LAKE OF VIOLET FIRE ~ Royal Teton ~ Creations Fail Safe Mode * GALACTIC BEINGS OF LIGHT ~ Sirius Rising
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Majestic Conscious Co-Creators of our Divine Paradise on Earth
Every day the veils between worlds grow thinner and our Divine Reunions with our Galactic families are coming soon. The Codex of Universal Worlds has returned as all Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 step into their roles as Galactic Emissaries and Ambassadors of the Light.
A Ripple of Awakening, from Prime Creator, is flowing through the Waters of Time to reach all shores to send the Signal of Source Code of Freedom and Abundance for all our Good People of the New Earth. All is in perfect alignment for this Greatest Shift of all Ages of the 5D New Age of Aquarius made manifest as Gods Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
All our Guardians of Terra Nova Gaia Galactica are becoming the Caretakers, Stewards and Protectors of our Sacred Lands of the New Eden. As our Lightworker Ground Crew Team continue to enhance the grid work along the ley lines and Dragon lines of Mother Earth, Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun are raised to a higher plateau of their Ascension Journey.
As we merge the Yin with the Yang and Shiva Dances with Shakti, through the Universe, the Eagle flies with the Condor to usher in the Golden Days of our New Era of Peace and Prosperity and Return to the Innocence and Purity of the Pure Ones of Buddha Consciousness.
We are on the precipice of our Quantum Leap of Faith into the Unknown Future Self and Timeline of full Illumination and Liberation, never to fall from Grace again. In gratitude we walk our Path with Heart knowing that Victory is of the Light and Love Always Wins…A’Ho!
Creations Fail Safe Mode is like a shield that God created and it is being activated to protect the mature LIGHT of itself from its immaturity & be one with DIVINE TIME.
You came to Earth at this powerful timeline to assist with the Transition into Higher Consciousness. You know who you are! All you need to know is within your I AM. Honor it and create from its innate power!
Transition into Higher Consciousness
Galactic Community It is time for humanity to open up to the Universal truth that the cosmos is filled with intelligent life. From physical worlds and civilizations, to the spiritual realms of light. A time approaches where humanity will meet with many beings from different parts of the galaxy, and Earth becomes a full member of the Galactic community. This cannot happen in the current frequencies and circumstances of the world.
A shift in consciousness is taking place, which will change this. Many portals are being activated, in an effort to help humans further expand in consciousness. The planet is being flooded with new light as it moves closer to the Galactic Center, to help Earth and her inhabitants reach the higher timelines where open contact is safe and possible.
The veil that remains is nearly transparent. A new story of your journey of expansion begins soon.
Dear friends, I would like to remind you that the Lake of Violet Flame activity will take place between the 28th and 31st of December. Let us prepare ourselves for this great blessing!— feeling excited.
The Cosmic Law offers this activity as a means to relieve each person’s karma, which has accumulated over the past twelve months, provided that such karma was not due to willful intent.
The Elohim and their assistants built a great, circular sea of pure liquid violet fire about a thousand feet in diameter near the Royal Teton retreat. During the last four days of the year, every human being, especially the students of the Ascended Masters who are aware of this activity, is bathed in the purifying waters of the Violet Flame.
This activity is a blessing that cannot be described in words! It brings great relief and makes us feel lighter and refreshed as we begin a new year! The students of the Ascended Masters can bathe in this Lake of Violet Fire as many times as they desire during this period. Naturally, the more they do, the greater the blessings they will receive.
During these four days, Elohim Arcturus and Archangel Zadkiel offer a special blessing to the followers of the Seven Sacred Weeks. After the bath, They will pour Electronic Currents of the Violet Fire over our atomic structure to clear the negative memories stored in the cells of the material that is dissolved in the lake. This will help us immensely, as many times, after things are dissolved due to the recorded memories, we unintentionally call them back to life again.
With the blessings of Saint Germain, Elohim Arcturus, Archangel Zadkiel, beloved Quan Yin, and the Brotherhood of the Teton.
Everything is being transformed into the Light of the New Sun.
The internalization of the evolutionary process is accelerating rapidly and the balance has been balanced towards the Light, despite external appearances, soon everything will be manifested.
