Quantum Leap Day ~ A Day Out of Time ~ 5D RESURRECTION CODE ~ KUNDALINI RESTART ~ The Throne of Heaven in The Pleiades
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Radiant Luminous Beings of Divine Holy Light
Happy Leap Day of this Leap Year and Day out of Time Portal!
Through the Power of today’s Galactic Portal we navigate through the Still Center of all space time continuums through Harmonic Convergence and call in the Highest Timeline for the Greatest Good of all Sentient Beings of the Way. This Day out of Time is No Time, the Timeless Space in between worlds which merges yesterday’s Kin 131 with tomorrow’s Kin 132 and stretches time to assist all Starseeds through this Zero Point Void space of Infinite Potential. Each moment in the Void is an Eternity, the Eternal Now, the Sacred Space in between Death and Rebirth!
With the Power of the Divine Feminine Womb Space we cultivate the Heavenly Chi within our Dan Tian Power Center and uplift and elevate our Starseed Ground Crew Team of the 144 to rise up as Gods Spiritual Warriors of the New Avalon. As Grail Queens and Kings we lead the Way to the Promised Land of Terra Nova Gaia, Mothership 33 of our Universal Alliance of Light.
On this special day we collectively make our Quantum Leap of Consciousness and merge our Higher Self with our Third Dimensional Presence and become the Light Bridgers and Love Keepers of our Lion Kingdom of our Lyran Nation of the New Lemuria.
As we let go of the need for control and go with the flow of our Natural State of Consciousness me become World Bridgers as we feel into our Experience of Reverence and Awe of the magnitude of our Universal Mission and our roles as Conscious CoCreators and Wayshowers of our New Heaven upon the New Earth… A’Ho!
The more that we are aware of the bindings of the illusion of Time and how we are held to the clock, the higher we reach towards escaping it.
If time is money then where stands value?
As we see the adding of a day to catch up on the numbers could it be that we might expect to see the restacking of order in the lead up to the Equinox?
Perhaps order might be restored as the maths adds up.
Or could it be that for one day we step out of Time and strive to create a new rhythm?
Expect to be integrating the February stack up of cosmic interactions as we round off February with an extra moment to pause.
The 3/3 portal looks to be a shattering of illusion and a creation of fractals. When we can see all of the pieces maybe we will recognise the unity of one and step towards wholeness of Time, Space and Matter.
Or perhaps we might implode our fragmented sense of self into the deep.
The addition of a day could be a doorway to endless opportunities. Or it could put to sleep a thousand years of memories and replace us with an open invitation to step up and fly.
It’s an open door…
“Where we are going is nothing like anything you have seen or known before”
These are the words of my guide when I asked him how to describe the New Earth.
The thing is, that if you are a Sensitive, a person born with developed empathy and sixth sense awareness, then you already know this to be true.
We have been talking of dreaming a New Earth for a while, so where do you think that dream has come from.
It is an energy state deeply encoded within your sense of spiritual identity. It is the flavour of the sixth sense. It has always been a part of your personal experience of the environment.
It’s message can be heard in the trees, on the air and within the heart.
It’s colours appear on the tip of every artist’s brush and mix into the particles of every invention.
The New Earth is a calling and it is a home coming. This is because you have been there before, not in some deep sleep dreaming space, but in living form. It is one of your past lives, because you are from the future.
2/29/24: This “extra” day, this leap day, is an intentional segue between February’s action-oriented expectations and March’s focus on receptivity, sensitivity, and peace. You’re moving out of a number 1 (masculine) dynamic and into the receptive and intuitive number 2 (feminine) energy.
You planted new seeds this month in your thinking and behavior; March requires the patience and nurturing to help them grow. Today is inside you… not out in the world. It will fill you with inspiration and insights, tell you secrets, tease and teach you. This is a day like no other. It’s plugging you into something divinely important. Listen and learn.
One of the greatest fears the darkness has, is knowing that the Twin Flame Pairs have arrived into this reality, for it means the end of their reign.
As usual with the darkness, anything that is a threat to them and their agenda, they attempt the tactics of infiltration and separation. With the Twin Flame Pairs relationships, once they have identified a Twin Flame Pair, as part of their tactics, they would try to separate the Flames through tactics such as trying to enter doubt and distortion beliefs into the relationship, as directly as they could, or through wounded others that the darkness could, unbeknownst to the others, manipulate into doing their bidding.
