic loom.
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