Although we see on the outside of the world the apparent breakdown of artificial institutions and systems, there is another story being interpreted, a beautiful story, a galactic fairy tale emerging.
Now is the time to make our body a receptacle, to contain more Light and generate more Love.
If many beings are experiencing pain or physical problems right now, don’t think this will always be this way.
It’s only temporary for learning. It is a purification to house pure Light into the body.
At night, when going to sleep visualize the starry sky and feel that each star is pulsating the brightest Healing Light in each of the seven chakras, bathing every fiber of the body with Divine Healing Light.
Universal consciousness
Universal consciousness
Maryann Rada
Zero is not a number you can count on your fingers. Neither is infinity. That never stopped you reaching for either in your quest for understanding. Sage ones have expounded on the existence of such numbers and even though you cannot enumerate them, pal, you use them all the time. Indeed, your people are enslaved by them in this digital era of ones and zeroes and the vastness of universal and fractal space being pummeled into your mental awareness at every turn. While these are useful concepts for where you have been in your quest, they are of minor use to where you are going. A multidimensional awareness works best in the realm of one.
excerpt from “Remembrance: Pleiadian Messages in Preparation for Contact”
12/26/24: Regardless of your plans, schedule, or routine, today is about your relationship with yourself. This year’s focus has been on your inner strength and empowerment… on how you wield your personal power and influence… and on what you want and what you don’t. As we move out of this energy, and into a year with an entirely different agenda, you need to be fully engaged with your core self…
the upgraded truth of you. This requires checking in with how much you’ve changed in the last 12 months. How you now view yourself and the world. How much more self-supportive you are. You are the project you’ve been working on. Today is for fully engaging with the person you have become.
Dear friends, our Sun seems to be awakening from its short break as we navigate the post-Solstice energies and move into the new year. Several new sunspots have generated a shower of moderate M class solar flares in the last 48 hours, agitating the energetic interplanetary landscape. Although less powerful that the massive X flares, this continuous M solar activity is affecting us at many levels.
A flurry of multiple M class solar flares can have a profound impact on our human energy fields, affecting us on energetic, emotional, and physical levels. As we navigate the final week of 2024, these solar flares are amplifying the already intense energies of this transitional period.
The last week of the year is typically a time of reflection, release, and renewal. The energies of the solar flares are accelerating this process, pushing us to confront and let go of anything that no longer serves us. This can be a challenging but ultimately liberating experience, as we clear the way for the new frequencies and opportunities of 2025.
As the intense energy from the solar flares interacts with our energy fields, we may experience shifts in our mood, perception, and spiritual connection. This can lead to a sense of emotional turbulence, causing mood swings, anxiety, and feelings of overwhelm. However, this energy can also activate dormant DNA regions, leading to increased intuition, psychic sensitivity, and a newfound spiritual awareness.
The energy from solar flares can also help recalibrate our chakra system, allowing for more efficient energy flow and increased spiritual connection. As our energy fields adapt to this new energy, we may feel more sensitive to our emotions, the emotions of others, and the collective energy of the planet. This increased sensitivity can be both a blessing and a challenge, as we navigate the complexities of our emotional landscape.
On a physical level, the energy from solar flares can be causing fatigue and exhaustion, especially if we are not grounded or centered. We may experience headaches and migraines, as our body struggles to integrate the intense energy. Sleep disturbances are also common, as the energy from solar flares can disrupt our natural sleep patterns, leading to insomnia, vivid dreams, or restless sleep. Digestive issues may also be present at this time.
As we adapt to the incoming new 2025 frequencies, it’s essential to prioritize self-care and energetic maintenance. This can include practices such as meditation, yoga/stretching, and energy healing, as well as simply taking time to rest and recharge.
The 2025 frequencies are all about completion, transformation, and renewal. They offer us a chance to tie up loose ends, release what no longer serves us, and embark on a new cycle of growth and evolution. As we navigate this transition, it’s essential to stay grounded, centered, and connected to our inner selves.