Stay strong and committed in Your Twin Flame Relationships and know some of the tactics of the darkness so that You are NOT separated by any nefarious manipulating attempts. For advanced Twin Flames, it is easier for Them to discern any attempts and to not allow it to affect the Divine Union, as for new Twin Flame Pairs, by having this knowledge, You will accelerate much quicker in Your combined Divine Prowess in preparation of perhaps creating a flash of reality in conjunction with Your other Divine Twin Flame Pair Comrades.
Be Wise,and know that the darkness may try to get to You through Others, HOWEVER, You persevere for Your Divine Purpose is very important to the overall Divine Plan and is supported by the Higher Divine Realm.
The 12 Original Twin Flame Pairs has at least physically met and are currently undergoing Divine Upgrades to Their Pairs Empowerment.
There has also come to be many other Twin Flame Pairs with impressive Divine Prowess to overall effect the Planetary Ascension.
Many of the Twin Flame Pairs have Their mission and alignment of Creating the Heaven on Earth scenario as a knowing.
This has the Ascension Rising like to a Phoenix and the remnants of darkness, like ashes, swiftly falling from the Rise.
The #Truth Will Always Rise To The Surface Earth..Air..Water..Fire -The Pearls of KAIA Hidden in Plain Sight.. Waves of Mermaid Love Waiehu Ancient Mu Temple Still Shine in The Light of The Holy Sun
The Throne of Heaven in The Pleiades
KAIA The Queen of Heaven Who Sits Upon The Throne (KAIA) Within The Holy Waters (KAIA) of The Pleiades ,GAIA, Sophia The Magdalene Rose , Archangel ARIEL The Lioness of God.
The Original Mermaid
When We Merge Completely With The Underwater Kingdom We leave The Ego land based Awareness Patterns Behind and Enter Through The Heavenly Pleiadian/Sirian Gateway into Unity Consciousness and Bliss . It is Here Within The Rainbow Whale & Dolphin Song Vibrations That The Deepest Inner Work is Gifted ,The Return to Innocence ,Reconciliation of The Inner Twin Flame. We are Cleansed and Born again in The Holy Waters of Life, #KAIA Baptism of The Sacred Heart. Integrating The Higher Self and Anchoring The Kingdom of Heaven Within The Human Heart
‘The Time Gates occupy a space which holds unto all that it serves. As the Time Gates are unlocked, what once served you will be released into a flow that moves away from you. Everything that you have held unto emotionally, physically and mentally is now given a decree to be released. We herald from the Star System Arcturus. We hold keys to Time Gates. These Time Gates herald conditions of healing for all of humanity.
The walls in your heart, the walls in your life, in your automobile, in your home, in your thinking – have all served you. They have lovingly served and limited you. They have kept you looking at the same scenarios over and over again, never refreshing what you thought in the past, always bringing it to the future, to the now, chewing and re-chewing what you created as truth.
It is time to heal. It is time to release the pain in your heart. It is time to let go. It is time to forgive. It is time to Love, deeper, fuller, more beautifully than you ever have thought.
The Time Gates have held your thinking in a formatted structure that has served people up until now. As long as you had the security of the four walls and the ceiling to rely upon, you were not afraid. As the constructs of invisible walls and ceilings are released from you emotionally and mentally, you are then free to fly home into your original source thought.
Imagine a world where you own nothing and yet you have everything. There is never envy or jealousy toward one another for each individual has the same intrinsic ability to craft. Imagine a world where you as a society decided upon the weather patterns, how crops, trees, flowers would grow and what elements would be inherent within them. . This can be your future if you choose wisely.
This is a scene taken from Arcturus.
Imagine a world where you could see your past/present/future in one sitting. See all the expressions of yourself, Enabling you to choose wisely or foolishly with full knowledge and a full heart. Seeking knowledge, seeking wisdom, seeking truth from place after place, star after star, experience after experience. Creating Love in places that never knew love. Joy in places that never felt it.