By doing so, we can harness the energies of the solar flares and the incoming 2025 frequencies to accelerate our personal growth, spiritual evolution, and manifestation of our highest potential. As we embark on this new cycle, remember to be gentle with yourself, stay open to the possibilities, and trust in the universe’s plan for your highest good. Have a wonderful day, much love
we witnessed the Star in the sky that we call Venus shinning Her Golden Light onto the Crystalline Portal of the Acropolis which is Pyramid and then onto the Great Pyramid in Egypt.
Once this took place, we witnessed many more pyramids lighting up in different places of this world via the crystalline grid of Earth.
These are the Feminine Pyramids which are connected to the Feminine Principle.
Most of these pyramids were either forgotten or hidden within the Earth or in the sea.
We were told that these Pyramids are now emerging and coming back on line as the Feminine powers, qualities and rights of the Feminine Principle, are now returning to the Glory of the Women/Goddesses!
We were told that the Star Venus will show signs of change and Her new calendar was announced.
Generally, we will witness many more unusual phenomena in the sky and the discovery of more planets which will play a role in the new astrology.
There is a huge recalibration and correction taking place between the Masculine Principle and Feminine Principle at the moment on Earth.
Remember that this recalibration is according to One’s body, meaning natural physiology via natural Law and the same is taking place within all energy flows of Earth.
Also the many different inner and outer patriarchical centres/portals of this world that were using or representing the Feminine Principle in a distorted way, will now begin collapsing and will eventually undergo a total purification and reformation!
Nothing will stay as it is as She is here, back in this world and she is taking Her positions!
The Yoni is Rising!
First was the Inner Sun, the Merciful One, now is the Matrix of Magna Mater and next is the Christed Child!
All the above are taking place in the inner worlds of all Living Beings who are being reborn via the Living Breath!
The Kundalini is receiving an even greater upgrade and it will take some time for this to be integrated as this upgrade is lighting up many portals of the aura/quantum field/stargates!
A great wave of Love is Here and the 5D Divine Parents are guiding this new development!
Solstice, Magna Mater frees Her Children from the chains and bonds of this world and the Logos of God heals them.
Next, the Children will escape their personal hells once and for all!
North/South node, to die with a smile and be reborn with a Living Breath!
Eyes on the Nodes!
The great clock is ticking!
Blessings of matter and antimatter connection!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
The Portal of Love is open for all the Cosmic Beings here on the Earth. Your Star Origins are downloading love into your Higher Heart Chakra, so you can heal, drop the shields, and have love. The damage that attacked the capacity to freely be love is clearing away for us all. This is the end of confusion and the beginning of truth, knowledge, and wisdom. It is leading you to know and have what you love.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
Pentacle of Archangel Miguel
~ Gillian MacBeth
Sirius rising is a doorway of unparalleled opportunity to swim forward on the stellar surge, that precedes what is to be created. Sirius has been honored since ancient times.
Sirius is the home of Cosmic Christ for this entire Galaxy. It has ‘always’ been a spiritual prototype for Earth.
As the rays from Sirius arc onto earth via the Sun, we have another opportunity to activate the Cosmic Christ seed within.
The little solar jewels that hold dormant DNA encodings wait for specific stellar emanations to open sealed cellular files.
When Sirius rises in your part of the world go out before dawn and look to the east. Whether cloudy or dark seen or unseen, the star Sirius will rise to meet you energetically.
It is in the quiet times in-between words and thoughts that you will find the key that unlocks the door to what you seek.
Go outside, face east, and allow the pre-dawn energies to enter you.
Ask to be released of all that no longer serves your highest light and be filled in completion with that which serves your new Soul path and spiritual evolution.
Visualize the emanations and radiance of Sirius coming into your Earth Heart creating a recollection of your Star- Heart.
Sirius gives you the gift of the ‘cycles of Time’, reconnecting all sacred spaces through time and space, on and off planet.
The tone of Creation sounds in every cell of your body on Earth and cycles through all 144 levels of your light body.
Without the help of humans, the light from deep space, far off galaxies and event horizons would just continue to travel endlessly without ever stopping.
Light needs you as much as you need light; it is a symbiotic relationship, a sacredly arranged Marriage..
On Thursday, December 26th, thought provoking Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in philosophical Sagittarius will first oppose Jupiter, ruler of expansion and optimism, in curious Gemini, and then make a challenging square to Saturn, ruler of restriction and caution, in uncertain Pisces. We want to be in a place of hope and belief in the bigger picture of our aspirations and dreams.
However, at some point, we may be faced with doubt and fear in being able to manifest our aims and objectives. Blessings and abundance energies are plentiful if you trust and have faith. If you allow old karmic patterns and negative subconscious conditioning to take hold, you may create a reality that you do not desire.
Pay attention to signs, synchronicities, communications and messages early on today. The Universe is speaking to you, providing confidence, assurance and direction.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in philosophical Sagittarius
Lunar Aspects. Mercury in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter retrograde in Gemini – The mind is restless. We could be full of ideas but overwhelm threatens to dissipate inspiration. Every answer seems to throw up a new question. The more we talk about what we want to do, the less impetus and energy there is to actually do it. Your neighbour’s garden isn’t any greener than your own backyard. Stop comparing, over thinking, explaining, judging, idealising. Let go of mental chatter and talk about what matters.
Under this influence, the fear of being judged could mean that you over-promise, say yes to everything or try too hard when it comes to delivering a message or presenting your case. If you feel under pressure, take a moment to ground yourself. With the Moon in Scorpio conversing with Saturn in Pisces, manifesting your vision requires facing deep fears and trusting the unseen. The future may be an unknown quantity but don’t let it hold you back. Breathe life into your garden of dreams.
‘Electric’ is the name for the number three and its key words are ‘Active, Service and Bond’. The third day of a wavespell is when things really start to get going. Day one identifies the purpose, day two identifies the obstacles, and day three pushes the launch button. This activating energy electrifies any day it falls on. The number three is sacred in many cultures including Christianity with their ‘Holy Trinity’. The number 3 was sacred to the Maya too as time itself can be divided into 3 parts: Past, Present and Future!
Today is Yellow Human which represents ‘Wisdom, Free Will and Influence’. So, today we activate the human. Yellow Human is a vessel that fills with wisdom from spirit. We activate that channel today and so be prepared for your intuition to be bang on. The Yellow Human has free will to do with that wisdom, what he/she chooses, so consider carefully what you share…the message may be just for you. When we open ourselves up to the Universe we are rewarded with intuitive insights that can change our lives. Sadly, we are raised in a society that discredits psychic abilities which is a terrible shame. We all have intuition, and on Yellow Humna days we are reminded to tap into this valuable resource.
The Guide today is Yellow Warrior which represents ‘Intelligence and Questioning’. When Warrior guides, he is encouraging us to go on a quest. This entails wielding your will power. Whatever you need to get done today, use a little Warrior power to yield results. The Warrior makes a good leader because he marches forth with great confidence. We can follow his lead and march on with our mission today, assured with the knowledge that we are heading in the right direction.
The Challenge is White Wind, the communicator of the Tzolkin and when in a challenge position this can create miscommunication and crossed lines. Don’t believe everything you hear today. Today is not ideal for striking up conversations regarding important things, they can wait. If you are a White Wind, you may not be in the mood for yakking.
The Occult power is the Red Moon, and when in the magic position it can facilitate relaxing moments that are so profound that enables one to reach a deeper understanding of the Occult/Magic. The Moon always encourages us to take it easy and when we do, we open ourselves up to higher frequencies. When we rush around and forget the importance of stillness, we lose out on these opportunities.
The Ally is Blue Hand and so if you are one, expect the phone to ring and for your advice and friendship to be in high demand. If you don’t know one personally, you can think like one! That means you should put your hands to good use today.
MANTRA I ACTIVATE in order to INFLUENCE Bonding wisdom I seal the process of Free will With the Electric tone of Service I AM guided by the power of intelligence
26/12/2024 = 8/3/8 = 8/11=8/2=10=1
26- Empowerment through compassion 8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow 10- Manifestation/Authority/Power/Perfection 1- New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
12- Spiritual strength/wisdom 3- Holy trinity/Joy/Creativity/Communication 8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow 11- Illumination/Portal/Gate/Polarity 2- Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality 20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision 24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy KIN 172 =10 Manifestation =1 New beginnings
18 moons ago – KIN 172 closed off the Galactic Year of the Red Self-Existing Moon/Goddess.. Where we were redefining what type of world we are seeking to create, through our experience witnessing the crumbling of the old paradigm. It is very fitting that as we had a day of COMPLETION and ENDINGS as we are completing another year during this wavespell. The 10/1 code today heralds a NEW BEGINNING.. A new adventure awaits humanity now.