Your bodies were formed from the stars and they yearn to go home and be free. Allow us to lift you back into the stars while your feet are still on the ground. Allow us to stretch your humanness beyond its boundaries, angers and sadness. Allow us to retrieve for you the knowledge that you seek, the answers that you need. See us as a cosmic search engine of sorts.
We are not grander than you are, but we are your potential. Strive to become more and in that striving, you will expand your consciousness. See us as those that come to help heal. You have forgotten the declaration, “We the People.” You the people of Earth must stand up for your future. Stop bending to the needs and the wants of a world that influences you at every turn. Receive your power. Do not let others decide your future.
The reason that so many star systems will come to Earth is that there are many cracks within your world. Not the fissures or fault lines of the earth but cracks within your relationships, your marriages, and your hearts. Your Earth declares its vulnerability. Earth is not healed within herself, she is falling apart as are you. You are not together in your hearts. You are not together in peace as a world or as a family. If you stood together as a planet, this would not happen.
Unite in your effort, continually with each other. Take that extra step toward a neighbour, toward a friend that has betrayed you, towards a family member that disagrees with you. Take that extra step. Just start with the hearts of those that read this, begin to encircle Earth one heart at a time.
We are the Arcturians.
Call upon us to assist you in healing. You are blessed. Live that!’
Dear friends, we are navigating through the last week of the month and the energetic transition into a very important period in the year: the month of March/the month of Mars, the Roman god of war. But despite its threatening name, we are moving into a period of positive transformations, marked by the Equinox on March 19/20, and the lunar eclipse on March 25.
But before we get there, we still have to pass through this last week of February, and the special date of February 29, the leap day. A leap year happens once every four years, and was created back in 45BC by Julius Caesar as a way to balance out the inconsistencies in the calendar. Because the 29th of February only happens once every four years, many people believe that the day holds a significant energetic meaning.
The number 29 can be reduced to 11, which is a master number and contains within it the frequencies of all dimensions found in the physical universe. Number 11 is a powerful spiritual door. Number 2, February, is the number of pursuing your soul purpose, It carries with it a balanced male and female energy that helps us to birth our creations and bring our ideas from the non-physical into the physical world, from the higher dimensions and into the lower dimensions.
When 11 and 2 come together, their energy combines to create a synergistic powerful energetic window, through which love, healing, and teaching can come through from the higher realms into the lower physical planes. You can envision these numbers as the arrival of a messenger bringing the spiritual light to illuminate our earthy journeys and spiritual advancement.
Walking though 2:29, February 29, is almost like walking through a rare gateway that only opens to us every four years. If you feel this resonates with you, you may want to use this particular day to meditate, walk in nature, and write in your journal, as new signs and insights may come into your awareness on this special numerical date. You can experience this date as an extra opportunity to synchronize your Self with the Cosmos.
Those of you who are energy sensitive may be still experiencing some physical adjustments triggered by last week’s solar flares, the 2:24:24 energy portal, and the recent full moon in Virgo. Our nervous system is undergoing a massive calibration, and this process may be releasing old stagnant blockages that may feel extremely heavy. We are truly shifting deeply at the energetic, emotional, and cellular levels. Headaches, dizziness, fatigue, lack of focus, and anxiety, may still manifest into the early days of March. Stay well hydrated, listen to your body, and allow yourself to change your inner perspectives. Adjust to your new higher timeline as you gracefully give thanks and say good bye to a previous version of yourself.
May your 2:29 be filled with wonderful and enriching realizations. See you in March! Much love
With the immensely powerful shifts we are currently going through we be finding more and more that all structures, all schedules, all our nicely boxed life, start dissolving as boundaries, fences, and all which has governed us, and ruled our lives for so long, disintegrates. At the same time, I am finding health lessons are coming up for me and have been so since last year. This has had great lessons in soul mastery, as I am learning to listen to my body and what it is telling me and am open to clearing what needs still to be cleared. With this more food that one cannot tolerate nor digest anymore, but then in the higher dimensional states, one can live off Prana, which is life breath itself.