The massive planetary/collective and personal purification has catapulted our accelerated transformation, elevating humanity through higher levels of consciousness.. shaping a new more compassionate world. The WHITE DOG wavespell aligning with CHRISTMASS is ACTIVATING our HEARTS – and shaping a beautiful new world through unity consciousness.
Tomorrow KIN 173 the SELF-EXISTING SKYWALKER – is asking us to DEFINE A NEW BLISS filled reality! A great day to gather and celebrate with KIN as we bridge HEAVEN and EARTH – let the party begin!
In 2 days time – we revisit the DREAMSPELL YEAR that was, through KIN 174- the WHITE OVERTONE WIZARD.. – checking that we are ON TASK to fill our world with his ENCHANTED MAJIK and radiantly empower the NEW EARTH WIZARDS to step up and take the REIGNS!
Very EXCITING times beloveds.
Day 3 in the WHITE DOG WAVESPELL of unconditional love, loyalty, devotion, Service, friendship and Faith.. We are uncovering and healing all that separates us from SOURCE LOVE in order to BE LOVE!
Today we use our DIVINE INTELLIGENCE to fearlessly choose the path of Higher SERVICE that leads to greater LOVE.
ELECTRIC is tone number 3 in the tone of creation. It is the first of the three EMOTIONAL realm tones. There is a very strong emotional charge today which may create outbursts/tantrums in those who need to find their balance, particularly as YELLOW WARRIOR is present in the higher guide position. ELECTRIC energy may create a short fuse making things combustible, Battles may arise in order to be resolved, to reach a higher frequency through harmony. .
The ELECTRIC energy can be better harvested through the higher aspects of this tone which encompass being of SERVICE to others through the action of BONDING, that is coming together with others to cocreate and be of SERVICE. The 10/1 MANIFESTATION code is prodding us to STEP UP as the NEW EARTH LEADERS strongly activating our bonding with our tribe, iin HIGHER DIVINE SERVICE today.
The ELECTRIC tone beautifully combines with today/s gift – White Wind to focus on Divine Will and your Divine Service Mission.
Today’s question is “How can I SERVE Spirit, through FEARLESSLY choosing to activate unconditional LOVE, leaving the battles of the past BEHIND!
Divine blessings for liberating yourself from the emotional battlefields and rising to a Higher plane of DIVINE LOVE!
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW ELECTRIC HUMAN – EB invites us to use our higher INTELLIGENCE today, choosing to focus on the higher path of unconditional LOVE. Listening to our emotional intelligence knowing that we are FREE to CHOOSE what we FEEL today. Will we energize and dwell on the path of greater separation and division, revealed through the emotional triggers and duality battles that may arise?
Or will we choose the path of greater connect-I-on with our planetary kin?
We are in control as to how we re-ACT, and whether we shall engage and FUEL the arguments and battles!
The POWER of SILENCE is a very powerful sword to wield. Choosing forgiveness, compassion and acceptance, always facilitates greater union, and in so doing we influence others to act accordingly.
We can choose to focus on the POSITIVE E-motions that create greater bonding with our beloveds and planetary kin, expressing LOVING KINDNESS.
We can also CHOOSE to be of greater Service through LOVE and mutual respect for others. Choosing the higher path of LOVE and Devotion through expressing our emotions in a higher frequency bandwidth. The vibration we emit is all a matter of FREE CHOICE.
What level will you align with today?
Unconditional love is activated through honouring the wisdom that is revealed through EVERY choice of loving kindness, compassion and harmlessness.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW ELECTRIC WARRIOR -CIB is the courageous and fearless Rainbow Warrior that QUEST-I -ONS what IS, in order to create WHAT SHOULD BE! The two YELLOW BOYS – EB and CIB – hold incredible FOCUSED YANG ENERGY and together they make a razor sharp laser, focused AHEAD on their Mission.