As we are getting lighter and brighter, we will find our consciousness levels expand into levels we could not reach before. My higher guidance is constantly telling me this, yet at the same time, we need to be grounded firmly into Mother Earth, which means rooted like a mighty tree of life. We need now co-create heaven on earth, in the New Earth and New Golden Age. We can only do this by being consciously aware that we need to have the Anta Karana Bridge of Light, also firmly rooted in Mother Earth as well.
It is going to get more seeming chaotic in the next few months as all dissolves. This includes countries, earth changes, and as I said above, all structures and forms in society, in our own lives and countries and indeed the world. This is very necessary as the Old Earth disintegrates as she needs to. During seeming chaos there is a still point and a hidden order and out of that still point, the new is born.
Being fluid means allowing all to flow in and around like the Living Waters of Life. Water will always find a way around, above, below, and even carve a way out of sheer rock. Become like water. The Living Water is not only fluid but is the life force.
As we liquidize and all the rest, we are being birthed into a totally new form of life.
What a blessing!
And indeed, what an exciting time for exploring beyond the beyond, and expanding in all directions, the unknown, the unchartered and therein lie that blessing of the new beginnings and life!
Yes, it can get uncomfortable, and it will get even more so – but it is necessary and out of the ashes the Phoenix rises, as all elements play a role in the rebirthing.
Calling back your energy continues today. This recover is needed, so you can apply it towards creating your fresh clean New Earth start. As your power recovers, you may begin to feel more emotionally balanced and stable.
The final destination is yet unknown, however you are in a better position to choose the path of least resistance for you, not for others. Trust that choosing yourself is bringing great success, self esteem, confidence, and abundance. Little by little your freeing yourself, and rising even higher than ever before.
On Thursday, February 29th, a day that only happens once every four years, we have magical opportunities awaiting us if we take advantage of them. Mercury, planet of ideas and communications, in imaginative Pisces is in a sextile to Jupiter, planet of expansion and new horizons. Also approaching is a sextile between the Sun, ruler of our energy and vitality, in creative Pisces with Jupiter, ruler of abundance and prosperity.
And finally, we have Venus, ruler of relationships and finances, in future oriented Aquarius in a positive sextile to Chiron, the healer and shaman, getting closer to exact connection. A sextile, in astrology, is an aspect of opportunity. However, we must recognize the possibilities and then take action steps towards making something happen. So, on this auspicious last day of February, open your eyes and look around you……what potential and magic is awaiting your attention?
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: sacredsoulempowerment.com
Mercury, planet of ideas and communications, in imaginative Pisces is in a sextile to Jupiter
Mercury in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus. Venus in Aquarius sextile North Node in Aries – As it’s a leap year, we’re gifted an extra day to keep our calendar aligned to the sun. As luck would have it, this rare date is blessed with two helpful aspects to make the most of our extra time. Karmic relationships, group dynamics, community meetings, all are gifted a little cosmic sparkle, under these planetary influences. Venus laughs, twirls in front of her friends. ‘I propose you follow your heart, she says, giddy with electric excitement. ‘Love is the magic word to make doors open.’
Yes, there are many things going on in the world, hard times, harrowing times, but here we have some respite, a chance to catch our breath, a moment to switch on positivity and focus on the good news. Because there is good news, amidst the bad – saved puppies, revived landscapes, incredible people doing incredible things. There are teachers and wisdom keepers, soul guides and poets, books upon books to inspire and inform. Open your mind to this surge of creative energy. Remember you are an eternal student of life at the Earth school.
KIN 131 = 5 Freedom/Liberation/Change/Transformation
KIN 132 = 6 – Heaven/Christ Consciousness/Harmony/ Love/Romance
Another UBER MAJIKAL very trippy day in NO TIME – unlocking our SOURCE FREQUENCIES FLOWING through HUNAB KU.
*NOTE: This BLUE MONKEY WAVESPELL spans over 14 days – rather than the usual 13. This is because we have a D.O.O.T. day on the 29th FEBRUARY 2024 – because we are in a LEAP year in the GREGORIAN Calendar..
The DREAMSPELL CALENDAR treats LEAP days as another DAY OUT OF TIME.. To correct this anomaly the LEAP/DOOT day becomes a BRIDGE in time – between KIN 131 and 132..
The first half of the day this THURSDAY 29 FEB, until 12 noon has the energy of KIN 131 – the BLUE MAGNETIC MONKEY, and then in the afternoon/evening from 12.01 pm until 11.59 pm the energy is that of KIN 132 – the YELLOW LUNAR HUMAN.. and so in fact KIN 131 and 132 are S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-D- over 36 hours instead of the usual 24.
The DOOT day – is a DAY OUT OF TIME – or rather NO TIME.. BLUE MONKEY lets us stay out and PLAY a little longer!!!
The Day Out of Time is when we enter the TWILIGHT ZONE of NO-TIME.. This day often has a Mystical dreamy quality to it with a feeling of FREEDOM and joy to express yourself through ART and play.
DREAM BIG today because we have extraordinary supernatural powers to JUMP TIMELINES, skipping the old reality and choosing our NEW BLISS.
The goal on this day is to CELEBRATE our lives as TIME=ART seeking to make our daily lives as an expression of beauty, elegance and all that is GOOD in our world. The UTOPIAN lifestyle where we can SLOW DOWN and smell the roses.
As you EXIT the Artificial Time Matrix and bond in your natural environment surrounded by trees, flowers, birds and the plethora of DIVINE gifts within creation, STOP and reflect with all that is PERFECT in our world.
On this day, we are encouraged to PAUSE, STOP and be STILL..
Take TIME OUT of the daily grind, your daily routine and REFLECT on the MIRACLE of CREATION as we journey together on this beautiful BLUE and GREEN paradisiacal planet.
UNITE with friends, family, loved ones, colleagues and even strangers.
Hold each other’s HANDS and embrace with warm loving hugs as the FAMILY OF GAIA. .
Link together loving HEARTS and PEACEFUL MINDS with ONE intention.. to visualize a wonderful NEW CREATION – a loving world with all humanity focused on PEACE, HARMONY, EQUALITY and UNITY.
D.O.O.T. day is PERFECT for DAY DREAMING and drifting into other realms – wherever your DREAMS may take you. Often the day feels extra trippy and trance-like, as you bypass the passage of TIME, and enter the TWILIGHT ZONE!
Today you will easily be able to slip into NEW DIMENSIONS..
TIME has been slipping and glitching lately, as we SLIDE into new dimensions and realms of existence. Make sure you are well grounded into NEW EARTH today.
Take off your shoes and wiggle your toes into the EARTH, grass, sand and waters of our Pachamumma.
Let us bypass the illusory world today, as we QUANTUM JUMP into another dimension of SPACE-TIME.
It is very appropriate that the BLUE MAGNETIC MONKEY is our guide through NO TIME – as he is a master illusionist and TIME TRAVELLER.. Moving through multi dimensions in the TIME SPACE continuum is his speciality!!
This is SUPER TRIPPY because all this occurs in the central MYSTIC COLUMN – the HEART of the TZOLKIN and at ZERO POINT – HUNAB KU!! It seems SPIRIT wishes us to LINGER LONGER in the cradle of SOURCE ENERGY…
Enjoy the RE-UNION beloveds – WHAT A HOMECOMING!!!!!!!.
This DOOT day is EXTRA MAJIKAL as it occurs on day 12 within the MYSTIC COLUMN – the 7th vertical column in the HEART of the TZOLKIN calendar. . 1 day after we pass the exact ZERO POINT – HUNAB KU – the GALACTIC CENTRE… This is highly SIGNIFICANT as we have a DAY OUT OF TIME – within the space of NO-TIME… double ZERO!! Who knows where this DOUBLE PORTAL will lead us?????? Make sure you STAY GROUNDED – as who knows where you will travel to!!!
Check the links below for details on the codes for this LEAP/DOOT day.
Today’s question is “How can I apply Divine Will, to SEED the Divine Plan on Planet Earth?”
Aho beloveds use your MAJIK to CREATE a World of PURE IMAGINATION.
Divine blessings for a beautiful DREAMY day filled with creativity, MAJIK and BLISS.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 New Earth Ascension report and Astrology Reading 🕉 for the week of February 25th through March 2nd 2024 with Paul White Gold Eagle 🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week we covers the astrology for the coming week from February 25th through March 2nd 2024. We also read three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and a very special prayer for the new earth and the new golden age.
Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste 🕉
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