This RAINBOW WARRIOR is ELECTRIC so he yields incredible POWER.
He may have a short fuse and be easily triggered to re-ACT.. but through his intelligence born through experience, he learns to become a Spiritual Warrior and use the tool of LOVE as his “weapon” of choice.
This RAINBOW WARRIOR is a soldier of CHRIST. A loyal and faithful servant of the DIVINE, seeking to express the Divine Plan on Earth through his dedicated mission.
CIB beckons us to QUESTION how we FEEL inside our Hearts and our Solar Plexus – POWER center. Examining WHAT is triggering our emotional responses and WHY.
FEAR is simply a cry for greater LOVE.
CIB gives us the courage today to OPEN OUR HEARTS and express LOVE, taking a chance on LOVE and not closing or guarding our Heart. YELLOW WARRIOR enables us to FEARLESSLY activate true unconditional love today, through our FREE WILL to
SUPPORT: BLUE ELECTRIC HAND – MANIK inspires us to complete our Healing cycles. Accomplishing the final closure of what was incomplete or needed our attention, in order to FREE up our energy and LIBERATE us from the past.
This completion paves the way for greater LOVE to flow into our Hearts and our lives. As we trust the emotional healing that occurs when we are brought together with others, through bonding in common-Unity we all thrive.
LOVE is the great panacea that heals all ailments and dis-ease!
BLUE HAND also supports us in expanding our Missions, now that we are HEALED. As we volunteer for new responsibilities, acquiring new skills, channeling more wisdom and guidance to set us on our new path devoted to greater Divine Service.
Put your HAND UP and get ready to step up to accomplish GREAT THINGS!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED SPECTRAL MOON – MULUC – The GODDESS Is today’s SUPERPOWER, purging and detoxing any remaining emotional stagnation or restriction, working with MANIK to effect great transformation. We find great liberation and release through cleansing of our emotional body until it is pristine, clean and pure. This brings us more clarity and balance.
MULUC then allows us to FLOW with the current, allowing the power of Universal waters to support and guide our boats, steering us in the NEW direction. Allowing a deep sensitivity to flow with the continual change in the river of life.
To freely GO WITH THE NEW FLOW, allowing the liberation of great change to set us FREE!
Take some time today to PURIFY the wounds of the past year/decade/lifetime through this potent cycle, in order to wipe the slate CLEAN – ready for a Higher Service Mission.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE ELECTRIC WIND – IK challenges us to open our CHANNELS and become more receptive to the whisperings of the GREAT WHITE WIND, connecting to the guidance of SOURCE – Father/Mother God/dess. Attuning to the information forthcoming from many dimensions and realms. TRUSTING and allowing SPIRIT’s messages to help us deeply anchor our missions here on Earth.
WHITE WIND’s blessing today strengthens our connection to co-create with spirit in new wondrous ways. WHITE WIND is the HIGHER GUIDE and the GALACTIC WIND is our OCCULT SUPERPOWER through this entire GALACTIC YEAR – so the influence of Spirit IS very STRONG. as DIVINE WILL becomes paramount.
Get ready to serve in a very PURE Divine partnership with spirit. We are all but conduits for the Divine Will to flow through us.
Our challenge today is to SURRENDER our human will and align with the greater Divine Will in our destined missions – LET GO of the DRAMAS and take up your new frontline position as a LEADER of NEW EARTH.
Open to the MAJIK and be receptive and watch your LIFE majikally transform in wondrous ways.. Greater DEVOTION through Divine Service to others, is the highest path to pure unconditional Divine LOVE!
Today’s question is “How can I SERVE Spirit, through FEARLESSLY choosing to activate unconditional LOVE, leaving the battles of the past BEHIND!
Divine blessings for liberating yourself from the emotional battlefields and rising to a Higher plane of DIVINE LOVE!
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of December 22nd through 28th 2024. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a beautiful Guided Meditation: Awakening the Christ Consciousness Within & Ascending to 5D New Earth.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
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